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#1471 typ3z3r0

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Posted 01 November 2013 - 10:59 PM

This guide by MisterYouAreSoDumb, which rollsafe.org is based off of, is pretty great if you haven't seen it already (although it would be quite the effort to follow it exactly if used in a clubbing/rave/festival environment and it is costly):

There's also this postulation by MisterYouAreSoDumb about how MDMA induced 5-HT neurotoxicity arises, which explains in detail as to why grapefruit juice, a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor, is on the supplements list:

I'm not one of those crazy ravers that goes out and does it every weekend or something

I know a fair amount of people who are like that. One of them was proud recently about not doing it for just one weekend.... *sighs*

Anyway, we've probably gone off topic a bit, but you should enjoy reading the threads I've linked to, and hopefully NSI-189 continues to help you once you go back on it. :)

Edited by typ3z3r0, 01 November 2013 - 11:02 PM.

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#1472 Babychris

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Posted 02 November 2013 - 08:06 PM

I'm pretty sure that some bad MDMA combos had some terrible effect on my hippocampus. What is the best thing I could take to regenerate it ? I'm obviously thinking about a trial of cerebrolysin.

I suffer of a lot of condition, including a serious permanent depressive disorder related with an anxiety disorder and a form of ADD-bipolarity. I may have some symptoms of depersonnalization but it could be related with cannabis withdrawal..

I'm into very serious academics stuff and I feel a bit retarted when I compare myself to the "real me" and to other people.

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#1473 typ3z3r0

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Posted 02 November 2013 - 09:40 PM

Cerebrolysin, NSI-189 and tianeptine (an anti-depressant in its own class, which probably has the least amount of negative side effects of all anti-depressants) should each help increase hippocampal volume and prevent future hippocampal atrophy. Major depressive disorder itself decreases hippocampal volume, and MDMA-use obviously can further decrease it. However, unless you've abused MDMA, I'm guessing that it's mainly stress, anxiety and depression which has caused hippocampal atrophy. Seeing as you're in France, it should be fairly easy and cheap for you to get tianeptine because it's prescribed there. This article will teach you a lot about tianeptine, and also about what we know about how anti-depressants work: http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC2902200/

This thread about intransal administration of Cerebrolysin may interest you, however it is a bit experimental: http://www.longecity...in-nasal-spray/

#1474 Babychris

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Posted 02 November 2013 - 10:25 PM

Of course I knew about stablon (tianeptine) but I don't know if I can afford me the time to give it a try since I have the most important exam of my life in january and I really can't take the risk to lose some adaptation day, or worst to see that it don't works for me.

Indeed if I get a prescription it would be free (in france most of our meds are free) but that is not my biggest concern. The nasal-spray version of cerebrolysin sounds good, but to be honest I've read mostly bad reviews on it, I really want the top.
Thank's for your help

#1475 samohT

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Posted 04 November 2013 - 10:58 PM

The Neuralstem CEO speaks on NSI-189 and nootropics, as well as a brief trial update.

  • Nootropics
Posted: October 25th, 2013

(/noʊ.əˈtrɒpɨks/ noh-ə-trop-iks), also referred to as smart drugs, memory enhancers, neuro enhancers, cognitive enhancers, and intelligence enhancers, are drugs, supplements, nutraceuticals, and functional foods that purportedly improve mental functions such as cognition, memory, intelligence, motivation, attention, and concentration.

In a recent article about Neuralstem, Dr. Johe was asked about the potential cognitive implications of our first in class neurogenic compound NSI-189. Although the drug is currently in trials to treat MDD (major depressive disorder), it was originally developed for the Defense Department as part of a program to enhance cognition (in that particular instance, in sleep deprived soldiers). In his answer Karl broadened the concept of cognitive enhancement, and introduced the idea of “anti-aging” of the brain.

This new class of potential drugs is widely referred to as nootropics. In a way, it is the perfect synthesis of regenerative medicine and human biology. As we age, it appears that we lose the ability to make as many “new” synaptic connections in the hippocampus, and in fact begin to lose the density of connections. A true neurogenic drug would have the ability to stop or slow down this loss, and to actually, structurally rebuild “new” connections. This is exactly what we believe NSI-189 does. We have seen it in vitro (in the lab) of course, and in vivo in animals. As we move through our human trials we will discover whether or not we see it in humans, and if we do if that has an effect.

