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#5401 jaiho

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Posted 24 May 2017 - 09:38 AM

 My symptoms are just extreme numbness.. I can't feel from music, my libido is extremely low, I can't love, can't feel sadness, even food is less attractive than before.



That is severe depression. Especially with all your senses being muted. Anhedonia is the core symptom of severe depression.

When you've got it treated & in remission, you will love music again. You will feel emotions, love, and food will taste great again.


Libido is abit more difficult, but i find my baseline libido is non existant anyway, i would always gain libido when it's treated. be it with NSI, MAOIs or what not.

I don't expect to get a libido like my pre anhedonia state as most medications seem to mess with libido anyway. That may change in the future as the glutamate drugs hit the market.

#5402 Deaden

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Posted 24 May 2017 - 09:42 AM

NSI worked fantastic for me in 2014-2015. But i think as my anhedonia worsened it no longer could do the trick on its own.

I made that post on depression forum in 2015 i believe. Ive also been trialling it multiple times recently and it definitely helps, but just nowhere near where i want to be.


It's great you have Nardil on hand. If NSI doesn't do the trick, or helps to some degree, adding Nardil would be useful. Im pretty sure Strangelove combines Parnate with NSI.


And to your questions, at the time yes, i could feel. I did fall in love, i traveled, i felt normal. 

Now i'm following Gillman's algorithim which works best for severe Anhedonia.

Ok... so has his algorithm been working for you? Or you just started and waiting on it?

You think the NSI worsened your anhedonia or what is something else? Hmm and I don't know about adding Nardil, maybe it has serious interactions with NSI-189. I don't know.

Fuck this bullshit condition that's wasting my time so hard.

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#5403 Deaden

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Posted 24 May 2017 - 09:46 AM

Well that severe depression came out of nowhere then... When this set in I just became more and more numb until completely. I wasn't sad before that; at all. 

Edited by Deaden, 24 May 2017 - 09:49 AM.

#5404 jaiho

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Posted 24 May 2017 - 10:13 AM


NSI worked fantastic for me in 2014-2015. But i think as my anhedonia worsened it no longer could do the trick on its own.

I made that post on depression forum in 2015 i believe. Ive also been trialling it multiple times recently and it definitely helps, but just nowhere near where i want to be.


It's great you have Nardil on hand. If NSI doesn't do the trick, or helps to some degree, adding Nardil would be useful. Im pretty sure Strangelove combines Parnate with NSI.


And to your questions, at the time yes, i could feel. I did fall in love, i traveled, i felt normal. 

Now i'm following Gillman's algorithim which works best for severe Anhedonia.

Ok... so has his algorithm been working for you? Or you just started and waiting on it?

You think the NSI worsened your anhedonia or what is something else? Hmm and I don't know about adding Nardil, maybe it has serious interactions with NSI-189. I don't know.

Fuck this bullshit condition that's wasting my time so hard.




I've been on & off a few times.. i experiment abit too much hah.

I dont think NSI worsened my anhedonia, actually it has had a significant beneficial impact on my long term memory. I can recall things very easy that people around me forget.

But yes, i got my emotions & sexuality back on this algorithm. 


The main reason for worsening i'd say would be experimentation with MDMA. Not a good drug to use if you have a brain chemistry problem.


Anyway, stay hopeful. You're on the right track here. It's great you've gotten Nardil, many people really want that drug but cant get it prescribed.

#5405 Twindaddy37

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Posted 24 May 2017 - 02:54 PM



Yeah I know.... but anhedonia isn't specific to DP/DR. And it happens that I don't have anxiety and do not feel disconnected from my body. So I don't know how I could have dissociation...or if I do have DP/DR, then how do I get out of it if I am suppose too lessen anxiety that doesn't exist...? I am not schizoid either, I have friends and a girlfriend :/ Socializing with people I like is almost the only thing that can make me feel a bit of pleasure... A year ago everything was perfectly fine, I was just like any random guy you see smiling innocently on the streets. Psychiatrists say I have depression or anxiety but I know 100% I don't. This guy summarizes how ignorant it is when doctors say anhedonia is depression: . I can function perfectly fine and nobody can tell something is wrong with me (very different to when I had regular depression three years ago and couldn't even get out of my bed or pretend). I just became more and more numb a year ago and I don't know why..

This may sound like it's coming from left field, but how often do you have sexual intercourse/masturbate? There could possibly be damage to your endocrine system or you could be suffering from dopamine desensitization. If you've tried a slew of other things, I would suggest trying periods of abstinence. Also, I cannot tout the benefits of beginning an aerobic exercise routine enough. I have tried so many things through so many years to break down the walls of separation between my functioning mind and enjoyment of the world, and sustained cardio has been more helpful than any noot or medication. These two things are free and definitely worth trying. The abstinence should be for at least a month for a decent test. And you would have to convince your girlfriend.


