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C60 Surprises - Anecdotes Of Unique Health Benefits

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#601 Hildegard

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Posted 16 February 2015 - 09:27 PM


For those interested, this appears to be the source of C60 in sunflower oil:  http://c-60.com/


And this:  http://purecarbon60....ut-carbon-60-2/


Hooboy.  This was bound to happen.  It was kind of a miracle that we've made it this long with relatively responsible producers and a lack of hype.  This site makes an awful lot of what sound like health claims to me.  They are charging about three times as much as the going rate for c60oo, yet they're using cheaper oil.  They say nothing about their production methods, other than the crazy claims of "monomolecular" c60.  (like what, it's a gas?) 


It would be interesting to know how other vegetable oils compare to olive oil, but I'm not about to spend $60 for 30ml.  Anyone want to brew some up?


Off topic: I knew it was just a matter of time (and a short time at that) before someone would in so many words call me a crack pot. There is some truth to that, but perhsps not as much as you might think.  On topic:  You said "(lke what, it's a gas?) I believe the answer to that is YES.  Unfortunattely or not you'll need to listen to the interview with Neil Shwartz on http://jamesmartinezmedia.net/to get clarification.

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#602 mikey

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Posted 16 February 2015 - 09:42 PM


On Carbon's C60oo 2 shots wouldn't touch my sense of sociability - it would produce no warm buzz.


Please try 15 shots and let us know if you feel it on Vaughter's and then ideally on Carbon's to compare your experiences, as I have and will be doing again more critically.


Dude, sorry about your loss and everything but I'm not sure drinking "for science" is a good idea...



LOL, cani!

I wasn't drinking for "science." I was drinking, knowing it was doing little to no damage because of C60oo, except that it would make me have to diet and exercise to lose the gut.


Dude, my much younger other half died right in front of me, of no known causes. Have a heart!

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#603 mikey

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Posted 16 February 2015 - 09:50 PM



I lost my other half in Oct. 2012 and drank vodka like a fish to try to numb the pain. I put on 20 pounds of visceral fat from the excess triglycerides/alcohol.


Yes, I drank too much for about 20 months before I was basically emotionally ok.


Lots of vodka. It just barely touched the pain I had. I am just now dieting to lose that basketball of visceral fat.


So, I am quite familiar with how little lots of alcohol affected me on Carbon's C60 AND got me fat in the belly.


That's why Vaughter's was so noticeable different. It allowed a similarly great amount of vodka to get me completely drunk, which I hadn't felt in years.




If you stopped drinking, and then started again after a break -- the ability to get drunk was more likely loss of tolerance than the different C60OO.


I used to drink -- been sober for 2 and a half years.  When I drank, i could go through a fifth of liquor from noon to evening on a holiday, and not be drunk -- no C60 involved, -- simply because of the tolerance.  And if I drank enough water and electrolytes -- no hangover the next day.



Please don't misunderstand. I didn't quit drinking. I quit drinking huge quantities of vodka in addition to a couple big glasses or red wine. I continue to drink daily red wine, so my exposure to alcohol has only changed in regards to limiting vodka. 


However, I will experiment with both products and with varying quantities of alcoholic beverages and report back.


My reaction to drinking on Vaughter's product was radically in contrast to the way that Carbon's limited alcohol's effects. 


And Carbon's limited it pretty much from the early days of when I started using it.


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#604 Hildegard

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Posted 16 February 2015 - 10:18 PM



This sounds a bit off. I suspect the original post was advertising from the supplier. 


1. Why use a different oil? Is there research to show that C60 will form the same complexes that perhaps caused the C60oo to do what it did - assuming the original Baati study gives similar results on repetition. As far as we know,it may not be not the C60 alone, but the C60 adducts that form when it dissolves in the oil, that has this effect.


2. All the new age stuff on the page is just weird, and does not inspire confidence.


3. As C60 dissolves in olive oil, the production process is not relevant, as long as the final product is free from toxic solvents.


The used in this product C60 is apparently sourced from this gentleman: http://www.linkedin....a/50/82b/64a/en


No details are given about the production method or product purity.


