I'll fill a quotation form today for sunshinechem. I'm gessing i'll receive no replies before monday.
I got a reply from sunshinechem. They can synthtise it !
The price is 2580 for 100 grams with a 4 to 5 weeks lead time.
We are now 15. Roughly 170$ per person so far.
Honestly, i think it's worth it.
Please kindly file SUNSHINECHEM in the 'UNTRUSTWORTHY VENDOR' box! 
Seriously, these guys come back with a quotation within
hours of contacting them...
and at the weekend?!!! To say this is highly suspicious would be a gross understatement!

Please kindly note that NOBODY who is on the level can quote this fast; it is in fact a practical
impossibility... Firstly, there is the time it takes to obtain and/or figure out the SYNTHESIS ROUTE; secondly, there is the time it takes to complete the shopping list of all the required CHEMICAL RAW MATERIALS & INTERMEDIATES; thirdly, there is the time it takes to obain pricing for all the respective CHEMICAL RAW MATERIALS & INTERMEDIATES; and and fourthly, there is the time it takes to complete an accurate estimate of what will be the total SYNTHESIS TIME;
all of which must be completed BEFORE a quotation can be calculated and provided 
Therefore, personally I strongly recommend against (in fact I myself would not be agreable to) going anywhere near SUNSHINECHEM... IMO they are NOT to be trusted

In too. 16 so far ?
Yep 16 ! Maybe scienceguy comes back with a cheaper pricing. I'm not waiting a month to order this. If we dont have a better price within a few days i will ask all interested parties how much they would be willing to pay. We'll go from there but i want to make this happen fast. I have the funds to pay for it with a few members.
You won't get a better price with ScienGuy's supplier. They're top notch and charge extra. Might look around for cheaper suppliers from China; but, sunshine-chem was what we found to be a cheap and seemingly reliable source for the PRL-8-53 synth. However, "seemingly reliable" was not enough for us. We needed near certainty and went with Novochemy.
If ScianceGuys supplier is at least reasonable in their price range, say $75-$125 a gram, then I would go with them just based on the fact that they are 100% Legit.
OK, I understand all the excitement... and YES I do tend to get somewhat busy... however, I must urge caution regards charging off ahead and using some dodgy vendor... please bear in mind that you will be consuming this substance and hence the proper precautions MUST be taken to ensure that the material supplied is firstly what it is supposed to be (and not something else) and secondly, even if it IS the correct substance, we need to be sure that its PURITY is at least adequate and that it does not contain any TOXIC IMPURITIES that might be left over following the SYNTHESIS PROCESS. I cannot stress the importance of using a reputable and trustworthy laboratory / custom synthesis company enough

I have already contacted and am in process of obtaining a quote from the same lab that I used to custom synthesize the COLURACETAM, so please let us at least wait until I receive their BONA FIDE quotation before moving onward... In the interim I would like to helpfully suggest that someone chase up / obtain a comparative quotation from NOVOCHEMY whom it appears has already somewhat checked out as being sufficiently reputable
Edited by ScienceGuy, 15 April 2013 - 08:11 AM.