Terrific news ScienceGuy! I hope you're not working yourself to death. Some breaks are important

It's so much easier to calm down and wait, when you know how much time things will take. It's relieving to know we'll physically have the drug within two weeks, and not only just in our minds. Let's cross our fingers and hope the drug at least gives a fraction of the effects we've all been hoping for. If it doesn't (I think it will

), we will still probably get super intellects within the next decade or two, with the new commitment biotechnologists and neuroscientists are showing towards this field of drugs. Sooner better than later though. I mean, from everything we've read about this drug, how can this not increase intelligence to some extent?
I don't know how you guys feel, but if this drug works, I'm seriously considering a career change towards biotechnology / neuroscience instead of computer science / programming. This is what I'm really interested in and I sincerely want to contribute to these fields in science. Sadly, this is not possible at the moment, due to me not having great enough mental abilities. May this be the drug to change this!
OK, time is closing in, so did we agree upon the discussion of which tests / mental workouts we should standardize for this trial? Did everyone agree to making the Cambridge tests "one" of them?
Edited by Megatrone, 24 July 2013 - 11:29 AM.