COLURACETAM - User Feedback
Posted 09 October 2013 - 03:17 AM
At approx. 30 minutes in, I noticed my heart briefly started to race. I didn't feel like I was panicking, just like my metabolism got a sudden jolt.
At approx. 40 minutes in, when turning on the tap to get a glass of water, I was shocked to see a visualization of the sudden sound of rushing water. It was this hazy grey, nebulous shape, really complex and chaotic. It disappeared almost immediately after noticing it. Having never experienced synaesthesia before, I was quite surprised.
All the noots I've tried so far, both racetams and racerams, have noticeably increased my appreciation of music alongside the other cognitive and perceptual benefits---but the effect of coluracetam is more like a mild psychedelic, where the music seems to flow through you and play your body like an instrument. Listening to Tool's Lateralus on vinyl turned out to be an excellent choice.
After 2 hours, the initial "wow" dissipated and it began to feel distinctly more like a nootropic. I didn't much feel like working, more in the mood for daydreaming, letting my imagination roam, and reflecting. My thoughts weren't scattered, however. My mind felt clear, sharp, peaceful, as if I had just spent the past two hours sitting Zazen.
I briefly did some work on some software I'm writing, until it felt like time to watch Doctor Who. I also made tea.
At approx. 4 hours in, I started feeling somewhat tired. This was 10pm, so not altogether out of place or time. I will be able to get a better indication of the effects 4 hours after dosing tomorrow, when I take it first thing.
Altogether a positive experience. It seemed to pair well enough with tea, but I'll have to see tomorrow morning how it pairs with coffee.
Posted 09 October 2013 - 04:47 AM
Please someone make eyedrops with this stuff, it has potential for treating eye issues. I love the fact that it's working as a good antidepressant as they are studying it for but they've also been saying it can improve some retinal conditions, which I have. At this very moment the back of my eyes are aching, it's really harsh to go through everyday.
Plus, think about it - if people start using a 'racetam and it improves eyesight that will bring so much positive attention from people like me and doctors.
Anyone know when NSN will have it back in stock?
I have never felt the need to make a post on this site until now. What you have stated is absolutely a bad idea. Making eye drops of this will only lead to a risk of an eye infection. Things delivered ocularly do not offer any advantages; it would be absorbed through the eyes' membranes, travel through the blood vessels and finally through the BBB into the brain. I doubt it would act any differently on optic neurons if administered this way; if absorbed it would simply reach them a bit faster than if done sublingually.
The MD in your name could possibly mislead people reading this forum to think that you are to any extent knowledgeable in this ocular delivery (MD implies doctor).
Taking coluracetam via ocular administration will NOT change how it acts on the optic neurons any differently. Ocular administration is not even effective for all compounds (see URL). Take SEMAX for example, which has a neuroprotective effect on optic neurons; yet it is delivered nasally and not through the eyes as less risk is involved and it has the same end effect on optic neurons. To speak from experience, I've gotten SEMAX in my eye by mistake and experienced a slight burning sensation and had to flush my eye out with water.
Please see this article, it shows that ocular administration has many factors and not everything can and will be absorbed through the eyes. http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC2895432/
If anyone is foolish enough to attempt this, please do so in a very small amount and if you have a burning sensation immediately flush your eye out with water. You risk irritation which could later lead to an infection of the cornea or conjunctiva if coluracetam is taken through the eye, all with little to no added benefit for all of this risk. 420MD I suggest you try ocular delivery yourself and report back with you experience instead of asking other members and potential readers of this forum to risk their eyes for you.
Posted 10 October 2013 - 01:36 PM
Also worth noting, I had a coffee shortly after each dose of coluracetam+oxiracetam. No adverse effects---such as, anxiety, racing heart, nervousness, irritability, lightheadedness, etc.---at all.
For the most part, I didn't even notice it, except for the very obvious increased sensitivity of hearing. The onset of each dose was substantially milder and there weren't any synaesthetic or "sub-psychedelic" effects on day 2, but the anxiolytic effect seemed to be more pronounced as there was a definite sense of well-being bordering on mild euphoria. I had no trouble working or coding, but my inclination was once again to sit back and ponder the universe. Meditation, once I got home, was natural; my mind quieted almost instantly, but was still sharp and clear. Somehow, the meditation felt more effective, as well.
So far, a very interesting molecule.
Due to the potent anxiolytic aspects of coluracetam, I think today I will add Noopept to the stack. I'll start with 10mg, since coluracetam apparently potentiates the other noots much as sunifiram does.
Posted 10 October 2013 - 02:10 PM
My Coluracetam from NSN arrived a few days ago. So far, this has been quite enjoyable!
The first few times I took it (I took one slightly heaping microscoop sublingually - oy, I really need to get a mg scale with all this noot voodoo I like to get up to), it made me extremely drowsy, and I ended up taking a nap. It wasn't a foggy, out-of-it sort of drowsy though, just a deeply relaxed and pleasantly sleepy sort of drowsy...
The biggest thing I noticed about the coluracetam was a definite mood lift....
DROWSINESS after taking COLURACETAM is indicative of a total consumption that is too high... I strongly recommend that you purchase yourself a set of scales wherein by accurately measuring your doses you can ascertain what is the ideal dosage for YOU, wherein you obtain its beneficial effects without the DROWSINESS

