PRL-8-53; was: PRL 8-147: The Most Powerful Memory Enhancer?
Posted 07 November 2013 - 05:25 PM
Posted 07 November 2013 - 05:27 PM
What should I get? 2g of PRL 8-53 or IDRA-21 ? I am trying to increase IQ of alien hominids
Posted 07 November 2013 - 05:52 PM
As far as I read in the study, it was only dosed 5mg once, ever- unless in brushing through I missed mention of repeated doses it sounds like those folks only took it once, ever. Sound about right?
I took it this afternoon, and 11pm.. IDK about any pronounced effects to my memory, nor do I want to extrapolate any minor (and possibly placebo) feelings.
You're right, the study was 5mg ONCE, nothing more.
Posted 07 November 2013 - 06:03 PM
IDRA-21 is more like phenylpiracetam while plr-8-53 is more like alcar. If that is truly comparable since plr-8-53 is definitely a serotonin antagonist and dopamine agonist. Studies have shown. Including these
Posted 07 November 2013 - 06:07 PM
IDRA-21 is more of a stimulant, while plr-8-53 is more of a choline agonist.
IDRA-21 is more like phenylpiracetam while plr-8-53 is more like alcar. If that is truly comparable since plr-8-53 is definitely a serotonin antagonist and dopamine agonist. Studies have shown. Including these
There is no proof that it's an actual agonist or antagonist, I don't think it is (or maybe for mAChRs, but not even sure on that).
Read this and the linked things and you'll see what I and some other have proposed as MoA (the others are most likely more right than me).
Posted 07 November 2013 - 07:19 PM
The serotonin and dopamine aspect seem to be true but the choline aspect in unknown.
Posted 07 November 2013 - 07:55 PM
My friend just vaped 5mg dissolves in a 50PG/50VG fluid about 2 minutes ago. This should be very interesting.
Why would he vape PRL-8-53 rather than taking it sublingually or orally? The only advantage of vaping would offer is just faster absorption, and that's it! I'm not sure of the exact characteristics of PRL-8-53, but it's worth keeping in mind that many compounds chemically change after a certain temperature. Considering PRL-8-53 seems to have decent bioavailability, vaping would offer no advantage for PRL-8-53's nootropic effects. It is likely to assume the Chinese lab also used SODIUM CYANIDE as a possible reagent, and small concentrations your lungs would be the worst possible place for it to be. Anywhere else in the body it would be negligible amount, but directly introducing even trace amounts of a poison into your lungs is a mistake. This should be very interesting indeed, especially if your friend dies...
Please do not inhale PLR-8-53, as it offers no nootropic advantages and it may potentially be dangerous.
Posted 07 November 2013 - 07:58 PM
For two hours after my 10-20mg dose I literally felt like I was in the movie the Great Gatsby,. It was euphoric. Now let's see what a little more will do....
For the record I'm also on deprenyl @ 5mg/3days.
Edited by xks201, 07 November 2013 - 07:58 PM.
Posted 07 November 2013 - 08:05 PM
Posted 07 November 2013 - 08:21 PM
Posted 07 November 2013 - 08:29 PM
Are you actually doing any sort of cognitive testing? Because it sounds like you're just judging the chemicals effectiveness by whether or not it fucks you up. That is definitely not the measure of a successful nootropic agent (which by the way PRL-8-53 should not be called a "nootropic" by conventional definition in that its long-term negative side-effects are not yet known [but thats another argument]). If PRL-8-53 is perfect in any way, it will behave as such that the minimum effective dose is taken (because who wants as much petrochemical as possible floating through our blood)in that no side-effects are even felt at all, but that cognitive enhancement is the only effect. Its just... "feeling it" isn't how to tell if a drug works, this being a research chemical, "feeling it" is potentially harmful. Sure, eat a whole bottle of piracetam- we KNOW it's safe in the long term, but this... I just feel like it should be approached with a little more caution than whether or not you get all euphoric off of it.
