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Regimen for anxiety, lack of activity and brain fog?

regimen activity motivation brainfog anhedonia suplements libido ssri withdrawal cymbalta

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#1 Agomelatinehope

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Posted 06 October 2012 - 09:15 AM

Hi. I don't know if I'm asking for too much but I'd like to find a combination of supplements that could help me to take care of these symptoms

I've been on SSRis during 8 years and since they did more harm than good for me, I'm planning on trying natural suplements instead.

My main problems:

Lack of energy/motivation/sexual desire
Anhedonia (induced by ssris?)
Bad quality sleep
Brain fog

I'm 27 and I'm unable to have a normal life because of these symptoms ( started at 19-20 yo). Unable to handle stress or daily events. Only capable of following very marked and expected routines.

I'm currently withdrawing from Cymbalta very slowly (removing 25 extra microballs from the 30 mgcapsule every week). I also take lorazepam for sleep.

Regimen so far:

-Ashwagandha (now foods) before breakfast and before meal
-Omega 3 ( now foods) during breakfast

I can feel the calming/ motivating effects from ashwagandha but they dont last long (maybe a couple of hours).

I've also tried Rhodiola (now foods) but makes my anxiety worse. I feel as if I had taken 4 cups of coffee.

I also bought Maca (now foods) but haven't tried it yet.

Thank you very much in advance

PD: During my adolescence (15-18 yo) I smoked hashish every single day. I don't know if this could have led to my current condition

Edited by Agomelatinehope, 06 October 2012 - 09:57 AM.

#2 angela86

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Posted 17 October 2012 - 09:28 PM

I have to run, so sorry for the very succinct message, but have you ever considered Selegiline?

I have to run, so sorry for the very succinct message, but have you ever considered Selegiline?

IT really helped me with brain fog / motivation / lack of energy. Do not take after 1pm though, if you're struggling with sleep.

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#3 Agomelatinehope

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Posted 17 October 2012 - 10:46 PM

I have to run, so sorry for the very succinct message, but have you ever considered Selegiline?

I have to run, so sorry for the very succinct message, but have you ever considered Selegiline?

IT really helped me with brain fog / motivation / lack of energy. Do not take after 1pm though, if you're struggling with sleep.

Hi, thanks for replying

I never tried selegiline but I'd like to take natural supplements instead of antidepressants

I was thinking in something like Zinc + l-tryptophan or something like that

#4 Galaxyshock

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Posted 19 October 2012 - 04:29 PM

Some supplements to consider which I've found very useul:

Anxiety, brain fog:
Gotu Kola, Bacopa

Siberian Ginseng, Suma Root, Mucuna

Magnesium malate, theanine, GABA, tryptophan

Edited by Galaxyshock, 19 October 2012 - 04:30 PM.

#5 angela86

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Posted 20 October 2012 - 03:23 AM

I've mentioned this before on here, but I really recommend Hydergine as well for brain fog / lack of energy. I have noticed it truly minimizes ADD symptoms at circa 4.5 mg. Because it boosts blood supply to the brain. So, more oxygen is delivered to neurons. It also has been shown to increase seretonin levels in the brain. SO many studies from Europe have shown that at 6 mg, it helps to prevent brain deterioration - because of this, I think it's a good long-term solution as well. The only reason i backed it up with that is because a lot of people knock Hydergine for petty reasons. I've been using it almost daily now for over a year, with absolutely zero side effects.

The second thing I take that really helps with most all of the symptoms you've mentioned above (I have clinically diagnosed ADHD) is combing Hydergine with about 100 mcg of Hupzerzine A. If you're not familiar with Hup A, what it does is inhibits the enzyme that breaks down acetycholine - so more of it becomes available to stimulate neurons.

:) Good luck.

#6 leanguy

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Posted 24 October 2012 - 06:42 PM

Having anxiety (I do too) really limits what you can take without making it worse. Its good you're already taking ashwagandha... maybe increase it to 2 caps twice a day. Also try bacopa before bed to get a better night's sleep. Sleep is critical for next day energy.

#7 Andey

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Posted 28 October 2012 - 05:25 PM

Hi. I don't know if I'm asking for too much but I'd like to find a combination of supplements that could help me to take care of these symptoms

I've been on SSRis during 8 years and since they did more harm than good for me, I'm planning on trying natural suplements instead.

