got the sesres stuff today, couldn't help myself and took 1 ml at around 1pm, plan on taking 1 ml a day for a week and review it from there. So far tasted like licking a workshop floor. got a lot done today and did some mild weights also, Can't say noticed anything much except a funny definitive throbbing in left small toe for around 5 minutes.

Posted 17 January 2017 - 09:26 AM
Posted 25 January 2017 - 09:41 PM
got the sesres stuff today, couldn't help myself and took 1 ml at around 1pm, plan on taking 1 ml a day for a week and review it from there. So far tasted like licking a workshop floor. got a lot done today and did some mild weights also, Can't say noticed anything much except a funny definitive throbbing in left small toe for around 5 minutes.
Hi have been busy here. How is it going? The bad taste is a bit worrying, no way I would think that anyone would describe it like licking a workshop floor. Are you familiar with EV olive oils taste? May be rancid and it could be best to toss it.
Has never tasted bad to me, maybe a bit of a kick to it a throat tingle but thats it.
Will update my progress soon, nothing out of the ordinary, have been taking it just missing a day or two per week.
Working crazy hours, finding that on day that I don't take it I do not sleep as well. Solid at the gym but have nt got back up to more than an avg of 1.5 times gym per week. In the last few years I have always without fail gotten sick after moving to 2 x gym per week so it will be a good test. Will do some more reading on here then maybe order a single cheapandgoodc60 100ml bottle and go 3 months on it.
Posted 26 January 2017 - 03:23 AM
got the sesres stuff today, couldn't help myself and took 1 ml at around 1pm, plan on taking 1 ml a day for a week and review it from there. So far tasted like licking a workshop floor. got a lot done today and did some mild weights also, Can't say noticed anything much except a funny definitive throbbing in left small toe for around 5 minutes.
Hi have been busy here. How is it going? The bad taste is a bit worrying, no way I would think that anyone would describe it like licking a workshop floor. Are you familiar with EV olive oils taste? May be rancid and it could be best to toss it.
Has never tasted bad to me, maybe a bit of a kick to it a throat tingle but thats it.
Will update my progress soon, nothing out of the ordinary, have been taking it just missing a day or two per week.
Working crazy hours, finding that on day that I don't take it I do not sleep as well. Solid at the gym but have nt got back up to more than an avg of 1.5 times gym per week. In the last few years I have always without fail gotten sick after moving to 2 x gym per week so it will be a good test. Will do some more reading on here then maybe order a single cheapandgoodc60 100ml bottle and go 3 months on it.
Posted 26 January 2017 - 03:32 AM
yes it is a bit of a concern that the taste is not so good, It doesn't taste as bad now though so perhaps I have become used to it. I am going to keep taking it though as I like the effects of my deep sleeps I have been getting, it also seems to have a libido effect and my other half is coping with my sudden urges happily most of the time though not as often as I seem to need now.
I have tossed up the idea of good and cheap but also am contemplating buying 5gms and mixing it with 1 litre of olive oil myself. giving me a dose of 5000 per 1000ml hence 5mg per 1ml. and then trying 1 ml per day. I have an industrial blender that should make it easy to slowly mix it for a week or 2.
I am also using a dab topically on a sunspot and occassionaly putting a ml or 2 on my hair. My sunspot does seem to be a bit lighter however it is early days.
Posted 26 January 2017 - 04:05 AM
I was using it toppically at one stage, just rubbing some under my eyes. There was some talk of it interacting with some spectrums of light that put me off, will check it out.
I also find that the bitey taste goes away soon after opening it, I do smoke a lot so my taste is off, your could be totally normal.
Think there is a boost to my already raging 1yr off 40yo libido, my 25yo gf has been not keeping up with my nexts and nexts on our few times a week meetings. Feel more attacking and testosteroned up in general, more willing to have a go at things and people. If that is all placebo then fine hope it keeps up.
Posted 26 January 2017 - 04:25 AM
yes its definitely a good thing. I just worked 4 x 12 hour days and had not a fraction of the fatigue I normally would have had. Like you said if it's excess testosterone or just a placebo I am enjoying it
Posted 12 February 2017 - 01:28 PM
Hi - not sure this is the right place to post but thought I'd share a log of my own on 1 year's use (4 bottles) of C60 Olive Oil from Vaughter Wellness:
Over the course of the year, I noticed no discernable benefits using C60 Olive Oil... A few more grey hairs, slight decline in athletic performance in accordance with the natural course of aging and perhaps becoming anaemic... I am 37 about to turn 38.
