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COLURACETAM - User Feedback

coluracetam racetam piracetam pramiracetam oxiracetam aniracetam memory cognitive cognition nootropic

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#1 ScienceGuy

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 07:13 PM

Hi everyone,

Given COLURACETAM's current lack of availability to the general public I decided to take the plunge and have some COLURACETAM manufactured via custom synthesis.

I initiated this process about 6 months ago; following which it took a couple of months for the custom synthesis laboratory to complete the manufacturing and purification process; after which purity was confirmed via both HPLC and HNMR ANALYSIS

Since then I have been comprehensively trialling it myself personally; and will now share my findings with the LONGECITY forum community ;)

First of all, if anyone is considering also proceeding down the route of obtaining some COLURACETAM via custom synthesis, please kindly note the following:

1) COLURACETAM is very lengthy, complex and time consuming to synthesize; and hence if anyone wishes to consider having it custom synthesized it will be pretty expensive if you wish to end up with a product that isn't contaminated with potentially highly toxic impurities (at least one of the synthesis component ingredients is very toxic; whereas the final substance, COLURACETAM, is not)

2) If you wish to obtain COLURACETAM that is sufficiently pure, then my advice is to forget about CHINA; but instead obtain quotations from reputable custom synthesis laboratories in the UK, EUROPE or USA (there may be others in other countries).

3) I have had 500 grams of pure COLURACETAM (>99.9% PURITY) manufactured by a reputable EUROPEAN custom synthesis laboratory; it cost US$16,000; here is the INVOICE:

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Regarding my personal trial of COLURACETAM, throughout the process I made a point of writing copious notes each and every day, logging my personal experiences and comments. Rather than type up the entirety of my notes, which would be somewhat lengthy, I will instead now summarize as concisely as I can the key points:



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Where PIRACETAM and the other RACETAMS are pretty much all WHITE in colour, I could not but help notice how COLURACETAM's appearance is quite a bit different, in that it has a distinctly yellowy cream colour, as opposed to being pure white as per the other RACETAMS.

Here is a photo of COLURACETAM powder resting on top of a white piece of paper:

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- TASTE: Unfortunately, COLURACETAM's taste is more akin to that of PRAMIRACETAM than OXIRACETAM, in that it tastes absolutely vile

Specifically, the taste is a potent combination of bitterness and an extremely unpleasant chemical taste, that lingers as an aftertaste.

- DOSAGE: The dosage of COLURACETAM used in the clinical study by Braincells Inc. was 80mg taken 1 - 3 times daily; consequently, I comprehensively evaluated the effects of COLURACETAM on myself when taken at a variety of doses, ranging from 10mg OD up to and including 80mg TID:


Positive Signal Observed in Difficult-to-Treat Patient Population

SAN DIEGO, Calif., June 14, 2010 – BrainCells Inc., a company leading the scientific research of neurogenesis using its proprietary neural stem cell platform technology to identify novel compounds for the treatment of central nervous system (CNS) diseases, announced today findings from an exploratory, dose ranging Phase 2a clinical trial not powered for statistical significance. The trial evaluated BCI-540 [COLURACETAM] for the treatment of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) with anxiety who had previously failed an average of two antidepressants. While there was no difference between the overall treatment group and placebo on scales for depression and anxiety, further analysis showed a positive efficacy signal in a subset of patients with MDD and general anxiety disorder (GAD), which warrants further study.

“Co-morbid depression and anxiety remains a significant unmet need, representing approximately 40 percent of depressed patients. BCI-540 [COLURACETAM] elicited a stronger response in this group of patients, providing us direction for additional studies to better understand its therapeutic potential,” said Allan Young, MB, ChB, Ph.D., FRCPsych, FRCPC, director of the Institute of Mental Health at the University of British Columbia and lead investigator of the trial. “I look forward to its next step in development.”

The six-week trial was randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled to determine whether 80 milligrams of BCI-540 [COLURACETAM] dosed orally once or three times daily (TID) improves symptoms in patients with MDD and anxiety who had previously failed an average of two antidepressants. The trial measured change from baseline at week two, four and six for 101 evaluable patients with a variety of commonly used patient and physician-rated scales including the Hamilton Rating Scales for Anxiety (HAM-A) and Depression (HAM-D).

