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C60 Log - Adamzski

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#61 Adamzski

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Posted 12 October 2014 - 02:47 PM

Yes maybe white coat syndrome a little, I was with my gf so had not smoked in a few hours. Yes the sleeping thing is something I need to improve and I will look at boosting my HDL

Yes maybe white coat syndrome a little, I was with my gf so had not smoked in a few hours. Yes the sleeping thing is something I need to improve and I will look at boosting my HDL

#62 Kalliste

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Posted 12 October 2014 - 06:55 PM

Sleep is very important. Also you should get medical help to stop smoking, try CBT and ask for anti smoking medication.

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#63 Adamzski

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Posted 26 October 2014 - 05:27 AM

I have been still using it daily except for when I spent a few days in JP, nothing out of the ordinary to report, been drinking a lot and it may not have affected me so much, my hair is growing fast but it always grows fast.

Almost through with this bottle and not sure if I will get another, might just do about 2 bottles per year of the stuff.

#64 Adamzski

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Posted 05 November 2014 - 10:02 PM

I had taken virtually none in the last 7 days and just last night too the last ml in the bottle. Slept 12hrs with the help of OTC sleep tabs. Woke up had a cig and got head spins, it would have to be the C60, I spent 24hrs with my gf 3 days ago and smoked very little but did not get head spins like I previously mentioned in this thread. I only thought of the C60 this morning when I was a little dizzy.

#65 Adamzski

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Posted 26 December 2014 - 10:44 AM

I have been taking C60 again for the last 5 days. It seems like I could be going through the same thing as last time, extension of the time I sleep.

Except for Thursday where I needed to wake up early, I have been averaging 12+ hours of sleep. The wednesday in this graph below, my phone battery had run out 6:39, woke at 9 and plugged it in went back to sleep, woke again at 11 something, thought I would get up but then went back to sleep again until 2:20pm, it is 14hrs of sleep, very out of the ordinary for me.



The thing is that these days I am taking Modafinil almost everyday at a minimum of 100mg. usually several days in a row I will take it so there should always be some in my system.

When I first got the Mod 2 weeks ago I was having trouble sleeping. And even before this as mentioned earlier in this log I have had trouble sleeping constantly.. Had been using 4 pills of a OTC antihistamine based doxylamine succinate sleeping pills, and still only managing 4hrs of sleep at times but never managing more than 8hrs.


So it looks like on my second bottle within 3 months I always start this extension of sleeping. It is the second time now. Different periods of the year, same effect.


Also my pulse is too high, will start exercising, cutting down on caffeine and researching sups to bring it down. According to my phone that has a heart rate sensor in it, the avg from a few times per day measurements over two weeks is 93bpm.

#66 niner

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Posted 26 December 2014 - 03:10 PM


the avg from a few times per day measurements over two weeks is 93bpm.



It wouldn't be crazy to get an EKG.  Since that's an average over a long time, you might be going in and out of tachycardia.  This might have something to do with the head spins.

#67 Adamzski

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Posted 26 December 2014 - 03:33 PM



the avg from a few times per day measurements over two weeks is 93bpm.



It wouldn't be crazy to get an EKG.  Since that's an average over a long time, you might be going in and out of tachycardia.  This might have something to do with the head spins.



What do you think about my sleeping? seems like each time that I get onto a second bottle within 3 months, sleep starts.


My mistake, it is just 7 days since I got this phone that measures heart rate. It may not be that reliable and there is one reading of 50bpm that seems low. Will get an EKG.

I have always been told by doctors that my pulse is high, well the several times over the last several years that it has been checked, have not noted the rate except the last time and that was 91. I dont think it is anything that new the high pulse.


Below is todays readings. I will cut caffeine out see if things change and do some exercise.



#68 sensei

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 07:54 PM

A high pulse rate can be indicative of alcohol withdrawal.


In heavy drinkers, withdrawal can begin every morning.


If I remember correctly you have posted that you regularly consume relatively large quantities of alcohol.


Chronic consumption and/or acute binge drinking (greater than 4-5 standard drinks in one night)  of alcohol also ruins sleep architecture. It causes longer time to onset, and frequent awakenings. This can continue for months or years after cessation of alcohol consumption.

Edited by sensei, 27 December 2014 - 07:57 PM.

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#69 sensei

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 08:03 PM

Alcohol is one of the worst drugs that one can overindulge in.


It screws up the glutamate, NADH, dopamine, serotonin, and gaba receptor systems.


It also really screws up the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis; which in turn


messes with the Thyroid, and vasopressin.



#70 Adamzski

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Posted 28 December 2014 - 07:41 AM

Yes it is possible that I am experiencing alcohol withdrawal until that first drink.


