JcPharms has NSI-189 phosphate back in stock.
The mailman already came today though so orders will ship Monday morning.
Posted 03 March 2019 - 11:00 AM
I took just 10mg of NSI-189 for 2 days, then stopped. 4 days later and I'm now starting to seriously panic and the side effects are still going strong.
I have mild pins and needles over my legs, arms and face (like my whole body is just vibrating), tinnitus and something that feels like labyrinthitis or similar (slight dizzyness, lightleadedness). Generally a bit spaced out. I also have cold hands for the past two days which is something I've had last year but went away (I was tested negative for anemia and thyroid problems.) The pins and needles feeling is something I experience with motion sickness but that usually stops a hour or so after getting out of the car. I may have had labryinthitus about 1.5 years ago though I'm starting to wonder if it was something else.
My B12 levels were low but in range early 2018. It was mentioned years back that there might be a connection between deficiency and nsi-189 problems but I wasn't sure if that theory still stood.
I can see there was one other person who had a similar response in this thread after a low dose which is what has scared me.
Does anyone know what happened to sdanhedonic? His thread and reddit posts seriously worry me.
Hey Dave,
Are you feeling any better today? After being off NSI for 5 days it should be clear from your system barring a slow metabolism.
I haven't personally experienced the tinnitus or paresthesia side effects, I got a bit spacey but that was after several months on what turns out to be too high a dose (for me) of 40mg QD. I remember somebody mentioning B12 levels and a correlation with NSI side effects many pages back, but I don't think it was determined that deficiency was the problem. That's my recollection though so you may want to comb back through the thread to clarify the B12 connection.
You should probably get new blood tests done since it's been a year and something else could be going on (best to catch it early).
The list of side effects makes me think it's more than two days of low dose NSI but everyone's physiology is different and I am certainly no doctor.
Posted 03 March 2019 - 05:25 PM
Hey Dave,
Are you feeling any better today? After being off NSI for 5 days it should be clear from your system barring a slow metabolism.
I haven't personally experienced the tinnitus or paresthesia side effects, I got a bit spacey but that was after several months on what turns out to be too high a dose (for me) of 40mg QD. I remember somebody mentioning B12 levels and a correlation with NSI side effects many pages back, but I don't think it was determined that deficiency was the problem. That's my recollection though so you may want to comb back through the thread to clarify the B12 connection.
You should probably get new blood tests done since it's been a year and something else could be going on (best to catch it early).
The list of side effects makes me think it's more than two days of low dose NSI but everyone's physiology is different and I am certainly no doctor.
Unfortunately no change that I can detect. Low level tingling all over legs and face (like white noise rather than pin pricks), tinnitus and a slight motion sickness. I just don't feel like I'm properly in the room. I'll try and get a b12 test tomorrow though I've been taking 1800mcg for 3 days now with no effect, not sure if that will mess it up (part of a b complex I've doubled.)
Looks like the dorsal cochlear nucleus is responsible for all of this. I really hope it's a temporary HT5 over-stimulation and not some permanent damage caused by my low b12 levels (b6 was fine before.)
I would strongly advise anyone against taking this drug until more is known. You may be fine now but who know what will happen in the future that might trigger this!
Posted 04 March 2019 - 01:12 AM
Give it time. It's too early to tell if this would be any kind of permanent side effect upon cessation of the drug.
Posted 06 March 2019 - 09:21 PM
NSI-189 gave me paresthesia in the ear canals (both left and right) and in front of the tragus. It was like a weak electrical current. It was constant but unlike pain where you think about it all the time I had to make a mental note of it, like "oh it's still here, I can feel it" and that was it. I wouldn't even say that it was uncomfortable. After I stopped taking it, I think it lasted 4 to 6 weeks before it faded in the background and then totally went away. Had it worked as an antidepressant, I'd say that the side effect profile for me was so much more subtle than that of SSRIs/SNRIs that I'd choose it any day of the week. But since I'm not exactly sure what it did for the depression, I decided to stop taking it. But I'm still in a better place than I was before I started to take it six months ago. I'm my usual sad now!
Edited to add that it also gave me tinnitus. I always have tinnitus but it was significantly louder while taking the NSI.