I find I experience precisely the same thing if I take too much... and like you it is not unpleasant but a deeply relaxed drowsiness that simply makes you want to go and lie down for a nap... drop your dosage and you will find the DROWSINESS will vanish entirely

Just tried 5mg sublingually, here are my thoughts on it thus far...
-Seems to have anxiolytic properties. Not super strong at 5mg, but roughly comparable to .5mg klonopin, obviously minus the derp.
-Makes visualizing stuff easy. Like really easy. I'm looking at 3D vector valued functions, and their graphs just pop right into my head.
-Doesn't really stimulate. I'll be interested in trying to stack it with phenylpiracetam, for example... or classic stims. I like stims.
I'm going to try high doses soon, but this is looking like a real winner thus far.
Great feedback... Personally, COLURACETAM is without a doubt by far my favourite RACETAM

I have played around with various dosages considerably and have tried combining it with other RACETAMS in just about every combination that you can think of... IMO it combines best with OXIRACETAM, wherein until very recently I have been taking both every day... however, I have recently dropped the OXIRACETAM and am now just taking the COLURACETAM as I find that OXIRACETAM's ANXIOGENIC effects somewhat counteract COLURACETAM's ANXIOLYTIC effects and I now prefer the effects of COLURACETAM as MONOTHERAPY as opposed to stacked with any other RACETAMS
Incidentally, I have also found that COLURACETAM stacks extremely well with low dose HYDERGINE

With regards to trying higher dosages of COLURACETAM, take note of what I said above regards DROWSINESS; wherein, if you find yourself experiencing manifestation of DROWSINESS then it is because you have jacked up your COLURACETAM dosage too high

Edited by ScienceGuy, 10 October 2013 - 02:12 PM.
Posted 10 October 2013 - 02:17 PM
Please someone make eyedrops with this stuff, it has potential for treating eye issues... Plus, think about it - if people start using a 'racetam and it improves eyesight that will bring so much positive attention from people like me and doctors.
I have never felt the need to make a post on this site until now. What you have stated is absolutely a bad idea. Making eye drops of this will only lead to a risk of an eye infection. Things delivered ocularly do not offer any advantages; it would be absorbed through the eyes' membranes, travel through the blood vessels and finally through the BBB into the brain. I doubt it would act any differently on optic neurons if administered this way; if absorbed it would simply reach them a bit faster than if done sublingually...
Taking coluracetam via ocular administration will NOT change how it acts on the optic neurons any differently. Ocular administration is not even effective for all compounds (see URL). Take SEMAX for example, which has a neuroprotective effect on optic neurons; yet it is delivered nasally and not through the eyes as less risk is involved and it has the same end effect on optic neurons. To speak from experience, I've gotten SEMAX in my eye by mistake and experienced a slight burning sensation and had to flush my eye out with water.
Please see this article, it shows that ocular administration has many factors and not everything can and will be absorbed through the eyes. http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC2895432/
If anyone is foolish enough to attempt this, please do so in a very small amount and if you have a burning sensation immediately flush your eye out with water. You risk irritation which could later lead to an infection of the cornea or conjunctiva if coluracetam is taken through the eye, all with little to no added benefit for all of this risk...
^^^ Please listen to this fine gentleman... and do NOT attempt OCULAR ADMINSTRATION of COLURACETAM... Very, very bad idea indeed!