Im still sleeping more than well, 12hrs last night after going to a year end party and drinking a lot.


Once the year gets underway then I will see if this is a result of the stress free all my customers on breaks period.

#71 sensei

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Posted 28 December 2014 - 07:52 PM

Yes it is possible that I am experiencing alcohol withdrawal until that first drink.


Im still sleeping more than well, 12hrs last night after going to a year end party and drinking a lot.


Once the year gets underway then I will see if this is a result of the stress free all my customers on breaks period.


While yes I am trying to take the mickey out of you a bit,


What you describe above could easily be interpreted as -- "i got really pissed (British English for Drunk) at a party, went home and passed out for 12 hours"


Alcohol abuse and dependence are no joke -- you can die from alcohol withdrawal, 

Edited by sensei, 28 December 2014 - 07:53 PM.

#72 Adamzski

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Posted 28 December 2014 - 11:44 PM

Im not new to getting pussed, I usually sleep no more than 6hrs no matter how much I have drank or how many fairly light sleeping pills I have taken. 


C60 seems to make me sleep a lot, I have done a few months of C60 three times now and spread out by almost a year each time. Could be a good or bad thing.

#73 Adamzski

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Posted 08 January 2015 - 11:56 PM

Have been still taking it every day 1ml. I had several days of very little sleep finalising a new version of my software product and then the last two days 48 full hrs I slept all of it except two breaks of 4 hrs each, one to go to dinner and another to post off my product. Pretty good that when needed I can get recovery sleep.


Can not say anything else, nothing out of the ordinary noticed. Other than the last two days I have been taking at least 100mg of Mod per day. Had been feeling a spasm in the bridge of my nose, seems to be gone after the rest.

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#74 apmark

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Posted 06 January 2016 - 09:43 AM

I once read a cure all for sleep apnoea is to run 4 miles in the morning and 4 miles in the evening. Everyone who does it will sleep longer LOL.

wheres the c60 from I would like to try it?


#75 Adamzski

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Posted 17 December 2016 - 02:51 AM

Wow 4yrs goes past.. C60 has not changed the world and is maybe even giving us cancer!


Well just ordered 30ml of carbonc60 OO


I can say that in the past C60 has allowed me to sleep long periods. For example last night after waking up at 7am then at 9pm drinking 7-8 beers over an hour I walked home grabbed a 500ml beer on the way then popped a stilnox (1st in 5 months), well I slept 4hrs.

Sleeping well is not something that I have ever done and is getting worse with age. 3-4 nights a week I take 4 OTC sleeping pills and sometimes get 8hrs, an average of once per week I stay awake for more than 24hrs.


C60 makes me sleep.


The only other effect that I can gather is that I had spontaneous eyebrow hair growth, 2 hairs that grew to past the bottom of my nose. They seemed to grow within days. That was after 2 months of 30ml bottles. Completely out of the ordinary.


I may have looked better while taking it, may have regenerated my looks some while taking it then slipped back. When I have time I will go over photos from these periods. Luckily I have this log here or would not have a clue.


So will update within a week or two.



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#76 Adamzski

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Posted 02 January 2017 - 02:25 AM

Have just recieved it to South Korea, used a reshipping company.


Arrived well sealed, have stored it in the dark.


Took a first 1ml, left under tongue for 40 secs then swallowed. No sudden rush, Im fairly well fed at the moment, have been on the booze over the holidays but nothing out of the ordinary for myself. No Mod in several months. Nothing bad health wise except for my ongoing high pulse rate.

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#77 Adamzski

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Posted 04 January 2017 - 09:31 AM

Had a nap yesterday an hour in the afternoon.


Had an afternoon nap today 12:27 - 17:35.. after getting a decent amount of sleep last night 2:30 - 9am


I do have less workload or people hassling me at the moment due to the time of year but really in today's afternoon nap I woke twice then went back to sleep. Usually if I wake up I never ever go back to sleep.


Keeping the 1ml of C60 OO under my tounge for 30 seconds or so before swallowing still.

Do other people do this? How could this change the effect?

Will stay with taking it in this way for the next 7 days and then switch to just swallowing it.


Would be good to get some extra sleep for a while. Will just need to make sure that when awake I am focusing 100% on work so that I can keep up.


Off to the gym now as I want to make sure that I can sleep tonight and also see what C60 may or may not be doing for me strength and stamina wise.



#78 apmark

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 01:38 AM

I have been taking C60 again for the last 5 days. It seems like I could be going through the same thing as last time, extension of the time I sleep.

