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#1411 focus83

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Posted 16 October 2013 - 01:53 PM

UPDATE: Due to a couple of individuals failing to provide payment, I have a small quantity of NSI-189 left available for purchase. To be fair to all I am going to divide it into 2.5 GRAM quantities; wherein, to qualify to be able to purchase any your LONGECITY registration date must be prior to the start date of this thread, namely: 29th AUGUST 2012 :)

For 2.5 GRAMS NSI-189, my cost = your price = $54.50 / GRAM + 23% EU VAT + 4% PAYPAL FEE + $14.50 SHIPPING COST = $188.79

It will be first come first served people; and PLEASE do not ask to buy a quantity if you joined LONGECITY after the specified date; and PLEASE do not ask to buy a quantity if you are unable to pay immediately. ;)

PM me if you are interested :)

I'd like to buy 2.5g. Will send you a PM.

#1412 lourdaud

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Posted 16 October 2013 - 02:04 PM

Got my 5 grams as well. Thanks ScienceGuy!

I still haven't got the scale I've ordered so I'm eyeballing it for now. Could anyone give a comparison for a 20 mg dose?

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#1413 Babychris

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Posted 17 October 2013 - 06:27 PM

54.50 Dollars/Gram seriously ?
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#1414 Izan

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Posted 17 October 2013 - 06:51 PM

i've been taking nsi-189 for three weeks now and let me tell you people the following. this is not a nootropic, this is a life changing substance! absolutely incredible. i didn't know i was depressed untill i tried my first dose and then, wow! just wow. i will try to go into greater detail later on.
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#1415 ScienceGuy

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Posted 17 October 2013 - 07:24 PM

54.50 Dollars/Gram seriously ?

I know, that's amazingly inexpensive for CUSTOM SYNTHESIS of a complex substance isn't it? :)

i've been taking nsi-189 for three weeks now and let me tell you people the following. this is not a nootropic, this is a life changing substance! absolutely incredible. i didn't know i was depressed untill i tried my first dose and then, wow! just wow. i will try to go into greater detail later on.

NSI-189 certainly possesses POTENT pharmacological effects that's for sure! It is going to be very interesting indeed to read the results of existing and future CLINICAL TRIALS ;)
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#1416 Rior

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Posted 17 October 2013 - 08:11 PM

I wanted to mention that due to unexpected circumstances, I have held off on commencing my NSI dosing. I'm waiting until I have absolute optimum circumstances under which to use it, seeing as it causes (expectedly) permanent changes. While using NSI, in addition to adding some doses of Cerebrolysin, I will also accompany it with Magnesium L-threonate. I know the efficacy of this substance is still up for debate, however based on this (http://www.cell.com/...t/S0896-6273(09)01044-7) study, I figure it may be smart due to its potential for hippocampal synaptogenesis. Will update once the trial commences
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#1417 MizTen

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Posted 17 October 2013 - 11:39 PM

I wanted to mention that due to unexpected circumstances, I have held off on commencing my NSI dosing. I'm waiting until I have absolute optimum circumstances under which to use it, seeing as it causes (expectedly) permanent changes. While using NSI, in addition to adding some doses of Cerebrolysin, I will also accompany it with Magnesium L-threonate. I know the efficacy of this substance is still up for debate, however based on this (http://www.cell.com/...t/S0896-6273(09)01044-7) study, I figure it may be smart due to its potential for hippocampal synaptogenesis. Will update once the trial commences

I too, wanted optimum circumstances to trial this, yet as often happens in life, things turned out just the opposite. This turned out for me to be the proving ground for NSI-189 efficacy.

Then, when I began a new trial with a plan for brain optimization, similar challenges arose, which would normally trigger the PTSD that I've aimed to eradicate. Yet, there were no PTSD symptoms. There was also a significant positive learning effect, making NSI-189, as I call it now, the mindfullness drug. The effects have been lasting, not as strong as the first time I took it, but strong enough to make mindfullness and meditative practices learned long ago, really integrate fully, almost all of the time. Even when the effect(s) are less strong, the learning or incorporation of previously learned practices carries through into day-to-day realtime life. Now in this moment

In other words, I learned how to work with what was in front of me at the time, with overall excellent long term benefits. It's not that bad stuff isn't happening sometimes, it's not that things shouldn't be better, but it is 100% true that I am dealing with the bad stuff with much more wisdom, compassion, and hope.

