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PRL-8-53; was: PRL 8-147: The Most Powerful Memory Enhancer?

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#1591 ZHMike

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Posted 18 January 2014 - 07:24 PM

Anyone have any information on how long the hippocampal neurogenesis would take? Although people are reporting great success with this, that would be an incredible benefit. It seems with neurogenesis this compound would provide lasting memory improvement without chronic use.

Anyone have any information on how long the hippocampal neurogenesis would take? Although people are reporting great success with this, that would be an incredible benefit. It seems with neurogenesis this compound would provide lasting memory improvement without chronic use.
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#1592 mait

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Posted 19 January 2014 - 12:19 AM

I am wondering the same. Any news from our Polish friends?

I am still occasionally using the PRL I got from NSN, and it is just great. This compound is definitely under-appreciated. I can go as far as saying that I get a permanent cognitive boost from it.

Similar positive long term benefits noticed here with coluracetam + PRL-8-53 combo.

Edited by mait, 19 January 2014 - 12:19 AM.

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#1593 telight

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Posted 19 January 2014 - 01:52 AM

Anyone have any information on how long the hippocampal neurogenesis would take? Although people are reporting great success with this, that would be an incredible benefit. It seems with neurogenesis this compound would provide lasting memory improvement without chronic use.

Are you confusing this compound with NSI-189 by any chance?
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#1594 ZHMike

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Posted 19 January 2014 - 02:19 AM

@telight NO!

<bows head in shame>

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#1595 ScienceGuy

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 10:00 AM


Hi Everyone,

In short, the supplier has dropped the ball and as a result of this (and given that this substance is now readily available to purchase from other suppliers, such as NEW STAR NOOTROPICS) I have been obliged to cancel the order. :sad:

I will imminently be proceeding with refunding everyone their money, minus only the PAYPAL TRANSACTION FEES, of which there will be TWO, the one incurred when the funds were paid to me, plus the one that will be incurred when I provide the refund. To avoid incurring a THIRD, I suggest that I pay all participants directly as opposed to going through the person who paid the lump sum to me. ;)

Please be reassured that EVERYONE who paid will be refunded, without exception. :)

This is going to be a bit of an ADMINISTRATION HEADACHE because I first need to compile a list of all individual participants and what sum each person contributed, plus obtain everyone's PAYPAL EMAIL ADDRESSES such that I can carry out the refunds. Therefore, since this is going to take some time to complete I would most greatly appreciate it if everyone can be a little patient. ;)

To facilitate this please can all Group Buy PARTICIPANTS kindly send me a PM with their PAYPAL EMAIL ADDRESS and confirm the sum they paid.

Please kindly refrain from sending me a PM claiming to be a PARTICIPANT and having paid as I will be cross-checking the list with the person who collected the funds, so any wiseguys trying it on will be called out publicly as fraudsters. :sleep:

Edited by ScienceGuy, 20 January 2014 - 10:41 AM.

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#1596 ScienceGuy

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 10:56 AM

Further to this, I feel it is now appropriate to discuss the topic of the particular supplier and what action should now be taken with regards to them.

The appointed the supplier is the same INDIVIDUAL but different COMPANY to that which I have used previously on two occasions.

Up until now said INDIVIDUAL has had a proven track record of 100% RELIABILITY and REPUTABILITY... but IMO not any longer in either department... and for this reason my vote will be to BLACK-LIST said INDIVIDUAL and his COMPANY , recommending that no-one deal with HIM / THEM ever again... Here are some of my reasons:

1) The INDIVIDUAL in question, previously was working for a different company. For whatever reason, said INDIVIDUAL chose to separate themselves from their previous company and set up a new company. They gave a reason for doing so at the time, namely that they had set up the new company to exclusively handle custom synthesis of NOOTROPICS and would still be working for the original company. However, I have since discovered that said INDIVIDUAL in fact is apparently no longer working for the original company. In fact, even their COMPANY EMAIL ADDRESS for the original company has been cancelled. This means that I have not been told the whole truth by this individual.

