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C60 Surprises - Anecdotes Of Unique Health Benefits

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#961 platypus

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Posted 31 March 2017 - 08:14 AM

Going to start a little study of C60 soon, my point is to use some more medically specific tools to determine the effects. I might as well list them here so that people can benefit from my experience.


        What amount do you think I need to take to see an effect? What do you think the side effects of this may be?

You should consider intermittent dosing as well. Some people here argue that once a week would be better for your mitochondria, but it's conjecture at this point. 

#962 eighthman

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Posted 31 March 2017 - 01:54 PM

Funny how this subject of viruses and URI's comes up with reference to C 60.  I have been puzzled by a big change in my health that I can't explain.  I have been tormented by getting colds that typically last for 1 1/2 - 2 months.  They drain my energy and drag on indefinitely.   They stopped completely after I changed my diet (to low carb) and started taking magnesium citrate and vitamin C before bed.   Since this is also involves the approximate time period I've been dosing with c60, I can't say what did this but I extremely thankful about it. Big Time Improvement in the quality of my life.

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#963 Cyberguy

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Posted 10 April 2017 - 02:45 AM

So after 5 weeks of taking C60 at .67 mg/ml 20ml per day,


         My weight is the same, 169.87 Kg  My body fat is 16.6% down .2 from last month. Muscle gained, 2 Kg from last month, that's not significant it changes +-5 Kg seasonally.


         I'm sleeping better, but it's also not significant. Strength is up about 10%. No noticeable increase in endurance.  The only other thing I noticed was some rogue eyebrows that have


         grown out of proportion to my others, on both brows very long hairs.  Other than that no noticeable changes.  

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#964 ceridwen

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Posted 10 April 2017 - 02:48 PM

The brow thing sounds familiar I think I had that when I was on C60 too
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#965 katzenjammer

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Posted 10 April 2017 - 02:56 PM

This was the best supplement - hands down - I've ever taken.  Such a great range of good to fantastic effects.  


However, I won't take it anymore because of the concerns of toxicity.  :(  


I hope there's some way we can safely take this stuff in the future.   

#966 gestur1976

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Posted 17 May 2017 - 01:01 PM

Greetings to all.


I've been taking VW C60oo for about 2 and a half months.


My dosage is an entire eyedrop once a week. Sometimes twice, but most of the time once.


I've noticed my skin is a lot better. It looks like I'm 20 (I'm 40). Some scars have faded a lot. They are still visible but only about a 25% from what they were.

But the most dramatic change is in my hair. I had a lot of grey hairs. Globally my hair looked about 40-50% gray. Now I would say a 25% and I still see it darkening near the root, and some hair is recovering my dark brown color and brightness I had when I was a teen. I've also noticed new hair growing and feels different at touch (softer)


I've attached two photos of the same day before and after a haircut. They were taken at the same place with the same light. I know the exposure was a little different as you can see in my bright forehead, but if you see the first photo you'll notice my hair is darker near the root. At the second photo my hair looks a lot darker.






These photos were taken April the 20th. This week I'll probably have a haircut again. I will post photos too.

Edited by gestur1976, 17 May 2017 - 01:03 PM.

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#967 Huckfinn

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Posted 17 May 2017 - 01:06 PM


#968 gestur1976

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Posted 17 May 2017 - 01:24 PM

I forgot to mention I'm doing niacin/C60 cycles like Turnbuckle's protocol. I'm taking 3-4gr niacin daily (I'm a severe overmethylator) and when I plan to take C60 I stop taking it for 24 hours, then I take the C60 and I don't take again niacin after 36-48h (if I do it I get a bad reaction).


I'm also taking this every day for my overmethylation/pyroluria and ehler danlos type III syndrome (I was taking this before I started C60, so definitely C60 made the difference, but some of these may be synergic):


  • 1,5gr NAC
  • 1gr MSM
  • 1gr N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine
  • 200mg Rhodiola Rosea
  • 2gr Ashwagandha
  • 1gr Taurine
  • 1gr Magnesium
  • BulkPowders multi-vitamin.
  • 800mcg folinic acid
  • 200mcg B12 (cyanocobalamin)
  • 75mg Zinc (as picolinate)
  • 50mg B6
  • 500mg Glucosamine sulphate
  • 1gr Bacopa Monnieri/Gotu Kola mix
  • 500 Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • 4gr Omega 3
  • 1,4gr Evening Primrose Oil

Edited by gestur1976, 17 May 2017 - 01:25 PM.

