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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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#121 Q did it!

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 01:48 AM

In too. 16 so far ?

Yep 16 ! Maybe scienceguy comes back with a cheaper pricing. I'm not waiting a month to order this. If we dont have a better price within a few days i will ask all interested parties how much they would be willing to pay. We'll go from there but i want to make this happen fast. I have the funds to pay for it with a few members.

You won't get a better price with ScienGuy's supplier. They're top notch and charge extra. Might look around for cheaper suppliers from China; but, sunshine-chem was what we found to be a cheap and seemingly reliable source for the PRL-8-53 synth. However, "seemingly reliable" was not enough for us. We needed near certainty and went with Novochemy.

If ScianceGuys supplier is at least reasonable in their price range, say $75-$125 a gram, then I would go with them just based on the fact that they are 100% Legit.

#122 Q did it!

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 01:54 AM

So, who's going to collect the money and deal with logistics? ScienceGuy will be the redistributer for EU and Europe. They way this looks we should get up to 30 fairly quickly. At 32 ppl each person will have 3.125g @ $80.625, which should last about a month for testing purposes. At a conservative 60mg per day that would last you almost two months.

For this group buy I would suggest Amazon WebPay https://payments.ama...?tag=gmgamzn-20 https://payments.ama.../faq#wpWithdraw

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#123 telight

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 02:16 AM

Count me in guys.

#124 vtsimple

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 02:17 AM

I would like to participate also if possible! :D

#125 Q did it!

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 02:46 AM

On second thought it would probably be best to just use Western Union people can expect to pay an where form $10 to $30 in fees in total but is is really the best solution that I can find. The amazon WebPay is to much like Paypal and is a bit screwy.

Than on Second Thought...

Pay it Square may work: it deposits the funds into the organizers PayPal and Paypal is very unlikely to get upset with payit square http://www.payitsqua.../about/faq.aspx there are sill fees but it is a lot lower than Western Union. So this is our best bet for this and future group buys. This would be the slot we would need to use http://www.payitsquare.com/from-friends/request-money-from-friends-for-a-group-gift.aspx That way request can be sent to the persons in the group buy.

#126 rikelme

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 03:03 AM

I would prefer sending the check in mail then wiring money with Western Union.

#127 sunshinefrost

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 03:12 AM

I like the pay it square option. Only the organiser needs a paypal account, but it needs to be upgraded to a premier account. Here is a list of currencies they offer:

Australian Dollar (AUD)
British Pound (GBP)
Canadian Dollar (CAD)
Euro (EUR)
Mexican Peso (MEX)
U.S. Dollar (USD)

We need to find if they hold any amounts for any reason and for how long

We now have 25 participants !!

#128 peakplasma

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 03:17 AM

A lil question : Xenix in the DIhexa thread said that NSI-189 = coluracetam... I thought it was something else entirely, did I miss anything??

I think he is mistaken since Coluracetam is BCI-540.

The first thee letters are a code referring to the organization developing it.

BCI is BrainCells Inc, (BCI-540)
NSI is Neuralstem Inc (NSI-189)
PRL is Pacific Research Labs (PRL-8-53)

and.. I'm not sure about DM232/235 although, Unifiram/Sunifiram refers to the University of Florence UNIFI

Edited by peakplasma, 15 April 2013 - 03:34 AM.

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#129 Artificiality

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 03:35 AM

I'm somewhat annoyed I missed out on the plr853, but sign me up for this.

#130 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 03:51 AM

Can we get pay it square set up? The amount of ppl interested doesn't mean anything as long as we don't have the funds.

#131 lostfalco

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 06:12 AM

I'm totally in. Just let me know where and when to send funds. I'm in L.A. btw

#132 ScienceGuy

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 07:33 AM

To clarify, please kindly note that you have used COMMAS there instead of FULL STOPS... I initially read "3,360" as THREE THOUSAND... but it is of course 3.36 GRAMS :)

i know, but here in holland we use commas. take it easy, ;).

¡ I did not know that ! :)

#133 ScienceGuy

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 08:08 AM

I'll fill a quotation form today for sunshinechem. I'm gessing i'll receive no replies before monday.

I got a reply from sunshinechem. They can synthtise it !

The price is 2580 for 100 grams with a 4 to 5 weeks lead time.

We are now 15. Roughly 170$ per person so far.

Honestly, i think it's worth it.


Please kindly file SUNSHINECHEM in the 'UNTRUSTWORTHY VENDOR' box! ;)

Seriously, these guys come back with a quotation within hours of contacting them... and at the weekend?!!! To say this is highly suspicious would be a gross understatement! :wacko:

Please kindly note that NOBODY who is on the level can quote this fast; it is in fact a practical impossibility... Firstly, there is the time it takes to obtain and/or figure out the SYNTHESIS ROUTE; secondly, there is the time it takes to complete the shopping list of all the required CHEMICAL RAW MATERIALS & INTERMEDIATES; thirdly, there is the time it takes to obain pricing for all the respective CHEMICAL RAW MATERIALS & INTERMEDIATES; and and fourthly, there is the time it takes to complete an accurate estimate of what will be the total SYNTHESIS TIME; all of which must be completed BEFORE a quotation can be calculated and provided :sleep:

Therefore, personally I strongly recommend against (in fact I myself would not be agreable to) going anywhere near SUNSHINECHEM... IMO they are NOT to be trusted ;)

In too. 16 so far ?

