I really have no clue how to navigate a forum so bear with me! It wasn't I who went with sunflower oil but the producer and I don't recall why he chose it over olive oil. This appears to be a new type of C60 and there isn't much about it online. If you search for "James Martinez media c60 buckminster Fullerene" you'll find the website that led me to it. Click on the fulleren icon and you'll find two very interesting interviews and a link to the product ordering page.

C60 Surprises - Anecdotes Of Unique Health Benefits
Posted 15 February 2015 - 07:39 AM
Posted 15 February 2015 - 07:42 AM
I really have no clue how to navigate a forum so bear with me! It wasn't I who went with sunflower oil but the producer and I don't recall why he chose it over olive oil. This appears to be a new type of C60 and there isn't much about it online. If you search for "James Martinez media c60 buckminster Fullerene" you'll find the website that led me to it. Click on the fulleren icon and you'll find two very interesting interviews and a link to the product ordering page.
I find it difficult to go with a company that would use sunflower oil without explaining why, especially when olive oil is generally considered "better for you" and linked to longevity on its own.
Posted 15 February 2015 - 08:13 AM
Perhaps the choice of sunflower oil is explained in one of the interviews, but both olive and sunflower oils contain Vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol. whereas other oils (canola, soybean and corn) contain Vitamin E in the form of a compound called gamma-tocopherol which may adversely affect the functions of the lung according to a study conducted by Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine.
I found this on NDTV Cooks site dated December 10, 2014
"People in countries that consume olive and sunflower oil have the lowest rate of asthma and those that consume soybean, corn and canola oil have the highest rate of asthma," Cook-Mills claimed. When people consume alpha-tocopherol, found in olive oil and sunflower oil, it improves their lung functions, she added."
It was a plus that the sunflower oil is organic as about 95% of my diet is organic.
Posted 15 February 2015 - 09:07 AM
Posted 15 February 2015 - 09:25 AM
I´ve taken C60oo from Carbon60oliveoil.com for three months now, 33 ml once a month. Consistenly I sleep worse than normal for the two first nights, after that I´ve had the best sleep since I can remember. Basicly +8 hours including long haul night flights and up to 12 hours time difference.
Posted 15 February 2015 - 06:28 PM
As a new forum member I'm restricted to five posts in one day for a while and this is my fifth. I wish there was a "how to navigate forum" tutorial for this particular forum because I am somewhat technology challenged. Let's see if the Carbon-60 helps that!
Cerdiwen: Having word memory problems with sunflower oil? My first thought was "GMO sunflowers?" Good news. They are not. I think that's a whole reserach project in and of itself. You said "when I was well..." Please fill me in on your health problems. I have quite a lot of experience with them and may have some insight.
spirilla0: I'm keeping a Carbon-60 journal and today is my first day. Starting with just 3 drops under the tongue as the form I'm taking is exponentially more potent than all other forms, being single molecule as opposed to clumps. My first thought after taking it was, "Beware the placebo effect!". According to studies, plecebos are the most powerful "drug" in the world. That's exciting to hear about your sleep experience! Can it be that C60 is a cure for jet lag? I've done a fair amt. of research on that and in my opinion only 30 minutes of earthing (earth contact either directly or through an indoor earth connection) can reset your circadian clock to the new time zone. In your opinion does the C60 consistently elimate jet lag for you?
Posted 15 February 2015 - 06:42 PM
Just received today: two bottles of solvent-free Carbon-60 in organic sunflower oil. As a new participant I am prohibited from posting links but here's an excerpt from the sellers site:
Our Carbon 60
There are only about 7 known manufacturers of Carbon 60 worldwide. Our Carbon-60 manufacturing process is different. We produce the Carbon 60 using no solvents and produce single molecules of C-60 that stay as single molecules. Single molecules disperse better and provide much more surface area than a cluster of molecules. The small size of non-clustered (Mono Molecular) Carbon 60 provides access to tremendous carbon surface area allowing the super effectiveness of the carbon molecule.Our Science
Our process for the manufacture of Mono-Molecular C-60 was developed by an Aerospace Engineer. His carbon based, education and career, as a Materials and Processes Engineer has also allowed him to develop several mechanisms to advance human performance.
