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C60 Surprises - Anecdotes Of Unique Health Benefits

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#91 Turnbuckle

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Posted 16 August 2014 - 12:24 AM


That would be a plus if CG does help with tinnitus.



Didn't do anything for me. If anything it made it slightly worse.

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#92 niner

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Posted 16 August 2014 - 12:40 AM

I do 30 minutes of Stairmaster a couple of times a week at the gym, while wearing a heart rate monitor. I vary the speed to keep my heart rate between about 135 and 142.


I've taken about 20ml of C60OO in the last 2 months (a low dose I know).

But during that time my performance has actually gotten quite a bit worse. I was exercising at a level setting of 6 or 7 previously, but now I have to go between 2 and 4 in order to keep the same heart rate.


Has anyone else seen an objectively measured decline in performance while using C60OO?


I don't know if my decreased performance is related to the C60, but I'm considering discontinuing based on this.


I haven't seen it, but I'd recommend stopping c60oo for the time being.  Did you previously have improved endurance from it and then see it drop, or did endurance fall off as soon as you took c60oo for the first time?  How's your health otherwise?  Any changes over roughly the same time period?

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#93 caliope

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Posted 16 August 2014 - 03:48 AM

I do 30 minutes of Stairmaster a couple of times a week at the gym, while wearing a heart rate monitor. I vary the speed to keep my heart rate between about 135 and 142.


I've taken about 20ml of C60OO in the last 2 months (a low dose I know).

But during that time my performance has actually gotten quite a bit worse. I was exercising at a level setting of 6 or 7 previously, but now I have to go between 2 and 4 in order to keep the same heart rate.


Has anyone else seen an objectively measured decline in performance while using C60OO?


I don't know if my decreased performance is related to the C60, but I'm considering discontinuing based on this.


I can't think of a mechanism that would cause this. Are you sure you are using good C60? Maybe it's not completely dissolved. I agree that you should stop for now and see if it's really the problem. That is a pretty dramatic decline in performance. 

#94 Kalliste

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Posted 16 August 2014 - 07:49 AM

Well I took a big dose a week ago and I've taken a few smaller doses (3ml) since. Also been on a faste that ended two days ago. I do feel invigorated, hard to say if it's placebo. Definitely no problems with my endurance. My nose feels a bit drier than usual, often it's runny but that might also be because summer is ending. Anyway I'm positive so far. Sadly my old cat rejects all cat-food spiced with this, even if I starve him for hours before.

Edited by Cosmicalstorm, 16 August 2014 - 07:49 AM.

#95 niner

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Posted 16 August 2014 - 01:34 PM

Well I took a big dose a week ago and I've taken a few smaller doses (3ml) since. Also been on a faste that ended two days ago. I do feel invigorated, hard to say if it's placebo. Definitely no problems with my endurance. My nose feels a bit drier than usual, often it's runny but that might also be because summer is ending. Anyway I'm positive so far. Sadly my old cat rejects all cat-food spiced with this, even if I starve him for hours before.


You might be experiencing less problems with allergens.  People are seeing this with c60oo.  Your cat probably doesn't like the smell/taste.  Different vendors are different here- Vaughter Wellness c60oo tastes pretty sharp, while carbon60oliveoil.com is more mild.  You could make your own using one of the refined olive oils that has essentially no taste, if you're up for it.

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#96 smithx

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Posted 17 August 2014 - 06:45 AM

My health appears to be fine otherwise, except for trouble staying asleep. I seem to sleep for about 3 hours at first, then 1 hour at a time for a total of less than 6 hours a night of sleep.


I have some palpitations, but a cardiologist has seen recent EKGs and says they are just PVC and nothing to be concerned about.


The C60OO I'm using was purchased from carbon60oliveoil.com, the same company which I purchased some from previously that was given to my friend's elderly dog, and which appeared to rejuvenate him.






I do 30 minutes of Stairmaster a couple of times a week at the gym, while wearing a heart rate monitor. I vary the speed to keep my heart rate between about 135 and 142.


I've taken about 20ml of C60OO in the last 2 months (a low dose I know).

But during that time my performance has actually gotten quite a bit worse. I was exercising at a level setting of 6 or 7 previously, but now I have to go between 2 and 4 in order to keep the same heart rate.


Has anyone else seen an objectively measured decline in performance while using C60OO?


I don't know if my decreased performance is related to the C60, but I'm considering discontinuing based on this.


