So the high cost of purple power is just greed from a high school science teacher? Using your numbers and the cost of c60 powder at SES and the finest olive oil, around $385 = 5 grams of powder will make 10 quarts mixed..this guy charges $370 for 1 pint! So he's making 20 times profit, what?

C60 Surprises - Anecdotes Of Unique Health Benefits
Posted 29 January 2018 - 01:14 PM
Posted 29 January 2018 - 04:07 PM
So the high cost of purple power is just greed from a high school science teacher? Using your numbers and the cost of c60 powder at SES and the finest olive oil, around $385 = 5 grams of powder will make 10 quarts mixed..this guy charges $370 for 1 pint! So he's making 20 times profit, what?
First, bro, use SI units - forget about pints, quarts etc when doing scientific measurements.
Second, 5g C60 will be enough for the preparation of 5.55L of C60oo at 0.9mg/ml and that's not 10 quarts, more like 5.8qt or 11.6 pints.
Third, even that it's still exorbitant markup (11.6x) so welcome to the world of capitalism where the price is what the market can bear and is not actually related to production costs plus some more "reasonable margin".
Posted 29 January 2018 - 07:31 PM
Right between our conversation is 'GoodAndCheap' which IS actually related to production costs plus some more reasonable margin..... I am new but so far I've read the max absorption is 1/2 gram per, and you are saying 1 gram per liter, that's twice what I understood to be true and would account for the numbers discrepancy? I bought a small bottle from 5 different companies before I discovered the process, have not done it yet so I'm not sure how much is max absorption.
Posted 29 January 2018 - 07:55 PM
Right between our conversation is 'GoodAndCheap' which IS actually related to production costs plus some more reasonable margin..... I am new but so far I've read the max absorption is 1/2 gram per, and you are saying 1 gram per liter, that's twice what I understood to be true and would account for the numbers discrepancy? I bought a small bottle from 5 different companies before I discovered the process, have not done it yet so I'm not sure how much is max absorption.
By absorption, you mean solubility, right?
If so, see sensei's reply to your earlier post.
In the original paper where C60oo idea started from they used 0.8mg/ml ( = 0.8g/L) concentration so 5g is enough for over 6L of C60oo.
Where did you see 0.5g/L is the max?
Some people preferred that lower concentration but that's not the max.
Btw, your posts/questions are more suitable to be posted in the Experiments thread, not this one.
Posted 30 January 2018 - 02:26 AM
Clif High ( thinks having an apple with C60 supercharges it, (hydrogen formed in stomach). He thinks Hydrogen water is even better. I am going to start hydrogen water with it.
Posted 30 January 2018 - 06:47 AM
Clif High ( thinks having an apple with C60 supercharges it, (hydrogen formed in stomach). He thinks Hydrogen water is even better. I am going to start hydrogen water with it.
Yeah, he also seems to think that "chemtrails" are an actual thing.
Posted 30 January 2018 - 10:52 AM
i'm using it before swimming and the difference is huge, i can breath once/twice every 25m effortlessly on freestyle when i do and just swim 3hrs per week so its definitely not my training
Clif High ( thinks having an apple with C60 supercharges it, (hydrogen formed in stomach). He thinks Hydrogen water is even better. I am going to start hydrogen water with it.
Edited by lost69, 30 January 2018 - 10:53 AM.
Posted 30 January 2018 - 11:14 AM
Just the first couple of Cliff Highs arguments from one of his Videos on the topic (I think it is so bad, I do not even want to put the link here
“c60 passes through cellular membranes. Vit C cannot do it „that way“
I do not know what he means by “that way” – but of course Vit C is meant and does enter cells. As do most Vitamins/antioxidants – that is the way it is meant to be by nature.
CH says that C60 will leave the body in 24 hours (+/-)
as far as I remember correctly it is up to 10 days (some say 24 hours, some 96 hours – the longest I have heard is 10 days). Me and many others feel the effect for more than one day. So that would support the theory it might stay longer in the body. I am not even sure there is a study that looked when and if ALL of it has left the body. (Correct me if I am wrong) So why does he pretend science on it is settled?
CH “Rats don’t have telomeres”.
Of course they do! (if I looked it up right, all mammals do) https://www.ncbi.nlm...ubmed/19145831/)
“Looks like it restores telomeres” (CH says while talking about the rat study). So why would it look like that, when they test in on rats that do not have any (according to what he just said)?
CH “It does not cause cancer”
But what does it do when a person already has cancer? Does it “feed” the cancer cells/help them to grow?
Is science on it really settled?
And it goes on and on and on this way….
