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NOOPEPT (Rotate with what other nootropic?)


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#1 Gaz

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Posted 11 August 2012 - 02:59 PM


Noopept is the first nootopic from the racetam family I have tried, and from the first dose (15mg) it makes a huge difference to my cognitive abilities.

I suffer from severe difficulties with brain fog and memory, and this noopept has made it possible for me to study. It is literally like my brains woken for the first time in my life. Normally I feel like I am in a dream / cloudy state.

Noopept makes me feel for once, like my mind is clear. I can finally focus on things around me.

I can't imagine what would happen if this was to stop working, when I have had this glimpse into what a clear head feels like.

How can I stop a tolerance building and it failing to work eventually? Should I take it for example a maximum of 3 days per week? (10-20mg 3x a day)

Also, can I take another nootropic like pramiracetam on the days I don't take noopept? Or will taking other racetams also affect the tolerance to noopept?

I would much appreciate the help, I don't want this supplement to poop out and I can't keep studying and end up back unable to focus.

Edited by Gaz, 11 August 2012 - 03:01 PM.

#2 SuperjackDid_

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Posted 11 August 2012 - 07:58 PM

Cafeine ,pramiracetam ,Oxiracetam ,Huperzine A, can help for focus and attention ,but i don't know about cross tolerance .

In my experience Noopept got tolerance pretty fast ,but concentration improvement not fade away even i stop using it for a few days,so you no have worries about tolerance too much ,it pretty good substance ,but it can produce anxiety like symptom .

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#3 manic_racetam

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Posted 11 August 2012 - 08:46 PM

According to one rat/mouse study Noopept increases levels of BDNF and NGF in the brain. Which means that if this study is correct then Noopept should increase brain plasticity pretty significantly. If you're studying and practicing this new habit of concentration then there's no reason it can't have lasting effects even after you've stopped taking it.

A mistake I've made in the past was creating an illusion that I was unable to function at similar levels when not taking medications. I'd use my prescribed ritalin for studying but then if I was in a situation where I was unable to take it, I'd feel like I couldn't study as effectively. But a lot of the problem was conditioning myself to believe that I was dependent on it.

With something like noopept this is even more dramatically the case since it boosts growth factors and can aid in the efficiency of learning (that's the theory at least). You should do trials where you stop taking it for a specific amount of time and continue your studies in the same manner as when you were taking Noopept. See if you can remember the state of mind and try to reproduce it on your own.

But as far as cycling it I think a 1.5 month run of basically daily use is pretty good. Could take weekends off or whenever you have some downtime to give your brain a rest. And then after a month off take it again.

As far as physical tolerance to the subjective positive effects I don't know of any way to prevent that. It's too bad in my case, I really miss the feeling it used to give me. The closest I got to getting the initial Noopept feeling back was when (after over 2 months of no noopept use at all) I did a month-long run of Lion's Mane and then took a 30mg capsule. I actually had forgotten I had taken the Noopept and then a few hours later I was feeling very energetic and happy and slightly stimulated. It took me about an hour to remember I'd taken the Noopept.

I tried to repeat the 30mg dose the next day with breakfast but didn't notice any subjective "sensation". I decided to do a normal run of it though, and have been taking 15mg twice daily for the past couple of weeks. What's interesting is that I've noticed improvements in attention span and completion of projects with less effort than usual and my mood has been quite a bit better. So even though I'm lacking the "feel good" side of the equation I seem to be reaping the benefits on cognition.

So even if the subjective effects seem to fade, I'd suggest not giving up on it and trying to look for continued improvements in performance. I'll stop rambling now

Edited by manic_racetam, 11 August 2012 - 08:48 PM.

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#4 juanjo_asdf

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Posted 27 October 2012 - 10:19 PM


I feel you flow brother, read through few of your ramblins and have found light. For me back in 2004 piracetam woke me up and the effects wore off and came back. It was never the same its like a door is being pushed open. I agree with what you say that you are undergoing training with your brain and there is no reason why you dont conserve part of the muscle mass/plasticity after the drug has been removed.