Will keep you posted...
What's the concentration of C60 in this? What are you paying/mg C60?
Posted 15 February 2015 - 06:45 PM
I've done a fair amt. of research on that and in my opinion only 30 minutes of earthing (earth contact either directly or through an indoor earth connection) can reset your circadian clock to the new time zone. In your opinion does the C60 consistently elimate jet lag for you?
Hmm this is off-topic but "earthing" sounds like the typical new-age scam. Did you find any published research showing any effects from the practise?
Posted 15 February 2015 - 07:54 PM
For those interested, this appears to be the source of C60 in sunflower oil: http://c-60.com/
And this: http://purecarbon60....ut-carbon-60-2/
Posted 15 February 2015 - 08:27 PM
Sarah Vaughter's C6000 versus Carbon's.
I hadn't been drunk since I started on Carbon's product in August, 2012. C60oo inhibits getting a buzz off alcohol.
I started on Vaughters product and within two weeks I got shit-faced to the point of needing to sleep.
Makes me wonder if something is wrong with Vaughter's C60oo.
I ordered some more of Carbon's to see if it stops the alcohol again, which would say that Vaughter's is inferior and NOT working.
I'll report back after I get that part of the experiment done.
Does anyone else have a report on this? Or should this go on another forum? Niner?
Posted 15 February 2015 - 09:06 PM
Sarah Vaughter's C6000 versus Carbon's.
I hadn't been drunk since I started on Carbon's product in August, 2012. C60oo inhibits getting a buzz off alcohol.
I started on Vaughters product and within two weeks I got shit-faced to the point of needing to sleep.
Makes me wonder if something is wrong with Vaughter's C60oo.
I ordered some more of Carbon's to see if it stops the alcohol again, which would say that Vaughter's is inferior and NOT working.
I'll report back after I get that part of the experiment done.
Does anyone else have a report on this? Or should this go on another forum? Niner?
This is fine as far as I'm concerned, at least for the time being. Do we need a thread on the topic of comparisons of different c60oo sources? I'm wondering about Carbon's vs Sarah's vs my own home brew myself. Carbon's has that deep purple color that I don't see anywhere else, and I find it to be more potent as an anti-eczema agent than my own. I'd like to know where the unusual color comes from, and why it works better for me. It was a week after drinking a bottle of Carbon's c60oo that my doctor was so impressed with my lung function, which was better that it had been in years.
Posted 15 February 2015 - 09:19 PM
For those interested, this appears to be the source of C60 in sunflower oil: http://c-60.com/
And this: http://purecarbon60....ut-carbon-60-2/
Hooboy. This was bound to happen. It was kind of a miracle that we've made it this long with relatively responsible producers and a lack of hype. This site makes an awful lot of what sound like health claims to me. They are charging about three times as much as the going rate for c60oo, yet they're using cheaper oil. They say nothing about their production methods, other than the crazy claims of "monomolecular" c60. (like what, it's a gas?)
It would be interesting to know how other vegetable oils compare to olive oil, but I'm not about to spend $60 for 30ml. Anyone want to brew some up?
Posted 15 February 2015 - 09:22 PM
It was a week after drinking a bottle of Carbon's c60oo that my doctor was so impressed with my lung function, which was better that it had been in years.
Wasn't this instance also a one-off break from your dosing regime, if I recall correctly?
Posted 15 February 2015 - 09:33 PM
Sarah Vaughter's C6000 versus Carbon's.
I hadn't been drunk since I started on Carbon's product in August, 2012. C60oo inhibits getting a buzz off alcohol.
I started on Vaughters product and within two weeks I got shit-faced to the point of needing to sleep.
Makes me wonder if something is wrong with Vaughter's C60oo.
I ordered some more of Carbon's to see if it stops the alcohol again, which would say that Vaughter's is inferior and NOT working.
I'll report back after I get that part of the experiment done.
Does anyone else have a report on this? Or should this go on another forum? Niner?
Hi Mikey,
Did you mean you haven't consumed large quantities of alcohol since Aug '12 ? Or you have but Carbon's product negated the effect?