Over the course of the past year, I went from blood tests within normal ranges to having
Asymptomatic normocytic anaemia
Raised creatinine µmol/L and slightly raised urea
Raised ALT and AST levels
These have all gone from being within normal ranges to being out of normal ranges. The tests were taken after a 10 day day abstinence from exercise and alcohol (both of which can affect blood results).
The results together are indicative of Chronic Kidney Disease.
I am a 5'9 man weighing 70 kgs at about 15% body fat. My blood pressure is normally around 100-110 over 60-70 and my resting heart rate is around 60 bpm.
I eat a normal diet, plenty of whole grains, vegetables, fruit etc., not especially high protein but not vegetarian / vegan either.
I have also tried a couple of courses of metformin over the past year or so as well... As, despite eating well in many ways, I also love desserts, chocolate, cookies etc. and do eat a lot of these, without being fat (as I exercise a fair amount and lift weights 3 times a week, so am not fat).
Other things I've tried over the past year. Curcumin Phytosome. That's about it.
I will find out more about the state of my Kidneys and do not blame C60 Olive Oil for the deterioration of my blood results, however, I have seen quite a few posts on the protective nature of C60 for CKD in people's pets that 'miraculously' haven't died (yet). Well my anecdotal evidence is that C60 seemingly hasn't offered me any protection in this regard, - though you could always make the case (and some stubborn types probably will) that my situation might have been far worse were it not for taking the magic elixir that is C60 OO.
For what it's worth, in my view C60 Olive Oil is benign and its reported effects are placebo in nature.
Posted 12 February 2017 - 10:39 PM
Hi DD,
Great write up. It is hard to be too confident in any brand of commercial c60oo and there is considerable potential downside in getting the product wrong as we have discovered (tumour growth).. This analysis from Ichor showed vw product to contain low concentrations and the reason is apparently due to the creation of toxic by-products.
How did you store the c60oo? Did you buy all four bottles in one go?
Hi DD,
Great write up. It is hard to be too confident in any brand of commercial c60oo and there is considerable potential downside in getting the product wrong as we have discovered (tumour growth).. This analysis from Ichor showed vw product to contain low concentrations and the reason is apparently due to the creation of toxic by-products.
How did you store the c60oo? Did you buy all four bottles in one go?
Edited by ambivalent, 12 February 2017 - 10:40 PM.
Posted 13 February 2017 - 12:14 AM
At your age and with a low blood pressure (hypertension being a major cause of Kidney Disease) I assume your not diabetic. And doing so many things right, it is lousy that you have been dealt such a crap deal. I can only suggest keeping otherwise healthy and low Blood pressure such as you have.You may or may not also find this interesting fellows journey with CKD
Posted 26 April 2017 - 03:02 PM
Any updates? I ordered the GoodandcheapC60, it is on its way to me so I will be giving 67ml of it a go over 2 months.
Posted 07 May 2017 - 05:18 AM
I have stopped taking for 6 weeks or so. I had a bleeding spot on my left cheek and a biopsy identified a BCC basal cell carcinoma. Since I have never had one previously I decided not to take anymore until I am comfortable with it again.
Just as a footnote I seem to have cured the carcinoma with a doses of tea tree oil and DMSO. It has been completely cleared from my face for about 3 weeks now. However I am going to get another biopsy biopsy to confrim
Posted 07 May 2017 - 01:39 PM
Thanks for the responce, sorry to hear that and hope it is all OK. This is pretty common for us Aussie folks I spose. Will be getting mine this week and doing 3 months. Also have some MK-677 on the way.
Posted 08 May 2017 - 05:59 AM
I got my GoodandCheap today, squirted some under my tongue, good throat hit with a strong not unpleasant taste. Will just take a squirt each day.
Posted 18 May 2017 - 05:38 PM
Have been taking a squirt each day, 12 days in now.
Nothing noticeable. Skin is feeling softer and looking better but I started collagen sups a few days before the C60 and it had a noticeable effect within a day.
Have been sleeping well for the last month, just a all nighter every 10 or so days. Started Modafinil 2 days ago, so sleep is not very needed right now.
Prior to the Mod I had not noticed any increased tiredness or need to sleep.
Within a week I will have some MK-677, it is known to increase daytime tiredness and provide great night time sleep.
At 10mg per day it will not be at bodybuilders levels but will boost IGF-I maybe 20% from what I have read. Could be a problem.
But want to try it, 50-100mg Mod in mornings with a squirt of C60, 10mg MK-677 an hour before bed.
