Updating to my two posts a few pages back. I had an almost 2 week break off NSI-189 and I noted a small withdrawal effect that lasted 5 days, an unpleasant feeling with mild anxiety and depression.
As of 3 days ago I started taking NSI-189 again at 40mg BID, this has definately caused massive amounts of anxiety but I'm trying to work through it and it seems like it will be worth it in the long term. I will also note that there is a slight depersonalization/derealization factor happening in the background, someone explained this in another post as just an overall "weird feeling". I'm hoping after 2 weeks that these side effects will subside.
Sleep - Cannot sleep within 6 hours of taking it, if I do then I get stuck feeling like I've woken up continously for however long I sleep for.
Anxiety - Varying amounts of anxiety that I can only compare to taking an extreme amount of caffeine, internal monologue is in overdrive.
Depression - These depressive thoughts are associated with the fact that I'm getting extreme amounts of anxiety but I thought it was worth noting.
Depersonalization/derealization - The only thing I can compare this too is a feeling thats similar to the come down off psychedelics that can be uncomfortable (for some). A sense that reality is a strange thing and a sense of not entirely knowing being sure of oneself, this can be seen as a positive effect also but personally speaking this is how its affecting me presently.
Hyperemotionality - I myself have felt very emotional and connected to movies/tv episodes that I've watched while on this, a dark setting can promote a scary like feeling that can on occasions be intense.
Visual Snow - I suffer from Visual Snow from what I believe to be my benzodiazepine usage 2 years ago, this has increased the visual snow effects which I'm hoping fade away after 2-4 weeks.
Even with the Anxiety I believe that I'm handling things like work a lot smoother than I would've without it, I also think I'm able to sit down sometimes and think rationally and logically about repressed memories or things that have effected me in the past, I personally think this would be highly useful with therapy.
I feel like I need to challenge myself a lot more in life than what I'm currently doing.
Overall I'll continue for at least 2 weeks and try press through the side effects, one thing also to point out was after my 2 week break off it I dosed the intial 40mg and then had extreme amounts of motivation/wellbeing for 6-8 hours until I took the next dose, at which point the anxiety kicked in. It may be worth trialing various doses ever 2-6 days?