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C60 Surprises - Anecdotes Of Unique Health Benefits

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#541 Kalliste

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Posted 22 January 2015 - 05:58 AM

Yeah Walters ramblings makes me less inclined to buy something from his shop that he intends to open.

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#542 mtn2011

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 02:47 PM

I have been taking c60 for 2 days 10 ml each dose. I am going to start with 20ml per week and then go down to 10ml per week. So far I have noticed that I have been recalling old memories more than usual, things popping into my head from decades ago. Don't know what this means or if it is anything significant at all.

Edited by mtn2011, 28 January 2015 - 02:48 PM.

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Click HERE to rent this advertising spot for C60 HEALTH to support Longecity (this will replace the google ad above).

#543 BasicBiO

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Posted 29 January 2015 - 05:22 AM

I'm about three weeks into my C60oo trial and despite my skepticism, I seem to be experiencing many of the effects the Longecity herd is reporting. Better skin, increased aerobic and anaerobic workout capacity, and most notable for me..a major increase in overall energy/well being.


I have been suffering from CFS-like symptoms for about two years and C60 has had the most impact out of all the supplements I have taken. A blood panel taken 2 days prior to the C60 trial indicated low DHEA. 10 days into the C60 trial, I began using transdermal DHEA (LifeFlo brand) and my energy levels increased even further (not surprisingly).


I plan to make my own C60oo from here on out and use it as a staple supp.


Thanks to all you intrepid supplementarians for introducing me to this great substance!

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#544 niner

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Posted 29 January 2015 - 05:39 AM

BasicBiO, thanks for that report.  There is strong evidence that CFS/ME patients have skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction as well as ROS issues.  (here is a nice review)   Considering the apparent improvement in mitochondrial function that C60oo elicits, it makes sense that it would help in CFS.   It may also prove useful in FMS.

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#545 sensei

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Posted 29 January 2015 - 09:42 PM

A note of caution;


I have been tapering off of a benzodiazepine.  C60 in the large doses I was taking, almost negates the effect of the medication causing withdrawal symptoms.


I'm not sure if it is due to upregulation of liver enzymatic processes or if it has to do with GABA receptors (as the same negation is seen with respect to the effects of alcohol -- no or small buzz etc).


I will not be taking such large doses until I have completed my taper.

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#546 resting

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Posted 30 January 2015 - 12:08 AM

Please be more precise. You are not going to take C60 in such large doses, so what dose are you taking? It sounds like there are hidden variables for people taking C60 that are not made apparent and only come out randomly over time.

Hard to reproduce given we have no clear idea of what everyone is taking, I think we can all agree. Interactions people.

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#547 pone11

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Posted 30 January 2015 - 03:11 AM

Please be more precise. You are not going to take C60 in such large doses, so what dose are you taking? It sounds like there are hidden variables for people taking C60 that are not made apparent and only come out randomly over time.

Hard to reproduce given we have no clear idea of what everyone is taking, I think we can all agree. Interactions people.


Just a random idea to share:  maybe the core group of C60+00 users could create a table in Google Spreadsheet that shows clear dosing over time.   Give all of those people read-write access to the spreadsheet, and give the rest of us read-only access.


Maybe on a second tab enumerate effects and give each user a chance to elaborate on each of those.


Might help to see similarities and differences across users, as well as to track dosing over time.

#548 sensei

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Posted 30 January 2015 - 06:24 AM

Please be more precise. You are not going to take C60 in such large doses, so what dose are you taking? It sounds like there are hidden variables for people taking C60 that are not made apparent and only come out randomly over time.

Hard to reproduce given we have no clear idea of what everyone is taking, I think we can all agree. Interactions people.


I just finished up taking twenty four 45 mg doses starting on December 17 2014 and ending on approximately 25 Jan 2015.


At first I started every other day, later, i took some on consecutive days an one day I took 2 bottles

#549 smccomas01

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Posted 30 January 2015 - 12:53 PM

Sensei, best of luck. I know from first hand depending on the substance withdrawals suck. 

