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Intelligent Design and Science – In or Out?

id debate intelligent design is id science god and sience creationism neutral id position

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#451 addx

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 09:51 AM

Rofl, what a troll

Is this topic about ID or evolution? Why is it important that he takes a theory and you take one? Why cant he argue without a theory of his own?

Youre just a retard who doesnt realize his own compulsion to troll and argue coming from your insecurities. You covered yourself in provocative and completely deluded viewpoints in order to walk around decorated in issues to debate over since you cant really talk about anything real. Engaging people with these issues and a blitzkrieg amount of fake scientists, distorted logic and argumentation makes you feel secure enough. You have a ready technique for anyway a discussuion goes proving youve been at this for a while. Youve succesfully fooled yourself into thinking you believe in all these things, but unfortunately you forgot that you only adopted them to create a persona, to be different, to be something, to exist. This persona is a false deluded shadow of a person requiring conistant validation of its armour and defenses due to fear of ceasing to exist. Youre destined to compulsively seek validation of your existance through interaction and controversy seeking with your false self, armed with a delusion of thinking clear but in fact causing a meaningless life of eternal self defeat and blindness to it. Your parents neglect condemned you to a lifetime of trying to prove that your false persona exists in a way better than others(with better opinions) because this takes away the focus of actually knowing what you are and that your true persona doesnt exist at all in reality but only locked within phantasie imagining new and improved beleifs and arguments to lay upon people and hide behind.

Creationists are so far gone that they don't even realize how much religion they reveal in arguments they think are scientific and (lol) educated.

Here's a fine example, this garbage about 'increasing complexity'. This is not a scientific concept, it's a refined version of the old ideas about a heirarchical ladder of life and the great chain of being - with humans above all other mortal creatures in biological superiority and complexity. It's also founded on the popular but erroneous belief that evolution is about simpler organisms becoming more 'complex' with time. This also indirectly endorses the belief that there such a thing as biological 'devolution'. These are the same people who think eyeless cave fish represent a step 'backward' either in evolution or 'complexity'. When you hear people arguing in ways that rely on these ideas, it's a clue for you to know that they don't really know what the hell they're talking about.

The great chain of being is a religious concept, and was extremely influential with ancient scholars who were trying to classify species. They developed a ladder of life, something that was used for centuries before we learned that things aren't that simple. But while the idea is long abandonded in science, it still flourishes in the worldviews of creationists, and it remains there because the general concept is written all over their religious literature. They'll never alter it because that would threaten their beliefs about divine creation.

Well, you know I don't agree on some of those points.

Not sure if you maybe checked out the link I posted a post or two back, I researched some new avenues to further my understanding. The link is about cybernetics and neurology combined very much explains that complexity of behaviour is increased not only by simply creating a more elaborate mechanism but by creating "traverses" - explained in the link. A higher level and lower level mechanism working each at its on level of knowledge, one being a more general version of the other as in adapting rules to learning rules. This creates enormous adaptability jumps compared to a more flat system. This is again in line with my view of the nervous system evolving in several jumps - traverses, each creating a sudden explosion of adaptability and thus new rich life. I do hope you will not offend me by calling my reasoning creationist as the link I posted is a cybernetics theory from a Max Planck institute and has nothing to do with creations as neither of my arguments do.

Current evolutionary does fail to account for some facts and I do think I have some answers which have nothing to do with creationism but are in fact hard core evolution proof showing both life and evolution as an extension of normal physics behaviour. The model I posted in the few posts up is the true physical-cybernetical model of life. And it predicts jumps and a major jump in life itself evolving to support a 2nd order version of life.

So, Id in fact much rather discuss that than this crap. It seems meaningful, while this seems like a waste of time on an insecure internet troll...

