Has anyone run intranasal insulin with NSI? If so, dose and experience?
Posted 26 January 2017 - 07:03 PM
Posted 27 January 2017 - 03:20 AM
I have been taking nsi-189 for 10 months now. 40mg phosphate.
I stopped for a week due to phsycological stress, figured I needed to let my brain rest for a little.
After a week of stopping for the first time in 10 months of taking it, my entire right leg is numb. It gets better but not by much. It's not swollen, just tingly, numb, particularly in the foot. It is weak, stiff, sore, hard to move. I did NOT do anything to sprain it, etc. I did not sleep/sit on it wrong.
I woke up like this, with most of my leg and my entire foot numb. Walking around is hard, but doable, but it doesn't help. Nothing makes it go away.
Has anyone experienced numbness or neuropathy or anything like this related to nsi-189?
Posted 27 January 2017 - 03:59 AM
There have been reports of neuropathy early after starting, I've never heard of it developing from discontinuation.
Edited by muntjac, 27 January 2017 - 03:59 AM.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 06:19 AM
I actually have also heard of neuropathy, but not from *withdrawal*.
It's the only thing that could be causing this.
I'm going to go see a doctor, and if they say I'm fine, I'll resume the nsi.
It has helped me return to academic after brain injury. I just sure hope my legs will be OK some day when I get off of it.
It was scary as hell to wake up and not be able to walk very well, my entire right leg was numb.
Reminded me of a teacher I had once, who told us about his Charco-Marie Tooth.
He always walked with braces. Now he's in a wheelchair.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 08:01 AM
I want to buy some more NSI, but what with Strangelove waiting on his new batch, does anyone have another reliable source? (PM me)
Will write a log of my experience with the compound some time once the 1g I have on me is used up.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 08:28 AM
Serious question, need anyone to answer it if they can.
I have been taking nsi-189 for 10 months now. 40mg phosphate.
I stopped for a week due to phsycological stress, figured I needed to let my brain rest for a little.
After a week of stopping for the first time in 10 months of taking it, my entire right leg is numb. It gets better but not by much. It's not swollen, just tingly, numb, particularly in the foot. It is weak, stiff, sore, hard to move. I did NOT do anything to sprain it, etc. I did not sleep/sit on it wrong.
I woke up like this, with most of my leg and my entire foot numb. Walking around is hard, but doable, but it doesn't help. Nothing makes it go away.
Has anyone experienced numbness or neuropathy or anything like this related to nsi-189?
I have experienced the extreme LOW-level version of this, but at the START of treatment, and not at the end - I had similar sensations which travelled between some of my fingers, depending on the day, for the second week of NSI-189 treatment.
Neuropathy of various forms actually seems to be a feature of most neurogenic compounds - Dihexa does this as well, but to an even GREATER extent, according to the reports.
Yours is the first case I have ever heard with a mostly, and so GREATLY numbing sensation though... But not many people have actually been on NSI-189 for as long as you have - most cycles seems to be a few months at most, and then a break.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 03:17 PM
I've only just started NSI, but so far it's making it so effortless to smile all through the day. This stuff is insane!
Edited by Baten, 27 January 2017 - 03:17 PM.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 06:30 PM
Has anyone had liver and kidneys complaining from NSI-189?
I am talking like 50-100mg a day. Did maybe 100-200mg yesterday for testing. Judging prematurely from the last 3-5 days, clearly this is happening to me in direct correlation to dosage.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 07:44 PM
I forgot to mention: the administration route I use is nasal, and the NSI-189 is freebase. So its reasonable to assume, that you can multiply those numbers by a factor of 2-3x, to match by bioavailability with the usual oral/sublingual route.
Maybe I should just do 4 times less. But even then ... that NSI-189 might hit the liver that hard, would be a pretty sad conclusion.
I don't know how much ethanol I have to drink, or amphetamine to abuse, to get an equally striking feedback from both organs. Quite quite a lot.
I hope its all just random. The first few days, I had very clear signs of impurities that did not really reproduce either. Then again, I might have gotten used to it and stopped over-observing myself ...