My main problems:

Lack of energy/motivation/sexual desire
Anhedonia (induced by ssris?)
Bad quality sleep
Brain fog

I'm 27 and I'm unable to have a normal life because of these symptoms ( started at 19-20 yo). Unable to handle stress or daily events. Only capable of following very marked and expected routines.

I'm currently withdrawing from Cymbalta very slowly (removing 25 extra microballs from the 30 mgcapsule every week). I also take lorazepam for sleep.

Regimen so far:

-Ashwagandha (now foods) before breakfast and before meal
-Omega 3 ( now foods) during breakfast

I can feel the calming/ motivating effects from ashwagandha but they dont last long (maybe a couple of hours).

I've also tried Rhodiola (now foods) but makes my anxiety worse. I feel as if I had taken 4 cups of coffee.

I also bought Maca (now foods) but haven't tried it yet.

Thank you very much in advance

PD: During my adolescence (15-18 yo) I smoked hashish every single day. I don't know if this could have led to my current condition

Forget about natural components -they are too weak for reál diffence. It may sounds harsh but it's true.
1. Try remeron instead of Ssri it is not affect sexual function.
2. Go swimming. for 0.5-1 hour every day. At least try to do it every day ) target might be around 3 hours a week. Water helps with anxiety, also excercise greatly increase stress resistance. Target pulse need to be 130-140, you need to push yourself )
3 Try meditation.

I dont propose you antianxiety drugs because most of them or week or unsafe and must be used under doctor supervision. But from your post it looks like you can manage it without these drugs.
Remeron helps you with good overall mood, swimming and meditation helps with anxiety. You can cancel remeron 2 month after our bad mood dissapears.

#8 Hip

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Posted 02 November 2012 - 03:19 AM

Completely eliminated my severe anxiety symptoms with three supplements! | Phoenix Rising ME / CFS Forums

Edited by Hip, 02 November 2012 - 03:19 AM.

#9 hippocampus

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Posted 02 November 2012 - 05:27 PM

my recommendations:
Inositol (but i dunno if it's ok to take it while on SSRI)
zinc, magnesium
turmeric with black pepper in oil (but it's MAOI, so I dunno, if it's ok to take it while on SSRI or other serotonergic meds/supps)
NAC - if it's a type of obsessive-compulsive anxiety
lithium orotate - maybe, it's not for everyone
lysine - against anxiety, on empty stomach

n-back or similar brain exercises - it raises BDNF, but not too much, because it's stressful for the brain (about 15-20 minutes a day, with a day or two off every week)
cognitive-behavioral or other types of psychotherapy (it depends on you - some like CBT, some respond to other types ...)
moderate exercise - walking, swimming, muscle training ... choose what you like

and healthy living: at least five fruits/vegetables a day, NO (absolutely nothing) junk food, especially sweets (depression is connected to inflammation and insulin resistance)

maybe: gluten-free diet (it makes wonders for some people - even if you don't have coeliac disease)

healthy fats: nuts (especially almonds and hazelnuts), olive oil, fish oil (with omega-3, eat salmon/anchovy/mackerel and similar fish about three times a week); (avoid oils with lots of omega-6)

social activities!, friends etc. - very important, though underrated

avoid bad habits: sedentary lifestyle, watching (bad) news on TV or anything like that, drugs (yes, marijuana use in adolescence may have influenced your present condition; other drugs are also mostly bad for mental health - maybe there are some exceptions, like psychedelics - but you may not want to try these if you're prone to anxiety)

also look the topic about uridine.
measure your vitamin D levels - if spend a lot of time indoors you are likely to be deficient - you may need to supplements up to 5000 IU or more a day (but you can supplement 1000-2000 IU without measuring)

to avoid oversupplementing you should change your diet if you haven't already (it should be more paleo-like).

and so on ...

Edited by hippocampus, 02 November 2012 - 05:29 PM.

#10 MrHappy

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Posted 02 November 2012 - 08:38 PM

The uridine + dha + vitamins stack could be just what you are looking for.

More here:

#11 Agomelatinehope

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Posted 03 November 2012 - 03:06 PM

The uridine + dha + vitamins stack could be just what you are looking for.

More here:

Thanks for your reply.

Is there any product that combines uridine + dha?

#12 MrHappy

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Posted 03 November 2012 - 09:53 PM

The uridine + dha + vitamins stack could be just what you are looking for.

More here:

Thanks for your reply.

Is there any product that combines uridine + dha?