Well actually some of that sounds interesting.. And no I wouldn't call it creationist because you didn't couch it in a misrepresentation of evolution. It's true that the current paradigm of evolution is incomplete and that is true of every single scientific theory in existence. It's why we have debates about gradualism vs punctuated equilibria, it's why we have debates about how to classify 'transitional' species, etc. And they're much more useful than arguing with creationists and their absolutely immovable position.

Well to cut it short, I differ a bit from the link I posted. Cybernetics only seems to account for 2-3 traverses of which they consider evolution(selection) to be the first or zeroth. This is because they look at an individual as a cybernetic creature.

I look from a higher perspective. I consider the species to be a loosely bound cybernetic creature with a kind of collective mind (they all know what it takes to be selected for reproduction). If you analyse the collective of persisting self-replicating behaviour(gene pool) as single cybernetic phenomena you can understand that this single cybernetic phenomena of life adapts (changes the nature of all body building behaviour within the gene pool via selection) via natural select, then sexual selection as a second order version of natural selection. The species try to predict and thus speed up and alter natural selection via this 2nd order evolution. The species then evolve to possess an internal model(awareness) of sexual selection to enable themselves to start making decisions to invest(social fights) into social status. Without an awareness they can not make such decisions. Social hierarchy as an internal model is again shared by the local group creating a collective "for better evolution" (better selection of persisting self replicating body building behaviour). Theres a few variants of life. Free floating life (swarms of fish) which uses sense to guide itself, keeps a position (fish calculate their position in the swarm dynamically, stemming from assessing external body status and ability I read a paper on this and also seen a simulator of this). Free floating life develops elaborate migration-reproduction schemes that perform selection. Territory bound life, taking advantage of territory shows weak sexual selection, requires more evolved signalling (across territory) for reproductions. This causes them to evolve into more "survival" machines than breeding-social machines. Territorial life thus spawns more immortality-like (plants are also infact the extreme version of territorial life with no active body control), more shell protection, hard bodies and weird adaptations.

A huge jump then happens, mammals develop a brain part for internal awareness of body-reality behaviour, meaning internal model of external object behaviour with which they can anticipate what will happen and then adapt this prediction(internal model) when it happens and difference is detected. This enables them to be aware of their own and others body behaviour and change it. Reptiles can't change their body behaviour or adapt to other.
This change of body behaviour creates a 2nd order evolution of life itself as now a new version of persisting self replicating cybernetic knowledge is created. Genes are cybernetic knowledge of body building and now theres also cybernetic knowledge of body use-experience that can also persist and self-replicate across its 1st order body building carriers.
Last jump of evolution is humans or primates (I know you have some other candidates but this doesn't challenge my point that jumps exist and are easily demonstrate able) which develop an awareness of body experience and "currently possessed mammalian body-reality knowledge". This enables humans to intentionally change their body-reality knowledge, to change their roles and invest into creating a better role, better body-reality context. This is "changing rules for learning rules". Humans adaptation of their body-reality knowledge causes them to constantly evolve and spread new knowledge "of living" and so enables humans purposefully create organisations built around such knowledge, evolving it further.

it all sums down to two forms of persisting self-replicating cybernetic knowledge,

A) body building and inbuilt instinctual control evolving later to a more elaborate instinct with an internal model of social hierarchy

B) awareness of experience of body and instinctual control and instinctual model of social hierarchy allowing modulation of it all via a pool of more general knowledge (formed by experience or being aware).

And it sums up to "organisations" which enable them. From local gene pool, local harem to local social group for A and then mammalian social group for B and then later human organisations of various types first evolving the knowledge of living and then later everything else as all is ties to being able to live better.

So, it can all be placed into a single theory that explains the transition from undead matter to life. Undead matter ORGANIZES into life. Life is an organisation of dead matter formed in such a way that it can persist and self-replicate. This is prokaryotes, the only individually evolving life. From eukaryotes existing life (cells) require "consent" to reproduce and thus can only evolve as an organisation, the "consent" mechanism is monumental. It evolves from basic communication of cells to engage sexual reproduction. Entire sociality of all species arises from this.