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#969 aribadabar

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Posted 17 May 2017 - 03:14 PM

<p>I forgot to mention I'm doing niacin/C60 cycles like Turnbuckle's protocol. I'm taking 3-4gr niacin daily (I'm a severe overmethylator) and when I plan to take C60 I stop taking it for 24 hours, then I take the C60 and I don't take again niacin after 36-48h (if I do it I get a bad reaction).I'm also taking this every day for my overmethylation/pyroluria and ehler danlos type III syndrome (I was taking this before I started C60, so definitely C60 made the difference, but some of these may be synergic):

  • 1,5gr NAC
  • 1gr MSM
  • 1gr N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine
  • 200mg Rhodiola Rosea
  • 2gr Ashwagandha
  • 1gr Taurine
  • 1gr Magnesium
  • BulkPowders multi-vitamin.
  • 800mcg folinic acid
  • 200mcg B12 (cyanocobalamin)
  • 75mg Zinc (as picolinate)
  • 50mg B6
  • 500mg Glucosamine sulphate
  • 1gr Bacopa Monnieri/Gotu Kola mix
  • 500 Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • 4gr Omega 3
  • 1,4gr Evening Primrose Oil

Why taking methyl donors when you are an overmethylator?
You seem to pour gas on the methylation fire and then trying to put it out with niacin?

If I were you I would drop the folinic acid if your diet contains any dark leafy greens.

I am in the opposite situation and being a undermethylator I have to be careful with niacin intake not to seize the cycle going.

Edited by aribadabar, 17 May 2017 - 04:00 PM.

#970 gestur1976

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Posted 17 May 2017 - 03:50 PM

Why taking methyl donors when you are an overmethylator?

You seem to pour gas on the methylation fire and then trying to put it out with niacin?

If I were you I would drop the folinic acid if your diet contains any dark leafy greens.

I am in the opposite situation and being a undermethylator I have to be careful with niacin intake not to seize the cycle going.



I'm not taking L-methylfolate nor methylcobalamin, I'm taking the non methylated forms so I'm not taking methyl donors.


I'm taking folate  because, according Dr Walsh investigations, folate promotes neurotransmitters reuptake:





Advances in epigenetic science have revealed the powerful impact of nutrients on gene expression, and enabled improved treatments for mental disorders.  For example we now understand that methionine and SAMe act as serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and folates and niacinamide depress neurotransmission at dopamine receptors.  For the first time we are able to adjust gene expression of enzymes that may be a improper levels.


I've tested many things and I've found folinic acid and niacin very powerful at lowering my neurotransmitters excess, specially dopamine (I've got ADHD and Tourette and my tics almost disappear and I'm able to focus better). I don't know if this counter effects niacin a bit regarding methylation, but I take it because of the epigenetic effect.

#971 ambivalent

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Posted 30 May 2017 - 12:42 PM

Very impressive effects gestur - do you have an update? What is certain though is that your response is defintiely an outlier in terms of effect and dosage. So in which other ways are you an outlier which might synergise with c60 to generate such an effect?


It is interesting you mention nicotinic acid as I recall P&P making the seeming ambitious claim that it has a strong de-greying effect, I also found an anecdote suggesting Abram Hoffer claimed it worked wonders on greying, however, I found no direct quote. Of course, as others pointed out, it would seem very unlikely, given wide spread usage, that NA would have slipped through the net as an effective treatment for grey hair. Interestingly too, Turnbuckle is a keen NA user and has probably had significant, wide ranging effects with C60oo (though not de-greying afaik).  And of course you mentioned being an overmethylator outlier. In addition of course, at your age grey is more easily reversed.


Does anyone have any thoughts on why gestur might have experienced such exceptional results?


#972 ROBST3R

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Posted 05 June 2017 - 09:10 PM

Very impressive effects gestur - do you have an update? What is certain though is that your response is defintiely an outlier in terms of effect and dosage. So in which other ways are you an outlier which might synergise with c60 to generate such an effect?


It is interesting you mention nicotinic acid as I recall P&P making the seeming ambitious claim that it has a strong de-greying effect, I also found an anecdote suggesting Abram Hoffer claimed it worked wonders on greying, however, I found no direct quote. Of course, as others pointed out, it would seem very unlikely, given wide spread usage, that NA would have slipped through the net as an effective treatment for grey hair. Interestingly too, Turnbuckle is a keen NA user and has probably had significant, wide ranging effects with C60oo (though not de-greying afaik).  And of course you mentioned being an overmethylator outlier. In addition of course, at your age grey is more easily reversed.