He apparently works for this company: http://www.hypobaric.com/howtobuy.htm

3.  There are no solvents used or needed in Bob Greska's production method.


Unfortunatley at this point there isn't a lot of written information on this particular form of C60. I would suggest you listen to the two interviews.  At about 17:00 into the Neil Swarz interview Neil goes into the difference between Bob's method and all others.

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#605 cani!

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Posted 17 February 2015 - 12:02 AM

Mikey, I'm so sorry for you...

My condoleances...

I misunderstood your post ...

Bro fist!
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#606 niner

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Posted 17 February 2015 - 01:11 AM



For those interested, this appears to be the source of C60 in sunflower oil:  http://c-60.com/


And this:  http://purecarbon60....ut-carbon-60-2/


Hooboy.  This was bound to happen.  It was kind of a miracle that we've made it this long with relatively responsible producers and a lack of hype.  This site makes an awful lot of what sound like health claims to me.  They are charging about three times as much as the going rate for c60oo, yet they're using cheaper oil.  They say nothing about their production methods, other than the crazy claims of "monomolecular" c60.  (like what, it's a gas?) 


It would be interesting to know how other vegetable oils compare to olive oil, but I'm not about to spend $60 for 30ml.  Anyone want to brew some up?

Off topic: I knew it was just a matter of time (and a short time at that) before someone would in so many words call me a crack pot. There is some truth to that, but perhsps not as much as you might think.  On topic:  You said "(lke what, it's a gas?) I believe the answer to that is YES.  Unfortunattely or not you'll need to listen to the interview with Neil Shwartz on http://jamesmartinezmedia.net/to get clarification.


Hildegard, I'm certainly not calling you a crackpot.  I'm calling the purveyors of this stuff crackpots.  I'm currently working under the assumption that you are not in their employ, and are simply a customer trying to learn more about it.  If that's the case, you came to the right place.    Here's the problem with their "monomolecular" claim:  Unless it's a gas or a solution in something like toluene, their c60 is highly unlikely to be in a single molecule form.  C60oo (c60 olive oil) IS a monomolecular substance.  It doesn't matter if the fullerene you start with is monomolecular or a large crystal; once it reacts with a triglyceride, it forms a single molecule.  Whatever the physical state of their fullerene, it isn't providing anything special in the final product.  You can buy c60oo from carbon60oliveoil.com or from Vaughter Wellness, and it will be monomolecular.  Not only that, but it will be far less expensive and will come from an organization that isn't making sleazy health claims and doesn't have an "affiliate program".  I just don't want to see you get ripped off.

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#607 Hildegard

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Posted 17 February 2015 - 01:37 AM




For those interested, this appears to be the source of C60 in sunflower oil:  http://c-60.com/


And this:  http://purecarbon60....ut-carbon-60-2/


Hooboy.  This was bound to happen.  It was kind of a miracle that we've made it this long with relatively responsible producers and a lack of hype.  This site makes an awful lot of what sound like health claims to me.  They are charging about three times as much as the going rate for c60oo, yet they're using cheaper oil.  They say nothing about their production methods, other than the crazy claims of "monomolecular" c60.  (like what, it's a gas?) 


It would be interesting to know how other vegetable oils compare to olive oil, but I'm not about to spend $60 for 30ml.  Anyone want to brew some up?

Off topic: I knew it was just a matter of time (and a short time at that) before someone would in so many words call me a crack pot. There is some truth to that, but perhsps not as much as you might think.  On topic:  You said "(lke what, it's a gas?) I believe the answer to that is YES.  Unfortunattely or not you'll need to listen to the interview with Neil Shwartz on http://jamesmartinezmedia.net/to get clarification.