Hmmm left field? Could it maybe explain my memory problems too? Honestly have no idea if they set in with my anhedonia at the same time or for a different reason. Anhedonia is definitely want I want to get rid off the most though... And....before my anhedonia set in a year ago I had just realized my addiction to porn.. My first few attempts to quit failed because my libido was so high and also got psychosis from spice overdose for a few hours so don't know if that is related to my anhedonia (I barely ever did drugs). I would also drink insane amounts off energy drinks everyday and would feel euphoric on music and work out. Until I started getting exercise intolerance, still to this day I get dizzy and burning pain in spinal cord of my lower back + neck (I cracked my neck a lot but recently quit and still hurts) when exercising... The cardiologist said my heart was fine... Even when I started getting all those physical symptoms I kept working out with very low motivation for it just because I did not want to lose all my gains.. (stopped two months after physical symptoms came) Needless to say that was stressful. This semester I took a soccer class extra just for fun and do cardio but I run 30seconds and I am super short of breath, a little bit dizzy and burning pain for 2minutes. Although I still play with the pain and score half the goals most of the time I will have to lay down for a while because just standing up is too much. And yes, even with the physical pain exercise makes me feel a little bit better psychologically. Coming back to my porn addiction, when the anhedonia set in my libido went way down as well. I know some people on Nofap/reddit describe 0 libido during the flatline when trying to quit but they all talk about feeling increased pleasure from life when for me I just became numb... So now I don't masturbate anymore because it doesn't feel nearly as good and it makes me feel like shit for a week but I still still have sex with my girlfriends. I don't know... there is all those various explanations, and don't know which caused my anhedonia and so what to do. I'll do anything to feel emotions again. Also I am having all those health problems at the same time but one might not cause the other so... Did cardio really bring you back your emotions? Your ability to cry, to love? Or just a temporary fake feeling of well being?


sounds to me like you have a fungus problem, and its in your lungs. Sounds like your adrenals are burned out, your manly hormones are bottomed out. Sounds like dopamine is down regulated. If my orgasms are feeling weaker in potency i know i am running into a lower dopamine state, and i tweak many different things to get dopamine stores back in operation. If i am feeling edgy or not in a peaceful state i know gaba and glutamate are off, i back off alochol (or anything that touches gaba), i back of coffee, or ANYTHING stimulating. I UP my consumption of healthy foods, back off sugars, take in more kombucha, kimchee, saurkrat, probiotics. I take in calming herbs like lemonbalm that gives me more gaba, i take in some panax ginseing, omegas, mct oil, mushroom powders. If music is not giving me goosebumps (which is standard) i know the nervous system is off. I sprint more, i squat more, i sleep more. Constantly tweaking lifestyle to keep the nuerotransmitters in great health. If i am feeling self absorbed, i help someone else or do something nice for someone (don't forget alot of mental health issues are a spiritual problem as well, but that's a WHOLE bigger topic, as the heart, and gut need to align with the brain for it to be in a good state of health). Are you getting out in nature and getting in touch with your roots, or are you staring at a phone, games and computers all day (surefire way to stay mentally sick) These are the tweaks you need to focus on.  Do you have any problems with your skin? toenail fungus? Something is causing you major inflammation. How do you sleep? What do you eat? What other supps do you take? No mind med is gonna fix this. You gotta get to the root, then repair your gut. Mark my words everyone, MOST mental health issues are caused by inflammation by some irritant/underlying illness or infection, or issue with the GUT. You'll all see in the next few years as the gut/brain connection emerges as the new root cause of most mental illness, and sadly the spiritual aspect probably wont be able to be quantified in our lifetime as a cause of illness. Everyone on this forum throwing around all these psych terms and throwing around a million meds to try and fix all the mental issues are missing the point here. YOU WILL NEVER FIX YOURSELF THIS WAY. EVER! HAS IT WORKED SO FAR???? BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF HAS MEDICATING YOURSELF HELPED FIX YOUR ISSUES? . All band-aids. Placebo, some alteration in neurotransmission (which is not sustainable, nor fixing the root that your not producing enough transmitters)  and hope will take you for a ride for a bit, but you'll crash again. You all have to focus ON THE GUT, not the BRAIN. You can all click "needs references", but ignorance will keep you sick. But heck, some people get used to and feel comfortable in a state of victimhood and misery, and that alone becomes the comfort they slip back into subconsciously because its cozy and they don't have to change and face fears that way. Looking for the magic bullet in a pill or powder to improve your life or fix you IS INSANITY. If your fixed already and want a boost, go for it. It takes HUGE WORK to get to the root, change your entire perspective on health, overhaul your gut, etc. You can keep looking for the magic bullet and continue to go insane, or look at the bigger picture and start the LONG process of healing, which is not a magic bullet solution. Remember this- fixing your mental health will not happen through knowledge or understanding, or obsessing over neurotransmitters and psych terms and meds, it can only happen through the blossoming of your intuition, which is a totally different area of the brain than the rational mind (its both FAR LARGER and far more powerful) the rational information based brain we are all getting more and more stuck in comprises of about 8% of brain matter and its an ignorant place to be stuck in- connecting with intuition will help you get more in touch with your soul, which holds the answers.

Edited by Twindaddy37, 24 May 2017 - 03:48 PM.

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#5406 jaiho

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Posted 25 May 2017 - 12:38 AM

Some people have genuine chemical imbalances, twindaddy. It's equally insanity to think that severe depression can be willed out of via lifestyle, diet, supplements.

Sure, many people just need a shock to the system, throw themselves out there and eventually the depression will go away.

It doesn't work like that for alot of people.


If he has already tried all the natural remedies it's time for psychiatric interventions. 


Edited by jaiho, 25 May 2017 - 12:39 AM.

#5407 Deaden

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Posted 25 May 2017 - 01:24 AM




Yeah I know.... but anhedonia isn't specific to DP/DR. And it happens that I don't have anxiety and do not feel disconnected from my body. So I don't know how I could have dissociation...or if I do have DP/DR, then how do I get out of it if I am suppose too lessen anxiety that doesn't exist...? I am not schizoid either, I have friends and a girlfriend :/ Socializing with people I like is almost the only thing that can make me feel a bit of pleasure... A year ago everything was perfectly fine, I was just like any random guy you see smiling innocently on the streets. Psychiatrists say I have depression or anxiety but I know 100% I don't. This guy summarizes how ignorant it is when doctors say anhedonia is depression: . I can function perfectly fine and nobody can tell something is wrong with me (very different to when I had regular depression three years ago and couldn't even get out of my bed or pretend). I just became more and more numb a year ago and I don't know why..