We have completed dosing of all of the patients in the Phase Ib trial of NS-189 and should have a good feel for the data by the end of the year. It is primarily a safety trial and we were limited to 28 day dosing, but in addition we are measuring many secondary “efficacy” endpoints that are available for depression, and we are also looking at “before and after” MRI’s of the hippocampus to see if we detect any increase in volume. In rodents we have seen a clear substantial increase in volume (up to 20%). The state of the art in MRI scanning is such that eventually we will most likely be able to detect an increase over 5%. Again, we would not expect to see that after only 28 days dosing in humans, but we might, and it’s worth looking for. In the next trial we will most likely move to 90 day dosing, and there we would certainly expect to see signs of hippocampal volume increase if it is going to occur.

The cognitive impact from various psychiatric diseases like MDD and from hippocampal atrophy that occur in other psychiatric diseases, and even conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and traumatic brain injury, are serious unmet medical conditions that impact the quality of life of millions of patients. NSI- 189 is being developed to treat these growing unmet medical needs whose costs have a dramatic impact on society. But the intriguing aspect overshadowing it all is the nascent area of nootropic drugs.

In a recently published paper from UCI, we showed that neurogenesis could restore lost cognitive function in a model that mimics the cognitive loss from radiation to the brain. In these types of studies we are repairing an artificially induced deficit. In human patients, the “damage” is done from an outside agency. What Karl was hinting at in the interview, was the ability to rectify the “natural” deficit created by aging. That is far away on our horizon (yes, the laundry list of diseases above is a full plate) but it IS the future of neurogenic medicine; and both our small molecule drug platform and our cell therapy platform are the leading edge in this science.

Nootropic is a strange new word. According to Wikipedia it comes from the Greek words for “mind” and “to bend or form.” To turn back the cognitive deficits that come from natural aging is indeed a mind bending target. But I believe that is where the entire field of neurogenesis is headed. The short term future is of course to show the neurogenesis can work to cure diseases and injuries; but the path is now clear for the long term future too.

- See more at: http://www.neuralste...h.ERvq8OO8.dpuf

Edited by samohT, 04 November 2013 - 10:59 PM.

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#1476 MizTen

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Posted 04 November 2013 - 11:27 PM

Ha! Kinda the long version of what I said:
NSI = New Synapses Integrated
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#1477 focus83

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Posted 07 November 2013 - 09:07 AM

Just wondering what the oral bioavailability of the NSI-189 is? Do we have a figure? Also, can I just swallow the powder or do I have to put it in a capsule?

Sublingual administration is a little impratical for me, because it takes a while for the powder to dissolve, the taste is not the most pleasent and I unintentionally swallow some of the powder anyway.

I would prefer to quickly gulp down a glass of water with the NSI-189 in it.


#1478 fj929

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Posted 07 November 2013 - 01:14 PM

HI guys new here this is exiciting stuff. One major concern however. In reading everyones results from taking the drug I am reading very few wow factor posts. Most report subtle improvement. This really smells of a placebo effect. Sorry not trying to burt any bubbles but I would have expected much better response from a very promising drug. If Nueralstem is paying 500k for the drug how are we really getting it for such a small price? So many unknowns with stability etc.


#1479 tunt01

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Posted 07 November 2013 - 02:57 PM

If Nueralstem is paying 500k for the drug how are we really getting it for such a small price?

Not sure where you get this number from, but I would pretty much disregard it on the face value of its absurdity. One month of some of the most expensive cancer drugs at full list price are around ~$100,000. To think $500 K cost price for a treatment of NSI-189 is nonsensical.

#1480 joseph583984

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Posted 07 November 2013 - 06:13 PM

Does anyone have an extra gram they could measure and sell me? I would be willing to pay extra for your time and effort. I have a very sickly mother who is slipping away and has responded extremely favorably to NGF/BDNF enhancers. I'm fearful of waiting another month for the second group buy.

Edited by joseph583984, 07 November 2013 - 06:14 PM.

#1481 Major Legend

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Posted 07 November 2013 - 06:40 PM

Does anyone have an extra gram they could measure and sell me? I would be willing to pay extra for your time and effort. I have a very sickly mother who is slipping away and has responded extremely favorably to NGF/BDNF enhancers. I'm fearful of waiting another month for the second group buy.

You can have the remainder of my NSI, pm me.

#1482 joseph583984

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Posted 07 November 2013 - 07:14 PM

Thank you Major Legend. I have responded to your PM.

#1483 pro-v

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Posted 09 November 2013 - 05:40 AM

if anyone has extra nsi-189 they would like to part with, please shoot me a PM with a price.

#1484 Particle

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Posted 09 November 2013 - 04:31 PM

Has anyone thought of having MRI scans done (pre and post NSI-189 treatment) in order to determine a difference in hippocampal volume, as well as possibly relating this to potential improvements in memory? Would be nice to personally verify that NSI-189 works, but also ascertain that an increase in hippocampal volume doesn't necessarily result in an actual augmentation of e.g. episodic memory.

