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#4201 jaybird10 2

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Posted 19 May 2016 - 04:51 PM

Interesting that you are in healthcare also. For me NSI is reducing my anxiety and depression. It's allowed me to focus and it's calmed the storm innmy mind. Much less rumination. I believe this is a very effective product. Results will vary based on too many factors to list here.

The HGH guy is interesting. I wonder what he moved on to after he was discharged from the hospital? Tb-500? Something else?

What is your daily dosage of nsi? These are the kinds of benefits Im hoping for.

#4202 Valijon

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Posted 19 May 2016 - 05:48 PM

Ibe moved up to 40mg orally, not sublingually, at night. Stopped the Noopept to see what the NSI is doing. I started taking Benadryl as NSI gave me an odd tired/wired feeling and I can't sleep well without the antihistamine.

Some users have reported anxiety but, I've never felt this way. Im taking b-12, fish oil,and D3 in the daytime. So far, I'm pretty impressed. I've been on many meds for my own mental health issues so I recognize when something is working and this is definitely a big improvement.

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#4203 hoquyguy

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Posted 19 May 2016 - 05:49 PM

All, I tried NSI 189 to help with my focus and alertness, not depression.  I've tried almost every Noot I could legally get my hands on, and most of them do nothing or make things a little worse.  I read about NSI-189 so I gave it a try.  All it did was make me tired and fuzzy headed.  I've been on Effexor for about a decade and I am NOT looking to replace it.  It works.  Only thing did was add Deplin when it started losing effectiveness. Deplin works, but that's a different topic....


As a side note, caffeine and Modafinil are the only things that really work for me, at least until I crash and burn..

#4204 Lunast

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Posted 21 May 2016 - 12:50 AM

Today, I took my first dose of NSI-189 @ a meager 5mg of phosphate. So far, no effects besides a pretty steady tinnitus that has lasted over 4 hours. Should I increase my dosage on day 2?

#4205 Strangelove

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Posted 21 May 2016 - 05:17 PM

Today, I took my first dose of NSI-189 @ a meager 5mg of phosphate. So far, no effects besides a pretty steady tinnitus that has lasted over 4 hours. Should I increase my dosage on day 2?


I ll recommend stay in the 5mg for a couple more days. Is this sublingual or oral? Did you have tinnitus in the past?

#4206 Lunast

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Posted 21 May 2016 - 05:44 PM

I'm taking phosphate, 5mg, orally with water. I've had milder tinnitus from taking lithium orotate in the past. Today was my second dose of 186 at which was probably closer to 7mg than 5mg. The good news is that the tinnitus did not return today, even with a slightly higher dose.

#4207 Lunast

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Posted 22 May 2016 - 05:29 PM

Wow. This thread has been dead the past couple days. I'm on day three of phosphate, having taken about 15 mg today, against suggestion. (Im an immediate gratification type of guy). So far the only noticable effect have been a mild to moderate tinnitus and an inreasing eagerness for this stuff to do its alleged job. I know most people report positive results at around the one month mark. That I am early in comparing to this pattern of result. But after reading some of the initial side effects that people have experienced, even early on, I'm beginning to wonder if my total lack of effect means that I have gotten into a dud batch. Can anyone personally verify the authenticity of IRC batch?

#4208 PureCacao

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Posted 22 May 2016 - 07:09 PM

Wow. This thread has been dead the past couple days. I'm on day three of phosphate, having taken about 15 mg today, against suggestion. (Im an immediate gratification type of guy). So far the only noticable effect have been a mild to moderate tinnitus and an inreasing eagerness for this stuff to do its alleged job. I know most people report positive results at around the one month mark. That I am early in comparing to this pattern of result. But after reading some of the initial side effects that people have experienced, even early on, I'm beginning to wonder if my total lack of effect means that I have gotten into a dud batch. Can anyone personally verify the authenticity of IR
C batch?

Your taking phosphate, not sublingual, so the minimum dosage is 40mg. You are at way too low of a dosage to do anything. It is phosphate, and you are swallowing it into your stomach, right? The dosage options for nsi-189 phosphate oral are:

40mg once a day

40mg twice a day

40mg three times a day

This has been established by neuralstem (so far), the company who created nsi-189.