Edited by addx, 17 May 2014 - 10:03 AM.

#452 Duchykins

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 03:05 PM

That's really detailed but unfortuantely brings in many of the same ideas about evolution that I strongly disagreed with in the thread about consciousness. I would have to unlearn a lot about nonmammal species in order to agree.

#453 addx

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 04:35 PM

That's really detailed but unfortuantely brings in many of the same ideas about evolution that I strongly disagreed with in the thread about consciousness. I would have to unlearn a lot about nonmammal species in order to agree.

I am sincerely interested in what you know that goes against my concept. I am not interested in creating a theory out of lies or delusions. My concepts are extremely all-encompassing and I can admit I have not done my due diligence in many areas but conjectured somewhat. I do think my top level view of life as persisting self-replicating behaviour is precisely correct, but the finer details may be wrong. So, I think our time here could be better spent than feeding trolls, I hope you can see that too.

#454 Duchykins

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 05:00 PM

I brought up several points in the thread about consciousness, which you (mostly) summarily dismissed. There is of course much more I could have said but I lost the will to argue. At the time I felt like I was talking to a creationist about biology. I don't feel like rehashing the topic, really, I just don't have the energy for it right now. Forgive me.

#455 addx

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 05:57 PM

I brought up several points in the thread about consciousness, which you (mostly) summarily dismissed. There is of course much more I could have said but I lost the will to argue. At the time I felt like I was talking to a creationist about biology. I don't feel like rehashing the topic, really, I just don't have the energy for it right now. Forgive me.

I understand. Admittedly that argument started off wrong and was full of ego and quite exhausting, but I feel we ve gotten past that and can understand each other better. I was even then sincerely interested to hear your knowledge of animal behaviour that counters my ideas. And I have since than adjusted my concepts to allow some finer jumps in mental ability and parallel evolution is also quite feasible as I see it. So I am really interested and also have no energy to invest my ego into it, I just wanna grow and having a good rational discourse is soothing and growth spurring while this troll feeding is really a waste of time and frustrating. So, I hope you get around to it.

Edited by addx, 17 May 2014 - 05:57 PM.

#456 shadowhawk

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:51 PM

The topic is about whether or not ID is in or out of science and why.  We have some name callers full of ad homonyms claiming this is wrong and they want to use evolution as a reason.  When you ask a question about evolution which is the heart of the matter between evolution and ID they claim they don’t have to answer because the topic is about ID.  What nonsense.

Here it is again:
Are random mutations  your biological mechanism for increasing complexity?  If not, what is?

There is a reason the anti ID ers like laughing man, do not want to answer this question which I have asked over and over again.  It is directly related to why there is an ID movement and it is as much a scientific study.

#457 Duchykins

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 09:57 PM

ID is 99% anti-evolution argument, you have basically admitted that and that ID would not exist if evolutionary theory did not exist.

This is because ID has no substance of its own, it cannot stand on its own, it is not its own scientific theory. The fact that ID creationists like you cannot function in such a discussion without making an argument against evolution is just more evidence supporting the truth of my evaluation.

There is no scientific theory of intelligent design, there is only a dumptruck full of trumped-up assertions arguing against weakneses in evolution that don't exist.

An actual scientific research program as ID is claimed to be would have at least a hypothetical mechanism to begin doing research about. ID produces no research about a biological mechanism. NOTHING USEFUL. Not a peep about a biological mechanism.

The reason for this because the creationists believe their GOD did it with MAGIC. They cannot and will not ever even form a hypothesis about a biological mechanism because the very idea is anathema to them.

They want the definition of science to change so they can improve their image with the public and be considered 'scientific'. That's because ID is not scientific right now.

#458 shadowhawk

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 10:54 PM

Again, More nonsense and no answer to an easy question.

Are random mutations  your biological mechanism for increasing complexity?  If not, what is?

