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#1261 therein

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 12:27 AM

I have been taking NSI for the last three weeks and the last week has been significantly different than the first two.

Granted, during the first two weeks, I have observed improvement in mood but this is way more pronounced right now.

It is almost as if I have opened my eyes to life for the first time in a very long time. It feels like there was a curtain of depression in front of my eyes and that has finally lifted.

I am significantly better at programming and mental tasks. It might be a side effect of the depression lifting but I am more goal oriented and I can overcome obstacles (both technical and emotional) that would normally cause me to stop working on a project or get very stressed.

In the last five days, I have observed a reduction in social anxiety symptoms. I am pretty sure this is not placebo as I wasn't expecting this effect from NSI, in fact, if you look at my previous posts, you can see that I was saying that it didn't do anything for SA. Of course, a reduction in depressive symptoms can be motivating me to work through these problems.

I know these are hard to imagine for people who haven't tried this compound but I have taken a ridiculous number of supplements and pharmaceuticals in the past and nothing gave me this sort of lucidity and clarity, reminiscent only from my childhood.

The only thing I changed in my regimen in the last week is that I stopped taking Omega3. I don't think that's responsible is these effects.

did you have minor or clinical depression diagnosed before? Still waiting for my scale...

I haven't been diagnosed with depression by a medical professional before. I would self-diagnose myself with minor depression, though. Aside from this, I know that I have social anxiety and ADHD.

#1262 MizTen

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 12:55 AM

Log: 9:30 pm — 8/28/13

Sleep hours — 7
Sleep quality — excellent
Dreaming — some memory

Scaled from 0-6:

Health — 6
Fitness — 5
Mood — 6
Energy — 6
Focus — 6
Memory — 5
Libido — 5
Internal Stress (perceived stress) — 0
External Stressors (real life events that require significant responses and changes) — 1
Productivity — 6
Creativity — 5

(Those are em dashes in front of the numbers above, not minus symbols!)

What its done for me thus far:

I am able to lead and/or facilitate social interactions more easily, usually finding a win/win in conflict prone interactions instead of giving up in frustration. That was my primary job before (and still is) but before NSI-189 I would get utterly drained from the process.
I am enjoying reading much more now than I have in the last few years as the PTSD became dominant.
I am no longer depending on project management software for projects and tasks that only take several days, I can keep all my current short-term lists in my head now.
I am remembering phone numbers and dates a whole lot better, as well as remembering to follow through on small but important things that weren't written down.
I am getting much more done without any pressured feeling. I could get a lot done before, but the cost in terms of the amount of stress, mistakes, and anxiety was high.
I am almost always relaxed and alert, in contrast to maybe just a couple of times a day.
I feel more alive and full of vitality, increased libido helps a lot with a sense of vitality, which is very nice.
I don't react much to irritants, instead of cursing a stupid driver out loud and carrying the resentment for 10 minutes, I curse softly under my breath and let it go. :-D
I am no longer completely ignoring a lot of little things that I deemed unimportant, and I am also not over-focusing on a lot of little things that are important to only me, if that makes sense.
I now have a flow, a sense of balance, a realistic feeling of hope, and a much warmer, friendlier engagement with daily life, as opposed to an intense feeling of treading water nearly all the time.
I no longer fantasize about fixing things that are out of my control.
Meditation is deeper, smoother, and stays with me longer. Insight is no longer rare, but normal.
I have dealt with definite PTSD triggering situations without any PTSD symptoms.
Blood pressure, heart rate, and blood glucose changed to optimal levels at around the 2nd week and are staying there.

No burn out, no come down. Posslibly some lessened effects when dosing lower. I think in my case a few months on this, possibly cycled, with some sort of optimization strategy, would get me to my highest functioning and let me stay there for good.

I am nearly done with my sample. There has been a steady curve upward on my measures. The next several days will be a good short-term proving as things will be very challenging for me due to upcoming events and I will no longer be dosing.

