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#871 Xenix

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Posted 18 July 2013 - 08:09 AM

This has probably already been covered, but I think it would be best if SG shipped the orders to everyone by labelling them as supplements - something innocent like "creatine" or "glutamine".

I get your point, but it needs to be something believable considering the quantities that we're shipping.

It wouldn't be so unusual for a customs official to actually know what, for example, both creatine and glutamine actually are.

Silly me. Maybe something like Melatonin would be a better idea.

#872 PWAIN

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Posted 18 July 2013 - 08:18 AM

Wouldn't be a good idea to do that to Australia, its prescription only here....
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#873 Xenix

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Posted 18 July 2013 - 08:45 AM

Wouldn't be a good idea to do that to Australia, its prescription only here....

Interesting, I never knew that. I've ordered it several times and it arrived without being checked. Maybe labelling it as Iodine would be better.

#874 DamnedOwl

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Posted 18 July 2013 - 09:21 AM

Wouldn't be a good idea to do that to Australia, its prescription only here....

Interesting, I never knew that. I've ordered it several times and it arrived without being checked. Maybe labelling it as Iodine would be better.

Probably wouldn't be good for Germany either.

Having said that, I think since shipping (to me, at least) will be from the UK, I'm not expecting any problems.

I've only ever had problems when items have come in from outside the EU.

#875 hani

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Posted 18 July 2013 - 09:54 AM

When iHerb ships to Europe, I noticed that they only declare the value of the items of the package but they don't specify what's in there (they just say natural supplements or something like that). And AFAIK, there are no customs between European countries but I am not sure if they check the actual packages at the borders.

#876 DamnedOwl

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Posted 18 July 2013 - 10:12 AM

When iHerb ships to Europe, I noticed that they only declare the value of the items of the package but they don't specify what's in there (they just say natural supplements or something like that). And AFAIK, there are no customs between European countries but I am not sure if they check the actual packages at the borders.

That's a gripe I have with iHerb though. They offer $4 shipping, which is fantastic value, but because they don't list the precise package contents in the customs declaration (as you say, they merely write 'Natural Products for Personal Use'), then the German customs officials always hold on to the package and make me pick it up from the nearest customs office. It's a complete ball-ache!

I've asked iHerb to list the precise package contents in the customs declaration about three or four times now, and they just won't do it.

To be fair to them though, the package contents are described in detail, but it's on the commercial invoice, which is still fully visible on the side of the box, but it's just that the customs guys want this information to be on the customs declaration first and foremost, which is completely ridiculous.

Anyway, rant over!

#877 Steve Zissou

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Posted 18 July 2013 - 11:16 AM

Also shipping to New Zealand might be a little bit difficult. I'm thinking it might be best to send it in a business looking envelope with a logo of a fake/real company. Or if it's sent in the package labeling it as choline bitatrate or something.

#878 MetaMind

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Posted 22 July 2013 - 01:14 PM

You mentioned that you want to test the result by an independent lab...
Any news on that?

#879 Metagene

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Posted 22 July 2013 - 04:22 PM

I would not be surprised if NSI ended up doing "nothing at all" lol. I'm just in it for the overal endeavor of trying cutting edge science.

People might not see results right away, but that doesn't mean that it's not effective. You would think neurogenesis takes time. This isn't piracetam here. This is regenerative medicine. The NeuralStem CEO has said hinted that future trials of NSI-189 will be 90 days where in his words there would "certainly" be hippocampal growth.

He starts talking about NSI-189 at around 17:40 and mentions the 90 day trial specifically at around 20:15 minutes in:

This is probably my biggest concern; whether or not the amount from the group buy will be enough to gauge if it is an effective molecule.
I'd hate it if my supply ran out days before significant neurological changes were about to take place, and write it off as an ineffective substance.

But, if the changes are noticeable before then, and the molecule indeed proves to be effective, I'm sure I won't be the only one who will be wanting more - which will suck, too, because I'll have to wait another 2+ months to get the second batch (if I can at all). And what ScienceGuy will do with the remaining 100grams -- over 5 years worth of daily NSI-189 doses -- is anyone's guess.

