Any takers on defining science?

Posted 01 November 2012 - 08:15 PM
Posted 02 November 2012 - 12:50 AM
Does anyone believe Non Theists have some superior ability to be rational when it comes to evaluating science. Does that ability come from mutation and natural selection? If not where did it come from? Have all the issues become settled fact so that Science has changed to being a position, not a process. We can now deny the right to practice science to anyone who dares to question the official dogma?
Any takers on defining science?
Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. In an older and closely related meaning (found, for example, in Aristotle), "science" refers to the body of reliable knowledge itself, of the type that can be logically and rationally explained.
Posted 03 November 2012 - 01:37 AM
Does anyone believe Non Theists have some superior ability to be rational when it comes to evaluating science. Does that ability come from mutation and natural selection? If not where did it come from? Have all the issues become settled fact so that Science has changed to being a position, not a process. We can now deny the right to practice science to anyone who dares to question the official dogma?
Any takers on defining science?
Theists and Non-Theists alike are continually bombarded by Social Pressures. What to eat, when to sleep, who to sleep with, what to believe, etc.
It is my belief that Theists are under additional pressure. That is, they are pressured to believe what the church, what the bible, and what their God tells them in addition to their friends, family and society.
If you want the definition of Science Shadow we can turn to our good old friend Wikipedia:Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. In an older and closely related meaning (found, for example, in Aristotle), "science" refers to the body of reliable knowledge itself, of the type that can be logically and rationally explained.
Testable, predictive, logically and rationally explained. Does that work for you? While you, Shadow, maintain that your experience in religion has been one that provides for this environment the rest of us seem to be having a different experience.
If there’s a chance that Religion will provide pressure to counter an environment that is supportive of science then one has to assume that a Theist will be less capable at making judgments of science than a non-theists. This is because the Theist is under additional social pressure to make judgments based on that less supportive environment.
A New Earth Creationist for example would be under pressure from his faith to deny testable, predictive, logically and rationally explained evidence that the universe is older than their faith says it is.
Do you Shadow believe that every group of religious people (by and large) are open to thinking along the lines of the scientific definition above? Even those under Shari’ah Law?
Posted 03 November 2012 - 03:38 AM
Every person alive has a world view. Theism is one of about seven. Do you think any other world view would make someone totally objective or more objective than a Theist. Proof? Given your reasoning wouldn’t you have to censor anyone with a world view? No one can do science. And of course ones subjective beliefs affect how one sees the world. Name me someone who is not influenced by their beliefs, What group? Can Atheists see design even if it is present? I s SETI science?
As for experiences, the vast majority o people in the world are Theists so you don’t speak for them nor can you exclude them from science. There is an agenda against the freedoms of Theists. My son is presently studying to be a Scientist. Can he be a scientist and believe in God. Most scientists do well while maintaining their beliefs. This smacks of bigotry.
Next time I will talk about your inadequate definition of science.
Posted 03 November 2012 - 11:41 AM
In fact it’s a pretty standard rule that views that cause harm as perceived by society should be censored.
Posted 06 November 2012 - 12:59 AM
Lister: Hey now! That definition of Science is from the Wiki. If it's not adequate then I hope that "next time" is the next post below this one.
As far as your fear of censorship in my opinion the only views that need to be censored are those that cause a perceived harm. Views against equality among gender and sexual orientation (reasonable [IE Bestiality Not so reasonable]) for example are views that require censorship – because they are wrong. If you need proof as to them being wrong you don’t deserve proof. If you’re too blind to see the obvious you don’t deserve a chair at the table (with regards to anti-equality views anyways).
In fact it’s a pretty standard rule that views that cause harm as perceived by society should be censored. Now am I saying that ALL Theists have views that cause harm? Strawman Mr. Shadow. And it’s funny how you use the old “Show Me Proof” argument in the exact same way that your Atheist friends do. You see how I ignore it? Perhaps you can learn from that (yes you can teach an old dog new tricks).
Now, as I said before I’m not “cool” with excluding a scientist just because they work on Intelligent Design. Equality amongst views is a pretty weak, subjective area. That being said there is reasonable and unreasonable levels to everything. I don’t think any of my employees are less able to do their job because of their Faith. But I do expect that they will have varying and at times unreasonable views on things like abortion; though as I don’t run an abortion clinic their views (on abortion) have nothing to do with their job.