At week six, in the overall population there was no benefit of BCI-540 [COLURACETAM] on HAM-A or HAM-D compared to placebo. However, in patients who were dosed TID, 36% responded compared to 19% in the placebo group. Within this group, depression symptoms of those with co-morbid GAD improved by 12.2 points on HAM-D compared to 5.5 points in the placebo group (p<0.008). BCI-540 [COLURACETAM] was well tolerated, with a side effect profile similar to placebo.

“Neurogenesis is an exciting new field that is demonstrating potential in many different CNS diseases including depression and anxiety,” said Carrolee Barlow, M.D., Ph.D., chief scientific and medical officer at BrainCells. “BCI-540 [COLURACETAM] began to separate from placebo by four weeks, which is in line with our understanding of how neurogenesis progresses in the brain. It is an important clinical finding that we’ll take forward as we investigate the therapeutic opportunity of BCI-540 [COLURACETAM] in this difficult-to-treat population.”

BCI-540 [COLURACETAM] is a bifunctional molecule that works to treat mood disorders through two mechanisms of action, AMPA potentiation and choline uptake enhancement. BrainCells identified through its platform the compound’s ability to help new neurons differentiate and survive, two important aspects of the neurogenesis process. Experiments conducted by BrainCells confirmed appropriate changes in behavioral models for depression, without affecting serotonin levels, potentially eliminating side effects typically associated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like Prozac. Currently, only 30 to 40 percent of people with depression fully respond to current treatments.

- ADMINSTRATION METHOD: Wishing to ensure optimal absorption of COLURACETAM I took all my doses SUBLINGUALLY; wherein, aside from the awful taste, there was no issues with taking COLURACETAM in this manner.

- MEASURING DOSES: All doses were measured precisely using my laboratory research scales that are accurate to 0.0001g (= 0.1mg):

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- STORAGE: Upon the advice of the CHEMIST who oversaw the synthesis of the COLURACETAM I store it in a COOL and VERY DRY place and within a storage container that protects against the effects of UV LIGHT, wherein I use pharmaceutical amber glass jars:

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- BEFORE COMMENCING TRIAL: Before commencing taking any COLURACETAM, firstly I underwent baseline blood tests for LIVER and RENAL FUNCTION as well as TESTOSTERONE, DHT, and ESTRADIOL; and secondly, I stopped taking any and all RACETAMS for a period of 1 week, as a washout period.

- TEST DOSES: Prior to taking COLURACETAM at the dosage range used in the study (80mg 1-3 times daily) I first took test doses of 1mg and then 10mg COLURACETAM to rule out ALLERGIC / NEGATIVE REACTIONS. Suffice to say I did not react in any way negatively to the TEST DOSES.


Without a doubt, COLURACETAM's pharmacological effects appear to be significantly more potent, profound and widespread than all the other RACETAMS.

Summary of both postive and negative effects experienced as follows:


The following is a list of any and all POSITIVE effects that I have personally experienced when taking COLURACETAM, wherein the potency of the individual effect ranged from WEAK to STRONG. Accordingly, I have allocated an indicator, comprising a number between 1 and 10, wherein the higher the number the stronger the effect and counterwise the lower the number the weaker the effect, (please kindly note that these are solely my own personal experiences and were not placebo controlled):


I have personally found that with respect to the NOOTROPIC effect(s) of all the RACETAMS, whilst I have experienced improvements in concentration and working capacity / productivity, I have never experienced a noticable ongoing improvement in memory. COLURACETAM is the only RACETAM that I have taken wherein I noticed an improvement in MEMORY, both with regards to SHORT-TERM and MEDIUM-TERM MEMORY. To put matters into perspective, the memory improvement has been mild, yet still significant; whereas I have experienced no such improvement at all with the other RACETAMS.







- IMPROVED OLFACTORY SENSITIVITY (both sense of taste and smell): 4





This effect was totally unexpected; and first become noticable in that it partially rekindled the stimulatory effect of CAFFEINE when I was suffering a pre-existing state of CAFFEINE TOLERANCE; this effect remains as long as I continue to take the COLURACETAM, but quickly vanishes if I stop taking the COLURACETAM. As a consequence I am finding that I now drink less COFFEE and TEA and their stimulating effects are greater.



