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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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#1921 Flex

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 09:34 PM

Joeyo told me that he run a H1 NMR(300mhz) testing and that the results are suspicious.


But he couldnt sent an image, because he didnt know how to send it via posting. 


He will run this test again with some further test. 


Therefore I advise to all of You because of safety reasons, to stop the consumption untill the results are clear.


#1922 Deep Thought

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 10:05 PM

Is it even NSI-189 that you're taking? Has the product been lab tested?

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#1923 neuroatypicow

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 10:07 PM

and whose NSI are we referring to?

#1924 foreseason

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Posted 15 May 2014 - 10:11 PM

and whose NSI are we referring to?

Haha. That sums up this thread well. There's like 3 conversations about 3 different products taking place at all times. I believe they are talking about VLK's NSI?
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#1925 Flex

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 12:09 AM

Sry, forgot to mention. 

I'm talking about Vlk's NSI.


As far as I know it has been up to date only tested/analysed by the manufacturer, besides Joeyo's recent test.

#1926 swolo

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 12:25 AM

Why isn't joeyo posting in this thread? Did you individually commission him to test an sample of yours? I think your posts lack context.

#1927 PWAIN

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 01:47 AM

Joeyo told me that he run a H1 NMR(300mhz) testing and that the results are suspicious.


But he couldnt sent an image, because he didnt know how to send it via posting. 


He will run this test again with some further test. 


Therefore I advise to all of You because of safety reasons, to stop the consumption untill the results are clear.





So a guy who didn't even bother to post here did some testing using a H1 NMR, no doubt a complex and advanced piece of equipment, and claims a suspicious result. WTF does suspicious mean exactly? Why do it again if it was done properly? Who out there can run and interpret the results of such a device and yet cannot for some reason post an image to a forum?? Just how much experience has Joeyo got on this machine?


Sorry, I normally give the benefit of the doubt but really this doesn't make much sense. Can Flex also not figure out how to post an image??? Come on guys!!


A number of vendors are about to launch their own NSI-189 for commercial sale to make a profit. This timing seems too coincidental. Make everyone fear their existing stuff so that they need to go buy some of the new stuff???


If someone has genuine results that they are willing to post in detail then I'm all ears. For now, I will trust my instincts and years of experience and keep taking what I have got. I have not heard of any significant negatives from people taking this stuff.


Just wanted to add that I notice that Joeyo indicated he purchased NSI from Nyles so if he is testing that or comparing that to the stuff from vlk, then he can expect differences since they are different forms. Also want to say that I am not accusing anyone, especially Joeyo of anything, I am just urging people to take this as what it is ie. extreemly vague and weirdly presented. No doubt, time will tell.


Edited by PWAIN, 16 May 2014 - 01:59 AM.

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#1928 Flex

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 03:46 AM

Cool down, Joeyo has nothing done wrong.



1)I dont know why he didnt wrote it to all.

2) No he recieved the same NSI from VLK as I.

So I dont know what you mean with, of lack of context.



I just told it to You as I've been told. Not more or less.

Therefore I cant tell You what exactly suspicious means.

I dont know the exactly skills of Joeyo but if You take a look at the participants thread(post from 29 march), You will find his post, where he offers testing for free(!!) With the University equipment AND said in a posted to me that he will likely need some aid for the spectra for certainity.(believe it or not ! I will find ways to prove it if this is really really needed)


Flex CAN figure it out to post an image but he doesnt have any image as he said it 2 hours earlier.


I gave him my email address to send it to me, if he want it.( original content)


- Everything could seem coincidental, I just said as a warning(my only intention) to stop it untill we got results.


As I said, he got the same NSI as I, from VLK

Who told you that he bought it from Nyles??


So You dont believe thoose results, and trust You experience??

Did your experience can detect heavy metals or anything else ??


I dont know whats the matter just: Get it tested on your own and post the results.

So You can disprove our evil plan


#1929 PWAIN

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 04:58 AM


I just told it to You as I've been told. Not more or less.

Therefore I cant tell You what exactly suspicious means.

I dont know the exactly skills of Joeyo but if You take a look at the participants thread(post from 29 march), You will find his post, where he offers testing for free(!!) With the University equipment AND said in a posted to me that he will likely need some aid for the spectra for certainity.(believe it or not ! I will find ways to prove it if this is really really needed)


Flex CAN figure it out to post an image but he doesnt have any image as he said it 2 hours earlier.


I gave him my email address to send it to me, if he want it.( original content)


- Everything could seem coincidental, I just said as a warning(my only intention) to stop it untill we got results.


As I said, he got the same NSI as I, from VLK

Who told you that he bought it from Nyles??


