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COLURACETAM - User Feedback

coluracetam racetam piracetam pramiracetam oxiracetam aniracetam memory cognitive cognition nootropic

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#481 Babychris

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Posted 01 February 2014 - 05:49 PM

Anyway you are true when you say that we should stay with more consistence on the topic.

Post scriptum : What do you mean by overly cryptic ?

Edited by chrono, 25 April 2014 - 03:41 PM.

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#482 Mr. Pink

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Posted 02 February 2014 - 05:49 AM

No huge kick - tried it 3mg x2 a day but memory degrades big time- have to almost play charades.

Last week I was trying to describe power lines- like how they always fall down in big storms- pretty wacked- so I cut the dosage to 1x day. Stuff along those lines as well as names.


Definitely not as "blissed out" as I am on aniracetam and sulbut stack (also like this with noopept 12mg 1x day every second month) but get small snippits of memory of my childhood often with Coluracetam.

Sounds like what it impairs isn't memory (cognitive function), but a language function that's further downstream (i.e., playing charades is to communicate rather than to remember). Also, if you're getting bits of childhood memory that seems like an indication that Coluracetam improves recall, or was that related to the noopept?

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#483 trysomethingdiferent

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Posted 02 February 2014 - 03:13 PM

ok, first of all i want to welcome and say Hi to all of members! ( my first post here! ) im reading this forum for long time now, but i never decided to create account till today.
I love all the informations I found here! but Im interested in one particular one about coluracetam. Is it safe/good to mix it with sunifarm? I on noopept + piracetam atm, but its not going very well for me. So I want to try this out. What you think about suni + coluracetam? + ALCAR and maybe noopept or pira?
and whats better? pills from ebay or powder from newstarnoo...?

ps. I hope my bad english dont insult anyone :)

#484 renfr

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Posted 02 February 2014 - 03:32 PM

The only thing Coluracetam ever gave me is extreme fatigue and need to sleep during the day. Therefore it was impossible for me to assess its cognitive effects.
However two things should be noted :
- I took really high doses, probably between 20-50mg, far over what people took, but I resorted to such doses due to being unable to feel anything from light doses
- Fatigue may be due to high cholinergic activity, if I remember well Coluracetam increases HACU (high affinity choline uptake) significantly and has been shown to have cholinergic effects, maybe should have I taken this at night (acetylcholine is known to interact inversely with dopamine hence why most cholinergics upregulate dopamine receptors)

and whats better? pills from ebay or powder from newstarnoo...?

Avoid eBay overall when they sell nootropic pills, most of them look sketchy and while in the best case you might end up with a sugar pill, in the worst case you could get a totally different product.
Even popular nootropic resellers such as Cerebral health have been implicated in very serious affairs concerning the products they sell (recently with pyritinol) however NSN from what I heard is one of the most reliable sellers, they seem quite informed and professional and test all of their products unlike CH.

Edited by renfr, 02 February 2014 - 03:39 PM.

#485 trysomethingdiferent

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Posted 02 February 2014 - 04:05 PM

shame that at NSN coluracetam isn't available, waiting to response when will be on again... cant wait :)

what about HSW?

and what about that stack? coluracetam + sunifarm? anything else to add?

#486 renfr

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Posted 02 February 2014 - 05:01 PM

shame that at NSN coluracetam isn't available, waiting to response when will be on again... cant wait :)

what about HSW?

and what about that stack? coluracetam + sunifarm? anything else to add?

Never had a problem with HSW products, at least not with their phosphatidylserine. However I don't think they personally test the products like 99% of other retailers.

#487 trysomethingdiferent

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Posted 02 February 2014 - 05:30 PM

shame that at NSN coluracetam isn't available, waiting to response when will be on again... cant wait :)

what about HSW?

and what about that stack? coluracetam + sunifarm? anything else to add?

Never had a problem with HSW products, at least not with their phosphatidylserine. However I don't think they personally test the products like 99% of other retailers.

allright. thanks for that.

but still... coluracetam + sunifarm? good combination?

#488 rc897

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Posted 02 February 2014 - 05:47 PM

Sounds like what it impairs isn't memory (cognitive function), but a language function that's further downstream (i.e., playing charades is to communicate rather than to remember). Also, if you're getting bits of childhood memory that seems like an indication that Coluracetam improves recall, or was that related to the noopept?