Posted 06 June 2017 - 02:33 PM
Have been continuing it a squirt each day until the 25th when I left for HK/China that day I took a major Squirt like maybe 7+ml, will continue it weekly and maybe measure it better getting 7ml in, had another 7mlish squirt on the 2nd when I returned.
Got MK-677 in China from a western dude, a well proven supplier RE Reddit. The MK is amazing, Im eating and sleeping well, unmistakable effects.
Have been even pooping smaller amounts.
Went to the gym 36hrs ago for the first time in 6 months, smashed it was way up on normal just getting back into it strength. That could be placebo but what is not placebo is that I am always sore for a week when first going to the gym after a long break. Im fine to go again tomorrow! Am sore now but I can tell that its going to be gone by tomorrow. Got bigger even before the gym, just from dragging my luggage all over HK/China and doing a bunch of non just lay on top of her sex.
No idea how much Mk I am taking, I am putting a bit on my finger then on my tongue twice per day.
Attached pic, Would very appreciate if anyone could give an estimate of the mg? I know its hard but another guess or two to go along with mine would be good. I would say 5-10mg.
Bic small size lighter
Thinking of dropping the C60, so many people claim effects over a huge range of things then others the majority of people report no effects.
Will stay on it weekly for the next month.
Have been continuing it a squirt each day until the 25th when I left for HK/China that day I took a major Squirt like maybe 7+ml, will continue it weekly and maybe measure it better getting 7ml in, had another 7mlish squirt on the 2nd when I returned.
Got MK-677 in China from a western dude, a well proven supplier RE Reddit. The MK is amazing, Im eating and sleeping well, unmistakable effects.
Have been even pooping smaller amounts.
Went to the gym 36hrs ago for the first time in 6 months, smashed it was way up on normal just getting back into it strength. That could be placebo but what is not placebo is that I am always sore for a week when first going to the gym after a long break. Im fine to go again tomorrow! Am sore now but I can tell that its going to be gone by tomorrow. Got bigger even before the gym, just from dragging my luggage all over HK/China and doing a bunch of non just lay on top of her sex.
No idea how much Mk I am taking, I am putting a bit on my finger then on my tongue twice per day.
Attached pic, Would very appreciate if anyone could give an estimate of the mg? I know its hard but another guess or two to go along with mine would be good. I would say 5-10mg.
Thinking of dropping the C60, so many people claim effects over a huge range of things then others the majority of people report no effects.
Will stay on it weekly for the next month.
Have been continuing it a squirt each day until the 25th when I left for HK/China that day I took a major Squirt like maybe 7+ml, will continue it weekly and maybe measure it better getting 7ml in, had another 7mlish squirt on the 2nd when I returned.
Got MK-677 in China from a western dude, a well proven supplier RE Reddit. The MK is amazing, Im eating and sleeping well, unmistakable effects.
Have been even pooping smaller amounts.
Went to the gym 36hrs ago for the first time in 6 months, smashed it was way up on normal just getting back into it strength. That could be placebo but what is not placebo is that I am always sore for a week when first going to the gym after a long break. Im fine to go again tomorrow! Am sore now but I can tell that its going to be gone by tomorrow. Got bigger even before the gym, just from dragging my luggage all over HK/China and doing a bunch of non just lay on top of her sex.
No idea how much Mk I am taking, I am putting a bit on my finger then on my tongue twice per day.
Attached pic, Would very appreciate if anyone could give an estimate of the mg? I know its hard but another guess or two to go along with mine would be good. I would say 5-10mg.
Thinking of dropping the C60, so many people claim effects over a huge range of things then others the majority of people report no effects.
Will stay on it weekly for the next month.
Have been continuing it a squirt each day until the 25th when I left for HK/China that day I took a major Squirt like maybe 7+ml, will continue it weekly and maybe measure it better getting 7ml in, had another 7mlish squirt on the 2nd when I returned.
Got MK-677 in China from a western dude, a well proven supplier RE Reddit. The MK is amazing, Im eating and sleeping well, unmistakable effects.
Have been even pooping smaller amounts.
Went to the gym 36hrs ago for the first time in 6 months, smashed it was way up on normal just getting back into it strength. That could be placebo but what is not placebo is that I am always sore for a week when first going to the gym after a long break. Im fine to go again tomorrow! Am sore now but I can tell that its going to be gone by tomorrow. Got bigger even before the gym, just from dragging my luggage all over HK/China and doing a bunch of non just lay on top of her sex.
No idea how much Mk I am taking, I am putting a bit on my finger then on my tongue twice per day.
Attached pic, Would very appreciate if anyone could give an estimate of the mg? I know its hard but another guess or two to go along with mine would be good. I would say 5-10mg.
