Sensei when did you start to notice the results were the changes more apparent in the last 2 months or was it a gradual thing over the 6 months.

C60 Surprises - Anecdotes Of Unique Health Benefits
Posted 03 December 2014 - 01:23 PM
Posted 03 December 2014 - 01:49 PM
BTW: Please tell what source you are buying from.
50 ml bottles sounds like Vaughter's.
There has also been a question of whether one source is superior to another, with Anthony inferring that Vaughter's was somehow inferior, but not responding to my question of why he said that.
I've been buying Carbon's, but it costs much more than Vaughter's, so if you're getting that effect from Vaughter's I would save a lot doing the same.
I asked him in the experiment thread - it's Vaughter's indeed: http://www.longecity...ndpost&p=700771
I take it you mean Vaugther Wellness?
Posted 03 December 2014 - 02:18 PM
He inferred that she was using the wrong form of c60, which sounds weird since it should be the same. But I know too little about atomic physics to say if it makes a difference. The makers of c60 have been throwing a lot of crap at each other so I'm not sure what to believe.
You probably know more chemistry than Anthony. There was a huge feud between Anthony and Vaughter over intellectual property, and many things were said. You can safely ignore anything they say about each others products. Other C60oo vendors have been entirely professional.
Posted 03 December 2014 - 03:57 PM
Sensei when did you start to notice the results were the changes more apparent in the last 2 months or was it a gradual thing over the 6 months.
More apparent over the last monbth
Posted 03 December 2014 - 04:09 PM
That is interesting.
Posted 03 December 2014 - 05:03 PM
Wonder if it is a saturation point any thoughts?
Posted 03 December 2014 - 06:37 PM
Well I downed about 20ml. Will report back if that makes a big difference over 1.5 in the next few days.
Posted 03 December 2014 - 08:16 PM
I have now been using 16ml of C60 in EVOO per day for last three months (at 0.4mg/1ml concentration). Once and a while I have had to skip my daily dosage due to busy schedule. After having skipped my dosage for one or two days I usually take the dosage of two or three days combined at once the following day.
For me high dosage of C60 feels qualitatively different to low dose. Difference is most notable in added psychostimulatory effects by high dosing: better concentration, ability to work through the night following high dosing, much better reaction time (220-230ms vs 270-290ms). Additionally I wake up spontaneously after 5 or 6 hours of sleep the day after high dosing C60 with feeling of great mental clarity and stamina but subjectively still having the feeling of wishing to sleep additional 2 or 3 hours.
Posted 03 December 2014 - 08:22 PM
Well I downed about 20ml. Will report back if that makes a big difference over 1.5 in the next few days.
I doubt you will see any short-term effects. The changes described are usually happening gradually "in the background" for some time ( months) before they become obvious on the outside.
Posted 03 December 2014 - 09:14 PM
Well I downed about 20ml. Will report back if that makes a big difference over 1.5 in the next few days.
I doubt you will see any short-term effects. The changes described are usually happening gradually "in the background" for some time ( months) before they become obvious on the outside.
Untrue. Some have noticed effects within the hour, especially with exercise tolerance.
Posted 03 December 2014 - 09:20 PM
Well I downed about 20ml. Will report back if that makes a big difference over 1.5 in the next few days.
I doubt you will see any short-term effects. The changes described are usually happening gradually "in the background" for some time ( months) before they become obvious on the outside.
Untrue. Some have noticed effects within the hour, especially with exercise tolerance.
I meant the skin / hair rejuvenation benefits mainly described by sensei. I agree on exercise performance is affected much faster.
Posted 04 December 2014 - 06:42 AM
Is anything known about c60 and viral infections? I had an ugly incident at work yesterday, splashed with blood in my eye from a man who live in Africa.
That was what prompted me to take a large dose, I'm sure it doesn't have much of a connection but IIRC there were some interesting relations between C60 and HIV,
(I'm vaccinated against Hep B and I took a booster-dose and had bloodwork done after the incident)
IWith a larger dose I understand it probably takes time to feel a difference, I'm 30 so it might not be felt in any subjective way even with a large dose.