Btw. I was eyeballing 2x 50mg because it I could feel the effect and it felt good. Now after doing those larger doses for testing, and smoking too much tobacco by coincidence, it puzzled me how NSI-189 was mediating its effect. I found this: https://www.reddit.c...i189_high_dose/
As mentioned on Reddit and somewhere buried in this thread, Piberaline is a BZP prodrug and chances are that NSI-189 partly metabolizes into BZP the same way. Furthermore, I was surprised to learn that NSI-566, which is chemically close to NSI-189, was isolated from fetal spinal cord. I can't source that NSI-189 was discovered the same way, rather that what appears to be mere randomness at work through screening a zillion compounds, as its written on Wikipedia.
Anyway, please report if you experienced similarly.
Oh gosh, I think I am going to make an "NSI-189 impurity reports" thread. This is far too concerning for my taste.
Edited by Aolministrator, 27 January 2017 - 08:06 PM.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 10:07 PM
"I don't know how much ethanol I have to drink, or amphetamine to abuse, to get an equally striking feedback from both organs. Quite quite a lot."
I dont think its random. NSI-189 is hard on the body, i feel that since first dose and tested multiple sources. In my case it interferes with blood flow and body temperature too.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 10:36 PM
Has anyone had liver and kidneys complaining from NSI-189?
I am talking like 50-100mg a day. Did maybe 100-200mg yesterday for testing. Judging prematurely from the last 3-5 days, clearly this is happening to me in direct correlation to dosage.
...So, you've been doing doses as high as 200 mg...? More than double the maximum efficient dosage, clearly deduced through the trials...? And intranasal too - might add up to an equivalent dosage of 400(!) mg oral. You know, with this in mind, it's not exactly odd if you run into complications.
GOOD GRIEF! I have no idea how you can STAND those dosages...! Most people seems to find 80 mg per day a bit much even, yet you're going more than double...! I would probably have exploded, or possibly IMploded at such dosages.
Anyways, what's your source? If you're having kidney-problems then it's probably an issue with impurity - such things cannot be tolerated in the Nootropics-community - so we need to know the name of the game here, so we can properly boycott the potential vendor.
On the other hand, people are usually not doing 200 mg's worth of this stuff...
Btw, quit that sh*t with 100-200 mg, the trials deduced that NSI-189's neurogenic effects have a bell-shaped dosing-curve - if you go above 80 mg, then the benefits start dropping off until you get into the negative.
You're just wasting your money - and I guess you missed the latest deduction on the moa of NSI-189 - seems like it may be a mild D2-agonist, meaning all you've been doing is burn off your Dopamine-receptors and cause anhedonic down-regulation with these excessive dosages.
Edited by Stinkorninjor, 27 January 2017 - 10:40 PM.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 10:57 PM
"Anyways, what's your source? If you're having kidney-problems then it's probably an issue with impurity - such things cannot be tolerated in the Nootropics-community - so we need to know the name of the game here, so we can properly boycott the potential vendor."
Impurity CAN be the cause, for me every NSI-189 had the exact same negative sides but i was ok with it since it really helps with depression. Bought of typical vendors and 1 lab. The chemical structure can be toxic or carcinogen, usually you find that out via animal testing.
People that mix unknown drugs with stuff like amphetamine and alcohol, modafinil takerelativelyhigh risk. The label "nootropics" doesnt make it harmless by any means.
Edited by bugsbunny, 27 January 2017 - 10:58 PM.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 11:17 PM
If you have nothing to lose, do it. Otherwise better think twice
Posted 27 January 2017 - 11:40 PM
Please no lectures about the obvious. I am not retarded. I took 100-200mg only for testing and out of curiosity.
Unfortunately I also smoked a ton of cigarettes at the same time, so I cannot really say if the adrenergic effects were due to metabolic byproducts in question, or just due to the good old poison sticks. So far my experienced guess is, that its more than likely, that some 5-10% of the NSI-189 always end up as some BZP-alike drug in your system - assuming it has the potency of BZP. I don't know what to think of this, other than that it helps me to stay out of bed in the morning. After 6-8 hours there is some mysterious urge to redose, slight head-tingles occur especially with cigarettes and, disregarding the total absence of bodily stimulant effects, the mental stimulation is there. Well its always there, even in very small doses. Spun info: Even in high doses, the fapathronic potential of NSI-189 remains exactly zero.
