Without going through the entire thread again, has there been any discussion on taking NSI-189 while on an anti-depressant? What are the thoughts on this? Since it has a completely different mechanism of action, is it safe to take while on an AD?

Posted 12 June 2014 - 01:48 AM
Posted 12 June 2014 - 06:05 AM
Without going through the entire thread again, has there been any discussion on taking NSI-189 while on an anti-depressant? What are the thoughts on this? Since it has a completely different mechanism of action, is it safe to take while on an AD?
I am not sure but I did take Lexapro and NSI-189 with no side effect. Anti depressants mainly maintain serotonin levels where NSI-189 increase neurogenesis. I do not think serotonin syndrome can occur in that case. If that is what you are worried about...
Posted 12 June 2014 - 06:09 AM
but to be honest now that i received the version from THT.co, I really think the stuff I received from china is not NSI-189 it has no smell, no taste, and its extremely light. It might be fake, but who knows.
I will check my order when it arrives and compare it to Nyles7 one. Nyles7 one has a strong bitter after taste. I did not notice any smell thought. If I am suspicious I will make it test it here in Australia and if it is not the right stuff start an escrow dispute. When did you order your batch and how much did you order?
Posted 12 June 2014 - 10:35 AM
I was taking Wellbutrin and Zoloft while taking NSI (Nyles 7 variety). No bad interactions that I could discern, and I was very happy with the results. I have participated in this group buy and am also very happy with the effects of the "VLK" NSI. I have been without AD meds for quite a few months now and am doing fine.
Posted 12 June 2014 - 07:33 PM
Do anyone know about the procedur in the US? When Neuralstem have their presentation next week, how many steps are there until it will be in store? How long will this take?
Posted 12 June 2014 - 07:40 PM
Do anyone know about the procedur in the US? When Neuralstem have their presentation next week, how many steps are there until it will be in store? How long will this take?
Years. This was Phase Ib, they're planning Phase II atm, not recruting yet. Then they have Phase III and might get FDA approved.
Edited by Nattzor, 12 June 2014 - 07:41 PM.
Posted 12 June 2014 - 07:52 PM
So they send around letters, telling people to stop buying/selling the stuff, some years ahead before they themself start selling it. *sadface*
Posted 12 June 2014 - 08:55 PM
Do anyone know about the procedur in the US? When Neuralstem have their presentation next week, how many steps are there until it will be in store? How long will this take?
Years. This was Phase Ib, they're planning Phase II atm, not recruting yet. Then they have Phase III and might get FDA approved.
4 to 5 years unfortunately. That's the way things work with the FDA. There is a small chance it will get earlier limited use under right to try laws for Alzheimers if it shows promise in phase 2.
Posted 12 June 2014 - 11:02 PM
So they send around letters, telling people to stop buying/selling the stuff, some years ahead before they themself start selling it. *sadface*
Here are some explanations from Foreseason and Certropic
The why´s and how´s seem for me a bit more complicated than I tought.
Posted 14 June 2014 - 02:38 AM
Because I had an adverse reaction I have an obligation to the community to share it, and this thread seems good as any.
A month ago I took 50mg of NSI-189 and it gave me severe peripheral neuropathy in my legs and pelvis. I wrote a post about this back then. I could do nothing but hold my breath and hope for it to go away. Very fortunately, it did. The pain subsided and was about 90% gone after 5 weeks. I only felt a mild burning sensation in my legs when I sat a certain way for a minute.
After it was confirmed that VLK's NSI-189 matched Nyles, I felt more confident that the drug was legitimate, and decided to try it again, at a far lower dose. I took care to wash my body out of any other antidepressants (I was notably on a high dose of lithium when I first took NSI) and took no other prescriptions. I tried a very low dose of 7mg, and the rest of the day my legs seemed to tingle, but nothing very noticeable or bad. The next day I moved up to 14mg and everything again seemed fine. But the next morning I woke up with a clear burning sensation in my legs, and very uncomfortable electrical like feeling in my armpits. I gave it a rest for several days, but the neuropathy returned and seemed to grow. It wasn't as bad as when I took 50mg, but in some ways it was more scary, as this "electrical" neuropathy spread from my armpits into my chest and over my heart. I went through a few sleepless nights of this, and then like before, it subsided. A week and half later, the nerve pain again is about 80-90% gone, and I'm not going to take it again. My trial was a failure, and now I know there is no safe dose for me and the lithium from before was not to blame.