Note: doing nothing else (pot, rec drugs, prescription, etc) no history of formal assessed depression or any other mental disorder/illness.

This is only the 2nd time I took it on the same day as noopept- wanted a contrast, took again yesterday.

7mg Coluracetam 9am
12mg noopept 1:30pm

Wanted to up the dosage to nail if my memory takes a hit or if it is cumulative. noopept dosage is my usual dosages (12mg ED for 30 days then 30days off)- except that this was in my "off month" about 16 days off.

With the Coluracetam, my memory didn't take memory hit- but ringing in ears was tremendous- total tinnitus like very soon after taking (usual is 3mg day, only very slight ringing then).

only other standout thing besides the ringing was a headache, relieved by taking 500mg choline.

in the afternoon I took 12mg noopept, went running around for errands. Total contrast, kind of nice warm feeling, big smile, a nice alert calm/relaxed talking with strangers felt really good - haven't felt this good in a while.

Remembered why I was taking nootropics in the first place.

Thanks for this forum to at least try out new products, the more I write about these new products the less I like them. Not a fan of Coluracetam or Sunifiram- they feel like the same product and I do not like the ringing in ears. No hearing damage prior- not a rock/loud club goer, normally sensitive to loud noises and avoid those situations. Even now I just took 3mg again and I have significant "white noise" like fullness in the ears- don't think I am going to continue this experiment.

Going back to my Ani/sulb and noopept stack sometimes swap out ani for oxiractam.

Edited by rc897, 02 February 2014 - 05:51 PM.

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#489 Betterself

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Posted 02 February 2014 - 08:16 PM

shame that at NSN coluracetam isn't available, waiting to response when will be on again... cant wait :)

what about HSW?

and what about that stack? coluracetam + sunifarm? anything else to add?

HSW coluracetam is off color (tan or beige color) The NSN is white

#490 renodino

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Posted 04 February 2014 - 08:41 PM

Speaking of off-color: I ordered 2 g from Noot Depot. Got a pair of 1 g containers, I opened both and noticed 1 is pure white, the other is beige. Noticed the beige has an older lot number than the newer. Not certain I'm going to touch the beige stuff, certainly not until I try the white. fwiw, I've ordered from both NSN and newmind in the past and both were slightly beige, and worked well for me.

I've used up all my older (NSN/newmind) supply, so will see if there's a noticeable difference with the NootDepot white lot over the next day or 2.

#491 Majic

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 12:04 AM

HSW coluracetam is off color (tan or beige color) The NSN is white

I can report that the gram of Coluracetam that I purchased from HSW on January 17, 2014 (Batch# 140114, Exp. 12/3/16) is pure white when examined under incandescent, fluorescent or "white" LED light (from a flashlight), so hopefully that will be the case going forward.

As for its effects, my initial impressions from modest doses of ~5-10mg (taken without any other "stacks" or supplements) are that it's definitely a very potent substance. Subjective effects seem to be in line with what other users have reported in this thread with respect to color perception and anxiolysis, but I am ever mindful of the power of placebo.

Thus I consider it a bit too early to offer anything beyond initial impressions, other than to say that I am encouraged to continue experimenting with Coluracetam on its own to get a better idea of its characteristics at lower doses, how its effects may vary over time, and ("unscientific" as it may be) how I feel about it after I've had more experience with it.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed their own reports on this substance. They inspired me to give Coluracetam a try, and though it's too early for me to render a well-informed verdict, I'm liking it so far. :)

#492 PuertoO

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 02:17 PM

Keep up the good posts, I am interested in this supplement. How does it help with movement and learning new skills?

#493 Ashenhurst

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 03:48 PM

I ordered my coluracetam from (health supplement wholesalers). They have great service and selection.
I've taken 15mg of coluracetam for 4 days and I have to say its subtle in effect. However I find that all racetams are either unnoticeable or very subtle.
It should be noted that I have a prescription for opioids due to chronic pain.
I really want something to work to bring me out of the opioid fog.

#494 neuroatypicow

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Posted 09 February 2014 - 11:30 PM

i've been taking ~20mg sublingually of Coloracetam bought from C. in a dropper bottle glycerin suspension.
day 1 20mg. OD
day 2 20mg. BID with 5 hour separation between doses.
day 3 20mg. BID with 5 hour separation between doses.this is day 3, so far there are no noticeable effects.

i gave the same dose to my wife, and she felt no effects at that dose. i hope i haven't received a dud, as it would be an unfortunate irony for my anxiety to climb upon discovering i bought a compound which supposedly has anxiolytic properties but which does not work as is reputed.
i has a sad.
should i keep going with it? reduce dose, increase dose? frequency?

