Edited by crusader, 23 August 2013 - 05:38 PM.

Posted 23 August 2013 - 05:38 PM
Posted 23 August 2013 - 05:40 PM
Posted 23 August 2013 - 05:51 PM
What's the problem? nasty side effects? no benefits?Does anybody want my NSI-189?
Edited by zeroskater6979, 23 August 2013 - 05:52 PM.
Posted 23 August 2013 - 10:55 PM
Does anybody want my NSI-189?
Posted 23 August 2013 - 11:10 PM
Posted 24 August 2013 - 12:19 AM
Posted 24 August 2013 - 12:20 AM
Posted 24 August 2013 - 12:28 AM
I stopped taking NSI-189 a couple of days ago, just to see what happens when I stop taking it. I felt a little down the first day but it got much, much better after that. I think I can even say that I feel better after taking NSI-189 than how I felt before taking it, and while taking it.
Posted 24 August 2013 - 12:54 AM
ill sell to the rest of my nsi for $60 shipped
How much have You left? Why are You selling?
Posted 24 August 2013 - 01:44 AM
Posted 24 August 2013 - 02:11 AM
Indeed!I had to use it for almost a week before I quit having the mild headaches but I'm glad I stuck it out and now I'm really liking it. It seems to get better and better each passing day. Now I'm worried about running out and not being able to get more....
Posted 24 August 2013 - 06:53 AM
Posted 24 August 2013 - 03:34 PM
Only other possible negative effect:
Both of my hands and wrists once had considerable nerve damage from a nerve condition (called RSD or CRPS). It was caused by surgery and mostly resolved within a few years. The limbic system is involved in this.
An area of damage from the RSD on my right hand and wrist started tingling and having the sensation of mild electrical shocks along with the sensation of swelling. There wasn't much, if any visible swelling during the 4 hours that this went on. It was not painful, just a little concerning and weird. It has not recurred and my hand is working normally, so no damage done that I'm aware of.
Makes me wonder what NSI-189 might be doing to the rest of me. It does seem to have some rather broad ranging systemic effects, seemingly positive.
8:30 am
Sleep hours — 8
Sleep quality — excellent
Dreaming — no memory
Scaled from 0-6:
Health — 5
Fitness — 4
Mood — 5
Energy — 5
Focus — 5
Memory — 5
Libido — 5
Internal Stress (perceived, also known as anxiety) — 2
External Stressors (real life events that require significant responses and changes) — 3
Productivity — 5
Creativity — 3
Now taking NSI-189 30 mg twice a day.
It's strange that it has so many positive effects but little of the noticeable and sometimes dramatic synergies with other brain enhancing substances and activities that some other noots have had for me. Maybe I haven't challenged the NSI-189 enough.
My sleep hours have increased probably because I've been meditating less than normal.
Edited by MizTen, 24 August 2013 - 03:49 PM.
Posted 24 August 2013 - 07:06 PM
As shaman needs two years to spend alone in the rainforest to become one who can be called this title. Also the lifestyle changes most of the people undergone before using NSI is at least at same value as the usage alone I think..
uh, what?
Posted 24 August 2013 - 08:17 PM
As shaman needs two years to spend alone in the rainforest to become one who can be called this title. Also the lifestyle changes most of the people undergone before using NSI is at least at same value as the usage alone I think..
uh, what?
Yeah, maybe I need to increase my dose....becoming Shaman would be awesome!