I don’t think ID causes harm all by itself. If though the “God Hates Fags” group starts using it as a process to legitimize their views well in that specific example it’s wrong and should be censored. I don’t know of any mainstream scientific views that promote hate/harm. I do however know many mainstream Theistic views that promote hate/harm (God Hates Fags is a good example). You say that someone who specifically promotes hate/harm is equally able to make Judgments? Again I’m not saying that all Theists promote hate/harm, but enough do that it’s of concern.
I really don’t think that any scientist should be censored if they’re working on science as per the Wiki definition. If it’s reasonable, logical, rational, predictive then it to me it’s ok. In this example any censorship could be seen as a form of bigotry; you’re right about that.
Has anyone even directly argued for ID censorship here yet? Perhaps indirectly but you seem to be making out that in this thread specifically we’re all out to shut ID theorists up!
I watched Expelled Shadow I get it.
.Now if you’re talking about teaching ID in class rooms because it’s “No more right than Evolution/Naturalism” then I disagree with you. As I said Evolution/Naturalism has extremely solid proof in the short run. Also there isn’t much to teach in the long run anyways. I’ve never heard of high school science teachers teaching their students that Cells developed on Crystals. That would be just as silly as teaching ID
Let me repeat myself: “You’re asking for the keys to the car before you’ve learned to walk.”
Edited by shadowhawk, 06 November 2012 - 01:03 AM.
Posted 06 November 2012 - 05:39 AM
Posted 07 November 2012 - 12:07 AM
Lister: First off the comment “Does Science ever become absolutely proven” is a bit redundant considering the mile long conversation we had on “Prove Me Wrong”.
The reason I targeted your “Proof” comment is because that was more of a tool used to prove a point rather than a reasonable request. I was saying that it is indeed a tad crude to often ask for proof where you know none exists; hence why I almost never ask for proof.
Comparing SETI is to ID is all fine and well except if we’re talking about high school classrooms where it is equally rejected (Teaching my kids about little green men! Nonsense!). Now I know this is the point where you’ll say “Ah hah! I’ve never mentioned high school class rooms! In fact they’re off topic!” but my topic is pretty vague to begin with and it seems to me this is important to ID supporters (to have it taught in high schools).
While I know on Expelled (where the crystal comment came from btw… nice catch) there appears to be a rather strong movement against ID being include in science, but there is no governing body like you said.
I cannot exclude ID from science and I cannot stand against it but then I don’t want to. I have no problem with people working on ID calling themselves Scientists so long as their methods are no different to any other scientists.
I actually COMPLETELY AGREE with you Shadow when you compare ID to SETI. I think that is a perfect comparison! SETI is often shunned by the scientific community and critically, SETI hasn’t found anything yet! Neither has ID; Lots of “Shadows” but no evidence.
You haven’t openly supported teaching ID in High School classrooms yet. Do you feel that it should be taught in high school classrooms alongside Evolution?
Posted 07 November 2012 - 04:39 AM
So you think the topic “Prove Me Wrong,” means there is no longer any need for proof? I fail to see how that thread relates to this or my request for evidence.
No proof as the basis for taking peoples rights away when it comes to Science. No Theists allowed in science. And you don’t even need evidence!
We are talking about high school? And, you started this Topic! We are talking about evidence of intelligence and design. Don’t teach kids to look for design because we have changed Science into naturalistic dogma. All the ID movement is asking for are the same rights and freedoms everyone else has.
I am a Libertarian and if you want to teach a dogmatic position then you should be free to start your own school and do so. The public schools should be open to all positions. Public Schools should be an open marketplace of ideas. Yes, I think ID should have a place at the debate.
Posted 07 November 2012 - 10:59 PM
Edited by shadowhawk, 07 November 2012 - 11:03 PM.
Posted 08 November 2012 - 12:55 AM
Posted 11 November 2012 - 01:14 AM
Posted 11 November 2012 - 04:39 AM
At this time my mind runs in scattered fragments so bear with me and try to tear through this as best as you can. With that said now to bring ina "designer" or creator of life. There is nothing proving that wrong, actually I believe there is more evidence showing that our DNA and many other things were affected by an outside power, a "god" for lack of the better word, or if you want to think more in a scientfic and scifi way, an alien. Which brings me to the point of religion again, recently the pope actually made a statement that on an official levels that the religion as a whole believes in the possiblity of alien life. How do we know that the bible's stories when written the only word they had at the time to describe their "intervention" with a higher power was just an alien visit and written only because they wanted their experience to be shared with others? So wouldn't that explain a little of the ID, where the designer is not a human, and on the religious front prove that something of higher power than what a human is, helped change the throught process of 1 human. Which in essence recreates an Adam and possibly even an Eve. And restarting life again from that point? Why can't change itself be taken into factor of design? Humans and every creature on this planet i believe is constantly in a state of change, yes, we have a DNA code, 99.9% of that code may be exactly the same as every other human on this planet, but the .1% is what makes every single human unique and their own version of adam or eve.