Maybe SG is willing to sell off a gram here or there? How many rats can the man have? ;)

#880 megatron

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Posted 22 July 2013 - 04:39 PM

Offtopic: Would it be possible to order these custom synthesis drugs through your university as a student?

#881 Nattzor

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Posted 22 July 2013 - 04:50 PM

Offtopic: Would it be possible to order these custom synthesis drugs through your university as a student?

Nope, universities does not want to make you drugs.

#882 megatron

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Posted 22 July 2013 - 06:32 PM

Offtopic: Would it be possible to order these custom synthesis drugs through your university as a student?

Nope, universities does not want to make you drugs.

I should have phrased the question a bit better. When dealing with custom synthesis laboratories in the U.S. and Europe, you need to be part of a company in order to get product quotes or place an order. So, I'm wondering if you can use your university in the company form when placing an order.

#883 Xenix

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Posted 23 July 2013 - 11:53 AM

Any updates? I'm checking this page hourly.
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#884 ScienceGuy

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Posted 24 July 2013 - 04:54 AM


Hi everyone,

I am pleased to report that I have just received delivery of the NSI-189 :)

I have set aside this coming Sunday to prepare all the individual research samples for shipping. ;)

Thank you all again for your patience and understanding that when it comes to organizing bespoke custom synthesis of complex compounds, these things take time... but it is well worth the wait in the end! :)
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#885 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 24 July 2013 - 04:57 AM

Fantastic news. Thanks again ScienceGuy. BTW, you should be receiving your BPAP sample soon.

#886 therein

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Posted 24 July 2013 - 04:57 AM

Awesome. One question... will you be starting to experiment with this compound immediately and post about your impressions here? I know this is risking false expectations and a lot of placebo cases but I personally can't wait.

Edited by therein, 24 July 2013 - 04:57 AM.

#887 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 24 July 2013 - 04:59 AM

It'd be funny if ScienceGuy sent out placebos to individuals. That would be a blind experiment, lol.
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#888 MizTen

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Posted 24 July 2013 - 05:04 AM


Hi everyone,

I am pleased to report that I have just received delivery of the NSI-189 :)

I have set aside this coming Sunday to prepare all the individual research samples for shipping. ;)

Thank you all again for your patience and understanding that when it comes to organizing bespoke custom synthesis of complex compounds, these things take time... but it is well worth the wait in the end! :)

Wow! Thanks for the great news, but even more thanks for your generosity with your time and energy. High karma for you, for sure. I hope there are other even more tangible and immediate rewards coming your way.

Thanks again, ScienceGuy

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#889 megatron

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Posted 24 July 2013 - 11:26 AM

Terrific news ScienceGuy! I hope you're not working yourself to death. Some breaks are important ;) It's so much easier to calm down and wait, when you know how much time things will take. It's relieving to know we'll physically have the drug within two weeks, and not only just in our minds. Let's cross our fingers and hope the drug at least gives a fraction of the effects we've all been hoping for. If it doesn't (I think it will ;)), we will still probably get super intellects within the next decade or two, with the new commitment biotechnologists and neuroscientists are showing towards this field of drugs. Sooner better than later though. I mean, from everything we've read about this drug, how can this not increase intelligence to some extent?

I don't know how you guys feel, but if this drug works, I'm seriously considering a career change towards biotechnology / neuroscience instead of computer science / programming. This is what I'm really interested in and I sincerely want to contribute to these fields in science. Sadly, this is not possible at the moment, due to me not having great enough mental abilities. May this be the drug to change this!

OK, time is closing in, so did we agree upon the discussion of which tests / mental workouts we should standardize for this trial? Did everyone agree to making the Cambridge tests "one" of them?

Edited by Megatrone, 24 July 2013 - 11:29 AM.

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#890 PWAIN

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Posted 24 July 2013 - 11:48 AM

ScienceGuy, aren't you even going to open some up and try it to see if you get any noticeable effect?
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#891 brand2

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Posted 24 July 2013 - 06:30 PM

where did the shipping page info go? could anyone re-post it or private msg me. thanks!