Hildegard, I'm certainly not calling you a crackpot.  I'm calling the purveyors of this stuff crackpots.  I'm currently working under the assumption that you are not in their employ, and are simply a customer trying to learn more about it.  If that's the case, you came to the right place.    Here's the problem with their "monomolecular" claim:  Unless it's a gas or a solution in something like toluene, their c60 is highly unlikely to be in a single molecule form.  C60oo (c60 olive oil) IS a monomolecular substance.  It doesn't matter if the fullerene you start with is monomolecular or a large crystal; once it reacts with a triglyceride, it forms a single molecule.  Whatever the physical state of their fullerene, it isn't providing anything special in the final product.  You can buy c60oo from carbon60oliveoil.com or from Vaughter Wellness, and it will be monomolecular.  Not only that, but it will be far less expensive and will come from an organization that isn't making sleazy health claims and doesn't have an "affiliate program".  I just don't want to see you get ripped off.


Thank you for that ABPT.  I realized too late (how often does that happen? LOL) that I was taking something personally that I shouldn't have.  I appreciate your input and looking out for a fellow consumer, and will check out the C60oo and Vaughter Wellness sites. Regarding the Swartz interview; If you don't want to listen to the entire thing go to around 17:00 (it's 30 min. total). He goes into a bit of detail on Greska's supposedly unique method and states that the product is in fact a gas. He further states that ALL other C60 is in clumps that need to be shaken to disperse.  Would you be okay with me copying your comments and emailing them to Bob Greska to get his response? 

#608 niner

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Posted 17 February 2015 - 01:56 AM

I listened to the interview of Neil Swartz on James Martinez Media.  Swartz was reasonably well informed, except on the topic of c60oo already on the market.  He described it as though it was homemade and full of aggregates, which is simply untrue.  Based on some of the things he's said, I'm pretty sure he's spent some time in our c60health forum, so he ought to know the facts.  He works with Bob Greska, and it looks like there's also a relationship between Martinez and Greska.  That's all well and good, no problem, except that Martinez sounds like a journalist in the interview, but he clearly is not.  He sells the stuff.   Regarding Greska's manufacturing method, they're making it sound like he's producing his own fullerenes.  That's pretty crazy, considering the fact that you can buy quality material so easily.  How do we know that Greska's stuff is any good?   The whole "monomolecular" thing wasn't explained at all, by the way, and I think it is essentially hogwash.


Well, it doesn't much matter if Greska's fullerenes are pure or not, since not many people are going to pay three times the price of quality c60oo for some brew that isn't even the same thing that Baati et al. used.  Swartz was aware of Baati, by the way, and discussed it, albeit a bit confusedly.

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#609 sensei

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Posted 17 February 2015 - 05:54 PM



Please don't misunderstand. I didn't quit drinking. I quit drinking huge quantities of vodka in addition to a couple big glasses or red wine. I continue to drink daily red wine, so my exposure to alcohol has only changed in regards to limiting vodka. 


However, I will experiment with both products and with varying quantities of alcoholic beverages and report back.


My reaction to drinking on Vaughter's product was radically in contrast to the way that Carbon's limited alcohol's effects. 


And Carbon's limited it pretty much from the early days of when I started using it.


More to learn...




I didn't misunderstand. Changing from drinking loads of vodka a day plus a couple of big glasses of wine, to only drinking wine is a massive drop in your alcohol consumption. And also a change in the way the alcohol hits your brain.


Even a large glass of wine is just about equivalent to a shot of 80 proof vodka. Furthermore, drinks with higher concentrations of alcohol (liquor) actually pass through the stomach faster than lower concentration (wine).  Meaning that drinking liquor (40% alcohol) actually results in higher peak blood alcohol levels than drinking the same amount of alcohol but in wine (12-14% alcohol) -- making your tolerance much higher.


A change to just wine would in only a few weeks reset the tolerance of your brain/body.  You would be used to a few large glasses of wine, but several shots of vodka would get you drunk.

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#610 sensei

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Posted 21 February 2015 - 03:51 PM

Still on the BZD (benzodiazepine) taper (currently at 20% of dose before taper started).


In the spirit of researchers past, I have taken 15ml C60OO (self made - approximately at saturation of .9mg/ml - deep magenta with some aggregate at bottom because I put too much C60 in the OO to begin with) for the last 2 days, chancing withdrawal to ferret out the interaction between C60 and BZD efficacy.


Previously, during the taper I have been awakening 3-4 times per night with horrid drenching whole body sweats at least twice a night bad enough to have to change clothes; which is to be expected.