So You dont believe thoose results, and trust You experience??

Did your experience can detect heavy metals or anything else ??


I dont know whats the matter just: Get it tested on your own and post the results.

So You can disprove our evil plan




Who told you that he bought it from Nyles??


He did:


In Topic: Participants

10 January 2014 - 04:07 AM
I received 1g of NSI-189 from Nyles (ebay) just prior to the new year and have since been dosing 20mg b.i.d. This chemical consumption is accompanied by 15mg adderall + 20mg coluracetam + 10mg PRL-8-53 all taken twice daily.




I dont know the exactly skills of Joeyo but if You take a look at the participants thread(post from 29 march), You will find his post, where he offers testing for free(!!) With the University equipment AND said in a posted to me that he will likely need some aid for the spectra for certainity.



In Topic: Participants

29 March 2014 - 03:09 PM

'ElixirOfLife', on 29 Mar 2014 - 11:45 AM, said:

    Re: testing this to ensure its NSI 189, and that it's not contaminated, there's been no interest so far.

    I can't shell out $150 for the test on my own right now, so the other option is to wait and see how it goes for the guinea pigs that have started taking it.

Just a though..to save the money of outsourcing..

I currently have access to California University equipment- that is C13NMR, H1NMR, and FTIR spectra. For testing, i could run a small amount of my NSI-189 sample in a few weeks. I'd be willing to post the results online for analysis to whomever in interested. Also m.p. and solubility tests could be beneficial

Edit: just read your earlier post of desire for a legitimate lab purity analysis. Any other chemists wanna team up on this one? I may run the spectra on said compound just for kicks once I receive my sample. Lemme know if there's any interest!

So he effectivly acknolages that this is not a legitimate lab analysis, he is just doing it for kicks.




Flex CAN figure it out to post an image but he doesnt have any image as he said it 2 hours earlier.


I gave him my email address to send it to me, if he want it.( original content)


But he couldnt sent an image, because he didnt know how to send it via posting.


You say it yourself, he could not figure out how to send it via posting. Surely between the 2 of you you could have figured something out before making such drastic claims.



Did your experience can detect heavy metals or anything else ??


Yeah and I have X-Ray vision too :).


Seriously though, here is vlks original post about the stuff that you are referring to:

Re: Participants

Posted 30 January 2014 - 11:27 AM


Some of my colleagues organised the synthesis of NSI-189 from a UK lab a week or 2 after the start of this group buy (although I did not know about this at the time). I purchased a small amount of NSI-189 from this batch when it arrived almost 4 weeks ago and have been taking it since (still stupidly expecting the NSI-189 from my group buy to arrive at any moment).
I felt like I had experienced a reasonable improvement especially in dealing with stressful situations, but now I am convinced. I honestly don't know how I would ever have coped with a situation like this before. I may have just lost all my hard earned savings, but I am still able to function and think objectively.

I am now more determined than ever to complete this group buy. I have discussed this with my colleagues, who have very kindly agreed to "loan" me the remaining NSI-189 from their synthesis, a total of 700g. I will of course take every action to reclaim my money from the lab, but if only 1 in 10 people in this group buy experience the increase in clarity and release from depression that I have experienced, I will still consider it an overall positive outcome.



So here we havea guy whose colleagues know he is going to use this stuff himself. They have had it done in a UK lab not somewhere unaccountable like China. Sure they could be knowingly wanting to poison hime or the lab could be somehow disinterested in the risk they run selling chemicals laced in heavy metals but somehow I don't think so.


So yes for now and until you show some ACTUAL PROOF that it is tainted in some way, I will 'risk it'.



I dont know whats the matter just: Get it tested on your own and post the results.

So You can disprove our evil plan


But it is YOU that have the problem with it, it is YOU that is posting that this stuff is "suspicious". If you really want to make a claim like that, by all means get it tested professionally and post the results and make all of us look stupid. In the meantime however don't go making claims that are unfounded. VLK did some great things for this community and to make claims about suspicious chemicals is just not called for WITHOUT ACTUAL PROOF.

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#1930 world33

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 12:55 PM

Are the Chinese suppliers of NSI-189 in alibaba.com reliable and trustworthy?

#1931 jefferson

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 02:02 PM

I'm increasingly skeptical that VLK's batch is NSI-189. I'm not accusing him of being a scammer, as I think in that scenario it's possible he was scammed by this unknown lab he got it from, or they just really messed up. As has been noted, there's been no independent testing done on this stuff. You guys are all just taking a guy on the internet at his word who is taking some guys he knows at their word and staking your health on it. The chemical anecdotally being similar in color, density, taste means little, as it has very generic qualities. I'm also very skeptical of reports claiming significant improvement in mood or cognitive ability a couple days or weeks after taking "NSI-189". That sounds more like a strong placebo effect. I mean, it takes neurons 4-6 weeks just to migrate and mature in the hippocampus.


