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#991 prunk

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 08:59 AM

So how does it feel guys? Any cognitive improvements? Better mood?

#992 MetaMind

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 09:23 AM

still havent recieved the NSI-189 :( :(

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#993 paul

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 01:18 PM

Since there is no private forum, I wish to write hereto show my experiences. I am very respectful to those who are committing to the challenge and organising this (science guy, sunshine frost) legends but I still do understand the others for wanting to observe for a while (as its untested and you my have kids family to think of),but i signed up for it and will complete the month.though to get a full range of affects so that i have been taking NSI-189 a full week, The first time music did sound euphoric but this may have been placebo. I am taking 100mg in the morning and 50 mg evening with no other supplement or meds. apart from good diet and codliver oil aftera few days (on my 8th day) I am noticing the exact side effects that you get within starting an ssri, anxiety, not being able to sleep, I have not slept more then 6 hours a night (usually 4)since but I don't feel tired the next day. Route off administration, I am snorting it, be brave the pain is bad, do not be tempted to snort water after as this will lead to it conglomeration and not dispersing and will simply go to the stomach where the liver will break some of it down (if anyone had any pk reports this would be useful. I have IV in the anticubital fossa, saffest place and found the results were also good. there is a definite thermogenesis with both.
I dont want to report any positives yet as i believe the positives will come in a month or so after trial but I am pleased that at least i know something is happening within me, and the only side effects so far have been a bit of insomnia and mild anxiety, well when your brain gets told to change it will be a bit freaked out!.

Edited by paul, 10 August 2013 - 01:20 PM.

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#994 sunshinefrost

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 02:09 PM

Since there is no private forum, I wish to write hereto show my experiences. I am very respectful to those who are committing to the challenge and organising this (science guy, sunshine frost) legends but I still do understand the others for wanting to observe for a while (as its untested and you my have kids family to think of),but i signed up for it and will complete the month.though to get a full range of affects so that i have been taking NSI-189 a full week, The first time music did sound euphoric but this may have been placebo. I am taking 100mg in the morning and 50 mg evening with no other supplement or meds. apart from good diet and codliver oil aftera few days (on my 8th day) I am noticing the exact side effects that you get within starting an ssri, anxiety, not being able to sleep, I have not slept more then 6 hours a night (usually 4)since but I don't feel tired the next day. Route off administration, I am snorting it, be brave the pain is bad, do not be tempted to snort water after as this will lead to it conglomeration and not dispersing and will simply go to the stomach where the liver will break some of it down (if anyone had any pk reports this would be useful. I have IV in the anticubital fossa, saffest place and found the results were also good. there is a definite thermogenesis with both.
I dont want to report any positives yet as i believe the positives will come in a month or so after trial but I am pleased that at least i know something is happening within me, and the only side effects so far have been a bit of insomnia and mild anxiety, well when your brain gets told to change it will be a bit freaked out!.

Hi paul ! With 150mg a day i beleive you will be running out of stock within 2 weeks. Could surely work but i dont think any tests were done for this period so far.

How many hours per night do you usually sleep ? With the ssri, does the insomnia subside after a while ?

Congratulation on being the first one to report on this ;)

Edited by sunshinefrost, 10 August 2013 - 02:13 PM.

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#995 empedocles

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 06:01 PM

I thought the dose range was much lower and method for administration was oral, not sure i would want to be "snorting" a mystery substance. Brave brave person!
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#996 Werper

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 06:21 PM

Just received mine, Thank you! (Vermont, u.s.a)

#997 OpaqueMind

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 07:26 PM

Lol @ the comment about the 'bravery' of snorting mystery substances... I guess that's one way to put it.

In other news, I have discovered that I had depression. Had. Past tense. I am fresh, jokey, light-hearted - the day is no longer draped in seriousness, the skies no longer overcast... you catch my meaning. Funny thing is I hadn't even noticed, it had been this way for so long. I thought I was just a subdued character. Now my energies are free, my depressive inhibitions annihilated. This is all I will say up to this point on the effects - this has been consistent enough for me to believe beyond reasonable doubt that it is not placebo. Especially considering that the treatment of depression is what the drug was originally intended for. All I can say is MOVE OVER SSRIs you archaic brainfuckers...
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#998 sunshinefrost

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 07:29 PM

Lol @ the comment about the 'bravery' of snorting mystery substances... I guess that's one way to put it.

In other news, I have discovered that I had depression. Had. Past tense. I am fresh, jokey, light-hearted - the day is no longer draped in seriousness, the skies no longer overcast... you catch my meaning. Funny thing is I hadn't even noticed, it had been this way for so long. I thought I was just a subdued character. Now my energies are free, my depressive inhibitions annihilated. This is all I will say up to this point on the effects - this has been consistent enough for me to believe beyond reasonable doubt that it is not placebo. Especially considering that the treatment of depression is what the drug was originally intended for. All I can say is MOVE OVER SSRIs you archaic brainfuckers...

How long has it been since the 1st dose and whats your dosage ?