Edited by Lister, 11 November 2012 - 04:41 AM.
Posted 11 November 2012 - 05:21 AM
Posted 11 November 2012 - 06:04 AM
Edited by Lister, 11 November 2012 - 06:07 AM.
Posted 11 November 2012 - 06:10 AM
Like the short run Evolution one could argue for the existence of short run Intelligent Design (that design in nature we are responsible for). I’m surprised you didn’t argue for that Shadow…
Though is that then enough to then prove intelligent design has a place in science? No. Because the study of Design in nature we are responsible for is call Science… is it not?
Posted 13 November 2012 - 12:23 AM
Ok first and foremost, first time poster, first time reader, but was brought in by lister. I have not fully read the posts so correct me if some of the ideals I bring up have already been beaten to death.
Ok now that is out of the way. I notice you guys arguements are trying to seperate the differences between these idea of ID and Creationsim. Well my humble opinion is that instead of trying to find the differences and seperate the two, why not try to bring them together to figure a stronger new logic?
Now to bring some examples of why i think in these terms, I have noted some of the bible references and the science and darwinsist comments also. I believe in all of these things, the bible got us started on thinking there was more to this world than met the "eye" which i have also seen brought into discussion. Science proved there was more to the eye, and darwin brought into the factor of how it all started and came to be as it is today. Now the reason i quote the eye again, (i having a rare eye condition really don't see how ID can be used in itself define that it was designed from an outside source) I have what's called coloboma, and if you have ever researched the condition, which I hope some of you will to counter my point, but by design the eye is still an evolving and flawed system.
At this time my mind runs in scattered fragments so bear with me and try to tear through this as best as you can. With that said now to bring ina "designer" or creator of life. There is nothing proving that wrong, actually I believe there is more evidence showing that our DNA and many other things were affected by an outside power, a "god" for lack of the better word, or if you want to think more in a scientfic and scifi way, an alien. Which brings me to the point of religion again, recently the pope actually made a statement that on an official levels that the religion as a whole believes in the possiblity of alien life. How do we know that the bible's stories when written the only word they had at the time to describe their "intervention" with a higher power was just an alien visit and written only because they wanted their experience to be shared with others? So wouldn't that explain a little of the ID, where the designer is not a human, and on the religious front prove that something of higher power than what a human is, helped change the throught process of 1 human. Which in essence recreates an Adam and possibly even an Eve. And restarting life again from that point? Why can't change itself be taken into factor of design? Humans and every creature on this planet i believe is constantly in a state of change, yes, we have a DNA code, 99.9% of that code may be exactly the same as every other human on this planet, but the .1% is what makes every single human unique and their own version of adam or eve.
Ok enough for now, get to ripping it apart.
Posted 13 November 2012 - 12:43 AM
Lister: Shadow seems to have side stepped my question of teachable content (through directing me to the ocean and telling me to catch a fish). Stumped do you think there is Intelligent Design “content” that could be taught in high school classrooms? Do you think it has the right to be there at all?
Posted 13 November 2012 - 01:02 AM
Stumped: Also to bring the pope back into it alittle to back my religious side of this, like before I said the christian religion up till recent years denied the fact that aliens existed until the latest pope actually made a statement that the church would no longer deny the existence of E.T. life. And the reason I bring this up is what I base alot of what i am saying above with the whole altering of our existence. The fact that a religion acknowledged other "not necessarily superior" beings proves that the church is opening up to science on a scale never before seen. They are not saying that there is an explanation for everything, but through science their "divine intervention" could be somewhat proven through a scientific method as another outsider watching overhead stepping in and helping us a species.
Posted 13 November 2012 - 01:20 AM
Stumped: Also to bring the pope back into it alittle to back my religious side of this, like before I said the christian religion up till recent years denied the fact that aliens existed until the latest pope actually made a statement that the church would no longer deny the existence of E.T. life. And the reason I bring this up is what I base alot of what i am saying above with the whole altering of our existence. The fact that a religion acknowledged other "not necessarily superior" beings proves that the church is opening up to science on a scale never before seen. They are not saying that there is an explanation for everything, but through science their "divine intervention" could be somewhat proven through a scientific method as another outsider watching overhead stepping in and helping us a species.