#1485 sparkk51

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Posted 09 November 2013 - 10:03 PM

Has anyone thought of having MRI scans done (pre and post NSI-189 treatment) in order to determine a difference in hippocampal volume, as well as possibly relating this to potential improvements in memory? Would be nice to personally verify that NSI-189 works, but also ascertain that an increase in hippocampal volume doesn't necessarily result in an actual augmentation of e.g. episodic memory.

ranza is supposedly performing before and after scans of his brain.

#1486 Particle

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 10:05 AM

ranza is supposedly performing before and after scans of his brain.

Great. I'll be doing the same if and when I get mine, considering I'm on the reserves list of the second group buy at the moment.

#1487 samohT

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 08:19 PM

If anyone has some NSI they won't be needing, PM me please.

#1488 stponky

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 04:13 AM

Do you guys just straight up ask your doctor for an MRI or do you go somewhere and pay yourself to have them done?

#1489 spookytooth

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 10:27 AM

I have been using NSI-189 at 20mg sublingually twice a day in combination with Cerebrolysin 5ml once a day for about 2 months now and I have noticed a somewhat disconcerting effect: When I miss a dose of NSI I will feel lightheaded and generally out of it with reduced short-term memory.

#1490 megatron

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 02:11 PM

Sorry for not reporting back in a long time. The first trial really ended as I had expected. No improvements were experienced at all. I haven't really given up on this compound though, as I think it has to be taken for a much longer time, but still it's quite disappointing that I didn't notice anything at all. I didn't experience any side effects either.
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#1491 Particle

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 02:21 PM

Do you guys just straight up ask your doctor for an MRI or do you go somewhere and pay yourself to have them done?

I pay for my scans. The price approximately £250 for a head & brain MRI.

#1492 fj929

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 07:28 PM

Sorry for not reporting back in a long time. The first trial really ended as I had expected. No improvements were experienced at all. I haven't really given up on this compound though, as I think it has to be taken for a much longer time, but still it's quite disappointing that I didn't notice anything at all. I didn't experience any side effects either.

More proof that this stuff is not identical to what they are using in the trials. This drug is being used for major depressive disorder and TBI in football players and people here are just getting suttle if any results? The odds of this formula being an exact match of what is being taken in the trials is very slim. Sorry I don't think the drug is that innefective I believe this batch although chemically may be similiar it is not the same.
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#1493 golden1

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 07:39 PM

how would it be a different chemical.

#1494 fj929

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 10:15 PM

I don't know but something is different either that or the drug is fairly weak. I don't think this company is investing this much time and money for a drug that most people say had subtle results. Something doesn't seem right.

#1495 neopeon

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 10:24 PM

Sorry for not reporting back in a long time. The first trial really ended as I had expected. No improvements were experienced at all. I haven't really given up on this compound though, as I think it has to be taken for a much longer time, but still it's quite disappointing that I didn't notice anything at all. I didn't experience any side effects either.

More proof that this stuff is not identical to what they are using in the trials. This drug is being used for major depressive disorder and TBI in football players and people here are just getting suttle if any results? The odds of this formula being an exact match of what is being taken in the trials is very slim. Sorry I don't think the drug is that innefective I believe this batch although chemically may be similiar it is not the same.

That's hardly proof that it doesn't work. And how does it prove that it's not identical to the trial drug???

THis is just one post you're inferring from. WHy don't you infer from all the really positive posts that the drug is hugely effective? It seems like you're looking for reasons to make negative posts.

Edited by neopeon, 11 November 2013 - 10:25 PM.

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#1496 rikelme

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 11:07 PM

Let me share my findings... I really felt the effect of the first two or three 40mg doses I took a while back. My mental energy was super high. Motivation and persistence in solving mental challenges at work were clearly above the average. The effects seemed to be fading away so I took a break. I started to take it intermittently again, 20mg sublingually, few times a week (I hesitate to take larger dose, until the results from the ongoing study arrive). I do not experience the same effects I did when taking the first few doses.

However, my cambridgebrainsciences.com results show that something positive is going on in my head. I'm not a regular cambridgebrainsciences.com user, and my baseline results date from more than a year ago. I started to play with it again just last week and the results did improve. Depending on the test, I've moved upward for at least 5% up to 10% in the population standing. In a few planning and memory tests I reached 99% mark.

On the other side, I remain stuck in Dual n-back at level 5, with 50-60% success rate. I plateaued at that level some time before I started taking the substance. I kind of lost motivation to play dual n-back, and don't enjoy playing it as much as before. That might have contributed to plateauing. Don't know.