Personally, I found that at a dosage of 80mg BID I experienced daytime drowsiness to the extent that I had instances wherein I felt like I needed to go and lie down; this wasn't an unpleasant feeling, more akin to an extreme relaxation to the extent that it was sedating. Reducing the dosage eliminated this side effect entirely.


I experienced intermittent manifestation of nausea which was most certainly dosage dependant, wherein reducing the dosage eliminated this side effect entirely. Also, the instances of nausea typically occured when I began experimenting with taking the COLURACETAM in combination with other substances, such as HYDERGINE and PIRACETAM.

N.B. I will do my best to expand on the information within this initial post as and when I have some more free time (I unfortunately have a crazy work schedule)


1) My feedback regarding my personal experience with taking COLURACETAM is purely ANECDOTAL; furthermore, it has in no way been PLACEBO CONTROLLED, and hence some or all of the POSITIVE EFFECTS that I have listed could very well be due to the PLACEBO EFFECT.

2) Furthermore, I should add that I am recovering from CNS LYME DISEASE, BABESIOSIS and BARTONELLOSIS, and hence do not fall within the categorization of HEALTHY INDIVIDUAL; wherein it is possible that some of the benefits that I have experienced may not occur in HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS

3) I am not a vendor; I do not sell anything and that includes COLURACETAM.

4) I am not affiliated in any way with any custom synthesis laboratories.


UPDATE [19th September 2012]:


I have added INCREASED / IMPROVED SOCIABILITY to my list of POSITIVE EFFECTS experienced. This effect is consistent.


I have been experimenting with various DOSAGES of COLURACETAM and have settled on a dosage that I consider, as far I am personally concerned, to be my ideal dosage; and this is 10mg TID (taken SUBLINGUALLY) :)

I experience all the POSITIVE EFFECTS that I have listed at this dosage. ;)


I personally find that COLURACETAM's primary effects last the strongest for circa 4 - 5 hours, which is why I dose it TID with individual doses taken about 4 hours apart. The memory improvement is 24/7. ;)


OK this is predominently what I am currently experimenting with; wherein I have now fixed my dosage of COLURACETAM at 10mg TID, to which I have been stacking other NOOTROPICS one at a time individually at various dosages to establish how I react. :)

Here is my feedback regarding my experiences with regards to this so far (N.B. Please note that this is my own personal experience and does not mean that you will experience the same): ;)

-- COLURACETAM, as far as I am concerned, does NOT stack well with PRAMIRACETAM at any dosage; wherein even at 50mg PRAMIRACETAM I experience manifestation of undesirable ADVERSE EFFECTS, which included: IRRITABILITY, IMPAIRED MOOD / DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, RESTLESSNESS, AGITATION and SLEEP DISTURBANCE.

-- COLURACETAM does stack exceedingly well with OXIRACETAM, wherein it appears to exert a potentiation of OXIRACETAM's effects, and as such I am finding individual dosages of OXIRACETAM of just 100mg to be highly efficacious.

-- It also stacks exceedingly well with very low dosages of HYDERGINE, wherein I have found a dosage of 0.1mg TID of HYDERGINE to be optimal, which is circa 1/10 the typical dosage for HYDERGINE.

I find that if I take HYDERGINE at a total daily dosage of 1mg+ then I experience persistent NAUSEA, which vanishes entirely when the dose is reduced.

-- I am currently in process of testing out a stack comprising COLURACETAM 10mg + OXIRACETAM 100mg + HYDERGINE 0.1mg, all taken TID; and so far the effects are pretty damn amazing... my working capacity is through the roof; and my energy levels incredible, which given my history of CFS is IMO particularly noteworthy :)


UPDATE [26th September 2012]:


I have continued to take COLURACETAM every day without any breaks whatsoever and the all the POSITIVE effects are still occurring consistently and to the same magnitude.