#892 neurogenecide

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Posted 25 July 2013 - 11:12 AM


Hi everyone,

I am pleased to report that I have just received delivery of the NSI-189 :)

I have set aside this coming Sunday to prepare all the individual research samples for shipping. ;)

Thank you all again for your patience and understanding that when it comes to organizing bespoke custom synthesis of complex compounds, these things take time... but it is well worth the wait in the end! :)

Do you think you could upload a picture or two of what the powder looks like, like you did with Colouracetam?

Also - considering that NSI-189 has made it this far in clinical trials - there must have been at least some success in the drug on humans, or they wouldn't have pursued it, right?

Edited by neurogenecide, 25 July 2013 - 11:15 AM.

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#893 singerdude

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Posted 25 July 2013 - 03:30 PM

where did the shipping page info go? could anyone re-post it or private msg me. thanks!


#894 megatron

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Posted 25 July 2013 - 03:50 PM


Hi everyone,

I am pleased to report that I have just received delivery of the NSI-189 :)

I have set aside this coming Sunday to prepare all the individual research samples for shipping. ;)

Thank you all again for your patience and understanding that when it comes to organizing bespoke custom synthesis of complex compounds, these things take time... but it is well worth the wait in the end! :)

Also - considering that NSI-189 has made it this far in clinical trials - there must have been at least some success in the drug on humans, or they wouldn't have pursued it, right?

Hopefully. However, it hasn't really come that far in clinical trials as you say. It's still only in Phase 1 (1b), testing for safety and not the wanted efficacy. There are four Phases.
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#895 spookytooth

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Posted 26 July 2013 - 11:47 PM

where did the shipping page info go? could anyone re-post it or private msg me. thanks!

me too please

#896 Metagene

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Posted 28 July 2013 - 11:20 AM


Raghuram 'Ram' Selvaraju on the Best Biotech Ideas of 2013

RS: We continue to like Neuralstem Inc. (CUR:NYSE.MKT), the only company we cover in the stem cell space that is focused on the neurodegenerative disease domain. We like it because of the company's high-quality science.

Neuralstem is developing two different programs simultaneously. One is a neural stem cell-based solution called NSI-566 (human fetal neural tissue-derived stem cells), for the treatment of various neurodegenerative diseases, particularly amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS; Lou Gehrig's disease). ALS is relatively rare but is incurable; patients usually die within 3–5 years of diagnosis. The company is also going after spinal cord injury (SCI), which is a significant unmet need. Millions of people are living in the U.S. with SCI, or are chronically paralyzed. There are no available, effective therapies currently. Neuralstem has other possible indications with this technology as well.

Neuralstem also has a small molecule, NSI-189, which is aimed at the treatment of major depression. This small molecule is very interesting because it could have the ability to enhance cognitive performance in non-depressed or healthy people. Animal studies have shown that this drug selectively enhances neurogenesis in the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain used for learning and memory.

For all these reasons we believe Neuralstem is very interesting, with a rich calendar of catalysts over the remainder of 2013 and into H1/14. It is moving into phase 2b for ALS with the neural stem cell solution. We anticipate that study will begin in the U.S. in H2/13. It is also starting a phase 2a clinical study in the same indication in Mexico. We anticipate that the company will start a phase 1/2 study in SCI in the U.S. imminently.

A landmark paper published in the journal Cell last year demonstrated that Neuralstem's human stem cells, when injected into rats with spinal cords severed by mechanical crush, could actually regenerate nerve tracts across the entire rostrocaudal length of the spinal cord, from head to tail. This is landmark stuff, the kind of thing that we've never seen before from a stem cell-focused company.

TLSR: This Cell paper references an acute-injury model of SCI, where the rodents regained motor function. But the company is about to begin treating patients with chronic spinal cord injury. Does Neuralstem ever speak of going to acute spinal injury?