Yep 16 ! Maybe scienceguy comes back with a cheaper pricing. I'm not waiting a month to order this. If we dont have a better price within a few days i will ask all interested parties how much they would be willing to pay. We'll go from there but i want to make this happen fast. I have the funds to pay for it with a few members.

You won't get a better price with ScienGuy's supplier. They're top notch and charge extra. Might look around for cheaper suppliers from China; but, sunshine-chem was what we found to be a cheap and seemingly reliable source for the PRL-8-53 synth. However, "seemingly reliable" was not enough for us. We needed near certainty and went with Novochemy.

If ScianceGuys supplier is at least reasonable in their price range, say $75-$125 a gram, then I would go with them just based on the fact that they are 100% Legit.

OK, I understand all the excitement... and YES I do tend to get somewhat busy... however, I must urge caution regards charging off ahead and using some dodgy vendor... please bear in mind that you will be consuming this substance and hence the proper precautions MUST be taken to ensure that the material supplied is firstly what it is supposed to be (and not something else) and secondly, even if it IS the correct substance, we need to be sure that its PURITY is at least adequate and that it does not contain any TOXIC IMPURITIES that might be left over following the SYNTHESIS PROCESS. I cannot stress the importance of using a reputable and trustworthy laboratory / custom synthesis company enough ;)

I have already contacted and am in process of obtaining a quote from the same lab that I used to custom synthesize the COLURACETAM, so please let us at least wait until I receive their BONA FIDE quotation before moving onward... In the interim I would like to helpfully suggest that someone chase up / obtain a comparative quotation from NOVOCHEMY whom it appears has already somewhat checked out as being sufficiently reputable :)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 15 April 2013 - 08:11 AM.

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#134 Psionic

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 09:21 AM

I wanted to be on the list only in case SunshineChem is reliable, I can really imagine these chinese labs accepting every order :) It would be wise to wait for quotation from ScienceGuy lab and try even more as suggested.

#135 hadora

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 09:51 AM

guys you should slow down lol
i don't know if sunshine can synthesize it because the synthesis route is unpublished
Our best bet is to wait for ScienceGuy to contact his lab because they are pretty good at figuring a synthesis route

also we should get 2 months worth of supply instead of 28 days which i found pretty short for a compound like this :mellow: (i'm afraid it won't show all it potential after such a short period )
also the problem is that the in the patent the molecule don't look like this

but like this


there is a slight difference

Edited by hadora, 15 April 2013 - 09:52 AM.

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#136 ScienceGuy

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 10:44 AM

guys you should slow down lol
i don't know if sunshine can synthesize it because the synthesis route is unpublished
Our best bet is to wait for ScienceGuy to contact his lab because they are pretty good at figuring a synthesis route

also we should get 2 months worth of supply instead of 28 days which i found pretty short for a compound like this :mellow: (i'm afraid it won't show all it potential after such a short period )
also the problem is that the in the patent the molecule don't look like this

but like this


there is a slight difference

To confirm, I am in process of obtaining pricing for both 100g and 200g order quantities... and the MOLECULAR STRUCTURE diagram that I supplied them with (along with all the other relevant details) is the one shown in the PATENT DOCUMENTATION (so you can be reassured that the synthesized material will most certainly be correct), which I have attached to this post for those who are interested, which you can DOWNLOAD by clicking below ;)

Attached Files

#137 golden1

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 10:46 AM

I was going to say the only time you'll get a quote that fast is if it is something they produce regularly.

Also those are both pictures of the same molecule btw, they are just drawn/twisted differently. I'm not sure which is more correct in terms of how the molecule exists in reality, but it has to do with how the different parts of the structure effect the positions of each other. But that doesn't matter for this, they are both the exactly the same for this purpose. (one also shows the hydrogen off the nitrogen, but that is implied in the other)
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#138 ScienceGuy

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 11:40 AM

I was going to say the only time you'll get a quote that fast is if it is something they produce regularly...

...OR it is something that they have produced at least ONCE :)

So basically, unless SUNSHINECHEM have already completed custom synthesis of NSI-189 (which I consider to be highly improbable) they are distinctly dodgy and should definitely be avoided ;)

#139 Izan

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 12:46 PM

guys you should slow down lol
i don't know if sunshine can synthesize it because the synthesis route is unpublished
Our best bet is to wait for ScienceGuy to contact his lab because they are pretty good at figuring a synthesis route

also we should get 2 months worth of supply instead of 28 days which i found pretty short for a compound like this :mellow: (i'm afraid it won't show all it potential after such a short period )
also the problem is that the in the patent the molecule don't look like this

but like this


there is a slight difference

i completely agree with you. at least two months worth.

