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C60 Surprises - Anecdotes Of Unique Health Benefits

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#241 cheryls

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Posted 11 November 2014 - 04:54 PM

The cocoa connection is interesting. I haven't been paying much attention to the olfactory debate, because I always thought I had a fairly good sense of smell to start with. But now that you mention the cocoa thing, I did notice something today. I have been eating quite a bit of dark chocolate lately, and yesterday I also took C60. This morning my tap water, which I normally drink without a problem, tasted awful. I have noticed this a couple times lately, but always figured it was the water, not me. Now I'm thinking that maybe I am able taste the chemicals in the water I couldn't taste before. I will start keeping tabs on when this happens now. For what it's worth, my water is pretty good here - it's a small mountain community. I have never been able to drink the water in big cities like Phoenix. So it's not like I could never taste these chemicals at all before I used C60. It seems that now I can taste them in much smaller concentrations. 

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#242 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 12 November 2014 - 01:00 PM

The cocoa connection is interesting. I haven't been paying much attention to the olfactory debate, because I always thought I had a fairly good sense of smell to start with. But now that you mention the cocoa thing, I did notice something today. I have been eating quite a bit of dark chocolate lately, and yesterday I also took C60. This morning my tap water, which I normally drink without a problem, tasted awful. I have noticed this a couple times lately, but always figured it was the water, not me. Now I'm thinking that maybe I am able taste the chemicals in the water I couldn't taste before. I will start keeping tabs on when this happens now. For what it's worth, my water is pretty good here - it's a small mountain community. I have never been able to drink the water in big cities like Phoenix. So it's not like I could never taste these chemicals at all before I used C60. It seems that now I can taste them in much smaller concentrations. 


So I think we may have achieved some level of statistical significance: I only just last night purchased replacement filters for my water filtration unit -- 2 months ahead of the 6-month expiry date. The reason was that our water was starting to taste kind of metallic in an unpleasant way. My wife said it tasted fine, so I saved a water sample. When I got home with the filters, I swapped them out and alternated sips from the old sample and a new one (after purging the new filters for about 5 minutes). The difference was modest, but unmistakable. I've had water filters of various types for years, and I don't think I've ever bothered to change the filter early. I only mention this because I logged in and saw that you reported a similar thing.


But what I did feel the need to report was that I woke up feeling a bit ill this morning: So I have this IKEA nightstand next to my bed. Like most IKEA wood products, it's veneer glued over particle board (sawdust, effectively). While the company apparently eliminated formaldehyde years ago, these products still smell annoyingly "woody" for a month or so after you assemble them. I had bought mine 7 months ago, and the odor had long since disappeared, except for a few minutes after opening a drawer. But this morning, I awoke to the woody odor. I knew that I must have left a drawer open, so I leaned over and tried to close them. But they were already closed, and the veneer itself had never smelled like much of anything, even when it was new. It was then that I realized that the wood odor was coming from my sleep blinds, which I keep in the drawer during the day. I've used these blinds for longer than the nightstand, and I've almost always kept them stored there. After the few weeks of initial offgassing, the odor no longer bothered me, whether from the nightstand itself or anything that I stored within it. But this morning, it was rather offensive.


So let me know if you want a fantastic bargain on a nightstand. Or for that matter, my IKEA desk purchased at the same time. I need to go open a window. The odor is starting to bother me.


Click HERE to rent this advertising spot for C60 HEALTH to support Longecity (this will replace the google ad above).

#243 caliope

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Posted 12 November 2014 - 02:02 PM

I guess there is always a catch. We thought we were going to live longer, healthier lives -  it turns out part of the deal is having to buy new furniture and bottled water. 


I don't think anyone here will want the stinky nightstand. You should try selling it on a forum where people aren't using C60 and so won't be able to smell it. 

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#244 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 12 November 2014 - 06:10 PM

Good health might not be without its financial costs, but at least, we have something of an option :)


And now, the following impromptu experiment...


So I've been having this virulent fungus problem -- not me, but my fish. I've seen fin and mouth fungus many times before, but this stuff seems to kill them within a day or two of symptoms. First, they get disoriented and forget how to find food. Then then rapidly die. I hit the tank with victoria green at the recommended dose (typical fungus treatment), but I still see the same fish with the same small fungus patches as yesterday. The worst case is a female swordtail, whose tail has become frayed and white -- just like my other female swordtail, who died a few days after looking like that. I'm going to have to hit the tank with more chemicals soon because I'm afraid I'm about to lose all my fish, otherwise. Most of them are fine, but one or two a day seem to contract the fungus, and die shortly thereafter.