I have increased my daily dosage of COLURACETAM to 10mg QID (taken SUBLINGUALLY) with circa 3-4 hours between doses. :)

I still experience all the POSITIVE EFFECTS that I have listed at the 10mg dosage. The reason why I have commenced taking four doses daily as opposed to three is somewhat due to the crazy work hours that I am doing at the moment, wherein I am usually pulling 18+ hour work days, and starting the day at all sorts of silly hours, such as 4:00AM ;)

I am finding that my 10mg dose of COLURACETAM (taken SUBLINGUALLY) upon waking is highly effective in shaking off any and all sleepiness / grogginess within a matter of minutes, even when arising in the middle of the night with only a few hours of sleep... I am finding that COLURACETAM provides consistent results in this regard when other substances that I have tried in the past for the same purpose have failed miserably to yield consistent efficacy with repeated use; this includes ARMODAFINIL and PHENYLPIRACETAM, both of which I found to be a huge disappointment :)


Further to what I stated previously in my last update, I am finding that with the 10mg dosage COLURACETAM's primary effects in fact appear to last for circa 3 - 4 hours, wherein I this is applicable most notably to the ENERGY boosting effect. I should add that I am stacking the COLUTACETAM with CAFFEINE, taken as COFFEE and BLACK TEA, however prior to commencing the COLURACETAM I was very much suffering CAFFEINE TOLERANCE. I find that the COLURACETAM itself seems to have a STIMULATING / ENERGY ENHANCING effect as well as most certainly, for me at least, either POTENTIATING the effects of CAFFEINE or partially reversing TOLERANCE to CAFFEINE through some mechanism... I will be very interested to hear whether others also experience this same effect ;)


I have been continuing to experiment with stacking COLURACETAM with other NOOTROPICS and can now confirm the following further to the information outlined in my previous update:

-- COLURACETAM, as far as I am concerned, does NOT stack well with PIRACETAM at any dosage; wherein even at 800mg OD I experience manifestation of undesirable ADVERSE EFFECTS, which includes: FATIGUE, LETHARGY, IMPAIRED COGNITION / BRAIN FOG, IRRITABILITY.

I will reiterate that personally, as far as I am concerned, I find that COLURACETAM does stack exceedingly well with both OXIRACETAM and HYDERGINE; wherein (possibly due to SYNERGY) only a very low dosage of each is required to induce quite profound POSITIVE EFFECTS. Specifically, I find that OXIRACETAM at a dosage of just 100mg taken 1 - 3 times daily is, for me, the ideal dosage; and with regards to HYDERGINE I have found that taking it AT BEDTIME has eliminated, for me, any potential for inducing NAUSEA, and hence I am currently taking 1mg OD at BEDTIME. :)

BTW the issue of CARDIAC FIBROSIS and HYDERGINE is bound to come up at some point, so let me pre-empt this by offering what is my personal opinion on the subject. In short, with anything I consider it is all about weighing up RISK versus REWARD; and the possible concerns relating to CARDIAC FIBROSIS is in fact associated with a select number of studies on ERGOT DERIVATIVES in general, as opposed to HYDERGINE specifically, so it is unknown whether or not these possible risks are in fact applicable to HYDERGINE. Furthermore, any such risk would almost certainly be DOSAGE DEPENDANT and hence why I personal advise taking the MINIMUM DOSAGE at which the desired POSITIVE EFFECTS are experienced, which given this would be much lower than the 'NORMAL' dosage of HYDERGINE would reduce any such possible risk. This is of course just my personal opinion, and I would advise others to pass their own judgement on the subject. ;)


There has been quite a bit of focus on the subject of COLURACETAM and CHOLINE, specifically relating to the fact that it reportedly functions as a CHOLINE UPTAKE ENHANCER.

Well, here is a conundrum for you... I have stopped taking supplemental CHOLINE, and I am so far finding that I experience no lessening of POSITIVE EFFECTS whatsoever. ;)

In fact, I find that if I combine any dosage of supplemental CHOLINE with COLURACETAM my mood takes a dive distinctly downwards; however, without any supplemental CHOLINE the COLURACETAM has a profound POSITIVE effect on my mood. :)

I am taking the 10mg QID dosage of COLURACETAM every day without any supplemental CHOLINE and have yet to experience any of the CHOLINE DEFICIENCY type adverse effects associated with RACETAM usage, such as HEADACHE, BRAIN FOG etc... :|o

I should add that I do not consume any EGGS either via my diet.