Edited by kyle75, 06 March 2019 - 09:22 PM.
Posted 08 March 2019 - 03:50 PM
me too, it seems to cause abundant neurological problems for a small set of users.
Posted 09 March 2019 - 09:59 PM
Has anyone tried low Dose NSI-189?
Like 5mg, 10mg?
Because I have tried it and it seems strangely superior to like 40mg. My scale measures like 5-15mg, so that is what I have been taking from time to time after trying this and that dose. I also snorted like 200mg daily a few days, so you see I really know what I am talking about.
I read the newest 2019 study from Neuralstem and they also wonder about the dose. Stating that its weird that 80mg doesn't help and it would have been better if lower doses also had been studied.
Maybe really, the trick is around 10mg once daily sublingual.
Not to like totally combat like depression or brain damage necessarily. But I feel like whatever positive effect it has maxes out at that dose.
Edited by AOIministrator, 09 March 2019 - 10:01 PM.
Posted 09 March 2019 - 10:26 PM
Posted 12 March 2019 - 06:26 AM
Here's my kinda brosciencey, not super scientific take on NSI-189's MOA - the hippocampus growth it brings about induces more intense emotions and perhaps better emotional regulation. This makes it really good for anhedonia and/or depression because those tend to be associated with a shrinking of the hippocampus (the emotional center of the brain) and loss of feeling that things matter, which doesn't tend to be based in rational judgement but again in emotions.
I just thought of this because I was dealing with some Phenibut PAWS including depression and more importantly anhedonia where I just felt really out of it and disinterested in doing anything. The interesting thing is that one thing that I've really noticed helping is having positive emotional experiences, especially socially. When I hang out with really good friends I feel I can trust and don't need to perform for, I can move past the anhedonia and depression and feel just like my old self again. More importantly, I feel normal and good again for days afterwards. On the other hand, bad emotional experiences have just the opposite effect and make me feel much more anhedonic and out of it.
Since I don't normally suffer from depression or anhedonia, I think it seems like my brain will fall into somewhat of a rut given the trauma of the phenibut withdrawal I went through if I don't manage to keep hold of my emotions well.
I could be off here, and maybe all of this is pretty obvious to most. I'm just interested in whether there are any other substances known to enable the hippocampus to grow specifically, as these could be powerful tools for people recovering from drug dependency, abuse, trauma, and the like in addition to ordinary biohackers looking to improve their motivation and general zest for life (which is probably the holy grail of biohacking really).
Posted 13 March 2019 - 03:12 AM
Hi all just coming in with another report, I messaged the jcpharm guy to send me a sample but he declined, understandable, so I bought a gram and it arrived safe and sound in 3 days. Tested the quality orally 20 mg 2x and it seems to have the same effect as the other nsi 189 I tried so thats good. Ive been experimenting with nsi 189 a lot it seems to really revert your brain back to a childlike state kind of insane. Sometimes though if I keep taking it I will just keep getting more and more tired? So I think a small dose every day or a medium dose every few days could be sustainable. it's been very nice so far, it mixes very well with phenibut, coffee, weed, noopept, most everything I've tried so far, so let's hope it continues to be a good drug. We are the human guinea pigs here so who knows what can really happen?
Posted 13 March 2019 - 06:54 AM
OK, so here's a negative report.
I took NSI-189 for 20 days, usually 40-60mg/day (it's hard to get the exact amount). Not only didn't I respond, but I also had adverse effects similar to what many say about SSRIs.
I didn't feel any childlike state, emotionality, or any other antidepressant effect. Rather, my emotions were a little blunted. I didn't feel much no matter what happened. I felt like a zombie. My sex drive has also been reduced, and it hasn't recovered yet even after I quit a week ago. I also found it difficult to meditate; whereas a month ago I could meditate for two hours straight, now I didn't feel any better even when meditating for quite some time, and therefore easily distracted.
Because I struggle to navigate college life every single day, I saw a doctor and am on bupropion.
I think for reaching a childlike state, or just for enjoying life, psychedelics are much more well-documented. So that's what I'm going to try when I have the chance.
Edited by PonyDiagonal, 13 March 2019 - 07:10 AM.
Posted 13 March 2019 - 10:01 AM
Thanks for the feedback Greendholia!