I will post what happened when I took VLK's "NSI" here. I originally posted it in the "Participants" thread May 9th.


My experience with NSI-189, assuming that's what this is, has been a nightmare. I first took 20 mg orally on April 28th. The next day I took 50 mg on April 29th. 90 minutes after taking it I experienced sharp pains in my groin that continued for several hours and returned later that night. The sharp pains went away but over the next week I experienced burning pains in my pelvis. The sensation has now spread to my legs and arms. It's a mild burning sensation, not really painful as much as annoying.


This is almost certainly some type of nerve damage, and due to the sharp pains I experienced so soon after taking the drug, I highly highly suspect it was NSI that caused this. I don't blame VLK or anyone for this. Perhaps I'm just unlikely and this is a rare side-effect. After all, NSI-189 has not undergone significant testing in clinically controlled trials. I had just stopped taking lithium a couple days prior to NSI-189, but because of it's half-life I'm sure it was still in my blood, so the chance for a bad reaction between those two cannot be discounted.


The good news is that the pain is not that severe, maybe 1/10 at the worst, but psychologically it's very unnerving and disquieting. I have no idea what the prognosis of these pain/sensations are, or if they will ever go away, nor does anyone. Nerve pain is poorly understood. At least it was caused by a drug, which can be stopped, and not some disease like diabetes where the damage is ongoing. I saw my psychiatrist yesterday and he basically shrugged and said the damage may be permanent. I just started taking nortriptyline and gabapentin for the neuropathic pain. Hopefully they will work and give my body a chance to heal. 


It's notable I didn't have any side-effects at all after taking 20 mg, but of course I'm not going to test it again. I advise anyone still intent on taking this stuff to be very cautious and start on a very low dose for a few months to see if that alone can help you before moving up to a higher one because it seems there is a risk here.


I think my experience just adds to the need for independent testing to done on this batch to truly confirm this is NSI-189. 


NSI-189 is a small molecule and is supposed to have few interactions with major transmitters and thus few side-effects. It was safely tested on 60 people in 1a and 1b studies without anything remotely like this happening. Word is, this next study with even more people and at higher doses is going well too. Obviously the full range of side-effects, both rare and very rare, when taking this drug won't be known until thousands of people have taken it. Maybe I'm just very very unlucky, and peripheral neuropathy is a very rare side-effect in someone with my genetic/biological makeup. Or maybe not. Maybe this isn't NSI-189 but something very nasty.


If you guys want to continue playing with fire, go ahead. I'm not working on my PhD in Chemistry so excuse me if I can't test it myself, or am unwilling to ship it overseas to pay thousands to have it done there, but if anyone like Joeyo has the capabilities to do that, then I will gladly send my 6g to them so they can tell me exactly what it is I have poisoned myself with.

#1932 verticalVagabond

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 02:07 PM

Where is scienceGuy? He had the connections, he had the experience, he had the aptitude. This whole process is becoming idiotic. Someone who has been active and has a  SUCCESSFUL track record in the community of getting things done needs to step in.

#1933 cyberger

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 02:12 PM

Where is scienceGuy? He had the connections, he had the experience, he had the aptitude. This whole process is becoming idiotic. Someone who has been active and has a  SUCCESSFUL track record in the community of getting things done needs to step in.


It would be awesome if SG could do the testing.  He's the one who got the first batch tested, and he could send to the same lab. Plus, SG had a good reputation for integrity which would lend credibility to the results and hopefully put this to rest once and for all.

#1934 verticalVagabond

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 02:22 PM


Where is scienceGuy? He had the connections, he had the experience, he had the aptitude. This whole process is becoming idiotic. Someone who has been active and has a  SUCCESSFUL track record in the community of getting things done needs to step in.


It would be awesome if SG could do the testing.  He's the one who got the first batch tested, and he could send to the same lab. Plus, SG had a good reputation for integrity which would lend credibility to the results and hopefully put this to rest once and for all.



And for right now, at least a moderator should step in. There may be questions of implied consent or whatever but the basic story here is that people used this forum to receive an agreed upon product. If the correct product was not delivered, someone needs to be held accountable and if possible the correct product needs to be procured.


Someone believes they have suffered permanent nerve damage? How is there not a lawsuit pending at this point?

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#1935 cyberger

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 02:32 PM



Where is scienceGuy? He had the connections, he had the experience, he had the aptitude. This whole process is becoming idiotic. Someone who has been active and has a  SUCCESSFUL track record in the community of getting things done needs to step in.


