Something else that is quite surprising is the number of people that contact me and by accident I got strong clues they have a chronic undiagnosed infection. They are six members that I believe they have an infection (from subtle to serious) and four they confirmed it either by going to the doctor, or for what it worth trying antibiotics I recommended (supplements) and got less brain fog and better mood. Probably many you know already the inflammation depression link, but searching it, its way more common than what I thought.
What clues are these ? I Think inflammation might play a role in my symptoms (anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, depression) and my ferritin levels are high which could point to inflammation going on in the body. Other then that, I have no clear signs of any inflammatory condition (e.g. gastrointestinal complaints). What supplements you recommend ?
Hi DaneV, sorry for not replying, I just saw your post by accident looking back.
Clues that can give away a chronic infection that started getting serious is brain fog, low mood, lack of energy, anxiety, derealisation, topical pain and inflamation. Common chronic infections that can give these symptoms are in the gut, sinuses, urinary tract, gingiva-tooth and lungs, what all have in common is empty space with no immune system to fight microbes, that can build their numbers over time in a biofilm
and can after some time start giving many different problems according to the organ they attack, for example with chronic microbial pancreatitis you can develop diabetes as the pancreas can stop functioning properly.
I hope in the future this subject would become popular in a longevity forum that Longecity is, as chronic (sometimes undiagnosed) infections, have strong correllation with cancer (increasing risk by 30 times) a major factor in blocking arteries trough a biofilm structure and even giving Alzheimer's as you can read in this thread.
Strangelove - Are there any supplements you would recommend taking to fight a chronic infection without knowing exactly what type of infection it is (or where in the body it is located) ? I have most of those symptoms at some level (but then again so do most people).