I made a coupon for the Longecity community to use if they want.
The code is "LongecityNSI" you can use it to get $5 off NSI-189 phosphate at my site:
Posted 13 March 2019 - 05:16 PM
Posted 15 March 2019 - 06:26 PM
Hi everyone,
I have not log in for a while due to personal issues, and a low mood. Tranylcypromine has been giving me anxiety for a couple weeks now, instead of the usual boost in mood, and my NSI-189 package is still in customs. Hopefully I will get it back soon, and give it for a good discount until this (last) supply is over. I hope everyone is doing well, for people that have the usual (more serious, and rare) side effect of nerve pain, my usual recommendation is to greatly reduce the dose or possibly stop it altogether. Other minor side effects go away (especially with a slight decrease in dose) but nerve pain is a rare risk that can persist for many weeks for some.
Posted 15 March 2019 - 08:37 PM
Exercise increases hippocampus volume
Posted 01 April 2019 - 10:37 AM
I could be off here, and maybe all of this is pretty obvious to most. I'm just interested in whether there are any other substances known to enable the hippocampus to grow specifically, as these could be powerful tools for people recovering from drug dependency, abuse, trauma, and the like in addition to ordinary biohackers looking to improve their motivation and general zest for life (which is probably the holy grail of biohacking really).
Posted 08 April 2019 - 10:05 AM
Posted 08 April 2019 - 12:16 PM
I cant find it anymore but i believe nsi 189 binds to NET (noradrenalin transporter) can anyone confirm this?
NSI-189 is a novel, neurogenic compound independent of serotonin or norepinephrine reuptake inhibition pathways.
Posted 08 April 2019 - 03:20 PM
I cant find it anymore but i believe nsi 189 binds to NET (noradrenalin transporter) can anyone confirm this?
The affinity-testing by Neuralstem themselves showed that, yes, along with some other affinities - however, the effects of those are immensely low, and cannot be the cause of the rapid and strong effects of this drug - if that was the case, a crapload of allergy-pills for instance, would have the potential to give you a heart-attack (alpha-1-antagonism), or send you into hallucinogenic delirium. (cholinergic antagonism)
Obviously they don't - the reason being, that most of the drug attaches to other targets, before they can (weakly, therefore the signalling won't be strong for long) attach to these other targets.
But, among the non-clinically relevant affinities NSI-189 attaches to, the NET is indeed the strongest. Following that, is the 5ht3-receptor - which means it could be an immensely weak anti-emetic. (takes away nausea)
Here, this is probably the chart you're looking for:
And here's the original presentation by Neuralstem, from 2016, where it was sourced from:
Not sure if this has been up before, but the 2018 company presentation summarises Neuralstems findings fairly well - it makes it quite clear, for instance, how a lower dosage (40 mg) is in many aspects better than a higher one.
Have a look - some interesting stuff:
https://d1io3yog0oux...Deck Public.pdf
Edited by Mind_Paralysis, 08 April 2019 - 03:34 PM.
Posted 09 April 2019 - 07:01 AM
Yes I'm hip to meditation and exercise being great for the brain as always, along with a good diet and plenty of sleep, but I mean beyond that what can we do? Like what other noots/substances/devices are helpful for biohacking an increase in the hippocampus?
Also, how long do people think it takes to feel NSI-189? I'm on day 8, 40mg/day of the phosphate and don't think I've noticed much yet. And how long do people like to take this stuff? I only have enough for 25 days (1g) but I can get more if necessary.
Posted 10 April 2019 - 01:03 PM
Yes I'm hip to meditation and exercise being great for the brain as always, along with a good diet and plenty of sleep, but I mean beyond that what can we do? Like what other noots/substances/devices are helpful for biohacking an increase in the hippocampus?
Also, how long do people think it takes to feel NSI-189? I'm on day 8, 40mg/day of the phosphate and don't think I've noticed much yet. And how long do people like to take this stuff? I only have enough for 25 days (1g) but I can get more if necessary.
40 mg for 25 days is often quite enough - 3-4 weeks is the regimen used in the studies, I believe. It's also what many have reported out here in the wild as well. It should be noted that it seems to vary quite a bit, before one feels the effects of NSI - for me, I would say it only took about a week, others have reported that they didn't feel anything until a month or so - AFTER they had stopped dosing the NSI-189 even.
