C60 Surprises - Anecdotes Of Unique Health Benefits
Posted 17 May 2014 - 01:04 AM
Posted 18 May 2014 - 12:02 AM
No luck- still have tinnitus after 5 liters of C60 EVOO.
Look carefully at what you are taking. I got tinnitus last year and discovered Aleve was causing it. After cutting that out altogether it slowly dissipated, and is now about 90% gone.
Posted 19 May 2014 - 07:08 AM
No luck- still have tinnitus after 5 liters of C60 EVOO.
Oops. I'm a terrible experimentalist. I also started high potency CBD drops at the same time. Maybe they're responsible.
Posted 19 May 2014 - 08:03 PM
A few weeks ago I cam down on a rock while playing in my flag football league. I thought that I had hurt my shoulder and was babying it, but I was still working the rest of my body in the gym. I ended up damaging my bicep tendon, rather than my shoulder as I had originally thought. A couple of weeks after the initialy injury, the stress on the tendon in the gym caused it to snap, rupturing the long head bicep tendon compeletely. I was in surgery 10 days ago to have the remaining tendon piece removed from my shoulder and the bulk of the tendon reattached via bicep tenodesis, which reattaches it to the upper part of the humerous. I had next to no swelling in my arm from the tendon rupture and far less brusing than in any picture I saw. In addition, I was off pain meds compeletely 3 days after surgery and my follow up today, 10 days after surgery, my surgeon was astonished at how little swelling I had and how much range of motion I already had in my arm.
C60 ? Who the hell knows. It sure didn't make the situation worse.
Posted 19 May 2014 - 10:04 PM
the c60 made the tinnitus worse but I had a TBI and it saved me from the worst effects of that
Posted 19 May 2014 - 10:15 PM
the c60 made the tinnitus worse but I had a TBI and it saved me from the worst effects of that
A TBI? Is this related to the Alzheimers and the viral brain infection that you've claimed in other threads?
Posted 22 May 2014 - 01:21 AM
No luck- still have tinnitus after 5 liters of C60 EVOO.
Look carefully at what you are taking. I got tinnitus last year and discovered Aleve was causing it. After cutting that out altogether it slowly dissipated, and is now about 90% gone.
I was only taking low dose aspirin, just for putative benefits, and stopped it after I read your suggestion, several days ago. But, so far, no abatement in tinnitus.
Posted 23 May 2014 - 07:26 PM
Posted 23 May 2014 - 08:08 PM
No luck- still have tinnitus after 5 liters of C60 EVOO.
Look carefully at what you are taking. I got tinnitus last year and discovered Aleve was causing it. After cutting that out altogether it slowly dissipated, and is now about 90% gone.
I was only taking low dose aspirin, just for putative benefits, and stopped it after I read your suggestion, several days ago. But, so far, no abatement in tinnitus.
That's all you were taking? Aspirin?
Posted 09 June 2014 - 02:36 PM
I can't count the number of donations I have done in the almost 2 years of using C60/EVOO on a daily basis and in spite of the many mostly positive effects I have experienced, neither I nor the phlebotomist have noticed anything unusual in the appearance of the blood. I should note, however, that after all these years (I'm soon 57), it was only about a year ago, that my blood was tested as a match for baby donations which puts me in an elite group of less than 10% of donations. Besides having the necessary "universal" type O-, the blood has to be free of antibodies that almost everybody has been exposed to and carries which can be a health threat to a babies undeveloped immune system. Whether I have been lucky enough to have actually made it through 57 years without being exposed to virus's that 90+% of the population has been exposed to and carries the antibodies for...or something has "cleared" those antibodies from my blood, I don't know. I can say that I haven't been sick with so much as a sniffle in maybe 10 years in spite of being exposed to many sick people on a regular basis.
I'm O+ and also CMV-
I'm notice no change in color and no one has commented at blood donations. I take 1.5mg/day.
Posted 09 June 2014 - 06:01 PM
I'm notice no change in color and no one has commented at blood donations. I take 1.5mg/day.
