Before asking any questions I'd like to point out that I do indeed realize the fact that I should simply avoid alcohol altogether in order to feel better, but that's not going to happen. I'm trying to limit my alcohol consumption as much as I can, but I really enjoy going out and having a few (sometimes one too many) drinks AT LEAST once a week. So there. Quitting is not an option.
That being said, what do you think I should take together with alcohol or what should I pre-load/post-load on? If I drink more than 1-2 beers/cocktails, I experience higher (than MY normal) levels of anxiety and mood swings the morning after. And if I drink a lot, such anxious feelings and mood swings can last the whole day... If I remember it right, I used to have better hangovers when I was taking piracetam everyday. But I'm not entirely sure. Can this be the case? I plan on introducing one of the racetams back to my daily regimen anyway.
P.S. At the moment my regimen consists of the following:
L-Tyrosine 1000mg (morning)
Omega 3 (morning)
Sleepzz Power Sleep (5htp, tryptophan, melatonin, valerian) 1 pill (night)
Anyways, I appreciate your input, fellow longecity'ers.