So, despite the spiel about COLURACETAM being a CHOLINE UPTAKE ENHANCER I would urge others taking COLURACETAM to do so with an open mind and not assume that one needs to supplement with CHOLINE. I recommend that you experiment with taking COLURACETAM both with and without supplemental CHOLINE and see how you personally respond... I would be very interested in hearing how others respond in this regard ;)

-- So, my current stack comprises:






UPDATE [7th October 2012]:

BLOOD TESTS results following my first few months' consistent uninterrupted usage of COLURACETAM now in.

In short, I am pleased to report that blood tests for LIVER and RENAL FUNCTION as well as TESTOSTERONE, DHT, and ESTRADIOL are all NORMAL and there are no significant changes versus baseline blood test results. :)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 07 October 2012 - 03:31 PM.

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#2 unbeatableking

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 07:21 PM


Jesus Christ ScienceGuy.

Are you sitting on an inheritance or something? WOW.
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Posted 08 September 2012 - 07:29 PM

ya man, this is some serious investment, haha, but i can't say I'm not interested, I've been waiting for an update all day, I'm interested in perceived nootropic effects, and since coluracetam effects optic nerves, perhaps there is a perceived visual effects? how is your memory, after the coluracetam?

Edited by CIMN, 08 September 2012 - 07:29 PM.

#4 abelard lindsay

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 07:34 PM

Edit: I see you added your results. Did you do cambridgebrainsciences.com before and after or have any other quantitative information about its effects?

Edited by abelard lindsay, 08 September 2012 - 07:39 PM.

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#5 ScienceGuy

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 07:39 PM


Jesus Christ ScienceGuy.

Are you sitting on an inheritance or something? WOW.

No, I just have been somewhat successful, and wished to offer something of value to the members of this forum community ;)

However, I should point out that at the present time I am merely a humble student :)
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#6 dirdir207

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 07:46 PM

Hi everyone,

Given COLURACETAM's current lack of availability to the general public I decided to take the plunge and have some COLURACETAM manufactured via custom synthesis. :)

I think I love you.

Edit: trimmed quote. Seriously...

Edited by niner, 10 September 2012 - 11:32 PM.

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#7 IA87

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 07:50 PM

Very cool. I think this is a rare opportunity to get some more objective (though not completely so, of course) data. Can you practice some working memory and short-term memory tests until you have plateaued for over a week, and then start up the 80mg BID regimen and continue the tests? If there are substantial effects, perhaps this approach can expose them.

#8 ScienceGuy

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 08:10 PM

...since coluracetam effects optic nerves, perhaps there is a perceived visual effects?

This research in this area is one of the reasons behind my apparent madness in spending a small fortune to acquire it, in that I suffered some damage to my optic nerves as a consequence of chronic infection of multiple concomitant tick borne pathogens.

It is early days yet but suffice to say there has been a noticable improvement in my vision since starting taking the COLURACETAM. I am not expecting miracles, but I am already very happy with the positive effects it has had on my eye sight :)

For all I know the improvement in my vision could be solely down to the PLACEBO EFFECT; however, it is irrefutable that my vision has recovered somewhat already ;)

I should add that COLURACETAM has some pretty profound effects on the senses in all respects; in that my sense of taste and smell suffered a significant reduction in sensitivity as a consequence of my illness, following which I tried pretty much everything to try to return them to normal without any success and eventually gave up... It therefore came as a complete surprise how much a positive effect COLURACETAM has had on improving my sense of taste and smell.

The positive effect on CAFFEINE's stimulatory effects is another one which was completely unexpected, but very welcome! :)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 08 September 2012 - 08:16 PM.

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#9 unbeatableking

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 08:15 PM

To put this into context, here are a list of things you can buy with $16,000:

- 160 kg of Piracetam (Roughly enough to fill the back of a pick-up truck and then some).

- 48,000 tablets of 10 mg Adderall.