This may sound like it's coming from left field, but how often do you have sexual intercourse/masturbate? There could possibly be damage to your endocrine system or you could be suffering from dopamine desensitization. If you've tried a slew of other things, I would suggest trying periods of abstinence. Also, I cannot tout the benefits of beginning an aerobic exercise routine enough. I have tried so many things through so many years to break down the walls of separation between my functioning mind and enjoyment of the world, and sustained cardio has been more helpful than any noot or medication. These two things are free and definitely worth trying. The abstinence should be for at least a month for a decent test. And you would have to convince your girlfriend.


Hmmm left field? Could it maybe explain my memory problems too? Honestly have no idea if they set in with my anhedonia at the same time or for a different reason. Anhedonia is definitely want I want to get rid off the most though... And....before my anhedonia set in a year ago I had just realized my addiction to porn.. My first few attempts to quit failed because my libido was so high and also got psychosis from spice overdose for a few hours so don't know if that is related to my anhedonia (I barely ever did drugs). I would also drink insane amounts off energy drinks everyday and would feel euphoric on music and work out. Until I started getting exercise intolerance, still to this day I get dizzy and burning pain in spinal cord of my lower back + neck (I cracked my neck a lot but recently quit and still hurts) when exercising... The cardiologist said my heart was fine... Even when I started getting all those physical symptoms I kept working out with very low motivation for it just because I did not want to lose all my gains.. (stopped two months after physical symptoms came) Needless to say that was stressful. This semester I took a soccer class extra just for fun and do cardio but I run 30seconds and I am super short of breath, a little bit dizzy and burning pain for 2minutes. Although I still play with the pain and score half the goals most of the time I will have to lay down for a while because just standing up is too much. And yes, even with the physical pain exercise makes me feel a little bit better psychologically. Coming back to my porn addiction, when the anhedonia set in my libido went way down as well. I know some people on Nofap/reddit describe 0 libido during the flatline when trying to quit but they all talk about feeling increased pleasure from life when for me I just became numb... So now I don't masturbate anymore because it doesn't feel nearly as good and it makes me feel like shit for a week but I still still have sex with my girlfriends. I don't know... there is all those various explanations, and don't know which caused my anhedonia and so what to do. I'll do anything to feel emotions again. Also I am having all those health problems at the same time but one might not cause the other so... Did cardio really bring you back your emotions? Your ability to cry, to love? Or just a temporary fake feeling of well being?


sounds to me like you have a fungus problem, and its in your lungs. Sounds like your adrenals are burned out, your manly hormones are bottomed out. Sounds like dopamine is down regulated. If my orgasms are feeling weaker in potency i know i am running into a lower dopamine state, and i tweak many different things to get dopamine stores back in operation. If i am feeling edgy or not in a peaceful state i know gaba and glutamate are off, i back off alochol (or anything that touches gaba), i back of coffee, or ANYTHING stimulating. I UP my consumption of healthy foods, back off sugars, take in more kombucha, kimchee, saurkrat, probiotics. I take in calming herbs like lemonbalm that gives me more gaba, i take in some panax ginseing, omegas, mct oil, mushroom powders. If music is not giving me goosebumps (which is standard) i know the nervous system is off. I sprint more, i squat more, i sleep more. Constantly tweaking lifestyle to keep the nuerotransmitters in great health. If i am feeling self absorbed, i help someone else or do something nice for someone (don't forget alot of mental health issues are a spiritual problem as well, but that's a WHOLE bigger topic, as the heart, and gut need to align with the brain for it to be in a good state of health). Are you getting out in nature and getting in touch with your roots, or are you staring at a phone, games and computers all day (surefire way to stay mentally sick) These are the tweaks you need to focus on.  Do you have any problems with your skin? toenail fungus? Something is causing you major inflammation. How do you sleep? What do you eat? What other supps do you take? No mind med is gonna fix this. You gotta get to the root, then repair your gut. Mark my words everyone, MOST mental health issues are caused by inflammation by some irritant/underlying illness or infection, or issue with the GUT. You'll all see in the next few years as the gut/brain connection emerges as the new root cause of most mental illness, and sadly the spiritual aspect probably wont be able to be quantified in our lifetime as a cause of illness. Everyone on this forum throwing around all these psych terms and throwing around a million meds to try and fix all the mental issues are missing the point here. YOU WILL NEVER FIX YOURSELF THIS WAY. EVER! HAS IT WORKED SO FAR???? BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF HAS MEDICATING YOURSELF HELPED FIX YOUR ISSUES? . All band-aids. Placebo, some alteration in neurotransmission (which is not sustainable, nor fixing the root that your not producing enough transmitters)  and hope will take you for a ride for a bit, but you'll crash again. You all have to focus ON THE GUT, not the BRAIN. You can all click "needs references", but ignorance will keep you sick. But heck, some people get used to and feel comfortable in a state of victimhood and misery, and that alone becomes the comfort they slip back into subconsciously because its cozy and they don't have to change and face fears that way. Looking for the magic bullet in a pill or powder to improve your life or fix you IS INSANITY. If your fixed already and want a boost, go for it. It takes HUGE WORK to get to the root, change your entire perspective on health, overhaul your gut, etc. You can keep looking for the magic bullet and continue to go insane, or look at the bigger picture and start the LONG process of healing, which is not a magic bullet solution. Remember this- fixing your mental health will not happen through knowledge or understanding, or obsessing over neurotransmitters and psych terms and meds, it can only happen through the blossoming of your intuition, which is a totally different area of the brain than the rational mind (its both FAR LARGER and far more powerful) the rational information based brain we are all getting more and more stuck in comprises of about 8% of brain matter and its an ignorant place to be stuck in- connecting with intuition will help you get more in touch with your soul, which holds the answers.


