Hi everyone. Two or three times a year since 2012 I've come by to lurk on these C60 threads to see what was new, and this evening finally decided to join in and contribute my anecdotal report on the results of ingesting Vaughter's C60oo since the early days when it first started being sold (which I think was late 2012?).
Here are my most notable results, which have remained steady throughout the 4.5 years of consistent daily consumption:
No more respiratory viral illnesses. I haven't had a cold or flu since the day I started taking it! That's not particularly surprising to me, since I read early on about studies using C60 (albeit not in olive oil) demonstrating that it halted the replication of both the flu virus and HIV virus, in vitro. The first couple of years I thought it might just be a very lucky coincidence that I wasn't getting colds anymore, but after this many years it seems highly unlikely that it can be chalked up to coincidence anymore. My norm for decades was 1 or 2 colds a year, sometimes pretty bad colds & coughs that lasted 2 or 3 weeks in winter, and I stopped getting sick after I started taking the C60oo. One thing I do the moment I feel a tickle or fullness on my tonsils that potentially signals a cold may be trying to take root is I take an extra dose or two of C60oo right on my tonsils that day and the next day. The cold never actually materializes or progresses. Even when I'm sleep deprived, and run down, I'm not getting sick with colds anymore. The only biological agent based illness I've had at all in the past 5 years is one instance of a few hours of gut pain/upset from undercooked chicken (most likely bacterial in origin), and maybe two or three instances of the aforementioned temporary fullness in my tonsils that never turned into a cold or flu. I also haven't needed to take a single day off work due to illness since 2012. Has anyone else had this remarkable result of not getting sick with viruses anymore?
Less need for sleep is the next notable result. Even if I'm pretty run down from workload and responsibilities for long periods of time, I can easily get by on 5.5 hours a night, and remain quite productive and illness free. Being so productive with good energy levels has even enabled me to handle taking university courses on top of my full time job over the past several years, plus 18 hours a week riding and training my horses on top of that. Before then, that level of sustained output would have been impossible for me to maintain, even though I've always been a healthy and reasonably active but low energy person with an odd tendency to nearly fall asleep at the wheel sometimes even in broad daylight when well rested. Anyhow, this ability to be productive on relatively low levels of sleep was (and still is) noticeable. I can't get by on a really extreme schedule like 3 or 4 hours of sleep, but my resistance to the effects of sleep deprivation is noticeably improved. That said, I do try to aim for 7 hours of sleep a night, but that rarely happens (I'm posting this at 1:50 am, heh).
I've taken good care of my health over the past 20 years, with appropriate levels of exercise and good nutrition (no red meat, but omnivore), a steady BMI and weight since age 16, been wearing sunscreen since a kid, take quite a few daily supplements (mostly Life Extension brand) and I particularly enjoy munching on raw kale, sipping green powder drinks, and nibbling on dark chocolate.
According to 23andme.com, the volume of my weekly dark chocolate & raw cacao consumption is in the upper 1%.
I'm particularly curious if anyone else has noticed the lack of viral illnesses since taking C60oo.
Edit: I see resveratrol_guy further up this page has reported the same thing about fending off colds with C60oo! Very interesting.
Edited by Pragmatica, 31 March 2017 - 06:09 AM.