If there is an optimal way to use this drug for people with acquired brain injury, it might be a 2 or 3 phase treatment over the course of 3 or 4 months:
Use maybe one month in healing mode, especially for someone my age who has acquired brain injury. Then maybe a few cycled phases (off and on) for a couple of months while learning skills that will help prevent further injury. Things like mindfulness training, CBT, DBT, ACT, physical self-care (exercise and nutrition), and stress management could very likely become fully entrained (if taught properly) and thus helpful to prevent future injury. This is a medication that could hugely potentiate those non-drug treatments for a variety of disorders of the brain. So instead of just getting people back to enough functioning that they are merely the walking wounded, which is pretty much how mental health treatment works now, not only will patients get fully well, but also have the skills and mental health to optimize their lives into the future.

I think diet, fun activities, and rest are hugely supportive of this drug. Learning and doing the right stuff while you are taking it is probably going to make a big difference in the long run, especially in retaining the positive changes. And these are changes, not just positive effects. That I'm pretty sure of. It is not like any other chemical nootropic I know of.
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#1263 therein

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 01:05 AM

I now have a flow, a sense of balance, a realistic feeling of hope, and a much warmer, friendlier engagement with daily life, as opposed to an intense feeling of treading water nearly all the time.

This is how I would put it too. Whenever I feel overwhelmed by something, or multiple things, instead of feeling cornered, I can now easily notice that I am doing this to myself. None of my tasks are a matter of life and death. I am not in a forest, running away from a predator. Having homework due, or having a random memory leak or a bug in my code isn't a big enough deal to justify feeling stressed.

I can see myself getting to that position and re-frame the way I look at things.
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#1264 sparkk51

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 01:55 AM

I now have a flow, a sense of balance, a realistic feeling of hope, and a much warmer, friendlier engagement with daily life, as opposed to an intense feeling of treading water nearly all the time.

This is how I would put it too. Whenever I feel overwhelmed by something, or multiple things, instead of feeling cornered, I can now easily notice that I am doing this to myself. None of my tasks are a matter of life and death. I am not in a forest, running away from a predator. Having homework due, or having a random memory leak or a bug in my code isn't a big enough deal to justify feeling stressed.

I can see myself getting to that position and re-frame the way I look at things.

I recognize this as a greater ability to rationalize emotional responses. This is the exact effect I get from Effexor, I just don't stress as much about things because I understand them more logically.

#1265 therein

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 01:59 AM

I now have a flow, a sense of balance, a realistic feeling of hope, and a much warmer, friendlier engagement with daily life, as opposed to an intense feeling of treading water nearly all the time.

This is how I would put it too. Whenever I feel overwhelmed by something, or multiple things, instead of feeling cornered, I can now easily notice that I am doing this to myself. None of my tasks are a matter of life and death. I am not in a forest, running away from a predator. Having homework due, or having a random memory leak or a bug in my code isn't a big enough deal to justify feeling stressed.

I can see myself getting to that position and re-frame the way I look at things.

I recognize this as a greater ability to rationalize emotional responses. This is the exact effect I get from Effexor, I just don't stress as much about things because I understand them more logically.

What else do you get from Effexor? I was thinking of trying an SSRI/SNRI but the side effect profile was definitely concerning. Currently, I am not getting any side effects from NSI. Appetite was never an issue and lowering my dosage got rid of the headaches.

I might give Lexapro a try in the future. I am looking to treat social anxiety more than depression.

#1266 Hebbeh

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 02:24 AM

I am able to lead and/or facilitate social interactions more easily...........And these are changes, not just positive effects. That I'm pretty sure of. It is not like any other chemical nootropic I know of.

I doubt anybody can appreciate your thoughts until they've experienced a few weeks with NSI-189 but I totally understand the effects and have difficulty expressing them as well as you have. One word...profound.

#1267 sparkk51

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 02:40 AM

I now have a flow, a sense of balance, a realistic feeling of hope, and a much warmer, friendlier engagement with daily life, as opposed to an intense feeling of treading water nearly all the time.

This is how I would put it too. Whenever I feel overwhelmed by something, or multiple things, instead of feeling cornered, I can now easily notice that I am doing this to myself. None of my tasks are a matter of life and death. I am not in a forest, running away from a predator. Having homework due, or having a random memory leak or a bug in my code isn't a big enough deal to justify feeling stressed.