You're generalizing my situation so hard. You think you have the answer? You ape, I have already been doing everything you mentioned for eleven months. I only tried one medication, and it was welbutrin. Fucking idiot you don't even know what anhedonia is. It's so obvious you are referring to regular depression. Go look up on google: "How to get out of depression?", read the first few links and you will get a hundred ways, a hundred people sharing their recovery stories. Now type in: "How to get out of anhedonia?, you'll be lucky if all you find isn't only forum posts about people asking that exact same question. So many people that describe getting out of regular depression, almost none that say they got their emotions back. As a matter of fact, I was clinically depressed three years ago for a couple months. Let me tell you, what I have now is different in so many ways and did way less effort that I am doing now in my lifestyle to get back to normal. I feel comfortable in victimhood and misery? Gtfo lol, this is the most ignorant thing you could have said. 

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#5408 magniloquentc0unt

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Posted 25 May 2017 - 11:10 AM

can nsi 189 "poop out"? i noticed its effects on memory are nowhere near to the first time i used it in january... emotionally it still does its thing but weaker...

#5409 ceridwen

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Posted 25 May 2017 - 12:21 PM

You have to cycle it. Take a break for a couple of weeks
You have to cycle it. Take a break for a couple of weeks
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#5410 Irishdude

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Posted 25 May 2017 - 01:49 PM

You have to cycle it. Take a break for a couple of weeks
You have to cycle it. Take a break for a couple of weeks

Any update on your take on NSI ceridwen? You have a long history with it now. I think you were in with the original groupbuy.

#5411 Twindaddy37

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Posted 25 May 2017 - 03:33 PM



It seems you took this as a personal attack which it was not, more sweeping generalizations from a lot of postings i have seen in this forum, which tends to offer no real solutions aside from chemicals. In response to your silly angry insults- if i am an idiot ape, well then i am one happy, successful, well adjusted idiot ape with kids and a wife and a pretty darn good career. It hasn't always been this way. I'm sorry you suffer with anhedonia, but let me tell you, if my experience with mental illness/states were like a bucket in a well, i spent MANY years with that bucket in the depths of extreme hell- in which the moon light could trigger a full blown panic attack, with needles in my arm, in rehabs, institutions and even trips to jail- all while luckily using the system to my advantage to avoid a rap sheet. Anhedonia was like that bucket resting on the edge of that well filled with gold- in other words it was the most blissful of all the bad side of mental health i've suffered in my 37 years. Googling anhedonia for me would be like googling how to wipe my ass- a waste of time and something i have plenty of experience with. Also it is BY FAR the easiest of the mental health riddles to solve- if you are an ape. You sir are in college- oh my friend, my mental health woes had not even begun until way after that. You have a long ways to mature. The old me would have responded to you in a way that would have plucked that little college boy ego from out your ass, bitch slapped it, then shot-putted it into the nearest wood-chipper. I refuse to go there as that would be like picking on a baby in diapers- just not fair. On a serious note maybe revisit the spiritual side. Maybe ego, anger,  pride, resentments are blocking your joy- because these simple things we all experience in our minds can cause a chemical, spiritual imbalance in a sensitive mind. To think of mental health as a chemical imbalance, and telling yourself you have an imbalance because the psychiatry machine wants you to believe this is like ignoring the youtube videos and algorithms and trying to solve a rubix cube, blindfolded. You'll spin it forever and never solve it. Remember- you become what you believe you are. Inside you exists the algorithms to solve this puzzle, you just have to see the forest through the trees. It sounds like you were well adjusted a year ago, your not suddenly anhedonic for no reason. Dig deeper. Also, assuming you are in college, i have spent 6,935 days evolving since then, 24 hours a day spinning my rubix cube of mental health and finally solving the puzzle, without medication. So in 6,935 days email me and we will talk like real men do- without insult. Came for the NSI, left for the lack of cool solutions in here. Strangelove your the man, keep on doing- that man CAN think outside the box, after all he is depositing all your money in the bank. 

Edited by Twindaddy37, 25 May 2017 - 03:37 PM.

#5412 beefnewton

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Posted 25 May 2017 - 03:46 PM

Public service announcement.  Do not order from Lyphar Biotech.  They took my money and sent me a completely different product.


Given the supply issues, does anyone have any other sources?

Edited by beefnewton, 25 May 2017 - 03:48 PM.

#5413 Omega 3 Snake Oil

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Posted 25 May 2017 - 06:47 PM

A year ago I posted about a bad experience I had with only a small dose of NSI-189, around 5mg: dysautonomia, labored breathing, low body temp, etc., all exacerbated by calcium-containing foods (but only ones with artificially-added calcium). I've since come to believe I have problems with GABA-A receptors. Does anyone think there is a connection?

