While browsing in my spare time for the Fullerenes, I reached this website:
There is written a relatively easy way for production of C60, that I think can be achieved in "garage" or home conditions. Here is the exact citing:
Although the procedure for the synthesis of the C60 fullerene is well established (generation of a large current between two nearby graphite electrodes in an inert atmosphere) a 2002 study described an organic synthesis of the compound starting from simple organic compounds.
If really a C60 can be produces by generating a large current between two graphite electrodes in an inert atmosphere, then perhaps people can try doing this at home. I suppose, that it will be needed a inert gas tube (helium, argone), two graphite electrodes and a coil electricity power transformer.
It remains thinking out a way for extracting the C60 from the inert gas and evaluating if the C60 produced from that way will be enough and will it be cheeper, than purchasing it.