I'm looking for someone to share/sell me 10g of good qlty nsi. I've lost almost all my short term memory, special thanks to Zolpidem and the "Dr." who prescribed it to me. I can barely function at day due the braing fog and mental fatigue, if someone could make my life easier by selling me some trusted nsi to test out I would be grateful, I'm afraid of getting some bad product from who knows who. PM me, thanks.

Posted 12 July 2015 - 02:19 AM
Posted 12 July 2015 - 04:18 AM
ritterbutzke, your NSI-189 might break down if you put it in solution. So far nobody has really found a stable solvent yet (as far as I know).
I got some from International Peptide that is in solution. Quite easy to take and works. They still have it on their site. I am now comparing it to a more concentrated, powder form.
Posted 12 July 2015 - 05:11 AM
They still have it on their site.
Interesting. I thought the long arm of Neuralstem finally caught up to them. I got an e-mail from them a few days ago saying “get it while you can!” I’m very confident (and hopefully not overly optimistic) that this will clear FDA hurdles and be on the market by the end of the decade. The FDA can be and is heavily influenced by public demand. There is a drug called clozapine that is extremely effective in treating schizophrenia, but it is also extremely dangerous to take—so dangerous that the FDA halted sales of it. The public screamed bloody murder, and forced the FDA to allow it to be sold again. If enough people become aware of NSI-189’s potential for treating depression and PTSD, I will bet my next paycheck that it will get fast-tracked. Then, hopefully, Cipla or Sun Pharma will pick up the ball and start marketing a generic knock-off that we can easily purchase from offshore vendors.
Posted 12 July 2015 - 06:20 AM
ritterbutzke, your NSI-189 might break down if you put it in solution. So far nobody has really found a stable solvent yet (as far as I know).
I got some from International Peptide that is in solution. Quite easy to take and works. They still have it on their site. I am now comparing it to a more concentrated, powder form.
What is it mixed in? Propylene glycol?
Posted 12 July 2015 - 08:23 AM
They still have it on their site.
Interesting. I thought the long arm of Neuralstem finally caught up to them. I got an e-mail from them a few days ago saying “get it while you can!” I’m very confident (and hopefully not overly optimistic) that this will clear FDA hurdles and be on the market by the end of the decade. The FDA can be and is heavily influenced by public demand. There is a drug called clozapine that is extremely effective in treating schizophrenia, but it is also extremely dangerous to take—so dangerous that the FDA halted sales of it. The public screamed bloody murder, and forced the FDA to allow it to be sold again. If enough people become aware of NSI-189’s potential for treating depression and PTSD, I will bet my next paycheck that it will get fast-tracked. Then, hopefully, Cipla or Sun Pharma will pick up the ball and start marketing a generic knock-off that we can easily purchase from offshore vendors.
1. I also thought Neuralstem caught up with them. Then checked back after their "deadline"and they still have it.
2. A bill passed in Congress last week to fast-track certain drugs through FDA to get them on the market sooner. In the case of NSI-189, I think that's a good idea. It may have many other applications. This will also probably benefit Neuralstem.
I am going to post some of my observations after taking for at least a month. The effects are shifting, but but still great overall. There was an initial low-level euphoria which has dimished, (or I the potency of the product lessened due to air exposure.) At first, my memory seemed to worsen, but is now better than before. Reading and writing with more speed and retention. Sudden insights have amped and remembering dreams really improved. Nsi-189 has also clearly helped someone close to me who has been suffering a form of PTSD.
Adding Dihexa tomorrow.
Posted 12 July 2015 - 01:58 PM
Hey, i finally got my first batch of NSI 189. Do you think i can just add the powder to my Noopept sublingual solution (propylene glycol)? Big two questions are if it stays stable in PG and whether there is any interaction with Noopept.
Many herbal extracts are diluted in glycerol, this is what I use, its very similar in chemical structure as propylene glycol, in theory should keep NSI-189 stable for the long term.