Subjectively, I'm not sure if I feel "better" in any sense. I've always been a optimistic person, so I guess NSI-189 didn't have a lot of work in my brains, on the mood part at least.

I'll keep taking 20mg sublingually from time to time, until it runs out. Along with NSI-189, I've been taking:
vitamin B complex,
EPA + DHA oils,
vitamin D3,
magnesium malate,
K vitamin complex,
homemade liposomal vitamin C, and

That's about it...
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#1497 fj929

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 11:35 PM

Sorry for not reporting back in a long time. The first trial really ended as I had expected. No improvements were experienced at all. I haven't really given up on this compound though, as I think it has to be taken for a much longer time, but still it's quite disappointing that I didn't notice anything at all. I didn't experience any side effects either.

More proof that this stuff is not identical to what they are using in the trials. This drug is being used for major depressive disorder and TBI in football players and people here are just getting suttle if any results? The odds of this formula being an exact match of what is being taken in the trials is very slim. Sorry I don't think the drug is that innefective I believe this batch although chemically may be similiar it is not the same.

That's hardly proof that it doesn't work. And how does it prove that it's not identical to the trial drug???

THis is just one post you're inferring from. WHy don't you infer from all the really positive posts that the drug is hugely effective? It seems like you're looking for reasons to make negative posts.

Your right it's not proof that was a bad choice of words. I have read through every single post and the majority are very underwelming. By looking at the chemical structure you can duplicate the drug but you don't know what they are adding to preserve stability etc and how to properly store it during processing\delivery. You can call me a hater but I'm just pointing out what I have read. Most posts go something like this

"I think I feel a slight improvement in mood. Maybe an increae in memory cognition etc". Really seems like a placebo effect in many. I'm sorry but reading through all those posts the results are very weak for such a promising drug.
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#1498 neopeon

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 11:46 PM

Sorry for not reporting back in a long time. The first trial really ended as I had expected. No improvements were experienced at all. I haven't really given up on this compound though, as I think it has to be taken for a much longer time, but still it's quite disappointing that I didn't notice anything at all. I didn't experience any side effects either.

More proof that this stuff is not identical to what they are using in the trials. This drug is being used for major depressive disorder and TBI in football players and people here are just getting suttle if any results? The odds of this formula being an exact match of what is being taken in the trials is very slim. Sorry I don't think the drug is that innefective I believe this batch although chemically may be similiar it is not the same.

That's hardly proof that it doesn't work. And how does it prove that it's not identical to the trial drug???

THis is just one post you're inferring from. WHy don't you infer from all the really positive posts that the drug is hugely effective? It seems like you're looking for reasons to make negative posts.

Your right it's not proof that was a bad choice of words. I have read through every single post and the majority are very underwelming. By looking at the chemical structure you can duplicate the drug but you don't know what they are adding to preserve stability etc and how to properly store it during processing\delivery. You can call me a hater but I'm just pointing out what I have read. Most posts go something like this

"I think I feel a slight improvement in mood. Maybe an increae in memory cognition etc". Really seems like a placebo effect in many. I'm sorry but reading through all those posts the results are very weak for such a promising drug.

I've read this thread and clearly found the opposite to be true. The majority of unique users posting have had clear positive experiences. THere are plenty of positive posts to quote from-- you don't need to create your own fictitious example.
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#1499 chemicalambrosia

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Posted 12 November 2013 - 02:43 AM

Sorry for not reporting back in a long time. The first trial really ended as I had expected. No improvements were experienced at all. I haven't really given up on this compound though, as I think it has to be taken for a much longer time, but still it's quite disappointing that I didn't notice anything at all. I didn't experience any side effects either.

More proof that this stuff is not identical to what they are using in the trials. This drug is being used for major depressive disorder and TBI in football players and people here are just getting suttle if any results? The odds of this formula being an exact match of what is being taken in the trials is very slim. Sorry I don't think the drug is that innefective I believe this batch although chemically may be similiar it is not the same.

This drug is not being "used for major depressive disorder and TBI in football players". It has been tested mostly in animals and is only in its second human trial for safety. There have been no studies on effectiveness in humans. It has potential uses like the ones you mentioned, but it will take testing to see whether it lives up to that potential. Please stop making totally unfounded claims based on false information...
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#1500 brand2

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Posted 12 November 2013 - 05:47 AM

This stuff has the same effects as Noopept IMO. Just so happens to be the same fluffiness too. Call me crazy but how do we really know we got NSI-189? I'm wise enough to call potential bullshit on this.
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