By the way, I read this yesterday, I wonder if the gladiators of Rome inadvertently drank c60?
Roman gladiators drank an energy drink of vinegar and plant ash, according to an anthropological investigation of arena fighter's bones.
Posted 04 December 2014 - 10:26 PM
So I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm hyposmic. I lost much of my sense of smell in a severe infection episode last year. So unfortunately, I can't be sure whether it's just due to that, or something more, along the lines of the link between hyposmia and increased morbidity.
But for the past week or so, I've noticed increasing episodes of normosmia (normal smell). It would come and go for several seconds here and there, which might have been my imagination. But just an hour ago, I opened the door to step outside for a break. A light wind burst into my home. I smelled the smell of fresh air, which I've hardly noticed in months. I just got over a modest cold, so perhaps this made the contrast all the more dramatic. So I stood outside my door like a mindless idiot, gasping huge inhalations of air for several minutes, trying to detect every single subtle odor wafting along with it. It wasn't perfect. For one thing, I smelled a bit of sun lotion even though there was none around. (This might be because I've used sun lotion as an odor sensitivity test, so I have more circuitry for it.) Nevertheless, I was so thrilled with the experience, that I spent the next several minutes learning what my home actually smells like. I must have gone through half the fridge testing the odors of various foods, which was sort of like walking through my culinary past. I was equally ecstatic to open my closet, only to be inundated with the odor of cardboard boxes, as mundane as that may sound to you.
I don't know of any reason why this should happen, or whether it will continue to improve, apart from my own natural stem cell activity slowly cranking away.
At the same time, I've started noticing periods up to a minute or more where I feel more connected to the world, like when I was younger. I'm more "here". There's absolutely no way to quantify this, but it's unmistakable.
Maybe it's all coincidence, as I seem to remember reading another post in which the poster continued to have hyposmia despite c60oo therapy. But I think it's worth reporting here nonetheless.
This post made me focus on my olfactory function and today, 1 day after my weekly C60 dose, I sense a heightened sense of smell than previous days. I don't think I have any loss of smell but today it is markedly stronger as I sense some very subtle ones.
Same sensation occurred a couple of weeks ago but then I did not recall if it was soon after my C60 intake.
I will try to keep note to see if it is there is any correlation .
I took my weekly 5mg dose and within ~2hrs got the boost of my ,otherwise normal, olfactory function again. This time, however, it lasted shorter than last week - maybe a couple of hours after the C60 intake.
Maybe that's as high as it can get at this dosage...
Another update:
I have not felt the same effect at my last few 5ml weekly dosages.
Yesterday, prompted by sensei's report, I decided to take 20ml in one shot and today the familiar heightened olfactory sensitivity is back and has been present for several hours and still is as I type this.
Resveratrol_guy, I guess you are onto something.
Posted 04 December 2014 - 10:48 PM
Prompted by recent discussions here, I experimented three days ago with increasing my dosage, taking a shotglass (30mL) of C60oo Baati strength for three days running.
Yesterday, I started to notice weird smells - especially people's breath when in close proximity - and today this effect has become even more marked. Cooking smells in particular are overpowering.
Quite frankly, I don't much like it.
I just thought the people close to me had become strangely smelly :/ - when I remembered some people had reported this phenomenon.
Apart from the olfactory glitch, I can so far observe no effect one way or another from the increased dosage.
I have been taking C60oo at a low dose (1mL per diem Baati study strength) for 2 years or so now, (my own preparation) and have never noted an overtly observable rapid onset effect like this.
PS. I took a photo of my slightly greying beard stubble. If I note any changes, I will post before and after pictures.
Edited by Metrodorus, 04 December 2014 - 10:51 PM.
Posted 04 December 2014 - 10:58 PM
I agree - it is not a very pleasant feeling.