Posted 15 February 2015 - 09:45 PM
This sounds a bit off. I suspect the original post was advertising from the supplier.
1. Why use a different oil? Is there research to show that C60 will form the same complexes that perhaps caused the C60oo to do what it did - assuming the original Baati study gives similar results on repetition. As far as we know,it may not be not the C60 alone, but the C60 adducts that form when it dissolves in the oil, that has this effect.
2. All the new age stuff on the page is just weird, and does not inspire confidence.
3. As C60 dissolves in olive oil, the production process is not relevant, as long as the final product is free from toxic solvents.
The used in this product C60 is apparently sourced from this gentleman: http://www.linkedin....a/50/82b/64a/en
No details are given about the production method or product purity.
He apparently works for this company: http://www.hypobaric.com/howtobuy.htm
Edited by Metrodorus, 15 February 2015 - 09:45 PM.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 03:44 AM
It was a week after drinking a bottle of Carbon's c60oo that my doctor was so impressed with my lung function, which was better that it had been in years.
Wasn't this instance also a one-off break from your dosing regime, if I recall correctly?
TBH I don't remember, but I was taking about 30 ml once a month at the time, so unless it was off my normal schedule, it wouldn't have been out of the ordinary as far as my dosing regime.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 07:48 AM
Sarah Vaughter's C6000 versus Carbon's.
I hadn't been drunk since I started on Carbon's product in August, 2012. C60oo inhibits getting a buzz off alcohol.
I started on Vaughters product and within two weeks I got shit-faced to the point of needing to sleep.
Makes me wonder if something is wrong with Vaughter's C60oo.
I ordered some more of Carbon's to see if it stops the alcohol again, which would say that Vaughter's is inferior and NOT working.
I'll report back after I get that part of the experiment done.
Does anyone else have a report on this? Or should this go on another forum? Niner?
Hi Mikey,
Did you mean you haven't consumed large quantities of alcohol since Aug '12 ? Or you have but Carbon's product negated the effect?
Here's what happened.
I started Carbon's C60oo in August, 2012.
I noticed shortly that I could not get a nice warm buzz from alcohol unless I drank about ten times a normal amount.
But I actually couldn't get drunk if I drank a lot. I mean like 15+ shots of vodka only gets me mildly high.
I switched to Vaughter's product and a week or two into it I drank a couple glasses of wine and a bunch of vodka and I got so drunk that I had to go to sleep.
I quit drinking hard liquor a while back just because I don't want the extra calories.
I hadn't felt like that in years because even before I started on Carbon's product my taste for intoxicants had decreased to not wanting to feel more than sociable.
I would quit drinking once I felt warmly sociable.
I hadn't been drunk in maybe a dozen or more years. Just don't have the interest in it like I did in my twenties and thirties.
So I ordered some of Carbon's C60oo and will report back on what difference I notice - in a couple weeks.
It's interesting that another person here reported noticing that Carbon's product worked better, too.
So, it might be that Vaughter's is inferior - not made correctly.
We shall see.
Edited by mikey, 16 February 2015 - 07:50 AM.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 07:55 AM
And BTW - when I was taking Carbon's product, I ran out for a week and noticed that alcohol started working better after being off his C60oo for four days.
This equates to the 96 hours that some data said C60 lasts in the body.
Edited by mikey, 16 February 2015 - 07:56 AM.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 03:13 PM
Sarah Vaughter's C6000 versus Carbon's.
I hadn't been drunk since I started on Carbon's product in August, 2012. C60oo inhibits getting a buzz off alcohol.
I started on Vaughters product and within two weeks I got shit-faced to the point of needing to sleep.
Makes me wonder if something is wrong with Vaughter's C60oo.
I ordered some more of Carbon's to see if it stops the alcohol again, which would say that Vaughter's is inferior and NOT working.
I'll report back after I get that part of the experiment done.
Does anyone else have a report on this? Or should this go on another forum? Niner?
I can report to the contrary. I had been using the V-W product for over 8 months -- dozens of bottles (I now mix my own).