CH has been predicting the silver price to rise extremely for … ( I do not know how many years – just every time I looked into one of his predictions, he said that). You might want to check if he was right
Of course everybody is welcome to share his experience with C60. I just do not like him to pretend "to know it all". (and he NEVER says what his sources are - no matter what topic he talks about.)
So he might be a nice person. But I would not trust him with my money, nor with my health
Posted 30 January 2018 - 11:24 AM
thanks ambivalent for the info!
It is amazing and I admit I do not understand at all how it does what it does.
We had another "burn" incident. This time my hubby (he was taking C60 for a couple days then - 1 tablespoon a day)
Little finger burned with boiling water. (This time we both saw it. Last time I thought it was boiling but just figured it could not have been - even I just took it off the stove).
So he burned his finger - held it under running cold water for a couple of minutes (said it did not even hurt badly) - and any sign of it was gone within the next hour or so.
I am not sure I like all the effects of C60. What does it do, when the immune system needs oxidation for fighting infections? Not sure about that. But I see it is the wrong thread to talk about it. I will go to post this question on another thread.
Posted 30 January 2018 - 11:35 AM
I haven't been keeping up to date on the progress of c60oo. the last time i was following this thread i thought there was a consensus that people would be more cautious because of new findings (ie tumours found).
Has there been any fresh data come out on c60oo?
Posted 30 January 2018 - 11:58 AM
There are no published peer-reviewed studies showing enhanced tumour growth from C60-EVOO.
Edited by Captain Obvious, 30 January 2018 - 11:59 AM.
Posted 30 January 2018 - 02:22 PM
and the other big problem is olive oil itself makes very toxic cancerous substances when irradiated, the only message i would take from that is:
do not expose it to light (and of course any olive oil prior or after making c60 must not be exposed to heat/light)
I haven't been keeping up to date on the progress of c60oo. the last time i was following this thread i thought there was a consensus that people would be more cautious because of new findings (ie tumours found).
Has there been any fresh data come out on c60oo?
Posted 30 January 2018 - 02:32 PM
and the other big problem is olive oil itself makes very toxic cancerous substances when irradiated, the only message i would take from that is:
do not expose it to light (and of course any olive oil prior or after making c60 must not be exposed to heat/light)
I find it difficult to believe that it's a "big problem" or "very toxic" considering how long olive oil has been used in cooking and how much of the Mediterranean diet benefits has been attributed specifically to olive oil use.
Your not supposed to fry the C60 in oil, but some light exposure is unlikely to turn C60-EVOO into poison.
Edited by Captain Obvious, 30 January 2018 - 02:33 PM.
Posted 31 January 2018 - 01:58 AM
Togian, look into Rhodiola , the book Rhodiola Revolution, for Lyme Disease...
Posted 31 January 2018 - 02:16 PM
Day 54
Taking about 2.5ml a day for a couple of weeks (down from 5ml). I still think I should cycle the use or go to once a week, I just don't want to lose my "super powers" so I haven't.
The best of what I have observed:
- Better focus
- Better sleep
- Better feeling of well being
- More confidence
Negative observed:
- Lower sexual satisfaction
My wife brought up the C60 conversation yesterday and said it changed her life. It took her much longer than I did, she said it hit its peak of change around Jan 15, 2018.
- Better Sleep
- Much better energy
- more confidence
My water intake still is good. I can't say I have had the energy boost like my wife has had, but I feel I already had energy, she did not.
With me feeling so good, I would say my endurance is better. Before C60, going out and hiking 20 miles was nothing to us. Example: on our trip last year to the Smokey Mountains we hiked over 100 miles over 5 days. Now I have noticed that I don't tire as much during these 10-20 mile hikes.
Posted 06 March 2018 - 12:47 PM
I am a 53 yr. old male just now coming out of a 3.5 year prolonged benzo withdrawal. Horrible stuff, had me bedridden for 2 years. I just began taking C60 3 days ago, hoping maybe to help with my few remaining symptoms and give me some pep. Spending 2 years in bed starting at age 50 is no way to increase vitality.

So far no results, but I'm only taking 2 ml./day at .8 mg/ml. I'm upping to 4 ml. today and will update as warranted.
Posted 06 March 2018 - 06:19 PM
Hi all.
I've only been taking my C60 for about three weeks now.
My first week I absolutely had some sort of healing crisis.
I have an issue with my colon that causes me extreme pain.
I'd have these attacks about every two months.
They are incapacitating, and super unpleasant.
The pain is off the charts when it's bad.
It usually subsides after I vomit a few times. It's also positional. The pain intensity changes depending upon how I lie in bed.
I went meat free, mostly vegan, about 2 years ago. Ever since I stopped eating animal protein, the attacks dropped pretty much completely.
