Posted 18 April 2013 - 07:29 PM
Science guy*********************** UK
Redan ****************************USA
Daouda ***************************France
Golden1***************************KimJung USA
Metagene *************************USA
Sparkk51 **************************USA
Mastermind 57 *********************USA
Q did it***************************USA
Telight ***************************USA
Psionic****************************Czech Republic
Meatsauce ************************ USA
Major legend***********************Hong Kong
Metamind *************************Germany
Baronjpetor 1***********************Mexico
Damnedowl ************************Germany
Trophic *************************** USA
Therein****************************USA--------------à 40th
Neurogenesis factor *****************Canada
Kyle Mcgill************************ Canada
Posted 18 April 2013 - 08:22 PM
what is this NSI-189? i wish i could see molecular structure.
Im confused, it is a SSRI?
It is not a SSRI
Hey, I'm just curious where you found that molecular structure of NSI-189? I can't find it anywhere else except on this thread.
If you're not full, or have some people drop out from the group buy, consider me in. I live in Australia.
Edited by Xenix, 18 April 2013 - 08:23 PM.
Posted 18 April 2013 - 08:48 PM
Posted 18 April 2013 - 09:29 PM
Posted 18 April 2013 - 09:36 PM
Posted 18 April 2013 - 09:38 PM
Posted 18 April 2013 - 10:18 PM
Posted 19 April 2013 - 02:38 AM
Edited by Nero, 19 April 2013 - 02:39 AM.
Posted 19 April 2013 - 03:42 AM
I had hoped for friday, and here we are

i'll update the list soon with the payments i see as they come in.
Edited by sunshinefrost, 19 April 2013 - 03:43 AM.
Posted 19 April 2013 - 03:45 AM
When I get to the page it says "the amount is still to be determined" and "amount due per person : 25 dollars/choose qtty" . I think some things are still missing
Edited by daouda, 19 April 2013 - 03:54 AM.
Posted 19 April 2013 - 04:07 AM
Posted 19 April 2013 - 04:58 AM
Posted 19 April 2013 - 05:08 AM
Posted 19 April 2013 - 05:11 AM
Attached Files
Posted 19 April 2013 - 05:14 AM
Posted 19 April 2013 - 05:51 AM
Sorry for pulling a brief vanishing act... I just finished a 41-HOUR DAY

In case there are any issues regards everyone paying via PAYITSQUARE, just to let everyone know that we do have a PLAN B to fall back on, in that I already have a VERIFIED PAYPAL account and it would most certainly be possible for everyone to pay the US$136.25 for their 2.5 GRAMS NSI-189 directly to me via PAYPAL

Please kindly note that my PAYPAL ACCOUNT has been active for a very long time period and is well used; and so none of the issues that occur with attempting to gather together monies for a GROUP BUY using a NEW PAYPAL ACCOUNT (which has all sorts of restrictions until it has been frequently used for a while) should occur

I should point out that this has a COST IMPLICATION since payment via PAYPAL incurs a higher TRANSACTION FEE than PAY-IT-SQUARE

ScienceGuy do you ve a verified paypal account?

what is this NSI-189? i wish i could see molecular structure.
Im confused, it is a SSRI?
It is not a SSRI
Hey, I'm just curious where you found that molecular structure of NSI-189?
The PATENT DOCUMENTATION... I attached it as a DOWNLOADABLE FILE in one of my earlier posts in this thread