2) Extraordinarily I was asked by said individual to provide payment in full for the order UP FRONT (i.e. ahead of the custom synthesis being completed). This was in fact requested more than once; and of course in each instance I refused. There was discussion about my paying an appropriate DEPOSIT, which I agreed to, and requested to be sent a corresponding INVOICE for this, wherein I would provide payment of the DEPOSIT on receipt of this, but I never received it.

3) Said INDIVIDUAL changed the PRICE after the order had been placed; and they did so again with respect to the order for ISRIB that was placed with them by someone else.

4) Said INDIVIDUAL had a falling out with the person who had placed an order with him for ISRIB and asked if I would 'take over' the order for ISRIB, stating that they did not want to deal with that person any more. Given this unfortunately occurred at precisely the same time as I was incorrectly accused of being 'in cahoots' with said INDIVIDUAL I could not accept. Following this, said INDIVIDUAL essentially became almost entirely non-responsive to me.

5) It is my understanding that this order was placed over 6 MONTHS ago with the supplier (N.B. I did not place the order, but took over at the request of the person who did). Since then said INDIVIDUAL has made numerous deadline commitments, only to fail to meet the designated deadline repeatedly. He has given multiple reasons for failing to meet the deadline, but each time the excuse is unacceptable and IMO not a valid reason for failing to complete the synthesis within the respective time-frame, IF even actually true (regarding which I have my doubts).

6) Said INDIVIDUAL has failed to respond to any of my FOUR previous emails (sent directly to his WORK EMAIL ADDRESS) as well as FOUR previous PMs (sent via LONGECITY). He also now doesn't answer the telephone and won't return my calls. I have done NOTHING to warrant such behavior.

Reading between the lines, IMO the real reason for setting up the new company is that said INDIVIDUAL had fallen out with and either been dismissed by the original company or chosen to 'split from the band' and go solo, so to speak. Either way, it would be quite likely that said INDIVIDUAL would find themselves with lack of access to the same LAB EQUIPMENT, necessitating purchase a new set of equipment for the new company; and in the unlikely event that sufficient funds were available to purchase such expensive equipment, this combined with other reasons would inevitably lead to CASHFLOW PROBLEMS. This would explain why on more than one occasion I was requested by said individual to provide payment of CASH UP FRONT.

Whatever the reason, it is irrefutably clear that whilst the original company had a 100% track record of RELIABILITY and REPUTABILITY, the new company has so far a 100% track record of UNRELIABILITY and DISREPUTABILITY; and for this reason I proposed that we BLACK-LIST both said INDIVIDUAL and his new COMPANY, and advise that everyone avoid using them for any future Group Buys...

So, my question is:

Taking into consideration all of the above salient information, should we BLACK-LIST both said INDIVIDUAL and his new COMPANY, and advise that everyone avoid using them for future Group Buys?

Thoughts? :)

(EDIT: Apologies for the MAMMOTH POST!!!)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 20 January 2014 - 11:00 AM.

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#1597 mait

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 11:01 AM


I made my payment in tow stages. First I paid via bank transfer in original group buy stage and then I doubled my order when PayItSquare funding round came along (seccond try). Bank transfer was sent to Q Did It! So SG please be careful - some payments were not made via PayPal at all.

#1598 ScienceGuy

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 11:22 AM


I made my payment in tow stages. First I paid via bank transfer in original group buy stage and then I doubled my order when PayItSquare funding round came along (seccond try). Bank transfer was sent to Q Did It! So SG please be careful - some payments were not made via PayPal at all.

Hence the ADMIN HEADACHE! :laugh:

Don't worry, I will be confirming everything with the person(s) who collected the funds... they will be able to confirm total sums paid irrespective of payment method ;)

#1599 deadkenny64

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 04:00 PM

I understand if this was out of the individual's control but point #6 makes me think that this was never on the up and up. I would have no reservations about calling the individual out and blacklisting him. If he can't be trusted then why would anyone risk their health ordering any substance from him. I am putting my health at risk every time I place an order with someone (usually NSN), trusting that all of the test documentation is legit. I would never feel comfortable ordering from someone with the issues listed above even if the price was amazing.
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#1600 Balouk

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 03:02 AM

I am wondering the same. Any news from our Polish friends?

