Day 6
Pretty much same old same old for day 5. Day 6 was a huge turning point for my wife.
My thirst has stabilized back to my normal 80-100 ounces. I am assuming that since C60 is a major antioxidant, I had a lot of free radicals to flush and that is why my body was so thirsty for several days.
I am still feeling great! Confidence, focus, patience are all at an all time high. The feeling is not as extraordinary all the time (I felt like cloud 9, halo, or eyes wide open) because it has become more of the new normal, but I can still tell the difference when I go into those situations.
I will continue with 5ml, I honestly don't know if I want to cycle it, I don't want to go back to the person I was... we will see. Cycling may be better in the long run.
My wife was feeling okay on day 4 and day 5, but today on day 6 it was completely different for her. Energy SHOT through the roof, feeling of well being, and overwhelming joy. She was in the hospital for 6 days 6 weeks ago and has not felt good since. This is the first time in 6 weeks she feels great. Going to the 15ml a day dose was the right thing for her. We will continue that dose for at least 6 more days until we go to maintenance dose.