Posted 12 July 2015 - 03:49 PM
Adding Dihexa tomorrow.
Have you tried it with tianeptine yet? I swear those two must have been made to go together like chocolate chip cookies and warm milk. NSI-189, tianeptine, and Dihexa together would be like a hippocampal ménage à trois. I gave up the Dihexa because I didn’t think it was doing much, and because I was a little afraid of the stuff. But now that I haven’t taken any in a couple of months I can definitely see and feel the difference. I think the key with Dihexa may lie in taking as little as possible—like maybe 250 micrograms a day, or something in that range. When I decided to stop taking it, I didn’t want to just flush it because it’s expensive. So I gave away my remaining quarter gram to two people here. When I was weighing the powder out (I had ground the chunks with a mortar and pestle), I licked the residual powder off the tray. Within about five minutes, I felt a sudden boost as if somebody had just turned up the dimmer switch in my brain. I think pretty soon I’m going to get some more, make a DMSO solution, and try it in the quarter-milligram range sublingually.
Posted 12 July 2015 - 05:58 PM
Adding Dihexa tomorrow.
NSI-189, tianeptine, and Dihexa together would be like a hippocampal ménage à trois.
I have used tianeptine for a long time as a "focus" booster. Seems to really help with staying attenttive for long periods of slogging through research, etc. Yes, it goes well with NSI-189. Took a little Dihexa yesterday and today. Too soon to really know, but it seems to offset the sleepiness (relaxation?) I get from NSI-189.
PS Cannot fathom why some people think tianeptine is possibly addictive. I detect zero habit potential from it except that it works for intended purposes. Seems to enhance health. If something is toxic, or addictive, I usually have a bad reaction to it.
ALSO~ NSI-189 has a great effect on physical balance, spacial orientation, and coordination. I know this having studying yoga for many years. Take some NSI, go to a yoga class, prepare to have a great experience.
Posted 12 July 2015 - 07:43 PM
Posted 13 July 2015 - 01:36 PM
This is my update at day 15 of NSI-189. I still can't say for sure that it's doing anything at all, but I'm still using it up to see if I get the post-cycle boost people have reported here.
As reported before I had mild headaches, resolving around day 6. Since then I only encountered a severe headache from trying to resume a B-multivitamin, and now I believe B vitamins cause headaches for me (or at least, I'm unwilling to test that theory anymore!) During that severe headache I took rizatriptan without any side effects.
For NSI-189, I started at 20mg in the morning, went to 30mg on day 6, and today started taking 40mg.
Through all this I stopped everything other than vitamins and caffeine, save for noopept on days 1 to 3 and 9.
I've been handling stress well, having executed a move amidst 2 summer classes, last week. I can't say with any certainty that it was any easier to manage for the NSI-189. Additionally I'm establishing myself in a new city, so there's the challenge of not knowing anyone, having to be more outgoing than I'm used to, etc. In my 20's, social anxiety wouldn't have allowed this, but now I'm in a different place (literally and figuratively).
All in all, it's almost as if I'm not taking NSI-189 at all, that's how prominent the effects are. Actually, this is a good thing - whatever Neuralstem decides to eventually use this for, it has a great side effect profile (barring any unforeseen long-term effects). The only immediate effect I have ever noticed after a dose is some muscle jitteryness/excitation, which reminded me of the essential tremors of beta-carboline MAOIs.
I won't be ordering any more of this compound, and will be done with it once I run out.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 05:26 PM
I've been looking to buy 10g, but the best price I got was 20$/g. if you have a better source, yet reliable, please PM me, thanks!
Posted 13 July 2015 - 07:00 PM
I won't be ordering any more of this compound, and will be done with it once I run out.