Posted 24 August 2013 - 11:50 PM
Bump !
A very interesting readingHow Neuralstem Discovered This New Neurogenic Drug
About 10 years ago, the Army gave Neuralstem $2.5 million to develop a drug that would prevent hippocampal shrinkage and improve cognitive ability in soldiers who were experiencing severe stress due to extreme battle conditions. It turns out that when soldiers are stressed, particularly due to lack of sleep, they experience hippocampal atrophy (their hippocampus shrinks). The Army wanted a way to deal with this condition because the soldiers did not perform well when afflicted with hippocampal atrophy.
Neuralstem was hired because it was the only company that had proven it was able to grow hippocampal stem cells. In order to develop and test this new neurogenic drug for the Army, an unlimited supply of hippocampal stem cells were needed.
Neuralstem began the development process by testing 700,000 different drug compounds via computer models. From there, Neuralstem scientists selected the best 10,000 compounds and began testing them in the laboratory. Each compound was tested with different dosages, so this was quite a lengthy process. It was all possible because Neuralstem had access to an unlimited number of hippocampal stem cells.
Finally, Neuralstem narrowed the field down to one very potent neurogenic drug. This particular drug achieved what Neuralstem scientists were aiming for, hippocampal growth.
About the same time, the medical community started to become aware of the fact that the hippocampus was shrinking in depressed patients. Scientists began to think that perhaps the reason Prozac and other antidepressant drugs really work is because they are actually regenerating cells in the hippocampus. Animal studies were conducted and this was determined to be the case. MRI scans showed that antidepressant drugs increased hippocampal volume on a percentage basis, low to mid-single digits.
So everybody in Big Pharma started chasing neurogenic drugs as a means of beating depression and other cognitive diseases. Of course Neuralstem had a tremendous advantage here, because it was the only company that had access to an unlimited supply of hippocampal stem cells.
Neuralstem wanted to test its new drug for depression, so the company obtained about $500,000 from NIH, which it invested in animal studies to see the effect of its neurogenic drug on depression and hippocampal volume.
The company discovered that its drug was as good if not better than allthe antidepressive drugs on the market. The commercial antidepressants were showing hippocampal volume increases of about 5% or below, whereas Neuralstem's new drug was able to increase hippocampal volume up to 20%. By most other measures, Neuralstem's drugexcelled in decreasing depression symptoms.
Neuralstem was encouraged by these results so it decided to do a human study. This was the first human study with this class of drugs, so the FDA needed a strong safety trial first. Neuralstem conducted a placebo-controlled Phase Ia trial with 41 healthy volunteers to prove to the FDA that its small molecule drug was safe.
After that trial, the data was so good in terms of safety that the FDA gave Neuralstem the go-ahead for a Phase Ib trial so it could start dosing actual major-depressive disorder patients.
No Side Effects
Perhaps the most important information that came from that Phase Ia trial was the fact that there were absolutely no side effects. For example, one of the most popular antidepressants, Prozac lists common side effects which include nausea, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, and anxiety. Some of these side effects are worse than the actual depression, so many patients just quit using the drugs.
The company should soon be finished dosing the first cohort of major depressive disorder patients in the Phase Ib trial. These patients took the pill once a day for 28 days in a randomized placebo-controlled trial. The second and third cohorts will take the pill twice a day and three times a day respectively.
In addition to measuring all the kinds of things you measure for depression, Neuralstem is also taking MRI scans to see if it can detect an increase in hippocampal volume. All of these patients will receive MRI scans before, during, and after the trial. Even though this is primarily a safety trial, given the new nature of the drug, Neuralstem will be looking for increases in hippocampal volume as well as improvement in depression measurements.
This human trial will be finished in December 2012, and we will see results soon thereafter. Positive results could have a major effect on the share price.
Neuralstem's goal is to partner with one or more major pharmaceutical companies that will not only address the depression market, but will also address all the other neurogenic drug markets where hippocampal atrophy is an issue, including Alzheimer's, stroke, traumatic brain injury, antiaging, and post traumatic stress.
Neuralstem's New Drug Could Treat Alzheimer's
I believe the next major indication for Neuralstem's neurogenic drug will be Alzheimer's. Preliminary studies have indicated that cognitive diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia are directly linked to hippocampal atrophy. Remember, Neuralstem developed this product for the Army to prevent hippocampal shrinkage and to improve cognitive ability. We know that, at least in animal studies, that Neuralstem's drug increases hippocampal volume by up to 20%. Such a large increase in hippocampal volume implies considerable cognitive improvement. If a drug was able to increase cognitive ability in Alzheimer's and dementia patients, that would be a tremendous medical breakthrough.
Posted 25 August 2013 - 01:47 AM
Perhaps the most important information that came from that Phase Ia trial was the fact that there were absolutely no side effects. For example, one of the most popular antidepressants, Prozac lists common side effects which include nausea, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, and anxiety. Some of these side effects are worse than the actual depression, so many patients just quit using the drugs.
Odd considering almost everyone on NSI is experiencing headaches and increased appetite.
Posted 25 August 2013 - 02:13 AM
Perhaps the most important information that came from that Phase Ia trial was the fact that there were absolutely no side effects. For example, one of the most popular antidepressants, Prozac lists common side effects which include nausea, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, and anxiety. Some of these side effects are worse than the actual depression, so many patients just quit using the drugs.
Odd considering almost everyone on NSI is experiencing headaches and increased appetite.
Not sure what anti depressants do but i know i've been anything but depressed lately. And since there doesnt seem to be any bad side effects, can you see the stock price skyrocket ? I can.
I really feel on top of my game right now and The headache is nothing. Dont care if this isnt objective. ...This is the 2nd chance people were looking for. I feel blessed living in an age where we have a shot at upgrading and repairing. i will provide more objective feedback soon but right now i just feel good.
Scienceguy, you may have been taking this the longest, how are your rats doing ?
Posted 25 August 2013 - 11:26 PM
Sleep hours — 7
Sleep quality — excellent
Dreaming — little memory
Scaled from 0-6:
Health — 5
Fitness — 4
Mood — 5
Energy — 5
Focus — 5
Memory — 5
Libido — 5
Internal Stress (perceived stress) — 1
External Stressors (real life events that require significant responses and changes) — 1
Productivity — 5
Creativity — 4
(Those are em dashes in front of the numbers above, not minus symbols!)
No headaches.
No more sensations of electric charge in areas of body that once had nerve damage.
Very mild feeling of head pressure, maybe once a day.
I'm still getting abnormally hungry.
I feel extraordinarily GOOD.
This is an interesting little bonus, I suspect partly coming from improved CNS function: my blood pressure, heart rate, and blood glucose readings have reached optimal levels for a healthy, fit person in their 20s or 30's. Those measures were already quite good before NSI-189, so the improvement was startling. This has held over the last 3 days. I am not doing anything else that would change them.
All my log numbers are still good, as noted above, some improving, but those are likely higher because external stressors have decreased.
It's unfortunate in some ways that my trial started just a couple days before all hell broke loose (unexpectedly) in my life. So the idea of using brain optimization strategies was abandoned near the start because there wasn't any way I could "optimize"and deal with the crisis. But in some ways, this was an excellent way to trial it, as my PTSD was the number one reason for using it, although I only just discovered a few days ago that PTSD was the original target of the first research that ultimately yielded NSI-189.
NSI-189's efficacy for this was well proven by my very unusual high-functioning responses to a bad situation that would normally push me pretty deep into PTSD. I cannot believe that this was a placebo response; for the reason above, as well as the fact that I know myself well enough to be able to predict with considerable accuracy how certain events will trigger PTSD in me.
The difference this time, with NSI-189, is that not only did I have more competent and appropriate responses during the crisis, but my mental and emotional recovery in the aftermath was quick and normal. It's been a lot of years since I had quick recovery from extreme stress.
There is only about a week's supply left of my research sample. So now it's time to optimize with exercise, brain training, creative projects, and tasks I've procrastinated on. How much can I lift, how far can I hike, how much can I remember, what art will I make, etc...
I am convinced that optimal diet is very important with this drug. If neural growth is occurring (in the brain) the right nutrients may make a huge difference. It might also be a good time to temporarily add some extra carbs and healthy fats. Normally I eat a high fat and protein, low carb diet with intermittant fasting, very comfortably. But right now, nothing seems to quell my hunger for long, so maybe the brain really needs more.
Sorry this is so long, it takes a lot of words for me to be clear and accurate. Though I can't tell if I succeeded.
Posted 25 August 2013 - 11:36 PM
Posted 25 August 2013 - 11:52 PM
First of all, there is the headache that everyone is talking about. It is very mild yet noticeable. It is also very consistently there for me. There is also the neck stiffness and increased muscle tension, which makes me think that it is definitely cholinergic.
I would say NSI-189 makes me more emotional. It forces me to face the unpleasant things in my life. Like MizTen, I also had to face with significant life events right after I started taking NSI. It is probably a coincidence but these events forced me to re-evaluate a lot about myself.
I don't think NSI-189 helps with social anxiety at all, though. Believe me, I would like that more than anything as I am very frustrated about it.
Posted 25 August 2013 - 11:59 PM
So, does it looks like highly effective in fixing PTSD trauma, re-flashes, irrational fear, situational and social anxiety/fear and all that crap happens to us sufferers of it? That's good news!
Well yeah, of course I think so. I really have tried just about everything else available for PTSD. Some were helpful and improved my life, but none the way the NSI-189 has affected me.
I hope it is good news. It needs to be proven harmless and then it needs to be available. Hopefully both will happen.
It doesn't have any kind of "Limitless NZT" effect on me exactly. At least not now. But I can see huge potential for learning and also for maximizing the benefits of certain therapies, such as mindfulness training, CBT, DBT, ACT, etc.
Posted 26 August 2013 - 07:33 AM
FYI I will be mailing the THIRD batch of packages for all the stragglers who failed to pay in full by the payment deadline, tomorrow (TUESDAY 27th AUGUST)