#495 renodino

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Posted 10 February 2014 - 01:08 AM

i've been taking ~20mg sublingually of Coloracetam bought from C. in a dropper bottle glycerin suspension.
day 1 20mg. OD
day 2 20mg. BID with 5 hour separation between doses.
day 3 20mg. BID with 5 hour separation between doses.this is day 3, so far there are no noticeable effects.

i gave the same dose to my wife, and she felt no effects at that dose. i hope i haven't received a dud, as it would be an unfortunate irony for my anxiety to climb upon discovering i bought a compound which supposedly has anxiolytic properties but which does not work as is reputed.
i has a sad.
should i keep going with it? reduce dose, increase dose? frequency?

When I 1st tried it,I started at 10mg: no noticeable effects. I bumped to 20mg, and then 25 mg, and still no effects. But when I bumped to 30mg, I definitely felt the effects (only doing once a day), so it may be worth scaling up a bit and see how you feel. There does seem to be a wide range of sensitivity, as some here report good effects at 5mg. And some here have reported bad effects as well at fairly low doses.

Also, I've noticed continued enhanced mood for 1-2 days after stopping dosing, so you may want to stop and see if you notice any difference.

#496 neuroatypicow

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Posted 10 February 2014 - 02:23 AM

thanks for your feedback. i am reticent to increasing the dose as that just increases the amount of fluid i have to try to hold beneath my tongue. i have a sneaking suspicion that providing this in glycerin is a mistake, as i'm unable to have the pure powder against my mucosa, that the glycerin forms a little pool, with coleracetam floating around in it, but not making good contact with my mucosa; a pool which grows as my saliva secretes (i am one of those that have active salivary glands [TMI? sorry] and further dilutes the contact and perhaps hampering absorbtion.
i'll keep to the dose twice a day, for the two weeks, waiting and watching for any changes. but maybe i'll go another day or two, then take a day off and feel for any difference.
inevitably, after 10 minutes of holding this stuff beneath the tongue, the majority of it gets swallowed. does food in the stomach slow or prevent oral absorbtion?

#497 hswonline

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Posted 11 February 2014 - 07:31 PM

Hi guys, HSW employee here.

The color actually has no bearing on the effectiveness or purity of the product, the shade can vary between batches.

Also, our Coluracetam was third-party lab tested by Jinan Taige - this is the lab test.

Dan - Health Supplement Wholesalers

Edited by hswonline, 11 February 2014 - 07:34 PM.

#498 Babychris

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Posted 21 February 2014 - 05:04 PM

Someone still using it ? And what's about combine it with oxiracetam ?

#499 Betterself

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Posted 21 February 2014 - 05:40 PM

Hi guys, HSW employee here.

The color actually has no bearing on the effectiveness or purity of the product, the shade can vary between batches.

Also, our Coluracetam was third-party lab tested by Jinan Taige - this is the lab test.

Dan - Health Supplement Wholesalers

I can confirm that the HSW Coluracetam is just as effective as the NSN even though the batch I received is off color.
I take 10mg 3TD and feel more "on" when taking it.

#500 Justchill

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Posted 28 February 2014 - 01:32 PM

Now is an excellent time to try coluracetam. It's on sale this weekend on HSW; like them on FB and you can see their ad.

#501 branbrain

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Posted 04 March 2014 - 02:05 PM

I started with coluracetam obtained from NewMind from 10 mg. This dose seems to be not enough for me. With gradual increasing I rose up to 20-25 mg 2 times per day. In 20-30 min after taking it I feel strong increase in mood and motivation with mild euphoria inside the upper part of my chest. I did not noticed any memory boosting and other cognitive improvements purely from coluracetam. However mixing it with sunifiram and pramiracetam seems to significantly increase my thinking capabilities.

I usually took alpha-GPC. But since coluracetam is HACU promoter I'm afraid to mix them together due to possible unexpected synergy with choline overdosing.

#502 Lobotomy

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Posted 05 March 2014 - 01:41 AM

allright. thanks for that.

but still... coluracetam + sunifarm? good combination?

I would not stack Sunifiram with anything but a Choline source.

Edited by Lobotomy, 05 March 2014 - 01:41 AM.