If you are having a good experience, albeit subtle, why are you stopping it? Just wondering.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 07:28 PM
Starting to form a theory about how NSI-189 works (and sometimes doesn't). The hippocampus area of the brain plays a role in more than just memory, although not much is written about the other functions as they are not well studied. It is not enough just to grow new neurons. Growing new neurons without feeding them is like planting seedlings and not watering them. If you "feed" the new neurons, viola, you start to experience a higher state of being, whether it is emotional, intellectual or spiritual. It is already known that people who continue to challenge their brains have a greatly reduced incidence of alzheimer's. Neurons will shed if not put to use.
I just had an interesting examaple of this while doing a test run with a gadget called the "Lucia Light Stimulator" just yesterday at a friend's yoga convention. The Lucia is a very advanced light & sound machine that induces hypnogogic states. It literally "lights up" the pineal and hippocampus part of the brain. I had a complate and sudden insight, during my session, that new neurons had formed but needed "light & water" and other input to really do anything for me. Just consuming smart drugs is not enough unless you are finding a way for these new neurons to survive and provide you with a better brain. You may think this is off-topic, but I assure you, I am on the right track. Barring the use of the advanced machine, sunlight inhaled into the hippocampus area, breath-work, mediation, home version sound & light machines, language-learning, school; point is to USE those neurons immediately. Use it or lose it.
Edited by Skypp, 13 July 2015 - 07:48 PM.
Posted 13 July 2015 - 08:54 PM
You're reading into it too much, buddy.
I'm not ordering more because I can't justify the expense, as well as the long-term implications of dosing something which no one seems to know anything about (in terms of mechanism of action, drug interactions, etc).
I can't justify spending money on something with effects that might as well be placebo. I could tell you this wonderful story of how suddenly it all makes sense, things are connected and I'm a slightly less bitter person, though that's probably the result of no longer having roommates as of last week, and to represent it as being due to NSI-189 would be a disservice to those on this forum.
Look, I get the mentality about wanting to believe I can take the next substance and unlock some great part of my brain. I spent years doing that with drugs of abuse, which has led me to question my motives on these things. I could read abstracts and clinical trials on any number of substances and justify my use of them, and believe I get some great improvement, and it will seem that way to me.
To get back on-topic, as for your use-it-or-lose-it hypothesis, I am currently studying differential equations. I'm still barely motivated to study, and from what little studying I do, I manage to get good grades. I continue to read, work on hobbies, and other activities, and my experience has been that my performance and attitude hasn't changed as a result of ingesting some little-known compound I purchased on the internet (NSI-189).
But hey, if you want to place all kinds of stock in this chemical, be my guest. Now if you'll excuse me, I just awoke from a nap, and am especially fussy.
Posted 14 July 2015 - 12:47 AM
You're reading into it too much, buddy.
I'm not ordering more because I can't justify the expense, as well as the long-term implications of dosing something which no one seems to know anything about (in terms of mechanism of action, drug interactions, etc).
I can't justify spending money on something with effects that might as well be placebo. I could tell you this wonderful story of how suddenly it all makes sense, things are connected and I'm a slightly less bitter person, though that's probably the result of no longer having roommates as of last week, and to represent it as being due to NSI-189 would be a disservice to those on this forum.
Look, I get the mentality about wanting to believe I can take the next substance and unlock some great part of my brain. I spent years doing that with drugs of abuse, which has led me to question my motives on these things. I could read abstracts and clinical trials on any number of substances and justify my use of them, and believe I get some great improvement, and it will seem that way to me.
To get back on-topic, as for your use-it-or-lose-it hypothesis, I am currently studying differential equations. I'm still barely motivated to study, and from what little studying I do, I manage to get good grades. I continue to read, work on hobbies, and other activities, and my experience has been that my performance and attitude hasn't changed as a result of ingesting some little-known compound I purchased on the internet (NSI-189).
But hey, if you want to place all kinds of stock in this chemical, be my guest. Now if you'll excuse me, I just awoke from a nap, and am especially fussy.
This is what I'm worried about. The anecdotal reports here seem so vague. Whereas with other pharmaceuticals, i.e. SSRI's or stimulants, peoples experiences (if they needed the compounds) were along the lines of "life-changing," "feel like my brain is awake for first time in life," "why did I wait so long?" "I feel more like myself" etc.