Posted 13 November 2012 - 04:49 AM
Lister: Shadow seems to have side stepped my question of teachable content (through directing me to the ocean and telling me to catch a fish). Stumped do you think there is Intelligent Design “content” that could be taught in high school classrooms? Do you think it has the right to be there at all?
I don’t recall sidestepping this at all. I am for teaching all competing views in public schools. Because there is controversy, should only Republican or Democrats get to teach Political Science?
Posted 13 November 2012 - 09:41 PM
Lister: Shadow seems to have side stepped my question of teachable content (through directing me to the ocean and telling me to catch a fish). Stumped do you think there is Intelligent Design “content” that could be taught in high school classrooms? Do you think it has the right to be there at all?
I don’t recall sidestepping this at all. I am for teaching all competing views in public schools. Because there is controversy, should only Republican or Democrats get to teach Political Science?
You're for teaching... what, exactly? That's my question. I'm guessing you needed me to ask it again? Well I have no problem repeating myself.
Evolution/Naturalism has a list of short run (Millions to Billions of years) evidence which can be taught in classrooms. That means you can teach students about both the process, and the conclusions that it’s found based on narrow black and white situations.
In the long run Evolution/Naturalism suffers the same reliance on unknown factors that ID suffers; hence it is rare to find much if any content taught regarding Evolution/Naturalism on the long run (Billions of Years+).
So, considering long run Naturalism/Evolution is almost never taught, what does ID have that can be taught (considering it’s rare and a bit silly to teach a process that has no conclusive results).
Can you say that the possible creator behind DNA is as conclusive as Evolved Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria? No. Don’t be silly.
Posted 13 November 2012 - 09:45 PM
You may feel ID is wrong but as yet I have not seen any definitive presentation which disproves it. Can aspects of ID be disproved?
Edited by Deep Blue, 13 November 2012 - 09:48 PM.
Posted 13 November 2012 - 11:10 PM
You may feel ID is wrong but as yet I have not seen any definitive presentation which disproves it. Can aspects of ID be disproved?
This is incorrect. Disproving ID is not a necessity.
The burden of proof is on you to provide evidence for ID. Not the other way around.
To support your position you have shown zero peer-reviewed articles that have been accepted to pubmed, nature, science, or other reputed scientific journal.
Therefore, we must conclude: There is no reason to subscribe to ID as a scientific world view.
Furthermore, ID makes no testable predictions. Therefore, ID is not falsifiable. If you believe there are testable predictions that ID makes, please list them here.
Otherwise, we must again conclude: There is no reason to subscribe to ID as a scientific world view.
Posted 14 November 2012 - 01:03 AM
You may feel ID is wrong but as yet I have not seen any definitive presentation which disproves it. Can aspects of ID be disproved?
This is incorrect. Disproving ID is not a necessity.
The burden of proof is on you to provide evidence for ID. Not the other way around.
To support your position you have shown zero peer-reviewed articles that have been accepted to pubmed, nature, science, or other reputed scientific journal.
Therefore, we must conclude: There is no reason to subscribe to ID as a scientific world view.
Furthermore, ID makes no testable predictions. Therefore, ID is not falsifiable. If you believe there are testable predictions that ID makes, please list them here.
Otherwise, we must again conclude: There is no reason to subscribe to ID as a scientific world view.
Edited by DAMABO, 14 November 2012 - 01:39 AM.
Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:26 PM
Posted 14 November 2012 - 10:29 PM
DAMABO: evolutionary explanations for this or that behavior, or this or that transition are quite ad hoc and unfalsifiable as well. can you personally predict what happens in the past? you can infer, but that is exactly what ID theorists do as well. In fact, ID doesn't even need to be falsified... It is confirmed.
Take a look at our environment. Almost all of it is manipulated by intelligent designers, us humans. Clearly, we can manipulate genes, create species, (genetic evolution),vast structures and roads (geological evolution) - which clearly means intelligent beings design. Are you arrogant enough to believe you are of the only intelligent species in the vast universe? Is it too hard to imagine that intelligent beings might have existed before us, and that they may have had some influence here and there? The problem is, I hope you agree, with assigning specific properties or specific acts to the possible intelligences we do not know nothing of. This perhaps is where some ID theorists cross the line: they jump to conclusions about one event being 'almost certainly caused by a designer'. The truth is, each case in se has very little likelihood being caused by a designer, since intelligence is scarce. That doesn't mean that intelligence never created new species/universes. And this is the only thing a reasonable proponent ID can claim: that there are intelligences that - although scarce throughout the universe - can influence matter to create new species and such.