There is a product called Souvenaid, used for Alzheimer's research, which has everything in it. No idea on price / availability.

Spirulina also has both, but the ratios and content are far from optimal, so the results just aren't there.

Best off just buying the separate components. UMP is the preferred version on uridine.

Edited by MrHappy, 03 November 2012 - 09:53 PM.

#13 Hip

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Posted 03 December 2012 - 10:38 AM

There is a virus around around that can cause the symptoms you have, Agomelatinehope. See this website:


For natural treatments the symptoms, see here:


#14 nupi

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Posted 04 December 2012 - 06:21 PM

Having anxiety (I do too) really limits what you can take without making it worse. Its good you're already taking ashwagandha... maybe increase it to 2 caps twice a day. Also try bacopa before bed to get a better night's sleep. Sleep is critical for next day energy.

Bacopa helps sleep, battles anxiety and is somewhat of an antidepressant but I feel like it is quite demotivating - more so than SSRIs in my experience.

Try a smaller dose of Rhodiola (although stacking it with Cymbalta sounds like a bad idea to me).

Other than that, Kava maybe but do look into the liver issues it might cause and be careful in choosing a good source.

#15 JBForrester

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Posted 31 December 2012 - 08:45 AM


How are your vitamin D levels? When is the last time you've gotten them tested? Though I'm no doctor, these sound like common symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency (minus the anxiety). I'd also get your thyroid levels checked. I say this because I had a similar problem - same exact symptoms (which, mind you, are very generic and hard-to-diagnose symptoms). This past year, I had gone to about 3 psychiatrists with regards to a depression, lack of libido, anhedonia, etc. problem and none ever recommended that I get my vitamin D or B-12 levels checked, which I now believe should be the FIRST thing any psychiatrist recommends prior to suggesting anti-depressants. Well, low and behold, I recently started taking 10,000iu of vitamin D and (knock on wood) I hadn't felt this alive since last year, before the depression started. Another thing that was solved prior to the depression was a thyroid condition. Before getting diagnosed and put on thyroid meds, I had experienced sleep apnea, anxiety, and extreme brain fog. So, my suggestion? Get your entire system checked, from A-Z by your general practitioner. Good luck to you, hope you follow my advice and find a solution : )

#16 Neal Cullum

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Posted 01 January 2013 - 04:51 PM

Vitamin d3 has helped me lots during winter, if you're not getting enough sun then your not taking in enough vitamin d. Meditation is a huge help, can take alot of practice but it's worth it. cognitive behavioural therapy is good, whether it's by speaking to a person or reading books. Melatonin and some niacin before bed helps me but i don't take melatonin all the time, try and cycle it. i take lots of vitamin c and a good brand b-complex to help me. google green smoothies, they started me on the path to feeling better.

#17 meatwad_is_immortal

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Posted 01 January 2013 - 05:58 PM

Instead of what you should be *taking*, have you considered what you *should not be taking*??

It is likely your diet and habits that are causing your troubles - not to mention the pharmceuticals.

What is your blood type and general body type? Have you read D'Addamo's books?

Do you drink coffee?

Do you sleep regular schedules?

What do you eat?

It sounds like you have adrenal depletion and possibly some chronic toxicity (heavy metals, etc).

Before you start bringing in new stuff, you need to repair the damage from, and eliminate the old stuff.

Edited by meatwad_is_immortal, 01 January 2013 - 05:58 PM.

#18 meatwad_is_immortal

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Posted 01 January 2013 - 06:02 PM

I am a little unsettled by the way people here toss out recomendations on what other anons should put in their bodies when they are sick. Some of the chemicals are very powerful and should not be added to the "mix" with such abandon.

Just sayin...

#19 Agomelatinehope

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Posted 01 January 2013 - 11:31 PM


How are your vitamin D levels? When is the last time you've gotten them tested? Though I'm no doctor, these sound like common symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency (minus the anxiety). I'd also get your thyroid levels checked. I say this because I had a similar problem - same exact symptoms (which, mind you, are very generic and hard-to-diagnose symptoms). This past year, I had gone to about 3 psychiatrists with regards to a depression, lack of libido, anhedonia, etc. problem and none ever recommended that I get my vitamin D or B-12 levels checked, which I now believe should be the FIRST thing any psychiatrist recommends prior to suggesting anti-depressants. Well, low and behold, I recently started taking 10,000iu of vitamin D and (knock on wood) I hadn't felt this alive since last year, before the depression started. Another thing that was solved prior to the depression was a thyroid condition. Before getting diagnosed and put on thyroid meds, I had experienced sleep apnea, anxiety, and extreme brain fog. So, my suggestion? Get your entire system checked, from A-Z by your general practitioner. Good luck to you, hope you follow my advice and find a solution : )

Thanks for your advice. I'll try some Vit D supplement

I had my blood cheked and I saw that I was low on b12 and folic acid so I'm going to try theses suplements as well. Vitamin D wasn't on the list.