As you can read, my dose was eyeballed 50mg twice a day, which is close to the 2x40mg that Neuralstem found to be most effective.
Yes I know, nasal has much higher bioavailability hence I am doing this shit. But I had not tried nasal before, as I only did phosphate in the past. Thus I started with the highest fathomable dose equivalent, to reveal effectiveness, by maximizing noticable effects, that are usually so faint you might as well not notice them at all. I am still not exactly sure if the bioavailability really is 2-3 times higher than sublingual/oral, as it is the case with virtually any drug. It seems so to me.
I will continue with administration of 2 x 20mg nasally and see if that matches my experience with the phosphate from 6 month ago. Then I will try the phosphate sublingually/orally and up the dose until it matches in power with the dose I now have recognized with certainty. Since the half-life is so longish, it will take a week or two. But worth the effort, to asses if nasal freebase is 2, 3, or even 4 times as good.
I will not reveal the source of my NSI-189, as I have experienced several impurity indicators, over the course of just a couple of days, but inconsistently so. In other words, it doesn't really add up. My perception might be somewhat flawed, or not. Maybe I busted my organs with stupid 4F-MPH and 1,4-butanediol abuse a few month ago ... hence I am overreacting here in a sense. I don't really know.
Edited by Aolministrator, 28 January 2017 - 12:11 AM.
Posted 27 January 2017 - 11:52 PM
Nicotine is reducing bloodflow too, might cause tinitus. Also increases the chance of mania, because of to much dopamine.
Edited by bugsbunny, 27 January 2017 - 11:54 PM.
Posted 28 January 2017 - 12:00 AM
Yeah, both BZP and nicotine are big on alpha. Impossible to tell the cardiovascular difference in sane amounts.
Posted 28 January 2017 - 12:21 AM
Btw. are any chemists here who could confirm that pyridine and aniline, both toxic substances but more in the 100mg range, are likely candidates to end up in a botched synthesis?
I am very greatful I obtained NSI-189 at all, but I trust no one. I would like to do my own testing, if I could with a really pathetic budged.
Posted 28 January 2017 - 05:12 PM
"Yeah, both BZP and nicotine are big on alpha. Impossible to tell the cardiovascular difference in sane amounts."
I tested NSI-189 while smoking the very first time. Its synergetic when it comes to negative sides even at low dose range of 20mg-30mg. One-time high dosages didnt affect me that much, ofcourse the sides where stronger then usual without any additional befenefits. I never even thought about snorting that stuff (thats rare) This combination felt very toxic. Next time i already quit smoking for a half year but used e-cigarette with just nicotine and had the same toxic feeling to it, without any nicotine you still feel the smilar sides of smoking to much but its noticeable lower. It clearly buts your body into stress even if your mind is calmed, since you dont know how strong NSI-189 is affecting your behaviour I would call it a dirty drug rather then a nootropic, something you shouldnt take on regular basis max 3 months.
Posted 29 January 2017 - 10:19 AM
Were you guys buy NSI-189?
Posted 29 January 2017 - 10:29 AM
Were you guys buy NSI-189?
I buy mine from a user here on the forum, called Strangelove.
Send him a PM and he'll hit you up with some NSI-189.
Do note that I think I read something about him doing a new synthesis at the moment, so I think you may have to wait for a few weeks until the process is complete.
Posted 29 January 2017 - 01:24 PM
Thank for replaying. I already ordered the NSI-198 by strangelove.
I keep you guys posted how it goes. I have cognitive brain damage due the drugs.
Posted 30 January 2017 - 09:48 AM
Hey guys i'm a bit worried. I ordered 10 gram NSI-198 more than a day ago and haven't heard from strangelove ever since.
Btw, sorry for my bad English, it's not my native language
Posted 30 January 2017 - 11:05 AM
Strangelove already responded and he has send the NSI so i don't need to worry anymore.
Strangelove already responded and he has send the NSI so i don't need to worry anymore.
Posted 30 January 2017 - 09:28 PM
Hey guys i'm a bit worried. I ordered 10 gram NSI-198 more than a day ago and haven't heard from strangelove ever since.
Btw, sorry for my bad English, it's not my native language
strangelove does not come on every day, and he ALWAYS responds, do not worry.
