I think this is fair
It is false to say because some natural structures are complex, all natural structures are not designed, That is the subject of great discussion.
I did not say that. I said natural structures need not be designed in order to be complex. I did not state that all natural structures are not designed. I said there is no evidence for design.
This will be decided by scientific debate not pronouncements.
Yes. We will examine what peer-reviewed papers you have presented from respected scientific journals as evidence for ID.
Have you examined the evidence for irreducible complexity presented by ID?
It will be examined here. I expect you have linked peer-reviewed scientific papers from well-reputed scientific journals?
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be a scientific paper. Furthermore, the evolution of the flagellum is documented. For example, this pubmed paper explains the evolution of the flagellum and the scientific evidence for its evolution rather than its design:
Not peer reviewed. Not a scientific journal. This is a scientific debate. Please uphold standards.
My criticism for not providing peer-reviewed journals is a fair one. If you wish to explain why this criticism is not fair, state it here. Otherwise, we will go by scientific, peer-reviewed standards.
Your source: "W
e've seen there are now some 50-plus peer-reviewed scientific papers that support intelligent design."#1. 0 peer reviewed papers linked on this page have been accepted to pubmed, nature, science, or other reputed scientific journal.
#2. The above quote from your source is evidence that the scientific community rejects ID (Overwhelmingly, 97% of the scientific community rejects ID). Out of hundreds of thousands of paper published on the subject of evolution by natural selection in respected peer-reviewed journals, there are only 50 papers in obscure, pro-ID scientific journals that argue for intelligent design.
#3. You have not raised evidence of your own for ID. You have linked non-peer reviewed websites, which you have not commented on or integrated into an argument of your own. This is a discussion, not merely a place to post links without elaborating further on the issue.
#4. If you post a link in favor of an argument, you must explain why you have posted it. Otherwise, you merely drown out the discussion in a sea of links that nobody has time to read. Summarize your arguments and use links to support them, rather than using links to obfuscate the discussion.
I don't have the time to go through every link. Could you please summarize some evidence for ID. I have not seen you present a single, peer-reviewed paper from a respected scientific journal to suggest evidence for ID.
First this is not my topic but second you have not demonstrated ID is incorrect even if irreducible complexity fails to stand up. Science is almost always wrong to its credit You have not shown by proof, either 2 or 4 are incorrect. Your dismissal is premature. ID is a theory and an example of science in action.
I have not demonstrated that ID is wrong. This is a positive belief, and would be impossible to prove. Similarly, disproving that an invisible unicorn orbits Jupiter would be impossible, but no one subscribes to this belief despite the fact that it is impossible to disprove.
I have, however, demonstrated there is no evidence for ID and that there is no reason to subscribe to it.