Posted 19 April 2013 - 10:14 AM
Hi Everyone,
Sorry for pulling a brief vanishing act... I just finished a 41-HOUR DAY
In case there are any issues regards everyone paying via PAYITSQUARE, just to let everyone know that we do have a PLAN B to fall back on, in that I already have a VERIFIED PAYPAL account and it would most certainly be possible for everyone to pay the US$136.25 for their 2.5 GRAMS NSI-189 directly to me via PAYPAL
Please kindly note that my PAYPAL ACCOUNT has been active for a very long time period and is well used; and so none of the issues that occur with attempting to gather together monies for a GROUP BUY using a NEW PAYPAL ACCOUNT (which has all sorts of restrictions until it has been frequently used for a while) should occur
I should point out that this has a COST IMPLICATION since payment via PAYPAL incurs a higher TRANSACTION FEE than PAY-IT-SQUAREScienceGuy do you ve a verified paypal account?
YESwhat is this NSI-189? i wish i could see molecular structure.
Im confused, it is a SSRI?
It is not a SSRI
Hey, I'm just curious where you found that molecular structure of NSI-189?
The PATENT DOCUMENTATION... I attached it as a DOWNLOADABLE FILE in one of my earlier posts in this thread
hey ScienceGuy, can your company give you the synthesis route they use ?
Posted 19 April 2013 - 10:20 AM
I'm from Australia. I'd be happy to help out with the distribution in this part of the world too.
Posted 19 April 2013 - 11:03 AM
It seems that people planning on using NSI purely for cognitive enhancement may be a little disappointed. Sure, NSI has amazing potential if the 20% hippocampus increase of size claim is true - permanent enhancement sounds great - but that sounds like it's involved mostly with the potential to stimulate neurogenesis - not neuronal connections/synapse formation.
I'm aware that the brain has MANY billions of neurons, and some (potential) hundred of thousands of potential neurons are killed off by the brain everyday... so neurogenesis could hopefully save those neurons from 'suicide' produced by the hippocampus (or elswhere).
So what I'm wondering is if NSI could help produce enough neurogenesis to make a noticeable difference (saving several hundreds of thousands of potentially new neurons a day from dying) in everyday cognitive functioning; it sounds like a lot of neuronal growth/preservation, but, relatively speaking, it's pretty small.
But this is where it gets interesting - if NSI lives up to the hype and is combined with a compound like Dihexa (which MAY significantly increase synapse formation), something *AMAZING* may be waiting around the corner for us - neurogenesis AND synaptogenesis - wowza.
Posted 19 April 2013 - 12:56 PM
We should work on getting a group buy for Dihexa going.But this is where it gets interesting - if NSI lives up to the hype and is combined with a compound like Dihexa (which MAY significantly increase synapse formation), something *AMAZING* may be waiting around the corner for us - neurogenesis AND synaptogenesis - wowza.
I think it is very important to combine these substances with meditation and activities that push the limits of what your are capable of. Learn an instrument, talk about a subject out loud in detail coherently without saying umm. Interact with people. Learn to juggle. Become ambidextrous. Develope visual imagination and concentration with meditation. The great geniuses of time have all had a great amount of concentration and the ability to visualize. Nikolai Tesla could imagine his inventions in complete detail without writing them down. I could go on but I have to get going.
Posted 19 April 2013 - 01:53 PM
Hi Everyone,
Sorry for pulling a brief vanishing act... I just finished a 41-HOUR DAY
In case there are any issues regards everyone paying via PAYITSQUARE, just to let everyone know that we do have a PLAN B to fall back on, in that I already have a VERIFIED PAYPAL account and it would most certainly be possible for everyone to pay the US$136.25 for their 2.5 GRAMS NSI-189 directly to me via PAYPAL
Please kindly note that my PAYPAL ACCOUNT has been active for a very long time period and is well used; and so none of the issues that occur with attempting to gather together monies for a GROUP BUY using a NEW PAYPAL ACCOUNT (which has all sorts of restrictions until it has been frequently used for a while) should occur
I should point out that this has a COST IMPLICATION since payment via PAYPAL incurs a higher TRANSACTION FEE than PAY-IT-SQUAREScienceGuy do you ve a verified paypal account?
YESwhat is this NSI-189? i wish i could see molecular structure.
Im confused, it is a SSRI?
Hey, I'm just curious where you found that molecular structure of NSI-189?
The PATENT DOCUMENTATION... I attached it as a DOWNLOADABLE FILE in one of my earlier posts in this thread
hey ScienceGuy, can your company give you the synthesis route they use ?
Seconded. Any more information/literature about how it is synthesised would be greatly appreciated