Posted 30 January 2017 - 09:46 PM
Since no one answered my question about insulin and NSI, so i will go ahead and report that NSI pairs well with intranasal insulin, which i have been running for around two weeks. The synergy is mind blowing, and i have to say intranasal insulin has exceeded my expectations, as i read what i thought was a lot of hype on it on reddit. The mental clarity, mood and confidence boost is massive. Much more so than any pill, powder or injectable nootropic i have tried. During the week i stick to NSI, happy stack and insulin. There is no anxiety, no crash, just pure good moods and calm focus, coupled with a nice increase in confidence, which is reportedly a side effect of INI. I have no desire to keep searching for the next nootropic, as this combo gives me the perfect headspace, in fact i even tossed a few in the garbage. The formula goes like this. Sat am happy stack, nsi 20mg x2, 500mg phenibut, 50mg of tianeptine sulfate, 20iu intranasal insulin (one shot in each nostril, twice daily). Sunday same stack, only ditch the phenibut, as two days in a row is useless and can cause a slight comedown late eve monday. And mon-fri just NSI, happy stack and intra nasal insulin, no other nootropics. I plan on using the intranasal insulin for 4-8 weeks tops, and wait until further research comes out this year on its extended safety.
Edited by Twindaddy37, 30 January 2017 - 09:53 PM.
Posted 30 January 2017 - 11:01 PM
Wanted to leave some info here for interactions and nsi use in general.
NSI helped with quitting ecigs for me, and quitting adderall and vyvanse for a friend(taking them for over 2 years almost daily). He still had mad cravings but without the NSI he said he still needed it. It worked for a while until the NSI just gave him fatigue. 12 hours of sleep and still felt fatigued. This happened for 5 days so he stopped the NSI.
The main thing that seemed to help me gain a step in the right direction was social interaction with the right group. Being around people that I truly like. I realized I was around people who made me doubt their realities. Everything was just over the top ridiculous drama, nothing constructive. It felt like everywhere when I socialized things were bad, things were good if i didnt talk to people. So a change of environment helped alot. Now my blank mind and anhedonia are less pronounced and feel as if I'm gaining a bit of personality back.
Forewarning, Many things may go awry mixing nsi with other drugs. Also just using intuition, I'll bring the thought of, you are expediting growth and new connections in the brain, and then these new connections are subjected to hardcore dopaminergic and serotonergic conditions, think they will function properly? Small chance they will be more resilient, but most likely the connections and neurons will be worse. Just posting so the info is out there, do not use this to justify or rationalize these combinations.
After these interactions I and the others are doing great. No debilitating side effects or damage. No perceivable changes in focus, attention, etc. These interactions were not done in close time frames, tons of downtime not mixing anything.
I stopped my last cycle back in November. Considering starting again to see if there are any perceivable changes.
Edited by HardstyleShuffler, 30 January 2017 - 11:06 PM.
Posted 31 January 2017 - 05:24 PM
Wanted to leave some info here for interactions and nsi use in general.
NSI helped with quitting ecigs for me, and quitting adderall and vyvanse for a friend(taking them for over 2 years almost daily). He still had mad cravings but without the NSI he said he still needed it. It worked for a while until the NSI just gave him fatigue. 12 hours of sleep and still felt fatigued. This happened for 5 days so he stopped the NSI.
The main thing that seemed to help me gain a step in the right direction was social interaction with the right group. Being around people that I truly like. I realized I was around people who made me doubt their realities. Everything was just over the top ridiculous drama, nothing constructive. It felt like everywhere when I socialized things were bad, things were good if i didnt talk to people. So a change of environment helped alot. Now my blank mind and anhedonia are less pronounced and feel as if I'm gaining a bit of personality back.
Forewarning, Many things may go awry mixing nsi with other drugs. Also just using intuition, I'll bring the thought of, you are expediting growth and new connections in the brain, and then these new connections are subjected to hardcore dopaminergic and serotonergic conditions, think they will function properly? Small chance they will be more resilient, but most likely the connections and neurons will be worse. Just posting so the info is out there, do not use this to justify or rationalize these combinations.
