Thank you for all your feedback and continued contributions to this thread.
Sorry for pulling another disappearing act for the past few weeks, my work schedule has been crazy insane.
I am pleased to report that for me personally COLURACETAM is still having precisely the same effects as when I first started taking it, which would indicate that for me at least there is no development of TOLERANCE.
I will endeavour to answer everyone's questions and many PMs as soon as I can.
Keep up the good work everyone

A question for ScienceGuy: Are the effects that you rated on the 1-10 scale with only coluracetam or with your whole stack? I'd be more interested in combining it with hydergine and oxiracetam if the latter is the case.
The effects that I rated for COLURACETAM on the 1-10 scale was with only COLURACETAM; however, certain effects are significantly more pronounced with my whole stack, wherein there appears to be a considerable SYNERGY with some of the other NOOTROPICS. Personally, I am of the view that COLURACETAM is best used as part of a combination as opposed to monotherapy

...Stacks pretty well with CILTEP. It might be too much stimulation for some people though.
10mg stacked on top of my usual CILTEP stack (10mg forskolin, 500mg artichoke, 200mg quercetin, 5mg adderall IR) really works awesomely at putting me right in the zone without having too much jittery-ness. It knocks out any latent anxiety and tension from the Adderall, especially the uneasiness I feel in my body when I get overstimulated.
ABELARD / ZRBARNES, I have found the thread on CILTEP extremely interesting. As it happens I already take QUERCETIN daily, which I have indeed found to stack extraordiniarily well with COLURACETAM; and I happen to currently have a pot of COLEUS FORSKOHLII and ARTICHOKE sitting on my desk in front of me, which I will shortly be trying out added to my stack

Unfortunately, like all the other racetams and most nootropics, Coluracetam disrupts my sleep within a few days of consistent dosing quickly causing its beneficial effects to be severely outweighed by the effects of sleep-deprivation. This is a shame as the effects I noticed were really quite nice, and this was only after one dose! I noticed increased sociability, mildly increased abstract reasoning skills, massive mental relaxation and a profound effect of visual acuity and appreciation of natural and intricate forms. At one point I was enraptured by a passing cloud for a few minutes, just absolutely lost in its beauty and complexity. Its a damn shame :(
OPAQUEMIND, you might like to consider trying a much lower dose of COLURACETAM. It is possible that you are very sensitive to its effects and consequently may find that you can reap its rewards at a much lower dosage and thereby avoid the negative SLEEP DISRUPTION side effect that you have experienced. Consider trying 1/10 of whatever dosage you took and see if you still suffer the SLEEP DISRUPTION; if not, then increase the dosage by 1/10 increments until you do experience the SLEEP DISRUPTION and then you know what is your UPPER TOLERABLE LIMIT; reduce the dosage to just below this such that you do not experience the SLEEP DISRUPTION. For example, if you took 10mg COLURACETAM, then try taking 1mg COLURACETAM and then increase the dosage by 1mg increments until you find the maximum dosage that you can take it without experiencing the SLEEP DISRUPTION. If you decide to try this, please do feedback how you get on.

... I will try with piracetam + coluracetam as I found out they highly synergize for me, removing the restless feeling I'd get on and off from coluracetam and replacing it with a semi-euphoric extremely relaxed focus(it feels like a low dose of amphetamine.. pretty unexpected). It seems almost like piracetam activates coluracetam for me in some way..(or at least changes it drastically in a positive way, not that it was bad before, just much better with piracetam). I also noticed head tension/ache before adding piracetam and now it is gone. The extremely relaxed focus feels like nefiracetam, but with a motivational drive to it rather than a flat/neutral feeling.
...I'm really liking the pir+colu combo though which is odd since science guy had the opposite effect in combo.
GOLDEN1, this is very interesting indeed. I certainly personally had a negative reaction when I tried stacking PIRACETAM with COLURACETAM but that is not to say that others will too, as you have clearly demonstrated. I am certainly going to be continuing with experimenting with stacking COLURACETAM with the various NOOTROPICS, and given your findings I will re-try stacking it with PIRACETAM, perhaps a bit more comprehensively this time to see what happens. Nice one!

...with repeat doses (never more than 10mg a day, but on consecutive days) I tend to get periods of mild drowsiness... I wonder if 5mg doses would still have meaningful positive effect.
RAZA, in my experience SOMNOLENCE occurs in instances when too much COLURACETAM is taken; hence, if you suffer this with a dosage of 10mg OD taken daily, then in my opinion you should deifintely try reducing the dosage to whatever dosage can be taken without manifestation of SOMNOLENCE, thereby ascertaining your 'sweet spot'.

Edited by ScienceGuy, 14 December 2012 - 12:21 AM.