Does anyone have any thoughts on why gestur might have experienced such exceptional results?




Ashame that nobody ever answered this and more ashame that Gestur never game back.......

Hope he`s still fine.

#973 lost69

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Posted 06 June 2017 - 12:36 AM

my guess is...just his age

#974 aribadabar

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Posted 06 June 2017 - 01:11 AM

Greetings to all.


I've been taking VW C60oo for about 2 and a half months.


My dosage is an entire eyedrop once a week. Sometimes twice, but most of the time once.


I've noticed my skin is a lot better. It looks like I'm 20 (I'm 40). Some scars have faded a lot. They are still visible but only about a 25% from what they were.

But the most dramatic change is in my hair. I had a lot of grey hairs. Globally my hair looked about 40-50% gray. Now I would say a 25% and I still see it darkening near the root, and some hair is recovering my dark brown color and brightness I had when I was a teen. I've also noticed new hair growing and feels different at touch (softer)


I've attached two photos of the same day before and after a haircut. They were taken at the same place with the same light. I know the exposure was a little different as you can see in my bright forehead, but if you see the first photo you'll notice my hair is darker near the root. At the second photo my hair looks a lot darker.






These photos were taken April the 20th. This week I'll probably have a haircut again. I will post photos too.


You mean an entire dropperful, right?


Also, folks, I am also greying prematurely and when I have a haircut like this , the change in hair colour look is similar (the longer the hair , the more prominent the grey hairs are) and am younger than gestur so do not draw too big of a conclusion from these two photos about the de-greying effect - C60 did not help me much in that regard, if at all.

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#975 Adamzski

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Posted 20 June 2017 - 02:25 PM

If this stuff could turn grey hair back to its colour then it would be reported all over the place and would be a fairly consistent effect, be dose dependent etc. The 1ml per week should have much less of an effect than some people who have taken a cup full per day with no degreying no anti hairloss effects.


I did have a few mega eyebrow hairs as Cyberguy reported, very out of the ordinary. 

#976 Kimer Med

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Posted 01 September 2017 - 02:18 PM


Maybe C60oo indeed uncouples phosphorrilation to generate heat.
And then the body reduces thyroid function to compensate for increased heat.
Might this explain the lower heart rate and the cold hands experienced by some users?



No. Cold hands would fit with the hypothesis that C60 reduces decoupling, thus producing more ATP and less heat. And less oxygen would be burned, reducing the heart rate. 



Reduced oxygen utilization could also explain the bright red venous blood that a few people have seen -- it's not increased oxygenation; it's decreased oxygen transfer in capillaries, due to decreased utilization / consumption.

#977 coinperson

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Posted 11 December 2017 - 02:17 AM

So, day 2 of taking C60oo.  From carbon60oliveoil.com.  Will be doing 5ml per day for 1 week then 10ml weekly.


About me:  mid 30's, very diet conscious (close to KETO, low carb, and lots of veggies, no dairy, 80-100 ounces average water per day) for the past 10 years because of wife's health problems (problems have almost all but disappeared).  1-2 miles per day of exercise on weekdays; 10-15 miles per day on weekends.  Last flu in 2008.  Last soda in 1991.  Never any caffeine except in occasional raw chocolate.  Last Needed to make some tweaks recently due to some of the wife's new health problems (nothing we are not going to fix).


Other Supplements:

  • Daily multi-vitiman
  • 600mg fish oil


First observations:

  • My stomach growls for 10 minutes after taking it
  • a slight pain behind my eyes 20 minutes after taking and lasts for 10 minutes
  • Fantastic Focus, mind clarity, and mind sharpness.  No energy boost, just able to keep on task like never before.  Honestly, I am a very task and goal oriented guy but this is next level.  I don't fixate on tasks, I just go and do them.  It could be placebo cause I want it to do something, but honestly I have never in my life felt this way.  I can just "SEE" everything; it just clicks better in my brain. I was even tired today because of lack of sleep due to a late social function last night, and I could feel the tiredness, but my brain was super sharp anyway.
  • I urinate 3 times more than before taking it, but it seems to be getting better
  • dunno if it is related, but I have slight (very slight) lower back pain and pain in my shoulder blades

Looking forward to seeing what the next couple of months will hold!