My guess is that a lot of folks here get excited about the revolutionary science behind a new drug, and then take it in spades - regardless of whether it is actually helping them enough to justify spending the money on and taking something that's untested. They convince themselves it's doing something. Which may be the case, but I just don't see tangible results posted by the users here. And the results are so varied for each person.
I'll be sure to post my experiences here, but from what I've read, I'm not expecting all that much to happen :P.
Edited by pheanix997, 14 July 2015 - 12:49 AM.
Posted 14 July 2015 - 12:56 AM
You're reading into it too much, buddy.
I'm not ordering more because I can't justify the expense, as well as the long-term implications of dosing something which no one seems to know anything about (in terms of mechanism of action, drug interactions, etc).
I can't justify spending money on something with effects that might as well be placebo. I could tell you this wonderful story of how suddenly it all makes sense, things are connected and I'm a slightly less bitter person, though that's probably the result of no longer having roommates as of last week, and to represent it as being due to NSI-189 would be a disservice to those on this forum.
Look, I get the mentality about wanting to believe I can take the next substance and unlock some great part of my brain. I spent years doing that with drugs of abuse, which has led me to question my motives on these things. I could read abstracts and clinical trials on any number of substances and justify my use of them, and believe I get some great improvement, and it will seem that way to me.
To get back on-topic, as for your use-it-or-lose-it hypothesis, I am currently studying differential equations. I'm still barely motivated to study, and from what little studying I do, I manage to get good grades. I continue to read, work on hobbies, and other activities, and my experience has been that my performance and attitude hasn't changed as a result of ingesting some little-known compound I purchased on the internet (NSI-189).
But hey, if you want to place all kinds of stock in this chemical, be my guest. Now if you'll excuse me, I just awoke from a nap, and am especially fussy.
This is what I'm worried about. The anecdotal reports here seem so vague. Whereas with other pharmaceuticals, i.e. SSRI's or stimulants, peoples experiences (if they needed the compounds) were along the lines of "life-changing," "feel like my brain is awake for first time in life," "why did I wait so long?" "I feel more like myself" etc.
My guess is that a lot of folks here get excited about the revolutionary science behind a new drug, and then take it in spades - regardless of whether it is actually helping them enough to justify spending the money on and taking something that's untested. They convince themselves it's doing something. Which may be the case, but I just don't see tangible results posted by the users here. And the results are so varied for each person.
I'll be sure to post my experiences here, but from what I've read, I'm not expecting all that much to happen :P.
There are some people who here who claim to have had life-changing effects from the drug. These people are usually depression sufferers.
On a broader note, I see a lot of people try to empirically or "scientifically" measure how a drug is helping them think doing games on Luminosity or N-back stuff. I think that is nonsense. No placebo-control and participant simultaneously acting as experimenter is destined to introduce some heavy bias into whatever worthless metric Luminosity is measuring (probably not intelligence, more likely effort). Not to mention n=1.
Posted 14 July 2015 - 01:00 AM
You're reading into it too much, buddy.
I'm not ordering more because I can't justify the expense, as well as the long-term implications of dosing something which no one seems to know anything about (in terms of mechanism of action, drug interactions, etc).
I can't justify spending money on something with effects that might as well be placebo. I could tell you this wonderful story of how suddenly it all makes sense, things are connected and I'm a slightly less bitter person, though that's probably the result of no longer having roommates as of last week, and to represent it as being due to NSI-189 would be a disservice to those on this forum.
Look, I get the mentality about wanting to believe I can take the next substance and unlock some great part of my brain. I spent years doing that with drugs of abuse, which has led me to question my motives on these things. I could read abstracts and clinical trials on any number of substances and justify my use of them, and believe I get some great improvement, and it will seem that way to me.