- 10 years worth of Modafinil.
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#10 protoject

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 08:15 PM

This sounds way better than I expected. I was really just expecting another crappy racetam [ifyaknowwhadddimeaan]. On top of that, I haven't personally seen you writing much about how a nootropic has a great effect on you, so this is a bit of a surprise. Thanks for your time and effort and I hope this can benefit me some day. I have some serious problems that I refuse to live with and maybe some day coluracetam will be part of the solution if it's worth it.

#11 unbeatableking

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 08:19 PM

Scienceguy, that much money is enough to put a student through most state colleges for a couple of years.

I know it isn't in my place to tell you how to spend your money, but holy crap.

Despite our differences, I sincerely hope you get your money's worth.
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#12 Crispy Cat

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 08:20 PM

AWESOME! you are truly legendary!

as i said in another thread i have a few quotes from china for sample sized amounts
I really need to know about the risk involved specifically which toxins to look out for and any more info on purity testing would be great if you get time
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#13 gwern

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 08:26 PM

Wow. I look forward to the comprehensive mental battery done double-blind over weeks/months - I mean, after you've spent $16k to get this stuff, it would be nuts to not do the very best self-experiments you can!
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#14 unbeatableking

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 08:27 PM

Perhaps you should go the extra mile, pay a clinical psychiatrist to conduct tests? Gwern has a point.
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#15 ScienceGuy

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 08:31 PM

To put this into context, here are a list of things you can buy with $16,000:

- 160 kg of Piracetam (Roughly enough to fill the back of a pick-up truck and then some).

- 48,000 tablets of 10 mg Adderall.

- 10 years worth of Modafinil.

Scienceguy, that much money is enough to put a student through most state colleges for a couple of years.

I know it isn't in my place to tell you how to spend your money, but holy crap.

Despite our differences, I sincerely hope you get your money's worth.

Yes, we are all agreed that I am insane and have spent a ludicrous sum of money (namely $16,000) on purchasing a singular experimental research chemical... ;)

Seriously though, there is no question that it is currently costly to obtain a large bulk quantity of pure COLURACETAM at the present time; however, hopefully in time that situation will change ;)

Also, please kindly note that 500 grams COLURACETAM is in fact 6250 x 80mg doses, which is akin to a 17-year supply if one was to take it at a dosage of 80mg OD; furthermore, I am currently in process of evaluating what are the effects of much lower doses, such as 10mg, wherein the cost per dose would be circa $0.32 :)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 08 September 2012 - 08:33 PM.

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#16 unbeatableking

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 08:38 PM

'Pictures taken with ScienceGuy's iPhone 5'.


Wish I had the money to spend on Noots. :(

Edited by unbeatableking, 08 September 2012 - 08:40 PM.

#17 OpaqueMind

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 08:47 PM

Wow, that is a comprehensive list of perceived benefits! It seems to far outstrip any of the other racetams in this respect, neigh any other nootropic I may say. That's not to say that your claims are untrue, but perhaps they may be a little skewed, given the context of your not-so-insignificant financial investment. Or maybe this really is the miracle 'racetam! I really do hope it is the latter :)

Would you mind elaborating on the subjective improvements/alterations you've experienced while under it's effects, specifically on the nature of your thought patterns ie. more goal oriented thoughts, greater powers of abstraction, more prone to awe etc. Also, I would be grateful if you could rank the list of positive benefits on a scale of 1 to 10 of perceived effectiveness. I'm sure I can thank you on behalf of this whole community for taking on this experiment... Keep us updated!

p.s. Can I be cheeky and ask if I may buy a gram or 2 from you for a trial of my own? I'm UK based also :)

Edited by OpaqueMind, 08 September 2012 - 08:48 PM.

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#18 unbeatableking

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 08:57 PM


The idea has some merit to it.

You know ScienceGuy, you'd be doing a lot of the people here a favor if you were to hand out samples for others to log.

Increases the overall statistical population. Two grams per person should suffice. Of course, be sure to make a profit!

A gram is worth 32 dollars. I'd charge fifty per gram.
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#19 Crispy Cat

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 09:26 PM


The idea has some merit to it.

You know ScienceGuy, you'd be doing a lot of the people here a favor if you were to hand out samples for others to log.