Think about taking some tests at http://www.cambridgebrainsciences.com/ and doing your best to discern actual gains from the substance before mega-dosing. Again, its not a racetam, its a research chemical which we know little about. If something were to happen, you or your friend suffered permanent damage, and your post was found- think about the implications, how sensationalized it would be in the news. We would be painted like loons and fiends so easily in every public and SEO'd thread this forum has to offer, and the DEA would come down hard with new regulation on the well-intentioned companies hustling us these fine research chemicals. All it takes is one well publicized mishap.
The best postulations from the best e-neurophysciatrists Longecity has to offer to the MoA and effects of this drug hold nothing to the words of real researchers- of which we have very little documented words to speak of.
Again, just here to play devils advocate, a little criticism, take it positively please. I didn't at first mean to extrapolate your post into a tirade but, however, this is Longecity, not Bluelight.
Edited by samohT, 07 November 2013 - 08:43 PM.
Posted 07 November 2013 - 10:16 PM
2nd consecutive day of 5 mg PRL-8-53 orally.
On both days taken with:
1. 400 mg Adrafinil + Artichoke
2. Mr. Happy Stack
3. 10 mg Coluracetam
4. 600 mg Oxiracetam
5. 4.8 g Piracetam
Noticed similar positive effects other have stated, namely:
1. Mild alertness (really mild here, not really euphoric nor amphetamine like)
2. Subjective / weird cognitive enhancement. Increased flow of thoughts and comprehension of material being read, perhaps. There is a cognitive effect here due to PRL-8-53, and it doesn't feel like just placebo. Yet you could say it is all placebo, and I couldn't argue with you. It needs to be tried yourself.
- On the 2nd day, I am noticing uncharacteristic depression and interpersonal sensitivity. Hansl's paper states that it causes partial inhibition of serotonin. I couldn't find the reference for that paper showing the antagonism of serotonin. If that really is the case, it might explain depression.
Yeah I know, tons of confounding factors. I need a wash out / wait till I feel normal again. Like others, not giving up on this substance, some positive effects here that can't be precisely articulated.
What is concerning is that we really don't have a mechanism of action of prl-8-53, and only 1, maybe 2 papers discussing it. I really wish we did, but since we don't, the only thing we can offer is our subjective experience and if you like it or don't. Exercise caution of course, but I'm a proponent of personal accountability. You ingest it, you do whatever you want with it, and you are responsible for your health. 2 cents. Happy experimenting.
Edited by Potent, 07 November 2013 - 10:31 PM.
Posted 07 November 2013 - 10:48 PM
i respect your approach, but why not try prl-853 on it's own?Another lab rat reporting in:
2nd consecutive day of 5 mg PRL-8-53 orally.
On both days taken with:
1. 400 mg Adrafinil + Artichoke
2. Mr. Happy Stack
3. 10 mg Coluracetam
4. 600 mg Oxiracetam
5. 4.8 g Piracetam
Noticed similar positive effects other have stated, namely:
1. Mild alertness (really mild here, not really euphoric nor amphetamine like)
2. Subjective / weird cognitive enhancement. Increased flow of thoughts and comprehension of material being read, perhaps. There is a cognitive effect here due to PRL-8-53, and it doesn't feel like just placebo. Yet you could say it is all placebo, and I couldn't argue with you. It needs to be tried yourself.
- On the 2nd day, I am noticing uncharacteristic depression and interpersonal sensitivity. Hansl's paper states that it causes partial inhibition of serotonin. I couldn't find the reference for that paper showing the antagonism of serotonin. If that really is the case, it might explain depression.
Yeah I know, tons of confounding factors. I need a wash out / wait till I feel normal again. Like others, not giving up on this substance, some positive effects here that can't be precisely articulated.
What is concerning is that we really don't have a mechanism of action of prl-8-53, and only 1, maybe 2 papers discussing it. I really wish we did, but since we don't, the only thing we can offer is our subjective experience and if you like it or don't. Exercise caution of course, but I'm a proponent of personal accountability. You ingest it, you do whatever you want with it, and you are responsible for your health. 2 cents. Happy experimenting.
Posted 07 November 2013 - 11:42 PM
i respect your approach, but why not try prl-853 on it's own?