Thinking of dropping the C60, so many people claim effects over a huge range of things then others the majority of people report no effects.
Will stay on it weekly for the next month.
Posted 06 June 2017 - 02:59 PM
Have been continuing it a squirt each day until the 25th when I left for HK/China that day I took a major Squirt like maybe 7+ml, will continue it weekly and maybe measure it better getting 7ml in, had another 7mlish squirt on the 2nd when I returned.
Have started
Got MK-677 in China from a western dude, a well proven supplier RE Reddit. The MK is amazing, Im eating and sleeping well, unmistakable effects.
Have been even pooping smaller amounts.
Have started 50mg in two doses of MOD per day so any lethargy is canceled out by that.
Went to the gym 36hrs ago for the first time in 6 months, smashed it was way up on normal just getting back into it strength. That could be placebo but what is not placebo is that I am always sore for a week when first going to the gym after a long break. Im fine to go again tomorrow! Am sore now but I can tell that its going to be gone by tomorrow. Got bigger even before the gym, just from dragging my luggage all over HK/China and doing a bunch of non just lay on top of her sex.
No idea how much Mk I am taking, I am putting a bit on my finger then on my tongue twice per day.
Attached pic, Would very appreciate if anyone could give an estimate of the mg? I know its hard but another guess or two to go along with mine would be good. I would say 5-10mg.
Thinking of dropping the C60, so many people claim effects over a huge range of things then others the majority of people report no effects.
Will stay on it weekly for the next month.
Posted 06 June 2017 - 03:16 PM
MK-677 Sounds effective and it does not seem to have many side effects for a healthy person, keep us informed
I have gone back to my c60 but will possibly also drop it when my supply runs out, I thought I had a thicker hairline when I dropped it for a while. thicker hair was on my agenda for this and I will pursue it a little longer.
Keep us informed on the 677 sounds effective
677 sounds effective keep us informed
Posted 06 June 2017 - 11:52 PM
Have been continuing it a squirt each day until the 25th when I left for HK/China that day I took a major Squirt like maybe 7+ml, will continue it weekly and maybe measure it better getting 7ml in, had another 7mlish squirt on the 2nd when I returned.
Got MK-677 in China from a western dude, a well proven supplier RE Reddit. The MK is amazing, Im eating and sleeping well, unmistakable effects.
Have been even pooping smaller amounts.
Went to the gym 36hrs ago for the first time in 6 months, smashed it was way up on normal just getting back into it strength. That could be placebo but what is not placebo is that I am always sore for a week when first going to the gym after a long break. Im fine to go again tomorrow! Am sore now but I can tell that its going to be gone by tomorrow. Got bigger even before the gym, just from dragging my luggage all over HK/China and doing a bunch of non just lay on top of her sex.
No idea how much Mk I am taking, I am putting a bit on my finger then on my tongue twice per day.
Attached pic, Would very appreciate if anyone could give an estimate of the mg? I know its hard but another guess or two to go along with mine would be good. I would say 5-10mg.
Thinking of dropping the C60, so many people claim effects over a huge range of things then others the majority of people report no effects.
Will stay on it weekly for the next month.
Posted 08 June 2017 - 09:14 AM
Actually I'm still sore, no gym for a day or two yet. It is my joints mainly my inner elbow tendons, must have went a bit too hard.
Eating a lot and pooping very little of it out have been taking only a single fingertip of the MK each day at night the last two days. will have some C60 tomorrow but will make sure to measure it.
Attached pic, Would very appreciate if anyone could give an estimate of the mg? I know its hard but another guess or two to go along with mine would be good. I would say 5-10mg.
as long as this site is working again..
Ok sites not working for attachments so..
Edited by Adamzski, 08 June 2017 - 09:17 AM.
Posted 08 June 2017 - 09:22 AM
Have been drinking, blacked out last weekend drinking maybe a bottle and a bit of wine having only slept a few hours the night before. this is after ~7ml of C60 the day before. So I dont think C60 is changing much when I drink. Have been drunk most nights this week.
Posted 08 June 2017 - 09:37 AM
haha A man of your calibre should know when to stop drinking I say. Looks less then 5/10 mg though
Posted 08 June 2017 - 09:59 AM
Thanks, it could be less than 5mg, only wanted to be taking 10mg per day and have ordered mg scales from Amazon
haha yep.. several beers through the day then the wine evening but had been in the pool spa all day then exercising all evening Still C60 does not seem to stop intoxication.
First time to the gym 2 days ago but after maybe 11 days of the MK eating a lot and dragging luggage along with 20kg of products over China then back home had noticeably bulked up a little before the gym.