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#978 sensei

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Posted 11 December 2017 - 03:15 PM

If this stuff could turn grey hair back to its colour then it would be reported all over the place and would be a fairly consistent effect, be dose dependent etc. The 1ml per week should have much less of an effect than some people who have taken a cup full per day with no degreying no anti hairloss effects.
I did have a few mega eyebrow hairs as Cyberguy reported, very out of the ordinary.

It made the grey in my beard, chest hair, and down under disappear -- and stayed gone for ~2 years after I stopped taking it.

For reference I stopped sometime in 2015 -- grey returned to chest and beard, some at temples this year(2017) -- none has returned down under.

As far as dose;

I am one of the highest dosing people on this board -- with respect to large acute doses. I have dosed 135mg and more in one disgusting guzzle of olive oil.

Edited by sensei, 11 December 2017 - 03:16 PM.

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#979 coinperson

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Posted 11 December 2017 - 10:34 PM

Day 3

This just amazes me......  If it is placebo, sign me up for whatever...

Talking Lunch right now at work, I have gotten so much done it is unbelievable. 


  • Focus and drive, just like I wrote yesterday.  Again, this is not feeling like extra energy or that I am smarter, just Focus.


  • I would like to add, patience, just patience for everyone and tolerance for stupid people.  I know these posts might make me sound like a nut job or a jerk before, but really I was already patient and tolerated stupid people, but I did it inside with resentment in my head saying to myself, "it is okay, they just don't understand, get it over with and maybe they won't be stupid in the future; "  I still show outwardly the same patience, but in my brain it says "No problem man, let me see how I can help you."  I am talking about things like cashiers who can't count back change, or store clerks you can tell are having a bad day and taking it out on the customers, or people at work that ask how to print to the printer after I have shown them 57 times this month ( I now feel no anger or frustration, just wanting to teach them, but not from a "I'll just do it" way, more like "I will help you learn" way).  I keep typing because I feel no one will understand, cause I could have not understood a week ago...


  • I also have extreme confidence but not cockiness. I never lacked confidence and talk in front of my company and other companies with audiences from 50-100 people all the time.  But I feel like, "you got this, no problem, now go help some people."  I have talked to 4 neighbors I have never spoken to in the 5 years I have lived in this house.  Why?  Because they happened to be outside.  I asked about their families and what they were doing for Christmas.


  • I figured out that my urination is because I am drinking close to 200 ounces of water a day instead of the usual 80-100 ounces.  I feel a little thirsty, but not much.  I just keep drinking and I am sure that is flushing the C60 through and out of my body fast.


  • I have also noticed that my sex drive has increased about 25%, but I have no idea if that is from c60 or it is just my state right now since this is only day 3


Honestly I was expecting a month for anything to happen if anything.   I really wanted it to do something, so I will continue to see, I know the brain is very powerful and It could just be placebo.  But honestly, I have never felt this way in my life, I can't even imagine going back to the old me (and I liked the old me!  He was extremely happy and healthy).  I dunno if this is "normal" (what is normal anyway) for most people and I had some brain chemistry that was off, or is this like next level healthy, or if it is all in my head.  Whatever it is my stress levels have to be at an all time low (again they NEVER were high in the first place).



From the wife:  she said she might have more energy, but really can not tell if it is doing anything.

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#980 aribadabar

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Posted 12 December 2017 - 12:00 AM

  • I figured out that my urination is because I am drinking close to 200 ounces of water a day instead of the usual 80-100 ounces.  I feel a little thirsty, but not much.  I just keep drinking and I am sure that is flushing the C60 through and out of my body fast.


A great result, placebo or otherwise... but holy shit man...200 oz per day, I can barely make myself go over 40 oz with any regularity unless it is scorching hot outside.

If I do 80 oz daily, I will be like a punctured pail, if you catch my drift. 200oz is unfathomable.


Water is a great nootropic in and of itself but you are bringing it to a next level.

Are you sure you are not taking anything else in all that water?  :cool:


Keep up with the excellent reporting on your C60 experiment.

Anecdotal results in everyday activities is more relateable (and relevant) to many folks.

#981 sensei

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Posted 12 December 2017 - 03:06 PM


  • I figured out that my urination is because I am drinking close to 200 ounces of water a day instead of the usual 80-100 ounces.  I feel a little thirsty, but not much.  I just keep drinking and I am sure that is flushing the C60 through and out of my body fast.


A great result, placebo or otherwise... but holy shit man...200 oz per day, I can barely make myself go over 40 oz with any regularity unless it is scorching hot outside.