I'll definitely get around to it. Not too much of a purist though, in terms of having a strict wash-out and trying to isolate a compound's effects. I'm on a time crunch and trying to maximize cognitive gains on a daily basis. I took the combo, and figured I'd contribute to the community. At least you know I'm not dying or something (at the moment). I figure the purists will get around to it eventually.
Weird additive effect / synergy with coluracetam though, I think.
Izan82, a couple pages back, you mentioned contacting the wife of Dr. Hansl. Any word back? Or did I somehow skip/miss the response?
Posted 08 November 2013 - 01:26 AM
@xks201 and everyone else with similar posts- Just here to play devils advocate a bit now ... ...you're just willy-nilly bumping doses of a research chemical that's only on record of being taken once by human participants in the amount of 5mg with pronounced effect to twenty times as much as we think is the effective dose according to the only research ever published on it, by real scientists, who only dosed humans once in the study?
Are you actually doing any sort of cognitive testing? Because it sounds like you're just judging the chemicals effectiveness by whether or not it fucks you up. That is definitely not the measure of a successful nootropic agent (which by the way PRL-8-53 should not be called a "nootropic" by conventional definition in that its long-term negative side-effects are not yet known [but thats another argument]). If PRL-8-53 is perfect in any way, it will behave as such that the minimum effective dose is taken (because who wants as much petrochemical as possible floating through our blood)in that no side-effects are even felt at all, but that cognitive enhancement is the only effect. Its just... "feeling it" isn't how to tell if a drug works, this being a research chemical, "feeling it" is potentially harmful. Sure, eat a whole bottle of piracetam- we KNOW it's safe in the long term, but this... I just feel like it should be approached with a little more caution than whether or not you get all euphoric off of it.
Think about taking some tests at http://www.cambridgebrainsciences.com/ and doing your best to discern actual gains from the substance before mega-dosing. Again, its not a racetam, its a research chemical which we know little about. If something were to happen, you or your friend suffered permanent damage, and your post was found- think about the implications, how sensationalized it would be in the news. We would be painted like loons and fiends so easily in every public and SEO'd thread this forum has to offer, and the DEA would come down hard with new regulation on the well-intentioned companies hustling us these fine research chemicals. All it takes is one well publicized mishap.
The best postulations from the best e-neurophysciatrists Longecity has to offer to the MoA and effects of this drug hold nothing to the words of real researchers- of which we have very little documented words to speak of.
Again, just here to play devils advocate, a little criticism, take it positively please. I didn't at first mean to extrapolate your post into a tirade but, however, this is Longecity, not Bluelight.
Well written, SamohT - I agree with all points made. With that being said, I took 5 mg this morning which I capped last night. Did not take any others nootropics today. I wrote down the following notes this morning:
- After 30 minutes of ingestion, experiencing very noticeable increase in focus and verbal fluency.
- Noticing calmness and confidence.
- Increased creativity and problem solving (I am an engineer for a defense company, and am in a perpetual state of learning and troubleshooting).
- Boss made several comments that I am "making good points" about a project - which he typically does not do. I feel as if I am a step ahead of everyone else.
- I am very impressed as I did not expect much from this Nootropic. Definitely a low expectation going into this.
- No stimulant effects. Difficult to describe... it is very noticeable, but not overwhelming by any means.
- Could be just a coincidence, but it appears that my typing has become worse. Skipping a lot of letters.
- While hand writing, I am misspelling more words than usual, and am leaving out letters of words... odd.
- Feel as much, or more, from 5 mg of PRL-8-53 than I would off of one of my typical stacks, which consists of about seven or eight different nootropics.
- Effects began to wane in the 3 - 3 1/2 hour range.
Posted 08 November 2013 - 01:28 AM
I bumped my dose to 50mg today and can say that I felt depressed. And that was about it. This thing has to burn serotonin at a fast rate. And my ssri even doesnt seem to be helping.
