Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:49 AM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:09 AM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 10:00 AM
Regardless of the sketchy quality of this product and how fit it is for consumption, nyles7 himself is a pretty stellar guy. Just got this response:
Dear *
Though it is not sold for consumption, I think everyone should give sellers the3rd degree on their products.
You can find the IR purity analysis in the picture section of the listing.
As you point out, it is a novel compound and this is a custom synthesis from a lab I have used for years and have great respect for.
They also supply many of the US biochem companies.
Because it is novel there is not a standard IR spectrum that can be used as a comparison, so you will have to trust my reputation to some degree.
Hope that this helps!
- nyles7
Posted 13 December 2013 - 03:07 PM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 04:04 PM
Also this week I've done blood morphology and Pb blood level tests (18 ug/L) and both are in normal and safe range, so no toxicity occured due too NSI,-189 modafinil, armodafinil or other stuff I've been taking recently, which makes me quite happy.
Edited by ranza, 13 December 2013 - 04:05 PM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 10:33 PM

Posted 15 December 2013 - 02:02 AM
I got brain damage when I was 16 from long term use of abusing the inhalant hair spray. My vision is very impaired like being very drunk, my short and long term memory is very poor, thought barely enter my mind and I can't think (Brain fog), I have depression, anxiety, and mood swings which are torture to live with every day. Anti depressants never helped me. I haven't touched the inhalant in 13 years but the damage has remained and continues to worsen for some reason. If I drink alcohol or smell strong fumes like paint I get further brain damage. I can't live like this anymore and I desperately need something that can reverse the brain damage and bring me back to myself. I tried driving lessons a few years ago but couldn't drive safely. I want to go on with my life. I've looked into Cerebrolysin, HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber but haven't tried it yet. I just found out about NSI-189.
Posted 15 December 2013 - 02:11 AM
Edited by niner, 20 December 2013 - 04:27 AM.
Posted 15 December 2013 - 02:40 AM
Posted 15 December 2013 - 03:55 AM
@SLR: Don't mind that message.. just hang in there (no pun) and keep trying. There's bound to be something that mitigates your symptoms, and the substances you mentioned might very well do so.
edit: To keep things a bit on-topic, can anyone comment on the anxiolytic qualities of NSI-189 and to what might they compare?
Edited by formergenius, 15 December 2013 - 03:58 AM.
Posted 15 December 2013 - 07:49 AM
The brain is capable of repairing itself, of compensating for loss, and with the aid of things like NSI-189 and cerebrolysin who's to say you can't achieve great results. There's plenty of anecdotal evidence on here to show that these drugs can improve quality of life considerably. That's why this forum exists, no? For people who aren't satisfied with how their mind and body are currently working and want to change that. Maybe 100% isn't achievable, but hey, with 80 or 90% recovery plus all the knowledge of suffering and humility you gain from these kinds of experiences you could very well live a more full and happy and productive life than you would've when you just took your intelligence for granted. Plenty of people out there have bounced back from severe cases of brain damage and managed to live happy, regret-free lives, even without full recovery. Brain damage isn't a death sentence, and for you to say it is directly to people who are suffering with it who are undoubtedly enduring emotional pain and are quite likely having suicidal thoughts, especially when you're normally such a constructive member of this forum, is incredibly reckless and misanthropic. Save this kind of stuff for philosophyforums.com.
SLR2009, if you enjoy life and want to keep living, then never give up. Have you seen a neurologist and gotten the appropriate scans and such to understand the extent and nature of the damage you've incurred? There may be prescription drugs more appropriate for dealing with your circumstances than just antidepressants for coping with the emotional repercussions. A trial of NSI-189 and a trial of Cerebrolysin could do you a lot of good, even if it's not a magic bullet. Plenty of us are right there with you in the search. When drugs like this existence right now, who knows what kinds of treatments are just around the corner? Don't look back dude, there is always hope. Best wishes.
Edited by Waspcock, 15 December 2013 - 07:56 AM.
Posted 15 December 2013 - 10:53 AM
Too late for you. You already destroyed most of your neurons due to initial stupidity. They won't be coming back. Alcohol and solvents are death drugs. The damage they cause is mostly irreversible. Don't even count on NSI-189 or anything else to help - they may produce small temporary gains but in the end the damage is largely already complete and aging will accelerate further losses at an even higher rate than a normal person's decay.
The truth is that you wanted to die. That's why you took that stuff. Stopping halfway will only ensure more suffering. The initial decision was made by your self when you had better functionality and is more correct than any decision you can make now due to the damage. Even if you try to make a different decision now most of the parts of you that mattered already suicided inside your skull. They are gone. The shadow that is left just needs the will to finish the job. You just didn't have the courage at the time to do the job right and finish it.
