Things that worked for weaning off:
cycling these:
noopept + lions mane + NAC
afabazole and bacopa (gaba upregulation) before sleep
agmatine sulphate (will post an article I've written later) (biphasic tolerance repair)
DO NOT take things that cross reference like lots of alchohol, or sleeping pills like zopidem.
track your sleep and get a lot of DEEP SLEEP you can take achieve this by pregabalin or CES biohardware, and keep your sleep routines as rigid as possible, the exact time you sleep matters more than the time you wake up. If fatigue is a problem take 27 to 30 minute power naps if possible.
You can also counter fatigue and brain fog with a plenthora of drug, supplemention, exercise and diet. And immediate non ingestion cure for brain fog is mild ketosis and 7 minute high intensity exerise. If you have brain fog when you heart rate is 120 northwards than you have issues. Make sure your fatigue is not related to other things like brain inflammation which you can't feel.
deep sleep is very important, also if symptoms persist I don't understand the reluctancy to take a very low maintanence dose but thats just me. Besides benzos have their uses as do opiates, both very useful drugs medically. As long as you are not escalating the doses to moderate to high levels I don't really see an issue with it. It saved my life and career, its a very personal opinion and highly subjective and may be influenced by the addictive nature of the drugs itself.
Do not use statins as they disable cholesterol a key component in neuronal manufacturing and linking. Memory loss is one of the main side effects of statins. Do not use statins unless its to control a dangerous overload of cholesterol in the body, otherwise more cholesterol is better than less. They also cause muscle weakness.
Edited by Major Legend, 18 October 2014 - 01:15 AM.