I am still occasionally using the PRL I got from NSN, and it is just great. This compound is definitely under-appreciated. I can go as far as saying that I get a permanent cognitive boost from it.

Nice to hear that you can feel PRL :)

What are your dosage?

#1601 xsiv1

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 03:03 AM

Who is 'said' individual?...or will this never be disclosed?
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#1602 ScienceGuy

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 07:07 AM

...I would have no reservations about calling the individual out and blacklisting him. If he can't be trusted then why would anyone risk their health ordering any substance from him... I would never feel comfortable ordering from someone with the issues listed above...

Thank you for your valuable feedback. Very much appreciated. :)

As it happens, personally I absolutely agree with you. ;)

Who is 'said' individual?...or will this never be disclosed?

I am currently seeking to obtain indication from everyone as to whether or not I should proceed with CALLING OUT said INDIVIDUAL and his COMPANY and recommending that they be BLACK-LISTED to all LONGECITY with respect to future Custom Syntheses and/or Group Buys. This would most certainly include revealing said INDIVIDUAL's REAL NAME, their LONGECITY USERNAME and the name of their COMPANY. Since this action falls within the 'drastic' categorization I want to make sure that everyone agrees with doing this before I do so... ;)

So what do you (and everyone else) think? Should I should proceed with CALLING OUT said INDIVIDUAL and his COMPANY and recommending that they be BLACK-LISTED to all LONGECITY with respect to future Custom Syntheses and/or Group Buys?
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#1603 DamnedOwl

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 10:08 AM

...I would have no reservations about calling the individual out and blacklisting him. If he can't be trusted then why would anyone risk their health ordering any substance from him... I would never feel comfortable ordering from someone with the issues listed above...

Thank you for your valuable feedback. Very much appreciated. :)

As it happens, personally I absolutely agree with you. ;)

Who is 'said' individual?...or will this never be disclosed?

I am currently seeking to obtain indication from everyone as to whether or not I should proceed with CALLING OUT said INDIVIDUAL and his COMPANY and recommending that they be BLACK-LISTED to all LONGECITY with respect to future Custom Syntheses and/or Group Buys. This would most certainly include revealing said INDIVIDUAL's REAL NAME, their LONGECITY USERNAME and the name of their COMPANY. Since this action falls within the 'drastic' categorization I want to make sure that everyone agrees with doing this before I do so... ;)

So what do you (and everyone else) think? Should I should proceed with CALLING OUT said INDIVIDUAL and his COMPANY and recommending that they be BLACK-LISTED to all LONGECITY with respect to future Custom Syntheses and/or Group Buys?

I'm sided towards saying 'no' I think.

Though he's certainly been dishonest with you and badly let all of us down in his failure to follow through with this synthesis, it does seem as though the source of his dishonesty stems from, as you say, 'cash flow problems'. He should have been honest about this up-front, but I guess he thought he could wing it and somehow get his funding from an undetermined 'somewhere'. It's a poor business plan, has failed and perhaps deserved to fail.

If we had better evidence that his failure was from technical ineptitude I'm sure we'd all unquestioningly expect his name to be blacklisted. I would feel equally strongly about this if it were apparent that he'd tried to defraud us. Perhaps as it happens though, he is only guilty of being a poor businessman who tried to set himself up independently on a plan to buy all necessary lab equipment using full advanced payment to do so. He should have been, at the very least, honest in his aims from the outset, instead of grossly abusing trust in this way. Perhaps he was over-confident, I don't know.

It seems to me that we have an able chemist with this guy, and is it really necessary to sever all ties with him - indeed, is it wise? How many other alternatives are there that we can turn to? We need to be able to trust our custom synthesist, and if this Group Buy had been a trial of his trustworthiness then I would say that he's failed, but I think it also worth pointing out that he seems to have failed it in the least way. I would be happier if he at least came on the forum to explain for himself what happened.