#5414 Deaden

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Posted 25 May 2017 - 07:25 PM



It seems you took this as a personal attack which it was not, more sweeping generalizations from a lot of postings i have seen in this forum, which tends to offer no real solutions aside from chemicals. In response to your silly angry insults- if i am an idiot ape, well then i am one happy, successful, well adjusted idiot ape with kids and a wife and a pretty darn good career. It hasn't always been this way. I'm sorry you suffer with anhedonia, but let me tell you, if my experience with mental illness/states were like a bucket in a well, i spent MANY years with that bucket in the depths of extreme hell- in which the moon light could trigger a full blown panic attack, with needles in my arm, in rehabs, institutions and even trips to jail- all while luckily using the system to my advantage to avoid a rap sheet. Anhedonia was like that bucket resting on the edge of that well filled with gold- in other words it was the most blissful of all the bad side of mental health i've suffered in my 37 years. Googling anhedonia for me would be like googling how to wipe my ass- a waste of time and something i have plenty of experience with. Also it is BY FAR the easiest of the mental health riddles to solve- if you are an ape. You sir are in college- oh my friend, my mental health woes had not even begun until way after that. You have a long ways to mature. The old me would have responded to you in a way that would have plucked that little college boy ego from out your ass, bitch slapped it, then shot-putted it into the nearest wood-chipper. I refuse to go there as that would be like picking on a baby in diapers- just not fair. On a serious note maybe revisit the spiritual side. Maybe ego, anger,  pride, resentments are blocking your joy- because these simple things we all experience in our minds can cause a chemical, spiritual imbalance in a sensitive mind. To think of mental health as a chemical imbalance, and telling yourself you have an imbalance because the psychiatry machine wants you to believe this is like ignoring the youtube videos and algorithms and trying to solve a rubix cube, blindfolded. You'll spin it forever and never solve it. Remember- you become what you believe you are. Inside you exists the algorithms to solve this puzzle, you just have to see the forest through the trees. It sounds like you were well adjusted a year ago, your not suddenly anhedonic for no reason. Dig deeper. Also, assuming you are in college, i have spent 6,935 days evolving since then, 24 hours a day spinning my rubix cube of mental health and finally solving the puzzle, without medication. So in 6,935 days email me and we will talk like real men do- without insult. Came for the NSI, left for the lack of cool solutions in here. Strangelove your the man, keep on doing- that man CAN think outside the box, after all he is depositing all your money in the bank. 

Alright, anhedonia is easy to get rid off? Count the number of medications that work on anhedonia and anxiety, count the number of people that get out of it from just changing their mindsets. Now where do you see people getting out of anhedonia? You're literally trash talking people trying to find treatment but you say you've had mental issues for years? I don't have your time. You've been to rehabs, institutions, did jail and you use in your argument that you have "a pretty good damn career"? Define good please, you probably make less than $50,000 annually, and even if you did a little bit more it would still not be a worthy salary for me. You think your age defines your superiority? Learn to spell first please. Honestly have better things to do than answer someone that thinks he has all the answers for peoples misfortunes now that he got rid off his problems and starts shitting on peoples faces. Spoiler alert: I was suffering from strong anxiety and sadness depression 3years ago, and when I got out of it I never disrespected the people that were still depressed. I finally started feeling like I had control over my life and promised myself to never get back to that, just like you probably. My anhedonia might have been caused just from my psychosis off of smoking synthetic weed which I thought was real one, and no I barely ever do drugs. Or from drinking too much energy drinks. I don't know, all I know is that I'm just like I was before but I can't feel. No matter how hard I try to be in a good mood, be positive, get emotions from music. So go on, give me your idea of an anti-anhedonia program. I bet it won't bring me my emotions back. If it it does, I send you five thousand dollars, if it doesn't, you send me a thousand, deal?

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#5415 Twindaddy37

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Posted 25 May 2017 - 07:37 PM




It seems you took this as a personal attack which it was not, more sweeping generalizations from a lot of postings i have seen in this forum, which tends to offer no real solutions aside from chemicals. In response to your silly angry insults- if i am an idiot ape, well then i am one happy, successful, well adjusted idiot ape with kids and a wife and a pretty darn good career. It hasn't always been this way. I'm sorry you suffer with anhedonia, but let me tell you, if my experience with mental illness/states were like a bucket in a well, i spent MANY years with that bucket in the depths of extreme hell- in which the moon light could trigger a full blown panic attack, with needles in my arm, in rehabs, institutions and even trips to jail- all while luckily using the system to my advantage to avoid a rap sheet. Anhedonia was like that bucket resting on the edge of that well filled with gold- in other words it was the most blissful of all the bad side of mental health i've suffered in my 37 years. Googling anhedonia for me would be like googling how to wipe my ass- a waste of time and something i have plenty of experience with. Also it is BY FAR the easiest of the mental health riddles to solve- if you are an ape. You sir are in college- oh my friend, my mental health woes had not even begun until way after that. You have a long ways to mature. The old me would have responded to you in a way that would have plucked that little college boy ego from out your ass, bitch slapped it, then shot-putted it into the nearest wood-chipper. I refuse to go there as that would be like picking on a baby in diapers- just not fair. On a serious note maybe revisit the spiritual side. Maybe ego, anger,  pride, resentments are blocking your joy- because these simple things we all experience in our minds can cause a chemical, spiritual imbalance in a sensitive mind. To think of mental health as a chemical imbalance, and telling yourself you have an imbalance because the psychiatry machine wants you to believe this is like ignoring the youtube videos and algorithms and trying to solve a rubix cube, blindfolded. You'll spin it forever and never solve it. Remember- you become what you believe you are. Inside you exists the algorithms to solve this puzzle, you just have to see the forest through the trees. It sounds like you were well adjusted a year ago, your not suddenly anhedonic for no reason. Dig deeper. Also, assuming you are in college, i have spent 6,935 days evolving since then, 24 hours a day spinning my rubix cube of mental health and finally solving the puzzle, without medication. So in 6,935 days email me and we will talk like real men do- without insult. Came for the NSI, left for the lack of cool solutions in here. Strangelove your the man, keep on doing- that man CAN think outside the box, after all he is depositing all your money in the bank. 