I wouldnt recommend taking more than 5mg without 5htp. Im going to try adding picamillon and seeing if maybe I just need more gaba in the brain to counter its stimulating effects in the brain.
samohT. Thats like saying in my mind lets dyno the horsepower of a car without even making sure the tires are on first. The volatility of this drug exists. It has a relatively fast half life and the first thing im looking for is if I can maintain stable brain chemistry on it daily. If I cant do that then there is no point to online testing. My observations show that it throws your brain chemistry off ina dopaminergic direction while possibly leaving serotonin and or gaba underactive so there is no balance. Even amphs are serotinergic and dopaminergic. This feels almost purely dopaminergic and noradrenergic and possibly mildly cholinergic. I dont see how anyone could take this regularly without something to raise gaba or serotonin or something.
Edited by xks201, 08 November 2013 - 01:32 AM.
Posted 08 November 2013 - 01:34 AM
Posted 08 November 2013 - 01:38 AM
I'm happy to hear you and your friend are still doing just fine with no negatives to report from the large dose.
I wish so dearly that the researchers hadn't croaked. The insight they could have provided would have been paramount.
Edited by samohT, 08 November 2013 - 01:42 AM.
Posted 08 November 2013 - 01:53 AM
@xks201 and everyone else with similar posts- Just here to play devils advocate a bit now ... ...you're just willy-nilly bumping doses of a research chemical that's only on record of being taken once by human participants in the amount of 5mg with pronounced effect to twenty times as much as we think is the effective dose according to the only research ever published on it, by real scientists, who only dosed humans once in the study?
Are you actually doing any sort of cognitive testing? Because it sounds like you're just judging the chemicals effectiveness by whether or not it fucks you up. That is definitely not the measure of a successful nootropic agent (which by the way PRL-8-53 should not be called a "nootropic" by conventional definition in that its long-term negative side-effects are not yet known [but thats another argument]). If PRL-8-53 is perfect in any way, it will behave as such that the minimum effective dose is taken (because who wants as much petrochemical as possible floating through our blood)in that no side-effects are even felt at all, but that cognitive enhancement is the only effect. Its just... "feeling it" isn't how to tell if a drug works, this being a research chemical, "feeling it" is potentially harmful. Sure, eat a whole bottle of piracetam- we KNOW it's safe in the long term, but this... I just feel like it should be approached with a little more caution than whether or not you get all euphoric off of it.
Think about taking some tests at http://www.cambridgebrainsciences.com/ and doing your best to discern actual gains from the substance before mega-dosing. Again, its not a racetam, its a research chemical which we know little about. If something were to happen, you or your friend suffered permanent damage, and your post was found- think about the implications, how sensationalized it would be in the news. We would be painted like loons and fiends so easily in every public and SEO'd thread this forum has to offer, and the DEA would come down hard with new regulation on the well-intentioned companies hustling us these fine research chemicals. All it takes is one well publicized mishap.
The best postulations from the best e-neurophysciatrists Longecity has to offer to the MoA and effects of this drug hold nothing to the words of real researchers- of which we have very little documented words to speak of.
Again, just here to play devils advocate, a little criticism, take it positively please. I didn't at first mean to extrapolate your post into a tirade but, however, this is Longecity, not Bluelight.
True. It does not take long to do a simple digit span test. Definitely needed.
Paul Wakfer who has tested many things specifically said to me :
"as with any new drug or xenobiotic chemical one should monitor it at the start by getting liver function tests, particularly AST and ALT."
I wouldn't be surprised if ritalin helped my score on the cambridge test.
I also wouldnt be surprised if it ruined my life if I kept taking it.
A combo of documentation of personal experience and opinions with solid testing scores is the way to go.
More important than those cambridge test scores however, are the AST and ALT liver test results!
SO PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited by phil8462643, 08 November 2013 - 02:00 AM.
Posted 08 November 2013 - 02:29 AM
Hypothetically: I have $69 to spend on a new research project. I want to buy from NSN
What should I get? 2g of PRL 8-53 or IDRA-21 ? I am trying to increase IQ of alien hominids
Why not 1/2 g each + a nice cup of coffee + some spare change for transportation to the ER if needed?
Posted 08 November 2013 - 03:00 AM
But I tell you phwat... He's gonna be so smart during that ambulance ride!Why not 1/2 g each + a nice cup of coffee + some spare change for transportation to the ER if needed?