#1604 ScienceGuy

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 11:00 AM

I'm sided towards saying 'no' I think...

If we had better evidence that his failure was from technical ineptitude I'm sure we'd all unquestioningly expect his name to be blacklisted. I would feel equally strongly about this if it were apparent that he'd tried to defraud us...

But hasn't he in fact most certainly attempted to defraud us? :|?

He tried repeatedly to get me to pay him all the money for the order prematurely, when it must have been clear he had no intention of completing the synthesis; wherein the only reason why we are not right now in the sorry position of having had him run off with everyone's money, whilst also doing the disappearing act that he has done (i.e. not responding to emails, PMs or phone calls), is because I had the sense not to pay it to him... Food for thought? ;)

I would be happier if he at least came on the forum to explain for himself what happened.

I have in fact extended multiple invitations to him to do precisely that... so far, NO RESPONSE :sleep:
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#1605 Hebbeh

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 12:45 PM

Perhaps he self tested his synthesis and we should be sending flowers?

#1606 xsiv1

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 02:21 PM

At the very least, if there is no consensus or majority rule, please give the name of the company. It's not as important to me to know his or her real name as it is his Longecity user name and company. I'm fully aware that both can be changed in the future as they're just names, but reputation and join dates cannot.

I should also mention that I've been contacted in the past by two members who've expressed interest in selling me a product or providing me with a custom synthesis of a product. I've had no knowledge of these users except to say they were participants in two different threads that I was posting in. One was already exposed in a Modafinil thread where they essentially couldn't ensure the quality of the product but wanted t members to try it. The other, I'd have to check my messages to remember. I declined the offers from both parties for what it's worth.
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#1607 DefaOmega

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 03:40 PM

Here's my two cents. For the record, I was not involved in the group buy in anyway.

Firstly, if the topic of ScienceGuy taking care of the transaction fees hasn't been settled I personally don't think he shold be made to pay them. When entering a group buy you surely understand that there are some risks and not getting an entire refund is surely understandable. I also feel that having ScienceGuy pay the fees sets a bad precedence that my discourage future people from helping out with group buys, or staging them at all over worries of being stuck with the financial responsibility if it falls through.

Secondly, I think that waiting either until hearing from the individual or until a specific amount of time has passed to release his/her information is probably best. I do feel the information should be made public so that users can be better informed. But I don't think the revealing should be rushed. If something terrible has happened to the individual and they are unable to respond currently (say a coma or some equally awful thing) it would be a unfortunate to compound their current problems with the possible destruction of their fledgling reputation.

Again just my two cents, and I have no real vested interest in this other than the 54 pages of this thread I've been following, and my personal interest in PRL-8-53

Good day,
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#1608 health_nutty

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 04:56 PM

Any user experiences? It is available on the open market now.

#1609 xks201

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 05:18 PM

Okay, so does that mean we get our money back? Call me an idiot but doing something that is easy to screw up would almost mandate using a supplier who we have previously dealt with. I don't understand why we aren't using the SAME suppliers that have came through in the past. It makes ZERO sense to me that we are using brand new suppliers who are not even returning phone calls months into doing business with them. Why guys are we messing around with brand new suppliers? Was the price of googletarian's business that much more?

I am thankful for the time and effort SG and yada have put into these group buys but it escapes me as to why we are using what appear to be chemists with the lab skills of monkeys and the follow through of 2 year olds who we have never done business with to create chemicals which if messed up could possibly harm us. lol

So far the last 3 buys I have nearly and actually participated in for NSI, BPAP, and PRL have all basically not happened. I think you guys should see a pattern here that if you plan on doing business with a supplier, please for god's sake have done business with them before. Thankfully SG hasn't sent him money supposedly but seriously...we are gambling with people's health and money. I'm sure everyone here would pay 50% more to know the lab they are doing business with isn't a scam or an idiot who thinks it's okay to make BPAP with DMSO.

It blows my mind that we would entrust a delicate process to people of this character (the new suppliers, not SG or yada).