#140 sunshinefrost

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 01:02 PM

guys you should slow down lol
i don't know if sunshine can synthesize it because the synthesis route is unpublished
Our best bet is to wait for ScienceGuy to contact his lab because they are pretty good at figuring a synthesis route

also we should get 2 months worth of supply instead of 28 days which i found pretty short for a compound like this :mellow: (i'm afraid it won't show all it potential after such a short period )
also the problem is that the in the patent the molecule don't look like this

but like this


there is a slight difference

i completely agree with you. at least two months worth.

We dont even know what the product does, or if it's pure.... Thats why we are testing it. Why risk a larger amount before experimentation and testing ? Yes there are risks here and we understand them.

I'm not waiting 2 months thats for sure

#141 Nattzor

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 01:05 PM

Is this something one would use intermittently (1-2 times a year/half year) or all year round?

#142 daouda

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 01:38 PM

To clarify, please kindly note that you have used COMMAS there instead of FULL STOPS... I initially read "3,360" as THREE THOUSAND... but it is of course 3.36 GRAMS :)

i know, but here in holland we use commas. take it easy, ;).

¡ I did not know that ! :)

In France too btw

#143 sunshinefrost

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 03:52 PM


Please kindly file SUNSHINECHEM in the 'UNTRUSTWORTHY VENDOR' box! ;)

Seriously, these guys come back with a quotation within hours of contacting them... and at the weekend?!!! To say this is highly suspicious would be a gross understatement! :wacko:

Please kindly note that NOBODY who is on the level can quote this fast; it is in fact a practical impossibility... Firstly, there is the time it takes to obtain and/or figure out the SYNTHESIS ROUTE; secondly, there is the time it takes to complete the shopping list of all the required CHEMICAL RAW MATERIALS & INTERMEDIATES; thirdly, there is the time it takes to obain pricing for all the respective CHEMICAL RAW MATERIALS & INTERMEDIATES; and and fourthly, there is the time it takes to complete an accurate estimate of what will be the total SYNTHESIS TIME; all of which must be completed BEFORE a quotation can be calculated and provided :sleep:

I'm all for safety here. In the case where we don't receive answers from reliable labs, how exactly sure are you that this is really impossible to produce or to quote as fast as they did ??

okay, we'll wait for a reliable Lab !

Can someone make a list of the last LABS that we asked and the labs that we may consider for their reliability ?

I sent something to sunshinechem and novochemy (no answer yet ) . What else ? and what's the status ?

#144 sunshinefrost

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 04:04 PM

sunshinechem : (suspect unreliable)
- email sent by sunshinefrost
- reply received: 2580$ for 100g
- lead time: 4 to 5 weaks

Novochemy (reliable)
- email sent by sunshinefrost
- no reply yet
- next action: suggest to send another request

what else ?

please update the list.... also suggest any labs that you know and would classify as reliable.

#145 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 04:20 PM

You can also ask with these guys:

#146 Izan

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 05:01 PM

sunshinechem : (suspect unreliable)
- email sent by sunshinefrost
- reply received: 2580$ for 100g
- lead time: 4 to 5 weaks

Novochemy (reliable)
- email sent by sunshinefrost
- no reply yet
- next action: suggest to send another request

what else ?

please update the list.... also suggest any labs that you know and would classify as reliable.

this one; http://trustwe.en.alibaba.com/ and ask for julia.

#147 sunshinefrost

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 05:10 PM

Are http://trustwe.en.alibaba.com/ and www.thinkchem.com reliable labs ??

if not then the same problem arises from sunshinechem ....
so let's try the most reliable labs first.

anybody know any ?

Edited by sunshinefrost, 15 April 2013 - 05:12 PM.

#148 Izan

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 05:28 PM

Are http://trustwe.en.alibaba.com/ and www.thinkchem.com reliable labs ??

if not then the same problem arises from sunshinechem ....
so let's try the most reliable labs first.

anybody know any ?

i am currently participating in a group buy on another forum and the experienced guys over there chose trust and we. these guys are hardcore organizers of group buys. they have done this dozens of time. so yes, pretty reliable. more so than novochemy.

#149 golden1

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 05:32 PM

edit: actually I'd rather not post that supplier as I don't want to bring unwanted attention to them(they specialize in uh "phenethylamine derivatives" extrapolate from there.. but if you want I could ask them if they can synth the chemical. I am positive of their quality and service, but I can't really assure anyone without posting the website, so eh... tricky.

Edited by golden1, 15 April 2013 - 05:49 PM.

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#150 lourdaud

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 06:09 PM

I want this! Please sign me up!

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