In my desperation, I decided to pump them up on c60oo. I mixed flakes and brine shrimp powder with about 3 mg of my c60oo. It made about 3 level teaspoons of food, which they ate almost completely, including the ailing swordtail. Considering that my average fish weighs maybe 10 g, and I have about 30, we're looking at about 10 mg/kg. Some of the oil is still present on the surface, and likely will not be eaten. So maybe 5 mg/kg is more accurate. But do the math. It's like a human downing a few 100 ml bottles of the Baati stuff in one go. So if nothing else, consider this a study in tolerable upper intake level. At the moment, 10 minutes post experiment, my fish are unusually subdued, mostly hovering in the plants. They're usually active throughout the tank. No doubt, they're quite stuffed. Hopefully this won't kill them. Based on her behavior and tail condition, I don't expect my swordtail to survive. It's also hard to see how c60oo could be expected to intervene in a fungus infection, most of which is disconnected from general circulation. But it's my best option under the circumstances.


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#245 smccomas01

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Posted 13 November 2014 - 11:14 AM

Well this will be interesting please let us know what happens. 

#246 StevesPetRat

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Posted 13 November 2014 - 11:38 AM

My computer has been running slow so I put some C60oo in the DVD player. Will report results asI AM ALIVE; TREMBLE BEFORE ME, FLESH-BAGS

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#247 smccomas01

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Posted 13 November 2014 - 11:45 AM

My computer has been running slow so I put some C60oo in the DVD player. Will report results asI AM ALIVE; TREMBLE BEFORE ME, FLESH-BAGS


Dude you owe me a keyboard coffee all over the damn place....

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#248 Turnbuckle

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Posted 13 November 2014 - 12:59 PM

Good health might not be without its financial costs, but at least, we have something of an option :)


And now, the following impromptu experiment...


So I've been having this virulent fungus problem -- not me, but my fish. I've seen fin and mouth fungus many times before, but this stuff seems to kill them within a day or two of symptoms. First, they get disoriented and forget how to find food. Then then rapidly die. I hit the tank with victoria green at the recommended dose (typical fungus treatment), but I still see the same fish with the same small fungus patches as yesterday. The worst case is a female swordtail, whose tail has become frayed and white -- just like my other female swordtail, who died a few days after looking like that. I'm going to have to hit the tank with more chemicals soon because I'm afraid I'm about to lose all my fish, otherwise. Most of them are fine, but one or two a day seem to contract the fungus, and die shortly thereafter.


In my desperation, I decided to pump them up on c60oo. I mixed flakes and brine shrimp powder with about 3 mg of my c60oo. It made about 3 level teaspoons of food, which they ate almost completely, including the ailing swordtail. Considering that my average fish weighs maybe 10 g, and I have about 30, we're looking at about 10 mg/kg. Some of the oil is still present on the surface, and likely will not be eaten. So maybe 5 mg/kg is more accurate. But do the math. It's like a human downing a few 100 ml bottles of the Baati stuff in one go. So if nothing else, consider this a study in tolerable upper intake level. At the moment, 10 minutes post experiment, my fish are unusually subdued, mostly hovering in the plants. They're usually active throughout the tank. No doubt, they're quite stuffed. Hopefully this won't kill them. Based on her behavior and tail condition, I don't expect my swordtail to survive. It's also hard to see how c60oo could be expected to intervene in a fungus infection, most of which is disconnected from general circulation. But it's my best option under the circumstances.



Sounds like magic. Since fungi have mitochondria and C60 appears to boost the activity of mitochondria, this could easily make things worse.

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#249 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 13 November 2014 - 03:03 PM


Sounds like magic. Since fungi have mitochondria and C60 appears to boost the activity of mitochondria, this could easily make things worse.


Yeah I'm really struggling for a better answer. On further examination, it looks more like wasting syndrome (parasitic) as opposed to fungus, so I changed the water and put in parasite medicine instead. Granted, it might be a bit of both. It has infected species quite randomly, with some individuals being completely disease-free, but none have transitioned back from white spots to healthy. The female swordtail has been isolated and is almost dead. I even tried a bit of betadine in her bowl water. I've had various outbreaks over the years (especially ich parasites), but this thing is virulent and rapidly fatal.


At least, no one seems to have fallen ill from the c60oo; only the symtomatic fish seem to be lethargic.