(i.e, you don't feel anything while taking it, but after you stop, you suddenly feel a whole lot better than before you started it)
As such, give it time - use your entire supply. Consider dividing the dosage into two 20 mg doses though, since multiple dosings per day seems to be the way to go. You can also try a higher dosage - perhaps 4-5 days on 60 mg / day? That might do the trick too.
Posted 11 April 2019 - 03:07 PM
I had a terrible experience with NSI. I began with 30mg phosphate orally once a day for a week, then 20 mg for a week finally 10-5mg for a week, and finally had to stop. I had severe side effects from the beginning, but I read about others post saying it's worth waiting for a while for the positive effects to kick in, so I waited 20 days, but at last I became totally debilitated and couldn't afford losing anymore time so I had to stop.
Here are the effects I experienced:
Reduced consciousness: My consciousness continually weakened. I also became tired, lost motivation in doing things and I got less pleasure in everything. As a student I couldn't do any work at all.
Improved Taste and Appetite: My stomach ached continually. It's like the feeling of being hungry, and I could eat more. When I had meals, at the first bite of the food the flavor felt so strong that it made me suspect I put too much seasoning it it. (In comparison, my first bite had always tasted weaker than normal, and I could only get a unbiased taste after 20 seconds or so)
Improved Vision: Actually it's just everything became brighter, there wasn't really any improvement in perception of objects. It's more like part of my consciousness is uncontrollably locked on my visual nerves.
Increased emotion: I became sentimental, and sometimes wanted to cry for the pathetic situation I was in.
Sleepiness and Sleep problem: Every time I change the dosage, I got sleepy for 1-2 days and could sleep very well. Afterwards, my sleep became worse than normal.
As a student I couldn't do anything at all during the 3 weeks I was on NSI, and I generally felt terrible. Even after I stopped the reduced concentration still persisted, improving slowly, and I don't think I've fully recovered from it even now, after 1 month of stopping it.
I took it for my Chronic fatigue but it only made things worse. Other supplements I've been taking are Pregnenolone 10 mg (this may partially contributed to my sleepiness, and I'm going to stop it), Methylfolate 1mg, Vitamin D3 1000 iu.
My batch of NSI was bought from ebay, then I switched to JCPharm later, didn't find much difference between the two.
Edited by Sui, 11 April 2019 - 03:10 PM.
Posted 13 April 2019 - 10:35 AM
I had a terrible experience with NSI. I began with 30mg phosphate orally once a day for a week, then 20 mg for a week finally 10-5mg for a week, and finally had to stop. I had severe side effects from the beginning, but I read about others post saying it's worth waiting for a while for the positive effects to kick in, so I waited 20 days, but at last I became totally debilitated and couldn't afford losing anymore time so I had to stop.
Here are the effects I experienced:
Reduced consciousness: My consciousness continually weakened. I also became tired, lost motivation in doing things and I got less pleasure in everything. As a student I couldn't do any work at all.
Improved Taste and Appetite: My stomach ached continually. It's like the feeling of being hungry, and I could eat more. When I had meals, at the first bite of the food the flavor felt so strong that it made me suspect I put too much seasoning it it. (In comparison, my first bite had always tasted weaker than normal, and I could only get a unbiased taste after 20 seconds or so)
Improved Vision: Actually it's just everything became brighter, there wasn't really any improvement in perception of objects. It's more like part of my consciousness is uncontrollably locked on my visual nerves.
Increased emotion: I became sentimental, and sometimes wanted to cry for the pathetic situation I was in.
Sleepiness and Sleep problem: Every time I change the dosage, I got sleepy for 1-2 days and could sleep very well. Afterwards, my sleep became worse than normal.
As a student I couldn't do anything at all during the 3 weeks I was on NSI, and I generally felt terrible. Even after I stopped the reduced concentration still persisted, improving slowly, and I don't think I've fully recovered from it even now, after 1 month of stopping it.
