You can think of kids as you think of your BFFs except you get to be the person who introduces them to the world (all the more reason to figure it out). Strive to have great relationships with your friends and allow yourself to express that extra mile/kilometer of selfless intention and commitment from time to time (like birthdays and holidays) and I think you'll understand it from a different perspective. Which leaves childrearing as something of a puzzle, but it becomes possible. I think you can handle a challenge 
I would really
hate having to introduce someone to the world and it's no good taking on a challenge if you know you'll hate every second of it and that you will most likely mess up people in the process. I do go the extra mile with my friends but they are not kids and that's why I like them. The thing I like about adult is they at least know enough about the world to survive in it without having to be cared for. For example you may be able to climb a mountain, you may be able to spend a lot of time striving to do it. However if you cannot stand mountaineering, what the heck is the point?
I'm going to give you another shock revelation that will most certainly land you in therapy and shock your perceptions to the core....just because one person or even a handful of women choose not to have children, it doesn't mean that the whole world will follow suit. I personally think that you should see a psychiatrist right now as for a total stranger, you aren't half obsessed by what my vagina is and isn't planning on doing! You also have an unhealthy fixation with the lifestyle of someone you've never even met and is unlikely to ever have direct influence on your life, again kinda creepy and potentially a psychological disorder. Perhaps the fact that you seem insistant on pathologising my choices somehow is also indicative of a problem that needs treatment.
To be cruel and potentially land you in a secure unit with the revelations of the world, a whole thread on being childfree:
http://www.longecity...-minded-people/I do understand that some people feel incomplete without children and that some people believe that it is the woman's sole place. That's fine but please don't expect me or a good many others to fit in with this notion. Keep looking around though and you'll find women who do agree and see that the world isn't full of people deciding not to breed in droves. Childfree people are a minority so you've nothing to fear.
why should people have kids simply because they can, i have two both have degree's both are well bought up
but i could have been just as happy without them as with them, all kids are for is the continuation of the species having kids is a female biological urge which is no longer needed,
I agree with you 100%, Pleb. I don't know why people like cryonicsculture are so bothered by the decision of a few not to reproduce. I'm okay with people asking why people are childfree, as not everyone is familiar with the concept. However if childrearing is so brilliant, people should spend less time trying to convert those of us who don't make the same lifestyle choice and spend time raising their own families and/or making a difference to the lives of children already here.
Edited by Droplet, 09 January 2013 - 11:06 PM.