Alright, anhedonia is easy to get rid off? Count the number of medications that work on anhedonia and anxiety, count the number of people that get out of it from just changing their mindsets. Now where do you see people getting out of anhedonia? You're literally trash talking people trying to find treatment but you say you've had mental issues for years? I don't have your time. You've been to rehabs, institutions, did jail and you use in your argument that you have "a pretty good damn career"? Define good please, you probably make less than $50,000 annually, and even if you did a little bit more it would still not be a worthy salary for me. You think your age defines your superiority? Learn to spell first please. Honestly have better things to do than answer someone that thinks he has all the answers for peoples misfortunes now that he got rid off his problems and starts shitting on peoples faces. Spoiler alert: I was suffering from strong anxiety and sadness depression 3years ago, and when I got out of it I never disrespected the people that were still depressed. I finally started feeling like I had control over my life and promised myself to never get back to that, just like you probably. My anhedonia might have been caused just from my psychosis off of smoking synthetic weed which I thought was real one, and no I barely ever do drugs. Or from drinking too much energy drinks. I don't know, all I know is that I'm just like I was before but I can't feel. No matter how hard I try to be in a good mood, be positive, get emotions from music. So go on, give me your idea of an anti-anhedonia program. I bet it won't bring me my emotions back. If it it does, I send you five thousand dollars, if it doesn't, you send me a thousand, deal?


Your attitude shows you're not ready to accept solutions. Good luck bud.  

Edited by Twindaddy37, 25 May 2017 - 08:14 PM.

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#5416 Deaden

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Posted 25 May 2017 - 09:20 PM





It seems you took this as a personal attack which it was not, more sweeping generalizations from a lot of postings i have seen in this forum, which tends to offer no real solutions aside from chemicals. In response to your silly angry insults- if i am an idiot ape, well then i am one happy, successful, well adjusted idiot ape with kids and a wife and a pretty darn good career. It hasn't always been this way. I'm sorry you suffer with anhedonia, but let me tell you, if my experience with mental illness/states were like a bucket in a well, i spent MANY years with that bucket in the depths of extreme hell- in which the moon light could trigger a full blown panic attack, with needles in my arm, in rehabs, institutions and even trips to jail- all while luckily using the system to my advantage to avoid a rap sheet. Anhedonia was like that bucket resting on the edge of that well filled with gold- in other words it was the most blissful of all the bad side of mental health i've suffered in my 37 years. Googling anhedonia for me would be like googling how to wipe my ass- a waste of time and something i have plenty of experience with. Also it is BY FAR the easiest of the mental health riddles to solve- if you are an ape. You sir are in college- oh my friend, my mental health woes had not even begun until way after that. You have a long ways to mature. The old me would have responded to you in a way that would have plucked that little college boy ego from out your ass, bitch slapped it, then shot-putted it into the nearest wood-chipper. I refuse to go there as that would be like picking on a baby in diapers- just not fair. On a serious note maybe revisit the spiritual side. Maybe ego, anger,  pride, resentments are blocking your joy- because these simple things we all experience in our minds can cause a chemical, spiritual imbalance in a sensitive mind. To think of mental health as a chemical imbalance, and telling yourself you have an imbalance because the psychiatry machine wants you to believe this is like ignoring the youtube videos and algorithms and trying to solve a rubix cube, blindfolded. You'll spin it forever and never solve it. Remember- you become what you believe you are. Inside you exists the algorithms to solve this puzzle, you just have to see the forest through the trees. It sounds like you were well adjusted a year ago, your not suddenly anhedonic for no reason. Dig deeper. Also, assuming you are in college, i have spent 6,935 days evolving since then, 24 hours a day spinning my rubix cube of mental health and finally solving the puzzle, without medication. So in 6,935 days email me and we will talk like real men do- without insult. Came for the NSI, left for the lack of cool solutions in here. Strangelove your the man, keep on doing- that man CAN think outside the box, after all he is depositing all your money in the bank. 

Alright, anhedonia is easy to get rid off? Count the number of medications that work on anhedonia and anxiety, count the number of people that get out of it from just changing their mindsets. Now where do you see people getting out of anhedonia? You're literally trash talking people trying to find treatment but you say you've had mental issues for years? I don't have your time. You've been to rehabs, institutions, did jail and you use in your argument that you have "a pretty good damn career"? Define good please, you probably make less than $50,000 annually, and even if you did a little bit more it would still not be a worthy salary for me. You think your age defines your superiority? Learn to spell first please. Honestly have better things to do than answer someone that thinks he has all the answers for peoples misfortunes now that he got rid off his problems and starts shitting on peoples faces. Spoiler alert: I was suffering from strong anxiety and sadness depression 3years ago, and when I got out of it I never disrespected the people that were still depressed. I finally started feeling like I had control over my life and promised myself to never get back to that, just like you probably. My anhedonia might have been caused just from my psychosis off of smoking synthetic weed which I thought was real one, and no I barely ever do drugs. Or from drinking too much energy drinks. I don't know, all I know is that I'm just like I was before but I can't feel. No matter how hard I try to be in a good mood, be positive, get emotions from music. So go on, give me your idea of an anti-anhedonia program. I bet it won't bring me my emotions back. If it it does, I send you five thousand dollars, if it doesn't, you send me a thousand, deal?