Posted 10 October 2013 - 09:58 PM
Normally, I'm a pretty happy guy with very little anxiety so that might be one reason I don't feel anything. I got into nootropics as more of a hobby rather than "self-medication" like I feel a lot of people here are doing. I'll give Coluracetam one more month before I stop with nootropics.
Edited by pidginduck, 10 October 2013 - 10:03 PM.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 08:47 AM
My first dose of coluracetam (~20mg sublingually) felt like my first dose of noopept (10mg sublingually). In a matter of about 20 minutes, I felt profound drop in anxiety I didn't even know I had. The difference was so pronounced, it really caused me to think about my lifestyle and how I normally carry about so much anxiety on a day-to-day basis. I then pulled out my homework and decided to make some progress! Except... I wonder what other people notice about coluracetam... time to look at the forums. 4 hours later, my eyes feel tired, and I'm a little groggy. Definitely more than just monitor fatigue; I think I took too much.
The next day, I tried the dose of 10mg TID sublingually and added 100mg of oxiracetam TID. I didn't notice the Oxiracetam at all (as expected). The anxiety reduction was lessened, but that was probably a good thing. Without any anxiety whatsoever, I felt no reason to worry about the HUGE assignment I was working on. In the morning, I got a little work done. However, around my third dose, I found it really, really hard to concentrate. It felt like the problem was just too hard to grasp. There were too many moving parts and the problem was too open ended. I just couldn't choose where to start. Thinking back, this was yet another effect that was similar to noopept: my working memory got totally blasted by the drug.
The next day, repeated the same dosage, but without the oxiracetam. I got pretty much the same effect, however, something peculiar happened in the evening (a few hours after my last coluracetam dose). I began to get really stressed out at the fact that I couldn't finish my assignment. The fact that I had only a few days remaining dawned on me and I spent the evening pacing back and forth, trying to decide what to do. I could drop the class before the deadline, but then what other class should I take instead? Which other classes haven't had homework due yet? Will these classes fit into my plan? So many options... (pace pace)... can't decide on a course of action... Again, I recognized the tell-tale signs of my working memory getting blasted.
The next morning, I skipped the coluracetam entirely. I just needed a break. In the afternoon, my curiosity got the better of me and I paired 900mg of Piracetam with 10mg coluracetam. The effect was profound, especially on my mood. I was talkative and carefree and just plain enjoying life. Regardless, I still was failing to get any work done on my assignment. The Piracetam seemed to amplify the anxiolytic properties a bit, so part of me just wasn't sweating the impending due date of the assignment. The other half was discouraged that I couldn't figure out how to start the assignment.
For the next few days, I went without 'racetams entirely and finally started making progress on my assignment. Also, one other thing I noticed was that I was sleeping MUCH better at night. Not sure why, but I kept waking up feeling refreshed every morning, even though I was getting less sleep than usual (~5.5hrs).
So, in summary:
* A powerful anxiolytic, especially at higher doses. Perhaps too powerful.
* Seems to impair my working memory. I wonder if even 10mg is too much...
* Improves my sleep.
* Piracetam seems to pair the best with coluracetam for me. (Though I know this varies from person to person)
Posted 11 October 2013 - 12:11 PM
However, while I didn't exactly have insomnia last night, I kept waking up every hour or so after fairly vivid 'night terrors', the last of which I think technically counts as a nightmare. I feel pretty good this morning though, as if all my suppressed stress came out during my dreams and now I'm unburdened.
Only other negative side-effect: shortly after my third dose yesterday, I began feeling intense neck stiffness. I was hoping that once I got home and took my third-dose, I'd feel the urge to draw again, but no such luck. I suppose the third dose was too much, and I should trim down the dosages accordingly today.
Today I will be stacking coluracetam with sunifiram, only. Considering the effects I observed while stacking sunifiram with LSD several months ago, I expect sunifiram to suppress the sub-psychedelic effects of coluracetam and heighten the nootropic, hopefully including sunifiram's signature brightness. I think the adjusted doses of 3x 9mg coluracetam + 3mg sunifiram should be ideal.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 08:39 PM
Day 3 of my coluracetam trial was positive. It stacked really well with both oxiracetam and noopept---I felt sharper, not dopey, dreamy, or contemplative. It turned out to be really good for code refactoring and bug-fixing, tasks which I normally find tedious; it's like I could see the art in perfecting the code. Also, shortly after my morning dose, I felt the distinct urge to draw, my artist's eye opened and I looked around at all my surroundings not just to see it, but as if I was drawing it; sadly I was already on the streetcar to work, and by the time I got home that urge and sight were gone.