My experience with piracetam is over whelming, and I coulndt get the effects back, or it was absolutely random. 2.5mg of noopept sublingual and I am fllying. Just even remining the body maintains the interhemispheric channel of sorts open.

BTW I find that to make counteract the effect of racetams and cholingeric products I find the best way to give the brain an break is through relaxing it with relaxation sessions with cannabis indica and/or alcohol. The build up of choligeneric like combos like racetams is an internal contraction of tissues throught the whole body, including inside the brain with all its membranes.

Alcohol and weed have always enhanced the effects of racetams in my system. They're always in my stack for social lubrication.

Please rant about noopept

#5 manic_racetam

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 12:05 AM

Personally I can't drink or smoke the weed anymore. LOL. Experienced pretty severe alcohol addiction for a number of years and am finally getting back to near where I used to be. Can't take any supplements that mess with GABA receptors too much either, even picamilon caused a bit of alcohol cravings and I had to stop taking it. Didn't have any trouble with bacopa though, except for the sleepiness.

Noopept has been a pretty sweet ride. It's literally been the only thing I've found with lasting benefits. Like I said above the subjective "serenity" I initially got from mega-dosing has never returned. I usually take a month or longer break between Noopept cycles and now just take 30mg in the morning when I'm using it. Have been on the current cycle for almost two weeks and it's' going great. Most differences I notice are motivation to start and complete projects. Just finished a pretty sweet art project that took me over 40 hours and a bit longer than a week to finish. Over the last year I've consistently accomplished things I set out to do.

There are a number of factors involved that aren't necessarily correlated with Noopept. Abstinence from alcohol is a big factor, also Stablon that I've been taking for a year now could have something to do with the benefits I've received. But the Noopept is what helped me realize I was depressed in the first place. So it's all interconnected.

Too bad everyone doesn't react as positively as I do to the stuff. I'm guessing it has to do with specific gene variations in people that cause such a dramatic difference in effects. Hard to tell.

It's been a real trip though, to come from a place of knowing almost nothing about this seemingly exotic russian di-peptide, to having it incorporated into my regular supplement regimen and having a pretty accurate understanding of it (hopefully at least).

I think the warning via noopept.com about people with pre-existing hypertension should be taken seriously. Had my dad start taking it hoping to help with his cognitive decline, related either to aging or his 20 year long infection with Lyme's disease. And his blood pressure rose almost 40 points in a matter of three days taking just 10mg with breakfast. So I told him to stop taking it. I think regular BP readings should be taken when starting any new supplement.

Noopept is designed in Russia to be taken orally (swallowed). This post explains my reasoning on that, and was confirmed by a native Russian speaker later. I still think swallowing the stuff is the best method for taking Noopept. If it's not working orally I don't see a problem trying it sublingually but am still fairly certain sublingual administration increases chances for side effects in sensitive individuals.

I'd say moderate additional choline intake wouldn't be a bad idea if taking noopept for extended periods of time. Nothing over-board, just an extra gram or so of choline citrate per day (or less if it causes over-cholination type side effects) should be fine. That's based on personal experience and not really backed by any studies I've got links to at the moment. When I did the 2 weeks of 200mg a day I found that 300mg of Alpha-GPC basically fixed all the side effects I was experiencing. So in a very non-scientific way I'd say that moderate choline throughout would be a good idea to avoid side effects when using long term.

And I'd agree with Mr. Happy's postulation that the one month break recommended by the manufacturer is likely to avoid down-regulation of TrkB. Post with links to studies.

Need a scale accurate to the mg when dosing Noopept. It's a very small dose and the powder doesn't like to stay uniform. Even after putting it through a coffee grinder and keeping it in a container with desiccants it seems to clump up again on it's own.

Getting around using a scale is difficult. Noopept isn't very soluble in water and if you do manage to dissolve a gram in 1 liter of water it's susceptible to hydrolysis How long it takes to degrade to a substantially lower potency I don't know, but long term storage would be a problem.