I haven't seen it, but I'd recommend stopping c60oo for the time being.  Did you previously have improved endurance from it and then see it drop, or did endurance fall off as soon as you took c60oo for the first time?  How's your health otherwise?  Any changes over roughly the same time period?




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#97 Logic

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Posted 17 August 2014 - 09:55 AM



That would be a plus if CG does help with tinnitus.



Didn't do anything for me. If anything it made it slightly worse.



Let me get this straight:


You also suffer from tinnitus.  The CG did nothing to improve it and may have made it slightly worse.


The CG combined with C60oo seemed to give you a strength boost in the gym on top of the stamina boost from C60oo.


Is that correct Turnbuckle?

#98 Turnbuckle

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Posted 17 August 2014 - 10:54 AM




That would be a plus if CG does help with tinnitus.



Didn't do anything for me. If anything it made it slightly worse.



Let me get this straight:


You also suffer from tinnitus.  The CG did nothing to improve it and may have made it slightly worse.


The CG combined with C60oo seemed to give you a strength boost in the gym on top of the stamina boost from C60oo.


Is that correct Turnbuckle?



Yes. And more importantly, CG does have nootropic properties, which I also noticed last year when I took two bottles of it.  


The tinnitus had gotten very bad last year before I discovered that the major cause was my stupidity in believing the Aleve commercials--the ones that show happy people taking them twice a day. I cut that out completely and most of the tinnitus faded away, though there are some residual effects that come and go without any identifiable pattern.

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#99 Logic

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Posted 17 August 2014 - 06:52 PM

Thx Turnbuckle

Your practical application of  acquired knowledge and then reporting results here is commendable.

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#100 Logan

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 08:35 AM

I started taking C60 for the first time in about a year, one month ago. The most noticeable improvement in my health I've noticed is a major reduction in the terribly tendinitis that had developed in my left shoulder. I realize this improvement could be pure cooncidence it would be pretty amazing if it is C60 that is primarily responsible. I've been taking Sarah Vaughter's product if anyone is curious.

#101 Kalliste

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 09:11 AM

That is very interesting Logan. I'm also suffering some Tendinit/tendinosis. It has been feeling better lately, but it might just be me doing my rehab careful.

#102 Logan

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 09:20 AM

That is very interesting Logan. I'm also suffering some Tendinit/tendinosis. It has been feeling better lately, but it might just be me doing my rehab careful.

I'm pretty sure I had a similar reaction, but with a knee issue, the last time I started taking C60.

I have not changed anything, or been doing anything to assist in the healing process, since taking C60.

Did you start rehab around the same time as C60? How long have you taken C60, and how long have you been doing rehab?

#103 Kalliste

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 10:49 AM

I have a rehab-program that I drift in and out of. It has been like that for 5 years without ever healing completely. I keep a diary where I note the state of affairs to avoid confusing myself. I have not made a huge change in these weeks since starting C60 (1.5-3ml of SV's c60/day). I will come back to this thread later with a report. If I do recover completely I'll definitely report it back here and if I don't I'll be sure to mention that as well.

#104 caliope

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 01:20 PM


My health appears to be fine otherwise, except for trouble staying asleep. I seem to sleep for about 3 hours at first, then 1 hour at a time for a total of less than 6 hours a night of sleep.


I have some palpitations, but a cardiologist has seen recent EKGs and says they are just PVC and nothing to be concerned about.


The C60OO I'm using was purchased from carbon60oliveoil.com, the same company which I purchased some from previously that was given to my friend's elderly dog, and which appeared to rejuvenate him.




So, nothing else started around the same time as the C60? I'm wondering about adrenal exhaustion. Maybe the <6 hours a night isn't doing it for you, and so you decided to play around with stimulants? As far as palpitations go, I found that I get them if I'm low on calcium.

#105 niner

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 01:45 PM

I started taking C60 for the first time in about a year, one month ago. The most noticeable improvement in my health I've noticed is a major reduction in the terribly tendinitis that had developed in my left shoulder. I realize this improvement could be pure cooncidence it would be pretty amazing if it is C60 that is primarily responsible. I've been taking Sarah Vaughter's product if anyone is curious.