If I do 80 oz daily, I will be like a punctured pail, if you catch my drift. 200oz is unfathomable.


Water is a great nootropic in and of itself but you are bringing it to a next level.

Are you sure you are not taking anything else in all that water?  :cool:


Keep up with the excellent reporting on your C60 experiment.

Anecdotal results in everyday activities is more relateable (and relevant) to many folks.



1 ounce per pound of bodyweight for physically active persons is the recommended level of hydration.


.5 ounces for sedentary


That = 220 ounces of water for a 100kg physically active male, 100 ounces for sedentary

#982 coinperson

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Posted 13 December 2017 - 05:30 AM

Day 4

Things are still going great!  Life is so much more vivid.  The wife had a hard night last night, so I was unable to get much sleep (maybe 2 hours at the most).  I could feel the tiredness, but still had unprecedented focus.  I play cards every Tuesday, even after years of playing, this was the most fun night I have ever had.  I did have a nap before I went over.  I absolutely enjoyed the people I was with and had great focus and clarity.  


I had less patience for "stupid people" today than the past, but I think it was only due to lack of sleep.


I was less thirsty today, I drank ~120 ounces of water today.


Because it did not seem to be effecting my wife as much we upped her dose from 5ml to 15ml.  This made a huge effect and she had a great day.  Even though she did not sleep well, she had great clarity and energy, not to my degree, but one of the best days she has had in 3 weeks.  We will continue this dose with her for 1 week.

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#983 coinperson

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Posted 14 December 2017 - 07:22 PM

Day 6


Pretty much same old same old for day 5.  Day 6 was a huge turning point for my wife.


My thirst has stabilized back to my normal 80-100 ounces.  I am assuming that since C60 is a major antioxidant, I had a lot of free radicals to flush and that is why my body was so thirsty for several days.


I am still feeling great!  Confidence, focus, patience are all at an all time high.  The feeling is not as extraordinary all the time (I felt like cloud 9, halo, or eyes wide open) because it has become more of the new normal, but I can still tell the difference when I go into those situations.


I will continue with 5ml, I honestly don't know if I want to cycle it, I don't want to go back to the person I was... we will see.  Cycling may be better in the long run.


My wife was feeling okay on day 4 and day 5, but today on day 6 it was completely different for her.  Energy SHOT through the roof, feeling of well being, and overwhelming joy.  She was in the hospital for 6 days 6 weeks ago and has not felt good since.  This is the first time in 6 weeks she feels great.  Going to the 15ml a day dose was the right thing for her.  We will continue that dose for at least 6 more days until we go to maintenance dose.

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#984 sensei

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Posted 17 December 2017 - 12:25 AM

Most annoying effect of high dose C60OO


Alcohol tolerance and recovery:


It is very hard to achieve any sort of inebriated state (of any level) for any considerable length of time -- without imbibing copious amounts.


Three glasses of 14% red blend consumed in 30 minutes resulted in a warm fuzzy feeling for about another 30 minutes -- then complete return to sober baseline.



On the plus side --- NO HANGOVERS to speak of.


I think the C60OO must upregulate acetaldehyde metabolism by the human liver -- much like the C60OO protected rats against carbon-tetrachloride toxicity



#985 coinperson

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Posted 28 December 2017 - 03:11 PM

Day 19 of taking C60oo.  I have only been taking it from carbon60oliveoil.com.


This has changed my life.  I continue to have unprecedented confidence, focus, and calmness in my life.  As I stated before, I did not expect this, mostly I did it after research to help my wife from some medical issues she has been having.

Christmas was great.  As an introvert, I tend to shy away from group things (they never made me scared, just overwhelmed and energy drained).  Groups still drain my energy, but man I had so much fun while doing it.


Water intake continues to be steady at 80-100 ounces a day (thank goodness)


Anecdotal Changes:

  • Confidence
  • Focus
  • Calming of my brain
  • Ability to continue my day when I get less than desirable sleep.  I still feel tired but at the same time focus on daily tasks then crash at night.
  • ~25% increase in sexual desire
  • ~25% decrease in sexual satisfaction :(
  • Maybe better sleep.  I work harder during the day, so I may simply crash better???


I have had 1 vivid dream, which was a nightmare, and it freaked me out for about 6 hours after I woke up.  I may have had more, but I rarely remember any dreams I have (maybe I remember 1 or 2 dreams I ever have a month).