Last night, I slept through the night like a rock, Alarm clock had to wake me, and barely broke a sweat -- merely damp at waking.


I think at this lower level (~13.5 mg / day) the C60 may be supportive possibly adaptogenic.


At the higher doses  I was taking (45mg-90mg in a day); the C60 may act as a BZD (actually GABA A) antagonist like flumenazil -- which is known to cause withdrawal symptoms in BZD users (it is used as a rescue in BZD overdose.


I will continue this experiment -- based on my own personal experience -- if C60 can ameliorate the effects of BZD withdrawal during therapeutic tapering off, it will be a boon of epic magnitude for millions of people suffering from BZD addiction.





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#611 smccomas01

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Posted 21 February 2015 - 04:19 PM

That is sweet keep us posted, glad it is less painful. 

#612 sensei

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Posted 23 February 2015 - 07:44 PM

Fourth day of 13.5 mg/15ml C60OO  dosage.


No negative effects regarding BZD taper.


Withdrawal symptoms are mild and sporadic as expected during a taper.


More vivid dreams than normal.


I have 15 - 23 days left on the taper ( 7 or 10 days per step). 

Edited by sensei, 23 February 2015 - 07:47 PM.

#613 resting

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Posted 23 February 2015 - 10:10 PM

I concluded my Sensi reproduction of the initial every other day (bottle) for 30 bottles.  Nothing  much to report as of yet. I have now tapered to 1/4 bottle per day and will continue with this dosage for 30 days. Photos will be presented at the end of this period (12 weeks) as sufficient time will have elapsed to determine hair colour and new growth. 

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#614 sensei

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Posted 26 February 2015 - 08:22 PM

Yesterday I upped my dosage to 15ml (13.5mg) twice per day.  No adverse effects.


I will take the same dose today.

#615 HighDesertWizard

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Posted 26 February 2015 - 08:32 PM

I have imagined that the gray hair in my mustache and goatee is getting a little darker for the last several weeks. I didn't post about it because I wasn't completely certain about it being just my imagination.

But now there is no question about it. Someone else has now noticed. I've taken some pictures and when I have good before and after pics, I'll post them. They are still mostly gray but the existence of dark hair makes the general look now a darker gray.

I have been ingesting and applying c60-oo topically to my face for about 6 months at relatively low doses. I have recently increased my ingested dose to 30/ml per day.

I have experienced many of the other general effects discussed here also, better skin condition, more alertness, better sleep, stronger nails, and increased libido.

I am now ingesting an average of about 20mg per day in addition to using C60-OO topically on my face. My goatee continues to get darker such that those close to me notice. I feel great... . :-)
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#616 ambivalent

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Posted 26 February 2015 - 11:50 PM

Well I must say my eyebrows are looking rather shipshape but alas, I suspect, nobody has been sufficiently close and personal enough to remark on them, that said, for some reason it is not de rigueur to compliment those particular facial features within my social group. Glad to see the epic-dosing advance parties are doing well, although with a rate of 220mg in 17 days there's perhaps less distance between myself and you guys than to the rest of the troops!

Edited by ambivalent, 26 February 2015 - 11:51 PM.

#617 sensei

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 01:47 AM

Well I must say my eyebrows are looking rather shipshape but alas, I suspect, nobody has been sufficiently close and personal enough to remark on them, that said, for some reason it is not de rigueur to compliment those particular facial features within my social group. Glad to see the epic-dosing advance parties are doing well, although with a rate of 220mg in 17 days there's perhaps less distance between myself and you guys than to the rest of the troops!


FYI -- there was a several month lag from dosing to effects -- at least for me.


I started dosing in April/May of 2014 -- and no effects were seen until August, dosing continued and major effects were noticed around December.


I posted somewhere in one of these threads the timeline and amount of my earlier dosing.


I fully intend to return to higher dosing ( e.g. at least 45 mg /day), however until I taper off my BZD, I am sticking with the 13.5 - 27 mg a day that has not produced any negative effects with respect to BZD withdrawal.