Not one, until I started the C60.
It's was mild, but still unpleasant.
I'm not sure if it helped fix anything that has to do with that issue, but we shall see.
I was having palpitations on and off prior to starting it.
This is new to me. Had it on and off for a few months.
Been dutifully ignoring it.
They've stopped completely since I started the C60.
Has anyone experienced weight loss with it, as Im pretty sure I'm losing weight.
It's subtle, but I haven't changed my routine, and I've lost a few pounds.
I do think my appetite is a bit curbed as well, but I'm not sure it would result in noticeable weight loss over 3 weeks. It's not a huge amount of weight, but it's a bit.
I do want to take it on coconut oil I must say . Im going to buy that one next.
However, can anyone direct me to the "how to make C60 at home" thread?
Posted 07 March 2018 - 05:46 AM
When I added a hydrogen chaser and 'fulvic minerals' it seemed to boost the carbon 60 a lot!
Posted 18 August 2018 - 05:54 PM
Hey everyone! I used C60 on my face and had an unexpected side effect! I've had a small gray dot on my chin for my whole adult life (I stabbed myself with a pencil when I was in the first grade). A few days after using C60, the area with the pencil mark got a bump on it (like a small zit) and then started peeling. Within a week the mark was gone! I did some googling and found out that C60 and graphite really like each other. I guess the C60 pulled out the tiny bit of graphite that was stuck under my skin? It would be great to hear if anyone else can reproduce this...
Posted 12 September 2018 - 02:53 PM
10 month update
Myself, positive:
- Social Anxiety I have had my whole life is all but gone. Increased confidence and feeling of well being.
- Better sleep. for 34 years I have never slept this good. I would average 4-6 hours of sleep even as a child or teenager. I now sleep 8-9 hours a night.
- Better focus
- Sun burns heal over 8 hours. I do not wear sun screen (over 10 years now). The start of the summer I usually burn a couple of times before the tan sets in and it takes several days to heal.
- Higher sex drive
- While I have not gotten it checked out at my eye doctor, my eyes have gotten better. I have VERY slight nearsightedness, however my glasses make it had to seen now and I can read signs far away very well.
Myself, negative:
- Maybe I can't remember, but the sexual satisfaction problem seems to disappeared... It could be that it just has been so long
My wife positive:
- Increased energy. She no longer takes naps in the middle of the day
- More confidence and feeling of well being.
- Has had an eye doctor appointment and her eyes did change. She has been at -3.75 and -3.50 for over 15 years now. Both eyes are now at -3.25
- Same experience with sun burns
4 week anecdotal for Mother-in-law
She has fibromyalgia. for 6 years typical day would be: Get up at 11am, take a nap at 2pm, get up at 5pm, go to sleep at 10pm.
- Started to see positive changes at week 2 of taking C60
- Has had 14 straight days of not taking a nap (in 6 years has had a couple of days of not taking a nap). Last 2 days has taken a nap
- Did laundry for the first time in 6 years
- Did dishes 14 days in a row
- Had testosterone therapy before and commented that "Expensive testosterone therapy did nothing for my energy, but this has given me so much life"
4 week anecdotal for father-in-law
- Said he has not felt anything
Have tried several C60OO companies. Red Lion seems to be the best for how I feel.
Edited by coinperson, 12 September 2018 - 02:58 PM.
Posted 13 March 2019 - 01:14 PM
Been awhile. Now at 1 year 4 months.
Myself: Positive outcomes of energy, focus, and increased confidence continue. My eyesight has also improved to where I don't get stars while driving at night and went from 20/30 right eye and 20/40 left eye to straight 20/20 vision.
Wife: continues to have increased energy. Her new glasses are not working anymore and I suspect her vision has improved more.
Mother-in-law: while not perfect, continues to have great energy. She now drives where she did not for about 6 years
Friend: started to take it ~1 month. He has extreme Macular degeneration and is legally blind and walks with a cane. His sight has improved (to the astonishment of his eye doctor), but nothing close to full eyesight. He is in his 50's and has also had continuous back and knee pain, which has gotten much better. He started to walk more and went from once around the block (had to stop because of pain) to 4 times around the block (still has to stop due to knee pain).
Since January 2019 I have also added Lithium Oratate, which I feel has been another great improvement on my mental clarity and focus.
Edited by coinperson, 13 March 2019 - 01:42 PM.
Posted 14 March 2019 - 04:59 PM
Been awhile. Now at 1 year 4 months.
Dose still at 2.5ml/day?