But I hope it is just an indicator of an improved all-body neurological function as hypothesized...if true, I can live with the slight nuisance
Posted 04 December 2014 - 11:20 PM
Prompted by recent discussions here, I experimented three days ago with increasing my dosage, taking a shotglass (30mL) of C60oo Baati strength for three days running.
Yesterday, I started to notice weird smells - especially people's breath when in close proximity - and today this effect has become even more marked. Cooking smells in particular are overpowering.
Quite frankly, I don't much like it.
I just thought the people close to me had become strangely smelly :/ - when I remembered some people had reported this phenomenon.
Apart from the olfactory glitch, I can so far observe no effect one way or another from the increased dosage.
I have been taking C60oo at a low dose (1mL per diem Baati study strength) for 2 years or so now, (my own preparation) and have never noted an overtly observable rapid onset effect like this.
PS. I took a photo of my slightly greying beard stubble. If I note any changes, I will post before and after pictures.
Like with nails and hair, this could be another instance of C60 kick-starting stem cell differentiation.
Posted 05 December 2014 - 01:15 AM
I have also been noticing smells more: in my case it's cologne.
I'm in a cafe at the moment and can strongly, almost distractingly smell everyone's perfumes and colognes. I hadn't connected it with C60 until now, but I have also recently started taking more: 3 tablespoons of C60OO in the last week.
Posted 05 December 2014 - 06:01 PM
Having read stuff about Shungite traditions in Russia I decided to drop some oil in with my bathwater. Is anyone else doing that?
Posted 06 December 2014 - 12:47 PM
My mom has COPD while I was home for Thanksgiving I gave her a full bottle of C60 OO from VW. She has been taking a dose in the AM and PM same as what I was taking.
I spoke with her yesterday and she said that she had noticed that she had more energy and was in a better mood. She stopped taking it for a couple of days and noticed on day 2 that she was tired.
I asked her about her cholesterol she said it has always been high last blood work had it about 20 points or so she is scheduled to have more blood work done in april I will inquire if anything changes.
Posted 06 December 2014 - 02:28 PM
My mom has COPD while I was home for Thanksgiving I gave her a full bottle of C60 OO from VW. She has been taking a dose in the AM and PM same as what I was taking.
I spoke with her yesterday and she said that she had noticed that she had more energy and was in a better mood. She stopped taking it for a couple of days and noticed on day 2 that she was tired.
I asked her about her cholesterol she said it has always been high last blood work had it about 20 points or so she is scheduled to have more blood work done in april I will inquire if anything changes.
I'm glad she was feeling better. I'd expect it to work well in COPD, if the COPD is bad enough. If it's mild enough that she's getting enough oxygen, then I wouldn't expect to see huge changes, except maybe under physical exertion. How much is she taking? I'd expect a normal dose to last longer than two days. I don't think c60oo has any effect on cholesterol levels, unless it through a roundabout mechanism like encouraging more exercise. Keep us posted.
Posted 06 December 2014 - 03:11 PM
will do, I was taking a full dropper full in the AM and the PM. That is the dose she is taking.
The COPD is bad enough that she is on oxygen, she is ambulatory able to walk and perform everyday task. She is also is able to go with out the oxygen for short periods of time dependent on the level of exertion.
As a side note I was inspired by Sensei post I decided to down approx 1/3 to 1/4 of a bottle of VW, I did notice an increase in my level of energy and the swelling in my left knee and right ankle is down. Still swollen however not as visually observable. At this point I would hesitate to attribute the reduced swelling to the increased dosage. With Ra I have gone through periods where the swelling would go down, not completely disappear but be reduced. Then a week later bam knee's the size of softballs.
For me a good test would be if the swelling is completely gone for say a 2 to 3 week period this has not happened in since I have been diagnosed 2 years ago.