Posted 08 November 2013 - 03:14 AM
i respect your approach, but why not try prl-853 on it's own?
I'll definitely get around to it. Not too much of a purist though, in terms of having a strict wash-out and trying to isolate a compound's effects. I'm on a time crunch and trying to maximize cognitive gains on a daily basis.
First of all, you can of course do exactly whatever you like and it really is none of my business, but here are my thoughts, hopefully they will be helpful in some way:
If maximizing cognitive gains is your actual goal, then consider that there is no evidence that taking several things at once is going to be more effective than taking just one compound. In fact it may do just the opposite.
On the flipside, negative consequences of mixing and matching are:
- you don't know what is doing what
- you end up paying more money, and you may get less for it
Posted 08 November 2013 - 05:53 AM
Posted 08 November 2013 - 06:22 AM
These things we know and are why we getting this compound synthesized. We want the answers and there's only one way to get them.
As far as the lab goes I can personally vouch for it and ScienceGuy may be getting a sample tested for purity as he seeming always does
1) "We want the answers and there's only one way to get them." Wrong. Most of the people that participated in the group-buy are consumers--not producers, i.e. those who are not knowledgeable about conducting scientific investigations and not trained to use proper protocols. They don't know how to evaluate primary literature or even do basic literature searches. You won't get legitimate answers from amateur pharmacologists on this forum who only contribute their anecdotal evidence. Additionally, the sample size is too small to draw any conclusions about short- or long-term effects.
2) What is the name of the laboratory that is synthesizing this compound? Provide their contact information so I can research their qualifications and credentials. Every group-buy should be entirely transparent, especially with the nature of the product being sold.
3) Have you ever met "ScienceGuy" in real life before? What kind of credentials does he have? Does he work for a reputable institution? How do you know that these group-buys are not motivated by money and self-interest? You don't. It's entirely possible that he was quoted 500 dollars total for the entire synthesis, and he is making an extravagant profit off of each and every one of you for his own personal gain.
The people in this community should be asking questions like these and raising concerns. The process should be entirely transparent.
“"We want the answers and there's only one way to get them." Wrong.”
Sorry you may have misunderstood me here.
What I trying to say (been rushed for time) is what you have stated, Testing, Further Research, Data, Analysis etc. is needed. There is not any real conclusive evidence for this compound. No real studies are going to be done on this compound. 1.) No patent 2.) As you say it dates back to pre-1975 and 3.) What kind of market would this have other than that of nootropic value? Maybe Alzheimer's or memory impairment? But once again there is no room for profit by drug companies so why even bother. (Could go on but there are entire books on this topic)
The point know by all participants here is that this is not any real/professional/USDA controlled CLINICAL TRIAL. It is simply put a group of persons putting their funds together for the purchases of a compound that they alone could not afford, in this case PRL-8-53, that they can test/judge for themselves on effectiveness.
Yes most of the people here are consumers (hence why this is a GROUP BUY not a CLINICAL TRIAL). Even with true scientific testing one does not know if a drug is going to work till it be personally trialed (Though trials due help with finding risks and dangers associated with). What works for one person may not work for another.
The sample size it not to “SMALL” it is more than enough for a good testing period by participants to see if this compound even works and if it does then it is and always has been the idea to get more. (NSN will be stocking this soon)
As far as exposing the lab this I will not due. They have remained private due to the risk of it being know by their “AVERAGE” client that they dabble in nootropics/what’s happening here… (Yes I know who they are, have communicated with and verified them but I really do not wish to get involved with this much more then I already have).
Yes group buys should be more/completely* transparent and I wish this one was but we are trying to protect people’s privacy here Participants and Suppliers alike (this is a PUBLIC forum after all).
I don’t know why I am evening answering this but… no I have not met ScienceGuy personally nor have you mebut I assure you I am real (A real internet human I am. Sorry had to say it, sigh) Sometimes you have to give people the benefit of the doubt (online communities
Second everything SG wrote.