Your attitude shows you're not ready to accept solutions. Good luck bud.  


haha ok nice just as I thought

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#5417 Twindaddy37

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Posted 26 May 2017 - 03:22 PM






It seems you took this as a personal attack which it was not, more sweeping generalizations from a lot of postings i have seen in this forum, which tends to offer no real solutions aside from chemicals. In response to your silly angry insults- if i am an idiot ape, well then i am one happy, successful, well adjusted idiot ape with kids and a wife and a pretty darn good career. It hasn't always been this way. I'm sorry you suffer with anhedonia, but let me tell you, if my experience with mental illness/states were like a bucket in a well, i spent MANY years with that bucket in the depths of extreme hell- in which the moon light could trigger a full blown panic attack, with needles in my arm, in rehabs, institutions and even trips to jail- all while luckily using the system to my advantage to avoid a rap sheet. Anhedonia was like that bucket resting on the edge of that well filled with gold- in other words it was the most blissful of all the bad side of mental health i've suffered in my 37 years. Googling anhedonia for me would be like googling how to wipe my ass- a waste of time and something i have plenty of experience with. Also it is BY FAR the easiest of the mental health riddles to solve- if you are an ape. You sir are in college- oh my friend, my mental health woes had not even begun until way after that. You have a long ways to mature. The old me would have responded to you in a way that would have plucked that little college boy ego from out your ass, bitch slapped it, then shot-putted it into the nearest wood-chipper. I refuse to go there as that would be like picking on a baby in diapers- just not fair. On a serious note maybe revisit the spiritual side. Maybe ego, anger,  pride, resentments are blocking your joy- because these simple things we all experience in our minds can cause a chemical, spiritual imbalance in a sensitive mind. To think of mental health as a chemical imbalance, and telling yourself you have an imbalance because the psychiatry machine wants you to believe this is like ignoring the youtube videos and algorithms and trying to solve a rubix cube, blindfolded. You'll spin it forever and never solve it. Remember- you become what you believe you are. Inside you exists the algorithms to solve this puzzle, you just have to see the forest through the trees. It sounds like you were well adjusted a year ago, your not suddenly anhedonic for no reason. Dig deeper. Also, assuming you are in college, i have spent 6,935 days evolving since then, 24 hours a day spinning my rubix cube of mental health and finally solving the puzzle, without medication. So in 6,935 days email me and we will talk like real men do- without insult. Came for the NSI, left for the lack of cool solutions in here. Strangelove your the man, keep on doing- that man CAN think outside the box, after all he is depositing all your money in the bank. 

Alright, anhedonia is easy to get rid off? Count the number of medications that work on anhedonia and anxiety, count the number of people that get out of it from just changing their mindsets. Now where do you see people getting out of anhedonia? You're literally trash talking people trying to find treatment but you say you've had mental issues for years? I don't have your time. You've been to rehabs, institutions, did jail and you use in your argument that you have "a pretty good damn career"? Define good please, you probably make less than $50,000 annually, and even if you did a little bit more it would still not be a worthy salary for me. You think your age defines your superiority? Learn to spell first please. Honestly have better things to do than answer someone that thinks he has all the answers for peoples misfortunes now that he got rid off his problems and starts shitting on peoples faces. Spoiler alert: I was suffering from strong anxiety and sadness depression 3years ago, and when I got out of it I never disrespected the people that were still depressed. I finally started feeling like I had control over my life and promised myself to never get back to that, just like you probably. My anhedonia might have been caused just from my psychosis off of smoking synthetic weed which I thought was real one, and no I barely ever do drugs. Or from drinking too much energy drinks. I don't know, all I know is that I'm just like I was before but I can't feel. No matter how hard I try to be in a good mood, be positive, get emotions from music. So go on, give me your idea of an anti-anhedonia program. I bet it won't bring me my emotions back. If it it does, I send you five thousand dollars, if it doesn't, you send me a thousand, deal?


Your attitude shows you're not ready to accept solutions. Good luck bud.  


haha ok nice just as I thought


Since i am a nice guy and i want to be helpful to those who are struggling, and share my experience and struggles with mental health, and how i got out of it WITHOUT any medication, i am still willing to help you. However, its going to be a long process. I will not suggest pills or potions, or supplements, aside from a few that have worked for me that are staples that work in the background. I will however share with you the logic i used to put all the pieces together, again i will use the rubix cube as an example, if you have ever tried to solve one. In order to repair and restore your mental health you need to have all the appropriate corners and edges in the right spot in order for everything to align, and if you look at a solved cube, the colors flow in order, much like you will need to do with every kind of energy in your heart, mind, soul, gut, etc. If there is a block ANYWHERE, its like throwing a wrench in the spokes of your mental health, it will change how you think, how you act, it will take you away from reality further and further and further. We are all delusional, because we are operating only on what we have learned and all the information inputs that we have achieved over our lifetime- which is far away from reality. Your goal is to get as close to reality as you possibly can. Having a pissing contest with you, feeding our egos- is delusional. The reality of the situation is that you still have anhedonia, that has not changed. You can feel great that you put me down (and the reality of this is you did not put me down, and your words have no effect on me- the only effect it is has had is to want to help you more- by writing this). However you may have fed your fed your own ego more, and your further from a solution now, and i don't want that. If you want to PM me, and you do not have to, its not going to hurt my feelings either way, i will try to be helpful. I can explain to you how to use logic to put your life back together so that your energy is free flowing, through yourself, with nature and with others. Its going to involve a significant amount of questions, then likely actions to take to reverse the moves you have made to get you into anhedonia, and to get you into a more free state. Pills are shortcuts and bandaids, actions solve underlying problems.  I am willing to do this for you, because i don't want you to suffer as my brother and fellow human being. Again, this solution has worked for me, and it has worked for a few other people i know who have suffered with mental health issues, were medicated for years, who are no longer medicated and are enjoying life. It may not be for you, and that is ok for me. Also, trust me 100% and i'm sure all will agree, smoking some synthetic weed, and drinking some energy drinks is not your problem. And if you don't find your problem, you cant find your solution. 

