COLURACETAM - User Feedback
Posted 12 November 2012 - 11:44 PM
coluracetam seems to increase my desire to get high, possibly to balance out the acetylcholine and relax.. I'm not sure, but I had quit before now and had little desire to smoke weed. Although it also makes being high even more pleasant and way way more clear headed and you feel more on top of things instead of on a drug. Also seems to last longer.
coluracetam + psychedelic = saturated colors to the point they seem like you can feel them in your head... or taste them or such. extremely crisp vision and 3d perception. Less distortions than usual, but more visual enhancements, if that makes sense. It was pretty much an additive effect on most levels. Sound felt like I was in a sea of the music surrounding me for what felt like miles. It certainly enhanced the perceptual elements of the psychedelic to the point it felt extremely amazing, more so than usual...ha.
Caffiene is much much nicer on coluracetam+piracetam, still. The only problem is that it seems to be messing with my sleep schedule, which luckily isn't important because I'm recovering from benzos for a while and lucky enough to not have to do much.
Camera I used for the above pictures is actually nothing special really, bought it two years or more ago for $200, it's a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W150. Mostly automatic, but it knows how to make shit look good and I've learned how to take advantage of it's automatic algorithms to take shots it wouldn't normally do. It's really good at macro shots, especially for the price and especially two years ago. I'd recommend it, but I'm sure by now there are much better cameras hahah.
Posted 13 November 2012 - 01:35 AM
Coluracetam doesn't seem to have enhanced my memory, vocabulary or motivation in any perceptible way. I was taking between 20-50mg/day, for what it's worth.
Thank you ScienceGuy for giving me the opportunity to experiment with this substance. I think this will be a useful thread as it relates to providing insight into this research compound.
Posted 13 November 2012 - 10:57 AM

Posted 14 November 2012 - 12:32 PM
Posted 15 November 2012 - 01:07 AM
Posted 15 November 2012 - 04:41 AM
However I just couldn't wait trying out coluracetam so I took
Finally got my balance. I will likely try this out in the end of the month.
However I just couldn't wait trying out coluracetam so I barely eyeballed it, I guess I took something between 50-90mg and I didn't experience any effects at all.
Though I didn't wash out, no other supplements were taken that same day.
Posted 15 November 2012 - 05:03 AM
Posted 15 November 2012 - 09:43 AM
Heh, I really like it. Send the rest of your samples to other people ...OR me! hehe
I have contacted a few about that, since I really want to try it out. I also offered to pay for it, but no response :( Come on guys!
Posted 16 November 2012 - 02:51 AM
Does anyone have the study of it's AMPA effects or anything? I'm thinking since aniracetam is pretty similar for me and they both modulate ampa, that could be part of it.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 04:11 AM
Overall I think Coluracetam does need to be further investigated seeing as it is a fairly effective nootropic, at least for myself and a few of the other samplers

Posted 16 November 2012 - 09:38 PM
Posted 17 November 2012 - 01:06 AM
Posted 17 November 2012 - 01:58 AM

Posted 17 November 2012 - 03:45 AM
Edited by abelard lindsay, 17 November 2012 - 03:49 AM.
Posted 17 November 2012 - 04:25 AM
No previous racetams used in about 6 months. Taking doses sublingually in the morning, midday, and evening, as noted:
Date ............. Morn ..... Midday .. Evening
October 26 ... 10 mg ... 00 mg ... 00 mg ... No effect noted
October 27 ... 10 mg ... 00 mg ... 00 mg ... "
October 28 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 00 mg ... "
October 29 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 00 mg ... "
October 30 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 00 mg ... "
October 31 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 00 mg ... "
November 1 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... No effect noted
November 2 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... "
November 3 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... "
November 4 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... "
Other than the prolonged bitter taste, I’ve noticed nothing special thus far.
I’ll continue on for at least 4 weeks, since the scientific literature's consensus is that it takes about 4 weeks before any real noticeable neurogenesis takes place.
“Neurogenesis is an exciting new field that is demonstrating potential in many different CNS diseases including depression and anxiety. BCI-540 began to separate from placebo by four weeks, which is in line with our understanding of how neurogenesis progresses in the brain.” -- Braincells Inc
BCI-540 = Coluracetam
After about 4 weeks of coluracetam, I've not noticed any detectable changes other then the one noted below.