So, NSI-189 has changed things in my brain, enough that all is different, in a very positive way. Critical thinking, a healthy skill in reasonable doses, asks "is it worth it?" Umm, yes, so far. There don't seem to be any negative side-effects, and keeping in mind that if it acts on the hippocampus as reported, dosing regimes posted by ...should be conservative, single-cycle, and ideally monitored by an advocate dr, if such one exists in us.

So if you decide that the best way to take it is when circumstances are optimal, I vote that this will work really well. The magnesium is an excellent idea, plus healthy fats like coconut oil, DHA. It doesn't hurt to think of your brain as a growing and "fertile" egg when you've decided to upgrade in a healthy manner.

I believe, that if one did have optimal circumstances, a plan and the ability to follow through in a self-aware manner no matter what, some pretty extraordinary brain changes might be evident.

I have tried hard to not comment on any of this very much. Oh, well...
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#1418 ScienceGuy

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Posted 18 October 2013 - 09:13 AM


FYI - All remaining NSI-189 quantities are now spoken for... there is none left... so no more PMs please ;)
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#1419 Rior

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Posted 21 October 2013 - 05:36 PM

I wanted to mention that I took my first dose today, @ about 15-20mg. I'm taking it on a sleep deficit and suboptimal circumstances, but just felt that today was the day to start. Its only been about an hour and a half since dosing, and I'd like to be able to fully rule out the placebo effect before passing judgment, but I find it difficult to avoid commenting on it considering my current state of mind after dosing. At the very least I will suffice to say that indeed, (if this is not solely the effect of placebo, of course) there is quite a strong pharmacological effect of this. And so far, I very, very much like it. (Again, if this is not exclusively due to placebo.) I will continue updating this thread as my experimentation continues.

Edit: I will at least make note that I seem to have the characteristic mild/dull headache many of you have mentioned previously.

Edited by Rior, 21 October 2013 - 05:43 PM.

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#1420 Rior

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Posted 21 October 2013 - 07:00 PM

Yup--this is very, very pharmacologically active. Feels like a mixed bag of effects

Edit: ravenously hungry

Edited by Rior, 21 October 2013 - 07:58 PM.

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#1421 CortisolJunkie

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Posted 21 October 2013 - 11:38 PM

i'm looking to get in on the second group buy and i have some questions. Sorry if they've been answered before the thread is a little hard to follow.

1. will i have to worry about interactions between this and anything else? obviously looks like it's a much different mechanism of action but all the same. have people been able to stack it ok? i don't want to have to stop taking all the things i'm on just to try, although I guess I'm not really even taking that much these days.

2. seems like some people are buying huge quantities. but from waht I've read the studies are focusing on short term (~1 month) dosing peroids and then any change should be permament. why the huge quantities, then? am I wrong in thinking that its benefit continues after you stop dosing?

3. how is this different than something like say, tianeptine. i started it recently since i found a post about helping cortisol. the studies show that tianeptine also can help regrow the brain from stress induced damage. tianeptine is certainly easier to get, cheaper, and has an establisehd track record..

Edited by CortisolJunkie, 21 October 2013 - 11:42 PM.

#1422 Passion

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Posted 22 October 2013 - 03:38 PM

I started my testing on Thursday. I took the same approach ScienceGuy did where he started with a low dosage (once daily) and increased from there.

I started at 10mg and I felt an excellent effect. I was just better able to concentrate and do difficult/challenging things. At first, I thought it was placebo because it was such a natural feeling but I learned eventually to understand how it affects me. 10mg just did well.

I tried going up to 20mg. 20mg was still really good. I don't think it was really different from 10mg but there was a subtle increase in effect.

At 30mg, I started noticing a quite different effect. I was much more serious and went into task-execution mode. I didn't like this as much as 20mg.

I then moved up to 40mg. 40mg is way too much, I feel. I got a headache and I didn't feel really a whole lot better than I did on 20mg or 30mg. I still felt great compared to baseline though.

I'm currently back at 30mg but dosing twice daily. Once I'm done w/ the caps I filled at 30mg (I dump from cap to tongue for quick sublingual dosage), I'll move down to 20mg three times daily.

Here's my question to you all: Much lower doses seem better for me as well as for ScienceGuy, but is it possible that in order to achieve the hippocampal growth, the higher, more unpleasant doses are necessary?
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#1423 VP.

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Posted 22 October 2013 - 10:35 PM

A Better Pill to Swallow

A writer’s search for an alternative to antidepressants leads him to an unassuming office in Rockville and a potential miracle drug dubbed NSI-189.


