- Proposal: "Approximate Replication of Baati, et al C60 in Olive Oil
- Team Leaders: S123, Mind, AgeVivo
- Leader workload: 60-120 minutes per week with most of the workload focused in the early stages of the study, screening candidate pet owners, shipping C60 and placebos.
- Team Members: 3 to begin with (leaders), 4 if you include the C60 supplier.
- Members workload: Unknown. We suspect there will be some work involved in making sure experiment participants post regular updates in the Longecity forum. Some of this might be handled by moderators or BP
- Members only? No
- Funding Required? - Yes.
- Funding Level: $500 We are applying for a "small grant" from Longecity. Up to 100 C60 samples will be provided for free. Shipping is probably going to be the main cost. Experiment participants will have to procure their own animals, if they don't have them already.
- Metrics for evaluating success or failure: Not completely fleshed out. As an initial metric of success, I would suggest having a sample size twice the size of Baati make it through the end of the experiment.
- Milestones / Interim Steps: Perhaps S123 or Agevivo can suggest some things here.
It has been decided that AgeVivo will produce the placebos and randomize the samples. 10 C60 samples have already been shipped.
We realize we cannot replicate the Baati study exactly with this project, but we hope to get somewhat robust data, while also helping build a community of citizen scientists collaborating through Longecity.