Mi cortisol levels are high too

Instead of what you should be *taking*, have you considered what you *should not be taking*??

It is likely your diet and habits that are causing your troubles - not to mention the pharmceuticals.

What is your blood type and general body type? Have you read D'Addamo's books?

Do you drink coffee?

Do you sleep regular schedules?

What do you eat?

It sounds like you have adrenal depletion and possibly some chronic toxicity (heavy metals, etc).

Before you start bringing in new stuff, you need to repair the damage from, and eliminate the old stuff.

Thanks for your reply.

These sounds interesting, how should I "convince" my doctor about this possibility? According to him, my problem is psychiatric/psychological. I've been told that so many times that I'm starting to believe it myself...

Edited by Agomelatinehope, 01 January 2013 - 11:32 PM.

#20 meatwad_is_immortal

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 06:01 AM

Ag, the raison d'etre of an alopathic (western) doctor is to bill you - not to CURE you. They are forbidden to cure. I would fire him and find a homeopath, naturopath, or an osteopath.

High cortisol, low B and brain fog/fatigue are classic adrenal depletion. I cannot recommend what you should take, but I can recomend you eliminate ALL forms of caffeine and sugar from your diet as a start. ALL. I mean that. Avoid decaf coffee as well - it flushes out all your minerals. No sweet drinks for 2 weeks. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and some fruit. Drink a lot of water and get as much exercise as you can stand. Quit taking every pill if you can and get sunlight 15+ minutes per day.

90% of all problems are caused y diet and habit. The rest are generally environmental in nature.
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#21 Hip

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 08:31 AM

Ag, the raison d'etre of an alopathic (western) doctor is to bill you - not to CURE you. They are forbidden to cure. I would fire him and find a homeopath, naturopath, or an osteopath.

What a load of trash you write, Meatwad. You probably still believe Santa Claus.

Medical science has cured or eradicated a number of diseases. Smallpox has been eradicated globally. Poliomyelitis has been eradicated in the West, and, due to continued international efforts, will likely be globally eradicated in years to come. Many more infectious diseases are being targeted for elimination in the future (see here).

Diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea are now curable. Tuberculosis is treatable and curable. And the list of diseases now made curable by medical science goes on.

Meatwad, can you name just one disease that has has been eradicated or become curable as a result of homeopathy, etc?

I think you'll find that there are a grand total of none.

Take your brain out of neutral, and come live in the real world.

Edited by Hip, 02 January 2013 - 08:32 AM.

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#22 Agomelatinehope

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 11:18 AM

I'm visiting tomorrow an "endocrinologist". Am I doing right? i think he's the one treating these conditions. I just hope he doesn't just say that I need psychiatric medication for my anxiety or that this is withdrawal from a drug I took 2 months ago...
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#23 meatwad_is_immortal

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 07:47 PM

Ag, the raison d'etre of an alopathic (western) doctor is to bill you - not to CURE you. They are forbidden to cure. I would fire him and find a homeopath, naturopath, or an osteopath.

What a load of trash you write, Meatwad. You probably still believe Santa Claus.

Medical science has cured or eradicated a number of diseases. Smallpox has been eradicated globally. Poliomyelitis has been eradicated in the West, and, due to continued international efforts, will likely be globally eradicated in years to come. Many more infectious diseases are being targeted for elimination in the future (see here).

Diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea are now curable. Tuberculosis is treatable and curable. And the list of diseases now made curable by medical science goes on.

Meatwad, can you name just one disease that has has been eradicated or become curable as a result of homeopathy, etc?

I think you'll find that there are a grand total of none.

Take your brain out of neutral, and come live in the real world.

Relax, bud. You'll live longer. One day, maybe you'll awaken, too.