I'm glad NSI-189 is working for seemingly everyone except me, but know that my experience proves there's a risk involved in a subset of people that manifests as bad nerve pain. I recommend starting on a very low dose of 5-10mg and moving up in 5 mg increments each day or even every few days in case you're one that has this adverse event happen. I think my body grew more sensitive to NSI-189 after I first took it, as 20mg on the first day of the first trial didn't affect me, but a mere 14mg the second day of my second trial, caused me trouble. Don't just take 20-40mg your first few days without knowing how it will affect you. I think it's unlikely I'm the only person in the world this will happen to.
Edited by jefferson, 14 June 2014 - 02:54 AM.
Posted 16 June 2014 - 06:05 AM
Hi guys,
Could you please elaborate on where you are getting the NSI from? World33, I am also in Australia and would be happy to share in the cost of testing a batch. But how do I order from "Nyles" and "VLK"? Are these forum members?
Kind regards,
I am currently considering ordering from Wuhan HengHeDa Pharm Co, as it's the only source I have located so far. If I do order from them, should I order the freebase or the phosphate version?
Posted 16 June 2014 - 06:28 AM
Hi guys,
Could you please elaborate on where you are getting the NSI from? World33, I am also in Australia and would be happy to share in the cost of testing a batch. But how do I order from "Nyles" and "VLK"? Are these forum members?
Kind regards,
I am currently considering ordering from Wuhan HengHeDa Pharm Co, as it's the only source I have located so far. If I do order from them, should I order the freebase or the phosphate version?
I am interested in this question as well. Is there still anyway to purchase Nyles7 or VLK's NSI? Are these Chinese companies safe to buy from, if that is the only option?
Posted 16 June 2014 - 06:35 AM
PM me your email address and I will send you the same reply I sent tolerant
Edited by world33, 16 June 2014 - 06:36 AM.
Posted 16 June 2014 - 09:02 AM
cade I replied to tolerant by PM but I am not able to send you a PM (an error occurs). May be you have to reach 10 posts before receiving them I am not sure why.
PM me your email address and I will send you the same reply I sent tolerant
World33 could you please PM me too?
Posted 16 June 2014 - 09:15 AM
I'm also in Australia and very interested in procuring some NSI.
Posted 16 June 2014 - 09:28 AM
Perhaps you can send it to me as well?
I'm also in Australia and very interested in procuring some NSI.
OK, let's get some people together from Australia to share in the cost of analysis (and make the purchase cheaper).
Posted 16 June 2014 - 06:44 PM
Posted 16 June 2014 - 10:35 PM
Hey guys, I just sent some NSI-189 procured from Wuhan HengHeDa Pharm Co to drspaceman for analysis.
Great news keep us posted. By the way today Neuralstem Inc will present the data and results of the the NSI-189 Phase Ib study in major depressive disorder as per this press release:
Edited by world33, 16 June 2014 - 10:46 PM.
Posted 17 June 2014 - 04:06 AM
Without going through the entire thread again, has there been any discussion on taking NSI-189 while on an anti-depressant? What are the thoughts on this? Since it has a completely different mechanism of action, is it safe to take while on an AD?
I am not sure but I did take Lexapro and NSI-189 with no side effect. Anti depressants mainly maintain serotonin levels where NSI-189 increase neurogenesis. I do not think serotonin syndrome can occur in that case. If that is what you are worried about...
But the mechanisms of action of many anti-depressants which, act through serotonin (e.g., SSRIs, SSRAs) are thought to be the cause of neurogenesis on a much smaller scale (2% or less as I recall?). Following this, the person who asked this question probably assumed that because NSI-189 stimulates neurgenesis then it might imply that it acts on serotonin. SSRIs + other serotonergic drugs, could induce serotonin syndrome. It's a perfectly valid question, and you answered it for the most part (this is to say, you did not suffer serotonin syndrome when using NSI-189 with an SSRI). At this point though, we still do not know if it has any affinity for the 5-ht receptor and its subtypes and I would personally say it is better to err on the side of caution and at least dose extremely cautiously with stronger serotonergics.
I wish more was understood pertaining to NSI-189 and what effect, if any, does it have on serotonin. Has anyone found anything yet indicating NSI-189's mechanism of action outside of the effect it has on neurogenesis?
Personal update: I still have yet to try my NSI-189, I updated in the fasoracetam thread that I would have done so by now. The past week I suffered a severe headache (as in, worst of my life), which I think may have been detrimental to my brain health. In response to this, a few days after the long half life of my current medication for the headache expires (long acting, sodium channel blocker), I intend to take NSI-189 with a starting dose of 5 mg.
Edited by FW900, 17 June 2014 - 04:07 AM.
Posted 17 June 2014 - 04:40 AM
Hi FW900,
I agree with you antidepressants do have a neurogenesis component, that is why I said they mainly maintain serotonin levels. At the beginning of the NSI-189 trial I took for a few days 20mg Lexapro, 450mg rhodiola rosea extract and 40mg NSI-189 with no side effect whatsoever.