#250 caliope

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Posted 13 November 2014 - 09:12 PM

Well, if we are talking about desperate attempts to cure ailing animals with C60, I have my own contribution. My Basset Hound suddenly developed an odd growth under his lower eyelid several weeks ago. It seems to itch him, he scratches at it and it bleeds a lot. The vet didn't know what it was. Cytology was inconclusive due to the blood in the sample. She gave me antibiotics and ointments to increase tear production along with antiinflammatory medication. These did absolutely nothing. Surgery to remove it is prohibitively expensive. In desperation I have been giving him different supplements and putting herbal poultices on his eye. He definitely perked up when I gave him C60 - he was running better than he ever has. But it doesn't seem to have done anything for his eye. I am thinking maybe he needs some vitamin K2? I have already tried turmeric and probiotics internally as well as gotu kola and goldenseal externally, CG and CS internally and externally. In any case, the problem doesn't seem to be getting any worse. 

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#251 Astroid

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Posted 14 November 2014 - 08:36 AM

.... My Basset Hound suddenly developed an odd growth under his lower eyelid several weeks ago. It seems to itch him, he scratches at it and it bleeds a lot. ...


  Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) can be given to dogs to increase their immunity.  I have heard two different doses.. much lower than humans.. and another almost the same as humans.. per lb.. as their liver process things faster.. I did give my German Shepherd 4.5 mg a few days after she developed a flea tick bite allergy... She was taking antibiotics too.. but she did heal fast.       

#252 caliope

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Posted 14 November 2014 - 09:59 PM


.... My Basset Hound suddenly developed an odd growth under his lower eyelid several weeks ago. It seems to itch him, he scratches at it and it bleeds a lot. ...


  Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) can be given to dogs to increase their immunity.  I have heard two different doses.. much lower than humans.. and another almost the same as humans.. per lb.. as their liver process things faster.. I did give my German Shepherd 4.5 mg a few days after she developed a flea tick bite allergy... She was taking antibiotics too.. but she did heal fast.       



OK, I see there is a place in Israel that sells it. I will give it a try, I wonder if it would be better to get the drops?

#253 Astroid

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Posted 15 November 2014 - 12:33 AM

This is another source I found this year... A couple of friends have recently received their order from this gentleman.


 I'd recommend just purchasing the 50 mg pills..  because all you have to do then is add 10 oz of distilled water yourself.  Keep it cold and humans then take 1 oz per night.  Adjust that for your dog as you like. I'd start with a smaller amount, and increase it daily until you obtain the dosage you like. You can search for the recommended dose for animals.   Heck, they may have a youtube for it already. 


4 years ago LDN immediately stopped severe hives I had for 8 years that the MDs could not figure out. I was having outbreaks 3 days a week. I've had no cold or sinus infections since taking this either !  


New overseas source...

http://www.buylowdosenaltrexone.com/   .. It will only cost you about $44 for 10 pills..each pill last 10 days... so that is a 100 day supply... you will know if this helps by then... 30 pills is $89 + shipping....

One takes the 50 mg pill and dissolve it in 10 oz of distilled water.. keep cold.. drink 1 oz per night..

#254 smithx

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Posted 15 November 2014 - 02:37 AM

naltrexone ain't C60. Please keep on topic people!


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#255 Logic

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Posted 15 November 2014 - 03:05 AM

Sounds like magic. Since fungi have mitochondria and C60 appears to boost the activity of mitochondria, this could easily make things worse.

Yeah I'm really struggling for a better answer. On further examination, it looks more like wasting syndrome (parasitic) as opposed to fungus, so I changed the water and put in parasite medicine instead. Granted, it might be a bit of both. It has infected species quite randomly, with some individuals being completely disease-free, but none have transitioned back from white spots to healthy. The female swordtail has been isolated and is almost dead. I even tried a bit of betadine in her bowl water. I've had various outbreaks over the years (especially ich parasites), but this thing is virulent and rapidly fatal.
At least, no one seems to have fallen ill from the c60oo; only the symtomatic fish seem to be lethargic.

Soz; off topic, but I just had to mention Methylene Blue if you want to kill fungus and boost Mitos and NAD+ :)
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#256 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 15 November 2014 - 03:06 PM

Thanks Logic, I may use methylene blue next if things progress further. For now, I have 4 fish with white spots in evidence, but the spots have not changed in size for 2 days, since I applied API General Cure at 60% above the recommended dose. (I raised the dose based on the severity of the disease, and with some level of confidence that c60oo would protect the fish from toxicity.) The swordtail died, but no one else has gotten any worse. They're due for a repeat dose today, which is supposed to finish the therapy. So I guess it was parasites, as API Fungus Cure had no effect.