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#550 sensei

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Posted 30 January 2015 - 06:05 PM

Sensei, best of luck. I know from first hand depending on the substance withdrawals suck. 



Thank you.


I had tapered too fast as well.


Without getting specific -- major emotionally traumatic event, followed by layoff due to corporate downsizing last year.


This coincided with  my last dosing regimen in SEPT/OCT 2014 timeframe.  I was on a stable benzo dose -- any withdrawal symptoms caused by the C60 I likely attributed to the stressor.


I'm down to 25% of my original dose, and tried to walk -off last week, but it was too soon.

Edited by sensei, 30 January 2015 - 06:07 PM.

#551 Walter Derzko

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Posted 30 January 2015 - 06:40 PM

Re Withdrawal from benzodiazepine

This is supported by preclinical and clinical studies on C60 hydrated fullerenes too

- Has a positive influence on the activity of adreno-, GABA-, histamine- and especially, serotonergic systems, and, as a result, enhances the organism’s adaptogenic functions;

Reference: http://www.ipacom.co...d-water-left/74

#552 smccomas01

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Posted 30 January 2015 - 06:49 PM

My best advice is to talk to a Dr. From what I remember about Benzo's i.e. Valium Xanax is that it's half life is tricky this is from a pharmacology class years ago.



#553 sensei

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Posted 30 January 2015 - 09:58 PM

My best advice is to talk to a Dr. From what I remember about Benzo's i.e. Valium Xanax is that it's half life is tricky this is from a pharmacology class years ago.


I established a taper schedule with my doctor -- I felt really good, no withdrawals, so I increased the dose reduction -- oops.


It may have just been that, and not the C60, however, i noted that previously on the day of a 45mg dose, the amount needed to induce sleep was 450% higher than normal.


I'm just going to reduce my dosage of C60 to 5-10 ml a day if that still precipitates issues, I will stop until bzd free.

#554 Logic

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Posted 31 January 2015 - 04:01 AM

I established a taper schedule with my doctor -- I felt really good, no withdrawals, so I increased the dose reduction -- oops.
It may have just been that, and not the C60, however, i noted that previously on the day of a 45mg dose, the amount needed to induce sleep was 450% higher than normal.
I'm just going to reduce my dosage of C60 to 5-10 ml a day if that still precipitates issues, I will stop until bzd free.

(It'd be a pity to interrupt your hair experiments)

#555 sensei

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Posted 31 January 2015 - 03:48 PM


I established a taper schedule with my doctor -- I felt really good, no withdrawals, so I increased the dose reduction -- oops.
It may have just been that, and not the C60, however, i noted that previously on the day of a 45mg dose, the amount needed to induce sleep was 450% higher than normal.
I'm just going to reduce my dosage of C60 to 5-10 ml a day if that still precipitates issues, I will stop until bzd free.

(It'd be a pity to interrupt your hair experiments)



I have a horribly paradoxical reaction to exogenous melatonin -- raging insomnia


And you can't substitute melatonin for a benzo.  With benzos, you have to taper and deal with the withdrawal.  I may ask my physician about quazepam -- it is a novel benzodiazepine that shows almost no rebound/withdrawal at low doses over the short term to induce sleep.


To report on another positive: I started a rigorous calisthenic training regimen -- I expected to be extremely sore after, only slight discomfort.  So I can attest to the recovery after physical training effects of C60 OO.

Edited by sensei, 31 January 2015 - 03:52 PM.

#556 niner

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Posted 31 January 2015 - 09:03 PM

Sensei, most melatonin on the market is overdosed.  Have you ever tried taking about 500 micrograms?  That's more physiological.  I used to get 3 mg tablets and split them 4 ways with a pill splitter.  Melatonin is no substitute for a benzo, though, if you are having trouble sleeping due to anxiety.