It's highly soluble in alcohol, but it's difficult to find edible forms of alcohol over 40-50%. And any amount of water would still cause hydrolysis (I would think so at least). So unless you had 100% ethyl alcohol (non-denatured) an alcohol solution wouldn't be a stable long term solution for volumetric dosing either. Propylene glycol wouldn't be a bad choice as long as it was not exposed to air for too long (to avoid absorption of humidity in the air).

But seriously, a .001g scale is around 20 bucks including shipping (amazon). Not a bad investment if you plan on dealing with bulk powders on a regular basis.

Totally done ranting, lol. If there are any inconsistencies or incorrect interpretation of data that anyone notices in this post I'd love to hear about it. Thanks

#6 @now

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:38 AM

@manic_racetam: same experience here. I've noticed that 20mg "genuine" pills are the easiest way to make noopept work. Adding 300mg Alpha/GPC also removes side effects. Stacking with 300mg pramiracetam works even better, gives an actual mood lift.

I only need to find a replacement for cycling this stack, I do notice a general drop after approximarely two weeks "off".

#7 @now

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:48 AM

Does this study make sense?

And this looks scary (I most likely misinterpret):

Edited by @now, 28 October 2012 - 09:55 AM.

#8 kagalive1985

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 11:42 AM

Just a trivial critique - Noopept is not really a racetam.

Try it with 4.8 grams of Piracetam for a week if no effect try an attack dose of 12 grams for 3 days.

If still no effects add Aniracetam 1.6 grams and/or Oxiracetam 800mg.

For long term (post 6 months) benefit add Lion's Mane Mushroom 500mg daily to the stack.

Good luck!

Just a trivial critique - Noopept is not really a racetam.

Try it with 4.8 grams of Piracetam for a week if no effect try an attack dose of 12 grams for 3 days.

If still no effects add Aniracetam 1.6 grams and/or Oxiracetam 800mg.

For long term (post 6 months) benefit add Lion's Mane Mushroom 500mg daily to the stack.

Good luck!

#9 SuperjackDid_

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 12:36 PM

If Noopept is not really a racetam ,Piracetam should not working and Noopept should working great.

#10 kagalive1985

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Posted 29 October 2012 - 06:19 AM

From Wikipedia:

"It is derived from the racetam family of drugs and shares similar mechanisms of action,[4][5] but is, according to studies, 1000 times more potent than the prototypical racetam drug, piracetam.[6] Animal studies have shown noopept to be neuroprotective and enhance memory in various tests.[7][8][9][10][11] Unusually for a peptide-derived compound, noopept displays both high oral bioavailability[12] and good blood–brain barrier penetration[13] in rats (although a previous study concluded that "GVS-111 itself was not found in rat brain 1 h after 5 mg/kg i.p. administration up to limit of detection" and that administration of Noopept only increases the concentration of endogenous nootropic Cyclo-L-prolylglycine[5]), and human studies have shown promising results, with potential application in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.[14] It is also an "immunocorrector" in mice.[15]"

Sorry looks like I was mistaken...my bad.

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#11 juanjo_asdf

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Posted 30 October 2012 - 01:54 PM

Im finding noopet incredible. I am terribly sensitive to piracetam nowadays, it was over powering and although it made my genius bulb light up, half of the times or so I would get brain fog on it. Noopept seems like its opening a door, and 2.5mg sublingual triggers the ride. As mentioned by other users its seems a bit like psychodelic mushrooms in a sense. I was engaging in conversation and started coming up with super wierd angels, it was almost too much. I've come up with tons of solutions and tweaks to my daily life, having too many ideas is giving me ADD, I can focus on a task but as soon as I get into it a better idea pops up.

I have been a full two years without piracetam or nootrpics.

PD: Vinpocetine gives me brain fog @ any dosage.

Personally I can't drink or smoke the weed anymore. LOL. Experienced pretty severe alcohol addiction for a number of years and am finally getting back to near where I used to be. Can't take any supplements that mess with GABA receptors too much either, even picamilon caused a bit of alcohol cravings and I had to stop taking it. Didn't have any trouble with bacopa though, except for the sleepiness.