I suspect that the c60oo doesn't have much to do with it. I've had biceps tendinitis for about ten years, and the only thing that has helped is physical therapy (a shoulder program). Even with that, I've managed to aggravate the tendinitis a couple times, the first time by doing too many reps in the gym due to c60oo-induced superman syndrome (ablation of radical-mediated muscle fatigue), and most recently at home from moving furniture. Tendinitis/tendinosis is just a tough problem to deal with because you get scar tissue that prevents proper reattachment.

It's possible that your shoulder problem was different, and had an inflammatory component that c60oo helped with, or maybe it was just a matter of it getting better with time and the c60oo wasn't particularly involved.
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#106 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 03:42 PM

Hi, I figured this should be reported here for what it's worth.

A male friend of a friend of mine, age 55 years, lives in a very remote village in Asia. For over a year now, he's been suffering with chronic respiratory issues. It seems to have been triggered by some heavy air pollution exposure on a trip to the city, which is unusual in his rural environment. In any event, it continued to escalate gradually long after the exposure had terminated. Perhaps his weakened immune system succumbed to a lung infection or virus. About a month ago, it had gotten so bad that we thought he might die. Due to his moderate smoking history, we thought it might be lung cancer. So despite the difficulty in doing so, he found his way to a hospital where they took chest xrays. Certainly, this is not the best way to diagnose lung cancer or other serious lung ailments such as pneumonia. But anyone in his grave state of health should have had obvious symptoms on an xray. Furthermore, considering the level of corruption in his country, the hospital staff would have had every reason to diagnose him with something serious in order to profit from expensive treatments. Still, they found nothing.

My friend told me about his predicament because she knows that I'm very interested in leading edge health research of the sort that you find here on Longecity. I told her that I'm not a doctor, and especially in the absence of a diagnosis and given his remote location, this would be extremely difficult to help with. To make matters worse, some inquiries with various shipping services confirmed that it's effectively impossible to send drugs into his country. That ruled out most supplements and inhaler drugs for lung function. But considering his dire condition, I told her that I would do what I could.

Coincidentally, I had been doing some extensive c60oo research on this forum around this time, a couple weeks ago. The most salient reported feature of c60oo is evidently that improves endurance, particularly at peak performance. Peak performance was hardly relevant here, but I chanced upon one posting in which the poster reported spirometric evidence of increased lung capacity after some prolonged use. I doubt this was due to the formation of new alveoli, unless that occurred as a natural response to increased exercise ability. Given the large improvement, I suspect that most of the increase was due to the clearance of excessive mucous, which was in turn the result of improved disease resistance. In other words, the c60oo helped the poster's immune system function more efficiently, which resulted in a reduction of inflammation and infective activity. Either way, the anecdote was moderately compelling, particularly since I don't recall other posts reporting the same.

Based on the c60oo retailer review thread, I selected carbon60oliveoil.com (not to be confused with c60oliveoil.com). Lest you think I'm a troll, I will say upfront that I was put off by reviews which indicated that this company had failed several times to return emails related to manufacturing practices. I still think that's a problem. However, based on the empirical results reported by its users, and other signs of good manufacturing process (which I don't want to mention here, lest the dodgy c60oo producers use them to create credible false claims), I took a gamble and ordered some. I knew it would cost a lot to get it to him, but what's a couple hundred bucks to maybe give him another year of life or more? If it fails, then at least we'll have some other potentially illuminating data.

Let me be clear. We still don't know what he has. My best guess at this point would be a chronic lung infection that has taken advantage of a depressed immune system. He has been taking a daily multivitamin of known good origin for over a year, and more recently a variety of natural herbs. I suggested that he add turmeric and mushrooms to that regimen. All in all, they seem to have stabilized him as of a week ago, but he was not improving. I told him that I couldn't promise to help him, and that in theory c60oo might even hurt him, although the weight of the evidence thus far was strongly against that possibility.

Through something of a postal miracle (you can't imagine -- but I can't go into detail for obvious reasons), he managed to receive the c60oo a couple days ago. He confirmed that it was still purple, doubly sealed and unopened, and I told him to keep it in a cool dark place, which in his case is going to have to be a shady corner of the house, and to throw it out if it changed color (because who knows what "improper" c60oo adducts do). Fortunately, it's the rainy season where he lives. I told him to take a level teaspoon per day, with a sip of water before and after (because one poster suggested that, and it makes sense because you don't want it sitting in the esophagus), in the morning before eating anything else. (You can imagine the challenges of trying to get a syringe though customs, so "eyeball" measurement will have to do.) As I understand it, this should be roughly 3 mg per day. I told him to take this daily until the supply was exhausted, perhaps in a month.