However, while I didn't exactly have insomnia last night, I kept waking up every hour or so after fairly vivid 'night terrors', the last of which I think technically counts as a nightmare. I feel pretty good this morning though, as if all my suppressed stress came out during my dreams and now I'm unburdened.
Only other negative side-effect: shortly after my third dose yesterday, I began feeling intense neck stiffness. I was hoping that once I got home and took my third-dose, I'd feel the urge to draw again, but no such luck. I suppose the third dose was too much, and I should trim down the dosages accordingly today.
Today I will be stacking coluracetam with sunifiram, only. Considering the effects I observed while stacking sunifiram with LSD several months ago, I expect sunifiram to suppress the sub-psychedelic effects of coluracetam and heighten the nootropic, hopefully including sunifiram's signature brightness. I think the adjusted doses of 3x 9mg coluracetam + 3mg sunifiram should be ideal.
The neck stiffness is probably from too much ach....yeah I would cut out the third dose.
Posted 12 October 2013 - 12:55 AM
The neck stiffness is probably from too much ach....yeah I would cut out the third dose.
Yeah... actually after I posted this morning, while finishing my morning coffee, I suddenly got really lightheaded. Had to lie down and I ended up falling asleep again. Woke up at 10:30 with pretty severe neck stiffness and aching. No headache or further drowsiness, but I decided not to trial the Coluracetam + Sunifiram today after all. Nevertheless, most of the positive non-sub-psychedelic effects carried over into today anyway.
Looks like it's pretty easy to go overboard. When I resume coluracetam, I may try 5mg doses.
Posted 12 October 2013 - 02:21 PM
Please someone make eyedrops with this stuff, it has potential for treating eye issues. I love the fact that it's working as a good antidepressant as they are studying it for but they've also been saying it can improve some retinal conditions, which I have. At this very moment the back of my eyes are aching, it's really harsh to go through everyday.
Plus, think about it - if people start using a 'racetam and it improves eyesight that will bring so much positive attention from people like me and doctors.
Anyone know when NSN will have it back in stock?
If your eyes are hurting, cannabis will clear that right up.
Posted 12 October 2013 - 08:36 PM
Definitely does, I'm talking LASIK like improvement without the lasers though. Chemically induced visual improvements. If applied like eyedrops the coluracetam would be hitting your optical neurons.Please someone make eyedrops with this stuff, it has potential for treating eye issues. I love the fact that it's working as a good antidepressant as they are studying it for but they've also been saying it can improve some retinal conditions, which I have. At this very moment the back of my eyes are aching, it's really harsh to go through everyday.
Plus, think about it - if people start using a 'racetam and it improves eyesight that will bring so much positive attention from people like me and doctors.
Anyone know when NSN will have it back in stock?
If your eyes are hurting, cannabis will clear that right up.
Can anyone tell me about solubility?
Edited by ▲420MD, 12 October 2013 - 08:37 PM.
Posted 12 October 2013 - 08:41 PM
others have described.
After 3 days at that dosage, I tried stacking w/ 600 mg centro. I experienced improved cognitive effects (more productivity on software dev tasks), but I seem to experience that with centro alone.
The past 2 days I've stacked with oxi, but haven't really noticed significant cognitive effects. I'm tempted to try with some nefi.
I've also noticed a possible tolerance issue, after 4 days the 15 mg doses didn't seem very effective. I've since tried 25 mg dose, which seems pretty good, and then 35mg dose today, which was really great - left me very energetic, and powered through my 1.5 hour workout very easily. I suspect this may also be a body mass issue (I'm 6'1'', about 260lbs).
As to the ocular effects, I definitely sense that my vision is much more focused on detail, which may explain the color perception noted by others. E.g., when looking at a tree across the valley, I perceive the leaves/branches in more detail, rather than the tree as a whole. Had a similar experience when I stepped out of the shower and looked at the bath towel: I seemed to pick out the fine details of the surface threads more than the towel as a whole.
All in all, I'm not certain I'd continue colu, mostly due to cost relative to noopept, which produces a similar effect, but with cognitive enhancements as well (which is what I'm really looking for in racetams).
Posted 13 October 2013 - 04:18 AM
Posted 13 October 2013 - 04:36 PM
Posted 13 October 2013 - 05:09 PM
Posted 13 October 2013 - 05:20 PM
Since it looks like I'll be needing to make eyedrops myself - how soluble is this stuff in water...?
Are you serious? Don't expect someone to help you to likely injure yourself. You've already been warned by FW900 and ScienceGuy that it's a very bad idea, and that it won't change how it acts on optic nerves. FW900 was nice enough to create an account and the post to warn you and others and you've just completely ignored them...