It would be awesome if SG could do the testing.  He's the one who got the first batch tested, and he could send to the same lab. Plus, SG had a good reputation for integrity which would lend credibility to the results and hopefully put this to rest once and for all.



And for right now, at least a moderator should step in. There may be questions of implied consent or whatever but the basic story here is that people used this forum to receive an agreed upon product. If the correct product was not delivered, someone needs to be held accountable and if possible the correct product needs to be procured.


Someone believes they have suffered permanent nerve damage? How is there not a lawsuit pending at this point?



That would be the death of group buys to even start talking about a lawsuit (towards VLK).  If VLK volunteered his time and effort to give people and opportunity to try NSI-189 before it is generally released to the public, then they need to accept there is a degree of risk involved.  


So far I have not seen any conclusive evidence that VLK intentionally tried to pass on an impure product (hypothetically assuming a legitimate lab test shows the product is impure).  If he has done everything in good faith, there is no reason to even to be talking about doing a lawsuit, unless one is considering suing the original lab that produced the NSI-189 for this group buy.  


In other words, VLK should not be held responsible for the faults of others.  He volunteered to organize the group buy, collect money, and send NSI-189.  He is not a business, no contracts were signed, he didn't even try profit off this.  So far it seems like he's held up his end of the deal, so any punitive measures should be directed towards people who caused the problems, not a middle-man.


My position would change if it could be somehow shown that VLK intentionally was trying to pawn some other substance off as NSI-189.  But he trusted it enough to ingest it himself (he's claimed) so if he believes it's NSI-189 then that should be good enough to not consider him at fault for anything.

Edited by cyberger, 16 May 2014 - 02:41 PM.

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#1936 random_dude

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 02:43 PM

I concur that a lawsuit based on an expectation of safety in a venture like this is ridiculous. I'm also extremely confident that anyone procuring and selling here is under the assumption that their product is indeed NSI-189.  Whether they have sufficient scientific grounds for that assumption is another question.  


It is for this reason, that I would like to volunteer to test and compare the compounds via melting point apparatus and FTIR. While I'm unsure if there are reference FTIR spectra available and a melting point published on such a new compound, these tests would be more than sufficient at determining differences between batches.  


If necessary, I could potentially perform DSC and GCMS analysis to further characterize the substances. 


So if anyone would like their sample tested you could mail me a 100mg sample.  PM me if you would like my address. 

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#1937 verticalVagabond

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 02:43 PM




Where is scienceGuy? He had the connections, he had the experience, he had the aptitude. This whole process is becoming idiotic. Someone who has been active and has a  SUCCESSFUL track record in the community of getting things done needs to step in.


It would be awesome if SG could do the testing.  He's the one who got the first batch tested, and he could send to the same lab. Plus, SG had a good reputation for integrity which would lend credibility to the results and hopefully put this to rest once and for all.



And for right now, at least a moderator should step in. There may be questions of implied consent or whatever but the basic story here is that people used this forum to receive an agreed upon product. If the correct product was not delivered, someone needs to be held accountable and if possible the correct product needs to be procured.


Someone believes they have suffered permanent nerve damage? How is there not a lawsuit pending at this point?



That would be the death of group buys to even start talking about a lawsuit (towards VLK).  If VLK volunteered his time and effort to give people and opportunity to try NSI-189 before it is generally released to the public, then they need to accept there is a degree of risk involved.  


So far I have not seen any conclusive evidence that VLK intentionally tried to pass on an impure product.  If he has done everything in good faith, (in my opinion), there is no reason to even to be talking about doing a lawsuit, unless one is considering suing the original lab that produced the NSI-189 for this group buy.  In other words, VLK should not be held responsible for the faults of others.



It's nice to see concern for your fellow man, but I think you're missing the point. I'm more concerned about the lack of standards with this buy. If Longecity wants to continue to exist (and I want them to continue to exist) they need to address this. Whoever gets sued if there is a lawsuit (and yes, I think the manufacturer would be one of the defendants in that case) is immaterial at the moment. The point is that if there is any merit to this, we're all going to be reading on Reddit a year from now about how Longecity was the now defunct community that facilitated the selling of poisonous chemicals to its members. This is about irresponsibility and irreparable damage to the Longecity brand.

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#1938 cyberger

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 02:58 PM





Where is scienceGuy? He had the connections, he had the experience, he had the aptitude. This whole process is becoming idiotic. Someone who has been active and has a  SUCCESSFUL track record in the community of getting things done needs to step in.