I told him was that there was "some evidence" that it might help with lung problems, particularly lung capacity. And of course the warning that this stuff, although well tested, was not a proven treatment for anything, and its side effects are not presently understood. I also said that it would be at least a week before he noticed anything, if indeed he would notice anything at all. I also warned him that if he found himself to have great endurance, that he should nevertheless exercise only modestly, and get 20 minutes of sun exposure daily, but otherwise take it easy and allow himself to recover. I realize that most users have reported effects with a few days, but given his condition, that wasn't in the cards here, and I certainly didn't want to give him false hope.

He took his first dose while on the phone, and said it had a nice oily taste, but otherwise noticed nothing. Now it's a couple days later, and he has consumed 2 doses. Not much, statistically, except that this is a highish dose, considering that 1.5 mg seems to be something of a maintenance level, and he's of average build and below average height for his age, vs. most Westerners. My friend called him today because I told her to ask about any bad reactions he might have experienced, knowing that it was too early to discuss positive changes.

His only complaint was that he had developed an ache in his upper back since taking it. When she asked why, he said he wasn't sure. But he went on to explain that he was sleeping on his back, which is something that he had not been able to do since his disease had worsened (and might explain the backache, due to atrophied muscles trying to maintain this posture). He said he was sleeping much better because he could breathe better (which seems to explain why he could once again sleep on his back). He also said that he no longer felt tired, which was unexpected, because he hadn't been told to expect anything in this regard. I honestly didn't expect this myself, as I thought c60oo was mostly about endurance, not basic wakefulness. Maybe if you're sick, it makes you less tired, and when you're healthy, it makes you more endurant. Anyway, the hope is that this thing is some sort of infection which we might be able to kill by temporarily revving his cellular efficiency.

His response to this whole thing is one of gratitude. He's very happy and thanked me for sending it. I hope that it kicks out whatever he has, but this is a tough game to play. I'll keep you posted as he progresses. No promises, but if you post questions here, I'll try to get an answer from him. Bear in mind, he doesn't speak English, so simple questions are more effective.

There's a lot I'd like to discuss about possible mechanisms of action, but there's another thread for that, and you all are way more qualified to engage in that than I am. But I do want to thank you all for having your well-informed raging debates about this.


Edited by resveratrol_guy, 20 August 2014 - 03:48 PM.

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#107 Kalliste

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 04:25 PM

That is an interesting case report. Please keep us updated on his status.

#108 smithx

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 06:13 PM

Come to think of it, I did also start taking acarbose to allow me to eat starchy foods when I want to without much glycemic impact. Acarbose is mostly not absorbed, although it can sometimes cause liver issues anyway (which is odd). I had a liver function test recently which was all normal.


So it's possible the acarbose could be an issue, but I've never read that it can cause any decrease in physical performance.


Before taking acarbose I was quite low-carb.





My health appears to be fine otherwise, except for trouble staying asleep. I seem to sleep for about 3 hours at first, then 1 hour at a time for a total of less than 6 hours a night of sleep.


I have some palpitations, but a cardiologist has seen recent EKGs and says they are just PVC and nothing to be concerned about.


The C60OO I'm using was purchased from carbon60oliveoil.com, the same company which I purchased some from previously that was given to my friend's elderly dog, and which appeared to rejuvenate him.




So, nothing else started around the same time as the C60? I'm wondering about adrenal exhaustion. Maybe the <6 hours a night isn't doing it for you, and so you decided to play around with stimulants? As far as palpitations go, I found that I get them if I'm low on calcium.



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#109 Logan

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 06:29 PM

I started taking C60 for the first time in about a year, one month ago. The most noticeable improvement in my health I've noticed is a major reduction in the terribly tendinitis that had developed in my left shoulder. I realize this improvement could be pure cooncidence it would be pretty amazing if it is C60 that is primarily responsible. I've been taking Sarah Vaughter's product if anyone is curious.

I suspect that the c60oo doesn't have much to do with it. I've had biceps tendinitis for about ten years, and the only thing that has helped is physical therapy (a shoulder program). Even with that, I've managed to aggravate the tendinitis a couple times, the first time by doing too many reps in the gym due to c60oo-induced superman syndrome (ablation of radical-mediated muscle fatigue), and most recently at home from moving furniture. Tendinitis/tendinosis is just a tough problem to deal with because you get scar tissue that prevents proper reattachment.