To get back on-topic, as for your use-it-or-lose-it hypothesis, I am currently studying differential equations. I'm still barely motivated to study, and from what little studying I do, I manage to get good grades. I continue to read, work on hobbies, and other activities, and my experience has been that my performance and attitude hasn't changed as a result of ingesting some little-known compound I purchased on the internet (NSI-189).
But hey, if you want to place all kinds of stock in this chemical, be my guest. Now if you'll excuse me, I just awoke from a nap, and am especially fussy.
This is what I'm worried about. The anecdotal reports here seem so vague. Whereas with other pharmaceuticals, i.e. SSRI's or stimulants, peoples experiences (if they needed the compounds) were along the lines of "life-changing," "feel like my brain is awake for first time in life," "why did I wait so long?" "I feel more like myself" etc.
My guess is that a lot of folks here get excited about the revolutionary science behind a new drug, and then take it in spades - regardless of whether it is actually helping them enough to justify spending the money on and taking something that's untested. They convince themselves it's doing something. Which may be the case, but I just don't see tangible results posted by the users here. And the results are so varied for each person.
I'll be sure to post my experiences here, but from what I've read, I'm not expecting all that much to happen :P.
There are some people who here who claim to have had life-changing effects from the drug. These people are usually depression sufferers.
On a broader note, I see a lot of people try to empirically or "scientifically" measure how a drug is helping them think doing games on Luminosity or N-back stuff. I think that is nonsense. No placebo-control and participant simultaneously acting as experimenter is destined to introduce some heavy bias into whatever worthless metric Luminosity is measuring (probably not intelligence, more likely effort). Not to mention n=1.
Thanks.. I hope it has the same effects for me . Does anyone know if you can take it with an SSRI? I'm currently taking 5 mg lexapro.
Posted 14 July 2015 - 01:06 AM
Nobody knows if you can take NSI-189 with Lexapro. Anyone saying it's safe or OK is lying to you. Finding someone who has taken Lexapro or another SSRI and they telling you it went smoothly, does not prove there could not be a problem for you or a larger group of people.
If it were me, I would not combine NSI-189 with any SSRI. Better safe than sorry.
Posted 14 July 2015 - 01:15 AM
Well, you could approach the issue this way: Neuralstem’s clinical trials lasted 80 days and produced tangible results in the treatment group. At 80 mgs./days, two grams will last you 25 days. Why not just obtain six grams, and try it for 75 days and gauge the subjective results? If you subjectively feel that it hasn’t impacted your wellbeing in any way or produced any desirable effect, then you can just chalk it up to one of those things that just doesn’t work for you and move on to the next thing you’re interested in trying. That’s how scientific investigation works—a negative result is just as good as a positive one because it yields valuable information for you and others to navigate by. We may stumble across some salient information through our self-experimentations that will lead to further beneficial discoveries in the future. Always bear in mind the legacy that is Viagra. Viagra wasn’t invented to give you an erection; it was developed to treat cardiovascular disease. Its bonerific properties were discovered completely serendipitously when the researchers who were investigating the drug were trying to figure out why everybody it was being tested on was reluctant to return the unused portion of the drug after the trials had been completed.
Posted 14 July 2015 - 01:16 AM
"For every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert."
Geoff Holder, British Author
Posted 14 July 2015 - 01:26 AM
"For every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert."
Geoff Holder, British Author
Okay, that being said, NSI-189 increases (or shoud I say "alledgedly increases") the growth of hippocampal neurons. When I started taking it, I was unaware that this area of the brain is related to the olfactory/smell sense. I could not understand at first, why my sense of smell, (which I had previously thought was pretty okay) SUDDENLY became much much better. Since I had no idea that better sense of smell might even be a side effect of this drug, I think placebo effect can be ruled out. Clearly, something is happening in the hippocampus area of my brain. So far, none of it is bad.
