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#1111 Renegade

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Posted 17 August 2013 - 07:36 PM

People reporting positive effects: Do you anticipate that these effects will continue after you stop dosing, due to structural changes in the brain?

#1112 megatron

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Posted 17 August 2013 - 08:04 PM

I only got to try NSI-189 for five days, before starting freshman year at college. Self-explanatory this means excessive drinking, which I don't like, but have to partake. I wouldn't want to waste my NSI-189, when I'm in no condition to do any mentally challenging work. Therefore, I will save my lot till after this period, which will end it about a week.

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#1113 MizTen

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Posted 17 August 2013 - 08:07 PM

MizTen-- what an informative update! Much appreciated and I'm happy for your positive response. Are you currently taking any other meds/drugs simultaneously with NSI? I noticed from some other posts, that some folks were still on existing meds (prescription or pot,etc). While it may be unavoidable/unwise to stop taking your existing meds, I can't help but wonder how it affects the experience of NSI.

Glad that you found it helpful.

My current supplements:

No prescription drugs.
No racetam or raceram type noots.
2 cups of strong coffee daily.
Cannabis (legal here) in small doses about every 4-9 days.
Alcohol 1-2 drinks about every 4-7 days.
Lithium orotate 5 mg daily.
Idebenone 100 mg twice a day.
Centrophenoxine 200 mg twice a day
Omega-3s 1-tsp daily.
Superfoods: Madre Labs Midori Greens and Eureka Berries
Pomegranate juice 1.5 oz daily
Collagen powder 10-20 grams daily
MSM + Vitamin C 1-3 grams daily
81 mg of aspirin every other day

Very nutrient dense very low carb diet
A lot of bone broth (I am try to heal back problems)
A lot of outdoor activities
HIIT most days

All of these I was taking or doing before the NSI-189.

But I agree with the concerns about how all the above affect NSI-189.
Mostly I don't see the point or value anymore in the cannabis or alcohol, perhaps because those two things were most useful in slowing my brain down in order to control the escalation of PTSD symptoms. Probably coffee could go too.

Edited by MizTen, 17 August 2013 - 08:16 PM.

#1114 gnappi

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Posted 17 August 2013 - 10:11 PM

Oh my god!!! You guys are killing me softly with this testimonies... :sad: A new group buying now!!! :-D

#1115 gnappi

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Posted 18 August 2013 - 05:08 PM

I found & joined to the second group buying for NSI-189... :)

#1116 daouda

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Posted 18 August 2013 - 06:09 PM

Day 15 for me, results have been very positive :)

I'm sure you're purposefully avoiding to develop on this in order to try and preserve the objectivity as much as possible, but could you please tell us just a liiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit more? You seem to be the one with the longest NSI experience so far so your preliminary impressions may be a little more relevant....
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#1117 daouda

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Posted 18 August 2013 - 06:19 PM

On a side note, when googling "NSI-189", this thread appears as the very first result... I'm not sure this is a good thing

#1118 cyberger

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Posted 18 August 2013 - 06:20 PM

I found & joined to the second group buying for NSI-189... :)

A one-time cross-post for those looking to join the 2nd group buy: Please join the NSI-189 forum and post your desired amount at: http://www.longecity...nsi189-groupbuy. With an order of 1000 grams, pricing would be $32/gram from ScienceGuy's manufacturer who made the original batch.

So far, there is interest in a total of 355 grams from 45 people, with about ~35 other people wanting to buy who still need to add their desired amount.

As a side-note, it would be AWESOME if ScienceGuy could handle the order/purity testing; then he could ship the whole batch on to another trusted longecity member who would handle distribution to individual participants.

A few advantages of that method:
* The manufacture's identity is better protected
* ScienceGuy's integrity is sterling, so no worries about being scammed or getting an impure substance
* Pure NSI-189 means any anecdotal results from the 2nd group buy are more helpful for everyone (since negative effects would be attributable to the NSI-189 instead of possible chemical synth impurities)

#1119 Xenix

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Posted 18 August 2013 - 06:22 PM

On a side note, when googling "NSI-189", this thread appears as the very first result... I'm not sure this is a good thing

That's because this thread drives by far the most amount of traffic for that keyword.

#1120 therein

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Posted 18 August 2013 - 06:22 PM

On a side note, when googling "NSI-189", this thread appears as the very first result... I'm not sure this is a good thing

Make sure you're using Incognito mode or clearing your cookies before searching since Google uses your search history and location data to show you more relevant results.

I just made the search in Incognito mode and it appears as the third result. Still not great, but we can't do anything about it.

I'm sure Neuralstem is already aware of this thread and they must be watching it very happily. Their product going through a free human trial and so far, they haven't gotten anything but positive results.

Edited by therein, 18 August 2013 - 06:23 PM.