1) Any reputable vendor would NOT mind having their identity revealed so that they can acquire more clients.
2) Any reputable vendor would make their credentials known to the public.
3) There is no reason for you to conceal the identity of a reputable laboratory, so please enlighten us all.
Catalase, whilst I sincerely believe your concerns about the level of science on the research and this group-buy are significantly important, there are actually good reasons why the vendor should not be revealed to the public. In terms of your concerns about the consumption of this chemical based on 1 paltry research document, I think that is justifiable in the real concern for people taking a very unidentified chemical thats not peer reviewed, but of course the risk is theirs to take.
Research laboratories should not be making research chemicals for individuals for group buys, especially unvalidated chemicals that are not for human consumption. Posting the information on a very public forum would attach the vendor to the individual human consumption of this chemical + the fact that the vendor is not manufacturing for any company/science body, but an individuals.
Vendors that make custom synthesis for low prices are unlikely to be large reputable vendors, if their information goes public they may be swarmed with requests, which removes the likelyhood of them manufacturing a second batch, the current system prevents 1 person from going up and filling up a small vendor with a large order, and lots of other scenarios which the vendors may refuse to create a second batch.
In the case of patented chemicals like NSI, it would actually be an IP infringement to create the chemical without permission, going public with the vendor would basically be giving evidence that the vendor is actively infringing on the parent company's copyright without paying the parent.
So it doesn't really make much sense to be transparent about the vendor, and who cares anyways - we are not manufacturing for mass consumption, as long as the chemical is analysed and tested. I don't really see a problem, I'm not worried about whether we are getting the right chemical, but more like how safe is the actual chemical.
Posted 08 November 2013 - 01:59 PM
@xks201 and everyone else with similar posts- Just here to play devils advocate a bit now ... ...you're just willy-nilly bumping doses of a research chemical that's only on record of being taken once by human participants in the amount of 5mg with pronounced effect to twenty times as much as we think is the effective dose according to the only research ever published on it, by real scientists, who only dosed humans once in the study?
Though not in any published study, it seems to have been researched more:
Oral LD50 860mg/kg in mice (about 70mg/kg for a 60 kg adult)
Blood pressure in dogs was not affected in a dose of 8mg/kg (4 mg/kg in humans)
Reduced motor activity in mice and rats by 50% in 160mg/kg (13 mg/kg and 26 mg/kg in human dosage)
Does not potentiate amphetamine nor have any stimulatory effects like amphetamine.
No side-effects has been reported.
Reproduction has also been studied, there was no case of malformation of any form for two generations of offsprings.
Cancer risk is unknown, but if no malformation happened with two generations born on it, I doubt there is a cancer risk.
Are you actually doing any sort of cognitive testing? Because it sounds like you're just judging the chemicals effectiveness by whether or not it fucks you up. That is definitely not the measure of a successful nootropic agent (which by the way PRL-8-53 should not be called a "nootropic" by conventional definition in that its long-term negative side-effects are not yet known [but thats another argument]). If PRL-8-53 is perfect in any way, it will behave as such that the minimum effective dose is taken (because who wants as much petrochemical as possible floating through our blood)in that no side-effects are even felt at all, but that cognitive enhancement is the only effect. Its just... "feeling it" isn't how to tell if a drug works, this being a research chemical, "feeling it" is potentially harmful. Sure, eat a whole bottle of piracetam- we KNOW it's safe in the long term, but this... I just feel like it should be approached with a little more caution than whether or not you get all euphoric off of it.
Think about taking some tests at http://www.cambridgebrainsciences.com/ and doing your best to discern actual gains from the substance before mega-dosing. Again, its not a racetam, its a research chemical which we know little about. If something were to happen, you or your friend suffered permanent damage, and your post was found- think about the implications, how sensationalized it would be in the news. We would be painted like loons and fiends so easily in every public and SEO'd thread this forum has to offer, and the DEA would come down hard with new regulation on the well-intentioned companies hustling us these fine research chemicals. All it takes is one well publicized mishap.
The best postulations from the best e-neurophysciatrists Longecity has to offer to the MoA and effects of this drug hold nothing to the words of real researchers- of which we have very little documented words to speak of.