I doubt that blood type has anything to do with the effect. More likely it is the dosage. I took about 10 mg the day before the donation. If I had taken 1.5 mg, I doubt if it there would have been any difference. But for what it's worth, I'm A-.
Posted 09 June 2014 - 06:05 PM
I was thinking back on the discussion about the possibility that C60 could help oxygenate the blood. There are oximeters available for purchase that attach to the end of your finger (no needles involved) that are inexpensive. Amazon carries one for just over $17: http://amzn.to/S0M498.
I have an oximeter and find that there are too many other variables involved for this to work. All I have to do it take a deep breath and my blood oxygen level climbs quite a bit. My guess is that unless you have a lung condition, the pulse oximeter is not going to pick up a noticeable difference in oxygenation levels after taking C60.
Posted 09 June 2014 - 07:15 PM
I have an oximeter and find that there are too many other variables involved for this to work.
After digging a bit more into it, I'm inclined to agree. Oxygen saturation seems to be actively regulated to a fairly narrow zone.
Posted 09 June 2014 - 09:31 PM
I'm notice no change in color and no one has commented at blood donations. I take 1.5mg/day.
I doubt that blood type has anything to do with the effect. More likely it is the dosage. I took about 10 mg the day before the donation. If I had taken 1.5 mg, I doubt if it there would have been any difference. But for what it's worth, I'm A-.
Well yeah same here on the 'likely the amount'.... that's why I made sure to state the amount. The blood type and CMV status was with keeping with Hebbeh's post.
Posted 15 June 2014 - 09:02 PM
Wow this thread went off topic fast. Perhaps C60 increases one's endurance for argumentation. Or maybe that's just being online.
I am noticing a dramatic reduction in tinnitus (which I have had pretty much continuously for 5 months now, first the right ear, then the left. Think it was some kind of hypoxic / excitotoxic event since I felt almost a pop in my head with lightheadedness, dizziness, and confusion when it started, and I don't abuse my hearing very much). Anyone else?
That sounds like you might have had an attack of Meniere's Disease.
Posted 16 June 2014 - 10:26 AM
That sounds like you might have had an attack of Meniere's Disease.
Did have a virus at the time... Don't really have vertigo, though.
Posted 17 June 2014 - 12:43 AM
Tintin and others suffering from Meniere's Disease or incessant ringing in the ears: you should look into treatment at the Shea Ear Clinic in Memphis,
Tennessee. I have experienced total relief of symptoms, as has my cousin (a surgeon who referred me) and another colleague. The length of remission lasts from 6 months to permanent abatement. I have no financial incentive here, only that as a medical professional, I see no reason for
anyone to suffer needlessly when there is effective treatment available for your condition. PM me if you want more information....
Edited by Questor, 17 June 2014 - 12:53 AM.
Posted 17 June 2014 - 01:18 AM
Getting back to the subject of C60 anecdotes, I have experienced almost complete relief of the excruciating pain in my left knee (I'm a candidate for a total knee replacement). There is still a bit of crepitus when I move my knee, but
no pain. I don't doubt the is some antioxidant effect at work here, but could C60 have an effect on the Arachidonc
Cascade and production of imflammatory prostaglandins? I would appreciate it if Turnbuckle and niner would weight in here. I have been taking C60 from SV for almost 2 weeks now and have alternated between the regimens advocated by Turnbuckle and niner. The results have exceeded my expectations. Now I needn't destroy my heart with COX2
inhibitors or NSAIDS which were some of the other alternatives offered me.
Thanks for all the helpful posts and possible mechanisms of actions that have been offered on this website. I am
extremely leery about ingesting uproven nutraceuticals and the like. Again, this forum has proven most informative and helpful!
Edited by Questor, 17 June 2014 - 01:22 AM.
Posted 18 June 2014 - 10:27 PM
Not reported in for a long time - about 2 years ago, after finding that my endurance in the gym increased dramatically, I changed my exercise regime to very high repetitions - with high weights. I experienced no pain, and was reallyhaving a wonderful time in the gym throwing weights around. This high rep-high mass regime lead to a severe case of sudden onset tendonitis, which took almost 18 months to calm down. I am now back at the gym - I have been back for 2 months now - and the affected tendon seems to be fine.