It's possible that your shoulder problem was different, and had an inflammatory component that c60oo helped with, or maybe it was just a matter of it getting better with time and the c60oo wasn't particularly involved.

It's been bad for a long time . The only thing I've changed was taking C60. There was absolutely an inflammatory component. I also used to take LDN for fibromyalgia symptoms, and stopped that about 2 months ago.

#110 Logan

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 06:35 PM

I started taking C60 for the first time in about a year, one month ago. The most noticeable improvement in my health I've noticed is a major reduction in the terribly tendinitis that had developed in my left shoulder. I realize this improvement could be pure cooncidence it would be pretty amazing if it is C60 that is primarily responsible. I've been taking Sarah Vaughter's product if anyone is curious.

I suspect that the c60oo doesn't have much to do with it. I've had biceps tendinitis for about ten years, and the only thing that has helped is physical therapy (a shoulder program). Even with that, I've managed to aggravate the tendinitis a couple times, the first time by doing too many reps in the gym due to c60oo-induced superman syndrome (ablation of radical-mediated muscle fatigue), and most recently at home from moving furniture. Tendinitis/tendinosis is just a tough problem to deal with because you get scar tissue that prevents proper reattachment.

It's possible that your shoulder problem was different, and had an inflammatory component that c60oo helped with, or maybe it was just a matter of it getting better with time and the c60oo wasn't particularly involved.


Tendinitis often involves issues with inflammation; one of the primary reasons for pain and discomfort. It makes perfect sense that C60 might be helping.

The issue had actually been getting worse around when I started taking C60.

I am willing to considering coincidental timing or placebo(although I was not expecting this possible outcome), but I do not believe you are correct to so easily dismiss C60 having a positive impact.

#111 niner

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 07:21 PM

resveratrol_guy, thanks for posting. We should try to establish what's wrong with your friend. He went to a hospital that was sophisticated enough to do a chest x-ray, so they should have been able to rule out an obvious infection (pneumonia) or tumor. (X-ray is actually a quite good way to diagnose pneumonia.) I suspect that the doctor who examined him knew what was wrong, but perhaps they didn't tell him because there wasn't much they could do. He might have pulmonary fibrosis, for example, or some other form of COPD. C60oo should be helpful for him in that it will allow him to use oxygen more efficiently, so he will feel better despite being hypoxic. If there's an allergic component to his disease, then c60oo may also be improving that. Of course, there are a variety of things that he might have- maybe it's some form of heart dysfunction, for example. It would be interesting if someone could talk to the doctor he saw, or get hold of the radiologist's report, if there is one. Is it possible that one of his family members knows something that they aren't divulging?

It's not necessary for him to carefully measure his dose, or to take it daily. He could take 2-3 teaspoons (10-15ml) once a week, if he was so inclined. I usually pour it over vegetables or salad, or have it with salt and pepper as a bread dip; it really doesn't much matter, as long as it gets into your stomach.

I hope that he's feeling better.
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#112 niner

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 07:31 PM

Come to think of it, I did also start taking acarbose to allow me to eat starchy foods when I want to without much glycemic impact. Acarbose is mostly not absorbed, although it can sometimes cause liver issues anyway (which is odd). I had a liver function test recently which was all normal.
So it's possible the acarbose could be an issue, but I've never read that it can cause any decrease in physical performance.
Before taking acarbose I was quite low-carb.

Hmm. Maybe you were more on the keto side, and now you have more carbs in the mix, but also the acarbose. Maybe you're looking at a Krebs cycle problem? I'd try skipping the acarbose for a while to see if that's involved. I don't know how the system would react to an intermediate sort of diet that was kinda low carb, but not low enough to be in ketosis. Maybe it would result in low blood sugar? If you have a glucose meter, maybe you could check blood sugar before and after working out.

I can't think of any mechanism whereby c60oo could have the sort of effect on performance that you're seeing, but if you had some metabolic issues, that might explain it.
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#113 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 03:30 AM

resveratrol_guy, thanks for posting. We should try to establish what's wrong with your friend. He went to a hospital that was sophisticated enough to do a chest x-ray, so they should have been able to rule out an obvious infection (pneumonia) or tumor. (X-ray is actually a quite good way to diagnose pneumonia.) I suspect that the doctor who examined him knew what was wrong, but perhaps they didn't tell him because there wasn't much they could do. He might have pulmonary fibrosis, for example, or some other form of COPD. C60oo should be helpful for him in that it will allow him to use oxygen more efficiently, so he will feel better despite being hypoxic. If there's an allergic component to his disease, then c60oo may also be improving that. Of course, there are a variety of things that he might have- maybe it's some form of heart dysfunction, for example. It would be interesting if someone could talk to the doctor he saw, or get hold of the radiologist's report, if there is one. Is it possible that one of his family members knows something that they aren't divulging?