#1121 Xenix

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Posted 18 August 2013 - 06:49 PM

On a side note, when googling "NSI-189", this thread appears as the very first result... I'm not sure this is a good thing

I'm sure Neuralstem is already aware of this thread and they must be watching it very happily. Their product going through a free human trial and so far, they haven't gotten anything but positive results.

This has been raised a few times in this thread - and no, I'm sure that they would not be enthusiastic or pleased by what is going on here at all.

As a company, they need empirical and objective results from participants -- not these loosehanded accounts based on whatever million other supplements people have been taking alongside NSI-189 -- to prove itself worthy to the FDA, Neuralstem's shareholders, benefactors, etc etc. If anything, I'd say that the developers of this drug would want this thread (and its participants) to disappear.
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#1122 daouda

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Posted 18 August 2013 - 07:27 PM

Doing the same google search in "incognito" mode yields the same result, however, I'm using the french google.

Day 15 for me, results have been very positive :)

I'm sure you're purposefully avoiding to develop on this in order to try and preserve the objectivity as much as possible, but could you please tell us just a liiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit more? You seem to be the one with the longest NSI experience so far so your preliminary impressions may be a little more relevant....

I can't edit this anymore, and of course I should have used "purposely" instead of "purposefully" (I'm french)
And no, this isn't a shameless excuse to actually bump my request....

Edited by daouda, 18 August 2013 - 07:28 PM.

#1123 MisterHero

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Posted 18 August 2013 - 07:51 PM

Doing the same google search in "incognito" mode yields the same result, however, I'm using the french google.

Day 15 for me, results have been very positive :)

I'm sure you're purposefully avoiding to develop on this in order to try and preserve the objectivity as much as possible, but could you please tell us just a liiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit more? You seem to be the one with the longest NSI experience so far so your preliminary impressions may be a little more relevant....

I can't edit this anymore, and of course I should have used "purposely" instead of "purposefully" (I'm french)
And no, this isn't a shameless excuse to actually bump my request....

I thought it's a synonym.
I'd like to see more reports ITT because so far it seems, there are only mood balancing effects

Doing the same google search in "incognito" mode yields the same result, however, I'm using the french google.

Day 15 for me, results have been very positive :)

I'm sure you're purposefully avoiding to develop on this in order to try and preserve the objectivity as much as possible, but could you please tell us just a liiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit more? You seem to be the one with the longest NSI experience so far so your preliminary impressions may be a little more relevant....

I can't edit this anymore, and of course I should have used "purposely" instead of "purposefully" (I'm french)
And no, this isn't a shameless excuse to actually bump my request....

I thought it's a synonym.
I'd like to see more reports ITT because so far it seems, there are only mood balancing effects.

Edited by MisterHero, 18 August 2013 - 07:52 PM.

#1124 Sholrak

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Posted 18 August 2013 - 09:19 PM

I'm not sure what effect is this having on all you, but the conversation in this thread has become different. Apacible, kindly, natural flowing... Just no tension, no problem with each other, no stress.

Could that be the NSI acting?? :-D :-D
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#1125 Web

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Posted 18 August 2013 - 11:09 PM

the mood enhancement is good to hear, but i'm more interested in the cognitive improvements, particularly memory. looking forward to hearing about those results in a few months, obviously it's much too early at this point to see huge cognitive gains.

#1126 gnappi

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Posted 18 August 2013 - 11:20 PM

the mood enhancement is good to hear, but i'm more interested in the cognitive improvements, particularly memory. looking forward to hearing about those results in a few months, obviously it's much too early at this point to see huge cognitive gains.

That's why I am also participating in the GEBR-7b group buy ... ;)

Edited by gnappi, 18 August 2013 - 11:22 PM.

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#1127 Posthuman

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Posted 19 August 2013 - 05:09 AM

Here's a quick review of mine.
I've been taking it since 12 days now, and I'm surprised I felt "something" since day 1. Best way to describe this is being not depressed, or in a bad mood. It feels like, when I lose focus of what I'm doing to think about my current situation (which is quite shitty, but I'll keep that to myself as it is irrelevant here), I don't get this feeling of despair as hard as I use to feel. I think this is the most important point yet.
I can also affirm that I feel my coworkers seem to make big deals of benign situation, and that pisses me off more than usual, though I don't think much about it, I do what I have to do peacefully. (Like: what the hell if that girl gives orders like a boss because she's the one responsible that day, just do what she says, that's not much different than if it was the real boss told you to do it! Damn...) (And: Why does that coworker tells the other one I misplaced that box under the wrong category? My mistake has no repercussion at all, yet she seems to have nothing more relevant to tell... What the hell!) But I digress.
There is also this physical feeling in my head that something is going but this is hard to explain. You know your head can feel different when you have a headache or when you take substances, either be it alcohol, cannabis, drugs, medication, nootropics...