Only freebase, sublingual is for less than 40mg, for putting freebase under your tongue. You need to take 40mg a day for the phosphate version. Even then, effects are subtle, and oftentimes don't come until the cycle is over and you stop taking it. It is still a powerful medication imo, unless of course you are perfectly healthy.


I think people often forget, this is an anti-depressant for depressed people, specifically those with brain damage and neurodegenerative diseases.

Its not intended to be a nootropic super medicine to make a healthy person into Einstein.


They are still studying it, however.  

Does very little for healthy people in my experience/observation, but has the ability to work wonders (oftentimes) for the depressed and neurologically damaged (because those two things go hand in hand).


Here is an excerpt from neuralstem's study explaining the phosphate dosages:


Best of luck, I hope you can see some changes at the correct minimum dosage.   :)

Edited by PureCacao, 22 May 2016 - 07:19 PM.

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#4209 Lunast

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Posted 23 May 2016 - 07:11 PM

I'm really beginning to become concerned about the authenticity of this gram i received.  Having no prior experience with this compound, i really don't know what to expect.  This NSI is very bitter in flavor, as i've been told that its supposed to be.  But the consistency of this stuff is not very consistent.  There were a couple of chunkier pieces in the powder.  And im beginning to feel like this stuff could just as well be crushed aspirin.  Any thoughts?

#4210 PureCacao

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Posted 23 May 2016 - 07:22 PM

I'm really beginning to become concerned about the authenticity of this gram i received.  Having no prior experience with this compound, i really don't know what to expect.  This NSI is very bitter in flavor, as i've been told that its supposed to be.  But the consistency of this stuff is not very consistent.  There were a couple of chunkier pieces in the powder.  And im beginning to feel like this stuff could just as well be crushed aspirin.  Any thoughts?

I have received NSI-189 from multiple sources, including IRC before they received an order to stop.  Even NSI-189 phosphate from my other sources (not IRC) has these clumps, and it is definitely real NSI.  I know exactly what clumps/hard chunks you are talking about.  It has to just be the nature of the chemical structure.


What are you trying to use this medicine for, Lunast? (if you don't mind my asking)


It is an anti-depressant, specifically for people with neurological problems.


It is for growing the brain back after it has been damaged.  


Brain defects and depression go hand-in-hand, so that is the purpose of this medication.  


Healthy people often don't feel anything.  


Also, again, you are using phosphate.


NSI-189 phosphate is meant to be taken at 40mg, once a day (or 2x or 3x), for 28 days, and then stopped for 2-3 weeks, then restarted if desired.  


If you're taking it wrong, you will never feel anything healthy or not, because you'd be taking the medicine incorrectly.  


Only NSI-189 freebase (not phosphate) is useful under the tongue at low dosages.  Freebase under the tongue is much more powerful so a lower dosage works.


You must take the full 40mg with NSI-189 phosphate and swallow it, daily for around 28 days.

Edited by PureCacao, 23 May 2016 - 07:33 PM.

#4211 Lunast

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Posted 23 May 2016 - 07:40 PM

Hehe. Hohoho. I'm nowhere near being a healthy individual. And haven't been using the compound to gain any sort of edge. I started using this to combat severe depression, anxiety, and chronic-stress induced brain damage. As a result of prolonged stress and depression, anxiety, I've lost pretty much any interest and enjoyment of the world around me. I cannot focus, remeber much of day to day events, and a lot of my past is clouded, almost as if it's never even happened. I was and am still hoping that NSI could restore some of my enjoyment for life, rebuild cognitive functions, improve my terrible memory and help me rebuild self esteem.

#4212 neuralis

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Posted 23 May 2016 - 08:14 PM

What you are describing, Lunast, sounds to me very much like a mild dissociative disorder. 

#4213 Lunast

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Posted 24 May 2016 - 10:30 AM

I won't disagree with you on the possibility of a dissociative disorder. Basically things cannot get much worse in my outlook on life, and NSI is sort of a desperate attempt at some type of rejuvenation toward a younger and more optimistic mind. I guess anyone who takes a strange, unverified substance ordered through the internet could be considered some kind of desperate. But some of the personal antecdotes I've read of people's experience have given me the impression that this is just what I need to get back on track. I'm on day 5, steadily increasing my dosages and will report more as time goes.