As much as I like the idea of sitting in a circle, holding hands, and signing kumbaya inventing recommendations for future group buys, lets use some common sense and not pick a brand new supplier for a job that cannot be done by a random supplier. If that alone was done, and so what we were charged 50% more, everyone would be happy. But instead, we have thousands of dollars floating around over multiple group buys, some of which may be in the hands of unscrupulous suppliers. It makes no sense to me.

I'd be happy to lead a group buy but I probably wouldn't do it with anyone but googletarian or someone we know and trust who has come through. The risk is just too great...to the defamation of the group buy leader...to the health and wallet of everyone invested and hell to the time and effort of the group buy leaders. I feel sorry for all the time and ridicule group buy leaders are getting but if we just were more scrupulous with who we did business with I don't think 4 months after a group buy supposedly started we would be hearing that the supplier won't return phone calls and we have no product. That makes no sense.

Edited by xks201, 21 January 2014 - 05:26 PM.

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#1610 DefaOmega

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 05:32 PM

ScienceGuy already said he's used this guy, though with a different company, on two seperate occasions with %100 satisfaction.

My understanding of how a group buy would work is finding a lab to make it, gathering the participants and money and then having the quality of product tested. If you gather the money and the lab falls through and itsn't able to make a quality product that isn't the fault of the organizers.
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#1611 ScienceGuy

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 05:37 PM

At the very least, if there is no consensus or majority rule, please give the name of the company. It's not as important to me to know his or her real name as it is his Longecity user name and company...

Here's my two cents... I think that waiting either until hearing from the individual or until a specific amount of time has passed to release his/her information is probably best. I do feel the information should be made public so that users can be better informed. But I don't think the revealing should be rushed. If something terrible has happened to the individual and they are unable to respond currently (say a coma or some equally awful thing) it would be a unfortunate to compound their current problems with the possible destruction of their fledgling reputation...

Thank you both for posting your opinion. :)

Here is what I am going to do... I am going to provide a window of opportunity of ONE WEEK, namely close of business TUESDAY 28TH JANUARY, for said INDIVIDUAL (or anyone from his COMPANY) to explain their SHENANIGANS... if we have still received NO RESPONSE whatsoever by that deadline, then I will proceed with posting a recommendation that they be BLACK-LISTED by all on LONGECITY with respect to future Group Buys and/or Custom Syntheses, and in doing so I will reveal what is their LONGECITY USERNAME, their REAL NAME, and the name of their COMPANY. ;)
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#1612 ScienceGuy

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 05:49 PM

Okay, so does that mean we get our money back?

You really need to make more effort to read through recent posts... otherwise the thread becomes bogged down with repetition... For example, see what I said here in this recent post of mine:


Hi Everyone,

In short, the supplier has dropped the ball... I will imminently be proceeding with refunding everyone their money, minus only the PAYPAL TRANSACTION FEES...

Please be reassured that EVERYONE who paid will be refunded, without exception. :)

Call me an idiot but doing something that is easy to screw up would almost mandate using a supplier who we have previously dealt with. I don't understand why we aren't using the SAME suppliers that have came through in the past...

We HAVE BEEN... 'Said INDIVIDUAL' and his company is in fact one of these. ;)

So far the last 3 buys I have nearly and actually participated in for NSI, BPAP, and PRL have all basically not happened.

You are incorrect... The recent Group Buy for NSI-189 most certainly did happen and it was in fact a complete success. ;)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 21 January 2014 - 05:52 PM.

#1613 xks201

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 05:54 PM

I was not referring to your nsi buy. In any event I guess if these are existing suppliers then there is nothing we can do but switch in the future. Shit happens.

#1614 Overman

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 06:14 PM

Well not to derail this thread, but since it's come up... what is the probability of another NSI-189 group buy occurring in the near future?

Regarding PRL-8-53 experience: I've noticed a very consistent increase in cognition specifically with respect to reasoning and abstraction abilities.
For example, I can now generate longer and more robust trains of thought without much effort- additionally these tend to be slightly more based in visualization.