Date ............. Morn ..... Midday .. Evening
November 5 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... No effect noted
November 6 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... "
November 7 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... "
November 8 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... "
November 9 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... "
November 12 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... No effect noted
November 13 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... "
November 14 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... *** 1
November 15 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... No effect noted
November 16 ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... 10 mg ... "
*** 1 -- I had numerous random heightened olfactory memories throughout the day. So much so, that I would have the unusual forgotten memory of a particular smell, and then spend a few moments processing the memory of the smell to find the actual visual reference of the source of the smell, eg unusual food smells eaten in the past, uncommon smells experienced during international travels, a forgotten perfume or cologne, etc. Then I would take a few moments to process the smell to find the actual visual source of it in my memory.
It wasn't an instant relationship like remembering the smell of a rose, and seeing the rose in my mind's eye (or visualizing the item and then remembering the smell second) as one would normally do. I would remember the smell of something in my past (all seemed to be pleasant smells), and then take 30-40 seconds of searching my memory to find the item visually to identify the smell. This happened repeatedly throughout the day, maybe a dozen different times, totally different items. Having the smell without the visual reference seemed to annoy me, until my brain could process its visual catalog to find the item. Odd process & experience for me, but I'm not sure if it could be related to coluracetam or not.
Posted 17 November 2012 - 03:21 PM
Just for completeness: I had a negative reaction to coluracetam. I got symptoms of excessive ACH (See: http://mindrenewal.us/page13.html ). Here's a good paper if you're interested in things that go wrong with excessive ACH: (http://www.acnp.org/...1000095/CH.html). BTW, for me, Benadryl was good at mitigating the negative effects of excessive ACH as it's a relatively mild anti-cholinergic.
Would you mind telling what your symptoms were from Coluracetam specifically? I was somewhat sensitive to Pramiracetam, it certainly affected my mood. Thanks for the links.
Posted 17 November 2012 - 04:03 PM
Posted 18 November 2012 - 07:19 PM
I've noticed a reduction in social anxiety. Colors appear to be more saturating and interesting. Concentration and quickness of thought are also noticeably improved. During lectures this week, I've had less intrusion of unwanted thoughts and daydreaming and have been able to really focus on comprehending what is being taught.
I've been using The Cambridge Brain Challenge to test cognitive function. So far, I've consistently scored several points higher than baseline with Coluracetam. The biggest increase was in spatial search.
Posted 19 November 2012 - 12:24 PM
I'm not going to stop, will restart when I feel normal(for example, when not on 200mg benedryl, which I might add still feels toxic(lol, like any amount does for me), but actually feels clear headed... its an odd feeling
Posted 24 November 2012 - 08:27 PM
Posted 24 November 2012 - 08:41 PM
Posted 25 November 2012 - 02:46 AM
Posted 27 November 2012 - 10:44 AM
Posted 03 December 2012 - 04:41 AM
Posted 03 December 2012 - 04:57 AM
Update: Took some time off from taking Coluracetam due to lacking positive effects but not really any negative effects. Roughly 5 days have gone by without taking any. This morning I dosed 15 mgs and it seems like the orginal effects I was getting have returned. Maybe this stuff needs to be cycled like 2 weeks on 1 off due to choline buildup.
choline again ?
i really hate this problem ,i never touch Coluracetam then .
Posted 03 December 2012 - 06:13 AM
how much of ateaspoon would be around 10mg? i broke my scale but really want totest this before i can buy another.
Posted 03 December 2012 - 07:36 AM
Edited by Nootropix, 03 December 2012 - 07:44 AM.
Posted 05 December 2012 - 11:48 PM
I've been practising DnB for some time now, and it doesn't happen often that I gain a distinctly clearer grip of what's going on at a particular difficulty level overnight. I thought it might be coincidence at first, and it could still be, but after stopping coluracetam for a week or so coinciding with stagnating scores, followed by another small jump the day after my first afternoon dose and practise session, I'm getting more confident that there's a pattern to it.
Of course, the question is whether coluracetam-induced improvements indual-n-back scores are the kind you want. Is working memory being improved, or is my mind learning game-specific, non-transferable tricks? If coluracetam improves neuroplasticity it might be the first, but if it acts as an ampakine it might be particularly likely to aid the latter.
