I wanted to update my experience thus far. Today is day 40 and in a previous post you can see my background and reasons why I am taking this. I also currently take zoloft, strattera and recently trazodone. This is interesting stuff. The mood improvement is noticeable, but it comes with the drawback of increased anxiety. My doc upped my zoloft and that seemed to help with the anxiety somewhat. Also, NSI has the effect of making my sleep horrible. Lots of dreams, but I wake up every 1-2 hrs. Intolerable for me. So I went to my pdoc and he prescribed me trazodone, which seems to be helping. Dosing with this seems to be very important, the right dose and the anti-depresssant effect is there with very little anxiety, too high of a dose and the anxiety and intense thinking is too much. Too little and it doesn't lift the fog in my brain.
Now for the really good part, the cognitive effects have been dramatic. The very very heavy brain fog which I've had for the last 15 years has essentially lifted. With that has come a dramatic improvement in speech with regards to verbal memory and remembering what I am saying and talking about. very dramatic. However weeks of chronic insomnia diminished this effect so I started taking trazodone a week ago to help with sleep and it seems to be working pretty well. My prospective memory which is virtually non-existent has improved only slightly, though I do find myself randomly forgetting and remembering some things, but this isn't unusual for me. It also has the effect of causing me to think intensely about things, which is annoying,and actually aggravates my adhd because I look at something and go off into la la land. Overall however, the cognitive effect is hands-down the best of anything I have ever tried and is nothing short of miraculous. My regimen isn't perfect and I am still doing some minor tweaks, but overall this has been a HUGE change in my life, and a huge move in a positive direction. I feel as though I have a chance of getting some of my old cognitive function back. People have noticed and seem surprised when I open my mouth and no longer stammer stutter, mispronounce words, or slur my speech. Also my creativity and wit has improved. It's not perfect, but so so very worth it. I currently take 35mg in am, 25mg at night of the phosphate orally. sublingual base is too intense, up and then back down. Aside from getting sober 2 years ago and married this year, this could be the best thing that has happened to me in the last few years.