Playground, although I respect your prior research and "strategic content" you have contributed in the past, its very hard for me to believe that Stinkrninjor has any financial interest in NSI-189. He is an old member here contributing information and helping others way back NSI-189. NSI-189 is only a small portion of the subjects he contributes about... Only if you read these two last pages, gave replies and helpful content to many others, mostly not mentioning NSI-189, and when he did was negative about his experience...
I am using a number of chemicals (multi pharmacy in very low doses) and supplements, NSI-189 is only one of them. Not an attack on you (as I am mostly talking about myself here) but I suspect the state you are in is... Very analytical, probably addicted in information, you may have perfectionistic tendencies, been somewhat suspicious about big pharma (the only big conspiracy I am sure about) you use leverage dealing with problems etc. This state of mind can have many benefits, but my main interest in NSI-189 (I can only state my experience in benefits) is that brings me out of this "noradrenergic ego state" and can be more in the flow, and warmer toward others when I am out in social envinronments, I could always overanalyze later when needed... NSI-189 has its use, not so many side effects, and this is why other members are positive about it. If you want to promote something you do it with social marketing in a wide audience with some subtle context I guess, not writting in a thread that ten people tops are reading it per day... Neuralstem needs FDA approval, and the medical/media network to "push" NSI-189, not this thread... I understand your second thoughts with the medical system, but 99% in forums like Longecity we are not part of the system, and most probably against it...
The conspiracy I am sure about, and is the largest one in medicine is biofilm... This is I believe the major cause in all major diseases. There is an extremely high correlation with cancer (30X chances to get cancer if you have a biofilm based disease) cardiovascular disease, biofilm clogs and "eat" arteries (9/10 carotid arteries in a study were cloged from biofilm) Obviously all chronic infections... Lung infections and UTI's were the third and ninth cause of death worldwide when i last checked. Many suspect that Alzheimers plaque is biofilm in the brain... Statistically depression and a number other mental problems are brought by chronic inflammation with a chronic biofilm related infection been the most common cause.
Big pharma do not want to bring anything to the market that will systemically desolve biofilm because (I believe) would be a drop in numbers, in all major diseases. Biofilm is known for decades, I have seen a number of possible solutions that Big pharma will not bring in the market (most possibly buy the patents so noone will market it for a while... The solution for many here (that suspect a low level chronic infection) are enzymes. I mentioned two companies before, that I have tried myself but there are others I am sure. I have an interest in compounding pharmacy and I have put together a mixture for chronically infected wounds for a relative a friend and me, after not seen much from topical antibiotics. The major antibiofilm agents are (cationic) surfactants, quorum sensing inhibitors and enzymes. You cannot use (orally) cationic surfactants, and some quorum sensing inhibitors, but you can use enzymes. They do work... I have seen it myself in chronic infected wounds, and there are many experiences on line for oral use of enzymes, I think a combination of enzymes and natural antibiotics will resolve a number of health issues, together with depression, anxiety, brain fog and fatique for many.
Its a very reductionistic approach (but as of now) I believe that there is an increase in most major diseases, because our diet is low in nutrition, with the most important part a reduction in plant enzymes. A lack of specific phytochemicals, would allow a number of small biofilm structures to persist in the mouth, skin, bladder, sinuses, gut etc Increase at periods when the immune function is low, clog arteries that will not allow oxygen and nutritients to get delivered to the cells, topically increase blood acidity, and disrupt bioelectrical patterns (most biofilms have a negative charge). Anyone that has read about cancer, how much these effects is the perfect recipe for cancer? A description of biofilm effects, is actually the description of cancer. If I was "Playground" (I am joking) I should suspect all alternative cancer treatment providers also... There is no mention in biofilm as a cause, when there is very high statistical correlation with biofilm and cancer, and when biofilm effects and cancerous states share the same abnormalities.
Hi Strangelove,
I invite you to start a thread on Biofilm.
I'll be very happy to contribute to it, and give it my full attention.
And i'm sure other people watching this thread, and longecity denizens generally, would also be very interested.
In a previous post you mentioned two possible treatments for biofilm:
(1) enteric coated oregano oil
(2) grape seed oil
I have a couple of questions:
(A) Is there any evidence for the efficacy of these 2 treatments ?
eg: Published academic studies
(B) Are there any other treatments which are effective against them ?
For example, it's known that ketogenic (low carbohydrate) diets are effective
against a vast array of chronic modern diseases: diabetes, cardiovascular disease,
neuropathy, alzheimers, parkinsons, epilepsy, ALS, MS, high blood pressure, depression,
anxiety, arthritis ... the list goes on and on.
One popular explanation for the efficacy of ketogenic diets is that, by definition,
ketogenic diets are low carbohydrate diets. The cause of many chronic diseases
is endogenous pathogens. A ketogenic diet, reduces the food supply of the
pathogens, and pathogen numbers rise and fall with the food supply. A ketogenic
diet will reduce pathogen numbers, by restricting their food supply.
So i can help wondering:
(1) Do biofilms feed on simple sugars (given that most pathogens do)
(2) Is there any research on the effect of ketogenic diets on biofilms ?
I warmly invite you start a biofilm thread.
best wishes