So on the plus side, the megadose c60oo doesn't seem to have hurt anyone. After relaxing in the plants for a few hours, everyone came out, and now they're back to normal social behavior, and bugging me for food when I walk in front of the tank. My dominant male is back to chasing all the girls constantly. When they relaxed, they also hung out tightly with their own kind, as fish do when first introduced to a new tank, whereas now they're back to random interactions. Maybe that means they were scared after eating the stuff, for some reason, like that shortterm weird feeling that some have reported. (This does indeed seem likely, as they were not at all scared, but rather quite enthusiastic, to gobble up the oily food on the surface; only many minutes later did I observe the relaxation effect.)


I'm worried that the white spots will resume growth after the treatment course is finished in another 2 days.


Edited by resveratrol_guy, 15 November 2014 - 03:10 PM.

#257 aribadabar

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Posted 15 November 2014 - 04:18 PM

This thread got seriously derailed...

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#258 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 19 November 2014 - 03:26 PM

OK back to the topic at hand. Lumosity seems to be telling me something: I get better scores when I have my 3 mg teaspoon at night, as opposed to in the morning (immediately after Lumosity). OTOH, when I take it at night, I don't see as much in the way of endurance benefits. Because Lumosity is so score-stable by design, it's hard to provide data; all I can say is that my scores on individual games seem to be better with night dosing. In any event, it's obvious that I'm sleeping better in that case, which would make this result unsurprising. It would be cool to confirm the existence of a choice of benefits with other people, which IMO would be unique among supplements. So if you see this, or don't, it would be useful to know.


There's a more audacious hypothesis which this experience suggests, which is that c60oo somehow gets delivered to the most active mitochondria, and settles into them preferentially. Obviously it doesn't know where the most oxidation is coming from, but most likely something else in the body does. Might fatty acid trasport be biased toward cells whose mitochondria are working harder? And if such a transport bias exists, would this have ramifications for targetting tumor cells (yeah I know, that's another thread)? So at night, the brain is busy making sense of the day's experiences; during the day, the muscles are busy with physical tasks.


My faith in morning cacao (86% 100g) plus bedtime c60oo (3 mg) as a treatment for hyposmia is growing by the day. The varnish, mold, and paint in my home are becoming intolerable, despite autumn temperatures resulting in lower vapor pressures. Not to the "human bloodhound" level which I had prior to my nasal infection, but to the point of annoyance. I guess I can't complain.


Edited by resveratrol_guy, 19 November 2014 - 03:28 PM.

#259 trance

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 05:44 PM


Good health might not be without its financial costs, but at least, we have something of an option :)


And now, the following impromptu experiment...


So I've been having this virulent fungus problem -- not me, but my fish. I've seen fin and mouth fungus many times before, but this stuff seems to kill them within a day or two of symptoms. First, they get disoriented and forget how to find food. Then then rapidly die. I hit the tank with victoria green at the recommended dose (typical fungus treatment), but I still see the same fish with the same small fungus patches as yesterday. The worst case is a female swordtail, whose tail has become frayed and white -- just like my other female swordtail, who died a few days after looking like that. I'm going to have to hit the tank with more chemicals soon because I'm afraid I'm about to lose all my fish, otherwise. Most of them are fine, but one or two a day seem to contract the fungus, and die shortly thereafter.


In my desperation, I decided to pump them up on c60oo. I mixed flakes and brine shrimp powder with about 3 mg of my c60oo. It made about 3 level teaspoons of food, which they ate almost completely, including the ailing swordtail. Considering that my average fish weighs maybe 10 g, and I have about 30, we're looking at about 10 mg/kg. Some of the oil is still present on the surface, and likely will not be eaten. So maybe 5 mg/kg is more accurate. But do the math. It's like a human downing a few 100 ml bottles of the Baati stuff in one go. So if nothing else, consider this a study in tolerable upper intake level. At the moment, 10 minutes post experiment, my fish are unusually subdued, mostly hovering in the plants. They're usually active throughout the tank. No doubt, they're quite stuffed. Hopefully this won't kill them. Based on her behavior and tail condition, I don't expect my swordtail to survive. It's also hard to see how c60oo could be expected to intervene in a fungus infection, most of which is disconnected from general circulation. But it's my best option under the circumstances.



Sounds like magic. Since fungi have mitochondria and C60 appears to boost the activity of mitochondria, this could easily make things worse.



 That's why I always use mouthwash before C60oo ...

#260 caliope

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 05:57 PM


 That's why I always use mouthwash before C60oo ...




Doesn't mouthwash just cover up bad breath? I have noticed the need to brush my tongue more often. I wonder if it's because of the C60. Maybe I will start taking it with a dropper so there's less that gets on my tongue. 