I can see myself getting to that position and re-frame the way I look at things.

I recognize this as a greater ability to rationalize emotional responses. This is the exact effect I get from Effexor, I just don't stress as much about things because I understand them more logically.

What else do you get from Effexor? I was thinking of trying an SSRI/SNRI but the side effect profile was definitely concerning. Currently, I am not getting any side effects from NSI. Appetite was never an issue and lowering my dosage got rid of the headaches.

I might give Lexapro a try in the future. I am looking to treat social anxiety more than depression.

Personally, SSRIs and SNRIs don't help me with social anxiety.

#1268 phil8462643

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 02:23 PM


list for today

Edited by phil8462643, 30 August 2013 - 02:25 PM.

#1269 sunshinefrost

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 05:31 PM

Card, table (desk...does it count?), speaker, red car, shampoo, ...hangover. ... I remember 55% of yesterday's words, nothing major.

Today i did 8 out of 12... Not quite edeitic yet

Edited by sunshinefrost, 30 August 2013 - 05:37 PM.

#1270 Xenix

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 06:10 PM

Off topic, but you guys should really do a group buy of Dihexa... if you can find a reputable manufacturer. The dosages are quite small (2mg/kg orally in rats), so a little would go a long way (even after the Human Equivalent Dose is converted)



There is another thread about this, but I'd like to bring it to attention for those who don't know.

#1271 megatron

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 07:14 PM

Off topic, but you guys should really do a group buy of Dihexa... if you can find a reputable manufacturer. The dosages are quite small (2mg/kg orally in rats), so a little would go a long way (even after the Human Equivalent Dose is converted)



There is another thread about this, but I'd like to bring it to attention for those who don't know.

I take it this implies that Dihexa started having a positive effect on you then. Am I correct? Would you please update the Dihexa thread with some feedback then?

#1272 Xenix

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 07:27 PM

I take it this implies that Dihexa started having a positive effect on you then. Am I correct? Would you please update the Dihexa thread with some feedback then?

Other people on the thread reported to have noticed quite a positive effect. Me, on the other hand... well, I'm not entirely sure that my experience could be placebo or not. I've had a hard time knowing if my batch is genuine Dihexa (it's still undergoing further analysis), which is why I'm interested in a group buy to rule this out, and see how more people respond.

#1273 megatron

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 07:47 PM

Well my interest in Dihexa is most certainly still there. I like this quote: "We quickly found out that this molecule was absolutely, insanely active"

#1274 therein

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 07:51 PM

I am also still interested about Dihexa. If there were a group buy going on, I would definitely get in on it.

#1275 Hebbeh

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 08:07 PM

Also interested in Dihexa. Growing the brain is where it's at. Size does matter.

#1276 jakord

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 10:17 PM

So it seems NSI has some psychoactive effects that have nothing to do with increased hippocampal volume, as they are felt almost immediate. So I'm afraid many of the positive effects reported so far won't be permanent, as they are not caused by structual changes in the brain.

Is here anyone that have some kind of anxiety disorder taking NSI and can report if there are any perceived changes?
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#1277 psychopath

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 11:13 PM

So it seems NSI has some psychoactive effects that have nothing to do with increased hippocampal volume, as they are felt almost immediate. So I'm afraid many of the positive effects reported so far won't be permanent, as they are not caused by structual changes in the brain.

Is here anyone that have some kind of anxiety disorder taking NSI and can report if there are any perceived changes?

I have lots of anxiety (I have polymorphism of gene COMT V158M, met/met type). I dont percieve any psychoactive changes and NSI has not helped me with anxiety, i still have it, but i think i can handle it better when i am on it. Tommorow is my last day on NSI.

#1278 PWAIN

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 11:14 PM

Any non responders?

#1279 Major Legend

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Posted 31 August 2013 - 09:11 AM

I now have a flow, a sense of balance, a realistic feeling of hope, and a much warmer, friendlier engagement with daily life, as opposed to an intense feeling of treading water nearly all the time.

- hmhm. I get this feeling naturally without chemicals. I never understood much why people overreact to small things. I am very sensitive, but I do not feel like i'm treading water all the time. Perhaps I don't really need NSI.