Increases the overall statistical population. Two grams per person should suffice. Of course, be sure to make a profit!

A gram is worth 32 dollars. I'd charge fifty per gram.

id buy a few and log results till i can work out the china purity/testing problems if thats the way science guy wanted to go ;)

#20 ScienceGuy

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 09:30 PM

Can I be cheeky and ask if I may buy a gram or 2 from you for a trial of my own? I'm UK based also


The idea has some merit to it.

You know ScienceGuy, you'd be doing a lot of the people here a favor if you were to hand out samples for others to log.

Increases the overall statistical population. Two grams per person should suffice. Of course, be sure to make a profit!

A gram is worth 32 dollars. I'd charge fifty per gram.

I have already given considerable thought to the possibility of making available some COLURACETAM to existing members and existing registered users of this forum; however, my selling it is not an option for a variety of reasons.

My greatest concern is that I need to personally remain wholly unbiased and impartial, which I would hardly be if I was to profit from the sale of COLURACETAM.

Furthermore, I do not wish to be falsely accused of having any hidden agenda in posting this thread, such as viral marketing etc...

I need to be careful not to open a can of worms ;)

I do have an idea, but I need to consult the LONGECITY Moderators to attain their approval before I offer it. I will PM one of the Moderators with my idea and confirm back as soon as I have a reply :)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 08 September 2012 - 10:10 PM.

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#21 Q did it!

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 09:30 PM

Could you tell us /(via PDF file or something like that) the literature methods/synthesis route in which all details (reaction times, solvents, temperatures, analytical data, purification methods, yields, etc.) that the custom synthesis company you had manufacturer the Coluracetam used? This would very much help those of us looking to get a synthesis for our selves vs. having you ship out samples (glad to see you wont ship samples. Posted without refreshing page first, oops ;), which is why i am updating). Especially if the chemist who helped manufacture it advises it be kept in a cool dry place, inside of a storage container that protects the chemical from UV light.

Any help you could provide would be much appreciated and also thanks for sharing what you found with the members of this forum!

- STORAGE: Upon the advice of the CHEMIST who oversaw the synthesis of the COLURACETAM I store it in a COOL and VERY DRY place and within a storage container that protects against the effects of UV LIGHT, wherein I use pharmaceutical amber glass jars:

First of all, if anyone is considering also proceeding down the route of obtaining some COLURACETAM via custom synthesis, please kindly note the following:

1) COLURACETAM is very lengthy, complex and time consuming to synthesize; and hence if anyone wishes to consider having it custom synthesized it will be pretty expensive if you wish to end up with a product that isn't contaminated with potentially highly toxic impurities (at least one of the synthesis component ingredients is very toxic; whereas the final substance, COLURACETAM, is not)

2) If you wish to obtain COLURACETAM that is sufficiently pure, then my advice is to forget about CHINA; but instead obtain quotations from reputable custom synthesis laboratories in the UK, EUROPE or USA (there may be others in other countries).

3) I have had 500 grams of pure COLURACETAM (>99.9% PURITY) manufactured by a reputable EUROPEAN custom synthesis laboratory; it cost US$16,000; here is the INVOICE:

Edited by Q did it!, 08 September 2012 - 09:36 PM.

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#22 unbeatableking

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 09:36 PM

I think causing a media implosion of sorts is precisely the thing we need.

Suppliers follow the law of demand. If you get the ball running, then suppliers might consider entering into an agreement of sorts with chemical labs.

Should this happen, we no longer have to go through the hassle of having this stuff synthesized. We can get economical middle-men to do that for us.

It should cause a price drop.

BTW, I have no interest in using Colouracetam. Just shocked at the amount of money spent. :O
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#23 ScienceGuy

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 09:40 PM

This sounds way better than I expected. I was really just expecting another crappy racetam [ifyaknowwhadddimeaan]. On top of that, I haven't personally seen you writing much about how a nootropic has a great effect on you, so this is a bit of a surprise. Thanks for your time and effort and I hope this can benefit me some day. I have some serious problems that I refuse to live with and maybe some day coluracetam will be part of the solution if it's worth it.