#4214 neuralis

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Posted 24 May 2016 - 12:25 PM

I apologize for not elaborating longer before. I was a little pressed for time then, I’ll try to do it now.


The reason why I suggested something like this is that dissociation is one of the several things I’m trying to beat at the moment as well. And the way you described the state you are in fits perfectly to what I’ve been experiencing for as long as I can remember. It’s like living in a constant haze where nothing really gets through to you. You can see things are there but can’t really focus on anything specific. Like your brain just goes over things, never taking anything in. Sometimes it feels like nothing has the power to captivate you, other times it’s like your brain has lost its power to focus on anything. When I say things I mean both actual physical objects in the external world and also metaphysical things like aspects of yourself or your life.  It’s impossible in this state to really enjoy anything or even to know anything with certainty. It’s not a nice way to live; it’s not nice at all.


Maybe this description fits you, maybe it doesn’t. I hope for your sake that it doesn’t. But if it does I suggest considering some other options besides medication. I’ve tried so many different medications/nootropics throughout the years to alleviate this state with almost no results. I do feel my brain is working a bit better, but still very little reaches me through the fog. Adopting CBT as a lifestyle and daily habit of meditation has done more for me than any chemical ever has. Self-exploration is the key here. The purpose of dissociation is to stop you from knowing what you actually know.  You mentioned your past being inaccessible. Reclaiming those memories would be on what I would concentrate on. If you can reclaim some parts of yourself that you have lost contact with I’m sure other things would start coming back as well.


Breaking down dissociative barriers is extremely hard work and needs a lot of persistence. I’m slowly making progress and I feel NSI does make this process a little bit easier for me. But it doesn’t do anything by itself. The responsibility for making this work is entirely on my shoulders. Swallowing a little bit of powder and hoping it would heal me just doesn’t work.   


Perhaps you can find something useful from all of this.

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#4215 wanderlust

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Posted 24 May 2016 - 01:26 PM

I won't disagree with you on the possibility of a dissociative disorder. Basically things cannot get much worse in my outlook on life, and NSI is sort of a desperate attempt at some type of rejuvenation toward a younger and more optimistic mind. I guess anyone who takes a strange, unverified substance ordered through the internet could be considered some kind of desperate. But some of the personal antecdotes I've read of people's experience have given me the impression that this is just what I need to get back on track. I'm on day 5, steadily increasing my dosages and will report more as time goes.


I was in a very similar place when I started my nootropic journey .

i found that sodium valproate in 50mg -100mg doses daily really helped to reorder my thoughts
and make me happier and more successful alongside nsi-189.

"We must embrace our pain and burn it as fuel for the journey"
Kenji miyazazawa

as far as I understand the current theory's of evolution it is when an organism is pushed to desperation. that is when  they begin to evolve and change into something entirely new.

just like  when you speak of "ordering things from the internet " being an entirely new action for you to be taking .


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#4216 adamh

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Posted 24 May 2016 - 11:10 PM

Has anyone reported benefits for neuropathy? I see statements that it repairs brains which are mostly nerve cells. How about peripheral nerves, do they improve too? I have held off up to now largely because of the insomnia inducing effects which I don't need more of. 

#4217 Water Buffalo

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Posted 25 May 2016 - 12:33 AM


I'm really beginning to become concerned about the authenticity of this gram i received.  Having no prior experience with this compound, i really don't know what to expect.  This NSI is very bitter in flavor, as i've been told that its supposed to be.  But the consistency of this stuff is not very consistent.  There were a couple of chunkier pieces in the powder.  And im beginning to feel like this stuff could just as well be crushed aspirin.  Any thoughts?

I have received NSI-189 from multiple sources, including IRC before they received an order to stop.  Even NSI-189 phosphate from my other sources (not IRC) has these clumps, and it is definitely real NSI.  I know exactly what clumps/hard chunks you are talking about.  It has to just be the nature of the chemical structure.