As and when I am involved in another GROUP BUY we will be obtaining single payments inclusive of all associated costs, including shipping, such that the whole process can run more smoothly

Posted 26 August 2013 - 01:21 PM
- I am far better at remembering names and details, which is important in my job, Also concentration was excellent.
- I found at work I was witty and had great conversations with people.
- Felt happy in myself, my mind wondered less to negative thoughts
- I found that a higher dose worked better for me.
- used it towards the end in conjunction with cerebrolysin but felt a little anxious and over stimulated,
- Overall,there were no side effects and so far is the best nootropic I have tried.
I am very pleased that science guy is going to run or help run another group buy

Edited by paul, 26 August 2013 - 01:23 PM.
Posted 26 August 2013 - 01:38 PM
Posted 26 August 2013 - 01:50 PM
Posted 26 August 2013 - 03:48 PM
As and when I am involved in another GROUP BUY we will be obtaining single payments inclusive of all associated costs, including shipping, such that the whole process can run more smoothly
Here here lol
Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:33 PM
when will this substance be (estimate) on the market?
At least 2-3 years.
Posted 26 August 2013 - 08:05 PM
Age: (Optional)
What NSI-189 did for you:
Posted 26 August 2013 - 10:40 PM
For the people with depression, PTSD or any other psychological disease, how did NSI-189 affect you? Would love if you could answer this.
Age: (Optional)
What NSI-189 did for you:
19 year old with clinical depression, I can't say that NSI-189 has made any objective difference in my life thus far. Although, I haven't suffered chronic depression ever since I began Effexor, which i'm on right now (75 mg).
I have more hopes for what the long term benefits are, when regarding NSI-189.
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