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#557 sensei

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Posted 31 January 2015 - 10:12 PM

Sensei, most melatonin on the market is overdosed.  Have you ever tried taking about 500 micrograms?  That's more physiological.  I used to get 3 mg tablets and split them 4 ways with a pill splitter.  Melatonin is no substitute for a benzo, though, if you are having trouble sleeping due to anxiety.


Unfortunately for me, the U shaped dose response curve for melatonin is flat then spikes down at 90 degrees.


Starting at very low doses and titrating up resulted in zero effects until the paradoxical reaction.


I actually don't have trouble sleeping now.


The only issues I have are related to the withdrawal due to tapering down.


I only used quazepam as an example because it is a very novel benzo with a different chemical structure than other benzos and has a very low/no rebound profile

Edited by sensei, 31 January 2015 - 10:13 PM.

#558 mtn2011

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Posted 02 February 2015 - 02:16 PM

C60 20 ml per week divided into 2 doses on separate days. As stated above I first noticed an increase in long term memory but that went away. But I am noticing that my legs feel less heavy and more flexible. I have venous insufficieny and need to wear compression socks on a daily basis. Due to this condition I generally have a little trouble doing things like sitting on the floor and getting up due to the heavyness and tightness in my lower legs, but there does seem to be a noticeable improvement now.

Edited by mtn2011, 02 February 2015 - 02:17 PM.

#559 HighDesertWizard

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Posted 04 February 2015 - 11:28 AM

I have a friend who had knee replacement surgery done on December 17th... I chatted with her yesterday about taking C60-OO as a means of reducing the probability of scar tissue limiting her long term joint mobility.


Here's a study showing ROS as driver of  arthrofibrosis... ROS has been shown to be reduced by C60-OO so I was thinking that her taking it would be a good idea.



Does what she describes below sound like arthrofibrosis? I've asked her to inquire of her doctor or physical therapist.

Should she take C60-OO to assist with this? I'm of the opinion that it can't hurt and that it might help a lot and if it were me I would take C60-OO. But I'd like to get the C60-OO Community's thoughts about the matter...


Here's her description of the situation. All knowledge and insight greatly appreciated.


...this next two weeks is apparently a “window of time” (doc’s words) where scar tissue could form an unbreakable or overly tough barrier to my knee flexing. So therefore, he wants me to put extra effort into my movement and exercises. He even decided to issue me more oxycodone on Friday(apparently they pull patients back down to hydrocodone at this stage of 6-7 weeks, but without my asking, he gave me more oxy to get thru this next 2 weeks more easily).


When I told the PT about the report yesterday, he, too started stepping up actually massage in and around the knee and scar to get things moving in the underlying fascia. He said there was a difference between types of scar tissue and the type that forms like a grid to keep things in place is good but the type that is in a pile is not and will prevent movement.


I also have heard two testimonials (hearsay) that when the operation doesn’t work and the knee replacement has to be redone, it’s almost always because the person built up too much unwanted scar tissue.

Edited by HighDesertWizard, 04 February 2015 - 11:49 AM.

#560 niner

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Posted 04 February 2015 - 02:43 PM

Does what she describes below sound like arthrofibrosis? I've asked her to inquire of her doctor or physical therapist.

Should she take C60-OO to assist with this? I'm of the opinion that it can't hurt and that it might help a lot and if it were me I would take C60-OO. But I'd like to get the C60-OO Community's thoughts about the matter...



It sounds like arthrofibrosis is what she's looking at.  I'd use c60oo on it.  Pretty major upside, avoiding permanent irreparable disability, and negligible downside.  (hypothetical slower healing?  but only hypothetical.)

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#561 ambivalent

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Posted 04 February 2015 - 03:07 PM

If she is interested in fasting it might be worth a go; there are some anecdotal accounts on the net if you search on fasting and scar tissue; also I posted a topic CR forum, here, a link to some research indicating that fasting rats promoted improved hindlimb locomotion after undergoing spinal chord injury.


It appears not to have worked in mice because, I believe, fasting didn't trigger ketosis.