#999 neopeon

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 07:37 PM

Lol @ the comment about the 'bravery' of snorting mystery substances... I guess that's one way to put it.

In other news, I have discovered that I had depression. Had. Past tense. I am fresh, jokey, light-hearted - the day is no longer draped in seriousness, the skies no longer overcast... you catch my meaning. Funny thing is I hadn't even noticed, it had been this way for so long. I thought I was just a subdued character. Now my energies are free, my depressive inhibitions annihilated. This is all I will say up to this point on the effects - this has been consistent enough for me to believe beyond reasonable doubt that it is not placebo. Especially considering that the treatment of depression is what the drug was originally intended for. All I can say is MOVE OVER SSRIs you archaic brainfuckers...

More details please! How soon into your rats experiment did you begin to notice the change? Side effects?

#1000 therein

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 07:38 PM

Lol @ the comment about the 'bravery' of snorting mystery substances... I guess that's one way to put it.

In other news, I have discovered that I had depression. Had. Past tense. I am fresh, jokey, light-hearted - the day is no longer draped in seriousness, the skies no longer overcast... you catch my meaning. Funny thing is I hadn't even noticed, it had been this way for so long. I thought I was just a subdued character. Now my energies are free, my depressive inhibitions annihilated. This is all I will say up to this point on the effects - this has been consistent enough for me to believe beyond reasonable doubt that it is not placebo. Especially considering that the treatment of depression is what the drug was originally intended for. All I can say is MOVE OVER SSRIs you archaic brainfuckers...

How long has it been since the 1st dose and whats your dosage ?

I was about to ask the same questions. Depending on the answer, I might start taking it today. :)

#1001 sunshinefrost

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 07:48 PM

I wonder if Paul and scienceguy have noticed this as well

#1002 xks201

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 08:22 PM

Okay...time to organize the second group buy. Does anyone have the contact information of the manufacturer science guy used? I am going to organize this group buy through the escrow system if it's okay with science guy and everyone else. The mechanism of this is just too novel for me to pass on. Thanks.
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#1003 paul

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 08:28 PM

I went at a slightly higher as they usually always increase the dose after stage 1 but perhaps it is a little to high, I had planned to cut it down after I began noticing something so will be going lower in future days to make it last a month. As for sleep, 7 hrs usually when Im not taking modafinil.

Should call it nasal mucosa administration as the word snorting somewhat tarnishes this experiment and associates us with druggies, I find this route offers the highest bio-availability and CNS penetration after looking at the literature of various other small lipid molecule drugs. Although it will get absorbed well from the stomach, the liver will metabolise a percentage of it before reaching systemic circulation. Sublingual would be the most sensible option.

#1004 therein

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 08:33 PM

How much are you taking Paul? And how many times per day?

#1005 megatron

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 09:20 PM

How much are you taking Paul? And how many times per day?

Seriously? Take a look at his previous post...

Edited by Megatrone, 10 August 2013 - 09:21 PM.

#1006 telight

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 09:22 PM

...lipid molecule...

...Sublingual would be the most sensible option.

Aren't those two statements contradictory. By the way, is NSI-189 water soluble? (Or is it in fact lipid soluble)

EDIT: If I have learned anything in organic chemistry, then I expect this compound to be water insoluble because the carbonyl group is rather large and there aren't any hydroxyl (alcohol) groups.

Edited by telight, 10 August 2013 - 09:26 PM.

#1007 therein

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 09:26 PM

How much are you taking Paul? And how many times per day?

Seriously? Take a look at his previous post...

I was on my phone and I missed it. Got it now.

Additionally, I just took 89mg of it orally. And just to test it out, nasally administered ~3mg of it. It was very painful. I think I'll just stick to oral administration.

Edited by therein, 10 August 2013 - 09:53 PM.

#1008 megatron

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 10:02 PM

Didn't mean to appear crass or anything. I just think people should read the posts more carefully ;)

Edited by Megatrone, 10 August 2013 - 10:03 PM.

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#1009 Werper

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 10:42 PM

Don't have my scales yet, but compared to other white substances I have experimented with( layed out on a mirror), this looks like more than 2.5 grams.

#1010 therein

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Posted 10 August 2013 - 10:46 PM

Don't have my scales yet, but compared to other white substances I have experimented with( layed out on a mirror), this looks like more than 2.5 grams.

That was what I thought too. However, I noticed that it is very fluffy when you start measuring it. The 89mg I took looked way more than 89mg.

No worries. :)

#1011 therein

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Posted 11 August 2013 - 12:05 AM

It has been over three hours since I took it. I wasn't expecting to feel anything the first day and looks like that's the case. My field of vision might be a little wider than usual but that's it.

Strangely enough, I am very bored, a feeling I haven't had so intensely since I was a kid. Not sure if related to NSI, though. :)

#1012 sparkk51

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Posted 11 August 2013 - 03:09 AM

I just checked the mail to find my share. I have decided to take 25 mg twice per day (around 8 AM and 10 PM). Good luck to everyone.

#1013 crusader

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Posted 11 August 2013 - 04:46 AM

edit. just got the package.

so it begins.