#618 ambivalent

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 02:30 AM


Well I must say my eyebrows are looking rather shipshape but alas, I suspect, nobody has been sufficiently close and personal enough to remark on them, that said, for some reason it is not de rigueur to compliment those particular facial features within my social group. Glad to see the epic-dosing advance parties are doing well, although with a rate of 220mg in 17 days there's perhaps less distance between myself and you guys than to the rest of the troops!


FYI -- there was a several month lag from dosing to effects -- at least for me.


I started dosing in April/May of 2014 -- and no effects were seen until August, dosing continued and major effects were noticed around December.


I posted somewhere in one of these threads the timeline and amount of my earlier dosing.


I fully intend to return to higher dosing ( e.g. at least 45 mg /day), however until I taper off my BZD, I am sticking with the 13.5 - 27 mg a day that has not produced any negative effects with respect to BZD withdrawal.



Thanks Sensei. I sense other possible improvements, but none I can attribute to a high level of confidence yet. I have another five bottles to go which I will probably consume over a slightly longer interval; then I will wait a couple of months. It should be interesting to see if delayed improvements occur while off c60 (which I take it you never were). I'll see if I can find your timeline.


I will probably write a summary of effects in two or three months time.  It is a bit remiss that the forum does not have a thread containing even the fairly condensed experiences of a couple of dozen c60 users making accounts easily accessible to prospective users dropping in on the forum - if there is no such thread when I write mine, I might start it.



#619 pone11

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 03:26 AM


Thanks Sensei. I sense other possible improvements, but none I can attribute to a high level of confidence yet. I have another five bottles to go which I will probably consume over a slightly longer interval; then I will wait a couple of months. It should be interesting to see if delayed improvements occur while off c60 (which I take it you never were). I'll see if I can find your timeline.


I will probably write a summary of effects in two or three months time.  It is a bit remiss that the forum does not have a thread containing even the fairly condensed experiences of a couple of dozen c60 users making accounts easily accessible to prospective users dropping in on the forum - if there is no such thread when I write mine, I might start it.



There should be a thread where users write up a full diary with timeline and dosing of their C60 experiences.   It's a shame to not have those case histories clearly documented.

#620 sensei

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 03:51 AM

 It should be interesting to see if delayed improvements occur while off c60 (which I take it you never were). I'll see if I can find your timeline.



Actually I would dose every day or every other day until my supply ran out then there would be a month or two in between -- then repeat.


However, since December except for a few weeks I have been dosing regularly albeit at a lower dose

#621 Hildegard

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 05:08 PM

I've been using the Engineering Innovations, LLC Carbon-60 for 13 days. After 7 days I did an assessment and here are the results showing approx percent of iimprovement leaving out issues not improved.  Dosage per day: Day one,  3 drops. Day two: 4 drops  Day three: 5 drops  Day four:  6 drops  Day five:  6 drops  Day six:  8 drops  Day seven:  7 drops


menopausal hormone symptons: 75%

agility: 60%

spasm in left shoulder blade of two weeks duration: 100%

freqent daily twitching in left eye of approx. 9 to 12 months duration:  95% improved after 3 days, 99% improved after 7 days

neck stiffness:  50%

balance:  50%

upper body strength: 40%

anti-social tendencies:  30%

memory:  30%

water retention:  50%

energy/motivation 70%

mental focus:  50%


Soon I will post a 14 day assessment.  All I can say is WOW. The Carbon-60 is most definitely having a profoundly positive effect. If we could put this stuff in the water supply there would be a revolution in two weeks time. LOL The general outcome is "I CAN DO MORE". My vibe is UP and I'm being more positive and production. FUN FUN FUN...... My biggest fear is that somehow I won't be able to get this stuff in the future and I will turn back into an old hag.  :D

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#622 sensei

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 08:21 PM


There should be a thread where users write up a full diary with timeline and dosing of their C60 experiences.   It's a shame to not have those case histories clearly documented.



I'm documenting now in excel with respect to taper, symptoms and dosage.


I am documenting dermarolling and topical application for hair regrowth in excel


After I am BZD free I will document my dosing in excel


The neat thing is that you can save excel as a jpg image and then upload -- someone in the rat study community has done it.