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#562 HighDesertWizard

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Posted 04 February 2015 - 04:39 PM

Does what she describes below sound like arthrofibrosis? I've asked her to inquire of her doctor or physical therapist.

Should she take C60-OO to assist with this? I'm of the opinion that it can't hurt and that it might help a lot and if it were me I would take C60-OO. But I'd like to get the C60-OO Community's thoughts about the matter...

It sounds like arthrofibrosis is what she's looking at. I'd use c60oo on it. Pretty major upside, avoiding permanent irreparable disability, and negligible downside. (hypothetical slower healing? but only hypothetical.)
Thanks niner... Yours is the opinion I wanted most! ☺

Do you recommend oral dosing, topical dosing, or both?

And what oral dose do you recommend for something like this? I've been doing 30mg/day lately with positive benefits, including noticeably darker hairs in my mostly gray goatee. So I'm thinking at least that much up to the 45mg/day that sensei was achieving an effect with. I'm thinking a larger dose of that magnitude because her docs have set a relatively nearby timeframe within which the ultimate outcome will be shaped.

Thanks again!

Edited by HighDesertWizard, 04 February 2015 - 04:43 PM.

#563 niner

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Posted 04 February 2015 - 10:19 PM

I'd go with oral dosing, since it's so bioavailable.  Dose is a question mark; it's pretty potent, but given the growing experience with high doses, something like 5ml/day isn't nuts.   I don't know that it will be absorbed all that well topically, as a triglyceride, but I don't think it would hurt.  She's already had some time for healing to progress; ROS are also involved in healing of injuries, so maybe starting at a low dose and increasing it over time would be a good approach.  The fibrotic scarring develops over a fairly long time period, apparently caused by inflammatory processes that are involved in healing but don't shut off correctly.  Soft tissue calcification could be a factor, so taking some vitamin K2 for a while seems like a reasonable idea.

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#564 Kalliste

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Posted 05 February 2015 - 05:22 AM

Didn't some patent application or paper for topical formulations make a specific point out of C60 not being absorbed via the dermis? It got some way down through the skin-membranes, but not systemically IIRC.

#565 BarrelBoy

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Posted 08 February 2015 - 08:47 AM

I've been dabbling around with 2-8mg, mostly on the lower end, for the past month. Can confirm sense of smell is enhanced. My nose hasn't usually been very good compared to my friends', yet now out of nowhere I can smell people from across a room, my own body odor when I first wake up (normally I won't start getting smelly till later in the day if I don't shower), and other odd little scents from things that I've been around often enough to have had to notice these particular scents before.


I can also confirm changes in alcohol tolerance, although I wouldn't say that I need much more to feel the same effects, it's that I'm more coherent. I'll still get about the same level of intoxication from some amount of alcohol, but in one sense I still feel with it, like I could do more complex tasks than I could without the C60. At the same time, the physical sensations are still present as ever. A little tough to describe.


Oh and one night about 20 minutes after about 5 whiskeys I blew a .08%, which seemed a bit low considering I'm only 150lbs. I felt buzzed but plenty coherent, went to sleep soon after, then got up on my own after only 5 hours of sleep and went all day without any fatigue until my normal bedtime. I've yet to repeat this though. Has another drunken night where I passed out from the spins and woke up with no trace of a hangover. Pretty amazing.


I'm also taking coq10, pqq, and lllt a la LostFalco, so that's possibly a confounder but I never noticed these effects with that regimen alone.

Edited by brokenyoga, 08 February 2015 - 08:56 AM.

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#566 Juangalt

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Posted 13 February 2015 - 06:25 PM

I have been taking C60oo from Carbon60OliveOil.com for 1 week and have:


1) Slept slightly worse than normal (could be random variance or unrelated)

2) Had several vivid and even lucid dreams (which is rare for me and is probably attributable to the C60)

3) Run a personal best 9 miles (could be placebo since running is largely mental, but could also be attributable to the C60)

4) Had a hangover-free alchohol experience (It would be difficult to say if C60 contributed to this without more data. I have basically given up alcohol so I don't intend to test this further)


Overall, I don't notice much, but my general feeling is that I feel slighty more energetic and less lazy. Assuming this does not affect my sleep in the long term, I intend to continue use and test the limits of the apparent benefit to exercise.