Your best option may be to painlessly liquidate yourself. It is likely the only cure and the best way to eliminate what will be worsening suffering that extends into a dim future.
I can tell you the correct methods. PM me if you are interested. I can see those who have gone too far and part of my job is to correctly relieve their suffering. I can rapidly tell the difference between minor damages and cases that need permanent relief. I believe you fit into the second category.
Even if you manage to regain some shadow of your former self the in-progress economic collapse will ensure a worsening future for you. A future of gradually worsening misery.
Suffering is the problem - not death. Death is total and absolute relief from the pain, the dysfunction and the nightmares - the ones during sleep and the worsening ones while awake. There are ways to exit that are just like going to sleep. Sleep itself is death of consciousness so you never live longer than a day anyway.
The only question is what use is waking up every day to a worsening world? If your quality of life is gone then there is no value. Carefully check.
You can decide for yourself when to go or you can keep up the cycle of endless decay in this dying world. It takes courage to decide and it takes planning to do it right so you feel no pain and can sleep in peace. We all have to go anyway but it is your most fundamental right to decide for yourself based on a careful analysis of the trends in your health and how the world is decaying. I think if you look carefully you will see that time is running very short for everyone.
If you want to stay on a sinking Titanic while the water rushes up around your feet that's your decision but I think it is wise to start preparing before it's too late. Before there isn't time or money to guarantee a painless exit. Don't let a lack of courage keep you from at least planning a clean exit.
What kind of shit were you on when you wrote that? A high dose of an SSRI that completely shut off your empathy?
I looked into a couple of suicide forums out of curiosity some time ago and even there people are generally supportive and try to persuade others not to commit suicide. And now you write THIS on a longevity forum? Honestly, this should get you a moderator warning AT LEAST.
@SLR I'm sure there are nootropics or other drugs which will give you great relief. There is a plethora of stuff for you to try. I'd throw anyting that is remotely neurotrophic at your brain and see how you react. Just don't give up. We've already seen substantial, yet mostly temporary, recoveries of Alzheimer and Parkisons patients, so I am sure something is out there for you as well. What have you already tried so far?
Cerebrolysin, the racetams and of course NSI-189 are good candidates for you. And this is just the starting point...
Posted 15 December 2013 - 11:22 AM
Honestly, some of the things you say have a grain of truth but hold no relevance to the topic. Yeah alcohol may cause irreversible brain damage, but he wasn't a drunk. You keep making judgments very sure of yourself when there isn't enough information to infer from.
The fact that you posted this shit here rather than as a PM seems to imply that you wanted to illicit a response from the community. Congradulations. Some shit you just don't joke about man.
But I don't really know. There isn't enough information to infer from.
This reminds me of this guy:
Posted 15 December 2013 - 03:46 PM
Enjoy the economic collapse and unemployment.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 15 December 2013 - 03:46 PM.
Posted 15 December 2013 - 04:07 PM
Posted 15 December 2013 - 05:34 PM
For SLR2009, I'd suggest to try Cerebrolysin and NSI-189 as a start. NSI-189 will hopefully soon be available to more people (come to irc/come to reddit for more info). Adding happy's uridine stack would most likely also help. Also starting a proper diet, exercise and meditation regime will hopefully help (but will be way harder than just taking drugs/supplements). I will research this a bit more to help you as much as possible (and get the smart guys on reddit to help).
I posted this thread to reddit if anyone wants to join/see what is said: http://www.reddit.co...say_we_suggest/
Edited by Nattzor, 15 December 2013 - 05:57 PM.
Posted 15 December 2013 - 06:36 PM
Posted 15 December 2013 - 08:05 PM
Firstly, a huge fuck you to Isochroma-Reborn. Iso, please PM me so I can give you some tips on how best you can liquidate yourself.
Secondly, SLR2009 writes much better than most ketamine and methamp users I've met and many of them have made dramatic recoveries. Whatever you are going through now you can find a way to live with and hopefully improve. You clearly have intellect and, through that, you can find peace.
Posted 15 December 2013 - 08:42 PM
If someone has done damage to their brain positive changes can always be made even if the lost cells can't be regrown. There is always hope. I encourage everyone to get this psychotic idiot banned from this forum if there is any moderators still in charge of this place.
Posted 15 December 2013 - 09:00 PM
You will make it!!
Posted 15 December 2013 - 09:07 PM
You have some serious problems, and you need to figure out in your own head. You shouldn't be giving anyone advice about their mind, when you clearly have far more shit to work out with yourself.
Edited by Rior, 15 December 2013 - 09:07 PM.