Edited by Major Legend, 31 August 2013 - 09:14 AM.

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#1280 Hebbeh

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Posted 31 August 2013 - 12:00 PM

I now have a flow, a sense of balance, a realistic feeling of hope, and a much warmer, friendlier engagement with daily life, as opposed to an intense feeling of treading water nearly all the time.

- hmhm. I get this feeling naturally without chemicals. I never understood much why people overreact to small things. I am very sensitive, but I do not feel like i'm treading water all the time. Perhaps I don't really need NSI.

Everybody's background, situation, subjected stress, and brain chemistry is unique. Not all careers and not working under all management/supervisors have the same level of chronic stress and/or frustration. You can't compare the stress levels of say a marine combat rifleman to a CEO to a policeman to a school teacher to a firefighter to a fighter pilot to a lawyer to a surgeon to an accountant to a stock broker to a 7-eleven clerk to a student to a house wife and the list goes on. Time and the corresponding life experiences can also weigh in on either side of the fence. I had a different outlook when I was 19 as compared to today at 56. Understanding others struggles is empathy which is considered a desirable characteristic. If your brain is healthy, then you will probably not benefit from any of the substances discussed here because it doesn't get any better than that. You can't fix that which isn't broken.
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#1281 OpaqueMind

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Posted 01 September 2013 - 08:16 AM

How do you guys and gals store your NSI? I was thinking it might be a good idea to put it in the fridge, which would slow down degradation right? Do we know how stable the molecule is? It's probably not too much of a problem at the moment but when we invest in larger quantities we may have to think about better ways of storing it.
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#1282 MetaMind

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Posted 01 September 2013 - 01:14 PM

I asked myself the same question coz I intented to start my dosing in 1 month or so...

#1283 cogito

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Posted 01 September 2013 - 02:23 PM

How do you guys and gals store your NSI? I was thinking it might be a good idea to put it in the fridge, which would slow down degradation right? Do we know how stable the molecule is? It's probably not too much of a problem at the moment but when we invest in larger quantities we may have to think about better ways of storing it.

It would be great to know how stable the molecule is, but either way, dark, dry and cool is always the best option to store substances. If it is prone to oxidation, you might want to consider using some gas like argon (can be found as wine preserver) to prevent degradation.

#1284 8bitmore

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Posted 01 September 2013 - 04:34 PM

How do you guys and gals store your NSI? I was thinking it might be a good idea to put it in the fridge, which would slow down degradation right? Do we know how stable the molecule is? It's probably not too much of a problem at the moment but when we invest in larger quantities we may have to think about better ways of storing it.

It would be great to know how stable the molecule is, but either way, dark, dry and cool is always the best option to store substances. If it is prone to oxidation, you might want to consider using some gas like argon (can be found as wine preserver) to prevent degradation.

I would advice against using a fridge since condensation is much more likely to occur with the temperature swings that will be imposed on the substance in that environment. However, the "dark, dry and cool" suggested by cogito is, while no doubt optimal, not that easy to attain in all countries.

#1285 daouda

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Posted 01 September 2013 - 06:32 PM

How do you guys and gals store your NSI? I was thinking it might be a good idea to put it in the fridge, which would slow down degradation right? Do we know how stable the molecule is? It's probably not too much of a problem at the moment but when we invest in larger quantities we may have to think about better ways of storing it.

It would be great to know how stable the molecule is, but either way, dark, dry and cool is always the best option to store substances. If it is prone to oxidation, you might want to consider using some gas like argon (can be found as wine preserver) to prevent degradation.

I would advice against using a fridge since condensation is much more likely to occur with the temperature swings that will be imposed on the substance in that environment. However, the "dark, dry and cool" suggested by cogito is, while no doubt optimal, not that easy to attain in all countries.

Maybe put it in the fridge or even freezer in a zipock bag along with a bunch of anti-moisture thingies that we can all collect from our finished supplement bottles, then put that ziplock in a tightly capped jar with more of these anti-moisture things (name?) before putting it in the freezer/fridge.

#1286 sunshinefrost

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:48 AM

it's been 18 days already. today is the only dose i missed ... i still felt really good and focused but a bit calmer. seems the effects are persistant.