Regarding your anecdote with sunburns healing fast I have something similar to report. Last summer I spent a long day on the beach and got my girlfriend to apply suncream to my back. But see did a bad job and I ended up having a butterfly shaped patch of red burned skin over my back, which she found funny (I didn't). It was very red and quite painful for a few days - a sure sign it would peel, as has happened to me after sunburning in the past. But this time - nothing. And even more remarkable, 3 months later that patch of skin, and only that patch, was still a lovely, tanned bronze.
I was taking 5ml C60, morning and night, at the time.
Posted 14 March 2019 - 08:53 PM
Dose still at 2.5ml/day?
Regarding your anecdote with sunburns healing fast I have something similar to report. Last summer I spent a long day on the beach and got my girlfriend to apply suncream to my back. But see did a bad job and I ended up having a butterfly shaped patch of red burned skin over my back, which she found funny (I didn't). It was very red and quite painful for a few days - a sure sign it would peel, as has happened to me after sunburning in the past. But this time - nothing. And even more remarkable, 3 months later that patch of skin, and only that patch, was still a lovely, tanned bronze.
I was taking 5ml C60, morning and night, at the time.
I am at 5 per day. I take it in the morning on an empty stomach and chase it with H2 water. 2.5 was just not cutting it.
I love the sun burn effect! Great story.
Posted 02 April 2019 - 06:43 PM
Posted 01 May 2019 - 06:51 PM
Posted 02 May 2019 - 03:42 AM
Does anyone combine c60 evoo with stearic acid, as Turnbuckle does?
I try, but it's actually really hard to get stearic acid in isolation. Mango butter is generally what I use because it's 40% stearic, 55% oleic and only 5% palmitic.
If I knew how to isolate fatty acids I'd try it. I thought I could do it by melting point but that apparently doesn't work because mango butter, despite its composition, melts at 30 C while stearic acid on its own should melt at 69c. When fatty acids are mixed, for whatever reason, their bonded nature makes the melting point change somehow.
I've been waiting ages to hear back about attempts to repeat the Bati experiment, either nobody's succeeded or nobody's really trying. The only attempt I'm aware of is Ichor labs and they appear to have given up due to quality issues in their source. SES has since improved on this but nobody's picked up the mantle of trying again and why should they? When senolytics and other more promising ventures are close to becoming a widely available option.
Because of this I may just use up the last of my C60 soon and focus on more conventional interventions as this next decade will bring more effective rejuvenation therapies.
I did find this though, but I don't have any sulfuric acid laying around haha. Though the method below will still most likely result in predominantly palmitic acid, which is bad, and you don't want that. So raw mango butter is my only other option. Pure stearic is very difficult to come by. Another site I found is here.
The chemistry behind it is really simple, you first react it with concentrated sodium hydroxide to make sodium stearate (commonly used as soap) (look up a soap making video on youtube, using the "hot process"), then neutralize it with either hydrochloric acid or sulphuric acid. The stearic acid should separate itself from the aqueous fraction with the salts and glycerine in it and can be separated and washed.DO use animal fat [beef tallow], as it contains a large amount of saturated fatty acids like stearic acid, while plant based sources have a lot of unsaturated fatty acids in them, which have different properties.Also, you'll always end up with a mixture of different fatty acids (including stearic acid) when using natural sources, which isn't really a bad thing in your case, as all these different saturated fatty acids have extremely similar physical, chemical and nutritional properties.
Edited by Nate-2004, 02 May 2019 - 04:02 AM.
Posted 04 May 2019 - 12:37 AM
Does anyone combine c60 evoo with stearic acid, as Turnbuckle does?
Yes. I was following his protocol until I ran out of c60 recently. It definitely isn't a magic protocol.
Honestly I get more out of peptides in terms of noticeable results.
C60 by itself does have benefits. At first the anti-inflammatory results were pretty good but wore off.
Liposomal resveratrol with curcumin was stronger in that regards.
Effects on sleep and dreams wore off as well.
Posted 04 May 2019 - 10:57 AM
Yes. I was following his protocol until I ran out of c60 recently. It definitely isn't a magic protocol.
Honestly I get more out of peptides in terms of noticeable results.
C60 by itself does have benefits. At first the anti-inflammatory results were pretty good but wore off.
Liposomal resveratrol with curcumin was stronger in that regards.
Effects on sleep and dreams wore off as well.
What peptides did you use? What are the dosages?
Posted 04 May 2019 - 11:01 AM
Posted 07 May 2019 - 11:24 AM
What peptides did you use? What are the dosages?
Growth hormone secretogogues 150-200mg 3 to 4x daily
BPC157 200mg 2x day
I am not saying they affect stem cells or mitochondria. Only that they give positive results on my body.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: c60, cure, solution, remedy, therapy, improvement
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