I took it for my Chronic fatigue but it only made things worse. Other supplements I've been taking are Pregnenolone 10 mg (this may partially contributed to my sleepiness, and I'm going to stop it), Methylfolate 1mg, Vitamin D3 1000 iu.
My batch of NSI was bought from ebay, then I switched to JCPharm later, didn't find much difference between the two.
Thank you for this Sui, even though your experience wasn't great, every data point we can get on this compound is helpful for the community.
I'm not sure I understood what you meant by reduced consciousness, can you explain more what you mean? For me when I'd take higher doses (40mg QD for 4 months) I found it difficult to concentrate and my thinking became very fuzzy. It along with memory issues were the main reason I decided to cut my dose to 5-10mg QD. I made a post about it a few pages back.
I'm not sure if it means anything in terms of sleep quality because I still woke up refreshed but I noticed an effect on sleep too. After being at that 40mg QD for a few months I either stopped having dreams or I completely forgot them. I started dreaming (or remembering them) again after reducing the dose.
NSI-189 seems to be very dose dependent in the people it works for and in my experience that dose changed over time. It's a bummer NSI-189 didn't work out for you Sui, hopefully you'll find something to help with your fatigue soon.
Posted 14 April 2019 - 02:00 PM
Posted 14 April 2019 - 02:55 PM
Has anyone tried low Dose NSI-189?
Like 5mg, 10mg?
Because I have tried it and it seems strangely superior to like 40mg. My scale measures like 5-15mg, so that is what I have been taking from time to time after trying this and that dose. I also snorted like 200mg daily a few days, so you see I really know what I am talking about.
I read the newest 2019 study from Neuralstem and they also wonder about the dose. Stating that its weird that 80mg doesn't help and it would have been better if lower doses also had been studied.
Maybe really, the trick is around 10mg once daily sublingual.
Not to like totally combat like depression or brain damage necessarily. But I feel like whatever positive effect it has maxes out at that dose.
Yes, I am one of the peeps whom benefit from the lower dosage - 10x2 mg per day seems to be the good spot for me. I did notice some rapid effects on only 5-10 mg though (I took very small dosages at first, since I couldn't measure it accurately - my scale was still in the mail), so there might certainly be something to be said for such low doses.
Posted 14 April 2019 - 03:18 PM
I'm not sure I understood what you meant by reduced consciousness, can you explain more what you mean? For me when I'd take higher doses (40mg QD for 4 months) I found it difficult to concentrate and my thinking became very fuzzy. It along with memory issues were the main reason I decided to cut my dose to 5-10mg QD. I made a post about it a few pages back.
By reduced consciousness I meant my mind became "shallow", I couldn't concentrate and feel/think things clearly. The "inner voice" of my thoughts became broken and indistinct, and everything in the world feels far away. Reducing the dosage didn't work for me.
I tried an SSRI before (for my sleep). For me SSRI's negative effects on consciousness/concentration wasn't very noticeable at first, but gradually became strong and I finally realized it made me stupid and lazy after more than one year, and regretted very much that I didn't stop it earlier. So it's not a bad thing that NSI's effect on consciousness is much stronger and more evident for me at the beginning. From your post it seems NSI's side effects do become more evident overtime, and IMO we don't really know whether it's really dose dependent or it just takes longer to show or is less noticeable at lower dosage. You may keep an eye on the side effects, and see if it becomes worse again. Hope it doesn't
Edited by Sui, 14 April 2019 - 03:21 PM.
Posted 14 April 2019 - 03:37 PM
Thank you for the chart. i thought that a binding of 1 was pretty strong but i'm not really familiar with affinities of drugs on receptors, very interesting pdf by the way!
Sometimes it is, but, how strong an effect is, depends on multiple factors, like how strong the other potential affinities of a drug is, in relationship to the strongest affinity - for instance, Dihexa, another neurogenic drug, has an affinity for a pathway endogenously populated by BDNF, but a MILLION TIMES greater - as such, it wouldn't matter if Dihexa has an affinity of 1 for the histamine-receptor, because it has an affinity of 0.0000001 for another receptor - the end result is that pretty much all of the Dihexa will attach to that target instead of the histamine-receptors - which means that it won't change histamine-activity in a way which the body itself cannot easily ignore or very quickly compensate for.