What are you trying to use this medicine for, Lunast? (if you don't mind my asking)


It is an anti-depressant, specifically for people with neurological problems.


It is for growing the brain back after it has been damaged.  


Brain defects and depression go hand-in-hand, so that is the purpose of this medication.  


Healthy people often don't feel anything.  


Also, again, you are using phosphate.


NSI-189 phosphate is meant to be taken at 40mg, once a day (or 2x or 3x), for 28 days, and then stopped for 2-3 weeks, then restarted if desired.  


If you're taking it wrong, you will never feel anything healthy or not, because you'd be taking the medicine incorrectly.  


Only NSI-189 freebase (not phosphate) is useful under the tongue at low dosages.  Freebase under the tongue is much more powerful so a lower dosage works.


You must take the full 40mg with NSI-189 phosphate and swallow it, daily for around 28 days.



It is my understanding that they chose a 28 day dosing protocol to gauge the safety profile of the drug on humans without putting the participants at risk. They plan on doing a 90 day trial in the future to test the theory that it leads to hippocampal regrowth in humans and to gauge the longer term efficacy of the drug. I think it would be better for someone to go at least 3-4 months before taking a break if they are not concerned with side effects. With that being said, they saw a reduction in depressive symptoms at 28 days.

#4218 Strangelove

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Posted 26 May 2016 - 10:22 PM

Just couple quick comments, I do not think there are any kind of clumps in the NSI-189 I ship to other members. Also, because the best average dose in Neuralstem trials is 40mg, this does not mean that is the best dose for everyone. If I use 40mg I ll be speedy and anxious when 20mg orally makes me more present, boost my energy levels and give me more positive thinking patterns. Of course this dose is not the rule, but they are many others too that have very good results from smaller doses.


Also, NSI-189 taken early in the day, at not a very high dose would rarely give insomnia. Is not a common side effect. Although can be more common, until our body adjusts to the effects. I got a little manic the first few days I used it. 

Edited by Strangelove, 26 May 2016 - 10:46 PM.

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#4219 Lunast

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Posted 26 May 2016 - 10:24 PM

Just couple quick comment, I do not think there are any kind of clumps in the NSI-189 I ship to other members. Also, because the best average dose in Neuralstem trials is 40mg, this does not mean that is the best dose for everyone. If I use 40mg I ll be speedy and anxious when 20mg orally makes me more present, boost my energy levels and give me more positive thinking patterns. Of course this dose is not the rule, but they are many others too that have very good results from smaller doses.

Also, NSI-189 taken early in the day, at not a very high dose would rarely give insomnia. Is not a common side effect. Although can be more common, until our body adjusts to the effects. I got a little manic the first few days I used it.

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#4220 Lunast

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Posted 26 May 2016 - 10:33 PM

Thanks. I've been taking various doses for the past 6 days, as high as 40 mg. I felt pretty good the first evening that I took it, but I'm going to chalk this up as being placebo. So far I haven't noticed any changes in thought, but given my current state of mind it would be a damn miracle if the compound showed any improvements at this early stage. So far, no miracles. No shinies. There may have been a slight increase in axiety this far, but again, it's hard to say. Feels like I'm adding oil to a motor that is broken down. Hehe. I will continue to post updates on my NSI journey.

#4221 jaybird10 2

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Posted 26 May 2016 - 11:14 PM

Ive taken 10mg for three days now. I think Im noticing a bit of dry eyes/blurred vision. I have nerve damage in my right arm from a year ago.(inside of my forearm).I think my forearm is more sensetive to touch as well as getting pins and needles. I hope its doing some more healing but who knows?

Edited by jaybird10 2, 26 May 2016 - 11:15 PM.

#4222 PureCacao

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Posted 27 May 2016 - 05:28 AM

I too received mild mania-like on the first several days of using it orally.  


Yes Definitely true, the dosages in the study are only levels for testing that they've established so far, and official recommended dosages have not been established.  


And regardless, even so, sometimes medications are prescribed at higher/lower dosages than the "official" dosages to meet each patient's specific needs.  


Also, upon double checking,

what I received from IRC.bio does not have any clumps.  


The NSI-189 phosphate from buy-nsi-189.com (while they were running) is the only one I have that contains clumps.  