It would be awesome if SG could do the testing.  He's the one who got the first batch tested, and he could send to the same lab. Plus, SG had a good reputation for integrity which would lend credibility to the results and hopefully put this to rest once and for all.



And for right now, at least a moderator should step in. There may be questions of implied consent or whatever but the basic story here is that people used this forum to receive an agreed upon product. If the correct product was not delivered, someone needs to be held accountable and if possible the correct product needs to be procured.


Someone believes they have suffered permanent nerve damage? How is there not a lawsuit pending at this point?



That would be the death of group buys to even start talking about a lawsuit (towards VLK).  If VLK volunteered his time and effort to give people and opportunity to try NSI-189 before it is generally released to the public, then they need to accept there is a degree of risk involved.  


So far I have not seen any conclusive evidence that VLK intentionally tried to pass on an impure product.  If he has done everything in good faith, (in my opinion), there is no reason to even to be talking about doing a lawsuit, unless one is considering suing the original lab that produced the NSI-189 for this group buy.  In other words, VLK should not be held responsible for the faults of others.



It's nice to see concern for your fellow man, but I think you're missing the point. I'm more concerned about the lack of standards with this buy. If Longecity wants to continue to exist (and I want them to continue to exist) they need to address this. Whoever gets sued if there is a lawsuit (and yes, I think the manufacturer would be one of the defendants in that case) is immaterial at the moment. The point is that if there is any merit to this, we're all going to be reading on Reddit a year from now about how Longecity was the now defunct community that facilitated the selling of poisonous chemicals to its members. This is about irresponsibility and irreparable damage to the Longecity brand.



I want Longecity to exist too, but seems like the best way to do that is claim no responsibility over these buys at all.  If they implemented standards, and something went wrong, then people could sue longecity for not properly enforcing those standards.  Ceretropic has reported that highly-rated chinese sellers on Alibaba sell fraudulent products, but Alibaba still exists as a brand.


I think as a group, we should come up with a list of guidelines for group buys, to make future ones safer and smoother and so everyone knows the risks and responsibilities, but it shoudln't be longecities job to police the group buys either.

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#1939 verticalVagabond

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 02:58 PM





Where is scienceGuy? He had the connections, he had the experience, he had the aptitude. This whole process is becoming idiotic. Someone who has been active and has a  SUCCESSFUL track record in the community of getting things done needs to step in.


It would be awesome if SG could do the testing.  He's the one who got the first batch tested, and he could send to the same lab. Plus, SG had a good reputation for integrity which would lend credibility to the results and hopefully put this to rest once and for all.



And for right now, at least a moderator should step in. There may be questions of implied consent or whatever but the basic story here is that people used this forum to receive an agreed upon product. If the correct product was not delivered, someone needs to be held accountable and if possible the correct product needs to be procured.


Someone believes they have suffered permanent nerve damage? How is there not a lawsuit pending at this point?



That would be the death of group buys to even start talking about a lawsuit (towards VLK).  If VLK volunteered his time and effort to give people and opportunity to try NSI-189 before it is generally released to the public, then they need to accept there is a degree of risk involved.  


So far I have not seen any conclusive evidence that VLK intentionally tried to pass on an impure product.  If he has done everything in good faith, (in my opinion), there is no reason to even to be talking about doing a lawsuit, unless one is considering suing the original lab that produced the NSI-189 for this group buy.  In other words, VLK should not be held responsible for the faults of others.



It's nice to see concern for your fellow man, but I think you're missing the point. I'm more concerned about the lack of standards with this buy. If Longecity wants to continue to exist (and I want them to continue to exist) they need to address this. Whoever gets sued if there is a lawsuit (and yes, I think the manufacturer would be one of the defendants in that case) is immaterial at the moment. The point is that if there is any merit to this, we're all going to be reading on Reddit a year from now about how Longecity was the now defunct community that facilitated the selling of poisonous chemicals to its members. This is about irresponsibility and irreparable damage to the Longecity brand.



Furthermore, anyone implying that this is NOT NSI 189 without proof is spreading rumors with potentially damaging effects to Longecity, VLK, and the manufacturer. In other words, they're bordering on libel.

#1940 cATsE

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 03:01 PM

Wake-up call; many drugs can (and will) cause (sometimes serious) side-effects in a small number of people, even if these drugs are 100% legit, well tested and approved by governments! So should it turn out that someone really caused permanent nerve damage by ingesting an (at the time of writing) untested and unapproved drug such as NSI-189, it doesn't say a thing about the purity of said drug. 
I think people ought to realize this before they start screaming "bloody murder" and demand for law suits and shit. 