Interesting article. The latest patients are taking 40mg three times a day.
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#1424 sparkk51

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Posted 22 October 2013 - 10:57 PM

I started my testing on Thursday. I took the same approach ScienceGuy did where he started with a low dosage (once daily) and increased from there.

I started at 10mg and I felt an excellent effect. I was just better able to concentrate and do difficult/challenging things. At first, I thought it was placebo because it was such a natural feeling but I learned eventually to understand how it affects me. 10mg just did well.

I tried going up to 20mg. 20mg was still really good. I don't think it was really different from 10mg but there was a subtle increase in effect.

At 30mg, I started noticing a quite different effect. I was much more serious and went into task-execution mode. I didn't like this as much as 20mg.

I then moved up to 40mg. 40mg is way too much, I feel. I got a headache and I didn't feel really a whole lot better than I did on 20mg or 30mg. I still felt great compared to baseline though.

I'm currently back at 30mg but dosing twice daily. Once I'm done w/ the caps I filled at 30mg (I dump from cap to tongue for quick sublingual dosage), I'll move down to 20mg three times daily.

Here's my question to you all: Much lower doses seem better for me as well as for ScienceGuy, but is it possible that in order to achieve the hippocampal growth, the higher, more unpleasant doses are necessary?

But 60 mg per day isn't a low dose.

#1425 MizTen

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 12:07 AM

i'm looking to get in on the second group buy and i have some questions. Sorry if they've been answered before the thread is a little hard to follow.

1. will i have to worry about interactions between this and anything else? obviously looks like it's a much different mechanism of action but all the same. have people been able to stack it ok? i don't want to have to stop taking all the things i'm on just to try, although I guess I'm not really even taking that much these days.

2. seems like some people are buying huge quantities. but from waht I've read the studies are focusing on short term (~1 month) dosing peroids and then any change should be permament. why the huge quantities, then? am I wrong in thinking that its benefit continues after you stop dosing?

3. how is this different than something like say, tianeptine. i started it recently since i found a post about helping cortisol. the studies show that tianeptine also can help regrow the brain from stress induced damage. tianeptine is certainly easier to get, cheaper, and has an establisehd track record..

I'll try to answer. These are good questions.

1. You probably could stack it, but determining safety would be pretty hard. There were a few supplements I continued to take that may affect the brain directly. Lithium orotate 5 mg was one, ginseng was the other, plus Omega3 oil. Others I stopped. Partly because they were not all that helpful and partly because I did not want to skew my results. The idea here is that you want to keep things safe for yourself and know what the effects of the drug are. You have to make your own choices on this.

2. I too am curious about the large quantities for others. The large quantity for myself was because it is unclear whether this should be repeated at intervals and also because I know a number of people who are interested in this, as they are not making much progress with currently available therapies for brain disorders. It is also unknown whether this will ever be available by prescription. So having a good amount on hand makes a lot of sense from those perspectives.
The benefits did continue after I stopped dosing, though I think a regular small dose may be helpful at certain times. I think what is most important, whether you decide to continue dosing or not, is to integrate any positive changes the drug provided into your normal everyday working brain. The new neurons will probably not do all that much in the long term if you don't. Out with the old and in with the new, so to speak. I can tell that for the time being, I don't need to take it. I do see it as a potential nootropic if used properly, along with a number of other brain health strategies.

3. I don't know enough to answer about tianeptine.But what I do know compared to some other drugs I have taken, is that NSI-189 affects a whole lot of brain functions that no other drug or noot has. Not just mood, sleep, cognition, but really everything and the way that these functions interact. I took this specifically for PTSD, as I was certain I was sustaining damage from the PTSD. The earliest NSI-189 research was specific for PTSD. I was surprised to find my proprioception so improved. I was even more surprised to feel an increased level of compassion for others, since I didn't feel lacking in that area. Many other brain functions were affected positively and they all work together so much better now. That, I think, puts it in a different class than most other drugs.
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#1426 MizTen

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 12:23 AM

I started my testing on Thursday. I took the same approach ScienceGuy did where he started with a low dosage (once daily) and increased from there.

I started at 10mg and I felt an excellent effect. I was just better able to concentrate and do difficult/challenging things. At first, I thought it was placebo because it was such a natural feeling but I learned eventually to understand how it affects me. 10mg just did well.

I tried going up to 20mg. 20mg was still really good. I don't think it was really different from 10mg but there was a subtle increase in effect.

At 30mg, I started noticing a quite different effect. I was much more serious and went into task-execution mode. I didn't like this as much as 20mg.