Side notes:
- I got a headache for about 3 days after I began the trial, for no apparent reason.
- I also decided to continue to use my daily nootropic stack and vitamins while on this trial.
- I first wanted to quit alcohol for the trial, but this is harder than I first thought. I take about 1 consumption per weekday, but took about 8 last weekend.

Please don't judge this post on my choices, I prefer you to post suggestions if you feel like I should change anything. Thank you.
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#1128 neopeon

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Posted 19 August 2013 - 07:16 AM

This may be a tad too personal, but I thought I'd ask: Can anyone comment on the sexual side effects (or positives) w/ NSI? Any loss/increase in drive/desire? This seems to be one of the big advantages (theoretically) of using NSI instead of the standard SSRI treatments. Thanks!

#1129 OpaqueMind

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Posted 19 August 2013 - 08:57 AM

Penis was still there, last time I checked. Still wakes me up screaming FEED ME. I gave it nothing.

#1130 xks201

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Posted 19 August 2013 - 12:19 PM

Glad to hear the penis works. Neuralstem will be happy to hear that.
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#1131 Xenix

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Posted 19 August 2013 - 12:20 PM

Glad to hear the penis works. Neuralstem will be happy to hear that.


#1132 Googoltarian

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Posted 19 August 2013 - 02:29 PM


Speaking of which, are there any female experimenters?

#1133 MizTen

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Posted 19 August 2013 - 04:40 PM


Speaking of which, are there any female experimenters?

Me, and everything is working just fine. :)

#1134 ScienceGuy

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Posted 19 August 2013 - 06:21 PM

Hi Everyone,

Just dashing by to update everyone that I have not yet had a single free second to prepare and dispatch the THIRD lot of quantities (the past 2 weeks I have been working 4AM - 10PM, 6 days a week), which is those participants who had failed to provide the full payment, including SHIPPING COST, by the respective deadline. I will however be getting onto this just as soon as I have a free moment, which should not be too long. Thank you for your patience in this regard ;)
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#1135 psychopath

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Posted 19 August 2013 - 09:04 PM

I have too headache next day after first dose (only 5mg). Third day headache subsided and i dose 3x20mg and have not any headache after that.
Anyway last week i dose 3x40mg every day for 5 days but i dont notice anything from nsi. I have burnout or depression. I was without energy, no libido, absolutely unhappy without reason but i think it was not cause of nsi. I just have it sometimes.

My gf is taking nsi with me, she has started having her typical bipolar episode now (actually maybe its not bipolar, just depression buts its rapidly cycling). But i dont see that she is any better than in episodes before.
She dont take any other meds. Probably one week is just too short to have any effect from nsi.

#1136 NFP

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Posted 19 August 2013 - 09:11 PM

Thats funny you say you felt depressed or burnt out psychopath. Ive taken 5 doses skipped it on saturday and felt really down and lazy.. slightly depressed actually. Ill write the rest of my experience with this later, Im at work.

#1137 sunshinefrost

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Posted 19 August 2013 - 11:39 PM

I'm almost certain there is a buildup effect with nsi. Neurogenesis can't happen that fast. How long doest it take with anti depressant before they work ?

#1138 therein

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Posted 20 August 2013 - 12:28 AM

Thats funny you say you felt depressed or burnt out psychopath. Ive taken 5 doses skipped it on saturday and felt really down and lazy.. slightly depressed actually. Ill write the rest of my experience with this later, Im at work.

I had a similar experience skipping NSI for one day. I felt absolutely awful for no reason.

#1139 sparkk51

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Posted 20 August 2013 - 01:05 AM

I'm almost certain there is a buildup effect with nsi. Neurogenesis can't happen that fast. How long doest it take with anti depressant before they work ?

I've been diagnosed with depression by a professional psychologist who had tested me for 8 hours straight. I knew I had it long before he tested me, which was about 1.5 years ago.

My life changed completely for the better as soon as I began taking Venlafaxine. With that, I am fairly confident that changes in the mood can occur within an hour after an antidepressant is taken for the first time.
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#1140 Major Legend

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Posted 20 August 2013 - 03:49 AM

I have a firm belief that when we first take a new chemical our bodies reaction to the chemical can be of very mild hypomania - I have no idea why that is but I have taken countless of things which caused suddenly feelings of goodness for short periods of time before pooping out. Maybe this placebo effect is the bodies natural reaction to a new foreign chemical in the system. So I think unless something works for more than a month its unlikely its really working. Mood changes are incredibly subjective. The fact that people are getting withdrawal symptoms when they shouldn't be on such a short period is another sign that so far all may be placebo.

Also I am thinking about getting critical care insurance just in case things go wrong.
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