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#1941 cyberger

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 03:03 PM

I concur that a lawsuit based on an expectation of safety in a venture like this is ridiculous. I'm also extremely confident that anyone procuring and selling here is under the assumption that their product is indeed NSI-189.  Whether they have sufficient scientific grounds for that assumption is another question.  


It is for this reason, that I would like to volunteer to test and compare the compounds via melting point apparatus and FTIR. While I'm unsure if there are reference FTIR spectra available and a melting point published on such a new compound, these tests would be more than sufficient at determining differences between batches.  


If necessary, I could potentially perform DSC and GCMS analysis to further characterize the substances. 


So if anyone would like their sample tested you could mail me a 100mg sample.  PM me if you would like my address. 


Cool!  Thanks for offering to test this.  What would be nice is if you could test the 3 batches: SG original batch, Nyles batch, and VLKs batch to understand the differences between them.


So far, no one seems to be complaining about Nyles batch even though it wasn't independently tested either.  So a sample from SG original batch could act as a reference sample, and the batch from VLK and Nyles could be tested to look for variability among samples.  

#1942 verticalVagabond

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 03:07 PM


Wake-up call; many drugs can (and will) cause (sometimes serious) side-effects in a small number of people, even if these drugs are 100% legit, well tested and approved by governments! So should it turn out that someone really caused permanent nerve damage by ingesting an (at the time of writing) untested and unapproved drug such as NSI-189, it doesn't say a thing about the purity of said drug. 
I think people ought to realize this before they start screaming "bloody murder" and demand for law suits and shit. 



Yes, there is a risk with any drug and and that is why government approval exists - to cut down on the lawsuits. The government is limiting exposure for the pharamceutical companies in the same way they limit exposure to banks and the farming industry.


But there is a huge difference between adverse effects to a legitimate compound and the selling of a compound under a different name.


I applaud whoever manages to get this successfully tested. It should have happened before now, but it clearly can't go any longer.

#1943 ElixirOfLife

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 03:08 PM

There's clearly some defensiveness from people who have been taking the substance knowing that it has never been tested. Denial much?


You're taking an untested substance in the desperation of your depression. Don't hate the people that are pointing this out.

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 03:13 PM


I concur that a lawsuit based on an expectation of safety in a venture like this is ridiculous. I'm also extremely confident that anyone procuring and selling here is under the assumption that their product is indeed NSI-189.  Whether they have sufficient scientific grounds for that assumption is another question.  


It is for this reason, that I would like to volunteer to test and compare the compounds via melting point apparatus and FTIR. While I'm unsure if there are reference FTIR spectra available and a melting point published on such a new compound, these tests would be more than sufficient at determining differences between batches.  


If necessary, I could potentially perform DSC and GCMS analysis to further characterize the substances. 


So if anyone would like their sample tested you could mail me a 100mg sample.  PM me if you would like my address. 


Cool!  Thanks for offering to test this.  What would be nice is if you could test the 3 batches: SG original batch, Nyles batch, and VLKs batch to understand the differences between them.


So far, no one seems to be complaining about Nyles batch even though it wasn't independently tested either.  So a sample from SG original batch could act as a reference sample, and the batch from VLK and Nyles could be tested to look for variability among samples.  



^^^ That is a good plan

It is simply best to let this lay as is until someone coordinates a means to actual properly assay the material.  No reason for unnecessary 'sturm and drang' here.  drspaceman made an offer to assay the material as best to his ability.  I believe that should be pursued where someone with the material can note it will be sent as expeditiously as possible (in a much appreciated assist to the community).  As well any individuals who could herein volunteer to promptly remit some small sample from the other batches mentioned in the above post would assist greatly


As well perhaps, SG can easily be contacted and inform which lab he used.  If someone wishes to step forward to volunteer to send material and make the payment for the most accurate of analytical assay for the material as that lab has performed the NMR (as I would assume).


At this stage perhaps let this lie wherein simply those who can volunteer accordingly will do as so noted above, if such seems as rational as i would think it to be.

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#1945 verticalVagabond

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 03:29 PM

There's clearly some defensiveness from people who have been taking the substance knowing that it has never been tested. Denial much?


You're taking an untested substance in the desperation of your depression. Don't hate the people that are pointing this out.


1) I'm not hating the people pointing out this is untested. In fact, I'm not hating anyone. I'm taking issue with the people who are spreading rumors that this substance is "suspicious." Those people are not simply pointing out that this is untested.


2) this substance has seemed to help me immensely. it could very well be placebo, and if it is not NSI 189 it could very well be addictive.

Edited by verticalVagabond, 16 May 2014 - 03:42 PM.