#567 caliope

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Posted 13 February 2015 - 07:15 PM

I have been taking C60oo from Carbon60OliveOil.com for 1 week and have:


1) Slept slightly worse than normal (could be random variance or unrelated)

2) Had several vivid and even lucid dreams (which is rare for me and is probably attributable to the C60)

3) Run a personal best 9 miles (could be placebo since running is largely mental, but could also be attributable to the C60)

4) Had a hangover-free alchohol experience (It would be difficult to say if C60 contributed to this without more data. I have basically given up alcohol so I don't intend to test this further)



Most of these effects correspond to my experiences:

1. I have to take C60 early in the day or I don't sleep well

2. Invariably have vivid dreams which I can recall very well. Normally this happens only once in a while, but on C60 it is all the time. 

3. more energy and stamina. When I wake up in the morning, I am ready to go. Used to be that I wanted to lay there for a while before I could face the day. 


Can't comment on the alcohol effects because I don't drink, but increased tolerance has been noted by several other users. 


I attribute the vivid dreaming to better cerebral blood flow. See the study here:


#568 Juangalt

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Posted 13 February 2015 - 07:43 PM

Most of these effects correspond to my experiences:

1. I have to take C60 early in the day or I don't sleep well


I take mine first thing in the morning and it still seems to have a negative effect on sleep. I'm hoping that the lucid dreaming isn't just due to being in a more transient sleep state and thus being able to recall the dream. I noticed when I was quitting smoking that wearing the nicotine patch to bed has the same (or even more pronounced) lucid dream experience, but it's also very difficult to sleep with one on and I attributed the memory recall with the stimulant effect interrupting sleep. There may be more behind it.

#569 Hildegard

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Posted 15 February 2015 - 06:29 AM

Just received today: two bottles of solvent-free Carbon-60 in organic sunflower oil.  As a new participant I am prohibited from posting links but here's an excerpt from the sellers site:


Our Carbon 60
There are only about 7 known manufacturers of Carbon 60 worldwide. Our Carbon-60 manufacturing process is different. We produce the Carbon 60 using no solvents and produce single molecules of C-60 that stay as single molecules. Single molecules disperse better and provide much more surface area than a cluster of molecules. The small size of non-clustered (Mono Molecular) Carbon 60 provides access to tremendous carbon surface area allowing the super effectiveness of the carbon molecule.

Our Science
Our process for the manufacture of Mono-Molecular C-60 was developed by an Aerospace Engineer. His carbon based, education and career, as a Materials and Processes Engineer has also allowed him to develop several mechanisms to advance human performance.


Will keep you posted...

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#570 Kalliste

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Posted 15 February 2015 - 07:06 AM

Just received today: two bottles of solvent-free Carbon-60 in organic sunflower oil.  As a new participant I am prohibited from posting links but here's an excerpt from the sellers site:


Our Carbon 60
There are only about 7 known manufacturers of Carbon 60 worldwide. Our Carbon-60 manufacturing process is different. We produce the Carbon 60 using no solvents and produce single molecules of C-60 that stay as single molecules. Single molecules disperse better and provide much more surface area than a cluster of molecules. The small size of non-clustered (Mono Molecular) Carbon 60 provides access to tremendous carbon surface area allowing the super effectiveness of the carbon molecule.

Our Science
Our process for the manufacture of Mono-Molecular C-60 was developed by an Aerospace Engineer. His carbon based, education and career, as a Materials and Processes Engineer has also allowed him to develop several mechanisms to advance human performance.


Will keep you posted...


Most of us use olive oil. Why did you go with sunfloweroil?

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