Edited by crusader, 11 August 2013 - 04:55 AM.

#1014 therein

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Posted 11 August 2013 - 04:56 AM


I live in the us (california) and I have not received my arginine. I have read some others in california have received theirs already, please let me know how to track my package down. This is starting to get frustrating

No need to panic crusader. It is very normal for it to take this long and vary between individual shipments. I live very near to San Francisco International Airport.

What we are doing is very safe and there is really no reason for this packages to be seized or anything.

#1015 neopeon

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Posted 11 August 2013 - 05:27 AM

Very excited for all of you in the US! Looking forward to hearing your reports!

#1016 OpaqueMind

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Posted 11 August 2013 - 07:24 AM

How long has it been since the 1st dose and whats your dosage ?

I took the first dose about a week ago, the first day I got it. I have been taking 40mg twice a day, once at 9am and again at about 3pm.

More details please! How soon into your rats experiment did you begin to notice the change? Side effects?

Do we need to be talking about rats here? Far as I can tell we aren't breaking any laws, there are no patents out for this yet. Plus it's pretty obvious who your 'rat' is. Somehow I doubt that defence would stand up in court, if it were to ever get that far, which is as far as I can tell the reason people use such phrases in the first place - to avoid self-incrimination.

I noticed an effect on the first day, which could well have been placebo, yet it has developed into something more tangible and concrete very steadily. Side effects are non-existent. Some other positive effects I've noticed are functioning better while awake (I have insomnia so my sleep is fragmented - NSI makes it easier to function in the daytime) and my meditations seem vastly improved - I have plumbed depths unfelt before, supersonic blasted through my previous plateau.
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#1017 neopeon

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Posted 11 August 2013 - 07:32 AM

How long has it been since the 1st dose and whats your dosage ?

I took the first dose about a week ago, the first day I got it. I have been taking 40mg twice a day, once at 9am and again at about 3pm.

More details please! How soon into your rats experiment did you begin to notice the change? Side effects?

Do we need to be talking about rats here? Far as I can tell we aren't breaking any laws, there are no patents out for this yet. Plus it's pretty obvious who your 'rat' is. Somehow I doubt that defence would stand up in court, if it were to ever get that far, which is as far as I can tell the reason people use such phrases in the first place - to avoid self-incrimination.

I noticed an effect on the first day, which could well have been placebo, yet it has developed into something more tangible and concrete very steadily. Side effects are non-existent. Some other positive effects I've noticed are functioning better while awake (I have insomnia so my sleep is fragmented - NSI makes it easier to function in the daytime) and my meditations seem vastly improved - I have plumbed depths unfelt before, supersonic blasted through my previous plateau.

Hi, Opaque. Glad to hear your experience is going well! I'm fine with not referring to "rat" experiments, but I'm not sure what the protocol is on this board. I was just trying to play ball.

#1018 jly1986

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Posted 11 August 2013 - 09:56 AM

Someone please explain something to me:
Neurostem has the patent on NSI-189 (ref: http://investor.neur...icle&id=1809130).
So, how can another company synthesize and sell it for profit?

Far as I can tell we aren't breaking any laws, there are no patents out for this yet.

Actually, as I pointed out in this thread awhile back, Neurostem holds the patent on NSI-189. Users like the group buy participants are probably not doing anything illegal, but the chemical company that custom synthesized it and sold it at a profit is definitely infringing on Neurostem's patent rights.

Edited by jly1986, 11 August 2013 - 09:59 AM.

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#1019 hani

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Posted 11 August 2013 - 10:40 AM

Dude I am sure Neurostem is loving the fact that they're getting a free human trial from this.
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#1020 Izan

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Posted 11 August 2013 - 11:41 AM

Since there is no private forum, I wish to write hereto show my experiences. I am very respectful to those who are committing to the challenge and organising this (science guy, sunshine frost) legends but I still do understand the others for wanting to observe for a while (as its untested and you my have kids family to think of),but i signed up for it and will complete the month.though to get a full range of affects so that i have been taking NSI-189 a full week, The first time music did sound euphoric but this may have been placebo. I am taking 100mg in the morning and 50 mg evening with no other supplement or meds. apart from good diet and codliver oil aftera few days (on my 8th day) I am noticing the exact side effects that you get within starting an ssri, anxiety, not being able to sleep, I have not slept more then 6 hours a night (usually 4)since but I don't feel tired the next day. Route off administration, I am snorting it, be brave the pain is bad, do not be tempted to snort water after as this will lead to it conglomeration and not dispersing and will simply go to the stomach where the liver will break some of it down (if anyone had any pk reports this would be useful. I have IV in the anticubital fossa, saffest place and found the results were also good. there is a definite thermogenesis with both.
I dont want to report any positives yet as i believe the positives will come in a month or so after trial but I am pleased that at least i know something is happening within me, and the only side effects so far have been a bit of insomnia and mild anxiety, well when your brain gets told to change it will be a bit freaked out!.

you are using WAY too much. 120 mg/day max. 40/40/40, like in the studies.

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