#1946 cyberger

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 03:31 PM



I concur that a lawsuit based on an expectation of safety in a venture like this is ridiculous. I'm also extremely confident that anyone procuring and selling here is under the assumption that their product is indeed NSI-189.  Whether they have sufficient scientific grounds for that assumption is another question.  


It is for this reason, that I would like to volunteer to test and compare the compounds via melting point apparatus and FTIR. While I'm unsure if there are reference FTIR spectra available and a melting point published on such a new compound, these tests would be more than sufficient at determining differences between batches.  


If necessary, I could potentially perform DSC and GCMS analysis to further characterize the substances. 


So if anyone would like their sample tested you could mail me a 100mg sample.  PM me if you would like my address. 


Cool!  Thanks for offering to test this.  What would be nice is if you could test the 3 batches: SG original batch, Nyles batch, and VLKs batch to understand the differences between them.


So far, no one seems to be complaining about Nyles batch even though it wasn't independently tested either.  So a sample from SG original batch could act as a reference sample, and the batch from VLK and Nyles could be tested to look for variability among samples.  



^^^ That is a good plan

It is simply best to let this lay as is until someone coordinates a means to actual properly assay the material.  No reason for unnecessary 'sturm and drang' here.  drspaceman made an offer to assay the material as best to his ability.  I believe that should be pursued where someone with the material can note it will be sent as expeditiously as possible (in a much appreciated assist to the community).  As well any individuals who could herein volunteer to promptly remit some small sample from the other batches mentioned in the above post would assist greatly


As well perhaps, SG can easily be contacted and inform which lab he used.  If someone wishes to step forward to volunteer to send material and make the payment for the most accurate of analytical assay for the material as that lab has performed the NMR (as I would assume).


At this stage perhaps let this lie wherein simply those who can volunteer accordingly will do as so noted above, if such seems as rational as i would think it to be.



Also, for the truly paranoid, it would be cool if Drspacemen could test the samples blind, so he doesn't know which batch they are coming from.  


1. A trusted intermediary 'Bob' receivies batches from the 3 groups and labels them A, B, C.  Bob posts an encrypted message on this forum for what label corresponds to which group.

2. Drspacemen tests the results and posts them on this forum.

3. The trusted intermediary reveals the decryption key and we learn what the results are for the 3 batches.


This would eliminate bias as having an influence on which batch is the real NSI-189 or not.

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#1947 verticalVagabond

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 03:32 PM



I concur that a lawsuit based on an expectation of safety in a venture like this is ridiculous. I'm also extremely confident that anyone procuring and selling here is under the assumption that their product is indeed NSI-189.  Whether they have sufficient scientific grounds for that assumption is another question.  


It is for this reason, that I would like to volunteer to test and compare the compounds via melting point apparatus and FTIR. While I'm unsure if there are reference FTIR spectra available and a melting point published on such a new compound, these tests would be more than sufficient at determining differences between batches.  


If necessary, I could potentially perform DSC and GCMS analysis to further characterize the substances. 


So if anyone would like their sample tested you could mail me a 100mg sample.  PM me if you would like my address. 


Cool!  Thanks for offering to test this.  What would be nice is if you could test the 3 batches: SG original batch, Nyles batch, and VLKs batch to understand the differences between them.


So far, no one seems to be complaining about Nyles batch even though it wasn't independently tested either.  So a sample from SG original batch could act as a reference sample, and the batch from VLK and Nyles could be tested to look for variability among samples.  



^^^ That is a good plan

It is simply best to let this lay as is until someone coordinates a means to actual properly assay the material.  No reason for unnecessary 'sturm and drang' here.  drspaceman made an offer to assay the material as best to his ability.  I believe that should be pursued where someone with the material can note it will be sent as expeditiously as possible (in a much appreciated assist to the community).  As well any individuals who could herein volunteer to promptly remit some small sample from the other batches mentioned in the above post would assist greatly


As well perhaps, SG can easily be contacted and inform which lab he used.  If someone wishes to step forward to volunteer to send material and make the payment for the most accurate of analytical assay for the material as that lab has performed the NMR (as I would assume).


At this stage perhaps let this lie wherein simply those who can volunteer accordingly will do as so noted above, if such seems as rational as i would think it to be.



Agreed, but let's get this done ASAP. I'm new to these boards and don't have the proper connections or I would do it myself.


It's debatable if the 'sturm and drang' is unnecessary at this point. If this really isn't NSI 189, turns out to be toxic in the long run, and someone DIES because of it, the 'sturm and drang' will have been absolutely necessary.




I concur that a lawsuit based on an expectation of safety in a venture like this is ridiculous. I'm also extremely confident that anyone procuring and selling here is under the assumption that their product is indeed NSI-189.  Whether they have sufficient scientific grounds for that assumption is another question.  