This discussion on oxygenation of the blood is interesting - it may be one of the mechanisms that explains some of the effects we see with C60OO dosing, although I am of the opinion that the proposed mitochondrial effects are the primary candidate.
Interestingly, over the 18 months, while doing no working out, I lost very little muscle mass.
I restarted gym and have rapidly returned to previous strength levels. I am gaining mass. I am lifting higher weights, and doing lower reps in each set - no more than 10 reps per set. I don't get pain while working out, I just reach a point where I simply can't lift the weight for love or money.......and I have almost no post-gym pain - despite over 18 months of going no-where near a gym. This effect I put down to C60OO.
I am still taking approx 1mL of fullerene OO daily - I am still using my initial homemade batch, which has not run out yet. I don't measure the dose precisely, and I vary it slightly from day to day.
I find that on days I miss my dose, my endurance when cycling flags somewhat - I particularly notice this on the uphill cycle climb on the way to work. I am now 48 years old, 49 in August. Prior to starting fullerene OO, I used to really struggle with my cycling, despite being fit, it was getting harder and harder each passing year. I am now almost never get that 'muscle burn' feeling when cycling.
Posted 18 June 2014 - 11:18 PM
Thank you for posting the update. I have three questions.
Did you continue to take 1ml of C60 daily during your 18 month gym hiatus?
Were you doing any resistance training during the 18 months (body-weight exercises etc…)?
With your ‘homebrew’ is 1 ml equal to ~0.8 mg of C60? Yielding ~24 mg of C60 monthly.
Edited by APBT, 19 June 2014 - 12:15 AM.
Posted 19 June 2014 - 10:16 AM
To answer:
I continued to take C60OO throughout the period I was away from the gym, at the same daily dose.
I did no resistance training at all over the 18 month break - not even pressups at home.
My homemade batch has has been stored in the dark at room temperature.
I bought the fullerene powder from SESRES. My fullerene arrived on 24/4/2012 ( 5g @ 99.5% from SES). I dissolved this to make a solution of 0.8mg/mL for three weeks before first using it.
Other effect noted:
In my personal log, I noted that upon closing my eyes to fall asleep, I now get vivid images appearing - this never happened before taking the fullerenes. This started within a couple of weeks of first taking fullerenes, and the effect has persisted.
Sometimes this imagery is really high-definition, movie-like. Other times it is just flashes - like a waking dream. I cannot control what I see. It is quite pleasant, and I look forward to this little 'surprise' now when I go to sleep.
My eyes' ability to focus on near objects has deteriorated, but this could just be ageing. I am now 48 and 10 months old. I was getting headaches, and started wearing my glasses, (which I had stopped wearing, as my shortsightedness has lessened. I have been shortsighted since my teens.) The headaches went away now that I regularly wear my spectacles.
However, I now need reading glasses, and cannot focus on small objects or text without them. I noted someone else on a forum here comment that C60 appeared to be connected to a focus issue.
Posted 20 June 2014 - 03:48 AM
More serendipity - I put a nail about halfway through my hand last weekend, and when I pulled it out I noticed that the blood was quite red, like it was when I had donated blood (I have been continuing to use about 10 mg of C60 every few days). It made me think, maybe we don't need to donate blood to see what color it is. Maybe just a drop would suffice, like what is used when testing blood glucose. I'm not suggesting that we poke ourselves for no reason, but if we're checking blood glucose levels anyway, why not carefully look at the color while we're at it?
I know someone will argue that putting a nail through your hand can't be serendipitous, but I am up on my tetanus boosters and it is already almost healed up.
I have noticed that my stiff knee has improved since upping my dose of C60. Used to be that it took a while to loosen up in the morning and I would limp around for a bit. Suddenly I realized that I don't do that anymore. Also it seems that my blood pressure is always in a good range now. In fact it is rarely over 115/65. I used to have days when it was higher than I would have liked. Blood pressure depends on many things so it's hard to know for sure - but I can't think of anything else I'm doing differently lately.