Edited by typ3z3r0, 13 October 2013 - 05:21 PM.
Posted 14 October 2013 - 05:05 AM
COLURACETAM is not soluble in WATER, nor apparently FAT either.
It's not going to do good to your eyes.
Posted 14 October 2013 - 06:00 AM
Funny you mention phenyl, I just ordered some from NSN (its on sale). I don't know if I'd stack it with colu, tho, based on the stimulant effects. I'll be cycling off colu for a few days to wash out before trying the phenyl. But I'll try the nefi + colu stack tomorrow when I'm back at work.
I tried to resist to order phenylpiracetam powder from NSN. I usually use Demiurge which comes in a 50mg cap and is very convenient to use on an as needed basis. However, seeing the price from NSN, I had to order some. Maybe I'll make some cap myself.
Nefi+Colu is a great idea. Has anyone tried Ani+Colu or Pram+Colu yet?
Posted 14 October 2013 - 06:47 AM
Geeze, chill the hell out. I skipped over two posts by mistake in a large thread - you've never done that?Since it looks like I'll be needing to make eyedrops myself - how soluble is this stuff in water...?
Are you serious? Don't expect someone to help you to likely injure yourself. You've already been warned by FW900 and ScienceGuy that it's a very bad idea, and that it won't change how it acts on optic nerves. FW900 was nice enough to create an account and the post to warn you and others and you've just completely ignored them...
And all I was asking was a question, this community is not so welcoming - I see more people than not coming and quickly leaving because of interactions like these between forum members here.
Edited by ▲420MD, 14 October 2013 - 06:49 AM.
Posted 14 October 2013 - 06:54 AM
Please someone make eyedrops with this stuff, it has potential for treating eye issues. I love the fact that it's working as a good antidepressant as they are studying it for but they've also been saying it can improve some retinal conditions, which I have. At this very moment the back of my eyes are aching, it's really harsh to go through everyday.
Plus, think about it - if people start using a 'racetam and it improves eyesight that will bring so much positive attention from people like me and doctors.
Anyone know when NSN will have it back in stock?
I have never felt the need to make a post on this site until now. What you have stated is absolutely a bad idea. Making eye drops of this will only lead to a risk of an eye infection. Things delivered ocularly do not offer any advantages; it would be absorbed through the eyes' membranes, travel through the blood vessels and finally through the BBB into the brain. I doubt it would act any differently on optic neurons if administered this way; if absorbed it would simply reach them a bit faster than if done sublingually.
The MD in your name could possibly mislead people reading this forum to think that you are to any extent knowledgeable in this ocular delivery (MD implies doctor).
Taking coluracetam via ocular administration will NOT change how it acts on the optic neurons any differently. Ocular administration is not even effective for all compounds (see URL). Take SEMAX for example, which has a neuroprotective effect on optic neurons; yet it is delivered nasally and not through the eyes as less risk is involved and it has the same end effect on optic neurons. To speak from experience, I've gotten SEMAX in my eye by mistake and experienced a slight burning sensation and had to flush my eye out with water.
Please see this article, it shows that ocular administration has many factors and not everything can and will be absorbed through the eyes. http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC2895432/
If anyone is foolish enough to attempt this, please do so in a very small amount and if you have a burning sensation immediately flush your eye out with water. You risk irritation which could later lead to an infection of the cornea or conjunctiva if coluracetam is taken through the eye, all with little to no added benefit for all of this risk. 420MD I suggest you try ocular delivery yourself and report back with you experience instead of asking other members and potential readers of this forum to risk their eyes for you.
Thanks for the information, I should've read up more but I appreciate the answer. Still no need for the hostility, I just remember reading a study saying coluracetam could repair optic nerve damage.
The company BrainCells who is developing coluracetam has it on their site
From Wikipedia:
"It may also have potential use in prevention and treatment of ischemic retinopathy and retinal and optic nerve injury."
Thats why I was interested...
Posted 14 October 2013 - 07:14 AM
Edited by Lody, 14 October 2013 - 07:24 AM.
Posted 14 October 2013 - 07:27 AM
Since it looks like I'll be needing to make eyedrops myself - how soluble is this stuff in water...?
Are you serious? Don't expect someone to help you to likely injure yourself. You've already been warned by FW900 and ScienceGuy that it's a very bad idea, and that it won't change how it acts on optic nerves. FW900 was nice enough to create an account and the post to warn you and others and you've just completely ignored them...
^^^ Please listen to this fine gentleman TOO! and do NOT attempt OCULAR ADMINSTRATION of COLURACETAM... Very, very bad idea indeed!