RS: When the company starts dosing SCI patients in the U.S., it will dose chronic spinal cord injury sufferers, people diagnosed a couple of months to a year before they get the cells. I think it's very possible that Neuralstem could deploy its neural stem cell solution in the acute setting as well. It is more difficult to do that because the patient must get immediate supportive therapy right after the injury occurs.

TLSR: Neuralstem is up 70% over the past 12 months, and its market cap is about $114M. I wonder if you think investors are ascribing any value whatsoever to the company's small molecule, NSI-189?

RS: I think that, at the current valuation level, investors could justify an investment in Neuralstem for either program on its own, with the second program qualifying as a free call option. But this company has a roughly $80M+ enterprise value, and we don't believe this is adequate for both of these highly compelling programs.

TLSR: Your target price on Neuralstem is $4. What's the timeframe on that?

RS: We are aiming for 15–18 months from now. It currently trades at about $1.70. Aegis Capital has raised money for this firm in the past. Historically Neuralstem had a primarily retail-focused investor base, but we were successful in getting the company its first institutional investors.

"We are seeing a massive appetite for small-cap, oncology-focused companies."
We believe Neuralstem is one of the best stories in the stem cell arena. It's appealing because it has been able to generate attractive, promising, scientific and preclinical data even while focusing on very difficult-to-treat neurodegenerative conditions. In the clinical setting, the company has had encouraging responses from a couple of patients, indicating its neural stem cells can, in fact, stimulate recovery in ALS. That's practically unheard of; you don't see spontaneous recovery from ALS. The company has a long track record of moving things forward on the clinical development front—and moving them forward successfully. It has never issued a negative clinical development announcement. It is very undervalued, and we think there is significant upside potential.

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#897 Renegade

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Posted 28 July 2013 - 03:18 PM

Does anyone know when the 1b results are out? Is 1b the final 'safety' study and how confident can we be that he compound is safe if these results show no concerns? My concern is related to the fact the fact that this is a completely new class of compound i.e. such a strong neuroregenerative, with unknown effects particularly in the medium - long term. Please discuss.

Ps) I need shipping page info too!

Edited by Renegade, 28 July 2013 - 03:18 PM.

#898 ScienceGuy

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Posted 28 July 2013 - 05:06 PM


Hi everyone,


The BAD NEWS is that I have had to deal with a family emergency today and I have had to swap work shifts with a colleague tomorrow... however, before anyone panics please kindly note that this only means that there is going to be a very minor delay... in that I will now be preparing everyone's packages for shipping this coming TUESDAY 30TH JULY. Again, I thank everyone for their patience. ;)

The GOOD NEWS is that I have myself taken both a 4MG Test Quantity on one day, and 40MG quantities on 2 consecutive days, and so far I am pleased to report that (unlike with IDRA-21) I have experienced NO ADVERSE EFFECTS whatsoever; and I am someone who is typically VERY SENSITIVE to substances (i.e. if something has the potential for causing a particular adverse effect I usually experience it) :)

I consider it too soon to post my own experience with regards to POSITIVE EFFECTS, suffice to say that even though the primary MOA is reported to be a consequence of NEUROGENESIS / HIPPOCAMPAL GROWTH, which obviously does not occur in a day, IMO this substance is most certainly not without potentially positive immediate and short-term positive pharmacological effects... and I will be very interested indeed to read feedback of what others taking it report in this regard... ;)

Also, please note that I am awaiting some analysis reports which I will post online here just as soon as I receive them :)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 28 July 2013 - 05:07 PM.

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#899 Passion

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Posted 28 July 2013 - 05:13 PM

ScienceGuy, you are one incredible and amazing person. Thanks for all your efforts and for finally getting this one to come together. People like you make this community what it is (I know... you've heard this a million times before). Can't wait to hear more about your feedback during these anxious days everyone waits for their own shipments.
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#900 sunshinefrost

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 02:04 AM

Scienceguy, some cerebrolysin users reported that they started responding after 4 days... It took me more than that. When people take ssri for depression, i beleive it takes approx 2 or 3 weeks for a new neuron to mature. I will definitly splitting my doses for a longer treatment.

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