#1287 therein

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:52 AM

it's been 18 days already. today is the only dose i missed ... i still felt really good and focused but a bit calmer. seems the effects are persistant.

While I haven't noticed a very significant crash when I stopped taking it for a couple of days, we don't know how long its, or its active metabolite's half-lives are.

#1288 researchist

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 04:46 AM

Not to be pessimistic but from my experience the first day of abstinence from a substance, is not always a good indicator of what your body may have in store for you in the near future. It sounds like it is not too bad so far. The positive effects may not persist like we hope. After cessation starts another phase of study, possibly the most significant part..

#1289 spookytooth

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Posted 04 September 2013 - 06:05 PM

I have been taking nsi-189 at 20mg twice a day sublingually in combination with cerebrolysin. In the beginning I felt some intense stimulation which subsided with time and might have been due to the combination.
After a few days I started feeling "normal". There is no other way of putting it. I don't feel euphoric or happy, I just don't feel depressed which is very different from my normal state of being. I haven't felt like this in a long time. Being ADHD I usually have constant background chatter in my mind. This seems to be reduced.

I am not sure if it changed anything about my cognition but it certainly reduced my amount of worrying and which might actually help cognitive abilities. As with cerebrolysin effects on cognition often only can be jugded retrospectively so I will probably come to a conclusion regarding this after I have run out of NSI and some time has passed.

As for side effects:
I did not get any unusual headaches and I have not been more hungry than usual. My libido has been somewhat low for a week or so but with me there's a natural variance anyway.
All in all if the effects continue this is worth it even if there are no specific cognitive benefits. I am tired of depression and I am tired of mind numbing antidepressants. This might be a good alternative.

I wrote this yesterday. Today my mood is on the lower side again where it usually resides. Still the background chatter is much less. Maybe it's time to up the dose...

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#1290 MizTen

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Posted 04 September 2013 - 09:52 PM

I have been taking nsi-189 at 20mg twice a day sublingually in combination with cerebrolysin. In the beginning I felt some intense stimulation which subsided with time and might have been due to the combination.
After a few days I started feeling "normal". There is no other way of putting it. I don't feel euphoric or happy, I just don't feel depressed which is very different from my normal state of being. I haven't felt like this in a long time. Being ADHD I usually have constant background chatter in my mind. This seems to be reduced.

I am not sure if it changed anything about my cognition but it certainly reduced my amount of worrying and which might actually help cognitive abilities. As with cerebrolysin effects on cognition often only can be jugded retrospectively so I will probably come to a conclusion regarding this after I have run out of NSI and some time has passed.

As for side effects:
I did not get any unusual headaches and I have not been more hungry than usual. My libido has been somewhat low for a week or so but with me there's a natural variance anyway.
All in all if the effects continue this is worth it even if there are no specific cognitive benefits. I am tired of depression and I am tired of mind numbing antidepressants. This might be a good alternative.

I wrote this yesterday. Today my mood is on the lower side again where it usually resides. Still the background chatter is much less. Maybe it's time to up the dose...

Thanks for the report. My experience of feeling "normal" for the first time in years is similar to what you describe. The background chatter is hugely reduced, usually absent, and when it does kick in, short in duration and intensity.

I've been taking between 30-40 mg 2-3 times a day. The higher dosage and frequency has had more pronounced effects. The lower dosage and frequency is also effective for me, but I think that there is a lot of potential for cognitive enhancement, and the higher dose is more likely to provide that. I am not using cerebrolysin.

My sample of NSI-189 is now finished. Tomorow I will summarize the effects of this past month, which includes some big improvements in brain training and then update about a month from now. Hopefully these changes are permanent. Life is so much easier now due to the effects of NSI-189.

Due to neuro issues that my medical care has not resolved nor even been able to diagnose, I will be getting an MRI sometime in the fall, long before the laboratory for the 2nd group buy has started synthesis, so maybe there will be some baseline for comparison, if the 2nd group buy is completed and I have a follow-up MRI in the spring or summer of 2014 after doing 1-3 cycles more of NSI-189.
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