Except for Thursday where I needed to wake up early, I have been averaging 12+ hours of sleep. The wednesday in this graph below, my phone battery had run out 6:39, woke at 9 and plugged it in went back to sleep, woke again at 11 something, thought I would get up but then went back to sleep again until 2:20pm, it is 14hrs of sleep, very out of the ordinary for me.



The thing is that these days I am taking Modafinil almost everyday at a minimum of 100mg. usually several days in a row I will take it so there should always be some in my system.

When I first got the Mod 2 weeks ago I was having trouble sleeping. And even before this as mentioned earlier in this log I have had trouble sleeping constantly.. Had been using 4 pills of a OTC antihistamine based doxylamine succinate sleeping pills, and still only managing 4hrs of sleep at times but never managing more than 8hrs.


So it looks like on my second bottle within 3 months I always start this extension of sleeping. It is the second time now. Different periods of the year, same effect.


Also my pulse is too high, will start exercising, cutting down on caffeine and researching sups to bring it down. According to my phone that has a heart rate sensor in it, the avg from a few times per day measurements over two weeks is 93bpm.


a pulse between 60 to 100 is considered normal. a blood pressure above 140 systolic is considered hypertensive


considering getting c60 ordered do you recommend any particular brand?

#79 Adamzski

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 01:53 AM

Hi have seen a few things regarding resting pulse rate indicating 10/20/30yr chance of mortality.


Would Like to have a resting pulse below 85 byt the end of this year. So I will be looking to put some work into it.


I use carbon60oliveoil.com but if I was in the EU or had cheaper shipping available would still use c60antiaging.com they are a trusted source.


Something to look at is GoodandCheapC60oo.com I may try them next as it is good value along with them stating that it is 99.95% C60 used. I dont see the percent listed on carbons site.



#80 apmark

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 09:58 AM

Rod W <ap9631@gmail.com>
5:56 PM (1 minute ago)
hope I wasn't scammed though, couldn't order on amazon website. It
seemed to not like my Australian billing address. goodandcheapc60
website allowed amazon payment method (there contact us link does not
work either), ordered it (the 6 pack offer) eventually and used pay by
amazon , created an account and it took my card details in some type
of shopify browser. No email or mobile phone number receipt NO. has
been sent though. Feeling not confident then went into amazon and it
says I have no order history.


Edited by apmark, 07 January 2017 - 09:58 AM.

#81 apmark

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 08:26 AM

Hi have seen a few things regarding resting pulse rate indicating 10/20/30yr chance of mortality.


Would Like to have a resting pulse below 85 byt the end of this year. So I will be looking to put some work into it.


I use carbon60oliveoil.com but if I was in the EU or had cheaper shipping available would still use c60antiaging.com they are a trusted source.


Something to look at is GoodandCheapC60oo.com I may try them next as it is good value along with them stating that it is 99.95% C60 used. I dont see the percent listed on carbons site.



OK so the cheapandgood vendor did not get my business as they eventually emailed me and I had already ordered it via sesresearch. Apparently the original source of the rat experiment. Looking forward to getting it and trying it with my other stuff. 

BTW Adamzski I have been not smoking for about 4 years now, I started using nicotine quickmist It takes about 70% of the urge away and that was enough for me. As nicotine is a natural product (also found in tomatoes and eggplant) and a telomerase inducer I decided to keep on using it to add with my other telomerase inducers. Doesn't damage the lungs taking it that way. You might like it? inhaler http://www.amcal.com...010848_LL_1.jpg

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#82 Adamzski

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 08:41 AM

Thanks the cheapandgood vendor may be a backdoor for a research company to sell through. They have a private domain name where no one that wanted to come up in search rankings would do this. Im pretty sure it is and that's not a problem as it should be a good product, atleast they state the percentage of C60 purity and method of production on the page.


SES C60 may have problems, you see the origional study used C60 powder and made the C60 OO themselves. The C60 OO end product that SES actually sells is according to a research company that posts here responsible for massive tumor growth in mice.


​You will need to go through these threads a bit more. Apparently the production of the C60 through sonification is to blame, but then yeah who knows as it has been stated that the C60 in the last batch or tested batch by the research company was not produced by sonification.


CarbonC60 seems like the most trusted source at the moment.


Will check up on that spray thanks, I'm half on ecigs these days but would like to get rid of all smoking eventualy.

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#83 Adamzski

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 08:48 AM

Also apmark how old are you?


I turn 40 this year. Have used about 5 x 30ml bottles of C60OO over the last 4 years, I would not go too crazy on this stuff at too young an age unless you have been a heavy smoker with a bad diet hard drinking lifestyle that has maybe shortened your lifespan by up to 20yrs already. It is a gamble but I have seen some very promising results. 