There is no conflict between a evolutionary worldview and an ID worldview. The existence of intelligence, after all, is made possible by evolution. What some may forget is that, just because in the beginning of life on earth there was no intelligence here on earth, doesn't mean there was no intelligence elsewhere. In correct terminology, ID is a manifestation of evolution. Whenever specific attributions are made however, we end up with things like Scientology, flying Spaghetti Monster and such. And maybe this happens enough to justify saying ID is fringe.
Posted 14 November 2012 - 10:51 PM
Let’s break it down. I’m not scientist but understanding Grade 11 Biology shouldn’t be that difficult.
What do we teach our students with regards to Naturalism/Evolution?
What would we teach our students with regards to ID?
Shadow if I have to stand up in front of a school board and ask for support for ID in the classrooms I’m going to have to provide them with a curriculum.
Posted 14 November 2012 - 11:04 PM
Take a look at our environment. Almost all of it is manipulated by intelligent designers, us humans. Clearly, we can manipulate genes, create species, (genetic evolution),vast structures and roads (geological evolution) - which clearly means intelligent beings design. Are you arrogant enough to believe you are of the only intelligent species in the vast universe? Is it too hard to imagine that intelligent beings might have existed before us, and that they may have had some influence here and there? The problem is, I hope you agree, with assigning specific properties or specific acts to the possible intelligences we do not know nothing of. This perhaps is where some ID theorists cross the line: they jump to conclusions about one event being 'almost certainly caused by a designer'. The truth is, each case in se has very little likelihood being caused by a designer, since intelligence is scarce. That doesn't mean that intelligence never created new species/universes. And this is the only thing a reasonable proponent ID can claim: that there are intelligences that - although scarce throughout the universe - can influence matter to create new species and such.
I think you are in error here. ID does not try to identify the designer. You can try to such as in evolution. Natural Selection and Random Mutations are the designer in evolution. The best we can do is try to make sense of History because to date we have not been able to demonstrate evolution. If you want we can discuss why change alone, is not evolution.
They may not jump to a conclusion about who the designer is, but they do specify which trait - human eyeball for instance - is caused by a designer. This is where I have most trouble with. Each such explanation is extremely unlikely, given that evolution is a constant force, and intelligent beings are scarce.There is no conflict between a evolutionary worldview and an ID worldview. The existence of intelligence, after all, is made possible by evolution. What some may forget is that, just because in the beginning of life on earth there was no intelligence here on earth, doesn't mean there was no intelligence elsewhere. In correct terminology, ID is a manifestation of evolution. Whenever specific attributions are made however, we end up with things like Scientology, flying Spaghetti Monster and such. And maybe this happens enough to justify saying ID is fringe.
You would have to show how random mutations produce intelligence. So, the world views are not the same. Without intelligence you can’‘t have design. Discover design and you have a case for ID.
So you think the following explanation for intelligence is better?(how I summarize your view):
an intelligent designer (which you call an immaterial god) exists a priori, nothing else exists at this time.
then he decides to create the earth, and lets it follow evolutionary rules. consequently, he intervenes to produce intelligent beings.
Several problems exist.
1. Intelligence arose out of nowhere in the beginning, so we don't need an intelligent designer to produce intelligence. But neither did this being come from evolution since he was 'the first'.
2. What is intelligence? You will most likely have to recognize that bacteria are slightly intelligent, since they integrate sensory information to make their decisions. Did this intelligent being intervene at each succesive step of 'pseudo'-evolution ?
Naturalism, not Evolution is where the war is at. We have a lot of people passing off Naturalism, which is a philosophy, as science. That is why we have discussions like this.
can you elaborate? I don't think that anything is 'supernatural'. if the supernatural would exist, it would simply be because it has been given a wrong name.
Posted 15 November 2012 - 12:40 AM
Well, to start off you would have to study ID enough to know what it is. You would need to know why evolution and Naturalism are not the same thing. You would need to understand what science is. You would need to value oneness and that in science you are wrong as much as right and truth Nazis are not the friend of science when they try to restrict scientific process. I could go on but I tire.
As far as Naturalism/Evolution, they are not the same and you would have to understand why. As for the curriculum, teach the controversy. Very few things are one sided and you’re not educated unless you understand the views. Be fair.
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