It's not necessary for him to carefully measure his dose, or to take it daily. He could take 2-3 teaspoons (10-15ml) once a week, if he was so inclined. I usually pour it over vegetables or salad, or have it with salt and pepper as a bread dip; it really doesn't much matter, as long as it gets into your stomach.

I hope that he's feeling better.


Hi niner... radiologist report? :)  Let's put it this way: they have better medical facilities in Liberia. But no, the family definitely isn't holding anything back. (The doctor might have withheld info, as you suggested, but I really doubt it on account of (1) the corrupt motivation to sell "treatments" for a "disease" and (2) the wide availability of traditional medicine in his village, which means that there is always something available to (however ineffectively) treat every disease in existence, so it's unlikely that a doctor would just shrug his shoulders in defeat if something were found.) On the other hand, for the reasons I mentioned, I do think that in his condition it would have been obvious if it were an advanced cancer or pneumonia. So now that you mention it, COPD is probably high on the list of suspects. So if that's the case, then it will be interesting to see the extent to which his health persists once the c60oo is gone. I remember reading around here that MitoQ, which is apparently a mitochondrially targeted antioxidant like c60oo, causes endothelial rejuvination in a functional sense. If that's the case, and assuming similar action by c60oo, then the lung improvement should persist to some extent, entirely independent of mucous clearance, because the alveoli will work more efficiently due to improved transendothelial oxygen effusion. This would supplement any benefit due to reduced infection or inflammation. Certainly if he vanquishes an infection completely, that effect should persist. On the other hand, if it's cancer, then unfortunately I don't expect much persistence of benefit, because there's no reason to believe that the cancer cells would not benefit just as much as normal ones, apart from a brief suppression of metastasis.


Your dosage advice is well taken and may benefit others here. But in his case, keeping things as simple as possible is critical, hence the daily teaspoon. I also want to be consistent so we don't end up scratching our heads about the effects of sporadic dosing.


In any event I do expect to see some decline in health once the c60oo is exhausted, as if nothing else, he'll have to do the same amount of work with less tolerance for hypoxia. That would probably be OK if we manage to create some enduring benefits in the process.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Baati's rats were given c60oo at very sparse intervals throughout their lives, on the order of once a decade in human terms. Yet the impressive results speak for themselves. This suggests that c60oo is effectively more like stem cell therapy (less effective but cheaper and perhaps less risky) than a vanilla antioxidant. It's this concept that underlies my hope, however extrapolatory, that this shot-in-the-arm approach may actually kick him back in the direction of longterm normalcy. I might add, this all makes it sound like an epigenetically active agent, as in Turnbuckle's theory. However, I find it unlikely that it would know which way to properly methylate the DNA in order to improve survivability (which would require an indirect mode of action triggering a cascade of epigenetic reprofiling, as in a caloric restriction mimetic). Rather, I suspect that it just works so very well as an antioxidant that the body's meager healing machinery becomes supereffective during the dosing period, so what would normally amount to tissue maintenance actually becomes tissue rejuvenation, resulting in a lasting repair even after dosing has ceased and the acute antioxidant effects (e.g. superman syndrome) wear off. I think the fullerol theory makes more sense, as the most effective polyphenols (epicatechin, pterostilbene, EGCG, etc.) are loaded with OH groups, and c60-OH(n) is really just a volumetrically dense 3D version thereof which also happens to congragate in the mitochondria at the root of most of the pollution. It's all about the hydroxyls, baby! Anyhow, just my 2 cents.


I'll contact him again in the next few days and see if I can get anymore data regarding his symptoms, past and present.

Edited by resveratrol_guy, 21 August 2014 - 03:30 AM.

#114 markymark

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 07:50 AM


best whishes for your friend and great that you made the effort (shipment etc.).