Posted 21 June 2014 - 03:31 AM
... Maybe just a drop would suffice, like what is used when testing blood glucose. I'm not suggesting that we poke ourselves for no reason, but if we're checking blood glucose levels anyway, why not carefully look at the color while we're at it?
Good idea and IMHO everyone should check their BG... at least occasionally. With cheap ReliOn meters and $10/50 strips from Walmart why not? I'm not a fan of the bulky strips but I've compared them to Accu-Chek and Contour with very similar results (FDA allows 20% variance anyway the main thing is consistency) I check not only FBG but postprandial to see if any of my meals every get me over 140mg/dL at any time (which I strive to never exceed). When I'm checking a new meal I check every 30 minutes until 2hrs after. But then I'm a little obsessed with keeping my BG down in the double digits (if I could get a CGM I would).
And on that mark, I will state that my FBG seem to have started creeping up. Last A1C was still 4.8 and my postprandial numbers aren't changing, but no matter what the FBG number is, nothing moves it down and it keeps rising over time during the day (not Metformin, lots of water, walking, ALA, or any of the vast supplements I have here that purport to lowering BG)... Until I eat a meal. Sort of what I've read someone with MODY 2 would experience. Once I eat all is well the rest of the day. So my IF from the night before to past midday is ending as I don't like the numbers staying up. Not sure how C60oo fits in to this at all, but getting back on it consistently is one of the more recent changes.
I continue to have none to little soreness from the gym.
Posted 21 June 2014 - 05:38 AM
... Maybe just a drop would suffice, like what is used when testing blood glucose. I'm not suggesting that we poke ourselves for no reason, but if we're checking blood glucose levels anyway, why not carefully look at the color while we're at it?
Good idea and IMHO everyone should check their BG... at least occasionally. With cheap ReliOn meters and $10/50 strips from Walmart why not? I'm not a fan of the bulky strips but I've compared them to Accu-Chek and Contour with very similar results (FDA allows 20% variance anyway the main thing is consistency) I check not only FBG but postprandial to see if any of my meals every get me over 140mg/dL at any time (which I strive to never exceed). When I'm checking a new meal I check every 30 minutes until 2hrs after. But then I'm a little obsessed with keeping my BG down in the double digits (if I could get a CGM I would).
And on that mark, I will state that my FBG seem to have started creeping up. Last A1C was still 4.8 and my postprandial numbers aren't changing, but no matter what the FBG number is, nothing moves it down and it keeps rising over time during the day (not Metformin, lots of water, walking, ALA, or any of the vast supplements I have here that purport to lowering BG)... Until I eat a meal. Sort of what I've read someone with MODY 2 would experience. Once I eat all is well the rest of the day. So my IF from the night before to past midday is ending as I don't like the numbers staying up. Not sure how C60oo fits in to this at all, but getting back on it consistently is one of the more recent changes.
I continue to have none to little soreness from the gym.
I learned from your post, but the question I have is what carb content do your meals have if your glucose is elevated.
Specifically, data strongly supports the contention that eating grains and starches, of any kind, can elevate blood glucose tremendously.
What is it that you are eating that is turning into glucose?
Green vegetables, which have high nutrient density scores, generally meaning low (esp carbohydrate) calorie content while containing fiber and nutrients don't cause large or sustained elevation of BG, while grains, starches and sugars do.
To avoid the aging trend of advancing A1c and BG, consumption of low carb natural foods, healthy fats and animal proteins from animals that are raised on the foods that they are genetically-geared to eat is paramount. (No grain-fed beef, for instance. Only fully pasture-raised, grass-fed beef.)
Are humans genetically geared to be healthy eating any significant quantity of grains, sugars or starches? That doesn't seem likely.
We can take C60oo and all the other anti-aging molecules that are available, but if we consume foods that predict the degenerative diseases of aging, we will age, even if it is slowed by taking such molecules.