Maybe one of the mods might want to make a sticky that is only for journal entries. 

Edited by sensei, 27 February 2015 - 08:22 PM.

#623 pone11

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 09:24 PM



There should be a thread where users write up a full diary with timeline and dosing of their C60 experiences.   It's a shame to not have those case histories clearly documented.




Maybe one of the mods might want to make a sticky that is only for journal entries. 



That was my point.   Dedicate a thread to journal entries, and the first post of the thread establishes the rules about the minimum content each post must have.

I've been using the Engineering Innovations, LLC Carbon-60 for 13 days. After 7 days I did an assessment and here are the results showing approx percent of iimprovement leaving out issues not improved.  Dosage per day: Day one,  3 drops. Day two: 4 drops  Day three: 5 drops  Day four:  6 drops  Day five:  6 drops  Day six:  8 drops  Day seven:  7 drops



How many mg of C60 are in each drop?


Wouldn't it be better in this discussion for people to indicate dosing of C60 and not use volume-based measurements of the oil carrier?

#624 sensei

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 09:32 PM




There should be a thread where users write up a full diary with timeline and dosing of their C60 experiences.   It's a shame to not have those case histories clearly documented.




Maybe one of the mods might want to make a sticky that is only for journal entries. 



That was my point.   Dedicate a thread to journal entries, and the first post of the thread establishes the rules about the minimum content each post must have.

I've been using the Engineering Innovations, LLC Carbon-60 for 13 days. After 7 days I did an assessment and here are the results showing approx percent of iimprovement leaving out issues not improved.  Dosage per day: Day one,  3 drops. Day two: 4 drops  Day three: 5 drops  Day four:  6 drops  Day five:  6 drops  Day six:  8 drops  Day seven:  7 drops



How many mg of C60 are in each drop?


Wouldn't it be better in this discussion for people to indicate dosing of C60 and not use volume-based measurements of the oil carrier?




Yes, especially when we are talking about drops.  The measure "drop" actually specifically equals .05 ml.  Different droppers may actually provide a larger or smaller amount.


The above statement by Hildegard equals about 2 ml -- but the concentration is not mentioned. At most it would be 1.8 mg based on 2 ml and .909 milligrams per ml ( .909 mg per ml is saturation solubility of C60 in OO).

Edited by sensei, 27 February 2015 - 09:33 PM.

#625 Nuke

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 09:50 PM

The problem is we don't know what concentration is being used by the various manufacturers. Seeing that the guys from Engineering Innovations are using sunflower oil, obviously to cut costs, we have no idea if they even use 99.95% C60 and at what concentration. For those of use who make it ourselves it is easy. I know that mine is exactly 0.8mg/ml of 99.95% C60 (just received it yesterday, so its still mixing)


It does seem that sunflower oil also work to some degree though. Seeing that sunflower oil contains a lot more polyunsaturated fats, I don't know how it will change the saturation level. That is if it actually dissolves, if it reacts with the triglycerides it can form totally different compounds.

#626 pone11

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 11:26 PM

The problem is we don't know what concentration is being used by the various manufacturers. Seeing that the guys from Engineering Innovations are using sunflower oil, obviously to cut costs, we have no idea if they even use 99.95% C60 and at what concentration. For those of use who make it ourselves it is easy. I know that mine is exactly 0.8mg/ml of 99.95% C60 (just received it yesterday, so its still mixing)


It does seem that sunflower oil also work to some degree though. Seeing that sunflower oil contains a lot more polyunsaturated fats, I don't know how it will change the saturation level. That is if it actually dissolves, if it reacts with the triglycerides it can form totally different compounds.


I would say a manufacturer that does not expose their actual dose of the primary ingredient per serving size is incompetent.   That lack of disclosure alone would be sufficient to not use that vendor's products.  I mean, seriously, how can anyone dose a product that does not disclose dose per serving.  You could massively over or underdose yourself.

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#627 sensei

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Posted 28 February 2015 - 04:40 AM

The problem is we don't know what concentration is being used by the various manufacturers. 