Posted 14 July 2015 - 09:14 AM
Starting to form a theory about how NSI-189 works (and sometimes doesn't). The hippocampus area of the brain plays a role in more than just memory, although not much is written about the other functions as they are not well studied. It is not enough just to grow new neurons. Growing new neurons without feeding them is like planting seedlings and not watering them. If you "feed" the new neurons, viola, you start to experience a higher state of being, whether it is emotional, intellectual or spiritual. It is already known that people who continue to challenge their brains have a greatly reduced incidence of alzheimer's. Neurons will shed if not put to use.
I just had an interesting examaple of this while doing a test run with a gadget called the "Lucia Light Stimulator" just yesterday at a friend's yoga convention. The Lucia is a very advanced light & sound machine that induces hypnogogic states. It literally "lights up" the pineal and hippocampus part of the brain. I had a complate and sudden insight, during my session, that new neurons had formed but needed "light & water" and other input to really do anything for me. Just consuming smart drugs is not enough unless you are finding a way for these new neurons to survive and provide you with a better brain. You may think this is off-topic, but I assure you, I am on the right track. Barring the use of the advanced machine, sunlight inhaled into the hippocampus area, breath-work, mediation, home version sound & light machines, language-learning, school; point is to USE those neurons immediately. Use it or lose it.
Memory does not require permanent synapses in the hippocampus
Posted 14 July 2015 - 12:28 PM
I take NSI-189 with moclobemide, an MAOI. no interaction.
For the "brain lighting up" kind of reports from SSRIs, these are usually temporary. SSRI's artificially increase serotonin in the synapse, and this good feeling rapidly disappears as receptors downregulate.
You then end up in a nice level mood, harder to experience lows & highs.
NSI-189 for me, doesn't provide a brain lighting up feeling. It's a more consistent decrease in depression that feels natural. Emotions aren't blocked, sex doesn't feel pointless. Things just feel more normal.
Posted 14 July 2015 - 01:54 PM
I take NSI-189 with moclobemide, an MAOI. no interaction.
For the "brain lighting up" kind of reports from SSRIs, these are usually temporary. SSRI's artificially increase serotonin in the synapse, and this good feeling rapidly disappears as receptors downregulate.
You then end up in a nice level mood, harder to experience lows & highs.
NSI-189 for me, doesn't provide a brain lighting up feeling. It's a more consistent decrease in depression that feels natural. Emotions aren't blocked, sex doesn't feel pointless. Things just feel more normal.
So what is the equivalent of ssri/ stimulant receptor down regulation in NSI-189? It seems a little too good to be true (no tolerance, no side effects).
Posted 14 July 2015 - 02:08 PM
There isn't. Because it stimulates stem cells, it isn't messing with receptors or reuptake.
It's basically growing a part of your brain to allow it to work better, or reverse the pathology of the depression itself.
Depressed people have a shrunken Hippocampus. SSRI's fight this via increase serotonin transmission, or playing with multiple mechanisms.
NSI-189, though, it targets the hippocampus directly, and this causes a reduction of depression symptoms, downstream effects in the limibic system & all neurotransmitters connected to it.
No downregulation or tolerance, that we know of.
Posted 14 July 2015 - 04:23 PM
There isn't. Because it stimulates stem cells, it isn't messing with receptors or reuptake.
It's basically growing a part of your brain to allow it to work better, or reverse the pathology of the depression itself.
Depressed people have a shrunken Hippocampus. SSRI's fight this via increase serotonin transmission, or playing with multiple mechanisms.
NSI-189, though, it targets the hippocampus directly, and this causes a reduction of depression symptoms, downstream effects in the limibic system & all neurotransmitters connected to it.
No downregulation or tolerance, that we know of.
How do you know that? Are there any sources?
Posted 14 July 2015 - 05:28 PM
I take NSI-189 with moclobemide, an MAOI. no interaction.
For the "brain lighting up" kind of reports from SSRIs, these are usually temporary. SSRI's artificially increase serotonin in the synapse, and this good feeling rapidly disappears as receptors downregulate.