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#503 Justchill

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Posted 11 March 2014 - 11:35 AM

OK... received 500mg from HSW yesterday.. tried 2 blue scoops yesterday: small moodlift, some motivation, mm not bad, nothing special.
Today: 3 scoops... after 30 mins... a very definite moodlift, very relaxing... I feel relaxed & concentrated, no anxiety.. I want to socialise... I stacked it with PEA, fish oil and some other minerals. So far, I'm impressed and I think it will go very well with some piracetam!
The feeling resembles to that one of phenibut / relora..
I will now try 10 mg once /day and see how it goes..


#504 Barfly

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Posted 21 March 2014 - 10:01 AM

I have been taking colu from HSW for about 3 weeks now, using their green scoop (3 mg scopp) twice a day so my best guess is I am taking a range of 5-10mg daily

Good effects I have experienced are better clarity and mental energy and slightly better mood.

However this week I am dealing with chronic headache which is unusual for me and especially for this long and chronic.

Of course just because I have a headache and take coluracetam it doesn't mean they are connected, but I was wondering if someone else experienced headaches alongside colu and if such a side effect should be expected in some people?

Besides colu I am only taking basic minerals, coffee and doing LLLT for quite some time now. Not taking any supplemental choline but having quite a bit of eggs in my diet.


#505 Justchill

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Posted 21 March 2014 - 11:13 AM

I think the blue scoops are 3mg and the green are less.
I haven't experienced any headaches with CR. I'm doing 5-8 mg /day which is more than enough. If I do more I get a bit lazy; great for hanging at the bar though :p
Last 2 days I've combined with pramiracetam 100mg. Didn't sleep that well and I'm not feeling that great. I'll cycle it for a couple of days now. Anti-anxiety effect is very big..

#506 mait

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Posted 21 March 2014 - 01:37 PM

Hi guys, HSW employee here.

The color actually has no bearing on the effectiveness or purity of the product, the shade can vary between batches.

Also, our Coluracetam was third-party lab tested by Jinan Taige - this is the lab test.

Dan - Health Supplement Wholesalers


Is there any possibility that HSW would consider offering PRL-8-53? Colu + PRL-8-53 is the best nootropic combo I have experienced.

#507 hswonline

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Posted 21 March 2014 - 04:57 PM

Hi guys, HSW employee here.

The color actually has no bearing on the effectiveness or purity of the product, the shade can vary between batches.

Also, our Coluracetam was third-party lab tested by Jinan Taige - this is the lab test.

Dan - Health Supplement Wholesalers


Is there any possibility that HSW would consider offering PRL-8-53? Colu + PRL-8-53 is the best nootropic combo I have experienced.

Hi mait,

We've heard lots of good things about PRL-8-53 and we're currently working with a supplier to start offering it, but right now we don't have an estimate on when that will happen. Hopefully soon though!

Dan - Health Supplement Wholesalers

#508 Mush Man

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Posted 29 March 2014 - 06:38 AM

I ordered my coluracetam from (health supplement wholesalers). They have great service and selection.
I've taken 15mg of coluracetam for 4 days and I have to say its subtle in effect. However I find that all racetams are either unnoticeable or very subtle.
It should be noted that I have a prescription for opioids due to chronic pain.
I really want something to work to bring me out of the opioid fog.

Hi Ashenhurst,not sure on the Opioid Fog but I'm Withdrawing from Benzo's and know Brain Fog all too well.
I found that Aniracetam was great combined with CDP Choline as it completely removed the Fog and increased motivation.
Since Aniracetam is no longer legal here, I have moved to Oxiracetam and it's even better.

Someone still using it ? And what's about combine it with oxiracetam ?

Highly recommend it!!!

Also Tinnitus is related to Choline ;)

#509 stolpioni

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Posted 12 April 2014 - 07:40 PM

Where can you get Coluracetam with guaranteed quality? Anyone can recommend a source?


I made an order earlier today from intellimeds.co.uk (tablets), and I am already worried about quality.


First of all, isn't powder better than tablets in the sense that I can use powder sublingually? 

Second, how do I know that what I'm getting is actual Coluracetam and not something else?

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#510 Justchill

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Posted 14 April 2014 - 07:13 AM

HSW I get mine..

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: coluracetam, racetam, piracetam, pramiracetam, oxiracetam, aniracetam, memory, cognitive, cognition, nootropic

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