Wow, that is a comprehensive list of perceived benefits! It seems to far outstrip any of the other racetams in this respect, neigh any other nootropic I may say. That's not to say that your claims are untrue, but perhaps they may be a little skewed, given the context of your not-so-insignificant financial investment. Or maybe this really is the miracle 'racetam! I really do hope it is the latter

Would you mind elaborating on the subjective improvements/alterations you've experienced while under it's effects, specifically on the nature of your thought patterns ie. more goal oriented thoughts, greater powers of abstraction, more prone to awe etc. Also, I would be grateful if you could rank the list of positive benefits on a scale of 1 to 10 of perceived effectiveness. I'm sure I can thank you on behalf of this whole community for taking on this experiment... Keep us updated!

Okay, it's clear that I need to edit my initial post to make clearer the extent of the individual positive effects as at the moment it can easily be inferred that I am implying that COLURACETAM is a 'miracle' drug... it isn't. Personally, I have found it to be the best of all RACETAMS, however all the POSITIVE effects that I have listed are those that I have noticed an effect on any level, wherein the potency of the effect ranges from MINOR / SLIGHT to MAJOR / CONSIDERABLE.

Also, I should reiterate that this is a singular anecdotal report from one person only, wherein no placebo controls were implemented; and hence should be taken as such.

Furthermore, I should add that I am recovering from CNS LYME DISEASE, BABESIOSIS and BARTONELLOSIS, and hence do not fall within the categorization of HEALTHY INDIVIDUAL; wherein it is possible that some of the benefits that I have experienced may not occur in HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS. ;)
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#24 ScienceGuy

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 10:32 PM

Could you tell us /(via PDF file or something like that) the literature methods/synthesis route in which all details (reaction times, solvents, temperatures, analytical data, purification methods, yields, etc.) that the custom synthesis company you had manufacturer the Coluracetam used?

I don't have the complete details to hand, but I have just emailed the chemist who carried out the custom synthesis for me and asked him to provide me with all the details such that I can pass on the information to you. I will post the information if / when he replies. ;)
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#25 ScienceGuy

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 11:07 PM

...i think my best chance is to risk a few hundred dollars on china and then uk testing! at the worst ill learn the hard way about the true face of chinas factorys... would the lab you use be able to do such testing?

I used to head the R&D department of a nutritional supplement manufacturer and carried out contract R&D work for some major brands and retailers. Hence, I am very familiar with all aspects of this type of analysis testing. ;)

What you are essentially looking for is CHEMICAL PURITY ANALYSIS (by HPLC), which typically ranges in cost from £200 - £1,000 per sample, with the precise cost depending on a number of factors, including what is the particular substance and what is the number of tests / amount of business you will be providing them with. However, HPLC does have its limitations and doesn't show up everything, which is where HNMR is highly useful.

The laboratory that I used for the custom synthesis does not usually offer testing of substances manufactured elsewhere, however, if you like I could ask the chemist if he would be willing to do a one-off HPLC and HNMR analysis for you, which would likely work out quite a bit cheaper than the usual channels. :)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 08 September 2012 - 11:22 PM.

#26 unregistered_user

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 11:28 PM

How do you expect to get a ROI? Surely you won't use all of this yourself?

#27 ScienceGuy

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 11:38 PM

How do you expect to get a ROI? Surely you won't use all of this yourself?

Believe it or not my motives are not profit orientated. :)

I have a plan in mind, but need permission from LONGECITY management to be granted before I can carry it out. I have PMed Manic_Racetam and await his reply ;)

#28 zeroskater6979

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 11:54 PM

I don't want to put any more pressure on you ScienceGuy but I am willing to buy a small portion (2-3 grams) as well.

#29 unregistered_user

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:42 AM

Depending on your price to ship a few grams to the US I might be interested too.

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#30 vali

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Posted 09 September 2012 - 06:25 AM

Before anyone gets too excited, please note that the invoice says "not for resale". So if any reselling does happen, it would probably be best to keep it quiet and unofficial.

That said, I'm very interested in seeing the outcome to all this.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: coluracetam, racetam, piracetam, pramiracetam, oxiracetam, aniracetam, memory, cognitive, cognition, nootropic

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