When taking a large enough dose, the V-W C60OO completely negates any intoxicating effects of alcohol. I don't drink, however; I do make and take alcohol herbal tinctures. Even downing a herbal tincture in 1 oz of pure grain alcohol results in no buzz at all.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 04:17 PM
Please calculate the amount of alcohol in one of the tinctures you take and let us know how much is in it.
Edited by mikey, 16 February 2015 - 04:18 PM.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 04:32 PM
Thanks for your reply. I'm still unclear, though, as to whether you have been drinking recently while on the Carbon product, comparable to the level of alcohol consumed after you switched to SV. Your post indicated you drank heavily when starting out on Carbon, but not whether alcohol was consumed regularly after that.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 05:10 PM
Thanks for your reply. I'm still unclear, though, as to whether you have been drinking recently while on the Carbon product, comparable to the level of alcohol consumed after you switched to SV. Your post indicated you drank heavily when starting out on Carbon, but not whether alcohol was consumed regularly after that.
I lost my other half in Oct. 2012 and drank vodka like a fish to try to numb the pain. I put on 20 pounds of visceral fat from the excess triglycerides/alcohol.
Yes, I drank too much for about 20 months before I was basically emotionally ok.
Lots of vodka. It just barely touched the pain I had. I am just now dieting to lose that basketball of visceral fat.
So, I am quite familiar with how little lots of alcohol affected me on Carbon's C60 AND got me fat in the belly.
That's why Vaughter's was so noticeable different. It allowed a similarly great amount of vodka to get me completely drunk, which I hadn't felt in years.
I will do several comparisons - being off Vaugher's and on Carbon's for a week or two. Does changing products change my alcohol tolerance. Switching back to Vaugher's and seeing if there's a difference.
I'll run it in standardized comparison manner.
So far, I am skeptical of Vaughter's product. I also notice what seems to be a different (worse) texture in my facial skin. Like elastin and collagen are not as healthy - wrinkling appears to have increased. But that is subtle and subjective.
The alcohol tolerance will be more of a litmus test.
Edited by mikey, 16 February 2015 - 05:11 PM.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 05:26 PM
Please calculate the amount of alcohol in one of the tinctures you take and let us know how much is in it.
1 ounce of pure grain alcohol (190 proof), that is equivalent to 2 shots of 80 proof liquor downed in one gulp
I have also made my own C60OO -- with a saturation level of C60 to OO (approximately 900mg/liter) , it looks ruby colored in a large 1L bottle, yet brown on a teaspoon, just like V-W.
Edited by sensei, 16 February 2015 - 05:28 PM.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 05:31 PM
On Carbon's C60oo 2 shots wouldn't touch my sense of sociability - it would produce no warm buzz.
Please try 15 shots and let us know if you feel it on Vaughter's and then ideally on Carbon's to compare your experiences, as I have and will be doing again more critically.
Edited by mikey, 16 February 2015 - 05:32 PM.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 05:33 PM
I lost my other half in Oct. 2012 and drank vodka like a fish to try to numb the pain. I put on 20 pounds of visceral fat from the excess triglycerides/alcohol.
Yes, I drank too much for about 20 months before I was basically emotionally ok.
Lots of vodka. It just barely touched the pain I had. I am just now dieting to lose that basketball of visceral fat.
So, I am quite familiar with how little lots of alcohol affected me on Carbon's C60 AND got me fat in the belly.
That's why Vaughter's was so noticeable different. It allowed a similarly great amount of vodka to get me completely drunk, which I hadn't felt in years.
If you stopped drinking, and then started again after a break -- the ability to get drunk was more likely loss of tolerance than the different C60OO.
I used to drink -- been sober for 2 and a half years. When I drank, i could go through a fifth of liquor from noon to evening on a holiday, and not be drunk -- no C60 involved, -- simply because of the tolerance. And if I drank enough water and electrolytes -- no hangover the next day.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 06:32 PM
On Carbon's C60oo 2 shots wouldn't touch my sense of sociability - it would produce no warm buzz.
Please try 15 shots and let us know if you feel it on Vaughter's and then ideally on Carbon's to compare your experiences, as I have and will be doing again more critically.