I then moved up to 40mg. 40mg is way too much, I feel. I got a headache and I didn't feel really a whole lot better than I did on 20mg or 30mg. I still felt great compared to baseline though.

I'm currently back at 30mg but dosing twice daily. Once I'm done w/ the caps I filled at 30mg (I dump from cap to tongue for quick sublingual dosage), I'll move down to 20mg three times daily.

Here's my question to you all: Much lower doses seem better for me as well as for ScienceGuy, but is it possible that in order to achieve the hippocampal growth, the higher, more unpleasant doses are necessary?

Good question. I'll bet no one knows the answer right now, including Neuralstem. I'm guessing that it is probably safer and maybe more effective to use the lower doses over months while supporting the hippocampal growth with other safe strategies for brain healing and optimizing.

For anyone with a brain disorder and/or nerve damage, they are pretty much throwing away manna from heaven if they take it, enjoy the changes and do nothing to retain and amplify the healing and growth process. A lot of us don't even know what caused us to take damage in the first place, genetics, neurotoxins, pathogens, aging, whatever it may be, the damage may still be occuring. So lower doses over longer periods of time combined with brain health practices would be my choice.

#1427 Babychris

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 04:28 PM

So is someone has been really cure by this or does it was just overhyped like most of everything else and everyobody moved on ?
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#1428 Passion

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 04:47 PM

MizTen has specified that she is still getting the positive results after having stopped the doses.
Other members have reported similar findings.

Some members reported negative effects all along the way.
I'd bargain to say, so far, it's looking like this is an effective treatment for a variety of cognition/depression disorders.

#1429 Hebbeh

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 05:27 PM

Quick update. I did a 33 day cycle averaging 10-15 mg twice per day. During the cycle, I noticed that I experienced usually positive interactions with coworkers, felt more positive even thought I'm normally a glass half full kind of person, noticed I felt more introspective, and less stressed in stressful work situations. I've been off cycle for about a month and there has certainly been lasting changes. The subjective effects have shifted from on cycle to off however. Although I still feel many of the same effects, mental energy has gradually increased over the past month off. I seem more sensitive to caffeine due to this. The first 2 weeks off, I was sleeping alot on weekends much like I remember as a teenager...even though I'm 56. I've got maybe 30% of the original amount left and will do a mini cycle soon....and I'm in the next group buy for 20 grams which should speak for itself. Even if I decide I don't need to do many more cycles, I know friends and family that would surely benefit like I have.
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#1430 MizTen

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 08:24 PM

I wanted to share this real quick. Based on scienceguy's experience with 5mg sublingual dosing I just tried about 6mg up the nose, divided between each nostril (it is really uncomfortable) and it really works.

In what way was the nasal administration uncomfortable? (I've never snorted anything).

I (stupidly) tried the nasal route and instantly wished I hadn't. :|o

The powder is pretty caustic, to put it mildly. I don't recommend doing this.

Edited by MizTen, 24 October 2013 - 08:25 PM.

#1431 Rior

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 09:33 PM

MizTen, have you had any prior experience with intra nasal administration? If so, could you compare it to anything?

#1432 MizTen

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 11:32 PM

MizTen, have you had any prior experience with intra nasal administration? If so, could you compare it to anything?

I used to use some sort of cortisone spray for allergies and also saline solution for nasal cleansing, those were pretty tolerable.

But the NSI-189 up my nose was a whole new category of pain and misery. Comparable to the above 2 intra-nasal therapies? Not really because it was so much more uncomfortable, and no way to ameliorate it once done. I tried snorting some lukewarm water to dissolve it, but that didn't really work because the NSI is hydrophobic, as far as I can tell.

Again, I really urge people to avoid intra-nasal dosing of NSI-189.

#1433 Steve Zissou

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Posted 25 October 2013 - 03:58 PM

I hope you crushed it up beforehand.
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#1434 Hebbeh

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Posted 25 October 2013 - 06:51 PM

I hope you crushed it up beforehand.