The wife has been VERY responsive to the c60, it just took longer for her.  She has had more energy during the day.  She has had many vivid dreams, maybe even close to 1 a day.  She has been sleeping better and overall she says her happiness level is the highest since her trip to the hospital in November.

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#986 katzenjammer

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Posted 28 December 2017 - 04:28 PM

Very cool; I've had the same slight decrease in libido - I wonder why that is?  

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#987 togian

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Posted 18 January 2018 - 09:54 PM

I started taking c60 last summer 1 teaspoon (1 dropper) up to a couple of tablespoons per serving. days/weeks in between. After a break I started my 2nd cycle (starting in dez. 2017) I took 6 bottles - 1 bottle every 5 days. (app. 40mg/50ml per bottle)

A couple days ago I burned my arm with very hot/steaming water.
2x6 inches were very red. It hurt at the beginning, but the pain subsided very quickly. I cooled it for 10 minutes. After an hour nothing was left of the red spot.

So at first we were discussing if we should go to an emergency room - it looked very red/burned and I was looking for blisters to appear. And then it was completely GONE within 1 hour!!!

Finally, after my 4th bottle (this second course I am taking) I also had my badly wanted energy surge.
Before that I felt my endurance got somewhat better through C60. But I still had rather low energy. Moving/exercising were rather hard work/made me tired - so I did not do very much.
Now I get more energy by exercising and it is fun.
I love it!

On the first couple days taking C60 I used to be very tired and I had to go to sleep quickly/feeling I could not stay up no matter what (and then sleeping for maybe 30 minutes and feeling great). It felt like I had a bit more energy, more endurance short time, but less endurance in total hours. (so I would be able to do more, while more energetical. but suddenly would be tired and nothing could keep me from having a break/sleeping (my energy was depleted).

Now I get tired on day 1 very early (10pm instead of 12pm). And my hand/feet get easily cold day 1 and 2.

Gray hair: no change
Hair/Nail growth - twice as fast.

I feel I look much younger. But nobody else seems to think that ;-)

At the beginning my lyme symptoms seemed to flare up and I was constantly sick. It took me quite a lot of effort to become stable again.

Interesting trip...
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#988 ambivalent

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Posted 19 January 2018 - 07:57 PM

Hi Togian,


There have been reports of impressive healing from burn injuries: two particularly memorable accounts -




Niner offered some supporting research:



Edited by ambivalent, 19 January 2018 - 07:58 PM.

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#989 earthprisoner1

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Posted 27 January 2018 - 01:08 AM

   I just arrived to LongeCity, recommended by Cliff High when I asked him where to buy carbon 60 powder. I have been using it since Jan 10th, this is day 16 and I have not taken over-the-counter pain relief in 8 days. Can't remember how long, since taking 2 or 3 aspirin, acetometophen, ibuprofen, something; so this alone is amazing.... Afternoon naps stopped.

   I also have been taking a tablespoon twice a day from different companies, chasing it with hydrogen water so this might add to the increased energy. The darkest (my only gauge) oil was purple power second, was c-60 third, good and cheap to a lighter live longer labs and bucky labs.

    I built a magnetic stir plate for a wine project so I ordered 5 grams of carbon 60 from SES. When I comes I will stir for 2 weeks i think? Not sure how much powder to how many ml. of oil. If no one can say, I will put a whole gram in 250ml and strain if needed.

#990 sensei

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Posted 29 January 2018 - 05:08 AM

   I just arrived to LongeCity, recommended by Cliff High when I asked him where to buy carbon 60 powder. I have been using it since Jan 10th, this is day 16 and I have not taken over-the-counter pain relief in 8 days. Can't remember how long, since taking 2 or 3 aspirin, acetometophen, ibuprofen, something; so this alone is amazing.... Afternoon naps stopped.

   I also have been taking a tablespoon twice a day from different companies, chasing it with hydrogen water so this might add to the increased energy. The darkest (my only gauge) oil was purple power second, was c-60 third, good and cheap to a lighter live longer labs and bucky labs.

    I built a magnetic stir plate for a wine project so I ordered 5 grams of carbon 60 from SES. When I comes I will stir for 2 weeks i think? Not sure how much powder to how many ml. of oil. If no one can say, I will put a whole gram in 250ml and strain if needed.



There is no reason to waste your C60.  no more than .9mg/ml of oil is necessary. as that is the solubility limit of C60 in Olive Oil at room temp.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: c60, cure, solution, remedy, therapy, improvement

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