Noopept has been a pretty sweet ride. It's literally been the only thing I've found with lasting benefits. Like I said above the subjective "serenity" I initially got from mega-dosing has never returned. I usually take a month or longer break between Noopept cycles and now just take 30mg in the morning when I'm using it. Have been on the current cycle for almost two weeks and it's' going great. Most differences I notice are motivation to start and complete projects. Just finished a pretty sweet art project that took me over 40 hours and a bit longer than a week to finish. Over the last year I've consistently accomplished things I set out to do.

There are a number of factors involved that aren't necessarily correlated with Noopept. Abstinence from alcohol is a big factor, also Stablon that I've been taking for a year now could have something to do with the benefits I've received. But the Noopept is what helped me realize I was depressed in the first place. So it's all interconnected.

Too bad everyone doesn't react as positively as I do to the stuff. I'm guessing it has to do with specific gene variations in people that cause such a dramatic difference in effects. Hard to tell.

It's been a real trip though, to come from a place of knowing almost nothing about this seemingly exotic russian di-peptide, to having it incorporated into my regular supplement regimen and having a pretty accurate understanding of it (hopefully at least).

I think the warning via noopept.com about people with pre-existing hypertension should be taken seriously. Had my dad start taking it hoping to help with his cognitive decline, related either to aging or his 20 year long infection with Lyme's disease. And his blood pressure rose almost 40 points in a matter of three days taking just 10mg with breakfast. So I told him to stop taking it. I think regular BP readings should be taken when starting any new supplement.

Noopept is designed in Russia to be taken orally (swallowed). This post explains my reasoning on that, and was confirmed by a native Russian speaker later. I still think swallowing the stuff is the best method for taking Noopept. If it's not working orally I don't see a problem trying it sublingually but am still fairly certain sublingual administration increases chances for side effects in sensitive individuals.

I'd say moderate additional choline intake wouldn't be a bad idea if taking noopept for extended periods of time. Nothing over-board, just an extra gram or so of choline citrate per day (or less if it causes over-cholination type side effects) should be fine. That's based on personal experience and not really backed by any studies I've got links to at the moment. When I did the 2 weeks of 200mg a day I found that 300mg of Alpha-GPC basically fixed all the side effects I was experiencing. So in a very non-scientific way I'd say that moderate choline throughout would be a good idea to avoid side effects when using long term.

And I'd agree with Mr. Happy's postulation that the one month break recommended by the manufacturer is likely to avoid down-regulation of TrkB. Post with links to studies.

Need a scale accurate to the mg when dosing Noopept. It's a very small dose and the powder doesn't like to stay uniform. Even after putting it through a coffee grinder and keeping it in a container with desiccants it seems to clump up again on it's own.

Getting around using a scale is difficult. Noopept isn't very soluble in water and if you do manage to dissolve a gram in 1 liter of water it's susceptible to hydrolysis How long it takes to degrade to a substantially lower potency I don't know, but long term storage would be a problem.

It's highly soluble in alcohol, but it's difficult to find edible forms of alcohol over 40-50%. And any amount of water would still cause hydrolysis (I would think so at least). So unless you had 100% ethyl alcohol (non-denatured) an alcohol solution wouldn't be a stable long term solution for volumetric dosing either. Propylene glycol wouldn't be a bad choice as long as it was not exposed to air for too long (to avoid absorption of humidity in the air).

But seriously, a .001g scale is around 20 bucks including shipping (amazon). Not a bad investment if you plan on dealing with bulk powders on a regular basis.

Totally done ranting, lol. If there are any inconsistencies or incorrect interpretation of data that anyone notices in this post I'd love to hear about it. Thanks

Yo maniac

How do you feel this is all affecting you on your off time. Do you feel that something has changed "permanently-ish". I definitely think piracetam has changed me but I wouldnt be able to pinpoint exactly how.

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