99.9% vs 99.95% purity is less than 1mg/gram difference -- so concentration wise it is moot -- purity wise make your own choice


The following manufacturers do disclose


Vaughter  .9 mg/ml


http://carbon60oliveoil.com/.8 mg/ml


 I think ses research identifies concentration on their bottle -- if you call and ask i'm sure they will tell you


Vaughter and SES tell you what purity they use.


That said, I make mine now because it is so much cheaper.


For $460 and the cost of olive oil and Mason Jars -- I can make what would cost me $2500 ordering from the lowest cost supplier using 99.95%


For full disclosure I currently plan on using 99.9% in the future from ses because it is half the price of 99.95%

Edited by sensei, 28 February 2015 - 04:45 AM.

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#628 pone11

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Posted 28 February 2015 - 05:11 AM


The problem is we don't know what concentration is being used by the various manufacturers. 


99.9% vs 99.95% purity is less than 1mg/gram difference -- so concentration wise it is moot -- purity wise make your own choice


The following manufacturers do disclose


Vaughter  .9 mg/ml


http://carbon60oliveoil.com/.8 mg/ml


 I think ses research identifies concentration on their bottle -- if you call and ask i'm sure they will tell you


Vaughter and SES tell you what purity they use.


That said, I make mine now because it is so much cheaper.


For $460 and the cost of olive oil and Mason Jars -- I can make what would cost me $2500 ordering from the lowest cost supplier using 99.95%


For full disclosure I currently plan on using 99.9% in the future from ses because it is half the price of 99.95%



That's a valuable post and thank you for listing those vendors.


What matters in 99.9% purity is not how much C60 it contains.  What matters is what *impurities* exist in that.   Specifically, do they have a report of heavy metals like mercury, lead, and arsenic?


How much material - both volume of olive oil and grams of C60 - does that $460 batch represent?   How quickly would you go through that much?

Edited by pone11, 28 February 2015 - 05:13 AM.

#629 sensei

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Posted 28 February 2015 - 05:50 AM


That's a valuable post and thank you for listing those vendors.


What matters in 99.9% purity is not how much C60 it contains.  What matters is what *impurities* exist in that.   Specifically, do they have a report of heavy metals like mercury, lead, and arsenic?


How much material - both volume of olive oil and grams of C60 - does that $460 batch represent?   How quickly would you go through that much?



AFAIK -- based on comments from niner and research, the overwhelming contaminant is C70.


Due to the way C60 is produced -- there are no heavy metals to speak of 


Basically 99.9% C60 is pretty close to .1% C70 and a few other C60+ molecules ; 99.95% =.05% C70


But anyway, to put things into perspective, at 99.9% -- all the impurities total 1 mg per gram


At a dose of 20 mg C60 a day it would take 50 days to get 1mg of mercury if ALL of the impurities were mercury -- the same amount you get from eating about 3 pounds of tuna -- (8 cans)  or a couple big sushi or sashimi meals


As far as arsenic you should be more worried about rice -- some Texas rice has 1 microgram per gram -- now that equals 1 milligram per kilogram  (Rice Select Texmati - 917 ppb is close enough to 1 part per million or 1 microgram per gram)


http://www.consumerr...mber 2012_1.pdf


So the message is -- if you are worried about lead arsenic and mercury -- don't eat rice or seafood -- especially don't eat sushi LOL




5 grams of C60 will dissolve into approximately 5.55 or 6.25 Liters of Olive oil at .9 mg and .8 mg concentrations respectively


At 45 mg / 50 ml  it works out to 110 doses @ .9 mg /ml and    125 doses @ 40 mg / 50 ml


Approximately 220 -250 days at every other day dosing


It will last for a year at 15 ml a day dosage @ .9 concentration -- slightly longer at .8

  • Good Point x 1

#630 sensei

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Posted 11 March 2015 - 05:45 AM

My BZD taper should complete ~ March 17th.


I will wait for a 2 week washout period before resuming the 45mg daily or every other day dosing I had been doing before.


That will put the beginning of the excel log starting April 1, 2015.

  • Agree x 1

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