I managed to discontinue my Lexapro from one day to the other without experiencing any side effect. Then a few days later I decided to still take 10mg just in case as a conservative approach not because I felt I need it. That is my experience and anyone is different and your decision to start with 5mg is understandable. I do not think serotonin syndrome is possible with SSRI and NSI-189 combined. I did not experience any serotonin syndrome symptom even when I used to take 20mg Lexapro and 100mg time release 5-htp http://www.biovea.co...PID=2178&OS=212 . . Once again everyone is different and caution is always good.
Posted 17 June 2014 - 05:41 AM
I actually intend to do an MRI to measure the volume of my hippocampus before I start NSI-189. I am just trying to get some consensus from people which is the best source by trawling through this forum, but there seems to be none. Most responders seem to have experienced immediate benefits, which cannot be attributed to neurogenesis. There also seem to be two populations here: ones taking it "to become smarter" and ones taking it for anxiety/depression issues. Nobody has posted a legitimate and conclusive study on whether their product is legitimate. This shouldn't be so hard. Even if it costs in the region of $300-500, people could chip in.
Posted 17 June 2014 - 02:57 PM
The results of the NSI-189 1b will be released today at a conference. Does anyone know of a way that we can view these results?
Posted 17 June 2014 - 06:24 PM
This was put out this on the program today:
Safety EEGs recordings pre vs. post dose showed no new findings by visual inspection.. Results of qEEG analyses using amplitude and coherence measures, pre vs 6 hrs post-dose on Day 14 and Day 28, show increased HF alpha with active treatment and lower HF alpha with placebo. This effect is particularly prominent in the left posterior temporal and parietal regions in patients receiving NS-189 and is similar when comparing baseline to Day 14 or 28. Significant univariate effects comparing amplitude from baseline to safety are seen only for changes within the active treatment group. Changes within the placebo group for these measures were not significant.
These findings demonstrate a measurable impact of NSI-189 on the qEEG of patients with MDD.. The largest effect seen in the active treatment group was HF alpha in the left posterior temporal region. This finding is consistent with improvement in left temporal lobe function and may also reflect changes in activity in left mesial temporal lobe and hippocampus. Neuropsychological correlates of these changes mind include modulating context regulation of affect and clinical response, i.e., fluoxetine, increased alpha activity in posterior regions of the head were associated with clinical response".
Posted 17 June 2014 - 06:43 PM
Hey Velopismo, Where did you find those results?
Posted 17 June 2014 - 06:50 PM
Looks like he got it from here.
This isn't likely what is going to be reported later today since the announcements today are supposed to be new info. Odd thing is that what he posted is info about a talk next week.
Edited by ElixirOfLife, 17 June 2014 - 06:59 PM.
Posted 17 June 2014 - 06:57 PM
Actually on second thought, if they were planning on showing the same data at the Canadian conference next week (which does seem likely), this could be the same info that will be disclosed this afternoon. But why would they let these conclusions be published on the net prior to such a big announcement?
Seems like a good time to buy CUR.
Posted 17 June 2014 - 07:05 PM
I bought a few thousand shares of cur. It's a gamble. Hope it pays off.
Posted 17 June 2014 - 07:18 PM
Actually on second thought, if they were planning on showing the same data at the Canadian conference next week (which does seem likely), this could be the same info that will be disclosed this afternoon. But why would they let these conclusions be published on the net prior to such a big announcement?
Seems like a good time to buy CUR.
They've said they will present the study and some of the results today. On the 23rd they'll publish full data.
Posted 17 June 2014 - 08:28 PM
Offtopic - as i now have personal experience with this molecule, i believe in this future and like to invest very small (maybe minimum) amount in the near future to CUR. Im total noob, can someone PM me some great discount broker where at least one deal is free or very low priced or how is the smoothest way of doing this. Tnx in advance and I'm based in EU, if it makes any differents.
Posted 17 June 2014 - 08:44 PM
I'm not in finance, and don't have much experience investing so take my opinions with a grain of salt. Although you'll probably see the stock price spike tomorrow, the company is not yet making money, so it will probably fall again (usually when quarterly earnings are announced). The stock price may not fall at all as I've seen one analyst recently raised the target price to $6. The current stock price is based on speculation that the company will successfully introduce 1 or more new therapies.
In any case, TDAmeritrade is popular for a low priced trades. You have to first fund your account by linking a cash account and transfering some cash into the TDAmeritrade account (takes about 2 days for domestic bank accounts). There are several other ways to fund the account, but none of them are instantaneous. After the cash is in the account, you can buy securities.
Edited by ElixirOfLife, 17 June 2014 - 08:50 PM.
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