I'm visiting tomorrow an "endocrinologist". Am I doing right? i think he's the one treating these conditions. I just hope he doesn't just say that I need psychiatric medication for my anxiety or that this is withdrawal from a drug I took 2 months ago...

You can learn alot from the tests they will do, but ultimately, you'll be sent in an endless circle of more tests and harmful pharmaceuticals

There is no pill that can "fix" you. If you were more forthcoming with your current diet and activities, it would be helpful.
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#24 JBForrester

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 12:41 AM

Ag, the raison d'etre of an alopathic (western) doctor is to bill you - not to CURE you. They are forbidden to cure. I would fire him and find a homeopath, naturopath, or an osteopath.

What a load of trash you write, Meatwad. You probably still believe Santa Claus.

Medical science has cured or eradicated a number of diseases. Smallpox has been eradicated globally. Poliomyelitis has been eradicated in the West, and, due to continued international efforts, will likely be globally eradicated in years to come. Many more infectious diseases are being targeted for elimination in the future (see here).

Diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea are now curable. Tuberculosis is treatable and curable. And the list of diseases now made curable by medical science goes on.

Meatwad, can you name just one disease that has has been eradicated or become curable as a result of homeopathy, etc?

I think you'll find that there are a grand total of none.

Take your brain out of neutral, and come live in the real world.

Relax, bud. You'll live longer. One day, maybe you'll awaken, too.


I'm visiting tomorrow an "endocrinologist". Am I doing right? i think he's the one treating these conditions. I just hope he doesn't just say that I need psychiatric medication for my anxiety or that this is withdrawal from a drug I took 2 months ago...

You can learn alot from the tests they will do, but ultimately, you'll be sent in an endless circle of more tests and harmful pharmaceuticals

There is no pill that can "fix" you. If you were more forthcoming with your current diet and activities, it would be helpful.

"No pill that can 'fix' you"? I'd be careful about what you say, as the health of many people on this forum have been saved by such "harmful" pharmaceuticals. I myself have been helped by thyroid meds, not to mention others. I'd encourage you to do a little more research before making such claims for the sake of an intelligent argument, not to mention scientifically-sound advice.

#25 Major Legend

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 03:59 AM

Why do we have pro naturals, hanging on a forum designed to promote "life extension"?
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#26 Hip

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 06:47 AM

Relax, bud. You'll live longer. One day, maybe you'll awaken, too.


You mean awaken into the same fantasy world as you inhabit? In your fantasy world, you believe in what makes you happy, not what is actually true.

It is easy to maintain such fantasies when you are healthy; but once serious illness hits, your fantasy bubble will burst, and you will be faced with the harsh light of truth.

Edited by Hip, 03 January 2013 - 06:48 AM.

#27 nupi

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 09:18 AM

You can learn alot from the tests they will do, but ultimately, you'll be sent in an endless circle of more tests and harmful pharmaceuticals

There is no pill that can "fix" you. If you were more forthcoming with your current diet and activities, it would be helpful.

So I fully expect you not to use any antibiotics next time you have a nasty bacterial infection? Besides, there are legitimate, easily treatable physiological causes for all of these symptoms (low T springs to mind, for one)

You mean awaken into the same fantasy world as you inhabit? In your fantasy world, you believe in what makes you happy, not what is actually true.

That seems kind of like pushing CBT to the other extreme :)

Edited by nupi, 03 January 2013 - 09:19 AM.

#28 Agomelatinehope

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 05:00 PM

My Dr. has suggested me to try Bupropion. He says it could give me the energy and clarity I desperately need.

Is it a good idea? I'm completely against antidepressants but I can't take it anymore, I want my life back... I just want to be functional again...

I'm starting to think that my situation is caused by long term use of SSRI (dopamine depletion?) and that I have no choice ...

Edited by Agomelatinehope, 04 January 2013 - 05:20 PM.

#29 nupi

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Posted 05 January 2013 - 09:41 AM

It could work. If it does not make you anxious (hard to predict), Wellbutrin has relatively benign side effects and it acts quite quickly, so I would say try it.

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#30 msbost

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Posted 05 January 2013 - 02:34 PM

Maybe your net getting enough REM sleep. Try to sleep early and wake up early. 7-8 hours of sleep should be enough, and lower your caffeine intake. In times where your extremely tired take a power nap(15-30 minutes).

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: regimen, activity, motivation, brainfog, anhedonia, suplements, libido, ssri, withdrawal, cymbalta

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