Compression is far far easier, i.e. apprehending and utilizing new information feels significantly less impeded by network activation degeneration/noise
Working memory and long term memory haven't really improved in general though, besides the aforementioned stuff.

Dose has been ~10mg in capsule once in the morning, for about 2 weeks.

Edited by Overman, 21 January 2014 - 06:15 PM.

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#1615 leftside

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 07:03 PM

Well not to derail this thread, but since it's come up... what is the probability of another NSI-189 group buy occurring in the near future?

Regarding PRL-8-53 experience: I've noticed a very consistent increase in cognition specifically with respect to reasoning and abstraction abilities.
For example, I can now generate longer and more robust trains of thought without much effort- additionally these tend to be slightly more based in visualization.

Compression is far far easier, i.e. apprehending and utilizing new information feels significantly less impeded by network activation degeneration/noise
Working memory and long term memory haven't really improved in general though, besides the aforementioned stuff.

Dose has been ~10mg in capsule once in the morning, for about 2 weeks.

I'm also experiencing some of the above and also take 10mg in the morning. Off it this week though as I try IDRA-21. I'm quite liking IDRA-21, but prefer PRL. I'll take a day off tomorrow and then try both. 20mg IDRA and 10mg PRL.

#1616 Mr. Pink

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Posted 22 January 2014 - 07:54 AM

Should I should proceed with CALLING OUT said INDIVIDUAL and his COMPANY and recommending that they be BLACK-LISTED to all LONGECITY with respect to future Custom Syntheses and/or Group Buys?

I feel like the right solution is usually the more mild solution, without giving into either extreme. Extreme 1: not telling us the name of who we were dealing with. Extreme 2: calling out and blacklisting. I feel like information should be freely available to everyone, therefore Extreme 1 is not the way to go. I also feel like it is not *my* place to call out or blacklist anyone, so Extreme 2 would also be less than optimal. I feel like you should share all the info you have, and then step back. Let people make up their own mind once they have all the info. Let the marketplace do its thing; but the free market idea presupposes access to complete information.

Edited by Mr. Pink, 22 January 2014 - 07:55 AM.

#1617 megatron

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Posted 22 January 2014 - 10:37 AM

I think everyone at least deserves to know G...'s username. When there are so many custom synthesis labs out there, and this individual/company has completely screwed up at least two orders, why should we ever trust this individual/company again? IMO a lab should really only be given one chance, if they fail giving said purity or communication is not up to par, it's over. Now this individual has utterly failed on both delivering and communication, and therefore being blacklisted should be a bare minimum. I certainly will not ever partake in a group buy, if this individual was ever to be responsible for a synthesis ever again!! He has utterly, fully destroyed his reputation. I can't see this being repairable anytime in the foreseeable future. Also, we have no clue as to what happened behind the scenes, was the original company split up or was he really sacked, and for what reasons? From the information SG has posted, I think the latter is the most likely, and calling him out will have no effect. From his profile, I see that he's not been active since December 2, and when he doesn't return any mails or calls... HE HAS BLOWN IT!!

Edited by Megatrone, 22 January 2014 - 10:40 AM.

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#1618 leftside

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Posted 22 January 2014 - 06:16 PM

Unsubscribing. Group buyers should have used email to discuss the group buy so as to not ruin this thread.
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#1619 matter_of_time

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Posted 23 January 2014 - 03:35 PM

I have bought PRL-8-53 from new star. This is my third day and it really makes my life more interesting.
- easier to focus
- ability to focus for longer time
- a little more confidence, maybe some antidepressant or anti anxiety effect as well
- I recognize the more important things which I have to do first
- some interesting insights

I am not studying anything at the moment but I will be in a couple of weeks. I hope it will do the job here as well.

Most important for me is that I don't become a little manic like on most nootropics.
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#1620 matter_of_time

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Posted 23 January 2014 - 03:41 PM

I prefer this one over suni or CILEPT stack.
I am thinking if I should add coluracetam. I feel exactly like I want to be on this stuff alone. It is a very clean feeling without any brain fog.

Maybe I buy coluracetam for socializing during weekends and take the weekend off from PRL.

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