Dude, sorry about your loss and everything but I'm not sure drinking "for science" is a good idea...
Posted 16 February 2015 - 06:44 PM
WOW $60 for 30mls -that's $1000 for 500 mls. Carbon [60] hydrated fullerenes will be much cheaper when it comes to the North American market. I suspect it will cost about $40-$50 USD for 500ml,but it is now readily available in Ukraine. It contains only pristine C60 hydrated fullerenes and purified water. Concentration is 0.0002 mg per 100 ml which has a medical and biological effect based on human clinical studies done in 2008-2009 or 7 years ago. No contraindications. Human Clinical trials: http://www.ipacom.co...bout-c60hyfn/70
Edited by Walter Derzko, 16 February 2015 - 07:15 PM.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 08:48 PM
For those interested, this appears to be the source of C60 in sunflower oil: http://c-60.com/
And this: http://purecarbon60....ut-carbon-60-2/
Hooboy. This was bound to happen. It was kind of a miracle that we've made it this long with relatively responsible producers and a lack of hype. This site makes an awful lot of what sound like health claims to me. They are charging about three times as much as the going rate for c60oo, yet they're using cheaper oil. They say nothing about their production methods, other than the crazy claims of "monomolecular" c60. (like what, it's a gas?)
It would be interesting to know how other vegetable oils compare to olive oil, but I'm not about to spend $60 for 30ml. Anyone want to brew some up?
Not sure if this is the right thread, but given that some of you are starting to ingest a lot of oil, I might suggest that you get macadamia oil and make your own C60 from that. Macadamia has an even better profile than olive oil, almost pure monounsaturated fat and almost no polyfat at all. There is a good variety available on Amazon:
I'm also very curious would the liposomes for C60 work with coconut oil? This saturated fat has the characteristic of hardening at room temperature, and I wonder if that might prevent the C60 from moving around in solution over time.
Maybe someone could educate us about the characteristics the oil needs to have to work as a liposomal carrier?
Posted 16 February 2015 - 09:07 PM
I've done a fair amt. of research on that and in my opinion only 30 minutes of earthing (earth contact either directly or through an indoor earth connection) can reset your circadian clock to the new time zone. In your opinion does the C60 consistently elimate jet lag for you?
Hmm this is off-topic but "earthing" sounds like the typical new-age scam. Did you find any published research showing any effects from the practise?
Off topic alert.... Scam it is not. There should be a thread on this topic. As a 60 year old woman I simply do NOT suffer "age related" inflammation and although I try to share this with others who chronically complain about aches and pains of "gettng old" the biggest obstacle is people thinking it must be a scam. I could go on and on but better you do your own research. http://www.earthingi.../?page_id=131
Posted 16 February 2015 - 09:17 PM
Just received today: two bottles of solvent-free Carbon-60 in organic sunflower oil. As a new participant I am prohibited from posting links but here's an excerpt from the sellers site:
Our Carbon 60
There are only about 7 known manufacturers of Carbon 60 worldwide. Our Carbon-60 manufacturing process is different. We produce the Carbon 60 using no solvents and produce single molecules of C-60 that stay as single molecules. Single molecules disperse better and provide much more surface area than a cluster of molecules. The small size of non-clustered (Mono Molecular) Carbon 60 provides access to tremendous carbon surface area allowing the super effectiveness of the carbon molecule.Our Science
Our process for the manufacture of Mono-Molecular C-60 was developed by an Aerospace Engineer. His carbon based, education and career, as a Materials and Processes Engineer has also allowed him to develop several mechanisms to advance human performance.
Will keep you posted...
What's the concentration of C60 in this? What are you paying/mg C60?
I don't actually know what the concentration is. I paid $60 for 30 ml (I think). The bottle says nothing about concentration or how much is in it. Sounds fishy I know but I'm an instinctual type and after hearing the two interviews on http://jamesmartinezmedia.net/and reading what I could on this particular form (limited amt. of info.) I went for it. On my second day and all is well. I did yoga last night and noticed a reduction in burn and that I could hold stretches longer and other minor improvements. I only took 3 drops yesterday and 4 this morning.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: c60, cure, solution, remedy, therapy, improvement
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