#4223 Ark

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Posted 27 May 2016 - 05:40 AM

Just sharing a useful combination that deserves further investigation... Try capping GTS-21 with NSI-189 phosphate w/ about 18-28 Celastrus Paniculatus seeds encapsulated together.

Edited by Ark, 27 May 2016 - 05:42 AM.

#4224 DSTiamat

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Posted 27 May 2016 - 05:51 PM

I have found microdoses of DMT very beneficial for well being and overall reduction in anxiety.


Can you please elaborate a bit? Just DMT? smoked? or low doses of ayahuasca? How much of it?


#4225 Heisenburger

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Posted 28 May 2016 - 05:37 AM

Try capping GTS-21 with NSI-189 phosphate w/ about 18-28 Celastrus Paniculatus seeds encapsulated together.


I went graveyard hopping with my wife today. Our first stop was Battle Ground Cemetery in Vancouver, Washington. She’s an amateur genealogy enthusiast, so we got together with a few of members of her DAR chapter and spent the afternoon planting flags on the gravesites of every veteran in the cemetery. I had taken my homebrew NZT-48 that morning—100 milligrams each of GTS-21, modafinil, phenylpiracetam, and tianeptine freebase. Despite the fact that I was a little on the sleep-deprived side and had also been hitting the benzos a bit too hard for the past several days, I felt sharp as a razor. My wife had a diagrammatic list of all the grave sites, with the veterans highlighted in yellow. All I had to do was scan the list for about 20 seconds, and then just grab a handful of flags, go straight to section where they were buried, and stick them in the ground. No going back to recheck the list because I had forgotten a name or a location—I could just memorize seven or eight names and plot locations, and simply march over to the right section and zip, zip, zip, zip, zip—just stick them all in the ground and come back for more. Everybody else had to carry around a copy of the list with them and constantly refer to and recheck it after each site to make sure they got them in the right place. Then I did something that had been on my to-do list for years but had never had the opportunity to do; we hopped back in the car, drove down to Lake Oswego, and visited Linus Pauling’s grave. Despite the fact that the graveyard is a fairly big one, I found the site almost immediately. I only had a small, nondescript photograph to go by, but as soon as I got out of the car I just did a quick 360 degree scan and spotted it almost instantly. Maybe just dumb luck, but I think it was my noot cocktail doing its thing. On the way home we stopped in Oregon City and saw the paper mills at Willamette Falls which date back to the mid-nineteenth century. All day long I felt continually upbeat and sharp, and felt that “life-is-good” feeling that has been so sorely lacking from my existence for far too long. I credit the noots for turning a good day into a great one.


So these seeds of which you speak—you’ve definitely got my interest. Would you be inclined to kick a brutha down a few? Just want to try it once; don’t really want to buy a bigass bag of them. I Googled it of course, wild horses couldn’t stop me. I’m an insatiable fiend for trying damn near everything I hear about.

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#4226 Ark

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Posted 28 May 2016 - 06:26 AM

Sure will do.

#4227 Ark

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Posted 28 May 2016 - 06:30 AM

Check out the Franklin Cemetery if you have time. It is located in the black diamond area. I am out of town until Sunday coaching a tournament. But hey if your still up in Washington this Sunday and want to meet up let me know.

I'm glad your NZT stack in going well consider addding meythelen blue, anaractam and lions mane to your current stack.


#4228 Neverminder

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Posted 29 May 2016 - 07:21 AM

Is there some kind of consensus regarding NSI-189 cycling/tolerance? I keep seeing 28 days mentioned often, but then what? I've been on 20-40mg for 28 days and now I'm off for 14 days, so how long should I wait to get back on?

#4229 Blackkzeus

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Posted 30 May 2016 - 02:52 AM

Where can you buy NSI now?

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#4230 alikzair

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Posted 31 May 2016 - 09:47 AM

Hi guys im wondering if anybody has any personal experience with using NSI-189 alongside Semax and/or Selank. I have both and was using them before I started my NSI cycle with good results.


Does anyone no of any bad interactions/side effects using them alongside NSI?


Does anyone have any good experiences they would care to share?



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