Again, just here to play devils advocate, a little criticism, take it positively please. I didn't at first mean to extrapolate your post into a tirade but, however, this is Longecity, not Bluelight.
This is great, more people should actually quantify what they do and try to do it blinded if possible. (I kinda love you because you're so darn well-written and propose quantifying the effects).
Weird additive effect / synergy with coluracetam though, I think.
From what I've gathered PRL-8-53 is most likely working the Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (probably M1) and coluracetam works the HACU. If it PRL-8-53 works as a Positive allosteric modulator it would most likely have synergystic properties with coluracetam.
(Feel free to tell me if I'm wrong, it's awesome to learn new things and correct your thinking).
Izan82, a couple pages back, you mentioned contacting the wife of Dr. Hansl. Any word back? Or did I somehow skip/miss the response?
From what I know she never responded. I got in contact with another relavtive that said it was just cut for financial reasons. I'll message him/her again because he/she said she would write more but haven't (3 days ago).
Izan82 what is the more potent compound his wife mentioned? They found 100mg was an ideal dose in a 100kg ape.
"Tolerance studies have been carried out in the dog and monkey where the compounds of formula I were found well tolerated in doses as high as 50 mg/kg." is the only thing that I've found with monkeys and dosage (tolerate, not optimal).
The more potent compound is most likely PRL-8-147.
I bumped my dose to 50mg today and can say that I felt depressed. And that was about it. This thing has to burn serotonin at a fast rate. And my ssri even doesnt seem to be helping.
On reddit we've (some other dudes have proposed it, I've stolen it) proposed the MoA for dopamine and serotonin regulation through VMAT (2). The only problem I see with that is that VMAT does not seem to be specific, thus it would also enhance serotonin, not just dopamine. Histamine and norepinephrine would maybe also be affected by it. This either means I have no clue about VMAT, VMAT is wrong or that Dr. Hansl. didn't notice the effects on histamine and norepinephrine.
It has a relatively fast half life and the first thing im looking for is if I can maintain stable brain chemistry on it daily. If I cant do that then there is no point to online testing. My observations show that it throws your brain chemistry off ina dopaminergic direction while possibly leaving serotonin and or gaba underactive so there is no balance. Even amphs are serotinergic and dopaminergic. This feels almost purely dopaminergic and noradrenergic and possibly mildly cholinergic. I dont see how anyone could take this regularly without something to raise gaba or serotonin or something.
Where are you getting all info? We have no clue on half life but based on that they took the test 2-2.5 h after the first dose, I'm guessing that's the half life or atleast around that. The effects on dopamine and serotonin does not seem to be direct (agonist/antagonist), but rather through VMAT enhancement/agonist or possibly allosteric modulation.
If you guys read the amounts they used on apes youd chill out. I can tell when a compound is liver toxic. This compound has very little to no toxicity at least initially. Ive played with plenty of goodies. This stuff is bubble gum.
To say it's bubble gum is retarded when we don't have more studies.
Posted 08 November 2013 - 02:26 PM
The score hovered at 7... Ie average. Confounding factors as stated. If you would like to do n=1 experiments, run Cambridge tests, get liver panels, you are welcome to purchase and do so yourself.
Posted 08 November 2013 - 02:40 PM
For what it's worth, I've taken the Cambridge digit span test for 3 days now. 2 days on, today being off of prl.
The score hovered at 7... Ie average. Confounding factors as stated. If you would like to do n=1 experiments, run Cambridge tests, get liver panels, you are welcome to purchase and do so yourself.
I've already ordered it, but I'm busy with another experiment atm (LLLT), so wont be able to experiment much with it. When I'm done I might do another blinded experiment though (with PRL-8-58 ofc), but I need to order caps then. I currently don't have the funds for that though.
Posted 08 November 2013 - 02:40 PM
Posted 08 November 2013 - 02:49 PM
Posted 08 November 2013 - 02:59 PM
Important to remember that the biggest gains were seen in information retained for a week, not short term memory.
Idd, short term memory was no studied at all, just an anecdote.
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