Posted 20 June 2017 - 02:01 PM
Have taken a good squirt of it a few days ago. Going well at the gym. What always happens to me is that I go once per week to gym for a few weeks until I get used to it again then get to 2 times per week then bang as soon as I can get to 3 times per week I get a cold and stop. Hoping the once a week C60 can stop this.
Bulking up! the MK makes me eat, had a massive gym session today and am after 3 weeks of 1 time per week back at all my max strengths per muscle group.
On C60, went to a tropical island for the weekend, got very red even using sunscreen so for me C60 offers none of the sunburn protection people talk about.
Posted 24 June 2017 - 12:20 PM
Posted 27 May 2019 - 01:22 PM
wow 7 years later I just got a bottle of GoodandCheap.
Last bottle was 2 years ago, got a little freaked out at the time about the cancer thing and that I had left the clear bottle out in the room light a few times. So just half a bottle.
Wow 2 years later.. Have daily drank all this period atleast a litre of beer per day. I would say after the last year of extra heavy drinking it would be 2 litres of beer on avg every day. Half a Gallon? Has been wine as well at times, well 20% of it wine.
GF broke up with me about this time last year and I kind of went way down, was suicidal for a few months there and smoking up to 80 cigs per day IQOS heated tobacco mainly but yeah my tongue and throat were really thrashed was death match drinking all that few suicidal months as well. We dont need to worry about squeamishness in our endeavours on this board so I can describe the extent of the alcohol haha I think I was running on pure alcohol a lot of that time, I would not eat a lot and my bowel movements were explosive, explosions of beer or wine, amazing and yes the smell of beer and wine. Real death matches with myself.
From the crazy smoking I had a tongue that looked like a war zone just amazing stuff and constant expectoration of shite wow. About 3 months of craziness, really a solid month of morning drinking.
Started to take some Wellbutrin and it did help me crawl out of that hole.
Have been on electronic cigarettes for about 7 months now, kind of chain vaping but I think I'm much better off.
I kept looking ok all through this (Besides those 3 months). At one point I decided hey Im suicidal anyway so lets pump up the MK-677 to (relatively) crazy amounts and just try to tank up haha. MK lets you drink like crazy all night then just dab a finger in the bag lick it and yep you are right as rain!
MK helped so much. Have been drinking a ton still this last 6 months maybe an avging 2.5 litres of beer per night. A big trap in the alcoholism is when you start morning drinking to deal with hangovers, wow MK fixes that.
AND, yeah I put on 10kg of muscle over the last 7 months, a little extra body fat but tested a few days ago at 21% BF (not too perfect..) . Through hard weights and the MK, MK gets me eating and I think that it helps to change the way your body processes food, like all these carbs in the beer maybe my body has used them to the max. No creatine or protein powders or any crap like that.
Im looking good.
so yes try out some C60 again, will log it!.
Edited by Adamzski, 27 May 2019 - 01:28 PM.
Posted 28 May 2019 - 01:58 AM
Woke up this morning, after 5 hours of sleep, 2.5L beer doxylamine 75mg for sleep.
Woke with pins and needles, arm and hand on the side that i was sleeping on. It is common for MK677 but I only really run my finger over the clear bag of it yesterday and then liked it, there was no visible powder on my finger. Have only had these pins and needles at higher doses around 20mg.
Felt a lil hungover but nothing so bad. Did the same thing with the MK, no t visible on finger but strong tasting. Then C60 a few min later held in mouth for a min. Then 100mg Provigil about 15min later.
Feel strange, am under a lot of stress but feel just kinda zonked like Im on a tranquilizer or something. Maybe a proper MK dose now to clear that hangover.
Posted 06 June 2019 - 10:34 AM
Been drinking the same or worse.
Same dose, 2 squirts on waking.
100mg of Modafinil daily.
Have not taken MK-677 over this period. Well 2 days of it.
Am sleeping better, can stay asleep for 8 hours.
Nothing so interesting. Have not been to the gym.
Posted 09 July 2019 - 04:02 AM
Been drinking the same or worse.
Same dose, 2 squirts on waking.
100mg of Modafinil daily.
Have not taken MK-677 over this period. Well 2 days of it.
Am sleeping better, can stay asleep for 8 hours.
Nothing so interesting. Have not been to the gym.
Thanks for posting.
I discontinued C60 due to concern and getting better effects with Mitoq. Mitoq is expensive so I cycle it in and out, goes well with alcohol/hangover and gym experience.
Where did u buy your last bottle?
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