Posted 07 December 2014 - 01:20 AM
I will switch to high dosage regime from now on. 4 days a week 45 mg of C60 / day (180 mg of C60 a week). Will report if the effects seen in sporadic high dosing are sustainable.
Posted 07 December 2014 - 02:56 AM
I will switch to high dosage regime from now on. 4 days a week 45 mg of C60 / day (180 mg of C60 a week). Will report if the effects seen in sporadic high dosing are sustainable.
Given the 96hr clearance of C60 , this can hardly be described as sporadic unless you skip whole weeks without dosing.
Posted 07 December 2014 - 12:19 PM
I will switch to high dosage regime from now on. 4 days a week 45 mg of C60 / day (180 mg of C60 a week). Will report if the effects seen in sporadic high dosing are sustainable.
Given the 96hr clearance of C60 , this can hardly be described as sporadic unless you skip whole weeks without dosing.
I meant the sporadic in context of my previous dosing regimen described in one of my earlier posts: till now I have been using medium doses of C60 daily. Sometimes I have forgot to take my daily C60 for day or two in which case I have made up for missed days by taking combined dose of current and previous off-C60 days at once. At those sporadic high dosing days of C60 I have felt some extra (psycho) stimulatory effects from C60, which weren’t subjectively there on chronic medium dosing regimen.
Posted 07 December 2014 - 06:53 PM
I will switch to high dosage regime from now on. 4 days a week 45 mg of C60 / day (180 mg of C60 a week). Will report if the effects seen in sporadic high dosing are sustainable.
Given the 96hr clearance of C60 , this can hardly be described as sporadic unless you skip whole weeks without dosing.
96 hours? I thought it was about 3 weeks?
Posted 07 December 2014 - 10:40 PM
I will switch to high dosage regime from now on. 4 days a week 45 mg of C60 / day (180 mg of C60 a week). Will report if the effects seen in sporadic high dosing are sustainable.
Given the 96hr clearance of C60 , this can hardly be described as sporadic unless you skip whole weeks without dosing.
96 hours? I thought it was about 3 weeks?
Posted 07 December 2014 - 11:58 PM
Superb report Sensei, thank you.
I will second the crazy eyebrow growth. It seems like once a week my girlfriend is snipping away at them, lol. Which is unusual.
My eyebrows seem a little fuller as well. Not the same as when I was 30, but definitely less sparse.
Should C60 work to extend lifespans, I am beginning to see what we will look like - bushy dark eyebrows and large noses and ears (since those never stop growing).
Posted 08 December 2014 - 01:05 AM
I will switch to high dosage regime from now on. 4 days a week 45 mg of C60 / day (180 mg of C60 a week). Will report if the effects seen in sporadic high dosing are sustainable.
Given the 96hr clearance of C60 , this can hardly be described as sporadic unless you skip whole weeks without dosing.
96 hours? I thought it was about 3 weeks?
The elimination half-lives indicate that C60 is completely eliminated from blood 97 h after administration irrespective of the route of administration→ source (external link)
blood, not organs or cellular membranes -- where all the good stuff happens
Posted 08 December 2014 - 01:10 AM
To illustrate my point,
The terminal half life of THC in the blood varies from 4.3 to 12.6 days
Yet, THC and metabolites of THC and other cannabinoids are stored in adipose (fat) cells and can remain in the body for months or longer, until that fat is metabolized.
Posted 08 December 2014 - 01:27 AM
To illustrate my point,
The terminal half life of THC in the blood varies from 4.3 to 12.6 days
Yet, THC and metabolites of THC and other cannabinoids are stored in adipose (fat) cells and can remain in the body for months or longer, until that fat is metabolized.
Exactly. C60 might stay in the body for a long time, but it's only going to be useful in the mitochondria--presumably--and that will be for a much shorter time. How long that is isn't nailed down. In fact, different fullerenes with different adducts go to different places in the cell for varying amounts of time, and we don't even know what the adducts are when C60 is dissolved in EVOO.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: c60, cure, solution, remedy, therapy, improvement
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