Edited by Raza, 06 December 2012 - 12:07 AM.
Posted 11 December 2012 - 04:11 PM
PM Sent. I am back in this thread after illness, LSAT stress everything. Finally.I am happy to send what is left of mine to someone within the States. Sorry for those of you in other countries, I just don't want to deal with the risk that customs will take it because I am not going to the same trouble Science Guy did to expertly packgage it. I'll just toss it in a bubble wrapped envelope and pop it in the mail.
Posted 11 December 2012 - 08:22 PM
- effects build over time greatly, but effects were still felt the first few doses.
- semi-extreme visual enhancement/embellishment when in aesthetically interesting places(nature, music event w/ lights and such, fireworks)
- music becomes more full and you can hear the different layers better and feel the beat to the music strongly(enhances urge to dance haha)
- moderate pro-social effects(less "over thinking" what you are going to say and more desire to socialize)
- small to medium anti-anxiety benefits, much more noticeable when taken with piracetam, or more so, aniracetam(which is rather good at this too, I'd say they synergized in this area for me)
- makes tea, coffee, caffeine powder, etc feel much more relaxed instead of mildly jitterish and also shifts the effects more towards something like amphetamine, but not at all close just reminiscent of it. Similar to aniracetam and piracetam in this respect where aniracetam>coluracetam>piracetam. All of them having significant effects on caffeine.
- stimulatory effect in the sense that it keeps your mind clear and awake, but there is no conventional stimulation and I could easily sleep on it
- positive motivation and enhanced reward when doing enjoyable things
- an almost mystical feeling of clarity
- higher doses(>30-40mg) would make me randomly want to lay in bed to relax and next thing you know I'd wake up 1-4 hours later.(only if I was doing something alone and non-physical such as browsing the internet, when with people or doing activities involving any physical effort or lack of a bed stopped that from happening ha)
- sometimes I had tense muscles around my neck, but this was rare and not really notable.
- It seemed to create imprints of musical rhythms/melodies when on high doses which I would then randomly be able to remember and associate when hearing similar rhythms or melodies(it also created some pretty colorful and vivid memories that I can almost hop back into and reexperience(can do this with most memories with enough effort, but with these they seem to pull you in with their clarity.
- Semi-helpful when tapering off benzos, however I found out that aniracetam dosed @ ~5grams was much more helpful to the point that I only felt like 20% of the side effects I normally do and recovered much faster after lowering the dosage of the benzo(3-6 days of moderate, but completely bearable side-effects as opposed to 7-9 days of pretty nasty side effects). I think coluracetam would help a lot if I dosed much higher for the relaxing/sleepy calm effects, but I don't want to waste it when aniracetam is doing a decent job.
- let two friends try it, both noticed the visual effects and one noticed the social and musical enhancements(@20mg twice for 2 days)
- optimum dose: 20mg-30mg 2-4/day(or possibly >50mg if I was able to test higher doses without feeling like I was wasting precious material.. haha. I tried 80mg twice to see, since the trial used that dose and it seemed like it could hold promise possibly even at higher doses.. I would not be scared to take say 300mg or more really, it felt very very benign at all the lower doses I tried too bad that will be a mystery for a while or possibly forever.. lol)
- bottom line: Would order and take daily if ever available. Am going to miss it when I run out lol.
I like aniracetam slightly more, but it's always been much more amazing for me than most other people(except I have to note most of my friends responded very positively to aniracetam and bought some for themselves, so it clearly has varying effects, myself receiving the strongest enhancements Ive read about). Same with piracetam, I'd say piracetam is equal in utility as coluracetam for me, but that is mainly because it has a more positive effect on my feeling of well being(which I highly value) in comparison to coluracetam which has stronger effects in every other area... so coluracetam still has an important place. The other -racetams(oxiracetam, pramiracetam, nefiracetam, noopept) I don't like nearly as much as these three.
As for objective effects, the tests end up pissing me off too easily before I feel like I can master them in the coluracetam state because of the benzodiazepine tapering, so I really don't know. I did do better on some, but only marginally.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: coluracetam, racetam, piracetam, pramiracetam, oxiracetam, aniracetam, memory, cognitive, cognition, nootropic
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