Edited by Twindaddy37, 26 May 2017 - 03:46 PM.

#5418 Deaden

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Posted 26 May 2017 - 05:59 PM

Interesting analogy, I messaged you...

#5419 Wilberforce

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Posted 26 May 2017 - 11:37 PM

This thread is getting hijacked. Can the mods make some distinctive branches around good experiences/bad experiences etc, the c60 threads a decent example

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#5420 Phoenix7

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Posted 27 May 2017 - 03:09 PM

Has NSI ever helped anyone with drug induced speech disorder?

#5421 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 27 May 2017 - 03:49 PM

Has NSI ever helped anyone with drug induced speech disorder?


DRUG-induced speech disorder?? I know of no such reports - it should be mentioned, that NSI-189 is most definitively NOT intended to treat such a disease - its application is within depression (specifically in trauma-induced depression - i.e shell-shock, aka PTSD  - DARPA created the drug to get their soldiers back in *FIGHTING* condition) and possibly within stroke as well.


Could you describe a bit more about your symptoms? What sort of drug caused it? And what are they, exactly? Is it a difficulty in recalling the specific words? (such as from the anticholinergic bupropion)

Or is it slurred or blurry speech? Or is it stuttering? What is wrong with your speech, specifically?



I also read that apparently some can get permanently disordered speech after a psychosis, or that Antipsychotic drugs can induce such as a form of Tardive Dyskinesia - if it is a form of tardive dyskinesia, then there are as a matter of fact a few things to try - none of them are NSI-189.


One of the most benign of the treatments that I can make out is probably Branched Amino-chain acids (BCAA) - I believe BCAA's are available in MULTIPLE energy drinks and supplements.





Medications or Substances causing Speech disorders



Drugs and Stuttering



Substance-induced psychosis




Tardive dyskinesia: 21st century may bring new treatments to a forgotten disorder




Tardive dyskinesia (syndrome): Current concept and modern approaches to its management


#5422 Deaden

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Posted 02 June 2017 - 05:18 AM

2weeks on NSI, still completely numb :( I read some people got results on first day or first week..

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#5423 SoundsAboutRight

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Posted 02 June 2017 - 05:20 AM

I have read roughly 25 pages of this thread and was hoping if someone that has more experience with NSI-189 might be able to let me know if there are any negative interactions when paired with other nootropics or supplements? I briefly read that piracetam should not be paired with NSI-189 on the same day. Not sure if I read this right or not

Edited by mfad, 02 June 2017 - 06:01 AM.

#5424 jaiho

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Posted 02 June 2017 - 06:48 AM

2weeks on NSI, still completely numb :( I read some people got results on first day or first week..


Be patient, everyone's brain chemistry is different. I know its hell to go through it but there's no other choice but to wait & see.

Try to add in some other things like exercise&meditation to push things along.




I have read roughly 25 pages of this thread and was hoping if someone that has more experience with NSI-189 might be able to let me know if there are any negative interactions when paired with other nootropics or supplements? I briefly read that piracetam should not be paired with NSI-189 on the same day. Not sure if I read this right or not


There's no official contraindications with NSI. I've combined it with alot of things with no issue. 

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#5425 Deaden

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Posted 02 June 2017 - 07:14 AM

Maybe I have inflammation? How do I get that tested? What can I start doing against it? Could explain my anhedonia and my aphantasia...

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#5426 Wilberforce

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Posted 02 June 2017 - 07:41 AM

I have read roughly 25 pages of this thread and was hoping if someone that has more experience with NSI-189 might be able to let me know if there are any negative interactions when paired with other nootropics or supplements? I briefly read that piracetam should not be paired with NSI-189 on the same day. Not sure if I read this right or not

I find it's ok with noopept but if I consume alcohol I feel short tempered. Consumed with Piracetam I felt short tempered anyway so won't try that again. Quite a few folks have advised avoid everything for full effect, including nicotine, caffeine and alcohol. I'm starting to believe that. Although I have ordered some PRL-8-153 and keen to see effects.

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#5427 jaiho

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Posted 02 June 2017 - 08:31 AM

Maybe I have inflammation? How do I get that tested? What can I start doing against it? Could explain my anhedonia and my aphantasia...


Wait 6-8 weeks before saying NSI is a failure for you.

For me personally i noticed nothing until 4 weeks. So hang in there.

#5428 iamtonyyy

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Posted 03 June 2017 - 12:00 AM

Hello Strangelove,


I sent you an personal message, not sure if you have any NSI-189 available but I am really desperate in finding something to help with my depression. Been heavily depressed the past 6 months and tried a lot of different ways but can't find anything that can consistently keep me "normal". Feel like there is always something in my life that drops me and I stay low... I've been using Kratom but feel like I am dependent on it so I am going to stop using it. Need something that can keep me feeling normal without feeling doped out.




#5429 alikzair

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Posted 05 June 2017 - 10:46 AM

Anybody have any reliable sources? I PM'd strangelove but not got back to me yet.



Anybody have any reliable sources? I PM'd strangelove but not got back to me yet.



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#5430 Deaden

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Posted 05 June 2017 - 04:52 PM

Go back a few pages, Ark will sell you phosphate nsi-189

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