Posted 16 December 2013 - 03:44 AM
New nootropics that don't have much use-history or understood mechanisms might be just risking more issues. Something like piracetam might make sense, but now is probably not the time to experiment with the newest drugs.
Feel free to PM me directly and let me know what region you are in, and I'll recommend some nfb practitioners. If you are in Los Angeles I'd be happy to work with you.
Good luck - sounds like you are suffering, but don't believe anyone who tells you cannot find some relief. The brain is very plastic. Shift happens.
Hey guys,
I got brain damage when I was 16 from long term use of abusing the inhalant hair spray. My vision is very impaired like being very drunk, my short and long term memory is very poor, thought barely enter my mind and I can't think (Brain fog), I have depression, anxiety, and mood swings which are torture to live with every day. Anti depressants never helped me. I haven't touched the inhalant in 13 years but the damage has remained and continues to worsen for some reason. If I drink alcohol or smell strong fumes like paint I get further brain damage. I can't live like this anymore and I desperately need something that can reverse the brain damage and bring me back to myself. I tried driving lessons a few years ago but couldn't drive safely. I want to go on with my life. I've looked into Cerebrolysin, HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber but haven't tried it yet. I just found out about NSI-189.
Edited by salamandyr, 16 December 2013 - 03:47 AM.
Posted 16 December 2013 - 01:16 PM
Hey guys,
I got brain damage when I was 16 from long term use of abusing the inhalant hair spray. My vision is very impaired like being very drunk, my short and long term memory is very poor, thought barely enter my mind and I can't think (Brain fog), I have depression, anxiety, and mood swings which are torture to live with every day. Anti depressants never helped me. I haven't touched the inhalant in 13 years but the damage has remained and continues to worsen for some reason. If I drink alcohol or smell strong fumes like paint I get further brain damage. I can't live like this anymore and I desperately need something that can reverse the brain damage and bring me back to myself. I tried driving lessons a few years ago but couldn't drive safely. I want to go on with my life. I've looked into Cerebrolysin, HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber but haven't tried it yet. I just found out about NSI-189.
Some more from reddit:
Noopept helped a guy greatly, it's darn cheap too. He smoked weed from plastic and did some other drugs too, subjectively he feels that noopept has helped him tons.
Someone else recommended cerebrolysin + meditation, kinda like my recommendation.
There are some more experimental peptides, but those should be the last one to go to.
Posted 16 December 2013 - 01:29 PM
Posted 16 December 2013 - 03:19 PM
Posted 16 December 2013 - 03:53 PM
This stuff is in crazy high demand dude and there've been tons of unfulfilled requests just like yours throughout this thread. You're just gonna have to hit up nyles7 or wait for the 2nd group buy.
This guy in ebay seems legitimate, anyone here took the "risk" in trying NSI from him??
Posted 16 December 2013 - 04:50 PM
Things we couldn't have imagined were possible in medicine are showing new signs of promise. My younger brother died at the age of 28 from a rare form of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. He was at a pinnacle of health and all doctors we encountered say that if there's anyone who can beat it, it'd be him given his cardiovascular and strength conditioning. Took 11 months before he was gone. This was 10 years ago now. We were devastated. Now - there's promise and hope.
Multiple sclerosis? http://www.ottawacit...9161/story.html
Heart attack damage? http://www.ctvnews.c...amage-1.1441474
Brain damage? Who knows what the near future may bring?? http://www.newscient...ml#.Uq8enNJDuQw
Just awful dude. Take yourself out but don't promulgate your asinine solutions and hopeless despair perspective on another person who may still have a future!
Posted 16 December 2013 - 04:51 PM
This guy in ebay seems legitimate, anyone here took the "risk" in trying NSI from him??
I believe he's legit. He's a really helpful, nice guy, and his tianeptine is great (a lot of Longecity users can attest to that). The NSI from the group buy is a little more pure and a fair bit less expensive per gram but if you can't wait I doubt there's anything wrong with nyles7's stuff.
Edited by Waspcock, 16 December 2013 - 04:53 PM.
Posted 16 December 2013 - 05:16 PM
Edited by Werper, 16 December 2013 - 05:41 PM.
Posted 16 December 2013 - 05:37 PM
This guy in ebay seems legitimate, anyone here took the "risk" in trying NSI from him??
I believe he's legit. He's a really helpful, nice guy, and his tianeptine is great (a lot of Longecity users can attest to that). The NSI from the group buy is a little more pure and a fair bit less expensive per gram but if you can't wait I doubt there's anything wrong with nyles7's stuff.
I bought some the other day. Will investigate more about the impurities and potential implications before trying.
In any case I will start low and slow. 5-10 mg daily.
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