#261 StevesPetRat

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 06:39 PM

Have y'all ever seen a bottle of olive oil get moldy? I don't think we have to worry too much about the fungus aspect, personally. But then again, I'm not a biologist.

#262 cani!

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 06:39 PM

My car wouldn't start because of the cold. A little C60 and voilà, off to work I go!


Seriously, that stuff is pretty amazing, especially for people who work out.


For the heck of it, I gave it to my cat. Was an asshole then and it still is an asshole now but he jumps around way more than it used to!

#263 trance

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 07:32 PM



 That's why I always use mouthwash before C60oo ...




Doesn't mouthwash just cover up bad breath? I have noticed the need to brush my tongue more often. I wonder if it's because of the C60. Maybe I will start taking it with a dropper so there's less that gets on my tongue. 



 No, alcohol-based mouthwash (Listerine, etc) kills a good percentage of bacteria in your mouth.  


 I want the C60oo for me, not for the bacteria that live in my mouth since they may benefit from C60oo just as readily, if not more so, than we do.



#264 APBT

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 08:00 PM




 That's why I always use mouthwash before C60oo ...



Doesn't mouthwash just cover up bad breath? I have noticed the need to brush my tongue more often. I wonder if it's because of the C60. Maybe I will start taking it with a dropper so there's less that gets on my tongue. 


 No, alcohol-based mouthwash (Listerine, etc) kills a good percentage of bacteria in your mouth.  


 I want the C60oo for me, not for the bacteria that live in my mouth since they may benefit from C60oo just as readily, if not more so, than we do.


Would straight or dilute hydrogen peroxide work for this purpose?  

#265 trance

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 08:48 PM





 That's why I always use mouthwash before C60oo ...



Doesn't mouthwash just cover up bad breath? I have noticed the need to brush my tongue more often. I wonder if it's because of the C60. Maybe I will start taking it with a dropper so there's less that gets on my tongue. 


 No, alcohol-based mouthwash (Listerine, etc) kills a good percentage of bacteria in your mouth.  


 I want the C60oo for me, not for the bacteria that live in my mouth since they may benefit from C60oo just as readily, if not more so, than we do.


Would straight or dilute hydrogen peroxide work for this purpose?  





Yes, 3% hydrogen peroxide is just as effective, if not more so.  See chart below.





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#266 Kalliste

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 09:17 PM

Yes 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate is a good rinse. Indication for use is mainly after oral surgery, extractions and so on.

Sometimes it's recommended to people with physical and mental disabilities who have a hard time maintaining oral hygiene.

I don't understand what good it will do for you with relation to C60 though?

It stains the teeth brown after just a few rinses in some people.

I can't find info right now but there is some suspicion that these anti-microbial agents enter the gut and affects the flora. Probably in a negative manner.



Edited by Cosmicalstorm, 20 November 2014 - 09:18 PM.

#267 trance

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 09:37 PM

Theory is to kill the mouth bacteria before dosing C60oo for yourself is all; simple precaution ... and don't swallow the mouthwashes.

#268 niner

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 10:16 PM

I'm not too crazy about the mouthwash idea.  You're messing up your normal oral flora, and might raise a breed of c60-fueled mouthwash-resistant superbugs.  I'd stay away from hydrogen peroxide.  Its MOA is the generation of ROS. 

#269 trance

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 10:29 PM

 Okay, but there's two sides of the coin with your suggestion.  


 What if we're raising a super breed of mutans streptococci species strengthened by their exposure and endurance to C60oo -- and besides the dental decay ramifications, some of the same oral flora have been implicated in certain cardiovascular diseases?


 I don't necessarily want to create or give any advantage to these so-called superbugs by not using the mouthwash first.  In my eyes, it's a simple precaution for normal dental hygiene anyway.  I don't use hydrogen peroxide myself, just ordinary Listerine.


 And I usually take one of those oral probiotic mints afterwards.

#270 StevesPetRat

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 10:47 PM

Seriously, you guys worry about the funniest things. I'm worried more about C60 screwing up the hormetic response to ROS than some hypothetical mechanism by which it kills us all with superpathogens. Were the mice in the Baati study raised in a sterile environment? No. Are there any anecdotal reports of people becoming very sick after up to 2 years of C60 supplementation? No. Are there, on the other hand, anecdotal reports of improvements in infectious conditions? Yes.


That said I still slosh around a bit of xylitol as always after brushing my teeth morning and evening. Don't think there's much point in anybody changing their oral hygeine routine one way or the other on account of C60 administration is all.

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