Edited by mikey, 21 June 2014 - 05:41 AM.
Posted 21 June 2014 - 06:10 AM
Preaching to the choir as the saying goes. Nothing has changed with my diet and I eat low carb. Like I said no issues except for FBG (and this is beyond the dawn effect as nothing but a meal brings it back down into double digits)... after a meal it works outs. I'm not talking about way high here... but I freak if it goes over 100 for FBG. All through the rest of the day it's 80-90s. For instance my last full meal's 1hr postprandial was 96. At 2hr it was down to 87. But I bet in the morning I'll be at somewhere between 99-108 (it used to always be 90-100). And I initially blamed this on the dawn effect but then I noticed nothing would bring it down but a meal.
Anyway I don't think its related to C60oo... I got off on a tangent when it was mentioned about pricking a finger to see the color of blood. Back to C60oo... I'll figure this other mystery out.
Edit: added some info and adjusted some numbers after looking at my log instead of going by memory
Edited by gwgaston, 21 June 2014 - 06:32 AM.
Posted 01 July 2014 - 05:12 AM
Well again off topic, but I found what appears to be my FBG rise issue and no its not C60 but Physiological Insulin Resistance... hopefully and not Pathological Insulin Resistance.
I say the latter due to the description below completely matching my experience. I haven't did a near all day fast with measurements again but I am seeing better numbers with keeping my total carbs under 100g, higher fat, and lower protein. But my fasting numbers are back sub 100 again.
Many type two diabetics develop a vicious [Dawn Phenomenon] on [Low Carb] eating and, if they continue to fast through the morning, their blood glucose will just keep going up and up. Eating CARBS stops this, presumably the carbs get insulin high enough to get ahead of the effects of FFAs on muscle, while the extra insulin can shut down hormone sensitive lipase and so drop FFA production... This is physiological insulin resistance taken to pathological extremes.
I'm going to start a new topic on this as to not derail this one any further.
Posted 08 July 2014 - 03:23 AM
So far, what i've noticed most since starting c60-oo is a reduction in allergies.
Usually I have pretty severe pollen allergies, sneezing 10-20 times on a rough day. Irritated, scratchy inner throat is also common for me, and it gets especially bad when visiting relatives out of state, in MS. However, I just returned from such a trip with pretty much no allergy symptoms at all, which definitely seems to be an improvement for me.
Albeit, I haven't been there in a few years and my reduction of allergies could be a result of a couple years of supplementation/epigenetic changes, I think it is more likely the result of my C60 supplementation.
Posted 08 August 2014 - 07:54 PM
So far, what i've noticed most since starting c60-oo is a reduction in allergies.
You're not the only one. Other fullerene analogs have been shown to cause a Th2 to Th1 shift, which moves your immune system away from allergy and atopy. To me, this is one of the more important effects of c60oo. I don't have rhinitis, but I have eczema and an atypical (non-reactive) asthma. C60oo eliminates all of my eczema symptoms and significantly improves my small airway function according to spirometry. All this is consistent with less Th2 bias.
Posted 15 August 2014 - 02:39 PM
I do 30 minutes of Stairmaster a couple of times a week at the gym, while wearing a heart rate monitor. I vary the speed to keep my heart rate between about 135 and 142.
I've taken about 20ml of C60OO in the last 2 months (a low dose I know).
But during that time my performance has actually gotten quite a bit worse. I was exercising at a level setting of 6 or 7 previously, but now I have to go between 2 and 4 in order to keep the same heart rate.
Has anyone else seen an objectively measured decline in performance while using C60OO?
I don't know if my decreased performance is related to the C60, but I'm considering discontinuing based on this.
Posted 15 August 2014 - 11:00 PM
No luck- still have tinnitus after 5 liters of C60 EVOO.
Turnbuckle says there may be a synergy between CG and C60oo as he experienced increased strength on top of increased endurance from C60oo in the gym.
That would be a plus if CG does help with tinnitus.
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