Geeze, chill the hell out. I skipped over two posts by mistake in a large thread - you've never done that?
And all I was asking was a question, this community is not so welcoming - I see more people than not coming and quickly leaving because of interactions like these between forum members here.
...Thanks for the information, I should've read up more but I appreciate the answer. Still no need for the hostility...
With respect, I don't think anyone is being especially HOSTILE here... I think it is more a case of people being understandably surprised at your posts given the matter was just discussed and commented on only SEVEN POSTS prior to yours... it is not as if it was buried way back on a previous page of the thread, is it? And the severity of the reaction to your posts is warranted given the seriousness of the situation, in that any possibility of a casual reader of this thread in any respect inferring that it is OK to apply COLURACETAM via OCULAR ADMINISTRATION needs to be avoided at all costs... so don't take it personally, IMO the severe reaction was targeted more at the SITUATION itself than at you

Mixing colu with absinthe. Good or bad? Why good or why bad?
^^^ Lol

Edited by ScienceGuy, 14 October 2013 - 07:24 AM.
Posted 14 October 2013 - 07:40 AM
Posted 14 October 2013 - 08:23 AM
Haha as much as I love that response ScienceGuy, I trust you more than anybody on here. You think that's safe or an awful idea?;
Sorry, I thought you were joking...

In short, without entering the debate with respect to whether or not the variable amount of THUJONE contained within ABSINTHE is sufficient to exert significant NEUROTOXIC EFFECTS, it should be noted that ABSINTHE is in itself contains very high concentrations of ETHANOL, and as such, as with any strong LIQUOR, it is likely to exert ANTI-NOOTROPIC EFFECTS if consumed in significant enough quantity and frequency... So I suppose the real question that needs answering here is whether or not it is a 'good idea' to combine STRONG ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES with COLURACETAM... wherein, if the desired outcome is COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT then the answer would be "NO, it is NOT a good idea"... Also, if the desired outcome is to benefit from the ANXIOLYTIC pharmacological effect that COLURACETAM also exerts, then it should be noted that ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION desensitizes the GABA RECEPTORS, resulting in a subsequent ANXIOGENIC effect proportional to the quantity and frequency of the ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION; and hence regular ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION would in theory negatively impact COLURACTAM's positive ANXIOLYTIC effect; wherein, for this reason also the regular consumption of a combination of both ABSINTHE and COLURACETAM would be inadvisable and in fact counterproductive

I should add that it would not be especially "UNSAFE" but it IS is counterproductive combination and hence UNHELPFUL