Would not do this stuff full time or drink cup fulls of the stuff each day like some here have.

#84 apmark

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 08:50 AM

Thanks the cheapandgood vendor may be a backdoor for a research company to sell through. They have a private domain name where no one that wanted to come up in search rankings would do this. Im pretty sure it is and that's not a problem as it should be a good product, atleast they state the percentage of C60 purity and method of production on the page.


SES C60 may have problems, you see the origional study used C60 powder and made the C60 OO themselves. The C60 OO end product that SES actually sells is according to a research company that posts here responsible for massive tumor growth in mice.


​You will need to go through these threads a bit more. Apparently the production of the C60 through sonification is to blame, but then yeah who knows as it has been stated that the C60 in the last batch or tested batch by the research company was not produced by sonification.


CarbonC60 seems like the most trusted source at the moment.


Will check up on that spray thanks, I'm half on ecigs these days but would like to get rid of all smoking eventualy.

thanks for the backgrounf info. I would have loved to have used them as they are cheap and I also thought you would be up to date on the IT stuff, not my forte. I am going to have to give the SES a try anyway now as I have paid for it, hopefully they are using the latter process for manufacturing

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#85 apmark

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 08:58 AM

Hi have seen a few things regarding resting pulse rate indicating 10/20/30yr chance of mortality.


Would Like to have a resting pulse below 85 byt the end of this year. So I will be looking to put some work into it.


I use carbon60oliveoil.com but if I was in the EU or had cheaper shipping available would still use c60antiaging.com they are a trusted source.


Something to look at is GoodandCheapC60oo.com I may try them next as it is good value along with them stating that it is 99.95% C60 used. I dont see the percent listed on carbons site.


much older then you have had a past unhealthy lifestyle pot etc, but mostly the oppisite now. I am 54 but frequently told I look late 30's hopefully due to my telomerase stack cycling. 

So how much do you recommend I take, I was thinking 2ml every 2nd day

much older then you have had a past unhealthy lifestyle pot etc, but mostly the oppisite now. I am 54 but frequently told I look late 30's hopefully due to my telomerase stack cycling. 

So how much do you recommend I take, I was thinking 2ml every 2nd day

#86 Adamzski

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 09:03 AM

No worries, a single 30ml of any of the vendors product should do no harm.


The mice study was with a strain of mice that to my understanding has almost no immune system and as such is predisposed to cancer, then injected with basically the building blocks of cancer or actual cancer. One thing mentioned that is somewhat worrying is that the mice had a lot of single cancer outbreaks. Where maybe the normal way these mice die is by a single cancer that grows to a stage that fugs it..



#87 apmark

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 09:15 AM

OK thanks

I had to google Fugs it (as I assumed it meant kills it) HAHA had a laugh though got this 


The Meaning of FUGSFUGS means "F***ing Ugly" So now you know - FUGS means "F***ing Ugly" - don't thank us. ... What does FUGS mean? FUGS is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the FUGS definition is given.

#88 Adamzski

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 09:17 AM

hehe its maybe a less offensive way of saying "fucks it" 

#89 ambivalent

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 01:29 PM

thanks for the backgrounf info. I would have loved to have used them as they are cheap and I also thought you would be up to date on the IT stuff, not my forte. I am going to have to give the SES a try anyway now as I have paid for it, hopefully they are using the latter process for manufacturing




Hi apmark,


If ever there was an investment to treat as a sunken cost, I'd say this was it. You couldn't pay me to take their product. Adamzski has outlined the risks, but you would do well to read this thread:




It is important to realise that it was the SES powder, not the off the shelf-product which was used in the original Baati study. When Ichor labs prepared the mixture using SES c60 powder and adhered to Baati preparation process significant effects in slowing down tumour growth in AML-mice were achieved. Upon trying to replicate that experiment using SES off the shelf mixture of c60oo the opposite occurred: accelerated tumour growth. Explanations from SES to preparation methods to their seemingly wildly optimistic, dangerous, shelf-life dates have been proposed but there has not been any definitive explanation to date.


Personally, if I was looking at taking c60oo for the first time now, I'd wait unless there was an imminent, compelling health reason to do so. The risk/reward profile has changed since many of us first started taking it.The ball is at least rolling with research, a lot will be learnt within the next couple of years.


There really should be some permanent post alerting people to Ichor's research and inherent risk of buying their c60oo mixture and also to point out that all but one vendor has at some point failed quality testing for toxic by-products.

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#90 apmark

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Posted 10 January 2017 - 12:53 AM


I will probably bin it when it arrives

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