I suppose the folks at Neuralstem came to the conclusion that NSI doesn't cause enough of a change in these other receptor-sites, for those affinities to be the prime affinity of the drug - it could potentially be one way to explain why it's more effective at lower dosages - at such dosages, NSI would then primarily attach to the unknown pathway which causes neurogenesis, but when dosed higher, the other affinities start interfering with this effect.
Posted 14 April 2019 - 06:42 PM
Posted 15 April 2019 - 02:19 PM
Its isnt uncommon for the negative effects of a medication to build up over time. For example, Wellbutrin is an NDRI. For many people it works well. Over time, it reduces acetylcholine. Youll run into short term memory problems. Suddenly you find yourself just staring at the stove or something for ten plus minutes. In my experience, psychoactive medications give and take. For me, its best to try to remain medication free. I have taken NSI-189 before. It smoothed out my day but eventually I was becoming unmotivated. I feel like companies arent putting enough focus on inflammation. Theres a link between depression and inflammation. I dont know if anyone is working on anything specific for this cause of depression.
Yes, actually - there seems to be quite a bit of research being done on this.
You can review some of the findings here:
And I actually know of a scandinavian research-team whom is trialling different types of probiotics to see if they will have any effect on inflammatory markers and mood in depressed patients.
Treatment of depression with probiotics
HOWever... what I can tell from the research, is that many sources are saying that Probiotic research is still in its infancy - there's a lot of unknown here, and some of it is troubling...
For instance, there is sufficient evidence that only specific groups of people with inflammatory markers get any relief from probiotics - this means that recommending them to people hap-hazardly can be quite dangerous. (some even appear to have IMMUNITY towards probiotics - meaning that the immune-system will reject the added bacteria and kill them off very effectively)
There's also the fact that the effects of certain strains and combinations can vary quite a bit... again, the problem with INDIVIDUAL VARIATION comes back - probiotics is like any drug, there's no one solution fits all - because of this, some probi-mixes are even detrimental to some people, as they do not fit their micro-biome.
And finally... there's some evidence that the individual customization needed, is of such a high level, that adding bacterial strains exogenously is, quite honestly, possibly, pointless - only fecal-matter transplants have TRUE, fast and efficient effect - meaning, that one possible development for probiotic treatment, might actually be to freeze and save fecal-matter from various time-periods in your life when you had good health, and then, instead of drinking yoghurt, you have the excrement transplanted back into your body when you're ill.
Post-Antibiotic Gut Mucosal Microbiome Reconstitution Is Impaired by Probiotics and Improved by Autologous FMT
Posted 28 April 2019 - 06:35 PM
Hello there!
I'm a long time reader, first time poster.
I'm starting a trial run of NSI-189 in an attempt to alleviate my symptoms obtained from a mild traumatic brain injury (e.g. concussion, CT&MRI clean) from 7 months ago.
Although the neuroimaging cleared a neuropsychological evaluation showed short-term memory loss, verbal memory retrieval problems, impaired verbal fluency, problems with divided attention etc... Cognitive problems associated with left hippocampal damage.
Started trialing with NSI a couple days ago with an 3-5mg allergy test, which I tolerated well. Today and yesterday I've dosed 10mg, with a plan of gradually taking 40mg/day, on each day and got good results especially with verbal fluency and memory retrieval (which makes me think this might be an effect from the suggested cortisol-suppression, since I am a pretty anxious person, but the effects are beneficial nonetheless), BUT...
This morning I noticed some stiffness in the joints of my left wrist and forearm. However these symptoms went away.
Dosed the 10mg regardless and got mild paresthesia in the same areas, plus on the neck and a minor headache in the left temple (all affected in the initial injury).
The nerve symptoms didn't persist (still got a mild headache though, but that's okay), but I'm afraid they will get worse if I continue.
Since I remember seeing some members with tingling in previous injury sites: I'm asking did those symptoms get better or worse after continued use? Or should I discontinue the trial?
Also taking:
Vortioxetine 5mg (dropping this before the actual trial)
Doxepin 20mg (at night)
NAC 1200mg
Acetyl-L-carnitine 1000mg
Alpha lipoic acid 400mg
Edited by backinmybrain, 28 April 2019 - 07:30 PM.
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