Edited by ScienceGuy, 14 October 2013 - 08:27 AM.
Posted 14 October 2013 - 10:21 AM
With respect, I don't think anyone is being especially HOSTILE here... I think it is more a case of people being understandably surprised at your posts given the matter was just discussed and commented on only SEVEN POSTS prior to yours... it is not as if it was buried way back on a previous page of the thread, is it? And the severity of the reaction to your posts is warranted given the seriousness of the situation, in that any possibility of a casual reader of this thread in any respect inferring that it is OK to apply COLURACETAM via OCULAR ADMINISTRATION needs to be avoided at all costs... so don't take it personally, IMO the severe reaction was targeted more at the SITUATION itself than at you
Thank you for the civil response and contributions to the community. I appreciate it personally.
Posted 14 October 2013 - 03:47 PM
Haha as much as I love that response ScienceGuy, I trust you more than anybody on here. You think that's safe or an awful idea?;
Sorry, I thought you were joking...
In short, without entering the debate with respect to whether or not the variable amount of THUJONE contained within ABSINTHE is sufficient to exert significant NEUROTOXIC EFFECTS, it should be noted that ABSINTHE is in itself contains very high concentrations of ETHANOL, and as such, as with any strong LIQUOR, it is likely to exert ANTI-NOOTROPIC EFFECTS if consumed in significant enough quantity and frequency... So I suppose the real question that needs answering here is whether or not it is a 'good idea' to combine STRONG ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES with COLURACETAM... wherein, if the desired outcome is COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT then the answer would be "NO, it is NOT a good idea"... Also, if the desired outcome is to benefit from the ANXIOLYTIC pharmacological effect that COLURACETAM also exerts, then it should be noted that ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION desensitizes the GABA RECEPTORS, resulting in a subsequent ANXIOGENIC effect proportional to the quantity and frequency of the ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION; and hence regular ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION would in theory negatively impact COLURACTAM's positive ANXIOLYTIC effect; wherein, for this reason also the regular consumption of a combination of both ABSINTHE and COLURACETAM would be inadvisable and in fact counterproductive
I should add that it would not be especially "UNSAFE" but it IS is counterproductive combination and hence UNHELPFUL
Thank you ScienceGuy, as you can tell, I'm obviously a newbie to nootropics. But I'll just not dose colu on Friday, and have some fun then.

Thank you ScienceGuy, as you can tell, I'm obviously a newbie to nootropics. But I'll just not dose colu on Friday, and have some fun then.

Posted 15 October 2013 - 11:52 AM
Effects similar to before, but clearly stronger. It is sort of like someone turned on the contrast on real life, haha. Seems to work well with phenylpiracetam, I like the stimulated feeling on top of vision enhancement and clarity. The I almost feel slightly dissociated, kind of a very slight disconnect between the physical world and my mind. Kind of like watching a color-enhanced movie of life in a weird way. Regardless, great for studying. I'm visualizing 3D functions better than I ever have before.
The only really odd/negative part is my reaction time shot up from ~220ms baseline to ~350ms. Phenylpiracetam alone generally lowers my reaction time, but it appears coluracetam is raising it.
Posted 16 October 2013 - 04:38 AM
Posted 16 October 2013 - 04:56 AM
I have a love hate relationship with Coluracetam. Some days it really gives me good focus and motivation with no side effects. Very subtle but just that extra push I need. Other days it seems to make my focus a bit worse where I'm struggling to remember things. I believe the doses are the same but I have a 20 dollar scale and sometimes putting some crumbs on it won't yield a reading so I'm not sure if my 10mg doses are actually 20 and i'm possibly dosing too high. Less is def more with Colu. I think once a day dosing is more than enough also. When I was dosing 2 times a day I started to get the stiff neck over cholinated feelings like some are starting to discover.
Yeah... I've had stiff neck and fatigue since my third dose last thursday (which of course was combined with noopept). Haven't taken the coluracetam since, but started back on just pure piracetam yesterday, with no choline supplementation, to burn through the excess. It's gotten noticeably better today, particularly after my third dose.
I'm using the same piracetam doses as I normally do: 1.6g, 3x daily, of pure piracetam from NSN.
I must agree with you. I'm fairly certain coluracetam doesn't need to be dosed daily, nevermind more than one dose on the day you take it. After taking it for three days in a row last week, the after-effects have persisted for 6 days past cessation so far... and that's with taking the piracetam.
I'm slightly confused by this, since I followed ScienceGuy's advice and didn't supplement choline with the coluracetam; I was also under the impression from the available literature that it was supposed to increase acetylcholine uptake, not flood the brain with excess choline... or perhaps I misunderstood?
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: coluracetam, racetam, piracetam, pramiracetam, oxiracetam, aniracetam, memory, cognitive, cognition, nootropic
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