Posted 19 April 2013 - 03:25 PM
neurogenesis AND synaptogenesis - wowza.
Posted 19 April 2013 - 04:00 PM
Somebody made a great point that no toxicology study has even been conducted with dihexa yet...We should work on getting a group buy for Dihexa going.But this is where it gets interesting - if NSI lives up to the hype and is combined with a compound like Dihexa (which MAY significantly increase synapse formation), something *AMAZING* may be waiting around the corner for us - neurogenesis AND synaptogenesis - wowza.
I think it is very important to combine these substances with meditation and activities that push the limits of what your are capable of. Learn an instrument, talk about a subject out loud in detail coherently without saying umm. Interact with people. Learn to juggle. Become ambidextrous. Develope visual imagination and concentration with meditation. The great geniuses of time have all had a great amount of concentration and the ability to visualize. Nikolai Tesla could imagine his inventions in complete detail without writing them down. I could go on but I have to get going.
About the stuff you wrote below, I agree 100%, and would add "learn a (or several) foreign languages" which is a fun, useful endeavour that challenges the brain in almost every way possible (like learning an instrument and pushing it far enough to be able to improvise within a grid etc)... I dont thing I could bother with dual n-back or other computerized "brain workouts" which don't really do much to enrich you
Posted 20 April 2013 - 01:14 AM
Posted 20 April 2013 - 09:55 AM
After being exposed to Carbon Monoxide, patients almost always suffer great damage to their hippocampus.
...One of the more isolating problems suffered by patients with CO poisoning is a significant personality change. Patients, formerly even-tempered are prone to anxiety and quick to anger. This is likely related to the damage to the hippocampus, which is highly affected after deprivation of oxygen. The hippocampus is connected to the hypothalamus which is involved in the regulation of emotions.
...the patient can suffer hippocampal atrophy. This atrophy may not develop for weeks or longer after the exposure.
Sounds like I may have a chance to return to my former self here if NSI can live up to its claims of a 20% increase in hippocampus size.
What interested me was the hippocampus' indirect influence over emotions - would people taking NSI experience a greater range/enhancement of emotions? I thought antidepressants (I know this isn't exactly one, but somewhat shares a similar mechanism of action) usually blunt emotions?
Failing this, I really don't know where to go from here. If it doesn't work for me I think I'll look into getting potassium cyanide synthesised.
Edited by Xenix, 20 April 2013 - 09:56 AM.
Posted 20 April 2013 - 10:23 AM
Posted 20 April 2013 - 12:49 PM
Posted 20 April 2013 - 01:04 PM
I think the fact that dihexa has to be kept in cold storage will be a problem for a group buy.
You're correct. Peptides *ideally* need to be stored at -20 Celsius at all times or else they rapidly degrade (I think it's about a week before they do so, or else they can last many months in proper storage) also, the freeze-thaw cycle is known to degrade them, so a consistently cold temperature is required - this is where aliquoting (splitting the order into several vials) comes in handy.
But I'm digressing on Dihexa - back to NSI.
Incidentally I have contacted a Biotech company here in my country and they are able to synthesize NSI-189 for me (roughly $200/gram). Thus, I'll be going solo on purchasing it as the group buy is currently full.
My (NSI) manufacturer is asking me if I would like NSI-189 in free amine salt or phosphate salt format - I have enquired about the possibility of getting it in acetate salt form, but I don't know which format would be best suited - in terms of efficacy, safety and oral bioavailability - to choose. I can't seem to find any helpful information on Google (after a substantial amount of time searching)... could someone please point me in the right direction?
Edited by Xenix, 20 April 2013 - 01:07 PM.
Posted 20 April 2013 - 02:03 PM
I think the fact that dihexa has to be kept in cold storage will be a problem for a group buy.
You're correct. Peptides *ideally* need to be stored at -20 Celsius at all times or else they rapidly degrade (I think it's about a week before they do so, or else they can last many months in proper storage) also, the freeze-thaw cycle is known to degrade them, so a consistently cold temperature is required - this is where aliquoting (splitting the order into several vials) comes in handy.
But I'm digressing on Dihexa - back to NSI.
Incidentally I have contacted a Biotech company here in my country and they are able to synthesize NSI-189 for me (roughly $200/gram). Thus, I'll be going solo on purchasing it as the group buy is currently full.
My (NSI) manufacturer is asking me if I would like NSI-189 in free amine salt or phosphate salt format - I have enquired about the possibility of getting it in acetate salt form, but I don't know which format would be best suited - in terms of efficacy, safety and oral bioavailability - to choose. I can't seem to find any helpful information on Google (after a substantial amount of time searching)... could someone please point me in the right direction?
phosphate salt is what they use in the clinical trial
can you send me the name of your biotech company by pm just to see their website ?
Edited by hadora, 20 April 2013 - 02:03 PM.
Posted 20 April 2013 - 02:28 PM
I think the fact that dihexa has to be kept in cold storage will be a problem for a group buy.
You're correct. Peptides *ideally* need to be stored at -20 Celsius at all times or else they rapidly degrade (I think it's about a week before they do so, or else they can last many months in proper storage) also, the freeze-thaw cycle is known to degrade them, so a consistently cold temperature is required - this is where aliquoting (splitting the order into several vials) comes in handy.
But I'm digressing on Dihexa - back to NSI.
Incidentally I have contacted a Biotech company here in my country and they are able to synthesize NSI-189 for me (roughly $200/gram). Thus, I'll be going solo on purchasing it as the group buy is currently full.
My (NSI) manufacturer is asking me if I would like NSI-189 in free amine salt or phosphate salt format - I have enquired about the possibility of getting it in acetate salt form, but I don't know which format would be best suited - in terms of efficacy, safety and oral bioavailability - to choose. I can't seem to find any helpful information on Google (after a substantial amount of time searching)... could someone please point me in the right direction?
phosphate salt is what they use in the clinical trial
can you send me the name of your biotech company by pm just to see their website ?
Thanks. PM sent. That solves the issue of NSI. Now to find out if phosphate salt can be used when synthesising peptides like Dihexa... Don't know if phosphate salt would alter the pH/can be solubilised properly. Don't know if it would be preferable to use phosphate over acetate salt.
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