Can random mutations produce enough new useable positive information to explain complexity of biological forms?

Watch this long but good video on the subject.  Remember evolutionists have to explain everything by random chance.




#459 Duchykins

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 11:18 PM

Evolution is wrong. Your continued attempts to argue something already conceded for the sake of argument makes you look stupid. That's probably because you are in fact stupid.

What biological mechanism does ID propose for the diversity of life?

Edited by Duchykins, 17 May 2014 - 11:19 PM.

#460 shadowhawk

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 01:08 AM

Evolution is wrong. Your continued attempts to argue something already conceded for the sake of argument makes you look stupid. That's probably because you are in fact stupid.

What biological mechanism does ID propose for the diversity of life?

I didn't say evolution is wrong but it does have serious problems.  Calling names is all you have.  NO WONDER CASEY LUSKIN DIDN'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU LAUGHING GUY. 


#461 Duchykins

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 01:18 AM

What biological mechanism does ID propose for the diversity of life?

#462 Duchykins

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 01:20 AM

So far your answer to that question is "intelligence" amd "design". As if that explains things, lol!

How did the intelligence design anything?

#463 shadowhawk

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 02:06 AM

So far your answer to that question is "intelligence" amd "design". As if that explains things, lol!

How did the intelligence design anything?

Laughing guy, Intelligence designs things by using intelligence which is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills..  Can you without your intelligence design something?  Tell me how.  It sure didn’t come about by random mutations did it?


#464 Duchykins

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 02:21 AM

I already asked you this ... how did the designer make anything? Magic, or... ? Magic? Thinking of something and poofing it into existence? Thinking something and building that something with...? What, magic?

Magic isn't a biological mechanism, you know.

What's the *scientific* mechanism?

#465 Duchykins

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 02:33 AM

I can invent something in my head. A concept of a physical object.

But how do I make this object exist in reality? I can make it with my hands out of materials around me. I can build machine with energy and matter that can do the bulk of the work for me. That's a mechanism. A simplified mechanism, but more scientific and testable than saying "I had a concept of an object, and then the object existed". There is no explanation there, there is a step missing that contains the explanation, the mechanism.

#466 shadowhawk

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 03:52 AM

Does Intelligence have anything to do with Science?  Where dud Intelligence come from?

#467 Duchykins

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 06:48 AM

Does Intelligence have anything to do with Science?  Where dud Intelligence come from?

You finally admit ID is not a scientific theory?

Very well, then I accept.

Have a nice night.

#468 shadowhawk

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 10:27 PM


Does Intelligence have anything to do with Science?  Where dud Intelligence come from?

You finally admit ID is not a scientific theory?

Very well, then I accept.

Have a nice night.



Didn t answer my question did you.  Instead, this nonsense.  Laugh!!!!

#469 addx

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Posted 19 May 2014 - 08:17 AM

Does Intelligence have anything to do with Science?  Where dud Intelligence come from?

You finally admit ID is not a scientific theory?

Very well, then I accept.

Have a nice night.

Didn t answer my question did you.  Instead, this nonsense.  Laugh!!!!

Your question is off topic and a red herring to derail the discussion.

The topic is ID, not evolution and not his own personal beleifs.

#470 shadowhawk

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Posted 19 May 2014 - 09:22 PM




Does Intelligence have anything to do with Science?  Where dud Intelligence come from?

You finally admit ID is not a scientific theory?

Very well, then I accept.

Have a nice night.


Didn t answer my question did you.  Instead, this nonsense.  Laugh!!!!


Your question is off topic and a red herring to derail the discussion.

The topic is ID, not evolution and not his own personal beleifs.


ID directly concerns evolution.  Where did life come from, how do we explain biological diversity, and what is the mechanism.  Are random mutations the biological mechanism for increasing complexity?  If not, what is?  Is intelligence involved?

So, you don’t know what you are talking about.  ID and evolution (?) May be in conflict depending on the issue.  ID is a scientific issue..