After these interactions I and the others are doing great. No debilitating side effects or damage. No perceivable changes in focus, attention, etc. These interactions were not done in close time frames, tons of downtime not mixing anything.
I stopped my last cycle back in November. Considering starting again to see if there are any perceivable changes.
I personally think if your taking NSI (if it is in fact creating neurogenesis, one should not engage in mixing it with various substances (narcotics and drugs), what is the point? Either your taking it to grow and change, or to self medicate. What are your intentions for taking it? The intention behind taking the medication will determine the outcome in the end. I agree it gives you insight into the groups of people you are associating with, best to choose the more constructive group and grow as a human. I am taking this medication to grow, not stay stuck. Elimination of all bad habits, spiritual growth, growth in the work world, relationships (all positive movement) i would think will make this drug worthwhile taking. If your taking the drug and still have bad habits, or using other drugs and mixing it, how are you going to get any kind of a lasting benefit with it? It will just be like any other nootropic or substance you have ever used if you do not grow while you are on it, in the end you will still be the same old you, looking to fill the void inside, which happens with spiritual (connecting with your inner most self, in a positive way) growth only, with material things and substances. Just my two cents.
Edited by Twindaddy37, 31 January 2017 - 05:33 PM.
Posted 31 January 2017 - 06:32 PM
I agree, but curiosity and speculation of how it would interact was the reason for doing so. I did warn that it may be dangerous and shouldn't be done for funsies. As a RC chem, this may have more than 1 use, and how do we learn without testing? Perhaps even small experiences like these can help with MOA speculations.
I feel like I need to add this statement to prevent the 20+ posts following suit saying its not advisable (which I bolded in my original post): I don't regret doing it, nor do I believe I am a martyr and think I'm doing a great thing with the experiment. Simply wanted to see how it interacted. Posted back because it's information nonetheless.
Tests were done with NSI dosages at 30mg.
And to come back to my friend and the adderall: He had a prescription for over 3 years, pretty consecutive usage at 30mg. He ran 2 cycles of nsi for about a month each before he hit the major fatigue side effect. He has not been taking adderall since. I had never run into the fatigue side effect for the months that I tried NSI. I was pressed for time when I posted above so I forgot to include some details.
Taking Nsi when I was alone and had poor social circles was like a taking a breather after running a mile. "This is better than before, but still not quite normal." It gave me a little piece of solace during my cycles when there was nothing that I looked forward to. (You can't simulate positive social interactions with meds kids) My recent change of environment has been the most helpful. It helped start internal thought changes, a different focus for reflection, more motivation, being able to use my inner monologue, perceptual changes and responses to chemicals (caffiene now works like it should instead of giving me a headache and eye pain, my poor sense of smell is a little bit better, and overall feeling more content.) So with this snippet, consider your current environment and surroundings. It appears that those were the largest factors in my case.
Posted 31 January 2017 - 07:02 PM
I've been taking 20 mg BID. After 18 days I had abdominal pain at night, it was constant and I assumed it was mild food poisoning. The next two nights the pain happened again at less intensity, but spread to my lower back near the hip; paresthesia developed in my hands, feet, and upper arms. I'm dropping the dose to 20 mg OD, if the symptoms aren't reduced I'll likely discontinue. My stack has B12, folate, fish oil, and P5P. The paresthesia is mild and doesn't concern me yet. Any opinions?
Posted 31 January 2017 - 07:15 PM
I've been taking 20 mg BID. After 18 days I had abdominal pain at night, it was constant and I assumed it was mild food poisoning. The next two nights the pain happened again at less intensity, but spread to my lower back near the hip; paresthesia developed in my hands, feet, and upper arms. I'm dropping the dose to 20 mg OD, if the symptoms aren't reduced I'll likely discontinue. My stack has B12, folate, fish oil, and P5P. The paresthesia is mild and doesn't concern me yet. Any opinions?
What you're describing is most likely neuropathic pain - a lot of people get it from neurogenic substances - Dihexa does it as well.
The fact that the pain moved is also a sign of this, as this is something a lot of people describe while taking NSI.
I wouldn't worry too much about it - it usually goes away, just lower the dose. Remember, many people need to titrate NSI-189 slowly, in order to acclimate to the effects - it was certainly true for me.
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