You then end up in a nice level mood, harder to experience lows & highs.
NSI-189 for me, doesn't provide a brain lighting up feeling. It's a more consistent decrease in depression that feels natural. Emotions aren't blocked, sex doesn't feel pointless. Things just feel more normal.
Have you tried NSI-189 alone? What positives moclobemide adds to the experience?
I am having half box moclobemide and I may try the combo, although moclobemide alone makes me somewhat speedy and happy in a weird kind of way.
How you decided on this combo? Rational choice (makes sense in my mind) or coincedence?
Posted 14 July 2015 - 09:14 PM
There isn't. Because it stimulates stem cells, it isn't messing with receptors or reuptake.
It's basically growing a part of your brain to allow it to work better, or reverse the pathology of the depression itself.
Depressed people have a shrunken Hippocampus. SSRI's fight this via increase serotonin transmission, or playing with multiple mechanisms.
NSI-189, though, it targets the hippocampus directly, and this causes a reduction of depression symptoms, downstream effects in the limibic system & all neurotransmitters connected to it.
No downregulation or tolerance, that we know of.
The mechanism of action seems brilliant. Why work on individual neurotransmitters when you can 1) revamp a region that's directly associated with depression (as opposed to pouring the proverbial gasoline over the entire brain and hoping the right regions get the needed serotonin) and in doing that 2) increase the neurotransmitters associated with that region (and the depression). Seems like a no-brainer to me . I heard a scientist in an interview on Joe Rogan say that the side effects from, say, SSRI's is due to the chemical "locks" binding with identically shaped but the wrong "keys" in the brain. By that logic, it's as if NSI's action overcomes that unwanted extra action.
I've ordered 3 grams, will be starting my trial next week.
I apologize for yet another question that is probably answered somewhere in this long thread, but from my quick search I've found mixed answers: Does the hippocampus maintain its increased size/ improved function after discontinuing NSI? I know nothing about neurology, but if this drug stimulates stem cells, does it not also follow that those newly grown cells will continue to function regardless of whether the drug is still being taken? If the answer is yes, the changes maintain, that's incredible. I can only imagine what the future treatments will be like in 30 years for depressed or brain damaged patients :o.
Edited by pheanix997, 14 July 2015 - 09:20 PM.
Posted 14 July 2015 - 10:30 PM
Memory does not require permanent synapses in the hippocampus
The use it or lose I was refering to was not about memory in particular, especially permanent memory. The hippocampus, as I said, has other, less studied (less commonly known) perhaps to our modern culture, even esoteric functions.
Persinger (1987, 2002) reports how the application of weak, complex magnetic fields through the cerebral hemispheres, in particular the right temporal lobe, elicits experiences of a "sensed presence" or "Sentient Being", i.e. Divine Presence. For him, the amygdala are associated with cosmic meaning and the hippocampus with memory. Direct electrical stimulation of the amygdala-hippocampal area results in recollection of important, personal images, but also in the formation of complete visual and auditory hallucinations and hyperlucid visions.
The concept of employing your brain as widely as possible in order to maintain its function is not a new one.
I rest my case. For now.
Posted 14 July 2015 - 11:10 PM
As I have mentioned before there is a huge difference between restoring optimum performance, and exceeding normal genetic/structural performance. The studies are biased towards the former, because most of these people in clinical trials are not at optimum performance due to depression, alzheimers and so on and so forth.
So it make sense that in our community some people are bound to experience more obvious effects since some of them are probably here because they have issues similar to depression, such as brain fog, lack of mental acuity and so on. A vast amount of the population function at optimum performance, even if they ingest junk and no vitamins etc, and the younger you are the more likely you are already at optimum performance.
So If NSI can generate gains of say 5% and doesn't have the tolerance issue (which does not exist for every single drug, or if it did some drugs can avoid tolerance in the order of decades), thats already better than probably all of the available nootropics out there. Technically if you didn't develop tolerance to coffee, it would probably make us all super humans by the way...
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