It is for this reason, that I would like to volunteer to test and compare the compounds via melting point apparatus and FTIR. While I'm unsure if there are reference FTIR spectra available and a melting point published on such a new compound, these tests would be more than sufficient at determining differences between batches.  


If necessary, I could potentially perform DSC and GCMS analysis to further characterize the substances. 


So if anyone would like their sample tested you could mail me a 100mg sample.  PM me if you would like my address. 


Cool!  Thanks for offering to test this.  What would be nice is if you could test the 3 batches: SG original batch, Nyles batch, and VLKs batch to understand the differences between them.


So far, no one seems to be complaining about Nyles batch even though it wasn't independently tested either.  So a sample from SG original batch could act as a reference sample, and the batch from VLK and Nyles could be tested to look for variability among samples.  



^^^ That is a good plan

It is simply best to let this lay as is until someone coordinates a means to actual properly assay the material.  No reason for unnecessary 'sturm and drang' here.  drspaceman made an offer to assay the material as best to his ability.  I believe that should be pursued where someone with the material can note it will be sent as expeditiously as possible (in a much appreciated assist to the community).  As well any individuals who could herein volunteer to promptly remit some small sample from the other batches mentioned in the above post would assist greatly


As well perhaps, SG can easily be contacted and inform which lab he used.  If someone wishes to step forward to volunteer to send material and make the payment for the most accurate of analytical assay for the material as that lab has performed the NMR (as I would assume).


At this stage perhaps let this lie wherein simply those who can volunteer accordingly will do as so noted above, if such seems as rational as i would think it to be.



Also, for the truly paranoid, it would be cool if Drspacemen could test the samples blind, so he doesn't know which batch they are coming from.  


1. A trusted intermediary 'Bob' receivies batches from the 3 groups and labels them A, B, C.  Bob posts an encrypted message on this forum for what label corresponds to which group.

2. Drspacemen tests the results and posts them on this forum.

3. The trusted intermediary reveals the decryption key and we learn what the results are for the 3 batches.


This would eliminate bias as having an influence on which batch is the real NSI-189 or not.



Thank you.

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#1948 jefferson

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 03:49 PM

The thought of a lawsuit never crossed my mind and I have no intention of pursuing one. Fortunately, the neuropathy seems to be slowly going away. The shooting pain in my pelvis is almost completely gone. Mostly, the symptoms have morphed from burning sensations to itching on my ankles and wrists. Hopefully this will be relegated to just a bad memory in a few months, but who knows.


Look, maybe I am just unlucky, and this is one of those very rare one out of a hundred/thousand side-effects that you see when you look at the fine print of many psychiatric drugs. Or, this is not NSI-189, but something else, and it’s more dangerous and more toxic. Based on the extremely limited information I have about VLK and who produced his drug, as well as the limited information about NSI-189 as produced by Neuralstem, taken together with this violent reaction I had, I don’t know which is more likely. At this point I’m not playing the blame game, as I recognize the inherent risk the buyer assumes in circumstances like this.


But doesn’t it concern anyone else taking it that you’re potentially ingesting a substance that could cause serious side-effects like what I experienced? At the least, I would encourage people in on this buy to stop taking it until we have more evidence through independent testing that this is the drug advertised. This is a very reasonable precaution.


How many people have taken VLK’s batch at this point? How large is this sample? Has anyone else noticed bad side-effects? These are basic questions that should be answered and catalogued on the site somewhere or something. In an ideal world, everyone in on this buy and any longecity buys should be sent an anonymous questionnaire or survey after taking any experimental drug, detailing their experiences, for future reference.


I have 6g of this stuff that I’m not taking or intend to take again, obviously. I will gladly mail portions of it out to drspaceman, or anyone who has the capability to test it.

Edited by jefferson, 16 May 2014 - 03:52 PM.

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#1949 Passion

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 03:55 PM

The original NSI from the first batch causes some slight tingling in different parts of the body. Can you comment on what dose you took and how you measured it?

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#1950 jefferson

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Posted 16 May 2014 - 04:07 PM

The original NSI from the first batch causes some slight tingling in different parts of the body. Can you comment on what dose you took and how you measured it?


As I wrote previously, the first day I took 20mg orally- I just swallowed it. I measured it using a Horizon Pro-20B Digital Pocket Scale. I didn't feel any different the rest of the day. The next day, I measured out 50mg and swallowed it. About 90 minutes later is when the trouble first began with sharp, shooting pains in my groin.


An alternative explanation to the NSI being bunk is that their was a bad interaction with it and the lithium I was taking at the time. It's impossible to know.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nsi-189

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