As an MD and big rat as well I (I am healthy, no COPD) am convinced, that COPD is one, among many diseases / conditions, in which C60oo could/will do magic, or to say it less enthusiastic, will bring about great improvements.


when I read your post #105, in which you coined the term "c60oo-induced superman syndrome (ablation of radical-mediated muscle fatigue)", I broke out laughing, although I was all alone, too funny. That is exactly what happens with C60 to many sportive users and we should "warn" C60 newbies accordingly.




#115 niner

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 07:03 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Baati's rats were given c60oo at very sparse intervals throughout their lives, on the order of once a decade in human terms. Yet the impressive results speak for themselves. This suggests that c60oo is effectively more like stem cell therapy (less effective but cheaper and perhaps less risky) than a vanilla antioxidant. It's this concept that underlies my hope, however extrapolatory, that this shot-in-the-arm approach may actually kick him back in the direction of longterm normalcy. I might add, this all makes it sound like an epigenetically active agent, as in Turnbuckle's theory. However, I find it unlikely that it would know which way to properly methylate the DNA in order to improve survivability (which would require an indirect mode of action triggering a cascade of epigenetic reprofiling, as in a caloric restriction mimetic). Rather, I suspect that it just works so very well as an antioxidant that the body's meager healing machinery becomes supereffective during the dosing period, so what would normally amount to tissue maintenance actually becomes tissue rejuvenation, resulting in a lasting repair even after dosing has ceased and the acute antioxidant effects (e.g. superman syndrome) wear off. I think the fullerol theory makes more sense, as the most effective polyphenols (epicatechin, pterostilbene, EGCG, etc.) are loaded with OH groups, and c60-OH(n) is really just a volumetrically dense 3D version thereof which also happens to congragate in the mitochondria at the root of most of the pollution. It's all about the hydroxyls, baby!

The shortest interval in which Baati's rats were treated was 2 weeks. It's not easy to give an accurate human time equivalent, because it would depend on the rate at which c60oo left the rat membranes vs the rate at which it leaves human membranes, or is otherwise deactivated. In this regard, two weeks in a rat might be two weeks (or even less) in a human, or it might be like 50 weeks, the approximate ratio of lifespans. It appears that the half life of c60oo is very long, and the amount needed for antioxidant effects is very much less than the rats were given. I think this goes a long way toward explaining the lasting effects that it had in the rats. There is a hypothesis that c60oo may rescue failed differentiations among stem cells, so there might be a stem cell component to its effects.  Polyphenols and fullerols are pretty different.  In a fullerol, the free radical stabilizing effect of the fullerene cage is still a dominant effect, while polyphenols don't do that.

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#116 Kalliste

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 07:34 PM

Well I haven't seen this mentioned so far; Been taking C60 2-3ml / day for a while. Today I didn't take C60 but instead opted for 20mg of MitoQ. I did not notice any fireworks, but neither did I notice any bad effects.

#117 niner

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 08:00 PM

Well I haven't seen this mentioned so far; Been taking C60 2-3ml / day for a while. Today I didn't take C60 but instead opted for 20mg of MitoQ. I did not notice any fireworks, but neither did I notice any bad effects.


Did you notice anything with c60oo alone?  When you only stop it for one day, it's nearly all still in you, due to the extremely long half life.  Thus the non-effect from MitoQ is actually MitoQ plus c60oo.

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#118 Kalliste

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 08:51 PM

I'm aware of that, I just wanted to tell that no noticeable bad effects seemed to occur. I have not felt a huge difference with C60, a bit easier waking in the morning perhaps. Maybe the shorter recovery time. But I'm in a good age and ride my bike 60-80 km a week + gym + 1-2kg veggies a day, so I suspect I might not feel that much even if something happens. Starting with it anyway since I think this kind of treatment, if it works, will work better started early.

#119 StevesPetRat

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Posted 22 August 2014 - 12:45 AM


I have no idea if this idea has any merit, but a potent antioxidant like c60oo should improve liver function. Maybe your friend is able to start clearing some of the toxic load from his bloodstream. Again, this is a total off-the-wall guess.

#120 caliope

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 02:47 AM

Today the blood bank was back in town, so I put the C60 hypothesis to the test. To reprise, last time I gave blood I had taken a rather large dose of C60oo the day before, and my blood was a bright red color. This time, I had not had any C60 since the middle of last week. It was not a big surprise - my blood was dark this time, just like all the other donors. So while this was hardly a scientific experiment, I am satisfied that it was the C60 that caused the unusual color. Make of this what you will. 

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