Obviously You've never seen or handled NSI-189 or you would realize that it is a very fine fluffy powder. And any attempt to grind it further (which would be impractical) would have no affect on it's caustic nature.
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#1435 bocor

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Posted 25 October 2013 - 08:06 PM

Hello all im wandering if anyone has had any improvement in nerve pain? i have chronic nerve pain and damage that has gone on for years in my low/mid back and hip sciatica and also my neck with lots of radiating nerve pain im wandering if anyone thinks this might help with my issues? also am wandering if anyone could sell me like 200 mg or so so i could do a trial to make sure i dont have any bad side effects?If i can complete this i would be more willing to be my own guinea here and update any changes much thanks all!

i could purchase 1 gram also ai anyone could sare that much i could do paypal thx

#1436 MizTen

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Posted 25 October 2013 - 11:45 PM

Hello all im wandering if anyone has had any improvement in nerve pain? i have chronic nerve pain and damage that has gone on for years in my low/mid back and hip sciatica and also my neck with lots of radiating nerve pain im wandering if anyone thinks this might help with my issues? also am wandering if anyone could sell me like 200 mg or so so i could do a trial to make sure i dont have any bad side effects?If i can complete this i would be more willing to be my own guinea here and update any changes much thanks all!i could purchase 1 gram also ai anyone could sare that much i could do paypal thx

It might have some effect. There was some strange neurological effect (while taking NSI-189) on an area of nerve damage I had long forgotten about because the disease started decades ago and then mostly resolved about 3 years after it began and the surgical damage healed. At the time, the nerve damage and ensuing tissue damage was so severe that amputation was a definite option. I copied my post about the effect of NSI-189 on that area of nerve damage on this thread, I think it was the 2nd week after started NSI-189:

“Only other possible negative effect:

Both of my hands and wrists once had considerable nerve damage from a nerve condition (called RSD or CRPS). It was caused by surgery and mostly resolved within a few years. The limbic system is involved in this.

An area of damage from the RSD on my right hand and wrist started tingling and having the sensation of mild electrical shocks along with the sensation of swelling. There wasn't much, if any visible swelling during the 4 hours that this went on. It was not painful, just a little concerning and weird. It has not recurred and my hand is working normally, so no damage done that I'm aware of.

Makes me wonder what NSI-189 might be doing to the rest of me. It does seem to have some rather broad ranging systemic effects, seemingly positive. ”

I had altogether forgotten about the RSD in my hands and arms when I started NSI-189. So this particular effect of activated nerves in an area of considerable nerve damage is pretty notable. What it actually means in terms of helping with nerve pain, I don't know.

There is a group buy for NSI-189 on another thread where you might be able to get some. I can't pull it up easily right now. Sorry, not too helpful...

#1437 bocor

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Posted 26 October 2013 - 01:48 AM


#1438 Rior

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Posted 26 October 2013 - 02:19 AM

I have erratically taken NSI due to extenuating circumstances, but I'll update a little bit on my experiences thus far. After trying a couple different dosages, I have landed on 20mg 3x daily sublingually as my ideal dosing. Taking NSI has a very...clear effect on me, albeit hard to describe. It's not blatantly "in my face" when I take it, but rather a very subtle uplifting clearness that seems to be compounding. I've noticed it most in that, when I miss a dose, I notice I don't feel as good as I do in comparison to after taking a dose. Interestingly enough, the most noticeable effects seem to be apparent upwards of an hour after taking it (even though I'm using it sublingually)

Notable perceived effects thus far:
Better verbal fluency, less word stumbling
Higher creativity
Increased sense of smell (I've generally lacked a sense of smell for upwards of 4 years now, which I believe came as a result of my last concussion)
Generally minor increase in well-being.

It's been a good experience so far, however if this were the extent of the effects, I wouldn't be that excited about it. Of course, it's dramatic neurogenesis we're supposedly talking about here, so I'm assuming the effects are going to compound into something beautiful and fantastic. This is of course my wish for the future, not the experience in the present--I want to make that clear.

To summarize the stack I'm taking with the NSI:
144mg Magnesium L-Threonate 3-4x daily
30mg Solaray OptiZinc
B-complex vitamin
Phosphatidylserine at night before sleep
Astragalus root
Curcumin at night
Will be adding fish oils as soon as I buy more
And recently, adding today, Lithium Orotate starting at 2.5mg elemental lithium and perhaps changing to 5 after evaluation.

So yes, obviously I'm not taking strictly NSI as I would if I were looking to test solely the efficacy of NSI itself. I'm looking for self-improvement instead, though, so I'm taking these other things alongside it that I believe should not be harmful in any way, and will potentially help. I'll continue updating as I go along.

Edited by Rior, 26 October 2013 - 02:20 AM.

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#1439 stponky

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Posted 26 October 2013 - 06:40 AM

Thanks for sharing your stack. I did not know about magnesium l-threonate or Phosphatidylserine.

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#1440 Babychris

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Posted 26 October 2013 - 08:20 PM

M L-threonate and PS are two supps which I found quite useful they worth a shot maybe.

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