#471 Duchykins

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Posted 20 May 2014 - 04:30 AM

You're still indirectly admitting that ID cannot stand on its own.

#472 Duchykins

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Posted 20 May 2014 - 04:35 AM

And still, whenever you're ready, provide a scientific description of whatever "increasing complexity" is, as well as evidence that this complexity continues to increase with time. Because the way you keep using that phrase now indicates something that does not happen, something that is not part of evolutionary theory. I already explained to you why.

You keep claiming we need an explanation for "increasing complexity". You now have an obligation to establish that this phenomenon actually occurs.

#473 addx

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Posted 20 May 2014 - 07:34 AM

ID directly concerns evolution. 

Where did life come from, how do we explain biological diversity, and what is the mechanism.  Are random mutations the biological mechanism for increasing complexity?  If not, what is?  Is intelligence involved?

So, you dont know what you are talking about.  ID and evolution (?) May be in conflict depending on the issue.  ID is a scientific issue..

ID is just evolution skepticism. As such it is no better than skepticism against heliocentricity.

Skepticism is ok, when it is used to better science.

Skepticism is not ok, when it is used to lay ground for talking anything you feel like. It seems that you wanted to prove something wrong in order to tell us what's right. And once you prove a scientific theory wrong, you seem to feel as if you deserve a reward in the form of replacing the scientific theory with whatever you like - since you're the smart brave soul who figured out what's wrong, you must have also figured out what's right and we should listen to you, even though you have no proof for what you think is right, but you have "proof" that what we think is wrong. Well, it doesn't work like that.

Edited by addx, 20 May 2014 - 07:35 AM.

#474 shadowhawk

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Posted 20 May 2014 - 06:14 PM

You're still indirectly admitting that ID cannot stand on its own.

No I am admitting evolution (what ever that means) can t stand on its own and IDis a subject of science.

#475 N.T.M.

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Posted 21 May 2014 - 12:30 AM


In case somebody hasn't already posted this. 

Edited by N.T.M., 21 May 2014 - 12:32 AM.

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#476 platypus

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Posted 21 May 2014 - 01:05 AM


You're still indirectly admitting that ID cannot stand on its own.

No I am admitting evolution (what ever that means) can t stand on its own and IDis a subject of science.


You're wrong though. 

#477 shadowhawk

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Posted 21 May 2014 - 02:07 AM



You're still indirectly admitting that ID cannot stand on its own.

No I am admitting evolution (what ever that means) can t stand on its own and IDis a subject of science.


You're wrong though. 


I love the evidence.

#478 Duchykins

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Posted 21 May 2014 - 03:21 AM

You're still indirectly admitting that ID cannot stand on its own.

No I am admitting evolution (what ever that means) can t stand on its own and IDis a subject of science.

Blah blah bald assertion blah blah blah. Still lying.

I've given you pages of opportunity to discuss ID's scientific nature. You don't want to do that, you would rather carp on evolution as if proving evolution wrong is the same as proving ID right. All you do is prove me right.

#479 shadowhawk

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Posted 21 May 2014 - 06:25 PM



You're still indirectly admitting that ID cannot stand on its own.

No I am admitting evolution (what ever that means) can t stand on its own and IDis a subject of science.

Blah blah bald assertion blah blah blah. Still lying.

I've given you pages of opportunity to discuss ID's scientific nature. You don't want to do that, you would rather carp on evolution as if proving evolution wrong is the same as proving ID right. All you do is prove me right.



OK :)

#480 platypus

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Posted 21 May 2014 - 09:41 PM




You're still indirectly admitting that ID cannot stand on its own.

No I am admitting evolution (what ever that means) can t stand on its own and IDis a subject of science.


You're wrong though. 


I love the evidence.


There's no evidence at all for ID. Name one thing that has definitely been created by ID. 

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: id debate, intelligent design, is id science, god and sience, creationism, neutral id position

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